Everyone has a choice! Everyone has a will! Your decision will determine your destiny! It is NOT already determined that you are destined for calamity; although the devil would love for you to believe that lie like the stuffed shirt religions do! They end up blaming every calamity, malady, and illness on God falsely saying that whatever has come against you is your destiny and you just have to put up with it. Whatever will be, will be they say. NOT SO!
Stuffed shirts say you never know what God will do, like it is hit or miss…a spin of the wheel!
God let us know what He will do by His Word! His Word IS His will!
One Word we should choose to have as ours is Psalm 55:22: “Cast your burden on the Lord and HE will sustain you and never permit the righteous to be moved!” Who has to decide to cast the burden on the Lord? If you don’t cast it on the Lord, then you cannot blame God if the burden crushes you because you didn’t do what God said to do with burdens! Once you cast it on the Lord, thank Him and praise Him that He is taking care of it all! NOW decide to cast that burden on the Lord by faith and say: “Lord, it is all on you and you will carry the burden and sustain me, and I shall not be moved!
The stuffed shirt religion people could also come to God’s table and get the fresh strong meat of the Word of God that is quick, alive, powerful, and produces and creates faith, works miracles, healing, and brings discerning so that you can discern the Holy Spirit and also discern the evil spirits behind all the mess!
But NOOOOO, instead, the dead on the vine “stuffed shirt religion” eats leftover meat that’s gone bad and is decayed and causes sickness, disease, and opens them up to every evil work of the devil and all oppression! It is because they have perverted the right way of the Lord, twisted God’s Word, and believed and spoken lies that rob, kill, and destroy! There is no hope in the mess of lies they speak! Their house is built on the sand and when the storms beat against it, it collapses and is destroyed!
Then in pride, they stick their noses in the air thinking they are better than everyone and have great revelations and walk around feeling “holier than thou!” God says they are a stink in His nostrils! Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall!
Jesus heard that His good friend Lazarus was sick. He waited a few days and then went to see him! He told the disciples Lazarus was asleep and HE was going to wake him! Jesus spoke of Lazarus’s death! When He got there He said to the sister: “Your brother will rise again.” Martha said, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day,” and Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”
Stuffed shirt religions procrastinated in the day of God’s power saying, “someday” and they put it all off in the future and never get it NOW! GOD says that TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!
Mary came to Jesus and said that if He had been there her brother would not have died! As if Jesus was too late! She was not believing He IS the resurrection and the life now! When He saw her weeping and others crying with her, He groaned in the spirit, and was troubled.
Jesus came to the tomb and wept! Jesus was not crying over Lazarus being dead, but over the people’s unbelief!
Then the stuffed shirt people said, “Couldn’t this man who opened blind eyes have caused that this man not died?” Jesus groaned again! Stuffed shirt religions doubt God all the time with their why’s and other questions of unbelief!
Jesus said: “Take away the stone!” Martha said that by now the body would stink for He was dead 4 days. Again, not believing. Jesus answered: “Didn’t I say to you if ‘you’ would believe you would see the glory of God?” The stuffed shirt religions talk the stink. They have faith in death and stink, but NOT in the present tense power of God!
He thanked the Father for hearing Him, as He wanted the people to heard it too, and know that the Father sent Him.
Jesus shouted out with a LOUD voice: “LAZARUS COME FORTH!” And he that was dead four days rose from the dead and came out still wrapped in burial clothes! Jesus said to loose him and let him go! Hallelujah! All things are possible to those who believe!
So, the stuffed shirt religions say to just take whatever comes but, you can’t overcome it “because.” WHY? Why can’t you when God says thanks be to God that always causes us to triumph in Jesus! ALWAYS! We go from glory to glory as we believe God!
Live ready! You and I say: “I believe God and I will SEE the glory of God! ROLL AWAY THE STONE! Stop thinking and talking the stink, and stop talking about what went wrong and why, and all the other mess. ROLL THAT STONE AWAY FROM THAT GRAVE! STAND UP IN THE POWER OF GOD AND SPEAK RESURRECTION LIFE AND THE POWER OF GOD! The cancer will melt away as the fire of God burns it out! The thing that has “seemed” so hard will become so easy! Defeat will not even come near you! All evil bows to the name of Jesus and leaves you even now! Thank you, Jesus! Glory to God! We have the victory! Be loosed from all stuffed shirt religious spirits and false doctrines, burdens, and bondage! Come out of that grave they have tried to keep you in! Jesus is the resurrection and the life and when you believe in HIM YOU WILL LIVE AMD SEE THE GLORY OF GOD!
The rest is for those who want to go not only the first mile, but who want to go the second mile!
There is a list in 2nd Timothy 3 of about those who have “a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof, and what they have and are!
It says that in the last days perilous times will come, for men will be:
- Lovers of themselves
- Covetous
- Boasters
- Disobedient to parents
- Unthinkable
- Unholy
- Without natural affection
- Trucebreakers
- False accusers
- Incontinent (no self-control)
- Fierce
- Despisers of those that are good
- Traitors
- Heady
- High-minded
- Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God
- Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof
- And it says from such TURN AWAY!
This is what is in the people inside the “stuffed shirt religion” churches No wonder God tells us to get away from them, for they are stuck in rituals, merely pretending to know the power of God.
How could they have the power of God when they say “no” to it? What happens to people when they go through the “form of godliness” door? They come under the demonic controls of all the evil in there.
When God calls you OUT of “Mystery Babylon” what do you need to do? Get out of there and get deliverance right away from all the demons of false religions and everything connected with it!
What is on the list of characteristics for those who know God and say YES to the power of godliness? They love God with all their heart, soul, and strength. They give. They do not live by the love of money, which is the root of all evil. They brag on God, exalt Jesus, and say “without Him I can do nothing!” They humble themselves under the hand of God and HE lifts them up! They are obedient to parents. They are thankful for all God has given us. They are Holy on the inside, have natural affection, and keep their word. They are truce keepers, and they think the best of everyone and do not falsely accuse; they have restraint and self control. They love the righteous, who are good and are not traitors, but stand with God’s people. They are not heady, but rather they live and walk in the Spirit!
These who stand true and say yes to the power of God as they believe, will see RESURRECTION POWER come and he that was dead, will LIVE!