If the Lord is not building the house, those who labor to try to build it in the flesh are building it to no avail!  It won’t work!   God will not bless it or honor it!  God’s presence will not be in it, and it will fail!  

So, then comes the “naysayers” speaking against the true move of the Holy Spirit, the true move of God, where signs, wonders,and miracles are happening and people are being saved, healed, filled with the Holy Spirit, and delivered from demon spirits!

The naysayers want you to believe the lie that they believe, and so do without what God has promised!  One huge lie they say is that they were filled with the Spirit when they were saved without speaking in other tongues of the Spirit!  The Bible says when we are filled with the Spirit the evidence is that we WILL speak in other tongues;languages of the Spirit!  Praise God! This is the power of God to do miracles and pray the perfect prayer!

Psalm 127:1 Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it!  Instead of doing what God says in the Word to do, they have turned everyone to their own way, and therefore oppose their own blessing, and have demons of self opposition!  They make religions around false doctrines stuffed with lies and deception, and are deceived into believing they are doing God a service when they are completely out of the will of God!  God never started any denomination for there is only one true church, and the true church is believers in Jesus who believe the whole gospel and do not tear pages out of the Bible nor add to or take away from the Word of God!  When dead churches add to and/or take away from the Word God it says their name will be taken out of the book of Life!  They are fighting God in the name of religion!

In John 5:1-9 there is the story of the invalid man who was crippled 38 years. He was sitting by a pool where an angel would come and stir the water, and the first person in the water would be healed of whatever was wrong!  Jesus came and asked him why he didn’t get in the pool, and he told Jesus that he had no one to help him get in, and while he was trying, others got in first!  Jesus said: “Rise, take up your bed and walk!” Hallelujah!  He told him to do something he could not do in the natural!  The man stood right up and immediately strength poured into his body and he was completely healed!  The religious hypocrites got in an uproar against Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath day!  They decided that was wrong to do and so they spoke against the Son Of God who was right there in front of them in the flesh and who had just miraculously healed a man who was crippled 38 years!

You can see from this how blind the religious hypocrites are and how we need to be delivered from all religious spirits of every kind that got in the flesh from being under the control of religious groups and people who have a form of godliness, but deny the POWER thereof!

Praise God, then healing comes, and all the bondage goes, and you are able to flow with the Holy Spirit!

Talk about the high praises of God being in your mouth!  Then, it will be as the Psalmist has said… “I praised the Lord and my enemies vanished!” When some have been delivered they felt chains of darkness being broken off their spirit and felt their spirit grow from being released by the power of the Holy Spirit! The Laodicean church is blind, miserable, wretched, poor, and naked!  They are NOT clothed with the power of God for they do not believe it is for today!  Whereas, what God says is:  “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever!”  The Holy Spirit is still moving all over the world to get His people ready!  The “in vain” church is deceived and has a form of godliness, but denies the power thereof!  They turn to fables and fight the Holy Spirit!  From such, turn away!  Get away from them for the Lord is not building their house. They are trying to build their own house, and they labor in vain, empty, for no purpose!  Then, they tell you not to go where the power of the Spirit is demonstrated!  What are they afraid of?  The Holy Spirit? Healing? Deliverance that sets people completely free from lifetime bondages?  OR, are they afraid for you to come where the power of God is moving because then you will see they have no power and have been wrong about the Holy Spirit all these years and are hypocrites?!

If you have been bound in religion, false doctrines, controls, vain religion that denies the power of God, renounce it, turn from it, rebuke it, and bind all the demons, and tell them to shut up and get out, and never come back in the name of Jesus!

I agree with you now that you are loosed, and go completely FREE!  Praise God!

Where there was ritual now there will be power! Where there was unbelief there will be living faith!  Your faith is in the power of God!  Faith speaks and the mountains will be removed that have stood there against you! Where there was depression there will be joy like a river!

Do not listen to the spirits of unbelief, guilt, or false condemnation for the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness!  False religions use guilt and condemnation to control people, and it grieves the Holy Spirit! They try to instill fear that if you don’t believe and do what they say, you will be out of the will of God and miss out!

Man trying to build the house is an action that is all in vain and empty with no power and none of the results that God promises to those who believe!  

1 Corinthians 2:4,5: Paul said: “My speech and preaching was NOT with man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God!”

I was in an all night prayer meeting, and as I prayed the Lord told me to go up to the pulpit and tell the people that healing was in the air like it was in Kathryn Kuhlman’s meetings where people were healed all over the place from all kinds of sickness, diseases, and maladies just from being in the presence of God!

So, I went up and asked the “dead while alive preacher” if I could say something to the people about healing!  He said abruptly to “keep it short!”  Hahahahaha! How the mighty have fallen!  He couldn’t see that the Holy Spirit had spoken and the anointing was all over it!  

I went over to the pulpit and said what God had told me to say, and  like a bolt of lightning the power of God hit that place and everyone erupted in praise!  People were healed, and one I heard of was a baby born with a hole in the heart. The baby was completely, miraculously healed, and the hole was no more. The baby was made whole by the power of God!

We serve the Living God who is able to do exceeding, abundantly, FAR ABOVE ALL that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. (Ephesians 3:20,21)

Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord!  What a mighty God we serve!

Let Us Go to the Other Side

There are many things we face in life, and if we stay and stand in faith the mountains will be removed, and we will get to our destination safely and blessed!  One of the main things the devil uses to try to oppress us and stop us is fear!  Those who fear are not made perfect in love, but perfect love CASTS OUT fear!  

In Mark 4, Jesus said to his disciples: Let us go to the other side!  When Jesus says to go to the other side of the sea, then on His Word and by faith in His Word we make it to the other side!  Many miss out on what God has for them because they let things hinder them from getting to the other side of what they have been dealing with!  There is a place of victory in Jesus where nothing but nothing can hinder or stop you!  Nothing!  One of the keys in this place of victory is to simply keep believing, saying, and doing the Word of God! “The just will live by FAITH!”

As they sailed, Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat. A powerful storm and wind came and the waves beat against the boat, then water filled the boat and it began to sink! In that moment,  the permissive willers would tell you to suffer destruction because ”God permitted the storm for some mysterious reason!” Believing that mess will leave you destroyed with your ship at the bottom of the sea!

They came to Jesus and woke him saying:. Jesus, there is a wild storm and it is destroying us…don’t you care about us? We are going to die!” See, one of the temptations when the storm comes against you is to think God does not care for you because HE didn’t stop the storm from coming!  God has NOTHING to do with the storm!  Jesus already warned us that the thief, Satan, comes to rob, kill, and destroy, but that we need to fight the good fight of faith to win, and having done all to stand, stand with the full armor of God on!

Jesus rose and rebuked the wind and raging storm!  If everything that happens is permitted by God, then Jesus would have been rebuking God when He rebuked the storm!  God cannot oppose Himself so this shows the fallacy of the stupid and ridiculous false doctrine of permissive will and unbelief malarkey for what it is! All it is, is a pile of raunchy lies of the devil that try to twist the scriptures to destroy people when they believe the mess!

The storm instantly stopped, and there was a great calm! All the disciples could say is: “What kind of man is this, that the wind and sea obey Him?!” Jesus did not throw a sympathy party for the disciples who were scared witless, but said: “Why do you have no faith?” He did not tell them  to “endure and enjoy the storm even if it destroys you because it was permitted by God to teach you precious lessons!”  He asked them why they had fear and no faith!  Did their faith go on vacation?  Everything in life is to be met with faith!  God is a God of faith! The worlds were framed by faith! The faith of God calls those things that be not as though they were!

In Ephesians 6, God speaks of fighting the good fight of faith and to put on the whole armor of God to defeat all the wiles of the devil!  “Above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you will be able to QUENCH ALL the fiery darts of the devil!”  Hallelujah! When you put up the shield of faith it stops all the shots fired at you by the devil! 

The disciples’ faith was in circumstance, in the storm, in what they saw and heard in the natural!  Notice Jesus did not pray: “Lord, if it be your will, take the storm from us, but if not help us try to last to the end.”  No! A thousand times no!  He stood and faced the storm!  He did not hide His face in His hands or think about how bad they had it, or why God let this happen! No!  He stood and faced the storm and the evil, and rebuked the storm, rebuked the wind, and said: “Peace, be still!” The storm had to immediately stop and a great peace came! So, when we fight the enemy we need to fight in faith; faith in the Word that says you will step on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy!  We have been given authority and power OVER all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us!  

Some years back I was working at a machine and tool shop, and one time God had me look up in time to see a man coming at me with a 2×4  in his hand with a dead hate stare on his face!  He brought it around in a full swing to do me in, and I immediately said: “The shield of faith quenches all the fiery darts of the enemy!” Over and over and over again he brought it to smash my brains out and hit something invisible about two feet in front of me, and he couldn’t hit me one time!  I then told him to drop it and go back to work in Jesus name, and he did!  

There was a wicked king who made an evil law that at the blast of trumpets all must bow to the gold idol he had made, and whoever refused would be burned alive in a huge furnace they had built!  Three Hebrew boys were men of faith and said they would not bow to the idol:  “Our God will deliver us, but even if He didn’t we still wouldn’t bow!”  They heated the furnace seven times as hot, and threw them into the fire!  The soldiers that threw them in, died when they got too near to the furnace.  Meanwhile, the Hebrew boys were walking around in the fire! 

I picture them praising God and talking about how they loved God and how they believed God and how God had delivered them from the fire!

The king looked in and saw a fourth man walking around in the fire with them!  He said: “Didn’t we throw three men into the fiery furnace?” And they said, “Yes, Oh King, we did.” The King said, “But, I see a 4th man and He appears to be the Son of God!”

The King ordered them brought out of the furnace and their hair was not even singed, nor did they smell of smoke!  The fire had no effect on them for God delivered them!

When you live by faith and take up the shield of faith, Jesus is in the boat with you!  Jesus is in the fire with you, and He WILL deliver you for your faith is in Him. He always honors faith!  The life I live, I live by the faith in the Son of God!  Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith!  Jesus gave us the shield of faith as part of God’s armor!  Faith means so much that He says that whatever is not of faith is sin!  He also said: “Above all take the shield of faith wherewith you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy!”

Jesus had said:”Let’s go to the other side!” When Jesus says to go to the other side, you will be able to go to the other side and do what God wants!  

You are going to get to the other side of the troubles that have tried to destroy you!  Whatever has been a hindrance will be quenched by faith and you will go to the other side victoriously!  A thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you!  You shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord!

We are going to the other side and no storm will be able to sink our ship or destroy us for Jesus is in the boat and faith delivers us from the destruction!

Never, ever say that you give up!  This IS the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith!  What does it say?  You don’t have to go here or there to find the answer. The Word is close to you, even in your heart and in your mouth, even the Word of faith!  As you believe the Word of God and speak it out, the stormy wind will stop and there will be a great calm, and you will get to the other side where deliverance flows and the impossible becomes possible through faith!

You are loosed from the spirits of destruction and fear and unbelief! Go free and receive the Spirit of faith! 


So many so called religious leaders mislead so many people by putting God in the past or a someday mindset because they live, move, and have their living in unbelief!  They center on the negative and what we don’t know, don’t have, and don’t see!  Then they present everything as a big mystery, like you “never know” what God has or is willing do for you!  They say: “Someday we will understand why!”. So, they do not believe we can really know what is going on now with the things God has prepared for us that love Him!  They  have a bad case of “somedayitis!”. “Someday God will bless us!  Someday we will be healed!  Someday we will be delivered! ” They procrastinate all God’s promises until heaven!  Well, in heaven there is no need for healing for there is no sickness there!  We need healing right now!

Here is the scripture the procrastinators twist: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him.”  So, then those with unbelief stop right there talking of how we have not seen or heard the things God has for us, like it is totally unknown!  They excuse themselves from the blessing of God making like it is some mystery and we never know what God has for us!

God says that His people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge!  Jesus said you will know the truth and the truth will make you free!  The rest of the scripture that the “somedayitis” group leave out is: ” These things God has revealed to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

So when you are in tune with the Holy Spirit He reveals what eye has not seen, nor ear heard, even the deep things of God!  “I had fainted unless I had BELIEVED TO SEE the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!”. See, you CAN see what God has for you by His Spirit and believing!  Believe to see His goodness NOW, TODAY!  PRESENT TENSE! Now is the accepted time!  Stop putting off God’s blessing, healing, deliverance, provision into the future with “somedayitis” running the show!  NOW then faith IS the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen!  Start using your faith right now!   Faith works! The faith of God calls those things that be not as though they were!

Remember God is not the one who used to be or might maybe be someday, but He IS the great I AM!  When Moses was in prayer in the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights meeting with God and God was sending Moses to deliver His people, Moses asked Him: “Who shall I say sent me?” God answered: ” I am that I am!”

Notice God did NOT say: I was,or I used to be, or might be someday!  He said “I Am!” Right now,  Jesus is the I Am of the Word! I am the Lord that heals you!  I Am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning an the end!  I Am an ever present help in the time of  trouble!  I Am the bread of life!  I am the door! Jesus said:. “I am the way, the truth and the life!”

It is NOT “someday,” but RIGHT NOW Jesus IS the way, the truth, and the life!

Ask God to give you the revelation of Jesus Christ by the Spirit of God! Your life will change dramatically by the Spirit of God!  He is the “I AM!” When the I AM sends you to deliver God’s people and a sea stands in the way you stretch out a rod over the sea and God makes a way through the sea as the water stands up as walls on each side a the people of God walk over to the other side on dry ground!  The wicked army goes in the sea after them you stretch out the rod of authority over the sea and the water comes crashing down on the heads of their enemies and dashes them to the bottom, and you are FREE!  Praise God!  Praise Jesus!  

Pray that God gives you the revelation of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit!  When you receive the revelation it will dramatically change your life, and you will never be the same again!  Jesus Christ is the great I AM of the Word!  

Eye has not seen, or ear heard, neither has it entered the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love Him,  BUT the Spirit has revealed them to us!  

It is high time to believe God!  It is time to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, even the deep things of God!  I pray that each one will KNOW the height,  length, depth and width of the love of God, and that the love of God be shed abroad in your hearts by the Holy Spirit! God IS love! Faith works by love! For God so loved the world that He gave…!  


It is NOT “I won’t,” or “Maybe I will,” or “Maybe I won’t!” God is absolute! When He speaks, it is the truth and it is the way it is! He is NOT a “maybe” or wishy washy God! You can count on Him every time all the time, everywhere, and in all circumstances!

People who doubt God are doubleminded and twist God’s Word and distort the truth. They wrest and twist God’s Word to their own destruction. They are the ones who say that God might answer if He feels like it, or if the mood strikes!
Then they load it up with a mess of unbelief saying that God is permitting sickness and oppression to teach you precious lessons! YUK! WHAT KIND OF PIG SLOP IS THAT? When people believe those lies it sets them up to be knocked down at every turn and NEVER have answers to prayer or be able to overcome! That ungodly mess needs to be purged out of your spirit and mind!

So, what does the Word of God say?

The first “I WILL” I want to speak of is Isaiah 41:10: Fear not; for I am with you: be not discouraged for I AM your God:  I WILL strengthen you, yes I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.  All that were incensed against you will be ashamed and confounded; they shall be as nothing; and those that strive against you will perish. You will seek them and shall not find them. Even those that contend with you and them that war against you shall be as nothing….(a big fat 0..) for I the Lord your God WILL HOLD your right hand, saying to you, fear not I WILL help you! 

When the Lord helps you, you have been helped!   

 Nothing can stop God!  Nothing can stop Him from helping you as you fear not, but only believe, for all things are possible to those who believe!  Hallelujah! It is NOT Maybe He will help, but:  I WILL HELP YOU! 

Matthew 11:28 says: “Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I WILL give you rest. Take my yoke  upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and you shall find rest for your souls.”

Don’t run from God because of your problems, run to Him and take His yoke upon you, His will, and you shall find rest for your souls! God means everything He says and everything He promises us and Jesus said He would be with you even to the end of the world!

Psalm 50:14,15: Offer to God Thanksgiving and pay your vows to the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble, and I WILL deliver you! God will deliver you out of all trouble for He said that the just shall come out of trouble!  As you do what God said and thank Him and be a doer of the Word, not a hearer only, and call on Him in the day of trouble and HE WILL deliver you!

When Jesus is with us, all He is and all He has will work for and in you!  He said not to fear for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32-34). It pleases God to give you the kingdom. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost!  When demons are cast out by the Spirit of God, no doubt the kingdom of God has come to you! Deliverance removes all the doubt!

Those who doubt deliverance think they know all there is to know, and say that you never know what God will do, like it’s a hit or miss deal!  Whereas those who move in the Holy Spirit cast the demons out. (NO DOUBT the kingdom of God has come to you!) 

God lets us know from His Word what He will do!  His Word is His will!  One Word we should put into practice immediately is Psalm 55:22: “Cast your burden on the Lord and HE WILL sustain you, He will NEVER permit the righteous to be moved!”  As you cast your burden on the Lord He WILL sustain you!  You must do your part to open the door,  allowing God to do what He said He would do!  You tie God’s hands when you carry the burdens He said to cast on Him!  Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

Now some powerful I WILL’S from God!  

Isaiah 45:2 ” I WILL go before you and make the crooked places straight!  I WILL break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut asunder the bars of iron. God said I WILL go before you!  See God going before you! Whatever needs to be put out of the way is put out of the way by the Spirit of God! The path is made straight!  Whatever the devil has tried to lock up and close up is broken to pieces and cut asunder!

God gave you a free will and he will not violate it!  You must want what God has and put your will with His will, His Word, and choose His will to have it come to life in your life!  He will NOT force anything on you!  In the Old Testament God said:  “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; choose!”

So God’s will for us is ABUNDANT LIFE, but to have it you must put your will there and choose abundant life to have it!  It will not be forced on you, and if you don’t choose abundant life then you are choosing death, and will have death working in you!  Why are so many sick and oppressed?  In some way a door was open to let spirits of death work in people’s lives!  False beliefs and unbelief and false doctrines, including of the false doctrine of permissive will allow spirits of darkness to oppress!

Psalm110:3 “Your people shall be willing IN the day of your power..!”  

Note that God distinguishes His people as those who are willing “in” the day of His power!  Those who say yes to the power of God in the day of His power are those who are willing!  Rivers of living water flow out of their innermost being!  

God said He is not willing that any should perish, but that all would have everlasting life!  He does not want you to lose out, but wills that you have everlasting life!  Jesus took our sins and sickness and by His stripes we were healed!  Healing is the will of God, but we must want it, choose it, claim it, possess it!

I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!  If there was nothing to press through why did the apostle have to press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus?!  If there was no obstacles, no resistance, no enemy to fight, why did God say to submit yourself to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you!  God said to resist the devil steadfast in the faith putting constant pressure against the enemy!  1 Timothy says to fight the good fight of faith laying hold of eternal life!  Some act as if there is nothing to fight!  They never fight anything, just lay down and get steam rolled!  Death rules in their lives!  They have become “ribbon christians,” steamrolled flat by the enemy!  They don’t use the weapons of our warfare because they don’t do warfare!  The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds!  2 Corinthians 10:4,5. Jesus conquered it all and told us to bind and loose and speak to mountains to be removed by our faith!  God said for us to be praying with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit!

God says to ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you!  He wants you to exercise your will!  Draw close to God and He will draw close to you!  God says to pray for His will to be done in earth as it is in heaven!  God’s will brings blessing, healing, deliverance, prosperity, peace and JOY!  Some are waiting for God, waiting for God, and do without, for God is waiting for them to be willing in the day of His power!  In Matthew 11:28 Jesus said: “Come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I WILL give you rest!”  Your part is action: Coming to Jesus!  His part is: “I WILL give you rest!”

God already said: “I WILL,” so now as you use your will and put it with God’s will you will overcome all the evil, be healed and delivered, receive answers to prayers, be filled with peace and joy, and live a life of perpetual victory and overcoming, and a life of perpetual and constant praise!  Hallelujah to Jesus!  Jesus Christ is Lord!

1 Peter 5 says: “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time:  Casting all your care upon Him; for He cares for you.  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walks about, seeking whom he may devour:  Whom resist steadfast in the faith!”

James 4:10 

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he WILL lift you up.

II Chronicles 7:14 

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and WILL forgive their sin and heal their land.”


LOOK UP!  Look to Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith!  HE will perfect that which concerns me!  

There is a song that says : “Learning to lean, learning to lean;  I’m learning to lean on Jesus!  Finding more power than I ever dreamed, I’m learning to lean on Jesus!”

It can “seem” like it’s over and that there is no end in sight to the problems or oppression you have faced, but just because it “seems”that way does NOT make it true!  God already said that there is a way that “seems” right to a man, but the end thereof are the “ways of death!”

We must seek Jesus and persist until we have revelation knowledge of the truth from God!  Then, God says:  “Stretch out the rod the SEA WILL ROLL BACK AND TWO WALLS OF WATER WILL STAND UP, and you will walk over on dry ground!  When the enemy pursues you, God will tell you to stretch out the rod again and the sea will come crashing down on the heads of all your enemies!  Then, you will sing and shout and dance about, and ohhhhhh we’ll have a time!  HALLELUJAH TO JESUS!!!  

Don’t miss the time of your visitation!  Jesus looked over Jerusalem and wept, and said: “Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem how often would I have gathered you as a mother hen gathers her chicks, but you would not!”  In Luke 19:44  Jesus said: “If you had known, even you, at least in this your day the things which belong to your peace!  But now they are hidden from your eyes.  For the days shall come on you, that your enemies shall cast a trench about you, and compass you round, and keep you in on every side, you shall lay you even with the ground, and your children within you; and they shall not leave in you one stone on another; because you KNEW NOT THE TIME OF YOUR VISITATION.”   How important it is to KNOW the time of your visitation!  He came to His own and His own received Him not!  Now, Jesus has come to you, right now, and it IS the TIME OF YOUR VISITATION!

Someday faith is not faith!  “Someday we will have miracles!  Someday we will have healing!  Someday we will have deliverance!  Someday we will have answers to prayer!”  This is nothing more than procrastination by spirits of unbelief in the flesh speaking in the minds of religious people who are procrastinating in the time of our visitation; right in the time of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit ever!  This is the end time! These are those who falsely say to accept everything, and that God permits all the evil, etc.  The devil wants you to have the attitude that “someday” you will develop a prayer life, and praise the Lord, etc.  “Someday” NEVER comes!  “Someday” is the devil’s way to make it “NEVER DAY!”

Now then, faith IS the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN!  With God it is always NOW!  “Today is the DAY OF SALVATION,” 2 Corinthians 6:1.  

Hebrews says that today is the day of salvation: if you will hear HIs voice, don’t harden your hearts as in the day of provocation when they tempted God!   TODAY is the DAY OF REVIVAL!  Now your sons and daughters will prophesy, old men will dream dreams, and young men will see visions!  Now is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on ALL flesh!  

Why are you going by what it “seems” like? Because it seems like all is lost and hopeless?  It can seem that way…but GOD!  

“Then came Jesus!”  

Jesus is NOT limited by the mess the world is in or the confusion!  He doesn’t have “some” power… JESUS IS ALL POWERFUL…ALL POWER IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH, AND ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE!  HALLELUJAH!  GLORY TO GOD!  PRAISE YOU JESUS!   


STOP giving up before you get the answer!

STOP listening to the lies that are telling you it will be “someday,” but not now ,because of this, that, and the other thing!

Just ADAMANTLY REFUSE to give up or entertain even the thought of giving up!  There is HOPE IN GOD!  “CHRIST IN YOU THE HOPE OF GLORY!” This IS the time of your visitation… the time is NOW, so KNOW it, and receive HIM!  

Jesus doesn’t lose!  He overcame it ALL by the power of the Holy Spirit!  He overcame the world, the flesh, and the devil!  He handed you the keys of the kingdom!  Those keys unlock EVERY BLESSING there is and turns it loose in your life!  The keys of the kingdom are the promises of God!  They unlock all the blessings the devil tries to keep locked up and hidden from you!  Keep TURNING THOSE KEYS!  THEY OPEN UP ALL THE DOORS OF BLESSING!

The devil has lied to some and told you that you would never amount to anything, but just be a failure!  REFUSE those lies from the pit of hell!  STEP on those lies!  Thank Jesus for success!  You ARE an OVERCOMER through Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit!  Thank God for success!  You are an overcomer by faith!  Let off the pressure, praise God and Let God Arise and His enemies be scattered!  Put the pressure on the devil by speaking the Word of God by faith, and bind all wicked spirits!  If you abide in Jesus and His words abide in you, you will ask what you will and it will be done to you!  Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you!  My God shall supply all your need by His riches in glory!  ALL your need!

NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER give up hope!  There is hope in God!  Now abides FAITH, HOPE, AND LOVE!

Cast out what it “seems” like in the natural world and LOOK UP; LOOK TO JESUS!  THERE IS HOPE FOR YOU IN GOD!  TAKE HOLD OF THAT HOPE NOW!

There was a woman who was up against it! She had an issue of blood for 12 years and was bleeding to death. She had gone to many physicians and spent all the money she had! It SEEMED like she was just going to die with no options left. But then she heard of Jesus! Then came Jesus! With all the strength she had, she pressed through the crowd surrounding Him for she said: “If I can just touch the hem of His garment I shall be made whole!” As she reached out and touched the hem of His garment the power of God went through her like a bolt of lightning! She was healed instantly. Jesus stopped and asked who touched Him. The disciples remarked how there was a crowd all around Him, so what did He mean by: “Who touched me?!” He perceived virtue had gone out of Him! She fell at His feet and said it was her! He told her that her faith had made her whole and to go in peace. 

Because she refused to go by what it “seemed” like, and refused to give up even though it seemed hopeless, and acted in faith, she was made whole as the fountain of blood dried up! HALLELUJAH!!! No matter what it is, press on and touch Jesus by faith and you will be made whole, and the deliverance and answers you need will be yours! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever! What He did for one, He will do for others for He is no respecter of persons!


Did Not I Say To You?

In this life we face many things that we need the power of the Holy Spirit so we can overcome it ALL!

There are different tactics the devil uses to try to bring us down, and one of them is to bring many things against us all at the same time to make us feel overwhelmed, and vexed to make us feel hopeless and to give up! The demons try to make you think it is just your own thoughts when really it is demons speaking those negative, lying thoughts of fear and unbelief, and confusion!

God warns us about those who have made shipwreck of their lives by putting away faith and a good conscience! (1Timothy 1:19)

As we sail on life’s sea there are storms that arise with fierce winds that try to toss the ship back and forth and cause shipwreck! What we do, and don’t do at these times is so very important!

The disciples were in a ship on the sea, and a violent storm with fierce winds came. Jesus saw from land what was going on and started walking to them on the sea! Yes, by the power of the Holy Spirit He had power over nature! He was not walking on the water to prove a point, but to help the disciples and deliver them! Jesus always stands for us as an EVER PRESENT help in the time of trouble! He comes to us to deliver! They saw Him and thought they saw a spirit and got scared. Jesus said: “Fear not, it is I!” So Peter said to Him that if it was Him to have him come to Him! Jesus said to come! Peter stepped out of the boat by faith and began walking on the water to Jesus! Peter began to look at the waves instead of Jesus, and immediately began to sink! Immediately he cried out for Jesus to help him, and Jesus grabbed him by the hand and lifted him up. If ever you are sinking after “wave watching” call for help immediately and Jesus will lift you up! Don’t ever give up, and don’t go down, but call for help!

The Word says what we are to do is ..”looking to Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith!” Looking is continual, not just once!
We look to Jesus by faith! Then the waves cannot affect us for our faith is in Jesus, and not in the waves or the storm! Jesus is the author and the FINISHER of our faith! The storm will NOT be able to cause you shipwreck with Jesus in the boat and your faith solid in HIM! When Jesus lifted Peter up they went into the boat and the storm instantly ceased and they were instantly at shore! The storm could NOT destroy them; could NOT cause shipwreck! Hallelujah!

Stop being a “wave watcher” for there is nothing good that ever comes out of being a wave watcher, only fear, doubt, and wavering that leads to shipwreck! Keep looking to Jesus! “Come to Jesus all you who are heavy laden and HE WILL give you rest! Hebrews 4:3 Those that believe enter into rest! In His rest is all His provision, all that God has promised, all He has said!

Now, let’s drop in on Lazarus! Lazarus became sick, and Jesus was going to Him to heal him.

Jesus stayed where he was 2 days after He heard Lazarus was sick. He said that the sickness was not to death, but would be to the glory of God, meaning Lazarus would be healed! Meanwhile Lazarus died, and they came to tell Jesus He was too late, but Jesus is never too late , but when people forget what Jesus said they believe in the circumstance in the natural instead of the power of the Spirit of God!
When Jesus got there He said to roll away the stone from the tomb! Again, those with doubt said, “but by now his dead body stinks!” Some have more faith in death and stink than they do Jesus! Jesus groaned! He said: “DID NOT I SAY TO YOU THAT “IF” YOU WOULD BELIEVE YOU WOULD SEE THE GLORY OF GOD?!”
They rolled away the stone from the tomb, and Jesus, with a LOUD voice shouted: “LAZARUS COME FORTH!” He who was dead 4 days come out of the tomb wrapped in grave clothes!
The sickness was not to death, but the glory of God manifested as Lazarus was raised from the dead!
The doubters were looking at the natural! They were looking at sickness, death, buried and NOT at HE WHO IS THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE!
Jesus said to loose him and let him go! HALLELUJAH! There is hope in your end! Looking at the eternal, and NOT at the temporal!

He who conqured death, hell and the grave and ROSE TRIUMPHANT ever lives to make intercession for us!

Jesus still has His arms outstretched to you and me saying: “COME TO ME ALL YOU WHO LABOR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST!”

Jesus calls you by name to come out of the tomb of fear, depression, death, sickness, backsliding, mental oppression, vexation, trouble, and ALL that has come against you to a new life in Jesus! Put your name in there: ………..COME FORTH! Then be loosed from those grave clothes, so that nothing from the past would try to hang on you!!! BE LOOSED!

No power can hold you down when you are LOOKING TO JESUS, who is the author and finisher of our FAITH! He that started a good work in
you will perform it til the day of Christ! Consider Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against Him lest you be wearied and faint in your minds. The way to NOT be worn out by the cares of this life is to consider Jesus, keep looking to Him, keeping your mind STAYED on Him!

Consider Him for He endured it all for you and hands you the keys of the kingdom that open every door of blessing there is according to all the promises of God that are YES AND AMEN!

Come out of that death spirit and the grave it has dug for you in Jesus name! Morbidity is done! You will not live in spiritual death any longer! Jesus said : “I have come that you might have life and have it MORE ABUNDANTLY!”ABUNDANCE OF LIFE! The law of the Spirit of Life has made me free from the law of sin and death!
When we believe, we enter into God’s rest! Hebrews 4. Believe is an action verb. Not just the hearers of the Word are blessed, but the doers of the Word. When He says to praise Him at all times, then those who believe praise Him at all times! When He says that all things are possible to those who believe then DO NOT limit God, and GO for ALL things are possible! ALL covers it ALL!

Whatever you are facing as you believe God, it will turn around for the glory of God!

It doesn’t matter how hopeless it seems! You don’t have to figure it all out, but “ONLY BELIEVE!” GOD WILL BRING HIS WORD TO PASS! He will hasten His Word to perform it!

In the natural there was no way to bring back Lazarus! He was dead for 4 days, but Jesus had said this sickness was not to death and that the glory of God would manifest! The power of that Word brought Lazarus out of the tomb grave clothes and all! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE!

People are being delivered right now from all kinds of mental oppression! Mental fatigue goes, mental torment goes, heavy burdens, twisted thoughts, demons of looking back go out now! There is deliverance from spirits of confusion that had you going in endless circles, round and round and never getting where needed to go! FREE IN JESUS NAME! The crushing load spirits Go now! The spirits of obsession with the temporal, natural circumstance…the waves…GOING, NOW!

Praise God with all your heart because your deliverance is now! Thank you Jesus! Glory to God! Hallelujah to Jesus!
Every rotten demon of death GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS from every source!

Thank you Jesus for setting your people COMPLETELY FREE from all death!



One miracle can change your life forever!  Never underestimate the power of one miracle from God!  The power of God is limitless!  

All was darkness, and He spoke a word, and said: “LIGHT BE!”  The sun and moon were created and millions and billions of stars came!!!  ALL from one word, one word:  “LIGHT BE!”  

The sun that would sustain life here on earth, make all grow that grows, give light so we could see during the day to do all we need to do, and live here on earth!  He set the earth spinning on an axis so we could have the seasons…days, months, years in time!

Then one day, we who believe will hear the sound of a heavenly trumpet, and the words:  “COME UP HERE,” and we who remain and believe will be changed in a twinkling of an eye, a moment of time, and will have a heavenly body, an incorruptible body, to go to heaven with!  So, the awesome power of one spoken Word of God will change your life forever as you believe and receive it and say it!

Here is a Word of God:  “By His stripes you were healed!”  WOOSH… THE WIND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT BLOWS on that word and drives every demon of sickness and disease and infirmity right on OUT of your body NOW!  HALLELUJAH!  PRAISE JESUS FOR HEALING EVERY sickness and disease!

      No more cancer

      No more arthritis

      No more diverticulitis

      No more curvature of the spine

      No more pain!

Here is another word: “He restores my soul,” and WHOOSH…all your hurt feelings, emotions, and mind are healed and restored to normal, and peace!  

     No more brokenheartedness

     No more mental fatigue

     No more mental derision

     No more mental pain or anguish

     No more sin-recall demons…


A Word of God that comforts you forever:  “THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, I SHALL NOT WANT!”  He guides and leads us so we will always know the way to go, always, and get there by His grace!  He protects the sheep of His pasture!  As David did, so does the Lord for when the lion and bear came to get the sheep, David killed them and delivered the sheep from the jaws of death!  Jesus is my deliverer!

We need to look at just how GREAT GOD IS!  He is GREATER than ALL!  His Greatness is unsearchable!  GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US THAN he that is in the world! GREATER!  “THEN SINGS MY SOUL, HOW GREAT YOU ARE!”  

GOD IS GREATER than all the mess in this world!  Greater than all the demons in the world!  Greater than all the disease and sickness that exists!  Greater than your awful past, sin, and torment!  Greater than all mental bondage!  Greater than all that is going on in your country!  GREATER IS HE!  Say that a bunch of times and you will shout praises to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  God will restore all the years that have been eaten away… all the years!  

In our lives, many times there were years where we were bound by demons and wasted years living under the oppression of the devil and were robbed, cursed, and living away from Jesus in sin.

Then came Jesus!  All was made new!  Then demons began reminding us of wasted years!  God says all is forgiven and that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from ALL unrighteousness, and that HE WILL RESTORE ALL THE YEARS THAT HAVE BEEN eaten away! 

Thank you Jesus for touching each person now by the power of your Spirit making them whole, releasing them from all the demons of the past into the NEW LIFE IN THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT!  PRAISE YOU LORD JESUS, FOR ALL WE NEED IS A MIRACLE; ALL WE NEED IS “YOU!”


Today is the day of salvation; today if you will hear His voice don’t harden your heart as in the provocation…!

SALVATION=saved, healed, delivered, divine health, preservation, filled with the Spirit, the joy of the Lord, peace, welfare, and ALL you need! Jesus purchased your salvation when He shed His blood, died on the cross, and rose from the dead the third day! So, it is all yours as you believe! Say it now, say it out loud: “SALVATION IS MINE…ALL OF IT NOW, TODAY, AND I BELIEVE AND RECEIVE IT NOW! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND ALL MUST BOW TO HIM AND THE POWER OF HIS NAME! 

Every demon of death is bound and must leave you now and the whole entourage of demons connected to it! All sorts of sickness, oppression, vexation, torment, fear, discouragement are under my feet…GO OUT NOW AND NEVER COME BACK, IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME!!


Raise your hands and praise Him for making you whole! Praise Him and thank Him that THIS IS THE DAY OF SALVATION, THE DAY OF MIRACLES!!!



In this messed up world of confusion, anxiety, stress and woe we need to find the place of perfect peace, deliverance from all evil, and a life of victory over it ALL!

Jesus is the “Prince of Peace!”  We need to praise Jesus every day for as we exalt Him He will live big in us, Christ in you, the hope of glory!  When you praise the Lord your heart and mind are on Him, and there is NO stress in Him, only PEACE that passes all understanding!

Jesus was not lost, but we were lost!  You did not find Him, but He did find you!  When you are lost you cannot find your way!  When lost you do not know Him or His presence, so there is no true joy in your life for in His “presence” is fulness of joy!  When lost there are no answers to prayers for without Jesus you don’t have any faith at all!  Since the joy of the Lord is our strength then without joy we are weak and vulnerable to the fiery darts of the devil!  Ouch!  That is a very bad position to be in!  Then the steam roller of doubt, unbelief and fear rolls right over you, and sickness, trouble, vexation, stress and confusion fill your life….LOST…without God or His Son!

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever would believe on Him would not perish, but have life everlasting!”  (John 3:16)

Hallelujah!  Jesus Christ IS LORD!

When you realized that Jesus bore your sin, died for you on  the cross, and rose again from the dead, and confessed Jesus is Lord, you went from lost to FOUND!  Jesus found you and you were saved, born again, born of the Spirit to new life by the resurrection power of God!

Have you noticed that man has a way of messing things up when he puts “his” ideas and man made doctrines mixed in with the Word of God?  Then denominations are created that denominated the Word and a little leaven (lies, false doctrine) leavens the whole lump!  

So, here you are just being “found,” but you listen to the false doctrines and start to “wander” in the wilderness of unbelief and lies!  Unbelief caused God’s people to wander in the wilderness 40 years until they died in their unbelief.  The promised land flowing with milk and honey and all they needed in the provision of God was right there, but they “looked” at the “giants”….the problems, and high walled cities instead of the Word and promises.of God and refused to believe God, and therefore lost out and wandered here and there and went in circles in their fear and doubt!  

When you wander it is a feeling of hopelessness and dread that drives you to your wits end!  The world’s confusion, stress, and sin burdens you and weighs you down instead of being led by the Spirit of God, and peace!

When you wander in the wilderness first here then there, never quite knowing “where” is “the spot to be!”  First in the “church of death,” then the “1st church of the Frigidaire,” with a polar bear in the pulpit, and icebergs in the pews! LOL!

They hate people whenever they feel like it and are led by emotion, and have no faith!  They cannot cast out demons for they don’t believe they are there, and do NOT have the power to cast anything out!  They deny the power of God, say “no” to the Holy Spirit and the only way to cast out demons is by the power of the Holy Spirit!  

Wanderers are wishy washy, up and down and never unmoveable or steadfast in faith!

Joshua and Caleb were the only 2 out of the whole group that said in faith:  ” Let us go up AT ONCE and possess the land for the enemies are bread for us!” They were the only 2 out of the original group that did get to go into the promised land, drive out the enemies, and possess their inheritance!  They were not wanderers for they moved in faith on the promises of God every day!

God says to run the race with patience, endurance, steadfastness, NOT in un-patience.. anxiety!  Run to WIN laying aside the sin and weight that does so easily beset us!  Sometimes we are carrying other’s lies, false doctrines, heavy burdens they try to hang on us, and it weighs us down, and we stop living as we should in faith and the power of God!

Cast all your cares on Jesus for HE CARES for you, and will SUSTAIN YOU!  

How are we going to finish the race without looking ahead?  The BEST is yet to come!  The path of the just is as the shining light that shines more and MORE to the perfect day!!!

Complaining weighs us down! Murmuring weighs you down!

“Excusing yourself or accusing one another weighs you down where you say:  “I can’t come to God’s feast because of this, or that, or because of what others are doing!”  God talks of a feast where when invited people begin to excuse or accuse and refuse to come to the Feast!  

Consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest you be “wearied” (weariness of the flesh and spirit), and faint in your minds! Hebrews 12:3. (Galatians)  Be not weary in well doing for in due season you will reap if you faint not!  Isaiah 28:11,12…For with stammering lips and another tongue will I speak to this people.  To whom He said, This IS my rest wherewith you may cause the weary to rest; and this IS the refreshing…!  Praise God, it is not by your own might or.power but by my Spirit says the Lord that the mountain will be removed!  

Pray in the Holy Spirit in other tongues, and be strong in the Lord and His might!  This IS the rest and refreshing that will deliver you completely from all weariness!

How much time have you spent worrying, freting,complaining, or speaking unbelief compared to how much time you have spent praying in tongues?  When you pray in tongues you also build yourself up on your most Holy FAITH!

IT IS HIGH TIME TO AWAKE OUT OF SLEEP TO RIGHTEOUSNESS AND GO IN AND POSSESS THE LAND!  LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED, NETHER LET IT BE AFRAID!  BELIEVE IN JESUS AND LIVE THE “FOUND” LIFE, THE ABUNDANT LIFE JESUS GIVES, AND NOT the lost life wandering around in unbelief and confusion!  Stop acting like you did when you were “lost!”  Do NOT identify with the “lost,” but identify with FOUND, BECAUSE YOU ARE FOUND!

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with all prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God  and the peace of God that passes knowledge will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus!



Jesus came full of grace and truth.  He healed the sick, raised the dead, and calmed the troubled sea!  All He did, He did for you and me!  

 A SONG ABOUT THE LIGHTHOUSE SAYS IT ALL!  There is a light that shines out to rescue us from destruction and Jesus is that light!  Praise God!  There are some of God’s people that need to be rescued!  They are living by circumstances and have become run by their senses and emotions and are living from the outside in and the devil has taken advantage and established evil patterns to keep you in a constant state of turmoil!  After this post, that will all change and be turned the right way and new, good, blessed patterns will be established!  

The devil is the father of lies and there is NO truth in him whatsoever, and he is the one that has been telling  you by circumstance that “you cannot take it or make it!”  The devil is the father of lies!  Who do you think it was that robbed  everything from you?  Who do you think got all those people to turn against you?  (the spirit of rejection)  The devil lied to them about you and they listened and acted on the lies to do a number on you!  They were trying to get you living in a spirit of rejection and get you to hate them!  The lies try to make you sad and rob hope by those lies and make the heart of the righteous sad who God has NOT made sad!  

All the mess from the devil tries to rob hope, but when you choose to live from the inside out when God’s Word says Hope you in God you rebuke the lies about you and life and you say: “There IS hope in God!  You get hold of that in your spirit and believe and say what He says in Philippians 4  “I can do ALL things through Christ Jesus!”  I will hold fast to hope and hope in God!    With Jesus it is UP and NOT down!  The devil is the one who went down so that is where he tries to take everyone with him by his foul, filthy, abominable lies from the pit of hell! 

 Here is a word for someone:  “The  just SHALL come OUT of trouble!  Proverbs 12.  Now put that in your spirit and believe it, say it, live it, for it IS YOURS!  That is the Word of God and we are to live by every Word of God and we do that from our inner man, our spirit!  

We are a spirit {the real us}, we have a soul {emotions and intellect], and live in a body!  When we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit where does He flow from?  From our inner most being shall FLOW RIVERS OF LIVING WATER!  John 7:38.  He bypasses the outside and comes on the inside and flows out!  That’s how we need to live…from the inside out!  

God is a Spirit and they that worship  Him MUST worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!  Spirit goes to spirit!  You have faith that came by hearing the Word in your “heart,”  your spirit, your “inner man!”  Now, you can live by that faith in your spirit (inside), and NOT be ruled by circumstances on the outside!  

Jesus doesn’t just have the answer, He IS the answer!  Jesus doesn’t just “have” the light, He IS  the LIGHT!  That’s why Paul the apostle said:  “That I may KNOW HIM and the power of His resurrection!  Philippians 3:7-15.  INSIDE KNOWLEDGE is POWER!  When you KNOW the truth the truth MAKES YOU FREE!  FREE from heavy burdens!  FREE from fear!  FREE from the past! FREE from all torment!  FREE from the fear of the future!  FREE from all the lies of the devil and lying spirits!  FREE from rejection!  FREE from spirits of reverse order that cause you to get it backwards or upside down!

One man built his house on the sand and the storms came and beat on the house and destroyed it and he ended up living upside down…destroyed!  All other ground contrary to Jesus is sinking sand and when you build your house, your life on these things, your house will end up upside down!  The storms of life and outside circumstances rule you and your house is swayed by the fierce winds and rains beating on your house!  This was the life of the “foolish man!”  

Then there was a man of wisdom who built his house on the ROCK, and when the storms of life beat on it, the house stood strong, for the foundation was the ROCK!  When your life is built on Jesus, your life is right side up and NOTHING can take  you down… you are UNMOVABLE, ALWAYS ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord! 1 Corinthians 15:58.   I am not ashamed of the gospel  of Christ for it is the POWER OF GOD to salvation!  

Jesus said:  “I AM the way, the truth and the life.!”  He said:  “I AM the resurrection and the life and he that believes in me will live and never die!”

Anything, or anybody that tells you that you “cannot do” what God says you can do is a liar!  “I CAN do ALL things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me!” Philippians 4.. “ The Lord IS the strength of my life!” Psalm 27:1.  “Be strong in the Lord and the Power of HIS might!” Ephesians 6:10.  Don’t rely on your own strength , but rely on HIS STRENGTH!  HIM!  HE IS THE LIFE!  Live from the words of God in the inside in your spirit, and rule in life in Jesus over ALL circumstances on the outside, and NOT from the circumstances on the outside in!  When circumstances are calling the shots your emotions and mind will be confused, bewildered, tormented and messed up and will make you think that when the winds of the storm blow and beat on the house, it will go down in a pile of dust!

But Psalm 103:1-5  says, “Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.”(He told his soul–the emotions and intellect–what to do: to bless the Lord!  He is living from the inside out!) Bless the Lord oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits; who forgives all your iniquities: who heals all your diseases; who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies; who satisfies your mouth with good things; so your youth is renewed like the eagle’s!

While you are blessing and praising the Lord; His presence manifests for He “inhabits,” lives in our n praises! In His presence is fullness n of joy, healing, deliverance, and all that He is and has for us, and will manifest as we reme.ber them, and use our faith in Him for all these blessings! All because you lived from the inside out and told your soul what to do from your spirit, your inner most being, and were not shaken or controlled by the outside circumstances!

Isaiah 40: 29-31  He gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increases strength.  Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:  But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and NOT faint!  HALLELUJAH TO JESUS!   It is NOT by your own power or might, but by MY SPIRIT says the Lord that this mountain SHALL BE REMOVED!  (verse 7)!   Rely in and on the power of the Holy Spirit IN your spirit, in you to remove those mountains that stand in the way!  Pray the Word, believe it, say it, and it will come to pass in your life and rule OVER the circumstances!

The word of God is the revelation of Jesus Christ!  HE is the Living word!  No man comes to the Father except by Him!  All other ground is sinking sand where lives are turned upside down by the storms of life, lies of the devil, outside circumstances!  Jesus Christ is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending!  Jesus is the Author and finisher of your faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down on the right hand of the Father God!  (Hebrews 12:2)

Philippians 1:6  He that has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ!  Jesus Christ is Lord and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord  Psalm 18:2  He is the ROCK of our salvation!  Psalm 62:6  He only is my rock and my salvation:  he is my defence; I shall not be moved.