The Real Cure For Anxiety and Fear Fixations

Imagine what a life would be without anxiety. No one pushing and shoving to get to their “assigned” seats at a concert. No tailgating. No fear. No pressure on the heart with a painful state of uneasiness. No anxiety attacks. ONLY PEACE. There will be strong deliverance from the spirit of anxiety.  You would be surprised how this spirit hides and stays in the name of “caring” or “being concerned”, etc. Caring is one thing or being truly concerned for someone’s welfare, etc. ….anxiety quite another and we need to discern when it’s a spirit of anxiety working, for in the last days men’s hearts will fail them for fear of what is coming on the earth!
If you have become anxious over anything it’s not from God and not a right spirit for God says “Be anxious for NOTHING…but pray over everything….and the peace of God will keep your heart and your mind through Christ Jesus.

Get ready for a deep dose of PEACE and a mighty deliverance from fear and anxiety.
Anxiety plagues many people these days including Christians.  People run to doctors and prescriptions to try to deal with the mania. Then you read the label and it says the drug you are taking can cause the very symptoms you got it to take away. I’d rather lean on the EVERLASTING ARMS OF JESUS. NEVER GETS WEAK. ALWAYS  STRONGER THAN WHATEVER YOU ARE WRESTLING WITH.

Anxiety is extreme fearful concern over the future with a painful state of uneasiness with pressure on the heart. anxiety is a demon. There are spirits of panic attack, anxiety, extreme anxiety, anxiety attack, anxious thoughts, and they all try to control through the mind and emotions.  First of all RIGHT NOW I want to let you know that you are NOT some freak of nature just because you have wrestled with this. Second I bind all the spirits of anxiety and fear IN JESUS NAME  and they will be leaving you all through this post and will continue to leave you until they are ALL GONE. AGREE WITH THAT RIGHT NOW IN FAITH.

These type spirits try to make you feel overwhelmed as they all try to come up to the mind and emotions all at once. It can actually try to make you feel like you are going out of control or insane.  Well , THAT’S JUST NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. I RELEASE YOUR MIND FROM anxiety control!!  I release you from the spirits of witchcraft and voodoo curse in Jesus name. spirits of the mental vice grip  must go out right now in Jesus name.

God says I can have whatever I say because I believe that whatever I say will come to pass!!  So I say you are going free today, right now from that awful pressure that has been taunting you and oppressing your mind…  It’s like a mind haze that is going from you now.

Philippians 4:7 says to be anxious for NOTHING but in every thing with all prayer and supplication let your requests be known to God with thanksgiving and the PEACE of GOD that passes ALL understanding will keep your heart and your mind. So if God tells you to be anxious for nothing then HE will HELP you to overcome anxiety. The Holy Spirit is there now to comfort you and set you free.

One time Jesus  was at Mary and Martha’s place and Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus learning of Him and Martha was running all over the place and got upset that Mary was not doing the same and she complained to Jesus! Jesus said Martha, Martha you are anxious and troubled about many things , but Mary has chosen the needful part that shall not be taken from her.  So you can see that if you sit at the feet of Jesus and learn of HIM you will not be troubled and you will not be anxious. Keep your mind stayed on him because you trust in HIM!  I’ve got Jesus on my mind.
Extreme anxiety is beyond yourself and goes into a realm of fear fixation. “What if this happens? What if something goes wrong? What am I going to do about these situations?….STOP!
How about REST in the Lord and wait patiently for him? Those who believe enter into REST.  There’s no strain in rest!!  No anxiety in the rest. No worry in rest. Hebrews tells us that others did NOT enter into God’s rest because of unbelief. When you really believe God there is a tremendous PEACE and perfect REST and when others are jumping all around all disturbed and anxious there you are in total peace and then you can speak to the storm and tell it to shut down and IT HAS TO!  PRAISE GOD! YOU ARE GOING TO BE SO DELIVERED OF this anxiety you are going to be able to shut that storm down with no problem at all.

Jesus said take no thought for tomorrow. In other words, don’t be anxious over anything about the future. He said ; Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the things you have need of shall be added to you.

Fear is really expecting evil and putting faith in threats, and what if’s, sickness, poverty, demons, etc…..the negative side of things. satan runs his whole deal on fear! he is the opposite of LIGHT of course!! he moves in darkness and has NO truth in him!  So when he says by a spirit of fear or anxiety… “oh, you better watch out…something bad is looming”…..then YOU NEED TO REALIZE THAT IT IS A LIE AND CAME FROM THE father of lies and spirits of the darkness of this world. SHUT THEM DOWN RIGHT THERE AND BIND THOSE LIES AND CALL THEM THE LYING SPIRITS THEY ARE AND STOMP THEM INTO THE GROUND AND SAY BOLDLY: “NO, devil, there will be NOTHING bad going on here but only the good for Jesus promised me good days all the days of my life and that is what I am going to have!”

So to fear or be anxious is to put your faith in a lie.  lies bring the spirit of sadness , so there is the depression coming right behind fear and anxiety. And then where has hope gone.  Now there is fear, anxiety, depression, and hopelessness.

So by adamantly refusing to fear the fear and by resting in the Lord instead of being anxious, you stay clear of  fear and it’s torment, anxiety, depression and hopelessness. Jesus and the disciples are in the boat and a great storm comes up, waves filling the boat and the boat is beginning to sink! All the while Jesus is asleep in the back part of the boat. The disciples get all anxious and fearful and star accusing Jesus of not caring that they are dying out there.

When you are resting in the middle of the “storm”, people get upset that you are not worked up like them in a fit of anxiety over the storm. “We are going to die!” They said, as water was filling the boat. Jesus answers them: “Why are you so fearful?” In other words …why does fear have a hold on you?  “Where is your faith?”  when fear and anxiety try to rear  their ugly head….where is your faith? Then He showed them what they would have done if acted in faith!  He rebuked the storm and said PEACE, BE STILL. INSTANTLY THERE WAS A GREAT CALM. INSTANTLY. RIGHT NOW! I SAY TO THE STORMS THAT HAVE BEEN WHILING AROUND YOU…. “PEACE, BE STILL” IN JESUS NAME.  ANXIETY GO NOW. FEAR GO NOW IN JESUS NAME.

Fear looks at the storm and determines the future by circumstance! This time it was”huge waves of the sea in turmoil, and the boat filling and through the spirit of fear they saw death as their plot in life. JESUS IS THE CURE. When you are looking to Jesus, the author and finisher or our FAITH, there is PEACE, for our faith in in HIM and HE conquered ALL THE hosts of hell, sin, sickness, death, all oppression and EVERYTHING you and I will EVER  face. He says…be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world!  With Jesus ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

Take off any limits the spirits of fear and anxiety have tried to put on you and the future!
If you have wrestled with anxiety don’t condemn yourself over that, just realize it’s a spirit and must be cast out and then it won’t be there anymore to trouble you!  Believe God with me now.
anxiety and fear, you are bound and your voices are bound.  In Jesus name leave all who agree with me RIGHT NOW in all directions and deep going out until ALL the spirits of fear and anxiety are gone. Thank you Jesus for delivering everyone right now as you said. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be delivered! I loose each person from everything that tied them to anxiety.  extreme anxiety you are going too in Jesus name! Sudden anxiety go out in Jesus name.  The legion of anxiety go out in Jesus name.  The anxiety that tries to seize the mind, you won’t be able to do that any more because you are going out in Jesus name right now. Thank you Jesus. Lord flood your people with GREAT PEACE even now. Thank you for it Lord!
The Real Cure 2 will be soon coming.

6 thoughts on “The Real Cure For Anxiety and Fear Fixations

  1. I really like this. I needed it too. I was immersed in all the wrong things and then fears take over even when you get out. Can I get delivered from demons I picked up from the death clock? Or are those different and require all kinds of special prayers? Thanks

    1. Here is the prayer for you: In the name of Jesus I bind every demon of the death clock and all the spirits of fear from this and all sources and all of you must go out NOW in the name of JESUS! Praise God, there is your deliverance! They must ALL go because we told them to! Enjoy Jesus and the abundant life in Him and fear NOT for it is your Heavenly Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom!

    1. You are welcome! I remember when I was first seeking God and it was such a breath of fresh air when someone would speak the truth by the Holy Spirit! I have prayed that people would be saved, healed, delivered, filled with the Spirit, and would receive the truth that would minister real faith and refresh, revive, and encourage on this blog! Thanks for the comment that confirms this is happening! God cares for each one of us and this shows He will do what it takes to get the truth to us that we need!

  2. I needed this really bad. My life is consumed with anxiety. I pray blessings on you and will pass this on. Usually when people say “go to this site” it’s no help at all and I usually don’t listen but this time I am glad I did

    1. Thanks for the prayers, greatly appreciated, and many blessings on you including being delivered from EVERY spirit of anxiety and fears in the name of Jesus! Thanks for coming on and posting your comment, it is good to hear how the Lord is moving through this and setting people free! Jesus is Lord and thanks for passing this on! I pray revival comes wherever this goes and mighty signs wonders and miracles happen in lives by the Holy Spirit as people turn their faith to Jesus Christ!

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