Miracle Service–ALL

COMPLETE. TOTAL. EVERY ONE. What a great word: “ALL.” Especially when God speaks it. Cast ALL your cares, anxieties, burdens on the Lord for He cares for you, and will sustain you and never permit you to be moved.  ALL the promises of God are yes and Amen. The Holy Spirit will guide you into ALL truth.  Psalm 103:  Bless the Lord and forget NOT ALL His benefits; who forgives ALL your iniquities, who heals ALL your diseases.  ALL things are possible to them that believe.  ALL things…whatever is needed. 


What do you need?  ALL has it covered. God has already blessed us with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus(Ephesians.) You already have every blessing you need to take you through this life and to glory through Jesus Christ.  You have to believe it to receive it, and for it to work in your life.

Never accept anything that is a curse.  You don’t have to entertain it or accept the curse as normal, because it is NOT normal, and God has delivered you from the curse. Normal for a believer is blessed with ALL BLESSING.

Jesus paid the great ultimate price to take the curse so we would receive all blessing. It is written: “cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.” He, who knew no sin, became a curse on that cross, so that you could live a curse free life, a blessed life, as you believe on Jesus.The blessing of the Lord makes you rich and He adds no sorrow with it.

Now in Psalm 34 He starts out praising the Lord, and then tells us what He is praising God for, and shows the way into a blessed, delivered from trouble and rewarding life full of good days and a long life!  He says:  “I will bless the Lord at ALL times:  His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Praising the Lord at ALL times keeps the Power and Presence of God working in and for you at ALL times.  No matter what… PRAISE THE LORD.  For the Lord is good to ALL and His tender mercies are over ALL His works.

In this Psalm there is deliverance from ALL your fears, for God is no respecter of persons and what He did for the Psalmist, He will do for you.  You will be brought out of ALL your troubles as you cry to the Lord.  The Lord delivers you out of ALL afflictions.  He keeps ALL your bones and not one of them will be broken.

It does NOT matter what is wrong or what the disease is, God heals it ALL. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE. What you need is covered by God’s promises and “My Good shall supply ALL your need according to the riches of His glory in Jesus Christ!”  God is able to do exceeding, ABUNDANTLY, FAR ABOVE ALL THAT YOU ASK OR THINK, according to the power that works in us through Jesus Christ. ALL. Far above ALL things that you think or ask for. Our God is able!

Jesus takes the “if” out of our conversation. A leper came to Jesus to be healed and said: “if you will you can make me whole.”  Jesus said: “I will, be made whole,” and he was instantly healed. We know He will because He says so in His word, so don’t come to Him as hypocrites do, not knowing His will or His power saying “if you will Lord.” Come to Jesus saying that you know He will do as He has promised. ALL the promises of God are YES AND AMEN. YES healing and deliverance are your. It does NOT matter what it is or how long it has been there, God has said YES the answer from heaven is yours!

Now ,let’s agree together for miracles of ALL kinds that are needed. In the name of Jesus I bind ALL demons, fallen angels, wicked spirits in ALL realms. Now in Jesus name GO OUT. People of God receive your miracles of healing and deliverance spirit, soul, and body. Bless the Lord and forget not ALL His benefits Who forgives all your iniquities, and who heals all your diseases, and redeems your life from destruction, and crowns your life with loving-kindness and tender mercies so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.  Praise God the Gospel is good news and He covers ALL areas of needs. I loose each person from depression, fear, anxieties, sickness, disease, and ALL pain!

BE MADE WHOLE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Now praise Jesus for the answers and count it done by faith. ALL!

8 thoughts on “Miracle Service–ALL

  1. I need a miracle for my eyes. Doctors and glasses are not helping much and I just don’t feel I want to spend money I haven’t got on worthless, torturous tests. It’s not a sight threatening condition but it is extremely hard to deal with.

    1. Your eyes belong to Jesus as well as your heart, and He bore all your sickness and disease in His body on the tree! I loose the healing oil of the Holy Spirit on your eyes now and the heavenly salve to be applied effecting a healing and a cure! Receive your healing in the name of Jesus! I count it done and praise Jesus for making you completely whole with no discomfort, pain or difficulty in your eyes ever again! Amen!

  2. Thank God I got my healing of migraines that I have had forever and for the last three days NONSTOP. Thank GOD for this miracle service!!!!!

    1. PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD! Jesus is so good! A testimony like this makes it worth it all! Thanks for posting and enjoy your healing! We do NOT have to put up with pain….Jesus took them ALL!

    1. Praise God your back got healed! Jesus is faithful to do what He said He would do and He healed your back to the glory of God! There are other people with back problems of all kinds that are being healed right now in the name of Jesus! All the pain goes, arthritis goes, abnormality goes, so receive those healings in the name of Jesus! Thanks for saying what the Lord has done for you, and since you have it will confirm you in the faith and establish your healing! The truth sets you free when you know it! This is the real deal here for God confirms His Word with signs following and that is happening every day! Enjoy and never ever give up for God will reward those who diligently seek Him!

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