The Cure

People run everywhere looking for the cure. They run to drugs or alcohol where there is no answer except extreme misery. People run for the pleasures of this world, where there is no answer and certainly no cure. They try to find peace, but find none.

Sex outside marriage leaves them broken and wondering why their lives are still so empty and unfulfilled. Then when they try a church they hear philosophy, poems, false doctrines that take away hope. There is a way that seems right to a man but the end of it is death. Anything contrary to the Word of God produces death. The very things that people run to for a cure end up bringing spirits of death in the flesh.

Jesus Christ came to give us life and life more abundantly. The devil is the one who robs, kills, and destroys.  Don’t get the kingdoms of light and darkness mixed up. Jesus IS THE CURE. Don’t look to the right or the left, but look right on. Look to Jesus as you lay aside every weight and the sin that easily besets, and run the race with patience. Jesus is the Healer, Deliverer,  Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Ghost, and King of Kings. Jesus never fails, but the world does.
Jesus is the cure for all ills for He took all the ills in His body on the cross, died for everyone of us and rose from the dead that we could have a blessed life healed of all diseases, delivered from all anxiety, and be filled with PEACE and JOY.

Jesus is our peace, but it is up to us to LET the peace of God rule in our hearts. Isaiah says God creates the fruit of the lips (praise), peace , peace, to him that is near, and him that is far off, and I will  heal him says the Lord. When peace comes, the cure comes right  with it.  Jesus is that peace, and when you walk, talk, and live in Him, then you walk, talk, and live in peace. You do that by feeding your spirit the Word of God, meditating in the Word, speaking what God’s Word says, and doing what the Word of God says. Then you prosper in all you do, and abide in the peace cure.

The world cannot cure itself; it has NO cure for sin, and sin is at the root of all the world’s problems and ills!  Jesus is the cure for He bore our sins and took the punishment due us, and turns to us and says:  “Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest!”  In other words:  “STOP CARRYING the heavy weight of heavy burdens, and trying to use the energy of the flesh to try and fix things, and COME TO JESUS, SIT AT HIS FEET AND LEARN OF HIM…..and there you are cured.

Did you ever notice that before the healing power of God flowed, Jesus got to the root of what was troubling people so they could have the double cure?  A man came to Jesus for healing for his daughter.  Someone ran u.p and says not to trouble Jesus because the daughter had died. Jesus speaks instantly and says:  “Fear NOT, ONLY BELIEVE!”  fear was trying to stir up when the man had bad news spreaders tell him it was too late for his daughter. He listened to Jesus and acted on His Word and His daughter was raised up completely cured. Jesus is Lord. He will cure you as you refuse to fear and simply believe what He has said.

Jesus Christ is the cure for depression. Jesus will set you free from anxiety. Jesus is the healer of the broken in heart, and binds up all the wounds. Jesus healed all that were oppressed of the devil. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

I have good news for you:  your days of running here and there looking for a cure are over.  Jesus is the cure. alcoholism will leave you in a moment of time. Nicotine habit goes immediately. sickness and disease are melted away by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
Now, we agree together that every malady, sickness, oppression, disease, trouble, fear, vexation, evil habits are all bound in the name of Jesus and are leaving every person now. Every demon..crushed under my and your feet, and I squish every bondage now in the name of Jesus. The cure is here and HIS NAME IS JESUS CHRIST, RECEIVE HIM NOW IN FAITH BELIEVING AND YOU RECEIVE THE CURE.

Jesus came to make us whole, NOT to rob, kill, or destroy. Anything that is robbing, killing, or destroying is the work of the devil and has NOTHING to do with God. God is NOT allowing awful things to teach you some precious lesson. God sent Jesus to die for us, to take our sins and sicknesses and all the ills in His body, raise from the dead, and to raise us up with Him to NEW LIFE, AND LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY!  Praise God.

I loose the healing, delivering cure on each one believing God for a miracle today. Begin praising God for the cure!  Begin thanking Jesus for the answer, and watch God work. As we agree together Jesus said we will have the desired result.

Jesus, let overwhelming, all encompassing JOY flood your people now. Jesus I praise you for miracles all around the world right now.  Praise God for healing your feet right now. pain must go, and joints are being healed.  All kinds of headaches are going along with the spirits behind them. I speak healing to the heart and kidneys in the name of Jesus. Praise God.

Whatever has told you you have to put up with some malady for life is a lie…I rebuke that in the name of Jesus and loose you to receive your miracle. Lord, bless your people with peace as they live for you, and I loose the Spirit of Salvation on all who have not accepted you Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Ask Jesus to save you now and confess Jesus Christ is Lord, believe He raised from the dead, and you will be saved. The past has no bearing whatsoever on you accepting Jesus now. He cancelled out the past by His blood!

7 thoughts on “The Cure

  1. I really liked reading the question and answer about the stupid people saying God is gearing you up for some horrible disease. When will churches stop preaching that baloney and people stop saying it? I got so mad I emailed this to a lot of permissive willers! I haven’t been a Christian long but I found out God doesn’t want that mess in peoples’ lives. Thank you for that great answer!

    1. You are welcome! People who say they are believers and then do anything and everything except believe are taking their stupid pills daily of unbelief, doubt, permissive will, sadism and masochism! Jesus came to deliver, heal, restore, and strengthen us NOT to wear us down and make us sick! He took our sins and sickness so we WOULDN’T have to sin or be sick! People who refuse to see this are complicating the Word of God by adding to and taking away from the Word of God and God says that if they continue this their names will be taken out of the Lamb’s book of life! You can’t preach and teach abundant death and expect to reap abundant life! Yet permissive will makebelievers do this and then blame God for all their ills ! Victory over the world, flesh, and devil is ours in the name of Jesus so let’s go in and possess our possessions in Jesus name! Amen!

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