It is amazing how much the devil tries to get believers to lay down, let go of the armor of God, and not use the authority or faith they have. All kinds of excuses come to the mind as to why you might as well just lay it all down and not fight the good fight of faith! The devil knows that if you fight the good fight of faith you will win every time, all the time, over the world, the flesh, and the devil! So, he tries to trick you into believing wrong so you give up when you could have had total victory.

If you need healing, NEVER GIVE UP! Your condition does NOT change the Word of God, but the Word of God WILL change your condition no matter what the symptoms say! It doesn’t matter how long you have been sick or what crazy thing others have told you, it only matters that you believe what God says and that you FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH.

God always says for us to take the attitude of persevering and NEVER giving up! God will ALWAYS make a way for you. He is faithful to do what He has promised. Jesus NEVER fails! God said in 1 Peter 2:24 “By His (Jesus) stripes you were healed!” Jesus took your sins and sickness in His body on the tree that you would be saved and healed and delivered. Praise God it is already done, and we just need to believe it and receive it and act on it!

If you don’t know what to do simply begin to praise God for healing you and thank Him for the answer. God says He creates the fruit of the lips (praise) peace, peace to him that is near, and far off, and I WILL HEAL HIM SAYS THE LORD. (Isaiah 57:19)
You are NOT sick for some mysterious reason, and God did NOT permit sickness to teach you a lesson. Plain and simple sickness comes from the devil and healing comes from Jesus Christ. Acts 10:38 says: “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing GOOD, HEALING ALL THAT WERE oppressed of the devil!” sickness is an enemy, NOT a friend. So do NOT treat sickness like it is a friend. The devil comes to rob, kill, and destroy, and sickness is the oppression of the devil.

Don’t forget that it is the anointing of the Holy Spirit that destroys the yoke! The “yoke” is bondage, slavery, oppression; it is something that wants to “yoke” you together with things you were not meant to have in your life. God did not save you to go back under bondage to the law, for example. Read Galatians and you will see that loud and clear. God sent Jesus to set us free from the bondage of sin and sickness.

John G.Lake was a minister of the gospel some years ago, and he had connected with the Spirit of faith in a big way. People received great miracles of healing and deliverance when he prayed for them. The bubonic plague had broken out and he was helping. Everyone else had been inoculated and they asked Lake if he had been inoculated. He told them yes, but not the way they thought. He had his inoculation from the Holy Spirit. He told them if they put the froth, which was highly contagious, on his hand it would die because the life of God in him would kill the disease. They did and saw it die under a microscope! The LIFE of God in him killed the evil disease. Jesus Christ is the LIFE. The law of the Spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. It is already done. Jesus Christ is the LIFE (ZOE.) God is absolute LIFE, and when He abides in us, LIFE abides in us. That LIFE destroys all diseases, and sickness. That LIFE BRINGS HOPE to the hopeless, sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and cripples rise and walk in the name of Jesus.

When Jesus said how the devil only comes to rob, kill, and destroy, He said what would deliver us from all evil! Jesus said: “But I have come that you might have LIFE, and HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY.” MORE THAN ENOUGH SO IT WOULD FILL YOU AND BE RUNNING ABUNDANTLY ALL OVER THE PLACE! “MY CUP RUNS OVER”!

There are rivers of LIVING WATER in your spirit when you are baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues (languages of the Spirit not known by you in the natural.) Water that is LIFE! As we pray in the Spirit there is a life flow that cures disease and makes demons leave! Praise God. As this life flows the dead have been raised! One lady fell over dead in a meeting I was having. No pulse, no breath! I laid hands on her head and rebuked the demons of death, and she came alive. Praise Jesus! I don’t like when the devil tries to interrupt a meeting like that. Ha! Before this she had a hatred problem towards me (she didn’t realize it was demons of hate in her flesh.) After she was raised from the dead, she couldn’t say enough nice things about me. hate went out with death! They do hang out together you know.

Now it is time for your miracle! Believe God with me as faith has come as I spoke the Word of God. FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH, and rebuke that sickness and disease with all that is in you. You tell it how it is under your feet and you take authority over it now in the name of Jesus, and how by the stripes of Jesus you are healed. Bind all spirits of pain, and sickness and torment and COMMAND them to get out now in the name of Jesus.
Now raise your hands to Jesus and praise Him for healing and delivering you! Glory to God, receive it now in the name of Jesus!

9 thoughts on “Easter Miracle Service: FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH

  1. I need a miracle for my heart. I have a heart arythmia and it’s scary! I thin k I will get healed though. An Easter healing.

    1. Yes, this is YOUR day for a miracle! Jesus is still healing all kinds of sickness and disease and HE made the heart so totally knows how to fix it! Praise God! You know, I speak peace to you and healing peace to your heart in the name of Jesus! God said in Isaiah that He creates the fruit of the lips (PRAISE)…peace, peace to him that is near and afar off and I will heal him says the Lord! So praise the Lord and your enemies will vanish! Praise Jesus for healing you right now! And by the way…all those spirits of fear of heart trouble and death have to go out now in the name of Jesus also!!!

  2. I have to have a miracle for my back and legs. I need one and I am getting to the end of my string.

    1. Through the years I have heard makebelievers and unbelievers play down miracles and healing….for one reason: “they didn’t have the goods or faith or anything it took to have the miracles of healing and deliverance God says we can have!” As they spoke their words of fear and unbelief I would think : “but what would people who are in pain say about this, wouldn’t a miracle of healing mean the world to them and give them what they needed to continue living and doing the things they needed to do?” So I sought God, read, believed, meditated, and spoke the Word of God, prayed, fasted (Isaiah 58), and Jesus showed up in miracle service after miracle service healing the sick, delivering the oppressed, and doing EXACTLY what He said He would do for us! We do our part and God does His part! Our part really is lining up for God to be able to move in and through us! I said all that because what you just said proves everything I have spoken about ! God is moved toward us and when we have a need, because He loves us so very much He will move heaven and earth to get us where we will receive the miracles we need! Then we can live for Him made whole by the power of God and be effective for Him to help others!
      I release the healing power of God on and in you in the name of Jesus! pain and infirmity must go NOW! Receive your healing NOW in the name of Jesus! Now do what you couldn’t do before! Stretch out, bend over ….move without pain in the name of Jesus! Praise God, healing is yours and if one of your legs was short it must grow out now and the same with your arms! Praise Jesus! I will expect to hear your testimony of the great things Jesus has done for you!

    1. You won’t jinx it by saying you received it, but in fact establish the miracle as you say it and testify to it! God says you will have whatever you say when you believe you will have what you say! Mark 11. Praise God for the miracle!

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