Hope Never Gives Up

God is a God of hope and that hope is an anchor for your soul. Your soul is your intellect and your emotions, and hope anchors you in Jesus so that when a demon of hopelessness tries to bring thoughts of giving up to the mind or feelings to the emotions, you know that there is NOTHING TO IT, FOR JESUS IS THE AUTHOR AND THE FINISHER OF YOUR FAITH AND HE WILL NEVER EVER LEAVE OR FORSAKE YOU, AND WHEN JESUS IS IN THE BOAT THE STORM WILL NOT DESTROY YOU, BUT WILL BE STILLED AND THERE WILL BE GREAT PEACE, AND YOU WILL ARRIVE AT YOUR DESTINATION SAFELY!

satan  is a liar and totally defeated and it doesn’t matter what he, or wicked people, or demons have said, done, or tried to organize against you, for IT WILL ALL COME TO NOTHING in the name of Jesus as you stand in faith against all evil. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose when you believe God and fight the good fight of faith. We need to realize that the battle is not against flesh and blood, but we wrestle against wicked spirits in the flesh, in the world, in the heavenlies, and we have total authority over them and when we bind them they are bound, and when we command them to get out…THEY MUST GET OUT! 

There is a wrong spirit behind all sins, oppression, and sickness. Actually, knowing this can really boost your faith for you know what you are fighting and that you have total authority and power over them, and you speak in faith and they are bound, and must leave and turn you loose, and the situation loose. The end result: complete victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil.

There are spirits named “I give up,” and “I can’t.”  How many times I have heard someone say “I can’t take it any more” or “I can’t have faith for this situation” or “I can’t see how these miracles could happen,” etc.  The Word of God says “I CAN do all things through Christ Jesus.” Start believing what God says about you NOW. Then you will be saying: “I can overcome all that comes against me, and I will be able to do all that God says do, and be all that God says be by the power of the Holy Spirit that resides within me.

When spirits of give up are at work they are the ones projecting a “feeling” of giving up! They are liars and thieves and are NOT worthy of regard. One thing to do is to ask God for deliverance from all the spirits that are in the flesh from the past that are designed to promote giving up.  Bind them all in the name of Jesus and command them all to come out. They must go and then they won’t be in the flesh to bring thoughts up to the mind or feelings to the emotions of giving up.

The Holy Spirit is the comforter. Rely totally on the Holy Spirit and yield to Him for He brings total comfort to you and leads you into ALL truth. Everything the Holy Spirit does is according to the Word of God and brings hope, comfort, joy, faith, and deliverance. He will always encourage you and tell you that you can overcome and that God will see you through.

The God of hope says there are good things for you coming. Your future is as bright as the promises of God, and they are all yes and Amen through Jesus by us to the glory of God. When we have been through a lot in the past, the devil tries to make us feel a sense of lost time and will try to condemn by trying to get us to look at the past sins, etc.  Well, aren’t you glad that we DO NOT live by the past or what the devil says about it?  We live by faith and what GOD says about the past and everything else. God says to put the past behind you, and don’t look back, but look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. Faith looks at what the Word of God says and the Word of God says we are a brand new creation set free from the past and ALL the sins of the past. So my friends if you have felt like there is so much to be delivered of, just ask God for a quickening of your deliverance and tell those demons to go out quickly, and they will, for all your sins have been forgiven and cleansed so demons have no legal right to stay.

Your hope is in the Lord Jesus. He is your hope. Christ in you, the HOPE of glory. Jesus is the anchor for your soul and He conquered the devil and all evil. Keep your faith completely in Jesus for He is the Great Deliverer. God has promised to restore all the years that were robbed, so ask Him for that restoration for He is faithful that has promised, and then thank Him for the answer, and He will do what no other power can do.

Wrap your arms around hope for all things are possible with God. Hope Never gives up for it knows there are many blessings ahead with much joy.
The woman with the issue of blood had spent all of her money on doctors that could not do anything to help, but she actually got worse and worse and suffered many things from them. By all standards it was looking rather hopeless in the natural. She could have very easily given up, but when she heard of Jesus, she said within herself:  “If I can touch the hem of His garment I will be healed!”  She refused to give up, but instead crawled through and pressed through the crowd that was all around Jesus and reached out and touched the hem of His garment. She was healed instantly. There were so many pressing on Jesus that He asked who was it that touched me?  He felt virtue go out of Him and into someone. She acknowledged that it was her and Jesus said: “Your faith has made you whole!”

If she had given up, thinking of how long it had been since she was sick and how she had spent all her money, and how she was getting worse and worse, she would have missed out on a great miracle that was going to change her life totally for the better. NEVER, NEVER, EVER give up! God has the miracle with your name on it and He makes a way where there seems to be no way.

In the name of Jesus I loose you to receive the miracle working power of God that will set you free and make you whole. God will speak a word in your spirit that will ignite faith in your heart. Then as you speak it and act on it as the woman with the issue of blood did, you will see the glory of God in your life. NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR THE LORD. Believe God now and call out for mercy as blind Bartimaeus did, and mercy will rewrite your life.


8 thoughts on “Hope Never Gives Up

  1. Us men need help Rev. Rocket. We didn’t want Rubio to suspend his campaign, but since he did we thought…well, at least until the Convention we may not have to hear every five minutes how handsome he is…but it was not to be….so….prayers are required for us…we can’t take these women and their gushing over Marco anymore….

    1. I hear you loud and clear and definitely prayers are needed! One thing to remember to comment is that he is totally into football! I went into one of his offices and there was a football on a stand so I started tossing it around ….seemed women don’t much respond to the football deal or like it…lol He would say how the kick off was happening in the campaign, etc. I guess the women are so relieved after many years of ugly that they could have a good looking president they are beside themselves! LOL Well, we will stand together and pray for relief!

  2. Thanks a lot for giving them football ammunition! You should have deleted their complaint instead. This is not right.

    1. All is fair in love and war! Football is great! A lot of action and a true test of strength, stamina, and talent…and Rubio loves it! He wears football Jerseys and even did a whole interview catching and throwing a football…NOW we are talking! Men have to stand up for their freedom of speech in times like these, and I am SURE they love their women, but do need to have a line of defense in these matters!

  3. ok, so stupid people twist scriptures to say that everything…even diseases and poverty “work for good” if you love God. If that’s true, then why don’t we ever see anything “good” emerge from the poverty or disease? When I ask them this they don’t seem to have an answer, but then they don’t want to read the blog either. I guess they will have to drown in their own stupidity.

    1. Jesus spoke of the ten…5 wise and 5 foolish (stupid)! The wise took extra oil to keep their lamps burning to have light to see where they were going and to get to their destination. The “stupid” did NOT do so and did NOT take extra oil! when the call went out to meet the bridegroom the wise had plenty of oil and plenty of light, but the foolish did not. They started begging oil off the wise but the wise said we prepared and you didn’t and now it is too late for if we give you ours then our lamps would go out! unbelief is permissive will is unbelief for they cannot see for they have not enough oil of the Holy Spirit and their light is gone out so they walk in darkness and know not at what they stumble at! When the truth is exchanged for a lie then the sickness and poverty, destruction, etc. are an endless circle for they live from bondage to bandage instead of from glory to glory! God calls sickness evil, and poverty is under the curse that Jesus redeemed us from! So, there has to be spirits of insanity working in the flesh to make people want to put up with sickness and oppression by a religious spirit and spiritual pride know it all spirits that call it falsely…working for good! Jesus already worked it out on the cross when He bore ALL our sins, sickness, poverty, and oppression and rose again from the dead and handed us the victory and authority over all evil and said to cast it OUT in His name….NOT accept it as the permissive will of God! God’s will is that we prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers! God’s will is healing and divine health, prosperity in every area of life and good success! God’s will is that we STOP living a beggars life when we are kings and priests to our God, and are to rule and reign in life by Christ Jesus! Enjoy! Keep speaking the truth and pray for God to lead you to the hungry souls….they will receive it and be blessed!

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