Mind Attack…OVER!

When you are born again by the Spirit of God you still need to do something with your mind.  Some have found that out the hard way, just putting their mind on neutral, coasting along….and wham…all of a sudden a barrage of awful mind oppressing, depressing thoughts that made you feel like you had surely lost your mind. Jesus will deliver you from all evil and that includes demons of mind attack. It doesn’t matter where it came from, or how long it’s been going on, IT IS OVER IN THE NAME OF JESUS, and it doesn’t matter how much they chant, or cut themselves, or curse, IT IS ALL DEFEATED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS, AND THERE IS NOTHING THE enemy can do to stop this GREAT VICTORY IN YOUR LIFE.

OH, PRAISE GOD MY DEAR FRIENDS, THE VICTORY IS IN JESUS, AND NO ONE, OR ANYTHING CAN EVER DEFEAT HIM, FOR HE HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD OVER IT ALL, AND IT ALL MUST BOW TO THE NAME OF JESUS AND LEAVE YOU RIGHT NOW. Thanks be to God that always gives us the victory in Jesus. Tell the Lord your mind is His, as well as your heart and body.  One man I knew said the Lord could have his heart, but not his mind for he wanted that for himself.  How brilliant.  He was tormented severely in his mind ’til finally he had a “light bulb moment”, and said the Lord could have his mind too. Then and only then was he completely delivered from the torment.

When thoughts come into your mind as a believer that are torment, fear, or oppressive, they are NOT from the Lord, but from evil spirits, and we need to bring every thought into captivity and into subjection to Jesus, and bring them down. Don’t allow them to be exalted in your thinking, but bring them down immediately in the name of Jesus, and cast the spirits out behind them.

There are thoughts behind every sin that come to the mind first before acted upon. Overcome the thoughts immediately and then they will not be able to get any hold on you.  Speak out loud that you reject that negative thought, and refuse to think on it.  Tell it that it will not stay in your mind, and then deliberately think on the promises of God.

Do NOT ACCEPT evil thoughts as your own, and DO NOT ACCEPT any mental attack  or oppression as normal in ANY KIND OF WAY. God has a mind of total peace for you, so don’t settle for anything less. I bind demons of compulsive oppressive, tormenting thinking in the NAME OF JESUS. GO OUT RIGHT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS. See, that is what you need to do now and any time mind attack is trying to oppress.

God says there in Corinthians that we are to bring EVERY THOUGHT into subjection. If you want peace like you have never seen before, start doing this EVERY DAY and watch the enemy lose control of your mind where there will be NO oppressive thoughts WHATSOEVER.  We live from the inside out, so tell your mind what to think on from the Word of God in your spirit, and you will be in control of your mind instead of something else being in control. Your body will come in line with your renewed mind for your mind controls your body. God says our mind is renewed by the Word of God, and then we are transformed, changed by the Spirit of God from glory to glory.  Don’t let any negative thought stay in your mind, not even for a minute. Bring it down immediately.  For example if a thought comes:  “you are going to get sick”..IMMEDIATELY I WOULD SAY OUT LOUD: “NO I’M NOT GETTING SICK FOR GOD’S WORD SAYS BY HIS STRIPES I AM HEALED AND sickness CANNOT GET THROUGH THE SHIELD OF FAITH, NOW YOU spirits of sickness ARE BOUND IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND YOU LEAVE RIGHT NOW.

THANK YOU JESUS FOR YOUR WORD OF FAITH FOR I WILL HAVE WHAT YOU PROMISE, AND YOU SAID YOU WILL ABOVE ALL THINGS THAT I PROSPER AND BE IN HEALTH EVEN AS MY SOUL PROSPERS. As you make this a practice every time there is any thought of fear, negativity, oppression, or anything contrary to the Word of God, you will stay on top of it and your mind will continually be renewed to the Word of God.

When thoughts are negative in any way, there is a wrong spirit behind it, so tell those demons to shut up, and bind their voices, and command them to go. Then thank the Lord, and laugh at the devil, and his dumb demons of mind attack, for they are under your feet and you don’t have to put up with them at all.

I LOOSE YOUR MIND IN THE NAME OF JESUS FROM ALL mind attack, brain freeze, mental telepathy, mind cults, forgetfulness, sin recall, bad memories recall, mental breakdown, mind haze, thoughts of failure and defeat, false condemnation thoughts, and ALL mental oppression, and in the NAME OF JESUS ALL the spirits of these oppressions are bound and MUST GO OUT NOW IMMEDIATELY ALL AT ONCE.
Enjoy your mind renewed by the Word of God, and GREAT PEACE RULING IN YOUR HEART AND MIND.

12 thoughts on “Mind Attack…OVER!

    1. Praise God, I am so glad you got the answer you needed! That is why I do this for many times it is just knowing what to do that puts you over! Enjoy the victory that only Jesus can bring!

    1. HaHa..LOL…Well, that’s what the Light of God does, it shows where we are missing the mark and then delivers us and empowers us to rise above it all! You are welcome for sure! Enjoy being blessed beyond anything you ever imagined for God will do exceeding, abundantly, far above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us!

  1. Ok so my thoughts are basically ruining my life and I have been told to “renew my mind” but that’s kind of hard to do when awful miserable thoughts won’t stop. What do l do?

    1. First, know that this is a very common thing, and if more Christians would be honest about it they would have to say that although they have been “renewing their mind” that they still are plagued with “miserable” continuous thoughts! Second, know that there are miserable demons behind every miserable thought you have been having! Identifying the real enemy is nine tenths of the battle! The demons know that if they can control the mind they can control the person and they work over time to harass, vex, torment, and bind the mind! When demons are in the flesh and speak, it is not heard audibly, but registers as a thought in the mind! STOP accepting these miserable thoughts as your own! Bind all spirits behind all the miserable thoughts and command them to GET OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS….and they will go out, and there will be a great calm, and the peace of God will keep your heart and mind as you pray over everything and praise Jesus for the answer! THEN when you read and meditate on the Word of God your mind is renewed…made fresh and vital each day by the truth! I bind all those demons of mental torment now in the name of Jesus and OUT they GO IN THE NAME OF JESUS…I SQUISH IT NOW! BE LOOSED, BE FREE, BE MADE WHOLE IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND ENJOY YOUR NEW LIFE IN HIM FREE FROM mental torment!

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