In these last days in which we live it is very important to keep your focus on Jesus and not get distracted or lose strength! It is so important to keep running the race with patience to the end! The Word of God has a lot to say about the last days and a lot of it is a warning so we would know ahead of time the things that will be happening so we will be ready for them and NOT have our hearts failing for fear as we see things coming on the earth!

Isaiah 40:31 : “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.” God says that if we faint in adversity our strength is small. God gives power to the faint and to those that have no might He increases strength! The key in the whole thing is to NOT rely on your own human strength, but to rely on GOD’S PERFECT STRENGTH! So God says: “Let the weak say I am strong”!

Eagles sit on the mountain top…waiting for the wind, and when it comes they stretch out their wings and don’t flap their way up, but MOUNT UP as the wind carries them! Those who try to fight spiritual battles with their own strength always fail for on their own they do not have what it takes! It takes the Holy Spirit flowing in and through us to mount up with wings as eagles! Why do you think when the Holy Spirit was first poured out that there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing MIGHTY wind? God wants to carry you and carry your burdens! As you wait on the Lord in His presence, and stretch out your wings of faith and praise, the wind of the Holy Spirit will come and lift you up far above it ALL!

You cannot approach God with half faith and half doubt or unbelief! You won’t be lifted up above anything! When God says you will mount up with wings as eagles, and run and not be weary, and walk and not faint when you wait on the Lord, and you believe it, then you say it and do it and will be lifted up and soar with wings as eagles far above it all, not taken with the beggarly elements of this world system!

God likens our life here as a race we are running in and says that to make it to the end we must look steadfastly to the author and the finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ! He said to run the race with patience!, steadfast endurance! You do not win by having faith for two days and then when the pressure is turned up, giving up and doubting the third day! This victory life, even ABUNDANT LIFE takes a commitment to the everlasting Word of God, even Jesus Christ who is the LIVING WORD! The Word was made flesh and lived among us, and His name is Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever! You will run and NOT be weary, so it is NOT God trying to wear you out! We have cast out spirits of weariness of the flesh and weariness of the spirit, and instantly a Holy Ghost refreshing flooded the person!

We need to get the “I can’t” spirits out of the flesh! the Word says: “I CAN do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me”! Faith says : “I can”! Unbelief says: “I can’t”! I have cast out spirits named “I can’t”! Anything opposite to the Word of God is from the spirits of darkness! Don’t play into their trap of darkness, unbelief, and doubt, and NEVER, EVER give up! The promises of God are all YES, AND AMEN to the glory of God by us! God already said yes to every blessing we would ever need! Believe what God said about you, that you can do all things though Christ that strengthens you! You CAN overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil! You CAN walk and not faint! You CAN DO what you need to do in any situation! You CAN believe God!

God said you will walk and NOT faint! When one faints they are weak, lose consciousness, and fall down! God does not want us fainting, but living in perfect strength and victory every day, mounting up with wings as eagles, carried by the wind of the Holy Spirit! As you look to Jesus who is the author of your faith and don’t give up, but wait on Him, He will carry you through to finish your course as He is also the finisher or completer of your FAITH (not doubt)!

God said to walk in faith, walk in the light, and to walk in the Spirit! There is no fainting when you can see where you are going, and have real faith that came by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, and when you step forward upheld and led by the Holy Spirit!

Praise God, nothing is impossible with God for ALL things are possible to those who believe! Press into the kingdom of God, prevail in prayer, step in and the waters will roll back for greater is HE that is in us than he that is in the world! The church, God’s people, is built on the revelation of Jesus Christ so the gates of hell will NOT prevail against the church!

19 thoughts on “WAIT, RENEW, RUN, WALK

  1. Ok, I think I will try to do these steps. Although I don’t know if I will be successful b/c my life is a mess right now. Maybe this is what l’ve been looking for.

    1. Jesus came for sinners, the downtrodden, the needy, the oppressed, the sick, etc. He says: “Whosoever will, let him come to the water of life and drink freely!” When you recognize your need and call on the name of Jesus, He will deliver you! God loves you and cares about everything! Keep stepping in the Word of God and press on no matter how you feel or how it looks! God’s promises are yes and work every time! You are in the right place here for I prayed over this that only the truly Hungry and thirsty for righteousness would come here! You have an appointment with Jesus here on the blog and He desires to bless you all over the place and deliver you from living under any curse!

  2. I hope this is all really for me. I have not lived that good of a life up until now. And I don’t know how to make up for it.

    1. The thing is Jesus did it ALL for us and there is nothing we can do to improve on what He already did! So when you believe on Jesus as Lord He is made to you righteousness! It is not your own righteousness which is as filthy rags but it is HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS! Praise God you are right with God through faith in Jesus and now He lives in you and as you yield yourself to the Holy Spirit and simply do what He shows in the Word of God, God will bless, deliver, heal, lead, and protect you beyond all that you could ask or think! This is the love of God He has for you for God is LOVE! Enjoy your salvation and one thing you can do right now is PRAISE JESUS, PRAISE JESUS, PRAISE JESUS for the great things He has done for you! Accept God’s forgiveness and believe God and you will see the glory of God !

  3. OK, so the Holy Spirit is available for everyone? One church told me you had to “tarry” to get Spirit filled but nobody seemed to know how long so l was ready to give up. But this blog says things different from what I heard before. I guess I should start believing again. Is there no waiting, really?

    1. When You are saved you are ready for the Holy Spirit to fill you! Some people get saved and Spirit filled so fast they start speaking in tongues the next minute! The tarrying was only for the first time the Holy Spirit came in the upper room for God had appointed a time for Him to come and when the time was right there He was and has been here ever since! Since the Holy Spirit has not left earth and is still here there is no need for tarrying, and in fact the sooner the better to receive the Holy Spirit for then you receive the power of God that blasts the enemy to bits and you can build yourself up on your most hoy faith praying in the Holy Ghost, and can cast out demons and pray the perfect prayer, etc.! Lord let the Holy Spirit flow now and fill every one needing Him in the name of Jesus! Now lift up your hands to heaven and begin to praise God in other tongues of the Spirit of God! Praise God! Thank you Jesus for filling many now with your Spirit!

  4. Is the GOP hijacked the way the Dum dum’s party was hijacked or is it loons voting in the GOP primaries?

    1. loons, and a bunch of loons from the wrong side of the track jumping over in the open primaries! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND ALL MUST BOW TO HIS NAME!

  5. Wow. I read this and I got peace like I never had in my life. I am afraid it won’t last. If it lasts then maybe I can go on and make something of my life!

    1. Praise God for that peace…how wonderful and what a testimony! thank you for sharing that tremendous victory! I love hearing how this is working in lives and bringing victory! What God does is eternal and His Word is eternal so the peace of god is yours forever! You will rise above it all and do all that God leads you to do! I bind the spirits of fear and out they go so “fear not, for it is your Heavenly Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom”!

  6. HA! He showed up with a football. Just what the girls deserve: “ooh, look at THIS picture of Marco, isn’t he gorgeous?” (Yeah, as if we care) But then oops. There’s the football you were talking about before. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. See how God can avenge a person of female adversaries?

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