This Same Jesus

Some preach a “Jesus” that is “like” Him, but NOT Him.  Thus there are “false christs.”  When they preach a false christ there is no healing and no deliverance.  Also, there is no true joy when people follow a false revelation.  Do you understand now why so many churches lack joy?
Whenever anyone puts out that they are some “great one”  there is deception, lies, sorcery, and witchcraft. One such person in the book of Acts, Simon the sorcerer, duped many people in the city saying he was a great one and they were to listen to whatever he said. People who were deceived and controlled by him called him the great power of God. When Phillip came and preached Jesus with the signs following God promises, Simon wanted what Phillip had. The problem was he thought he could buy the gift of God with money. Phillip rebuked him, and said he was bound by sin and bitterness.

You cannot buy anything from God with money. If it just took money to buy healing or deliverance from God then  everybody would just line up and buy it, but that is not how it works.  Faith comes by the preaching of the gospel, and the miracles come as we use our faith in Jesus for what He promises.

Jesus Christ, the SAME, yesterday, today, and forever.  Jesus has NOT and will NEVER change.  He is who He says He is, and does what He says He does, and He is the only one who died on a cross for us and took our sins and sickness, that we could be saved, healed, and delivered. There is NO other name whereby we can be saved, but by the name of Jesus.

When people alter the Word of God, and add to it or take away from it then they are trying to mix something with the truth, and God says that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough. It is NOT Jesus and buddah, or Jesus and muslim belief, or Jesus and judaism, etc.  You cannot mix any religion or religious spirit with Jesus because they DO NOT MIX.  Anyone who teaches different are already deceived and in need of repentance and forgiveness, and deliverance, the same as Simon the sorcerer who was trying to mix sorcery and the Holy Spirit….NOT HAPPENING. Choose this day who you will serve, but don’t try to add lies to the gospel because it won’t produce faith at all, but confusion, error, unbelief, curses, and bondage! It will be a dead letter that CANNOT produce the power of God.

Rituals and idols do NOT mix with the Word of God. legalism does NOT mix with Grace…read Galatians and you will see it clearly. God has NOT changed His Word so why are preachers who should know better trying to change it, or ignore it? In the name of being popular, and liked, and having large congregations, preachers, and people who follow them,  sell their souls to the demon of compromise….death follows very closely, and spiritual death is the worse death there is…separation from God and His presence!  When anything is added to or taken away from the Word of God, then the persons name is taken out of the Book of Life.

This should show you just how VERY POWERFUL the Word of God is that people under demon oppression and demonic influence try every way to alter it. Praise God the gospel is the power of God to salvation.  People are saved, healed, delivered, and filled with the Holy Spirit as the Word of God is preached by Holy Spirit filled people in Spirit and in truth.

In Acts 1  Jesus ascended up into heaven, and the  apostles were looking up, and two clothed  in white  said: “Why  are you looking up?  This SAME Jesus will return the same way He went!”   NOT someone “like” Jesus, or an “altered” Jesus, but rather “THIS SAME JESUS.”
Jesus Christ the SAME yesterday, today, and FOREVER. The SAME.  He healed ALL that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him. He heals today, and will heal tomorrow. Jesus delivered people from demons and the oppression and vexation, and torment they caused. Jesus delivers NOW for He is the same today. When you read the New Testament and see Jesus raising the dead, then say Jesus raises the dead TODAY for He never changes, and is the SAME today, and FOREVER.

The devil has tried to talk you out of forgiveness, healing, and deliverance making you out to be some awful person because of the past. JESUS CHRIST THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER. Jesus loves you, forgives you, and cleanses you with His blood.  You cannot hold anything against yourself for now it is all washed away, and there is nothing there at all. The old is dead, and you were raised up to NEW LIFE in Jesus. Because of Jesus, you are free from the guilt of the past, for He took your place, took your sins in His own body, and by His stripes you were healed. Praise God this SAME JESUS now lives in your heart as you believe on Him and confess JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, and that He raised up from the dead.
Celebrate Jesus and ABUNDANT LIFE! He is THE LIFE, THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY HIM. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the Law of sin and death. Amen!

21 thoughts on “This Same Jesus

  1. Hmmm….The one passing himself off as a great one but who was really bound reminds me of donald trump. LOL ( I did lowercase in honor of the blog.) Kidding aside, great post!

  2. I just read a bunch of darkness to light and then Mind attack.. over. I just hope I am not too stupid to implement all this.

    1. You have what it takes for your part is exercising simple faith and doing what the Word of God says and the Holy Spirit will flow through you to do the hard part! When the power of God is in play a mountain is removed as easy as drinking water! Lean heavily on the Holy Spirit…that is the key to overcoming!

    1. There you see the wonder working power of the Holy Spirit who leads you into all truth, even when we have gone a different direction! I am very glad you are enjoying this every day for I only do this to help people! It is because of the love of God we are here and the grace and mercy of God that has kept us going! Enjoy living the victorious life in Jesus, for faith really works and God confirms His Word with signs following!

  3. I think this solved my dilemma! I have to pass it along….whether other people are interested or not.

    1. You are welcome, and I’m glad to hear that this helped you a lot! god is faithful and knows exactly what we need and always supplies that need!

    1. You are welcome and I am so glad to hear that this is loved by everyone for that means the truth is being known and is setting people free! He who the SON sets free is free indeed!

    1. I’m glad to hear that this is blessing you and that you are spreading it around! God bless you …look to Jesus for He will never let you down!

  4. Ok, whatever, here I am. Reading posts in a specific order. At least it’s better than being nagged day in and day out. Actually. All these posts I’ve read do far are very interesting and helpful. Thanks!

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