Where you live can make all the difference in the world as to what kind of life you will have, and whether you live a blessed or cursed life! It makes the difference as to whether you are oppressed and controlled by demons of darkness, or if the Holy Spirit of God is filling and leading you from victory to victory, from glory to glory!

Some people want to live anywhere but where they are! This is where the spirit of fantasy works! When you live in fantasy you do not live in reality, and thus NOT in truth that would set you free! Pretending you are living for God while in abject unbelief and skepticism is a fallacy, empty vain repititions, full of doubt and wavering! Then people are like a wave of the sea tossed back and forth, driven by the winds!

There are “driving” spirits that do just that…drive people to their wits end and trying to get them anywhere, but where God wants them! In the Old Testament it was called “blasting”…running from your enemies as they pursued! NO…do NOT do it, but rather TURN and FACE goliath and take him DOWN by faith in the name of Jesus, for NOTHING is too hard for the Lord! Praise Jesus!

The devil tries to get people to live in the future! When Jesus says healing is for you NOW, AND NOW THEN FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR, THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN, when people listen to spirits of procrastination they will say: “Well, we know that “someday” (future) we will all be healed in heaven!” Guess what? There is NO sickness in heaven, so you do not need healing in heaven, but here and now you do need healing for there is sickness and disease here on earth!

STOP living in the future and putting the blessings God has promised all off to “someday” maybe it might happen! Guess what? It NEVER happens with spirits of unbelief controlling your thinking like that! NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME OF SALVATION! TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION…DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS IN UNBELIEF AS THEY DID IN THE DAY OF PROVOCATION WHEN THEY TEMPTED GOD AND LIMITED HIM IN THE WILDERNESS! They ALL died in the wilderness because of their unbelief and disobedience, and NEVER made it into the promised land that God had for them that flowed with milk and honey and had all they needed! ( Hebrews 2, 3, and 4)

The other place of TOTAL defeat and disappointment is to live in the past! Jesus took all your sins in His body, took your punishment, cleansed you by His blood, forgave you and died for you in your place! He ROSE from the dead, sat down on the right hand of God and ever lives to make intercession for you! He is the AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF YOUR FAITH! He hands you TOTAL COMPLETE VICTORY OVER the world, the flesh, and the devil and ALL of the past! So LET GO OF THE PAST IN JESUS NAME, BE LOOSED NOW!

There is nothing back there for you! As long as you look back you cannot go forward in Jesus! God said to Lot and family as the angel of the Lord was delivering them out of sodom and gomorrah…”DO NOT LOOK BACK”! Lot’s wife had so much of the spirit of the world in her that as she was being delivered out of the oppression and evil, she looked back….and BOOM…it was over…she was now a pillar of salt….that lost it’s savor! Then it is good for nothing but to be cast out! Looking back produces death!

Keep your eyes on Jesus and press forward to the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus! Live by FAITH NOW! Do not put off healing or deliverance to “someday”! The faith of God calls those things that be not as though they were! God has already given you all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Jesus! God has already said yes to your prayer of faith based on what the Word of God promises us!

So if we believe what God said, then instead of complaining or murmuring we would be PRAISING GOD FOR THE ANSWER! Praise is the language of faith! Praise comes as you count it done just because God said so! Praise exalts the MOST HIGH NOW FOR WHO HE IS AND WHAT HE HAS DONE! When you praise the Lord your enemies will vanish! It is because Psalm 68 is true! As the presence of God manifests in your praises of Jesus, the enemies of God perish at the presence of God, and melt as wax before the fire and are blown away as smoke before the wind!

So I ask again..where do you live? Life and death are set before you, choose LIFE that you may LIVE!

23 thoughts on “WHERE DO YOU LIVE?

  1. I am sick of idiots who live in permissive will land. I want to punch them in the face! thank GOD for this blog.

    1. permissive will garbage is from the pit of hell for sure with it’s root in total abject unbelief, doubt, double mindedness, atheism, agnosticism, and hate for the truth! If the people bound by these demons would read the Word of God they would see the fallacy of their unbelief that wants to blame God for every ill they have! Jesus came to set the captives FREE totally …NOT with an oops of a sometime gospel that you don’t know when it will work or not! The gospel works EVERY TIME, ALL THE TIME for those who BELIEVE! Glad you are enjoying the blog…here we believe the Word of God and in what Jesus did for us by going on the cross and taking all our sins and sickness! Praise God…Jesus lives and heals and delivers today such as NO other can do!

  2. Same thing happened to me. I spent years being sick for no reason. I almost did punch them in the face, but l settled for telling them they were pea brain idiots

    1. Good to hear, glad you are enjoying this! God is faithful and He it is that does the works!

  3. You’ve got a great blog here! I read the answer you gave to the person with disruptive thoughts. It was good! Thanks!

  4. He only has 890 truly committed. We got this if fear does not destroy the dels.

    1. I bind all the spirits of fear and loose all the delegates from ALL fear in the name of Jesus! And I pray Holy Ghost boldness rises up in the heart of every delegate to rise to the occasion and do the right thing for God and country in the name of Jesus! VICTORY…VICTORY…VICTORY…IN THE NAME OF JESUS, VICTORY!

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