This prayer is representing MANY that are praying for you for God’s best! Jesus is going to do great things so do not be discouraged for: “There are more with you than against you”!

Lord, we come to you in the name that is above EVERY other name, the name of JESUS! We pray now for Rubio that your divine WISDOM will flow in his heart every day and that you will give him your knowledge to deal with everything that he is dealing with and all that you have for the future for him and America!

We bind every negative spirit in the name of Jesus and none of them will be able to hinder or stop the will of God or the appointed mission for Rubio! In the name of Jesus we loose the blessing of God on Rubio now, that blessing will overtake him in the city and country wherever his feet step! Give him favor with God and man that doors will open by the power of God, even those that “looked” impossible!

Lord Jesus give Rubio your supernatural strength every day and lift him up above it all that nothing, anywhere, by any means could ever hinder or harm him or his family in anyway!

In the name of Jesus, Rubio is lifted up above it all and will prosper in all he does and will accomplish his mission by the anointing of the Holy Spirit! God’s grace is yours and will sustain you through it all and God will receive the glory and praise for all He will do!

“It is not by your own might or power, but by My Spirit says the Lord”!…the great mountain will become a plain, Zechariah 4:6,7
“For truly I say to you Whosoever will say to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea; and will not doubt in his heart, but believe that those things which he says will come to pass; he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them”! Mark 11:23,24

Thank you Jesus you have heard us and we have all we asked for! Thank you Lord for what you are going to do in and through Rubio and in America! Amen!


  1. Passing it along! Fantastic. (I think maybe it will be a French Revolution and maybe Marco as VP or even better, as Secretary of State)

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