You can tell an end time believer from the make believers, and unbelievers, because for one thing they actually DO BELIEVE GOD over everything! When God says; “By His stripes you were healed”, a true believer believes it, embraces it, speaks it, and receives it! When the Word of God says that though the mountains be carried into the middle of the sea we will not fear, then the believer immediately says “I will NOT fear,” and then does NOT fear no matter what happens. God ALWAYS makes a way where there seems to be no way for His people.

All through the Word we see that when God’s people were in impossible circumstances, as they believed what God said and acted on His Word, God delivered them and turned everything around for good. Do NOT go around thanking God for evil circumstances. God has NOTHING to do with the evil circumstances and He did NOT “permit” them for some mysterious unknown reason. NO MATTER WHAT IS GOING ON WE ARE TO PRAISE GOD…AT ALL TIMES! Praise Him for who He is, and in God I will praise His Word, and in everything give thanks no matter what is happening, I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise will continually be in my mouth! BUT DO NOT thank God for evil circumstances.

If when a child someone else’s father punched you in the eye, and then you went back to your father and thanked him for punching you in the eye and for giving you the black eye, your father would rebuke you and say that he had NOTHING to do with your black eye. How very STUPID it is to thank God for evil circumstance or for anything the devil or demons are doing. The devil is the father of lies and behind all the oppression and evil in the world! Our HEAVENLY FATHER IS THE FATHER OF LIGHT AND TRUTH. Our HEAVENLY FATHER SAYS TO ASK AND IT WILL BE GIVEN, SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND, KNOCK AND THE DOOR WILL OPEN FOR YOU!

Praise Jesus, our God wants to give you EVERY GOOD AND PERFECT GIFT FROM THE FATHER OF LIGHTS ABOVE. Good things, NOT evil. Don’t get your kingdoms mixed up, and don’t put darkness for light, and don’t call the light darkness. People that call light darkness will have woe and grief in their lives. There is NO in between, lukewarm place. We need to decide once and for all which kingdom we will be in; hopefully the KINGDOM OF GOD. When in God’s kingdom you will rule OVER ALL. Do NOT accept sickness or catastrophes or accidents as “normal” or ” of God”, or as permitted by God. If you believe God is permitting awful things, that Jesus redeemed you from on the cross, to teach you precious lessons, you have already departed from Jesus (the living Word of God), and have turned aside to fables, and vain jangling of people who are full of spirits of unbelief!

“I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise will continually be in my mouth.” It is always in order to praise God no matter what is happening as long as you do NOT thank Him for the mess the devil is trying to do. If you do thank God for what the devil is doing you have the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness mixed up, and are blaming God for the evil that the devil and demons are doing! When you worship God He said it is to be in Spirit and in truth! You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. Then God inhabits those praises, sits upon the throne of your praises to Him and will rule, and bring peace and deliverance to you.

Praise you Jesus that by your stripes I was healed! Thank you Lord Jesus for the answer I prayed for in faith believing! Praise you Jesus that your Word is true and I will have what your Word promises me! As I praise you Jesus you will scatter my enemies and send ambush against them and put them to flight! No evil will befall me for I trust you under your covering Lord Jesus. I praise you Jesus that when I dwell in the secret place of the Most High I will abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Thank you for the answer Jesus. Praise you Jesus for the victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil! Praise God, Praise God, Praise God.

So end time believers are an army of praisers! In the Old Testament God sent the singers and praisers out first in front of the army. Praise to God paves the way for God to do the miraculous and turn the tide in every situation. When you praise the Lord, you are EXALTING JESUS CHRIST. “Oh, come let us MAGNIFY the LORD together.” There is NONE higher than the Almighty God. When you pray for something, then praise Jesus for the answer, counting it done by faith, and you will see the glory of God.

End time believers live in a time period that has a lot going on all at the same time. In Peter 4:7 He says that the end of all things is at hand, so be self-controlled and sober minded for the sake of prayer. The word ” end ” means culmination of all things! So, at a time when deceivers are deceiving and being deceived and growing worse and worse, the Holy Spirit is being poured out on all flesh and the greatest move of God ever is happening! NOTHING can stop the Holy Spirit outpouring. God will find the hungry and thirsty after righteousness and He will fill them with His Spirit, His goodness, and His love.

There are challenges and things that need to be overcome. This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our FAITH! All the demons and fallen angels there are combined CANNOT stop or overcome any of us as we move in FAITH! Ephesians 6 says that ABOVE ALL we should take the shield of FAITH wherewith we will BE ABLE TO PUT OUT ALL the fiery darts of the devil! …EXTINGUISH EVERY flaming missile of the wicked! Faith builds in our heart as we feast on the Word of God (faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God)! The scriptures of the Word of God are able to make us wise to salvation (all the acts and provision of God)!

Stand up for what God promises you in His Word. Having done ALL to stand, stand with the full armor of God on, and God will STAND for you.
Elijah was one man of faith, and when he was up against it and the false prophets out numbered him by many, he spoke the words of God boldly, and the prophets of baal cut themselves and chanted in their rituals as some do today, but nothing happened! Elijah prayed one prayer of faith and the Fire of God came down out of heaven and consumed the water and the sacrifice and ALL of it and the people acknowledged the Lord God and were turned back to Him.

Moses was one man with faith who delivered the people of God from Egypt and bondage and oppression of it. They got to the Red Sea and it looked like they were doomed but Moses stretched out the rod (speaks of the authority of the believer), and the Sea opened up and they walked over on dry ground! pharoah and his army came in the Sea behind them to kill them! See, now right there is where some are tempted to blame God, falsely accuse God, and give up….going by what it LOOKS LIKE, instead of what God has said! Again, believers need to seriously learn to USE the authority in the name of Jesus OVER ALL evil and SPEAK IT OUT BOLDLY and see the power of God bring deliverance.

Moses simply stretched that rod of authority out again and God crashed that sea down on the army of evil and dashed them to pieces! Praise God, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and will bring deliverance from all evil as His people use the authority God gave them! END TIME AUTHORITY AND POWER OVER the end time wicked devices and evil, and OVER every wicked spirit there is.

So it does not take many to get the job done. If one person speaks, prays, and lives by and in faith, the mountains in the way will be removed and be carried into the middle of the sea as God moved for Moses and Elijah! Then when two or three agree in the name of Jesus God’s multiplying power comes into play. Read the book of Acts and pay attention to how the Word of God grew and MULTIPLIED. The Word of God affected thousands and it started in the upper room with 120 people. Now, they were preaching the truth, the WORD OF GOD by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and when they did, God confirmed the Word with signs, wonders, and miracles following! People were saved, healed, delivered, and filled with the Spirit.
True end time believers will NEVER give up for no matter what they BELIEVE GOD OVER IT ALL! Some get discouraged as they hear the evil report of unbelief that says that we can’t overcome the negative going on, etc. But END TIME BELIEVERS immediately react in Holy Ghost boldness and declare: “WE ARE WELL ABLE TO GO UP AND TAKE THE COUNTRY FOR THE enemy’s defense is DEPARTED FROM THEM! In other words end time believers know that Jesus has already given victory and defeated all evil so when we hear that lousy demon of unbelief speak through people it means NOTHING! Then we know we are WELL ABLE TO OVERCOME IT ALL FOR GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US THAN he that is in the world, and GOD ALWAYS CAUSES US TO TRIUMPH IN CHRIST JESUS! In fact when unbelief tries to speak, immediately God’s Holy anger rises up against that evil spirit and we bind it to dust and under our feet it goes….oops SQUISHED ANOTHER ONE.

Praise God this is the end time and God is going to do the miraculous and great things through the end time believers! Where sin abounds GRACE DOES MUCH MORE ABOUND. More grace than can be measured is ours for these days that we live in, and the grace of God is greater than the sin. Shake off the dust of complacency and throw off the blanket of excuses, and fight the good fight of faith with the full armor of God on and above ALL taking the shield of FAITH wherewith YOU WILL BE ABLE….YOU WILL BE ABLE….YOU WILL BE ABLE TO QUENCH ALL the fiery darts of satan. AMEN! IN THE NAME OF JESUS BE LOOSED FROM ALL bondage and oppression, and vexation, and spirits of fear; RISE UP AND POSSESS THE LAND!

16 thoughts on “END TIME BELIEVERS

    1. You are welcome and I am very glad this blessed you! Thanks for saying so because it confirms that people are being blessed by this! Jesus is faithful and will always make sure we receive the truth we need and the anointing that destroys the yoke! Praise God for deliverance in these end times and what God is doing and about to do soon in all of our lives!

  1. More people need to visit this site. I mean, how stupid can people be? I’ll send it along to some idiots I know.

    1. You are welcome, thanks for posting, and good news is important these days so good job passing this on!

    1. The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul! Good going…applying the Word of God brings ALL Blessings God promises…keep it running and win the race!

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