The gates of hell will NOT prevail

In case you are wondering….Jesus Christ said these words! If you say you believe God and that you are a believer then this is for you to believe and receive and act on!

When you and I are built up on the ROCK, even Jesus Christ then the powers of hell will NOT prevail against us, but we WILL PREVAIL against the powers of hell! To do that we MUST press in to the kingdom of God and persist and utterly REFUSE to give up! Some have given up just before a huge breakthrough was coming their way! God is faithful and will do exactly what He said He will do! He will bless you coming in and going out, wherever you are in the country or city, give you healing, bless you financially, etc. God’s blessing covers every area of life and living!

God says to HOLD FAST the profession of our faith for He is faithful that ha promised! HOLD FAST to faith, NOT confess and live by faith for a few days or years, but then let it go for a season! God is greater in you than he that is in the world!

The devil is a liar and the father of lies and he lies to you about you, about problems, about the future, sickness, the will of God, the Word of God, etc. NEVER, EVER accept doom as your future or ANY lie the devil told you for when you do you accept defeat as your plot in life and fate as unavoidable! fate is a lie and a demon and I bind it now and command it to go in the name of Jesus!

You are NOT locked into defeat or destruction, and it does NOT matter what has gone against you or how bad things have gone….OUR GOD, THE TRUE LIVING GOD WILL SEE YOU THROUGH AND LIFT YOU UP AND BRING YOU OUT OF ALL trouble and BLESS YOU EXCEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY, FAR ABOVE ALL THAT YOU ASK OR THINK ACCORDING TO THE POWER OF GOD THAT WORKS IN YOU!

At one time I had gone through a great assault that came at me from every angle you can imagine! I felt tied in knots on the inside! I started praying in the Holy Ghost in tongues! God, deep in my spirit revealed the ruler spirit behind the whole attack and it was the spirit of defeat! It was powerless instantly and VICTORY RULED IN MY HEART AND GOD TURNED IT ALL AROUND FOR GOOD! Had I given up and tossed in the towel I would have never gotten the victory, but as I persisted to fight the good fight of faith laying hold of eternal life and persisted in the Spirit the battle was the Lord’s and He received all the glory as the blessing went out to others I ministered to!

Praise God, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, and what He has done for me and others He will do for you TODAY!

In Jesus name I loose you from ALL the wiles of the devil, from all oppressive spirits and defeat is defeated, and must bow now to the name of Jesus, and leave you! Jesus is the glory and the lifter of your head! Do not despair for God will answer prayer! For those who endure, victory is sure, keep praising the Lord!

Jesus loves you! Keep holding on to God’s unchanging hand! God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him! “Without faith it is impossible to please God for those that come to Him must believe He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!” Hebrews 11:6 So with faith we please God and receive the blessings and reward of the Lord, so keep believing, never doubt, and He will surely bring you out! Take all your burdens to the Lord and leave them there!

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