There is no end to a circle, so if you were in one you would go around and around seeing the same things over and over yet never really getting anywhere!

That is what the people of God chose to do when they chose unbelief as the way to live even after God did many signs, wonders, and miracles to deliver them from bondage in Egypt! In their unbelief and fear they saw the giants in the promised land as bigger than the promise of God and refused to believe they could overcome the walled cities of the enemy trespassers! So they could NOT enter God’s rest in the Promised Land for they would not believe God so they wandered around in circles in the wilderness for forty years and died in their unbelief! Only Joshua and Caleb of the original group believed God and went into the promised land God gave them!

So I say to all the permissive will unbelief people that I will wave to them from the promised land of blessing as they wander in circles in their unbelief going nowhere forever! Do NOT allow people to drag you down with their permissive will false doctrine of doubt and unbelief that tries to blame God for everything that goes on! misery loves company and they want you to join them in their misery, pain,sickness, and woes as they go in circles never arriving in the land of blessing! Remember the thief, satan, robs, kills, and destroys! Jesus Christ brings abundant life and restoration!

Press on in simple FAITH that comes from hearing and hearing from the Word of God! The devil cannot stop faith! Faith overcomes the world! Faith in the name of Jesus has raised the dead! Words are faith’s way of expressing itself! If you want to stay in faith speak the words of God like: “by His stripes I was healed”!

There is a reason God said to look right on straight ahead and NOT to the right or the left! If you are distracted by a spirit of fear or unbelief you will start going in circles never arriving in the blessing God promises those who believe!

Stop going in circles NOW and step out of the boat in faith with your eyes fastened on Jesus, who is the truth, and you will walk on top of the devil’s head, for Jesus Christ defeated the devil a long time ago!

23 thoughts on “CIRCLES

    1. You are welcome! Now, the straight line, straight ahead, full steam with Jesus as the author and finisher of your faith and the Holy Spirit to lead you on from victory to victory and from glory to glory!

    1. The good thing is that you see it now and can get out of that circle mentality and run with the Lord instead of in circles! Faith looks straight ahead into the face of victory every time, all the time! Enjoy winning!

  1. okay, lately I have been waking up in the night with awful anxiety…or first thing in the morning, and someone told me it was God either doing it or allowing it to show me some sin. Well, I don’t think l am sinning, and if I do I always repent so why would God do that? Does that sound right?

    1. God DOESN’T do that! dumb defeated demons do that! anxiety attacks of any form are NEVER from God! Just stay with simple scripture for the Word of God says that He leads us forward by PEACE! PRAISE JESUS, HE IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE AND HIS PEACE PASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING AND WILL KEEP YOUR HEART AND YOUR MIND AS YOU PRAY WITH THANKSGIVING! PRAISE GOD! The people who told you those lies are “circle” people who think they know it all but really know nothing for if they really KNEW JESUS they could never tell you such an absurdity! And you are right…for when you walk in the light as He is in the light the blood of Jesus cleanses you from all sin!
      So watch this now….we are going to get rid of the anxiety attacks quick! First reject and renounce all the lies those people told you about God! Now receive your deliverance … In the name of Jesus I bind every foul spirit of anxiety and anxiety attack…NOW all of you GO IN THE NAME ABOVE EVERY NAME, THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!
      My dear believer friend rejoice and enjoy your sleep for you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet and you will awake in peace for the Lord will sustain you! Now that is straight from God’s mouth to your ears for He said it in His Word! You will know the truth and the truth will make you FREE!

    1. You are welcome for sure! I do not like to see believers suffering needlessly! If it’s negative it is from the devil and you do NOT have to put up with it for you have authority and power OVER ALL the power of the enemy and NOTHING shall by ANY means hurt you! Praise God we WIN THROUGH JESUS AND THE POWER IN HIS NAME AND THE POWER AND ANOINTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!

  2. Is it circle people who claim that Lucifer was really Adam before he sinned? I don’t get that…?? I thought Lucifer was the one who turned into satan after he tried to get the angels to defeat God and take over.

    1. You are right all the way! First these are “lost” circle people that would not know Jesus if He stood in front of them and showed them the nail prints in His hands and feet! lucifer turned into satan when he tried to exalt himself above God and fell like lightening down from heaven who will also be spending eternity in the lake of fire along with all who live for him and follow him and his deception and lies! One huge lie is this one people told you! satan had already sinned with judgment rendered and is doomed forever and was NEVER Adam! God created Adam and that is that! The devil does NOT have nor did he have any ability to become a human being!
      People in witchcraft or satanism would like to believe that the devil was Adam for Jesus redeemed man when He took our sins in His body on the tree, but the devil CANNOT be redeemed and CANNOT have been Adam or any other human being!
      It would be very good for you to get away from whoever is trying to spread those lies for that is serious false doctrine and doctrines of demons! Be loosed now in the name of Jesus from every spirit behind all of these lying and false teachings and be free to be led by the Spirit of God to the truth and peace!

  3. Kenneth Copeland? For real? Telling me I’m going against God’s will and we will be judged if we don’t vote for the anti-Christ. Rev. Rocket… are we suppose to know who to trust? I don’t know how he started, but I am finished with him now. Finished with him. Praying for his soul but done.

    1. This is NOT the Ken Copeland I knew from some years ago! He was the opposite of a “judgment slinger”! He was all about faith, mercy, and the power of God! Something has happened and I do NOT like it and He is misrepresenting the Lord! God does NOT threaten you to force you to vote for someone! There is deception there and some other things, but I am praying for his soul also, but I warn all to NOT heed what he is saying now about all this!
      Just keep trying the spirits to see whether they be of God, test all things that people speak by the Word of God, and remember MERCY rejoices against judgment and Jesus came to have mercy on us and to seek and save…NOT destroy us! Praise God, we will know the truth and the truth will make us free! Keep looking to Jesus for He never ever fails!

  4. I was dragged here to read this under duress. I hope a certain person is happy. now I’m stuck here reading, patching holes, fixing my corroded spark plugs, trying to tame my unruly evil full of deadly poison tongue. WHATEVER!

  5. It’s really disgusting what these preachers are doing…going to DC this week to “support” the filth in the WH and “come against” Bobby. They’re sick in the head. Why is that YOUR problem? Hmmm, well…it’s not…I’m just venting. LOL

    1. YOU ARE RIGHT… IT IS DISGUSTING WHAT THEY ARE DOING! I WILL SAY THAT WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS: ” A double minded man is unstable in all his ways”! ALL is a big word and when people have drifted from God they have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof! So what happens is you see an altered hog religion that has compromised the gospel, gone against the will of God, and calls darkness light and light darkness. Thank God there are those like you and many here that are in the know and can pray against all this garbage going on, bind it to the ground, and believe God to do what no other power can do! When ministries should have been examples to believers they compromised and will answer to God in a very big way! “If the light that be in you be darkness, how GREAT IS THAT darkness”! In other words when people have had the light of God in them and step “back” into darkness how great is that darkness… worse off than they ever were!
      Thanks for posting, and it was a pleasure to answer your “venting”…LOL !

  6. Ok…I finally cried uncle and came here. With the order I’m suppose to read things in no less. Ok. Whatever. I am still a skeptic and I don’t know if I believe all this.

    1. If you truly read this with an open heart to Jesus I would say in about three days your life will start to dramatically change for the better as the light of God comes in! Saul of the book of Acts was breathing out threatening’s against the church of believers and throwing them in prison, etc. until one day as he road on his chariot JESUS CHRIST APPEARED TO HIM AND HE WAS BRIGHTER THAN THE NOON DAY SUN AND THE POWER OF GOD KNOCKED HIM TO THE GROUND, AND SUDDENLY SAUL KNEW JESUS WAS REAL AND BELIEVED AND LIVED FOR HIM THE REST OF HIS LIFE WITH GREAT POWER, SIGHS, WONDERS, AND MIRACLES AND GOD CALLED HIM PAUL FROM THAT DAY ON… A BRAND NEW LIFE, A NEW BEGINNING WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT FILLING AND LEADING HIM AND GOD RECEIVING ALL THE GLORY! GOD IS GREATER THAN ALL YOUR PAST AND GREATER THAN ALL skepticism! Enjoy, and I look forward to your great testimony of the wonderful things Jesus has done in your life!

  7. Okay, I guess I have to admit that I was going around in circles. I do not want to hear I told you so, and I think you should refrain from saying it!!!!!!

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