Merry Christmas

A warm greeting to all who are with us here on wonder working power!

I pray you will have a blessed, joy filled, peace filled, healed, delivered, filled with the Holy Spirit, love filled, glorious holiday covered by the glory of God !

Keep speaking faith over everything and expect the miracles you need to happen! God has NOT forgotten you and will NOT withhold any good thing to those that walk uprightly by faith!

The devil is a liar and the father of lies! The lying spirits are bound and I loose every person from the lies of bondage that told you that you had to put up with e devil’s mess for some mysterious reason!

Praise God for Jesus who came to earth and redeemed us and we thank Him for salvation and give Him all the glory!

Jesus Christ is Lord!

3 thoughts on “Merry Christmas

  1. Merry Christmas, Rev. Rocket! What an exciting year ahead…..yikes. Thanks for the prayers for all of us together!!

    1. You are welcome for the prayers! And one shall chase a thousand and two ten thousand! So in this collective agreement of prayer GREAT will be the outcome and VICTORY in the name above all names…JESUS CHRIST! The year ahead, we go from faith to faith and from glory to glory! Jesus makes a way where there seems to be no way! 🙂

  2. Thanks for not giving these false teachers a free pass on their shameless promotion of an ungodly criminal as president-elect. Merry Christmas.

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