
Many have had catastrophes, heartache, trouble, sickness, death and all kinds of evil oppress them because of lies! The devil lied to Eve in the garden of Eden and as those lies were believed and acted on it brought sin and death on all the human race! Jesus Christ is the TRUTH ! The devil is the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning! Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the LIFE!

So to live in perfect victory over all evil it is so important to know the truth and discern the lies so you can be delivered from the destruction those lies bring. The lying spirit in false prophets caused them to “prophesy” lies and deceit. That is why we must try the spirits to see whether they be of God and test all prophesy by the Word of God instead of just accepting it as truth because Brother or Sister “the prophet” prophesied it! God did not say you will live by every prophesy everybody prophesies over you, but God DID say we should live by every WORD God spoke. We have the Word of God that builds faith, reproves, rebukes, exhorts, and sets us FREE when we KNOW it as we said in “THE EYES HAVE IT.” It is SO VERY important in these last days we live in!

I have noticed that it is ALWAYS a bad sign when people say how great they are! One young man in a Bible school listed off many famous great ministers and then said how he was going to be greater than all of them. He couldn’t last past one semester in Bible school! Hmmmm guess he wasn’t so great after all. These are the types that unfortunately want to get their hands on people and ” prophesy.” There is true prophesy but there also is false prophesy so do NOT look to run your life by other people prophesying. See if the prophesy is accurate AND comes to pass! “You will know them by their fruit.” If there is bad fruit RUN as fast as you can!

Let me ask you something: what if someone prophesies that you should marry a lady named Sally? Then if you believe that, you could mess up your whole life because Sally either never appears or if you meet a Sally and marry because of what the prophesy said, and she is NOT right for you could end up living one miserable life….since maybe Sally likes to control men and is full of jealousy that is cruel as the grave. It is the same for women that got a “prophesy” for what man to marry! Be very careful, try the spirits to see whether they be of God and KNOW for yourself through prayer and seeking God.

Every thought that goes through Christians minds is not a prophesy, and ministers need to be very careful and walk in the fear of God and reverence that they do not start thinking because God uses them in different areas and the anointing is there that every thought is from God and a prophesy. You can have your own thoughts and they are not prophesy. If you see one prophesying a lot but the prophesies are seldom are right…stay away from it!

It sounded all kinds of spiritual when they prophesied to Ahab to go up into battle for surely he would win and not lose! He went into battle based on that false prophecy of a lying spirit and was totally defeated and killed! Ezekiel 13 says God’s Word came to Ezekiel telling him to prophesy against the prophets of Israel that were prophesying out of their OWN hearts. He called them foolish prophets that follow their OWN spirit and have seen NOTHING. They saw vanity and lying divination and God had NOT sent them and had NOT spoken the words they prophesied. God said they made the heart of the righteous sad and strengthened the hand of the wicked that he would not return from his wickedness by promising him life. That’s reverse order and is totally demonic!

I was in Hawaii and was going to pray over a woman who was dying of cancer. There are spirits of beginning of cancer, fear of cancer, tumor, cancer, and death that need to be cast OUT in the name of Jesus. I was going to do that but she said, she had “changed” her believing and didn’t think she needed deliverance because she had been told by a group that all she had to do was have faith.

Yes, without faith it is impossible to please God, but faith without the accompanying action is dead being alone. JESUS said that these signs Will follow those who believe….”in my name they WILL cast out demons.” (Mark 16) So there is faith that is alive and has the accompanying actions that works and then there is dead faith that is dead being alone with no works! Dead faith doesn’t accomplish anything! JESUS, the Living Word cast out demons and He said those who believe on Him will cast out demons. In the name of “faith” people told this woman all you need is faith and you will be well so she turned down deliverance telling me she “believed” different now. Shortly after this she died. Faith without the accompanying actions is dead being alone! (James 2:14-26), If you say you believe, then deliverance is part of the deal. Believe me, it is far better to humble yourself and get the demons of cancer cast out than to suffer and then die when you could have lived the abundant life Jesus promises.

One huge lie the devil has propagated is that he tells people once saved they do not need deliverance! Another lie! Were you suddenly made perfect when saved? Obviously not. God speaks of sanctification after being saved spirit, soul, and body! The area demon spirits try to hide in is the flesh…”In the flesh dwells no good thing.” There are spirits behind every oppression and bondage, sin and sickness and all the evil there is. We need to discern and cast them OUT in the name of Jesus! The Lord is faithful to show what is needed to be cast out!

There is a lying spirit that puts thoughts of the past in people’s minds and tells them that they are not worthy to receive blessings and must pay for their past sins! Total lies. Do NOT believe that. Jesus redeemed you from all sin and the past and cleansed you with His blood, justified you and forgave you 100%….not partially! Believe and confess what Jesus did for you and hold your head up high! Now you will receive answers to your prayers and your joy will be full. spirits of false condemnation lie so you will not pray and will not pray in faith because answers do not come to prayers of false condemnation or guilt for false condemnation and guilt are unbelief in what Jesus did for us on the cross and when He raised from the dead victorious over sin, death, hell, and the grave!

The lying spirits are the ones who tell you you can’t overcome or can’t be healed, etc. Watch the thoughts or words that say can’t, never, ever, won’t…etc. They want to project that the blessing needed will never come or that you won’t ever be what should be or have what you need or won’t be able to do what need to do etc.! God says that you CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens you! Philippians 4:13 God says He WILL supply ALL your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus! Philippians 4:19

It is high time to wake out of sleep and stomp every lie the devil told us about God, the past, the future, and ourselves! Praise God, we have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Jesus, and the path of the just is as the shining light that shines more and more to the perfect day!

16 thoughts on “Lies

    1. Praise God, the gospel works and Jesus IS the DELIVERER! What a lesson in “Don’t limit God” and He will deliver you right where you are and set your feet a dancing too! To God be all the glory!

  1. This blog is great! No EVER helps you with fear. And fear has stolen so many years from my life. Sometimes the only time I DON’T feel fear is when I am reading this.

    1. When you read here it is God’s love letter…His Word…that I speak here! Perfect love casts out all fear for fear has torment! The love of God is FAR GREATER than all the fear you have ever experienced all your life! fear is a spirit and we as believers in Jesus have authority over all evil spirits so join me now in agreement in the name of Jesus Christ as I take authority over the legion of spirits of fear in the flesh, bind them in the name of Jesus and speak to them now …GO OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS COMPLETELY IN ALL DIRECTIONS FOR THE enenies OF THE LORD WILL BE SCATTERED AS dust before the WIND! Thank you Jesus for deliverance and healing right now!
      Let all that fear go now, reject it, renounce it, stomp it into the ground and say to it: “fear you will never dominate or control me in any way ever again for I take authority over you in the name of Jesus and forbid you to influence or control me in any way EVER again! Thank you Jesus for delivering me from all my fears and for bringing joy in my life now by the power of the Holy Spirit! Praise you Jesus for the answer for it is YOU who does the work in me!
      You will laugh at what you used to cringe at in the name of Jesus! In fact deliberately LAUGH AT the devil, demons, especially laugh at all fears, laugh at sickness, disease, trouble, oppression and laugh at all evil! It whittles it all down to size 0 and it all melts away as snow before the noonday sun at 80 degrees! Ha! Joy, Joy will be yours in the morning, noon and all day long! The JOY of the LORD is your strength!

  2. Really the best part of this whole post was the story about the guy who couldn’t get through a single semester. LOL

  3. I really need help, Rev. Rocket. I was looking up symptoms of something I was scared about online and I panicked because I thought for sure I had all five symptoms of it, but when I read them over again I didn’t have ANY! Was that a demon making me think I had them?!

    1. Yes, indeed that was definitely a lying spirit telling you lies about yourself! And, of course, it was a spirit of fear also and fear tries to project lying symptoms, etc. Perfect love casts out fear, for fear has torment! I bind those spirits of fear and lying spirits and they must completely leave you! Peace, perfect peace is yours as you keep your mind stayed on Jesus and trust in Him! Now, it would be good to take time and praise the Lord, get in His presence for there you will find comfort and joy and peace that passes all understanding and that peace will keep your mind and heart! Enjoy life in Jesus and fear not for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom!

  4. Ok..I told myself this is just another NAR thing in disguise or some dead religious thing. Then after the first few sentences I was in. Then when it got to the part about the big know it all who could not even finish one semester of Bible School I knew it was a winner!!!

    1. Glad you pressed in and let God show you the move of the Holy Spirit here! NO dead religious anything here… no, but we do CAST IT OUT in the name of Jesus! I hate religious demons for they rob many of the true riches of the Holy Spirit as people just go through ritual and false worship and belief! Jesus Christ is Lord and all WILL BOW TO HIM! WELCOME, AND RECEIVE ALL THE BLESSINGS AND TRUTH GOD HAS FOR YOU, AND DON’T SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS!

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