Once your boat is good to sail you hear Jesus say: “Let’s go over to the other side!”

You are out in the sea in your boat having a good time, enjoying the sunshine and sea, it has been a good day! Then you look off in the distance and see what seems to be a small dark cloud! It seems so far away and small…it’s probably raining a bit on whoever is that far away!

Then in what seemed like minutes the wind rushes through the sails at high speed, ominous clouds cover the sky hiding the sun, and rain comes down in torrents….you are in the middle of a hurricane! This storm will destroy you if something doesn’t intervene!

The first temptation, when facing the storm is to panic and fear! When this happened to the disciples the first thing they did was to panic in great fear even to the point of saying they were going to die and where is Jesus, doesn’t he care about us that we are going to die!? (Luke 8) Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat resting as He had just ministered to thousands of people! Faith rests in the promise of God and is not moved by the storms that come against us! Train yourself to always act in faith to whatever you face ahead of time for once you are in the eye of a hurricane it is a bit late to get your faith where it needs to be!

Storms don’t come because you did something wrong or that God wants to teach you some precious lesson by ” permitting” the storm to tear yor boat apart! The devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour! Once you have your leaks fixed and are able to go out to sea, storms that are of the devil rise up to rob, kill, and destroy, and Jesus has nothing to do with the storms, but everything to do with faith that overcomes every storm and crushes them and causes you to sail on unharmed and BLESSED!

Jesus stood as the boat was so full of water it was beginning to sink, and said: “Why are you so fearful, where is your faith”? Then He turned to the storm and spoke faith words and REBUKED the storm! That means to set a heavy weight on it and CRUSH it! He said : “PEACE, BE STILL”…. and HIS words of FAITH were stronger than the storm and the storm stopped cold, and…THERE WAS A GREAT CALM!

Notice Jesus did NOT say that this storm was allowed by God to teach some precious lesson or to make them stronger! NO…He REBUKED it! It was a destructive force trying to kill God’s people and JESUS SAID…” NO YOU DON’T!” Jesus would not rebuke something allowed by God for He came to do the will of God, not oppose it!

God says to fight the GOOD fight of FAITH, laying hold of eternal life! 1 Timothy 6:12. Paul the apostle said he did not fight as one that beats the air so that means to win you have to direct your faith against the storm and crush it in the name of JESUS! SPEAK FAITH WORDS AGAINST THE STORM AND THE POWER OF GOD WILL CRUSH IT!

The storms were sent by the devil to destroy your boat and your life….DO NOT give in, or give up, or turn back, for Jesus said the gates of hell, the powers of hell will NOT prevail against the church, His people! That means the church WILL PREVAIL AGAINST AND OVER ALL the power of the enemy…your “boat” will NOT go under or be destroyed because of ANY storm!

In Ephesians 6 God says to put on the full armor of God that having done all to stand, STAND with the full armor of God on to stand against all the wiles of the devil, the crafty ways of the accuser! Stand against all the wiles of the devil! Paul talked of some who concerning faith made “shipwreck”! They wreck their ship because they do NOT live by faith! Every blessing from God comes by FAITH! BELIEVE THE WORD OF GOD, SPEAK it, ACT on it, RECEIVE it!

When you live by faith you enter into God’s REST! Praise God! When you enter HIS REST YOU CEASE FROM YOUR OWN WORKS! It is just like the true story I’ve told about Steven Merritt who lived in New York City! His son was always in trouble and being arrested…drinking, etc. One day Steven was praying for his son, crying and the Lord spoke and said in his spirit: “How long have you been trying to save your son”? Steven replied: “A long time Lord”! Jesus said: ” if you are ready to stop TRYING to save him I will take over”! Steven said yes and in a month the police came to the door as they did many times before and said Charlie had drowned in the river and for him to come identify the body! Steven had so turned his son over to the Holy Spirit that he said that it was impossible for he did not have a son Charlie!

Time went on and Steven kept resting in the Lord by faith believing that God was working a miracle!

A couple months later there was a knock at e door and it was Charlie! He said he was drunk one night and stumbled into a mission gave his heart to Jesus and was delivered! He said he did not want to come back until he could come back all cleaned up, sober and what he should be!

Oh, my dear believing friends do NOT give up…the storms have raged and tried to destroy, but if you will truly believe God and His promises and having done all to stand, STAND by faith and rebuke those storms, your boat will be saved and GREAT PEACE will rule in your hearts,minds, and all around you!

On the other side there is a man oppressed by demons, driven in vexation that you are going to rebuke that storm of demons and they will come out and he will be clothed and in his right mind for the first time in a long time! You got your boat ready to sail and sail you will and the light you have from Jesus you will share and spread everywhere you sail to!

47 thoughts on “KEEP YOUR BOAT AFLOAT 3 : “OVERCOME the storms”

  1. Every time I tried to read this I just saw a big picture of the devil in my head. I thought I was crazy, but then I took info from other posts and managed to fix my problem and keep reading. 🙂

    1. Good goin! You put the devil right where he belongs….UNDER YOUR FEET! Praise God we are the victors through Jesus Christ! The best part is that the gospel WORKS and brings the miracle working power of God on the scene and blasts the works of the devil to smithereens! Enjoy the sweet taste of victory for it is yours every day of your life as you live by faith! 🙂

    1. You can do it! Remember to lean heavily on Jesus for He is the author and finisher of your faith!

    1. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! Believe that, say that, walk in that word! Your car will run strong, and your boat will stay afloat…don’t doubt that for a minute!

    1. The main thing is you made it here and your life is more blessed now, Praise God! Keep on keeping on and God promises your path will be as the shining light shing more and more to the perfect day!

  2. Ok, I need brain maintenance. Like for instance, what do I do when I hear these preachers praising the Nazi and blaspheming, and I am tempted to drive to their house and punch them in the head?

    1. I hear you loud and clear and I am sure you are not the only one needing “brain” maintenance! Really the only thing I know to do is instead of letting it enrage you, pray for them to be delivered from the spirits of deception! I pray it sometimes also…Lord take the blinders off that they are wearing! It’s the grace of God that keeps us so another thing to do is thank and praise God for His grace that has delivered us from deception and keeps us! …But for the grace of God there go I! It has to be the Holy Spirit to show the truth that would set them free, so I pray He does! Also, pray for those hearing the deception that they too will be delivered and shown the truth by the Holy Spirit!
      God has a people in these last days who will walk in the Spirit and in the truth and who will not be deceived but who will do His will and deliver many! The true army of God is alive and well and march from glory to glory and who have NOT bowed their knee to baal! Praise Jesus!

  3. Seriously…l needed that last answer too….there were some preachers that l wanted to smack in the head!

    1. So OVERCOME you WILL! There is a Word from the Lord that says to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord! One of the most important overlooked things we can do that puts us on top is to be steadfast! Praise God He took us out of a horrible pit, put our feet on a ROCK, ESTABLISHED OUR GOINGS AND PUT A NEW SONG IN OUR MOUTH EVEN PRAISE TO OUR GOD! Having done all to stand, STAND….! JESUS CHRIST IS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH! HE ENDURED THE CROSS, DESPISING THE SHAME, DIED FOR US, ROSE AGAIN FROM THE DEAD AND NOW EVER LIVES TO MAKE INTERCESSION FOR US! IF GOD BE FOR US, WHO THEN CAN BE AGAINST US!? JESUS HAS ALREADY DEFEATED ALL THE hosts of hell, so now WE PLUG IN TO THE VICTORY OF JESUS BY FAITH AND WALK AND JUMP ALL OVER the devil’s head,CRUSHING him and all his evil devices, schemes, plans and demons! THEN WE RAISE OUR HANDS TO HEAVEN AND SING TO GOD BE THE GLORY GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE! SO, OVERCOME YOU WILL! PRAISE JESUS! JUST MAKES ME WANT TO SHOUT! GLORY TO GOD….HALLELUJAH!!!

    1. Ah yes indeed…how well I understand and the prayers are yours and the best part is that God answers prayers! One prayer is that the SAME SPIRIT THAT RAISED CHRIST FROM THE DEAD DWELL IN YOU AND QUICKEN YOUR MORTAL BODIES AND ANOINT YOU TO DESTROY yokes of satan that have bound many and caused torment and oppression and tried to take things the wrong way! Praise Jesus for the VICTORY OVER IT ALL AND THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST CAUSE THE belly of the beast to be BLOWN AWAY as the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against the church that stands on THE ROCK! AMEN! YOU WILL PREVAIL AS YOU PERSEVERE IN FAITH BELIEVING, STANDING ON THE PROMISES OF GOD THAT CANNOT FAIL!

    1. Good going! For those who do not know what this means, go back and read “KEEP YOUR BOAT AFLOAT”. then you too can be floating instead of sinking!

  4. It pays to be able to slip around unnoticed. NOW I have accomplished something in my life other than keeping heads up on the ice. Giggle. Thanks for the prayers! OXOXOXOXOXOX

    1. Ah, yes the quiet yet powerful sleuth! Good going! You are welcome for the prayers…that are continuing by the way…you know …the double portion and all that! You “broke the ice”…as they say! LOL. XOXOXOXOXOXO

  5. I have decided to make this the only place I get spiritual information from because l guess the rest of the church world has lost its mind. I know there are good churches around but I can’t seem to find any. I don’t understand why everyone has gone of the deep end with Trumpism, NARism and all other isms. Anyway. Thanks!

    1. You are welcome and I’m glad I’m not inside the “church world’s mind”… LOL … what a confused oppressed mess! They have a bad case of ISMITIS! The demons they still had in the flesh that they thought they didn’t have are all rising up to the mind to throw them in the last days! And that is right there the great importance of getting deliverance!

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