SOARING FAR ABOVE lies, idolatry and deception

Fasten your seat belts we need to soar more than ever to stay ABOVE the mess that is earthly, sensual, and devilish! We are in a spiritual battle against wicked spirits in every realm and they are already defeated but will try and usurp authority that is NOT rightfully theirs to take a place against us that is NOT their place if we do not ENFORCE the victory Jesus has given us!

The devil is the father of lies! There is NO truth in him! By lies the devil deceives and tricks people into believing a bunch of nonsense to keep people from knowing the truth that would set them free!

Then there is idolatry where things or people are exalted above and against the knowledge of the Lord, the Word of God, Jesus Christ! Loving anything more than Jesus, the Word of God is idolatry! Then of course spirits of pride are right there that spurs the idolatry on by puffing up people with the “grandiose false revelations” that they accept as true like they have this “great” revelation that if people do not agree with that they will not be on the “right” side, God’s side!

When man tries to exalt himself and his false revelations above the Word of God remember the Word says that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall! Man has “limited” knowledge at best and NOT all knowledge! God is the only one with ALL KNOWLEDGE, ALL KNOWING! God knows the number of hairs on your head, He knows the heartache you just went through this week that He will heal you and deliver you of as you read this now in Jesus name! Jesus knows about the arthritis that is in the back and hands that MUST BOW TO THE NAME OF JESUS NOW AND GO OUT! Thank you Jesus!

But man, trying to speak for God has messed it up royally when there is lies,idolatry, and or deception! Anyone who exalts themselves is NOT in the will of God and is NOT speaking words from the Lord, but can be as Samson who when he lost the anointing went on trying to say and do the same thing as he did before, shaking himself when the philistines came upon him, but with no power, and was blinded and bound and became a slave!

There is ONE at the RIGHT HAND OF GOD and that is JESUS CHRIST! There is NO other redeemer or co- redeemer and NO one else took our sins in their own body on the tree for us and NO one else rose from the dead for us that we could be born again, filled with theHoly Spirit and make heaven our home!

Ministries have crossed a line when they try to throw guilt and fear on people when they tell them that if they do not support a certain politician or president or ruler that ” they are not on the right side or right with God”! You ARE on THE RIGHT SIDE WHEN YOU ARE A BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST, and NO ONE who is NOT saved will be sitting on the right hand of God with Jesus!

JESUS CHRIST IS LORD and NO other! Do NOT let yourself be swayed or affected by the lies of those who speak them as if they were the truth! Some in ministry make a mistake when they start believing that everything that comes to their mind is the Lord! God says to TRY the spirits to see whether it is of God! God says to cast DOWN vain imaginations and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of the Lord, and bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ: 2 Corinthians 10… “though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh. The weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down strongholds!” Then it goes on to talk about bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. So when it is opposite to the Word, bind it, stomp it and do NOT let it exalt itself against the knowledge of God and get it out!

Those of you who have heard the recent speakings of those who tell you you are not on God’s side unless you agree with them concerning a president and have felt forsaken, let down, and plain angered by the idolatry and lies, please know that you ARE welcome here. WHEN YOU BELIEVE IN JESUS, you are NOT wrong to disagree with those who exalt themselves or others. Just follow the Word of God and you are not alone! God has reserved several thousand who have NOT bowed the knee to baal!

I bind all the spirits of lies, idolatry, and deception and the whole entourage with them and crush it in the name of Jesus Christ and LOOSE EVERY BELIEVER FROM ALL influence of these and all spirits of fear, bondage and torment!


85 thoughts on “SOARING FAR ABOVE lies, idolatry and deception

    1. You are welcome and very nice of you to say and I am very glad this helped many! Also, yes indeed “the strong survive”…great! YES!

  1. ok….here’s what l need to know. Do l really have to be a victim of a “generational curse” like it talks about in the Old Testament?

    1. NO you do NOT have to be a victim of a generational curse! In Galatians it says that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us when he died on the cross for us! Now what happens is that demons try to usurp authority and take a place that is not theirs! So when there has been bondage, sickness, oppression in a family then demons will try to keep getting in the flesh down through the line and cause the same problems! So they have no right to do this and are trespassers so we need to take authority OVER them and bind them and cast them out! So simply say: I renounce and bind all demons of generational bondage, sicknesses, sins, and oppression and since you have no right to be there I drive you OUT in the name of Jesus! Praise God for the victory in Jesus!

  2. Totally awesome post! I love it! Keep bloggin’ with God, it’s so very comforting to know that SOMEONE out there is ACTUALLY teaching the Bible! Love you in Christ, Dan. 🙂

  3. Dan, write more about Psalms! That’s my favorite book, although you need to write what the Holy Spirit moves you to write. 🙂

    1. When you requested something on the Psalms immediately Psalm 139 was on my mind! Read it and you will see that though we are flesh yet the Lord Jesus has been “there all the time” and He waits for us with great love to come to Him and learn of Him and find that He WILL give us rest! People these days definitely need to learn once more how important it is to simply REST IN THE LORD AND WAIT PATIENTLY FOR HIM! HE CAN DO WHAT NO OTHER POWER CAN DO…THANK YOU JESUS!

    2. Thanks Dan for reminding me about Psalm 139! I just read it and it spoke to my heart! You are a wonderful blogger, Reverend and all around cool person. Psalm 139 will be my next psalm to memorize. I loved the part where it says, “I knew you when you were knit together in the womb”. Thanks again, Dan and keep blogging. The last one was Sept 26th and it’s Oct. 2! In a perfect world, you’d blog every day. LOL! we’re not in a perfect world. I want your opinion: After reading psalms, what’s the next best book in the Bible to go to? Isaiah? Looking for something to lead into the more meaty parts of Bible, although I’ll always love the psalms. Love you, Dan, in Christ our Lord. AMEN! PS: Also, put me on your mailing list.

    3. The epistles are what will cause us to grow up in Jesus as we see the revelation of Who He is and who we are in Him! We are to live from the inside out! Our spirit is born again as Jesus comes in when believe on Him! Strong meat belongs to those who learn to discern good and evil and choose LIFE, even to live the abundant life without all the trash of the devil in our flesh! Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, would be a good place to start! You might want to look back through all the posts we have done for there are many and some this summer that had very interesting results!

  4. Well, Rev. Rocket, I am in a big mess. I got knocked off my chariot about 10 years ago, but then I stupidly did not get in a spirit filled church and instead joined the First Church of the Idiot Assemblies of God (hope that doesn’t offend.. I know not all Assemblies of God pastors are idiots!!!) However, I don’t think I got a good enough dose of the Holy Spirit, since I decided to sell myself into Egypt five years ago. Now it’s been a long hike back. I’ve been fixing my car, patching my boat, and trying to soar. I crashed into a couple of trees recently. Is there hope for my sorry self? Should I just keep plugging along or has God had it with me?

    1. Some churches who call themselves: “Spirit Filled” are filled all right, but not with the Holy Spirit! A little leaven leavens the whole lump, and when they believe the rotten to the core false doctrine of permissive will, where they erroneously believe that all rotten things are permitted by God to teach lessons, then they are falsely accusing God of evil that demons are doing and are in abject unbelief! Actually, some have departed from the faith in their unbelief and then say their denomination is of God! How absurd and false is that! So, first step is being delivered from all the spirits of the world and including worldly churches such as those you described! I bind all those demons and they must go out NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!

      Secondly, Jesus really loves you and one thing you have going for you is your straight out honesty! You are crying out for help, you just have not been in the right place until now! The main thing is not that you fell or have been up and down,etc., but the main thing is that you WANT to be right with God and grow and be strong and be all He wants you to be! God moves on good desire and that is why He set it up for you to find the blog, so see He is answering your prayers already…just believe that and you will see the glory of God! “When you pray, believe you receive and you will have what you desired!”Mark 11
      I bind every spirit of dead religions and they must go out NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!

      It does NOT have to be hard to live for Jesus and so I pray a DOUBLE PORTION OF THE HOLY GHOST FILL YOU TO OVERFLOWING RIGHT NOW…believe you receive that and open your mouth and let the living waters of the Holy Spirit flow into your heart and speak in the language of the Holy Spirit and praise Jesus and pray in other tongues every day for at least a half hour…believe me when you start doing this you won’t want to stop at a half hour, so then grow in it and do that for an hour at a time….etc. What happens is when you pray in the Holy Ghost it is a perfect prayer and you build yourself up on your Most Holy Faith! Praise God! You are loosed from the past so know Jesus forgives and cleanses you from it ALL…so do NOT accept any condemnation for the blood of Jesus has made you free!

      I bind every demon of false condemnation, guilt, sin recall and all of them must GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!

      Praise God every day for extended periods of time for praise is the highest form of prayer there is and God said that as you praise Him your enemies will vanish and He gives you the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness! So all the discouragement, and depression spirits are leaving now also as you praise Jesus!

      Jesus is your HOPE and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! So there is TOTAL HOPE for you and so much blessing that you will be overflowing with the goodness and mercy of God! God loves you with everlasting love so NEVER give up, hold fast the profession of your faith for faithful is He that calls you, who also will do it! I feel the love of God for you in my heart right now…just KNOW He loves you so very much…He died on the cross for you and took all your sins and sicknesses and oppression that you could be a child of God and be blessed in every way!

    1. That is just “DANdily, BIGLY news! LOL Glad to hear that and since there are more with us than against us, and if God be for us who then can be against us, and our enemies will be scattered as the dust in the wind, then we shall overcome and GREAT will be the VICTORY AND GREAT will be the praise that goes up to the Lord, and we will say that the Lord has done GREAT things for us whereof we are GLAD!

    1. Thank God repentance works…lol! At least you checked it out now and found out the truth! Enjoy catching up…now you will have to do “double portion” catching up reading…lol!

    1. I’m glad you are here and saw the truth! The truth is I am PRO JESUS and everything that is antichrist I am against! If someone is of God they would have the fruit of the Spirit…love, joy, peace…etc., NOT hate, anger,wrath,unrest,deception, lies etc. So I could NEVER be pro trump! God ALWAYS has a remnant and makes sure we find each other! Welcome!

    1. Well, aren’t you glad!? After all, maybe they were minding God’s business since you did need this! God has a way of bringing the right people in our lives at the right time to accomplish things that meet the need in our lives! I believe we will see a LOT of this in the last days we live in for the time is short and God will do a QUICK work!

  5. I spammed all the televangelists with this about 50 times each. They’ll read it just so I stop sending it. I couldn’t help it. I was so happy to find it I had to release my joy somehow.

  6. I’ve been blasting preachers with this from here to kingdom come! LOL. Glad to know others are doing the same!

    1. LOL…I hear you, but God made the way of escape and ALWAYS will…so keep laughing and while at it direct the laughter at the rotten devil and all his imps that are squished under your feet! I believe that something of GREAT AND GOOD MAGNITUDE is coming your way from Jesus! It may not come from the direction you might think, but will be SO MUCH GOD that you will not be able to doubt it! And now I laugh with you at the devil…hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Amen!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed this and thanks to you and ALL who have done such good comments! It let’s me know we are all on the same page and then as we agree together we will have whatever we ask!

    1. You are welcome and no problem…I know when you are in the thick of it how it goes. Glad could give some encouragement! God is in no way finished with us yet and ALWAYS has something more in store! His riches are fathomless and beyond anything we ever dreamed or asked for…exceeding, abundantly, FAR ABOVE ALL we ask or think!!!

    1. It’s great that you are here and are feeling better now! With all we see in this world going on now still there is a greater much more intense battle raging in the “unseen” world and the battle is over people’s souls! The devil and all his wicked spirits hate that we have the privilege of knowing,and living for Jesus and that heaven will be our home! When you came here, as well as all who have, you came to a place called “there”…”…for there God sustained him”! It was a place God had prepared for the man of God when all the devil’s forces were out to kill him, and “there” God delivered and preserved him.
      Even so now when evil spirits organize oppression to destroy, here we will receive deliverance and the unseen spirits that were behind all the mess in our lives MUST BOW TO THE NAME OF JESUS AND GO OUT…EVEN NOW…many demons of fear are leaving many who will cry out for deliverance, and the torment that came in with it will go! The weights that weighed us down will no longer be a part of our lives, and the burdens from a cruel taskmaster will no longer be carried for Jesus is setting us free! Praise God! God said we will go from glory to glory…not problem to problem or bondage to bondage! So lift up your heads and the hands that hang down and the King of Glory will come in and turn it all around!
      We are NOT the losers, but the devil,fallen angels, and demons ARE the losers and are all bound in the name of Jesus and I send consternation and division into all the ranks of the enemy that the Lord would divide and destroy their tongues! Praise God I can see breakthroughs coming for a lot of believers who have been interceding and believing God over many matters! Those that believe do enter into rest so believe, enter into God’s rest where all the provision of God is and TAKE THE PROMISED LAND for it is yoursfor the taking!


  7. Okay, I think I can do it! This is a lot of assignments! Of course, your friend out here won’t take no for an answer. Nope. No easy way out! I really have to do all this. Okay… Thank you… I think…


    1. Praise God you are finished with NAR and the evilness thereof! I loose you from every oppressive spirit of NAR in Jesus name.. BE FREE RIGHT NOW! ENJOY JESUS AND THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND WELCOME TO THE ABUNDANT LIFE WHERE WONDER WORKING POWER FLOWS AS A MIGHTY RIVER!

    1. BETTER NOW THAN NEVER, PRAISE GOD THAT THE LIGHT HAS SCATTERED THE DARKNESS AND YOU ARE FREE, AND EVERY demon of NAR is leaving you now in Jesus name along with all that came in with it!

      You are welcome, enjoy the LIGHT FOR JESUS IS THE LIGHT!

  8. I’ve had it with these Assemblies of God churches, I can’t take it anymore. I’m out. These people kept me away from the singer for four years telling me all kinds of slander about him and making me scared, and I went and heard him sing a song called Love Has Won at the end of the school’s program and the roof blew off the place, the walls shook, it was like he was in another place and somewhere just alone worshiping God and completely unaware that we were here. But afterwards he came off the stage and he could barely walk straight and the closer he got to people the more they just went crashing to the floor under the power of the Holy Spirit. And one of the boys was even kind of helping him walk he was so overloaded with anointing. THIS is what I was told was phony and a scam??? And they did the same thing with the blog! I’m so mad I could spit.

    1. YOU HAVE HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD…they have gone so far the wrong way that it is pathetic! Now They warn you to stay away from someone who has the anointing that sets people free…. they are NOT about JESUS AT ALL OR CARING ABOUT PEOPLE OR THEIR NEEDS! THANK GOD YOU ARE OUT OF THAT MESS! ENJOY JESUS, ENJOY THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE BLESSINGS HERE ON THE BLOG!

    1. Cool! God reveals the truth to those that love and worship Him so enjoy and keep soaring above it ALL!

    1. Praise Jesus, and welcome on in! You will know the truth and the truth will make you FREE! I pray God blesses you exceedingly, abundantly far above all that you ask or think!

    1. Good going! The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul! Enjoy the victory in Jesus and keep on keeping on for God is a REWARDER of those that diligently seek Him!

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