And The Word of the Lord Came to me Saying

Today, January 3. 2022 as I was agreeing with all true believers here on the blog at our 3 p.m. prayer time praying in the Spirit, and the Word of the Lord came to me, and He said to say it exactly as said to me.

“Surely I have seen your agreement in prayer across the miles and I am well pleased, and you will see the Glory of God! ANSWERS, ANSWERS, ANSWERS to the right, and the left, straight on, and all around you as the angels camp even so. My Word says one will chase a thousand and two, ten thousand, and so this effectual working of My Power will multiply the victory even so!

The enemy has feared such agreement in prayer by you and that is why he fought you so hard! And NOW I send the crushing load of MY POWER right down on the enemy’s head! the devil and his ploys against you are ALL defeated and crushed! Walk on in VICTORY, LOVE, FAITH, POWER, AND JOY, for this DAY I have avenged you of all your adversaries!

Give praise and glory to God for HE it IS that does TREAD your enemies UNDER YOUR FEET! I have seen your tears, heard your cry and am come down to deliver you! Whatever you ask you will receive.”
AMAZING grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see! ALL things REALLY ARE POSSIBLE with God to them that BELIEVE.
You need to stand strong FOR THE BATTLE IS THE LORD’S!

God said to me that He YEARNS to BLESS HIS PEOPLE! He is MOVED with compassion towards each one and YOU are His SPECIAL, CHOSEN PEOPLE created for Him and His pleasure, and He takes Great Delight in fellowshipping with each one of you, so GO TO HIM AND DON’T HOLD BACK FOR HE IS WAITING FOR YOU!

73 thoughts on “And The Word of the Lord Came to me Saying

    1. Praise God! Good to hear this is a good shot in the arm! God is FOR us and will always have a good word in due season to empower and deliver us!

    1. Glad to be there to build your faith….that is EXACTLY what the words of the Lord do! He will never leave or forsake us!

    1. Praise God that this is a real life changer! You are welcome! All that God says to us is GOOD NEWS and His words are spirit and they are life to those that find them!

    1. Thanks! God’s time is NOW, and good to hear it was excellent timing and an excellent post for it means a lot to me to know this is doing what it was intended to do!

    1. Praise God, I am blessed to hear you needed this and here it was right on time! Take this deep to heart for God is watching out for you!

  1. I agree with all of this! Let’s all agree so that we see it really happen just the way Rocket Preacher got it from the Lord!

    1. Agreement works because God said so! As someone with a tremendous anointing prophesied over me said: “IT SHALL BE SO, IT SHALL BE SO, IT SHALL BE SO, AND WE WILL BE GLAD!”

      THANKS for sharing!

    1. Thanks for sharing how you love this and have read it quite a few times and love it! That means it will work for you for truly when it is the Word b of the Lord, nothing can stop it!

      You are most welcome! Enjoy the victory this brings!

    1. When this came to me it was a complete overwhelming by the presence of God where you just fall at His feet and worship Him!

      It is good you love this because it came direct from heaven and God wants believers to know the truth and what He is saying and doing so they can walk in faith and be victorious over all the power of the enemy and all opposition!

      Thanks for the share of your appreciation and love for this!

  2. This really meant a lot to me! I understand more things that were happening now. I see it was an attack and that God will fight for us! I get it!


    1. It’s good to hear this is blessing you, and that understanding is coming by the Holy Spirit! God has a lot for you so keep believing and praying for Jesus never fails! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Praise God, and this word and prayer came from God because He loves you and all believers here on the blog beyond anything we have ever known!

  3. Let’s take some of our prayer time today to prayer for the Supreme Court! They need to make the right decision tomorrow. I believe God will answer our prayers. Pray for them by name!

    Samuel A. Alito, Jr.,
    Clarence Thomas,
    John G. Roberts, Jr
    Stephen G. Breyer
    Justice Sonia Sotomayor
    Brett M. Kavanaugh
    Elena Kaga
    Neil M. Gorsuch,
    Amy Coney Barrett

    1. Yes, let’s all agree that the evil plans of the left be completely CRUSHED and the vote will go to uphold laws that protect our freedom and liberty in America!

    1. praise God, yes it is exciting for Gods wor over rules all that is contrary and gives us the victory!

    1. Thank you for the comment, and yes this is the REAL start of the New Year with God as the pilot, and we travel first class flying FAR ABOVE IT ALL by the Power of the Holy Spirit, with Jesus, the author and FINISHER OF OUR FAITH

    1. God means business and brings to pass His Word by His Spirit! So, that is very interesting and exciting, for good triumphs over evil and God’s Word is GOOD!

    1. You are welcome! God always speaks to encourage us and build our faith so we can have what He promised in our lives! Get ready for the best from Jesus!

  4. Rocket Preacher, who is this man who sing To God be the Glory and no one in the room could stand up? My fiance go last night and no one could stay standing during song. she says she is now spirit-filled and I need to come tonight. Should I go? I do like this blog that she gave me, but I don’t understand a lot of this. Will I understand more if I go and can’t stand up?




  5. I really like this, Rev. Rocket! I think hearing from the Lord like this is so important in the last days and I’m glad you did it!

    1. I’m ad you really like this, and you are right! It is very important in the last days to be tuned into the Lord to know what He is saying and doing! He wants to deliver us from all evil and lead us in His paths of blessing and abundance of all we have in Him! Jesus never fails. Stay in tune with Jesus for He has special things for you for you are glad when His Word comes!

  6. Well, you know who is at it again tonight. I’m still waiting for last night’s testimonies! The legalistic people will be out in full force tonight. Ha ha ha ha Oooops.

    1. “You know who” should be letting us know when he is going to be at it again so we could pray! There’s a novel idea!
      There has to be a story there why the legalistic people would come out in full force!?

      Let me know the story behind that!

    1. LOL I know the feeling. No worry I will make that adjustment! Thanks for all you do for this! I pray God blesses you special!

  7. You were told wrong! The ONLY time in the Bible they tarred was for when the Holy Spirit FIRST came because there was an appointed time by God. Once the Holy Spiritnwas poured out then people INSTANTLY were filled with the Spirit with NO tarrying for the Holy Spirit had already no poured out! Read the book of Acts and you will see it.

    When the man sings the Holy Spirit moves and people are filled with the Spirit for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on him comes on them. He is truly worshipping God when he sings and God blesses that!

  8. Rocket Preacher, I don’t really understand all this but I think what I need is to be spirit filled. The people who are now have completely different lives and that’s what I think I need. I don’t know what they mean by this wildfire and not to get “out of control.” I didn’t see anyone out of control, I just saw people praying in a new language and that’s what they did in the Bible, right? I’m pretty sure that’s what I need.

    1. What the thing is Briala is that the.people who are lying, saying this is out of control, are upset that the people are getting out from under “THEIR” CONTROLS because they are going free because they are being filled with the Holy Spirit.

      Yes, this filling of the Holy Spirit is EXACTLY what you need now. Then you will have the POWER OF GOD on the inside in your spirit and can pray in His powerful heavenly prayer language in the Holy Spirit! This is a life changer for sure. Ask Jesus to fill b you with the Holy Spirit and He will, and you will be very,very, very, very HAPPY!
      JESUS LOVES YOU SO MUCH he sent someone to your area to bring the blessing of God everyone was missing!

  9. Okay I hope this translate through right. Now I’m spirit filled and thank God to have this kind of blessing. Nobody ever told me about this before so I had no way to know it was available. I was told that it only happened as a sign in the Bible at second chapter of acts but then not beyond that unless you had a special gift. I didn’t understand until the singer explained to me there is gift of tongues and interpretation but also there is incarnation for everyone by the Holy Spirit. Now I realize I had bad teaching and I think that’s why those teachers hate him so much and were angry when he come here. I love this blog. I have lots to read on here still though. Thank you Rocket Preacher.

    1. You are welcome , and great that you.are.Spirit filled now this blog! God is so good, He knows what we need and who and what to send to us to help us!
      Yes, those people hate the singer because he tells the truth and gets Holy Ghost results that God says we should have! Enjoy your new POWER FILLED ABUNDANT.LIFE!
      Thanks for sharing.

  10. Rev Rocket, men try to bother your friend tonight and he walk into an invisible wall or something and.look like he just get swept away. Is that angel?

    1. Oh, yes, that is definitely an angel. The evil ones are up against it to try to go against angels! It shows how crazy these persecutors are, and how stupid they are to try to fight God! Jesus said that whatever people do to us as believers they are doing it to Him, and He avenges us of our adversaries!

  11. This is too good to keep, JBT was talking to these students before he started singing tonight and they didn’t have Bibles with them. He thought Mark would build their faith so he gets his bible to read something to them and ends up “reading” about four chapters of Mark by heart and at the end we’re all just looking at him like “seriously?” and of course he has no clue, and he looks over at the Iranian hussy and she said “you forgot to open the book, honey.” He just says “Oh…” Talk about being good under pressure. “Oh” was the best he could come up with. HAAAAAAAAA! Another secret out…he probably has half the bible memorized and l made a remark and he said “that doesn’t need to go on the blog!” SO…l just came here straightaways to make sure l told you. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Hahaha, well now I know that if I’m trying to remember where a certain verse is I can just ask him and have the answer!

      I can see you haven’t lost your touch, and have taken up right where you left off like it was yesterday!!! Lol, gotta love it, and I know he is so pleased that you make sure to share things like this! LOL

  12. Rev. Rocket, do you think we must be pretty close to the rapture after everything that happened these last 5 years?

    1. Yes I do believe we are getting very close to the rapture! Everything has accelrerated at such a rapid pace the last 5 years we must live ready for sure!

      It is a good time to intensify our walk with God. Intensify our prayer and praise life, and seek God, and worship Him with all of our heart! We should get deeper in the Word of God, and put I mm in our hearts and mouths as we speak the Word of God out in faith believing, and the mountains that stand against us will be removed and be cast into the sea as we speak against them by faith!

    1. I’m glad to hear you love this! God wants us to know HE IS WITH US, and He will deliver us from all evil, lift us up, put a good word of faith in our heart and mouth, and bless us as we praise Him and give Him the glory! Thanks for sharing this!

    1. I’m glad to hear it! Praise God! The permissive willers need this badly! I break the power of the spirits of permissive will false doctrine and unbelief and loose the people from all bondage and lies that have robbed God’s blessings from the in the name of Jesus!

  13. I don’t really understand all this but I definitely want to pursue it. I never had any peace before getting spirit filled now I feel like a different person. I don’t know why so many people try to talk me out of going to hear that man sing. Thanks Rev. Rocket for blog and all this information!

    1. You are welcome for the blog and all that is here. This is because of the love of God. His love for us is beyond words and moves us to share what He has given us.

      The understanding will come now because you are filled with the Holy Spirit! That changes everything. Pray the prayers in Ephesians 1 and chapter 3 and make them personal by putting your name in there and pray it personal to you like: give me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You Lord!

      The. Evasive people are just that… negative and they have a spirit of darkness that hates the light and hates the anointing of the Holy Spirit that makes demons leave, so they speak against those who have the anointing such as the man you went to hear sing!

      The true Pete of God have always had opposition from the devil’s crowd. Just laugh at them and their negativity and demons and keep going to hear the singer and being blessed and helped by the Lord Jesus!

      You are on the right track so be encouraged! Now the Holy Spirit can really teach and direct you so keep praying in tongues as you yield to the Spirit of God! Great and wonderful things are ahead for you!

  14. So this singer who many people warn about is actually someone who can help. He scares these religious people, even though he’s not doing anything wrong. I like that. I like this blog too. But I have to read these posts more than once!

    1. Praise God you are on the right road! It is good to read these.posts more than once for each time the Holy.Spirit will show you.more that will bless, help you and boost your faith!

  15. Okay if I can try to do my testimony here… I don’t know. On Friday night I just went to hear the best singer in America now come to Costa Rica. He well known but incognito, no one knows how he does it. And when he sang no one could stand up. God’s spirit was knocking everyone down. Then they come up speaking in a personal prayer language. So I think, okay, that’s what I need to get even though I was told it wasn’t needed. Then I went back on Saturday and I thought I will get my part right away. So I walk up to him before he start to sing and when I got close then I couldn’t stand up. Then a religious person told me I could not be really spirit filled because no one prayed for me. Well, there wasn’t time. I couldn’t stand up! But I have a prayer language so they can’t deny I’m spirit filled. Why do these people want to be so weird?

    1. I love your testimony, you did good and thanks for sharing it. Those “religious spirit people” should hang it up for they are “know it alls” who know NOTHING!
      Who do they think they are to dictate how the Holy Spirit can or cannot do things! They are grieving the Holy Spirit, and that is why they have NO joy at ALL!

      Praise God the Holy Spirit moved so strong in everyone and you, and now you are Spirit filled with your prayer language of the Spirit! Good for you to stand up against those negative ones and receive from God what you needed!

      As to why those people want to be weird, it is what happens when they reject the light God sends and then they live in darkness and confusion every day!

      I pray God sends the double portion of His Spirit there to quicken all He wants to do in His people! Thank you for your testimony!

  16. I have been praying and praying all morning. I don’t know exactly why this particular prayer, but I suddenly felt the urge to ask everyone to pray it with me all day long. Ask the Lord to lift the blinders off the eyes of the people and bring to light what has to come to light. I never felt an urgency like this during a prayer in my life. Please add your prayers to it. I implore you.

    1. This is a prayer by the Holy Spirit and very important. Read the new mini post PRAY. We all need to seriously intercede these prayers for America right now that the devils crowd be stopped cold and what needs exposing will be exposed to stop the evil agenda. I pray demolition to all the devils forces, evil plans, evil laws stopped cold, and every evil intended crushed by the power of the Holy Ghost. Keep praying all day everyone! Our God reigns!

  17. Greetings from Jesse with a guest post here. I never felt the urgency I felt today when I was praying and Dan asked me to share it with everyone. I was praying (with a heavy burden in my heart) for the Lord have mercy on the people who are under the spirit of zombie, regardless of how they got there, which prevents them from seeing the implications of an America that has no rule of law and a Constitution that is nothing more than a piece of paper. When that happens, Americans are at the whim of whoever or what ever controls government at that moment. There should be no need to say how perilous that would be for Christians.

    Then I prayed for the Lord to have mercy on the people who stopped hearing his voice and listened instead to the voice of idols, whether they be candidates, televangelists, celebrities, a golden calf or anyone else claiming to be “God’s man/woman” but who is merely promoting their own agenda.

    Then I felt three times in a row these words in my spirit “the devil is trying to jump the timeline, this is not supposed to happen now, the timing is off, this is NOT the time!”

    Obviously, we know a lot of things going on right now that that could pertain to, and maybe there’s some things we don’t know as well, but Dan confirmed that it was indeed from the Lord, because for two days he was thinking “this is not supposed to be happening NOW, this is down the road after the Lord has come back for us.”

    Please pray. Pray until the Lord tells you to stop. Even if you have to do it in between tasks at work, or when you’re driving, or when you’re doing household chores or when you’re taking care of your kids, PRAY! Because I don’t believe the Lord would’ve told me these heinous things were on the horizon trying to usurp the timeline if we couldn’t hold them back in prayer. What would be the point? The Lord tells us things so that we can DO something, and I believe right now the thing we need to do is intercessory prayer! PLEASE hit a knee! Even if you can’t kneel physically, pray in your spirit, pray out loud if you can, but pray! I know this can be stopped. Let’s do it!

  18. Rev. Rocket, do you ever find yourself getting fatigued with people complaining all the time about everything? why can’t we all just pray and believe God for our lives instead of complaining all day long? Is it something in the water this new year? I was happy to see the old things go from 2021 and it seems like all everybody does is talk negative in the new year now. Aaarrrggggh!

    1. Forgetting the things that are past I press on to the high calling of God in Christ Jesus! The complainers should read Phillipians. We should have no time for complaining, and in fact be PRAISING GOD for a New Year with NEW BLESSINGS! Yes, the complaining spirit gets old fast! TIME TO REJOICE EVEDYONE! LAY DOWN THE OLD AND TAKE UP THE NEW IN JESUS!

  19. I still think we need to keep praying that God brings to light everything that has to come to light. I don’t want to stop just because the Supreme Court ruled the correct way. I’m really happy about that, but I still think there’s so much more under this blanket of lies that we need to know and we should keep praying to that end!


  20. Ok…who is this guy? Seriously. Give me a break, Rev. Rocket, I was a Baptist. And then this hot shot comes here and does five key changes in one song and acts like it was nothing. You can tell he is thinking “what are they all looking at me for?” Insert eye rolling. I really hated him at that moment but I still wanted to listen. So I just asked him right out if he’s a holy roller and I was hoping he’d get all defensive but he just looked at me and laughed and said “Yep, definitely. Bona fide holy roller.” I didn’t think I was getting anywhere with him so I asked this other guy who was just hanging around kind of quiet, and I said “who IS the singer, really? is he one of those Jesus fanatics? What is his story?” And he just answered me kind of dry and said “He’s one of the redeemed race. I don’t know much about it. Some were put here for the period before the apocalypse but I don’t know any detailed information.” I looked at him and he seemed completely normal, like he thought that was a sensible reply. Which it WASN’T! I think all these people are crazy. Well, I DID think that until I got spirit filled. Now I really have problems. 20 million assignments on a blog. YAY. Okay, yeah, whatever… Thank you I think.

    1. Ha ha ha, welcome to the redeemed and Spirit filled race! God will be showing you important things for now and the future as you tackle these assignments to read the blog posts here. Think of it this way: God must REALLY love you totally to have things written where you can get strong in faith and the wisdom of God where you will overcome in these last days! Hebrews 13:2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for thereby some have entertained angels. Enjoy!

  21. Okay, I waited three days for your friend to supposedly come on here and tell my testimony and he won’t do it. Now I find out he’s obstinate about leaving testimonies that have anything to do with him. He needs to put it all on here! There’s SO much more than anyone knows. I found some things out from a friend of his named Jason. But anyway, I’ll stick to my own story here… I was sitting in a little café because it’s one of the few places I have some peace because of the scenery and how nice the people are. (I had a very tumultuous life. I’m kind of hiding out down here) and in comes your show a friend and his attention is immediately diverted because there’s a piano there. Well, that was even more funny when I found out who he was. But anyway, he’s up there chatting to the owner about how come there’s a piano there, and do they still have band sometimes, and what kind of piano is it and is it tuned up etc. etc. and then he gets his coffee and turns to go– after imitating Liberace for a few minutes. (It sounded good even though the piano was way out of tune, go figure) Then right when he gets to the door he turns to me and looks like he wants to say something but he doesn’t want to, then he starts walking to the door again, and then this man who was with him said “You’re going to just walk out? She’s the whole reason I brought you here.” Actually, at that point I was kind of looking around for the nearest exit. I thought maybe they were two axe murderers. Then the man who said that was suddenly gone. I don’t know where he went. And your Liberace friend came over and leaned down and said almost in a whisper “That’s a séance headache you’re having, and when the demons of it go, it will go too.”
    I just sat there like “for real?” You’re just going to walk up out of the blue and say that to me? There’s no one here who COULD’VE told him either. But despite all that I told him I didn’t want to be bothered with so-called ‘deliverance’ because I’ve never seen it help anybody yet. They go through the whole complicated mess, and nothing ever changes in their life, and they end up in the exact same condition. And he said “ok… what you saw was ritual, not deliverance. Deliverance is the most uncomplicated thing there is. But you have to know what you doing.” So I just looked at him and said “and you know what you’re doing? “ He said “Try me.” Here’s the thing, Rocket Preacher… When he said “try me,” I could feel every demon in my flesh start crawling and running for the shadows. In fact, right in that moment, I felt like this overwhelming murderous hatred like I wanted to kill him. It was a horrible feeling. But now I know what that was. The next thing I know, we’re in the outdoor lounge– don’t know how we got there– and I’m getting delivered of demons and this is the first time in 11 years that I didn’t have to get through the day with the séance headache. And then I asked him the next day “Do I have to read that blog now?” And he said “yep, you have to memorize every single post on there.” And then he started laughing his head off. I really wanted to just give him a black eye, but I do love this blog very much!

    1. Thank YOU very much for this wonderful testimony to the delivering power of God’s love!!! Jesus is on it and the demons know they will have to exit when the anointing comes!

      Im glad you love this blog very much for it comes from the heart as the Holy Spirit speaks to help all in need and the hungry for truth!

      Yes, I have a feeling like was told you that there mm is SO much more good that has happened that has not been reported! It would help those who read here and WE KNOW IT IS THE HOLY SPIRIT DOING ALL, AND JESUS IS THE HEALER AND DELIVERER AND WILL GIVE ALL THE PRAISE TO GOD….so Lord Jesus I turn it over to you!

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