The Greatest Thing in 2022

Some have boasted over the years that they were the “Greatest!”  There is ONE who IS the GREATEST!  There is ONE who IS the GREATEST and that is JESUS CHRIST of ALL time!  When it was time for a redeemer to come and save us, there was only ONE in Heaven who would be our redeemer, JESUS CHRIST!  The first thing He did was to HUMBLE HIMSELF to become a man!  He lowered Himself, and then He could be exalted! 

Did you ever notice that those who brag how great they are and what a great ministry they have and the great things they are doing are NEVER the ones who have the anointing of the Holy Spirit that heals the sick, fills people with the Spirit, raises the dead, casts out demons, and brings the power of God to people?  Could it be they try to lift themselves up by the bootstraps, and IT DOES NOT WORK?  God NEVER BLESSES PRIDE. HE RESISTS the proud, but gives GRACE to the HUMBLE!

Humble  is NOT eating self defacing pie!  When you self deface, condemn yourself, think you are unworthy of God’s blessing, you are going against what God’s Word says about you!  God says you are worthy through the blood of Jesus and made righteous with His righteousness. When you are humble before the Lord and have the power of God working through you with signs following it brings glory to God!   One generation will praise His works to another generation!  God said His people would speak of the glory of His kingdom, and talk of His power.

 When you tell what God is doing that is NOT bragging on yourself, but IS boasting  in the Lord, and glorifying Him!  That will bless people and raise their faith to receive from God!  Psalm 145:  “I will extol you, my God, O king;  and I will bless your name for ever and ever.  Every day will I bless you;  and I will praise your name for ever and ever.  Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised;  and His greatness is unsearchable.  One generation will praise your works to another, and will declare your mighty acts.   I will speak of the glorious honor of your majesty, and of your wondrous works.  And men shall speak of the might of your terrible  acts:  and I will declare your greatness.  They will abundantly voice the memory of your great goodness, and will sing of your righteousness.” 

So, when you see someone flowing in the Holy Spirit, giving glory to God, with signs, wonders, and miracles, with the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit, then you KNOW THAT YOU KNOW this person has humbled themselves under the hand of God, and He has lifted them up and they have obeyed the voice of God and are doing what He said do!  Praise God! 

Those who are NOT doing what God said to do, have NOT humbled themselves under the hand of God!  When so-called ministers ridicule, oppose, and try to stop someone who has the anointing, then THOSE ministers have NOT humbled themselves under the hand of God, and are following the devil’s tactics! 

When God is manifesting in miracle working power, the person being used by God has humbled themselves under His hand!  The Apostles and all who were used by God in the book of Acts reported what God did to others!  They were glorifying God, and giving praise to God as they rehearsed the works of God by the Holy Spirit!  They were bragging about Jesus and what He was doing in people!   

Namaan in the Old Testament was a captain that God had used as a man of valor, but he was a leper, and he went to Elisha the prophet to be healed from the leprosy! He stood at his door and expected him to come out and strike his hand on him to minister the healing he needed, but Elisha sent someone out and told him to go wash in the river Jordan, which was a very muddy river, and that he would be healed!  Naaman went into a rage and went off, but someone said to him that if Elisha had asked him to do some great thing, he would have done it, but all he was asking was to go wash in Jordan.  Naaman finally agreed, went to Jordan, humbled himself, and dipped seven times in the muddy river!  When he did his flesh became brand new with no disease of leprosy whatsoever! 


Satan lost EVERYTHING and fell like lightning when in pride tried to exalt himself above God.  Now doomed for eternity in a lake of fire for him and the one third of the angels  that followed him … DOWN…DOWN…DOWN!  

Those who choose to live for the devil and be ruled by demons, laden with sin and heavy burdens are headed straight down with him, the fallen angels, and ALL who follow pride!  “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”  {Proverbs 16:18}  

God’s recipes for your life will work every time, but you will have to be willing to HUMBLE yourself under his hand and THEN, and ONLY THEN HE WILL LIFT YOU UP!  Did you ever wonder what was going on when you tried and tried, and strained, and fussed, and fumed, maybe stomped your feet a little and got NOWHERE fast as far as the answer you needed so desperately?  Has it been hard when it shouldn’t be hard?  First God says to submit yourself to God and THEN resist the devil and he WILL flee from you! Those who have the power of God in manifestation have submitted themselves to God or there wouldn’t be any power in manifestation, so IGNORE those who persecute the men and women of God who are being used by God, anointed, and with true signs, wonders, and miracles happening!

Saul in the New Testament was running around thinking he was doing God a religious service!  He was NOT  helping Christians, but was doing everything he could to persecute Christians, breathing out threats, throwing them in prison, consenting to their death, etc.  He was a Pharisee and was controlled by “religious demons” that hate the truth, hate Jesus, hate true believers, hate the anointing, and who want to destroy the move of God and turn people away from God!  Prayers went up from believers and God answered!  One day on His chariot to more against Christians, Saul found out God’s recipe for his life that would make him whole!

Jesus appeared to Saul and  SUDDENLY  His light shone brighter than the noon day sun!  The power of God knocked Saul right off his chariot and he fell to the ground under the power of God.  Saul said to  Jesus:  “Lord, Who are you?”  Jesus answered:  “I AM JESUS WHO YOU ARE PERSECUTING!”  Saul had a choice instantly to humble himself, admit he had been wrong, repent and go with God, and do what HE says, or rebel and do what “he” wanted to do in pride and disobedience!  

He smartly humbled himself and repented, and gave his life to Jesus 100%  He finally met the GREATEST…JESUS CHRIST!  God had Saul seek Him on the backside of the desert for a few years, time to get the dross out of his life as He sought the Lord.  God made him Paul, the Apostle and he wrote much of the New Testament by the Holy Spirit, and helped many with signs, wonders, and miracles, in demonstration of the Spirit and Power of God!  He had been a Pharisee of the Pharisees, very high up in their religious spirit and wrong beliefs, persecuting Christians, opposing the move of the Spirit, and doing all he did against Jesus Christ!  He called himself “chief sinner” in his past before he was saved and Spirit filled, and called!  

Here is a lesson for sure, that your past does NOT dictate your future in God, and it is NOT held over your head!  So, don’t you hold your past against yourself since God does not hold anything against you!  The gifts and calling of God are not something he goes  back on, and what is the will of God is NOT to be second guessed!  Paul’s new life in Jesus with all the miracles and manifestation of the Holy Spirit  started when God spoke to him,  Paul listened and humbled himself, and obeyed God!

When you humble yourself under the hand of God, then you will do what God says to do, and He will lift you up!  When God lifts you up, you have been LIFTED far above it ALL!  The devil hates when we learn to humble ourselves under the hand of God for he knows then God is lifting us up and there is nothing the devil can do about it, and he will be crushed right on out by the power of the Holy Spirit!

2 Chronicles 7:14 says “If MY people who are called by my name will HUMBLE  themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land!”  This is very powerful and as we  humble ourselves and pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from Heaven and forgive our sins and heal our land!  Praise God, our God reigns!  We need to admit when we have missed it and been wrong, for then the Lord can heal us so we can get it right and walk in the power of the Spirit of God where all the blessings are!

 It is NOT wrong to tell of all the miracles, signs, and wonders God does for when we share these things they glorify God and raise people’s faith and bring people closer to the Lord!  When you truly humble yourself under the hand of God then your soul will BOAST in the Lord!  You will brag on Jesus and what He has done and is doing!  Psalm 34:1-3  says, “I will bless the Lord at all times:  His praise shall continually be in my mouth.  My soul shall make her boast in the Lord:  the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.  O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together!  Praise God, it is high time to boast in the Lord!” 

“God is great and greatly to be praised!” {Psalm 48} 

As we humble ourselves under the hand of God, He will lift us up, and when God lifts you, you  HAVE been LIFTED INDEED, far above it ALL!  This year will be a year of the POWER OF THE MOST HIGH, THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!  The Holy Spirit will flow from your inner most being freely as you humble yourself under the hand of God!  

  • “He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.” Psalm 25:9 
  •  “God saves the humble.” Psalm 18:27.  
  • “God opposes the proud, but gives GRACE to the humble.” James 4:6.  
  • “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” Proverbs 11:2.  
  • “Before a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.” Proverbs 18:12
  • “Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven!” Matthew 18:4 says.

When we truly humble ourselves then we allow the Lord to lift us up and take our place in the kingdom of God in authority and in His power as we live and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit!  

Do not let the devil brow beat you and tell you that you are unworthy of what God is doing and showing!  The devil is a liar and the accuser of the brethren, and robs, kills, and destroys!  I bind every inroad the devil has had against every person right now in Jesus name, and loose every person from all demons of pride and destruction, and all the oppression entourage that was set against you!  The greatest thing for 2022, is to humble yourself under the hand of God and see the power of God go to work in your life.

199 thoughts on “The Greatest Thing in 2022

    1. Thank you, I’m glad this is blessing you and you love it! It is so important to have the love of the truth for then God can work with and in you! Blessings! Thanks for the comment!

    1. Good to hear, God will use this greatly in your life to bless you and turn everything around for good!

    1. Praise God this said things to help. God’s wisdom delivers us from death and destruction, and brings peace in our lives I’m glad you love this for God blesses the love of the truth! Thanks for your comment, and I pray God brings great things to pass in u our life!

    1. Thanks for the thumbs up, and glad to hear you love this! I pray it brings many blessings to you!

    1. You are welcome, and thanks for the winner vote! I pray it makes everyone who believes a winner!

  1. JBT, you need to read this post. I was so happy to hear when you coming to my school because I know I can ask questions and you know what to tell me. Nobody understand about demons much, but everyone said you would have answer to the question. Then also you have this blog to give people that I never heard of! I would be reading for years and years by now if I knew about this. I think this post apply to you because you are always afraid it look like you taking credit for things but it doesn’t. The first night when you did The Lord’s Prayer you had light all around you that could be seen. It looked like all around you from the top to your feet, but not dark like a shadow, light instead. God would not send that if he thought you were trying to take credit. I think just like this post says, people who try to take glory end up nowhere. And you prefer to stay behind scenes, but it’s not working because God wants you where you can answer people’s questions and pray to get results. Nobody ever would think you’re trying to take credit. You couldn’t have put that light there. That would never happen. Satan didn’t put it there. And that means Jesus put it there. So you should read this several times, because I think you have a problem.

  2. HA HA HA HA HA! You have a problem. What an excellent way to put so simple a thing. Yes, JBT, you DO have a problem. I’ve been reading this blog for 3 years because of you, because you walked up to me practically in the middle of the street and said “the Holy Spirit is the comforter, but you are refusing to be comforted because you’re blaming yourself for something that wasn’t your fault.” You were 100% on the money and it turned my whole life around. And you looked very uncomfortable when I found you later and was thanking you for everything. I could tell you didn’t even really want to acknowledge it, but you know very well that was a word of knowledge, because that is a gift you have. Just like that other person mentioned in their comment, the Bible says “earnestly desire the best gifts”. Well, if God tells people to earnestly desire them, then it’s okay to acknowledge them once they come, right? Okay, you think you have a loophole because you never earnestly desired gifts or anything else from God, it just showed up. That is no excuse for having a “problem,” though. You don’t want to be the poster child for problems, do you? So there is MY two cents. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    1. Thanks, I’m glad this is blessing you. The fact that you love it makes it work strong in you as well as with others who said they love it also! Put this to work in your life and get ready for the best blessings ever!

  3. I very much enjoyed this post! It speaks to both people. The kind who try to be the big shot and the kind who want to fly under the radar but should probably be saying more. I really like this!

  4. This is really great Rev. Rocket. I think a lot more people than you would think need to understand all this and how it works, and how it doesn’t work! There’s so many people out there acting like they’re the big hotshot and have all these wonderful gifts, and they actually have nothing and then the people you really should listen to other people try to run off. I really love this!



    1. Thank you lots!!!😊 I seriously pray over every post and then put here what the Holy Spirit directs!

      Your comment is a blessing!

  5. JBT, I also think you have problem. You are afraid people will think you are trying to take credit for miracles but no one think that. But you would not have all that happen if you were trying to take glory. You would be like that king who turn into a beast. Now you have been Christian a long time so you should know this. I’m glad for your student who log everything. Maybe she is only one who doesn’t mind that you won’t say things because she like to do it. LOL. I think you should tell experiences with the Holy Spirit that no one can see, though. That would be interesting!

  6. JBT, I came to hear you in California when Clay brought you to his church to go out with a bang and when I came up to you I said “I can’t get rid of these demons,” and you laughed and put your hand on my head and I felt power go from my feet up my legs and all the way to the top of my head and when it hit the top of my head you took your hand away and I think it was because you knew that I was filled to capacity. See, there is an interesting thing I would like to hear about. How that felt, and how you knew it was getting to the top of my head. Then I got delivered from tormenting demons I had all my life. And you said that you wished people knew how easy deliverance was. Then the pastor was trying to give you a hard time but he couldn’t talk. I’ll never forget that night. And you were looking at angels too because you always looked about three feet above peoples’ heads. Are angels about 8 or 9 feet tall? This stuff is interesting. You don’t tell it because you think you’ll be a freak show. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. I know that’s what you think. And I think an angel comes with you in the form of a man sometimes, because he can stand for hours and not shift his weight or take a sip of water or any normal things people do. You have a lot of secrets JBT, HA HA HA HA HA HA Thanks for this post Rev. Rocket.

    1. You are welcome for this post, and thank you for sharing what God did and what went on! People should hear more about the power of the presence of God that works deliverance and does all we need! ” In His presence is fulness of joy!”

  7. Thank you for this post Rocket Preacher. It brings out a lot of good points that I bet many people wonder about but don’t know who to ask!

  8. Well, l think l would love to hear more of these stories, JBT. I can’t imagine having that kind of relationship with the Holy Spirit, I think ALL Christians need to but just don’t know how. You should tell how it all started and what it felt like!

  9. But maybe we shouldn’t run Brittany out of a job just yet. Maybe sometimes people don’t know how to put experiences into words because it isn’t something that other people would necessarily understand. That would only lead to more questions for the person, and they still probably wouldn’t be able to explain it, and that, in turn, would just lead to frustration and the person feeling hen pecked. Why don’t we all concentrate on what we’re doing instead of what we think everyone else should be doing. Don’t worry. I won’t be offended if this comment is not approved. Just a random thought there. Have an nice day.

    1. Very good point, and true! It is time to concentrate on living for Jesus in our lives and not what we think others should be doing. Let God direct, for we all submit ourselves to Him.

  10. I once knew a man who kept telling everyone he was gifted and had all these prophecies and words of knowledge for people, nothing he ever said came true. But people kept following him because he made a big TV ministry and they got brainwashed by him. And he still going strong. I knew him back in the day, and I knew everything he was doing was fake. I like this post because it brings out a lot of good points about what to believe and what not to believe. But some people, even though they read the scripture about knowing people by their fruits, they don’t see the good fruits but they still follow the person. I don’t get that! I’m just going to stay with this blog.

    1. Thanks for the comment, and as you said there are the imposters who are after money and they have no power of God to do any miracles God said His believers would do.

      At the same time there are the true believers in Jesus who have the motive of love and who DO have the power of God with signs, wonders, and miracles where people are consistently healed, delivered, filled with the Spirit, and blessed! I pray for them that God bless them exceedingly, abundantly, far above all that they ask or think according to the power of God that works them so that they stay strong and encouraged. Much opposition goes against those with the real deal so we need to hold them up in prayer every day! Thanks and God bless!

  11. This shows a great difference between the real and the fake! I think a lot of people need to see this. In fact, I know a few idiots I would like to send it to. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

  12. I didn’t know the real from the fake for most of my life. Then I came to an outdoor concert in California, and that was the first time I heard JBT sing. In fact, it was during the heart of the pandemic and it was in a park near his house. He could have been doing a million things, but he was out in the heat playing for his students who he would go around the world for. People started sporadically getting spirit filled and delivered from demons. In fact, one of the police officers who came to make sure we didn’t have too big of a crowd must have been a Christian. When he saw what was happening he took off and came back with a friend of his who was on drugs and he got delivered from drug addiction. So he must’ve been spirit filled and recognized what was going on. I was in meetings before where supposedly things were happening, but later on, the supposed healings and deliverance didn’t last. That stuff is just worked up emotionalism and people think they’re feeling something because their emotions are on high alert. Or they crank up music so much that people are jumping up and down like they do at a rock concert and think it’s the Holy Spirit. But what I felt was just an overwhelming feeling like a cloud just descending all over everyone, and I think it’s because JBT goes off somewhere with God when he sings. I don’t think he is aware of us or ever was because I think he gets into a dimension of worship where it’s just him and Jesus unadulterated with any human consciousness. But I’m not so sure someone can explain that or tell other people how to get there. I asked that man one time that everyone thinks might be an angel why this happens for him and he said “He walks a dedicated and perilous road. It’s a considerable price to pay but I don’t really understand it.” I don’t pretend to know exactly what he meant by that, but I think the ones who are in it for money would turn tail and run if they ever had to take any risk for the gospel. They would go hide in their ivory tower. But he’s risked getting arrested, having people come to shoot him or pulverize him with a tire iron and all kinds of interesting stuff. It sounds like fun and games when you’re not the one with the gun in your face, but I know for a fact there was one time when someone walked right up with the gun and said “Do you believe in Jesus? Because if you say you do I’m shooting you.” And JBT’s answer was loud and clear: “Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the father but by him,” and the man fell flat on his face, and nobody ever did find the gun. I think maybe that Angel guy took it and winged it out into outer space. But you can’t tell me the human part of you isn’t looking at that gun barrel saying “well, maybe I was predestined to be a martyr.” Yeah, that’s a dedicated and perilous road for sure. Anyway, I’m rambling, but I think everyone who wants to hear what’s happening should do what I just did. Tell the stories they remember. I don’t think he understands what happens enough to explain it. That’s MY opinion. Nothing more nothing less. But at any rate, this is a rockin post that ALL Christians, and I mean ALL Christians will benefit from reading.

    1. Thank you SO much for your post, and I hope you do more! This is right on, and people need to read this a few times to make sure they really get it! Good idea for everyone to tell the stories they remember of what the Holy Spirit has done, and you are right that he gets in the Spirit caught up with Jesus and worshipping Him, and then the Holy Spirit floods and I believe it goes beyond human understanding it is so in the realm of Glory! “Heaven came down, and glory filled my soul…” the song says and how true! Actually those trying to analyze, and instruct, and advise, etc. should get with God in the Spirit and develop a life of praise and intense worship of God in Spirit and in truth! Then the Holy Spirit could move in their lives in a much more powerful and effective way!

      I’m glad to here this is a rockin’ post that ALL Christians will benefit from reading! I pray the Holy Spirit draws them and shows them the truth here! It will change their lives forever!

    1. Good observation! That is very true, and then it is up to each one which they are going to decide to be! Now there won’t be any excuses for light has come!

    1. Thank you, and God bless! Good to hear you love this… then it actually does good in you! Sounds like you are looking forward to sending it to some “idiots”… lol. Hopefully this will cause them to be delivered and to leave the land of idiocy!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad to hear this will give people what they need. God wants us to be blessed more than we know and shows us how to get in line for those blessings!

  13. I still hate your guts for not telling things JBT. but we’re sorry for torturing you. WELL, WE KIND OF ARE SORRY… Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  14. Rocket Preacher… The many helpful things in this post should be read again and again. It separates the phony people from real and that something that everyone need to know!

    1. Thank you from the good word for everyone and you are right! We really need to discern the difference between the phonies and the real in these days!

    1. Thank you! I’m glad to hear this shows the contrast between the phony and the real! Enjoy the real! Jesus is the TRUTH! No wonder God says you will know the truth and the truth will make you free!

    1. Hahahahaha…oops, the Holy Spirit came in when they least expected it! The testimonies should be very interesting!

  15. Rev. Rocket! “Site maintenance in progress” when I have all these testimonies to have people log? You had better call the president of blogworld and tell him I want to speak to him. Ok, everyone, let’s hear it!

    1. Ok everyone..lets make up for lost time…people need to hear what God did for and in you! Thanks.

  16. I not sure how to tell my miracle except that a man come who have power with him and l get delivered from many demons by only one word he speak. I never thought this could happen to me and now l have this blog too! Thank you!

    1. I once was bound and now I’m FREE is wonderful! Praise God! Now you can actually enjoy life in Jesus and live the ABUNDANT LIFE by the power of God, even the Holy Spirit!
      You are welcome for the blog, I’m glad this is a blessing to you and I pray the Holy Spirit shows you all you need and directs your paths!

  17. I have a hard time to explain my miracle. For the first in my life I get spirit-filled and delivered of demons. Because someone knew what they were doing instead of telling a bunch of things that don’t make sense! That’s what I need my whole life and finally got it!

    1. Praise God, this is such wonderful miracles of God! The key here is obvious that someone KNEW what they were doing! God does NOT bless stupidity or unbelief. He moves on the truth and by faith! Enjoy your new Spirit filled, delivered life in Jesus!

  18. I wanted Holy Spirit for many years. No one knew what to tell me. They tell me things to make no sense and that I have to tarry and wait all the time. But all this waiting produce nothing. So I ask your friend “what do I do if all this tarry sessions produce nothing?” And I don’t remember anything other than him touching me and then suddenly I am on the floor looking up and speaking in prayer language. Now this blog makes better sense even to me! No one with power ever come to our church before and this is all new to me!

    1. Welcome to the land of the Holy Spirit where He revives, quickens, leads, comforts, reveals, restores, blesses and shows you the truth that makes you FREE INDEED!
      God knew you just needed someone to come that had the anointing of the Holy Spirit! Thanks.for.sharing and I pray others too now will be filled with the Spirit when they see it is easy and It will happen as they believe and receive!

  19. okay, I will try to read this blog now and get myself on track. I think I had false information given to me by church that knows not enough about the Holy Spirit. This singer came and knew about it but also brought it with him and explain that no big thing needs to be done to be spirit-filled. Just believe. So now I think my life will be 100% better from here on! I love this blog!

    1. Praise God, He heard the cry of your heart and sent someone who knew the answer and now you are Spirit filled! I agree your life will be 100% better now! The Hy Spirit will cause you to soar miss above it ALL!
      I’m very glad you love this blog! I pray the Lord reveals here everything you need to know by the Holy Spirit!

  20. I think singer should come again to our church to get others to see about how Holy Spirit work. Even our pastor not quite sure what happened. Haaaaa. Can Roving Reporter girl make him return? She seem to be the one in charge.

    1. Singer lets the Lord lead him what to do, so a good way to do would be to pray and get others praying with you for God to bring revival and outpouring of the Holy Spirit to all of your church including the Pastor!
      Then, as God leads singer, and opens the door,he would come there again.

  21. Rev. Rocket, I must say that I learn more from this blog than I do from my pastor in all these years. This fact is because that singer knew more answers to my questions then the pastor did. He only knew a little, but your friend knew everything. He answer 10 questions for me and all answers made sense. I wasn’t even saved, but I didn’t know it. I thought all you have to do is pray prayer and then you’re good. No. You have to really believe it. I don’t think I did. But when he told me things, then I did believe it and I got really saved. Then everything else happened too. I hope he come back here soon! Is this good enough for testimony?

    1. This is a WONDERFUL testimony…very good. Thank the Lord you got really saved now as you believed. Praise God now you are really learning the truth here and all you did from the singer.You will grow very strong in Jesus. Thanks for sharing, it is a blessing.

  22. I will be more than happy to schedule JBT back to that church. Don’t worry everyone! You are correct that I am in charge of his schedule.

    1. Lol, well there you have it Tiara…that was a quick answer wasn’t it?! Now you know he will be coming so organize people to pray in the Spirit over the future when he comes there and everybody will be prayed through ahead of time for the miracles, signs, and wonders needed and for the Spirit of equivalent to prevail. Bind all evil spirits ahead of time in prayer and shut them down and tell them to leave people and you will see the glory of God in a big way!

      Thanks RR the people need the move of the Holy Spirit!

  23. Rev. Rocket, I never hear anything like this before! And change my whole life and I don’t even know what to say about it! I have got many blessings now that I never knew were available to me because I had incorrect information! I see a big cloud come down over singer when he did his last song and I think it was heavy because it was hard for him to stand up until it lifted and spread around to other people. He had two boys from school holding him up practically. I wonder what that feels like. He seemed to be there but yet not there, and when the cloud hit me I am spirit filled! I love this blog. It answers all questions!

    1. Yes, God’s glory cloud is full of healing, deliverance, and power to meet all needs. It is wonderful now you are Spirit filled after the cloud of glory hit you, and I’m glad your questions are being answered here, and that you love this blog! I pray blessing after blessing on you! Thank you for sharing what God did for you.

  24. I never have experience like this before because my pastor not know anything. But this man who sing all kinds of notes that nobody can usually sing that high, knew everything. He say I’m not supposed to say he knew everything. LOL. I tell him that people will know what I mean. Haaaa! He answer all my questions and can cast demons away with a word. I never know it could be done on one word. Then some weirdo say “you do that all wrong, because you don’t cast them out in Jesus name, you just say go. Only Jesus has power to cast demons out.” And 5 octave singer say “yes but he gave the power to us too, and since it easier to say one word than many, I just say go.” I think what that is is difference between people who understand the power God gave them and people who don’t. But that’s just my opinion.

    1. Lol, YES, we understand the “everything” statement. He had light from God to give you the understanding for the answers to all your questions.
      Jesus said the same works He did we will do, and greater…. so Jesus said to the demons “GO” and they went, and we say “GO” and the demons go!

      I think maybe skeptics lay awake all night tormented with thoughts of unbelief to keep them away from believing the Word of God that would set them free if they believed it!

      You are right about the difference is when believers KNOW the power of God, and the authority God gave us through Jesus then they have the results and miracles God promises in His Word!

    1. Good to hear you are finally learning something here! Evidently you have been hungry for the truth and been on a starvation diet! No more! I pray the Holy Spirit reveals here the truth that will cause you to grow and be made free indeed! Hallelujah!

    1. You are welcome, and I’m glad to hear you are happy to find important information here. God makes sure we have what we need and I pray He shows you all you need to know!

  25. The greatest thing in 2022 is this blog! LOL. I love this Rocket Preacher. My music instructor is getting a reputation as a rabble rouser. Someone came to him at the school and said “you’re getting a reputation as someone who is doing strange fire.” Or something weird like that and he said “Oh, ok, thanks for stoppin’ bye.” Haaaaaaa!

  26. Thanks, glad you love this. I pray this blesses and helps many!

    Lol…your music instructor “answered not a fool according to their folly.” Skeptics will have to weep in their unbelief! If they refuse to have faith we sure cannot force them to believe, so, they will just have to doubt and do without. Lol.. when they refuse to believe that’s where God said : “Let the filthy be filthy still.”

    Keep believing and laughing…THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH!

    1. Hahahahahahaha! Well, my yes, what could ever happen? The fresh air, the music, the singing, just a good time to be had by all!

      Then the whirlwind of the Holy Spirit descends and blows all the demons out of the flesh, gets everyone saved, Spirit filled, and healed, and fills everyone to overflowing with JOY, JOY, JOY! A MERRY HEART FULL OF LAUGHTER DOES GOOD LIKE A MEDICINE!

  27. Well, Rev.Rocket. Tomorrow night I’ll be doing an outdoor concert in the area where they gather for the purpose of telling or hearing some strange new thing, Oh dear.

    1. I hear you and I will be praying special prayers! For one, I pray the LIGHT will be so strong that those who only want to stay in darkness won’t be able to stay, and those who stay will be set free! I also pray that many special super-warrior angels come to guard, protect, and deliver!

      God bless you mightily in every way!

  28. I’m going to hear that singer from the University tonight. I want to see what this is all about. I like this blog he gave me. Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. Good! When you go with an open heart to the Lord great things will happen by the Holy Spirit! Jesus will show up and when He does people will receive miracles from Him that totally change their lives for the good! I’m glad to hear you like the blog, and I pray God really blesses it to your heart and life. You are welcome! Enjoy!

    1. The singer is right on because he is telling you what God said in His Word! Psalm 103 says…Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all His benefits; who forgives ALLyour iniquities, who HEALS ALL your diseases. 1 Peter 2:24 speaking of Jesus and what He did for us on the cross says: “By whose stripes you WERE healed!” So when Jesus died for us He bore our sins so we could be forgiven and cleansed by His blood, and when they whipped Him raw Jesus bore ALL our sicknesses and by His stripes we WERE HEALED! How could anyone believe that sickness is something that God would want us to have when Jesus ALREADY bore that sickness for us and healed us ALREADY?! 3 John says: “Beloved I will above ALL things that you prosper and BE in HEALTH even as your soul prospers!” Sickness is evil and Jesus told us already to pray for God to DELIVER US FROM EVIL! Hebrews 13:8 says: “JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY TODAY, AND FOREVER!” WHAT HE HAS DONE HE IS DOING, AND WILL DO! Acts 10:38 says: “HOW GOD ANOINTED JESUS OF NAZARETH WITH THE HOLY GHOST AND POWER, WHO WENT ABOUT DOING GOOD, HEALING…HEALING…HEALING ALL THAT WERE OPPRESSED OF THE DEVIL, FOR GOD WAS WITH HIM!” Here we see that sickness is the oppression of the devil, and the WILL OF GOD IS FOR US TO BE HEALED AND DELIVERED FROM ALL THE oppression of the devil for JESUS DID THE EXPRESS WILL OF GOD ALWAYS!

      No pastor or any minister will get anyone healed believing a wishy washy, tipsy, turvey, Mish mosh of unbelief mixed in with their believing and teaching! A little leaven leaves the whole lump! We need to discern where we received false teaching, and false lying doctrines, and cast out ALL the demons that came in through the lies to bind and oppress and rob us!


  29. Will that piano player pray for me to get saved and spirit filled tonight? Religions of all kinds hang out in that area but I think the best is the religion this blog talks about.

    1. The piano player will definitely lead you to salvation by Jesus Christ, and pray for you to be Spirit filled! PRAISE GOD…A NEW LIFE FOR YOU…THE ABUNDANT LIFE IN JESUS! GO BELIEVING…YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED!

  30. I wish I had known about this a long time ago! I’m going tonight because I want to hear what this is all about. If it’s all true, and everything on this blog is true, then I can live a completely different life. This is what preachers all try to sell to you for money, but it never happens! You just lose the money. Well I don’t have any to lose! I think this guy is too handsome for his own good, but I’ll go see what he has to say anyway!

    1. Yes, your time is now! Time for Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit! The preachers that try to sell blessings are not doing what God wants so nothing happens for God is not blessing b it! Tonight you will see the glory of God, and your life will be changed by the Spirit of God as you give Jesus your heart and believe on Him! We speak the true Word of God here, and so does the singer you are seeing tonight! I pray the Holy Spirit does a marvelous work in your heart and life!

  31. don’t understand any of this, but I’m here and I’m going to see what happens! It seems like this piano player brings something with him but I don’t understand how that happens. I will come back and say more tomorrow after I see what this is all about!

    1. Good! The power of the Holy Spirit is what will move in people’s hearts and lives bringing people to Jesus Christ, who laid His life down for all of us and purchased our salvation with His blood!

  32. I usually come here to debate the Obia crew with my agnosticism, but they are too scared to stay. They ran off as soon as this guy got here! What in the world? Can’t wait to see how this turns out.

    1. If you check here on the blog I prayed that if people wanted darkness they wouldn’t be able to stay, and those who stay would be set free! Come back and let us know what God did for you!

  33. Well, I definitely think there’s angels here because he’s looking up over our heads all of a sudden. The air is getting thick….. I will do a whole synopsis tomorrow, but I will also call in individual testimonies. I can’t wait. The night is young! 😆😂😊😋

    1. Oh, hallelujah, yes there are definitely special-warrior angels there. Look at an earlier answer I did to JBT. It was a prayer for them to come there tonight! Our God answers prayers for He is faithful to His Word! Can hardly wait to hear all the goings on! Thank you for being on it! Blessings!

  34. Okay, someone told me that this man can tell me why I do some of the things I do and help me. I didn’t really think it was true, but he did. I never believed in demons. Oooops. Now I have to stand here with egg on my face. Yikes! Okay, I’m in. I think he sees things that we don’t. But now I’m told I have a lot to read on this blog and he even told me the order have to read it in! Seriously?

    1. At least now you were able to humble yourself to receive deliverance and the Word you needed, so a little egg on the face is far better than losing out with God. WELCOME!
      Seriously, yes! You finally met a person who KNOWS the Lord, knows how to listen to Him, and share that with you from Jesus by the Holy Spirit to give you the help you need!
      You will be VERY glad you read these posts for it will be life transforming and you will be able to do the long run with Jesus and overcome all there is!

  35. Okay, well here’s what happened… Everybody was crowded around and discussing all their silly nonsense that they came there to debate. Strange different religions and all kinds of weirdness. So they’re waiting to hear whoever’s going to be singing that night and then you know who shows up. So right when he is getting set up, the Obia people went racing off of course. He just laughed. That’s how I knew who they were, because I ask who it was that went running off, and he said it was the Obia gang. They do island voodoo and all that. So a person went up demanding to know how he KNEW that and he said “you actually already know the answer to that so why are you asking me?” And then THAT guy took off. Not sure what that was all about. So then he is just doing regular music, and I think probably hoping against hope that nothing would happen, but then suddenly he’s looking up over our heads from left to right in the semi circle so I’m figuring a band of angels was there… And then suddenly he decides to do Glory in the Cross. Ooops. People start crowding up around where he’s playing, but they could only get so close until they started dropping like flies. There were some real diehards who claimed they were never going to get spirit filled because it’s not necessary in this day and age, and now they’re just like tongue talking fools. Then, of course, the proverbial town crier that we better be careful because this guy does “strange fire.” But. Whoopsy Daisy, he suddenly couldn’t seem to find his tongue. Then a woman got delivered from demons of epilepsy and a man got delivered from demons of drug addiction. JBT told him to go and read about all the miracles on this blog where people throw their stash out. And then there was this diehard who claimed she is NOT going to the blog and he can’t make her, etc. etc I just had to roll my eyes. And then when she walked away he said “she’ll be on the blog tomorrow at 2 o’clock.” So needless to say I’m crouched and waiting for that! HA HA HA HA HA HA. Other than that, testimonies should be forthcoming… I see some people already made comments. LOL and naturally at the end of the night, several people said “we will hear more from you on this matter.” HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Acts 17

    1. Thank you so much for the report of what went on last night! Praise God, loving every minute of it! Those who wanted darkness were not going to be able to stay last night…it was bye bye time, lol! The Holy Spirit is so amazing! Praise God for all the deliverance and healing as well as people being Spirit filled!

      Everyone, keep filling your heart and mind with the good Word of God and continue praying in the tongues of the Holy Spirit every day! This we build you up in faith and keep you strong as well as being able to pray in the Spirit for others, over circumstances, etc. God is good so keep praising Him for His goodness, His great love, and all He has done, is doing, and will do!

  36. Okay JBT, you’re very amusing. Here I am. And you are right about all of it. All three posts were what I needed to hear. You’re still a very annoying individual but, go ahead… Say I told you so! Have your jollies. WhatEVER!

    1. Welcome, and I’m glad you received answers and truth you needed to hear on the 3 posts. God is amazing for He gets us to the right place, at the right needed time, to see the right person who has the answer from God, that met your life need! Praise Jesus!

      I pray the Holy Spirit anoints the truth to your heart that the fire of faith will burn strong to lift you above it all!

  37. Okay, I don’t want to get anything started, but a certain individual is once again insisting that he can sing straight. it wouldn’t bother me if it became a bet because my husband would benefit but it seems to show a little bit of masochism in you know who. I mean, why would he want to give money away that he can’t afford?. I’ll just leave it at that, and if I get in trouble for this I’ll let you know and you can delete it. 😂🤪😂🤪

    1. Good, because God has been waiting and wanting you to make a firm decision for what the Holy Spirit made real to you here! Now that you have, you will have the power of the Holy Spirit moving in your heart and life making everything new, powerful in God, and blessed!

  38. Is this piano player the real deal? How did he chase the Obia people away? Then another guy came and said he was going to put a curse on him and the singer kept laughing at him and he could hardly sing at some points because he was laughing so hard. The “curse” guy ran off. Someone told me you said the evil people wouldn’t be able to stand it. I’m going to go back to hear more about that!

    1. Evil people that love darkness running away from a believer in Jesus Christ says it all! The piano player is definitely the real deal! I prayed that people who wanted darkness would not be able to stay, and the people who stayed would be set free!

      When you stand for the Lord, the Lord stands for you! What if the evil ones eyes were opened to see an angel with a drawn sword aimed at them?! God has done that for His people, and believe me, the wicked ones do not want to mess with an angel that excels in strength holding a drawn sword!

      I love that the piano player laughed and laughed at “curse-man”….Hahahahahahaha..bye bye curse-man! God was laughing at the evil ones also, and the Word of God says He puts them in derision!

      Just know that the presence of God cannot be withstood by people that love darkness! When he sings he worships God and then the presence of God manifests. Thats where the miracles happen! Light comes, darkness RUNS!

  39. Ok…l will have no choice to believe this man because he tell me things no one can know! I think l will read this blog too now.

    1. Yes, believe, for God had him do that because He knows the needs of your heart and life!

      I pray as you read the blog Jesus blesses you and the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to you to set you free and build your faith! Jesus loves you so much!

  40. JBT is making up for trying to do a song straight and he’s hog wild. Me and Molly are having a blast. Every 5 minutes someone says “How is he DOING that?” He’s out of control. Haaaaaaaa! Meanwhile these thugs with ball bats come over to try to thrash him and fell flat on their faces. LOL

    1. Hahaha I knew he would do that and I said he go nuts with a song after the “torture” of trying to sing straight! Ball bats DOWN… ball bat holders DOWN..HA! GOOD! GOD LETS THEM KNOW SOMETHING DOESN’T HE!?

      I CAN ONLY IMAGINE ALL HE IS DOING VOCALLY, LOL! Probably a new record for most innovation in one set of songs!!!

  41. Ok, JBT, I’ve HAD it. I’m coming tonight and I am going to be the first person you talk to. I got bumped out of the way three times last night, and tonight, heads are going to roll. People are gonna see what this little girl’s made of. HA!


  42. Well, as usual, JBT got mobbed at the end. Some of the best highlights are the person who marched right up to him and said “I don’t need to hear any more of this stuff, I know none of it’s true anyway.” So he said “oh, okay, got it,” and barely brushed his head with his hand and the guy goes crashing to the ground. HA HA HA HA. Then another gang of idiots came to try to interfere and suddenly their eyes got wide as saucers and they looked around and ran off. I think maybe they were seeing what JBT saw. Then the best thing of the night, three pastors went up to try to tell him the error of his ways, but ended up getting spirit filled instead. I guess when God decides your number is up it’s up. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Oh, these were just good for sure! Thanks for sharing them! Lol, God’s Pastor’s reformation plan: when they go up to argue getting Spirit filled instead! Hahaha now they can preach with power and results instead of a dead letter that kills! Sounds like the man that went crashing down under the power of God lost some unbelief! Lol. Interfering idiots …exit NOW or try to fight a band of warrior angels…Hahahahaha! Bye!

      Where is he tonight?

    1. I’m glad to hear you believe him for now I know you will live for Jesus! I prayed for you that the Holy Spirit would show you the truth!

  43. How can I even explain experience? And who is this man? I hear a lot, but you never know what you hear or who to listen to. This person was different. I told him all the things religious leaders told me and he said “all that need to go away, that’s why you’re screwed up.” Then he tell me three major thing that happen in my life and I knew then he was real, and I said “please can you cast demon out with no ritual and not talk to them in meantime because that is hideous. I hate when pastor do that.” And he said if you’re doing that you just chasing your tail and the demons not go anywhere. So I said “can it really be no big fanfare?” he said “I show you how little fanfare it need to be.” And then he put both his hands on my head and I felt thing that was never felt by me before. I feel like I go to Heaven right then and it feel like what people try to get when they take drug only thousand times more. And then all the weird mental feelings and all the things I hear in my head and strange feelings just start going one by one and I feel like my brain is starting over with just my brain and nothing interfering. And it was completely quiet and still and he never even pray or say one word. I asked that man who always standing there with him how this could happen without him saying one word and he seem kind of blank reaction and then say, “He knows about power. I don’t understand it much beyond that.” This was the best experience of my life. I still feel today what was coming from his hands. Now I think I will understand everything on this blog and I have to get reading to make up for lost time!

    1. Praise the Lord for you Marietta, and for what marvelous miracle of deliverance He has done for and in you! The Bible says you will know them by their fruits, and see the singer laid his hands on you and all the demons and their strangeness HAD to leave you, and your mind was freed and restored to normal! Now THAT is good fruit!!! Hallelujah to Jesus!!! God is so good.

      So many people need to get away from those who do not have the goods for they just confuse people and cannot get anyone delivered!

      It was the Holy Spirit that got you to this man, and he yields to the Holy Spirit and knows the truth so the power of God really flows freely and people’s needs are truly met by Jesus!

      Now you definitely WILL understand the blog, and God will reveal His Word to you on the inside, in your spirit, and your mind will be continuously renewed by the Word of God as you live FREE AND BLESSED! ENJOY!

      Thanks for sharing your testimony, it will bless many and help others have faith for deliverance and all they need from God.

  44. I don’t know what came pouring out of the singer when he touch me but my whole life is different now. And finally now I get Holy Spirit which I thought was being kept from me because of sins. He tell me no no no no, that has nothing to do with anything because sins that are under the blood don’t keep Holy Spirit away. I think I had much wrong teaching but now that will change with this blog. I don’t know how to explain anymore what happen to me.

    1. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is tangible and flows out when a believer is yielded to Him and knows how to release that power God gives to people.
      Praise God your whole life is released now by the Holy Spirit who you received now that you heard the truth!

      You were under a spirit of false condemnation through false teaching, but now you are FREE, praise Jesus!

      I am so glad you are here now! The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth and anoint these words God has given to your spirit! You will grow strong in faith and the power of God! Psalm 91 says “No evil will befall you” when you abide under the shadow of the Almighty! Enjoy living THE ABUNDANT LIFE!
      You.described perfectly what God did for you…glory to God forever!

  45. Last night was exceptional, Rev. Rocket. So many people got delivered from demons who thought it had to be a long drawn out process. He wasn’t even praying! And I asked him later well, why not? And he said it’s not necessary when there’s that much anointing present. (Obviously, he was oh-so-careful to talk about the anointing generically. It was “present,” you know, not like it was in him or anything. Haaaaaaaaaaaa ) And he said it’s because the powerful feeling of the anointing is something that demons can’t stand at that level and the “dry places” are actually preferable to being burned that way so they just go on their own. So I guess the level of anointing the person has helps facilitate the deliverance process? Am I right about that? There’s no use asking him two questions in a row because he’ll have an excuse why he can’t answer. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    1. Praise God for all the powerful deliverance! The people have suffered through all kinds of Mish mosh, and finally could be set free indeed!

      Yes, the degree of anointing a person has can definitely help facilitate deliverance. Remember, Jesus said He cast out demons by the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of God brings the anointing. The Word of God says the yoke is destroyed because of the anointing! Acts 10:38 ” How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power, who went about doing good, healing ALL that were oppressed of the devil. Remember also that God says we are baptized with the Holy Ghost and FIRE! The fire of the anointing of the Spirit does literally BURN demons… right on OUT! Praise God!

      Thank God for deliverance for it works and brings believers back to the place of peace and flow of the Spirit!

  46. Okay rocket preacher. I must admit you are right. And everything your friend tell me would happen today now has happened. Now I must believe all this!

    1. Yes, now is the time to believe..believe…BELIEVE! GOD has given you many witnesses to the truth! Jesus really is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the power of the Holy Spirit never fades! God has so many blessings for you so don’t miss out, but make your stand in Jesus, on God’s Word by the power of the Holy Spirit by faith!

  47. Rocket preacher, does God ever let someone in your family get cancer or a disease to make you repent of something? Your friend here says no way. Is he right and do you know for sure?

    1. My friend there is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY RIGHT! God does not need the works of the devil to “make” you repent! Jesus HEALED all that were oppressed of the devil! Sickness is the oppression of the devil! Satan does his dirty works by demon spirits. Cancer is an evil life that destroys! When we cast out the “spirit” behind the cancer, the cancer dies and is gone for the “life” of the cancer is gone!
      God leads you to repentance by His goodness! Romans 2:4 “The goodness of God leads you to repentance!” I have seen the goodness of God be extended to the unsaved by healing them and the goodness of God manifested led them to repentance and they gave their heart to Jesus! I do KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW!

    1. God has seen your tears, heard your cry and is come down to DELIVER YOU! Just KNOW this is easy for God! He is the ONE who said: “LIGHT BE” and the sun, moon, and all the trillions of stars were created! He also said: “Call on me in the day of trouble and I WILL DELIVER YOU!” God also said: “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be DELIVERED!” RIGHT NOW, in the day of trouble, CALL ON THE NAME OF JESUS IN FAITH BELIEVING! Praise Jesus, the power of His name sets you FREE, COMPLETELY FREE RIGHT NOW! GLORY TO JESUS! HALLELUJAH! NOW do whatever the Holy Spirit says do and BE FREE!

  48. Years ago, a fun redheaded girl gave me this blog and I’ve been reading ever since. I got spirit filled because of it and delivered from demons of nervous stomach and migraine headaches. But I think it go over my head about mental things or I should have read further and instead got lazy. Now I got to meet man who makes everyone do assignments on here. Haaaaa! Looks like I am next. I have to focus on fixing my boat right now. Whoops. But here is what I need to know… How he did for me what he did last night. This is what happen. He was not playing anywhere or anything like that, but I saw him taking coffee from the café and said “Hey you! You have to stop right there!” He said “Uh oh. I paid for the coffee. Honest. I hope you’re going to read me my rights first.” That is American thing where you are told your rights when being arrested. Haaaaa! I knew what he was saying. I laugh my head off. We have to be read things too if we get arrested here. LOL so I just kept having fun and I say “Well, you won’t be arrested if you pray for me.” He laughed so hard he almost spill coffee. So I said “I have mind problem for 15 years and it won’t go away. And pills won’t help..” He say “No, you’ve gotten progressively worse on the pills and you almost threw them away yesterday but you’re afraid of withdrawal. You can throw them away because we’re going to throw the demons away.” So then I start thinking maybe he’s crazy. I thought demon only for physical problems. I thought mind problem was your cross to bear. See, I got lazy when my migraines and nervous stomach went away and should have kept on here reading more. Anyway, he set his coffee down, put his hand on my head and said “go.” That was it. I think “Well, THAT won’t work. You can’t just say go.” I guess you can though. Because I felt them go. It felt like bullets being shot out of my body only it didn’t hurt. I say “what were all they?” He said demons of nightmares, altered reality, altered perspective, repetitive thoughts, fixation and confusion. Well, that was every problem I had. Here is what I wonder about. How did he know what the medication was doing and that I was almost going to throw it out, because that was correct, and how did he know all six type of demon causing the problem? This is something strange that I never heard of before. Because I never told him, and I never say anything to anyone who he knows, not even the redheaded girl that I get blog from. And now I see even drug addiction is demon from all these people who throw it away on here. So I have a lot to read, but I just wonder how he knew in one minute all the type of demon to go and what I was thinking about my medicine. Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. You are welcome, and it is good to hear how you were set free and healed here of migraines and the stomach problem. The power of the Holy Spirit is beyond everything we know in the natural so we should take off the limits we have put on God!

      Praise God for deliverance in the coffee shop! Love it! Now I would expect that someone who finds this out will hang out there until they see him and get their own deliverance! Lol

      Just stay simple with how the Lord reveals things like things that are happening, the names of spirits to cast out, etc. Simply, God shows these things by the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Spirit, special manifestations of the Spirit are given as the Spirit wills, and include the discerning of spirits, and word of knowledge. You can read in the Bible in Corinthians about the gifts of the Spirit, and it is all to glorify God. God takes a little of His knowledge and puts it in the believers spirit to help people. These are given as people reach out to Jesus for the help they need.

      Blessings. Now keep going so you don’t miss out in God’s best!

    1. Hahahahahahaha…just laughing them to scorn..hahahahaha! Now I’m laughing at their awful gaggy demons..hahahahahahanahahaha! Now I’m laughing at the control they had on the people that they are losing tonight…hahahahahHaha!
      Come Holy Spirit we need you. Come sweet Spirit I pray. Come in your strength and your power. Come in your own special way. Nice song prayer for the sake of the people in need!

      You have to let me know what goes!

  49. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! The pastor tonight told JBT “All we want you to do is just play for our youth group, not any of that crazy stuff.” (The youth group has a new hall or whatever for their activities and this is like the ribbon cutting or something.) And the pastor made sure to tell him all the do’s and don’ts and he said “yeah, ok, thanks for stopping by. Bye-bye now.” HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Hahahahahaha! We will have to see what the Holy Spirit thinks of their little do’s and dont’s!!! Ha!

      Its like: HELLO HOLY SPIRIT, AND BYE BYE TO the unbelieving do’s and religious spirit don’ts! Lord Jesus let your mantle fall on the people in a powerful, delivering, joyous, majestic way where no one will be untouched and every life will be changed and blessed by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name!

    1. God loves you a lot! His grace does not take us where His grace cannot sustain us! I’m praying!

    1. Oh, good, I love it. After I wrote it I thought he might do that. Let me know what happens…I have a feeling “all heaven is going to break loose!”

  50. Oooops. The losers couldn’t interfer with anything! All they could do was stand there and frown! Haaaaa!


  51. Well, my pastor tried to run off the singer and tell him what to do, but all he could do was stand there with a scowl on his face the whole night. Whole bunch of us got spirit filled! I don’t think our church likes that, but oh well…

    1. Your pastor could only scowl because all his unclean spirits of unbelief were completely bound, and since he yields to them, then he was bound too, for NOTHING BUT NOTHING was going to stop the outpouring of the Holy Spirit you needed!
      God hears the heart cry, and it moves Him to send the right person with the anointing who will be able to release to the people what they yearn for and need!

      Praise God for the bunch that got Spirit filled! I have prayed that now you would all be firebrands carrying the flame of the Holy Spirit everywhere you go! Pray in the Spirit a LOT! IT BUILDS YOU UP WHILE BEING A PERFECT PRAYER IN THE HOLY GHOST! It is a mighty weapon, and keeps you in the love of God for the love of God is shed abroad in your hearts by the Holy Ghost! Now you are endued with POWER from on high, and that power heals the sick, and drives out demons, and brings t he miraculous of God on the scene!

  52. I can’t believe that all the while I was growing up I was told that everything that happened in the second chapter of Acts was just to be a witness to those people who were there at the time, but that getting spirit filled wasn’t necessary these days. My pastor didn’t know what he was talking about! Your singer friend cleared that up with one sentence in that chapter where it says “this promise is to you here and all who are far off and as many as the Lord our God shall call.” Well that’s kind of like all Christians isn’t it? I don’t think my pastor is that bright!

    1. Praise God, you are in the blowing on the wind club! When I read your testimony of the miracle of deliverance from drugs the anointing came off your testimony that was on you to set you free and surged up in me. So, now that anointing is present on the prayer I prayed for you, and your testimony and there are 5 more people bound with drugs that will go free if they pray the prayer aloud in faith, and your testimony, and then just DO WHATEVER THE HOLY SPIRIT SAYS TO DO! It doesn’t matter how long anyone has been bound for the Hy Spirit is not limited by how long a person has been bound.

  53. Okay, Rocket preacher… I never see anything like this before ever. This singer come and start playing a song called Sweet Holy Spirit, which Roving Reporter girl tell me you said. And then all this atmosphere fill up room that can’t be explained. The two pastors were angry and didn’t want any of that there, and then I find out that what they didn’t want was the Holy Spirit? I don’t get that at all. When we all got that and then prayer language come with it we all feel like new life is there right away. It looks like to me they have old life. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. I told youth pastor “you need this too, you just don’t know it.” He said I was too young to tell him that. Then I said, “maybe younger but also smarter because I’m smiling and you are all in a nasty state of mind.” Ooops. The music director liked it though and he is now also spirit filled. He said it make him think of scenes in Bible like where David play instrument and demons can’t do anything in Saul. And when he say that, that singer whisked him off and they were talking privately. I wanted to hear it! Then later on he didn’t say all of what he told him, but he told him that he had discerning and that’s how he knew it was the music suppressing the anger in the pastors. So I hope our music director doesn’t get fired but he probably will. Some of us are going to fire ourselves from this church once we’re 18. HAAAAAA!

    1. I love your comment and it is true! When you told the youth pastor how you were smiling, but they were all b in a nasty state of mind , that hit the nail RIGHT ON THE HEAD! HAHAHA. Miserable wretches full of unbelief and a critical spirit need a lot of deliverance and to be filled with the Holy Spirit, but they love their sin, and so stay bound up!

      Praise God you and others were filled with the Spirit, and now you will walk in newness of life in the Spirit!

      Yes, it sounds like a very good idea when 18 to move right along! Don’t ever stay where there is spiritual death! God is going to use you and the others who were Spirit filled as firebrands to spread revival, so get ready, pray a lot, and do what the Holy Spirit says to do! Blessings.

  54. This was an excellent experience! I never knew it was so easy to get spirit filled and I didn’t even know was necessary! The singer brought something with him that was hard to argue with and so here I am… An official holy roller! My church doesn’t like it maybe, but I don’t care!

    1. Welcome on in to the present day outpouring of the Holy Spirit! God never stopped, but man denominated the Holy Spirit out of their churches and lives, quenching and grieving Him away! Now, God is seeking those who would believe and receive in these last days! Gods Word is the final authority and this promise is to ALL he calls, and all who are saved are the called! The anointing is what destroys the yoke! Enjoy your new life with the Spiritnof the Living God!

  55. I’m grateful to have been at this church, even though the church kind of doesn’t understand a lot. If I wasn’t part of this I would’ve never met the singer and realized how bad I needed to be spirit filled. I feel bad for people who have gone their whole life and don’t know they need this! It’s explains a lot of why they act the way they do! I hope this blog is always here!

    1. You are right, and I pray many eyes are opened to what is needed in the Holy Spirit! Praise God you received! We are in it for the long run so enjoy and be blessed by this!

  56. Okay, I’m here. I don’t need anybody to tell me what blog to read. I can decide that for myself. I hope you’re happy. I’m here and I’m reading the blog. I DON’T want to hear I told you so and that’s that! Thanks Rocket Preacher… I really needed this and I’m glad all this information is here! Thank you!

    1. You are welcome and I’m glad to hear this is helpingnyou and you are glad this is here. God bless younall the time!

  57. Looks like the music director is getting fired from that church! A man after my own heart. If you’re going out… Go out with a bang!

    1. I hear you! God is going to bless his stand for when you stand for God, then He stands for you!

  58. I know this probably doesn’t belong here, and it’s okay if you delete it, but to date, Pfizer has officially made 54 BILLION dollars on that vaccine. But we’re not supposed to think it’s about money???

    1. Exactly! Good point! AND how many times have we heard of things like a cruise where EVERYONE had a vaccine, and the virus broke out all over the ship! Hmm not very much protection, huh!?

  59. Please let JBT do mass prayers you guys! He won’t appreciate this, but I really don’t care. Some things are just people minding everyone’s business but their own, but I’m not doing that. He’s seriously exhausted and because of how much love he has for the human race in general, he will literally go until he drops. He won’t set a limit, but l don’t think it’s good for anyone to be that exhausted. I know how it is when you finally meet someone who knows what they’re talking about and I get why he gets mobbed, but he has to be able to go home at night because he does work full-time teaching too. Have mercy.LOL

    1. This is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ON! Everyone look to Jesus for He is the one meeting all the needs, and to pray mass prayers over everyone at the same time is just as effective! I have prayed for a number of people in a meeting all at once and all over the room those that needed deliverance got deliverance and those needing healing were healed, etc. The Holy Spirit is everywhere present and will honor a mass prayer over everyone at once!

  60. Rev. Rocket, why would pastors not want Holy Spirit? They tell me to stay away from singer but no….l’m not doing that because he was only one who know how to tell me to get Spirit filled!

    1. Plain and simple anyone who does not want the Holy Spirit INCLUDING pastors is listening to demons, and that is NOT good! They have also set their course against the Holy Spirit which means they are walking away from God into darkness! Men loved darkness for their deeds were evil.

    1. Wonderful! I’m so glad to hear you love this blog for you have to love the truth to love this blog! You are welcome for sure! I pray the love of God showers your life!

    1. Amen and amen! Praise God! Its good to be free isn’t it?! There are 4 more and the Spirit of God is hovering over you to move in you as you act in faith on what He tells you to do! Be loosed in Jesus name, NOW!

  61. What l hope is that no one ever runs off this singer from these place because we need someone to answer question. He know how to tell you to get Holy Spirit and not make it hard and now pastors try to make him leave. But he have no fear it seem! Thanks for the information on this blog!!!

    1. The singer stands his ground in the Lord, and moves in faith! The Holy Spirit is in charge, and He sure knows how to take care of everything so do not fear the singer being run off!
      You are welcome for everything here on the blog.

  62. Rev. Rocket! How do I get healed of insomnia? And can I get Holy Spirit even if I don’t go to a church? I can’t find church I like. Do you know when that singer who does real high notes is coming again to Cara? I love this blog. I put through google translate and read in spanish. LOL

    1. It is easy to be healed of insomnia, and you will be by the end of this answer, and you do NOT have to be going to any church at all to receive the Holy Spirit! When you have been saved you are cleansed by the blood of Jesus and ready to receive the Holy Spirit and you will by the end of this answer. I’m in the middle of something right now, but will come back on and give you the full answer as soon as I can!

      O.k. here we go! The devil only comes to rob, kill, and destroy, and your sleep is being robbed so it is the devil by demon spirits he has commissioned giving insomnia. We, as believers in Jesus Christ have authority and power over demons to bind them and cast them out. Lay your hands on your head and say out loud boldly: I bind every demon of insomnia and all connected with it in Jesus name…GO OUT NOW! HALLELUJAH! THANK YOU JESUS FOR COMPLETE VICTORY! NO.MORE INSOMNIA!
      To receive the Holy Spirit it is easy as long as you have been saved.To be saved pray:
      Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God, took my sins in your body on the cross, died for me, was buried, and rose again from the dead. Jesus Christ is Lord.

      Now, lay hands on your belly and pray: Jesus you said out of my belly, innermost being, my spirit, will flow rivers of living water so fill me now with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking mm in other tongues ( languages)! Now raise your hands and speak out the praises of God in the languages of the Holy Spirit that you do not know in the natural! Thank you Jesus!

    2. It’s easy to be healed of insomnia and you will be by the end of this answer! You do NOT have to go to a church in order to receive the Holy Spirit! I will show you how right here, and it will work for you! I am asking the Roving Reporter to come on and share a few places the “high note singer” is going to be in the near future and if she knows when he is coming again to Cara.

      The devil only comes to rob, kill, and destroy, and he does what he does by demon spirits! Your sleep is being robbed! There are demon spirits of insomnia and as you bind them and tell them to get out, they will go and take the insomnia with them! you have authority and power in the name of Jesus to do this as a believer in Jesus Christ! So, right now put your hands on your head and say this out loud: I bind every demon of insomnia in Jesus name; GO OUT NOW! Now praise God for delivering and healing you of insomnia!
      After you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, and believed on Him, and that He bore your sins in His body, when He died on the cross, was buried and rose again from the dead the third day, then that is what is the first thing, and then you can be filled with the Holy Spirit right where you are and you do NOT have to be going to a church. Most, not all, churches are full of religious spirits and unbelief so you wouldn’t be missing anything from God by not going to those kind.

      To receive the Holy Spirit, put your hands on your belly and pray this out loud: Jesus, you said that out of my belly, my innermost being, my spirit will flow rivers of living water as the Holy Spirit fills me. Fill me now with the Holy Spirit. Now, raise your hands to heaven and praise God in the languages the Holy Spirit gives you that you never learned in the natural! Praise Jesus!

    1. Oh, yes the Holy Spirit is the one that leads you into all truth, and brings revelation on the written and spoken Word! I’m glad youbare understanding the blog better now with the Holy Spirit! Now it will help and benefit you much more! You are WELCOME!

  63. Big day tomorrow. Ha ha ha ha ha! Open air concert in the afternoon and another one at night a a Presbyterian Church. Ha ha ha ha ha ha !

  64. Cara is tomorrow night. Knightsbridge Presbyterian Church. ( I forget but someone asked when Mr. 5 Octave would be there)

  65. Okay Rocket Preacher. I have to admit your friend was right. I found everything I was looking for on this blog. And here’s the thing… I’m going to hear him sing tonight and I’ll probably have to hear I told you so. I really don’t want to hear that! I hope he’s reading this! I said… I DON’T want to hear I told you so! YOU know who you are. Thanks Rocket Preacher, I really appreciate this!

    1. You are welcome, and it’s good to hear you really appreciate this! That makes my day! Enjoy the blessing tonight and I pray God anoints the words here to your heart and life in very special ways!

  66. Ok Alina, the Lord is no respecter of persons, and what He does for one He will do for another!
    God said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. When you are thirsty for the Holy Spirit He is right there ready to fill you to overflowing so you will have overcoming power!

    So reach out to Jesus right now in simple faith believing for when you ask for the Holy Spirit then you will receive the Holy Spirit so ignore any fear teaching some may have done!

    Do what I had your friend do…place your hands on your belly and pray out loud: Jesus, you said out of my belly, my innermost being, my spirit will flow rivers of living water so right NOW fill me with the Holy Spirit and fire with the evidence of speaking in other tongues…languages I have not learned. Thank you Jesus, I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit now!
    Now, raise your hands to heaven, open your.mouth, give the Holy Spirit your voice and praise God in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance! Hallelujah to Jesus! Glory to God!

    1. Praise God Felicia you are now mm in the blowing in the wind club! Hallelujah you are FREE, FREE, FREE by the power of the Holy Ghost!

      Now there are 3 more people who whennyou read this the power of God is hitting you deep in your spirit and you KNOW that THIS is YOUR time to go free from addiction in Jesus name! Raise your hands up to Jesus and praise Him with your whole heart. Now, do whatever the Holy Spirit says do and be FREE from all drugs and addiction and BE MADE WHOLE!

  67. Rev. Rocket, this was a very different experience for me. I never had anything like this happen before. I got spirit filled at a concert. Not even a church! And I didn’t even realize what was happening. It just came over me and all of a sudden I was slain in the spirit and speaking in tongues. Then later on a pastor told me that it can’t happen that way and I said well it did. And he said not to listen to that singer because he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but I said well, YOU never were able to tell me how to get spirit filled. How do you explain that? And he never did answer. HA HA HA. This blog is great!

    1. Praise God, praise God! God sovereignly moved on you as the anointing was there at the concert, and evidently like you said how you got Spirit filled there and the pastor, who is speaking against the singer, never could tell you how to get Spirit filled! You had a word of wisdom that shut that false pastor right up… HAHAHAHAHA, I LOVE IT! God is not limited to four walls, an organ, a choir, and a dead preacher…. for God FILLS THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND IS EVERYWHERE PRESENT! TIME TO TAKE THE LIMITS OFF GOD AND REALLY BELIEVE, WHICH YOU DEFINITELY DO FOR LOOK WHERE YOU RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT! GOD BLESS YOU, AND THANKS FOR SHARING! Good to hear the blog is great, and I pray God really opens your eyes of understanding and reveals truth to you that changes your life totally for the better forever!

  68. I don’t know why so many preacher run around saying all they know when really they know nothing. None of these around here can get result when they pray. But this singer gets results every time. He doesn’t even some time pray, he just touch the person or even just come near them and then things happen. You ask these phonies to explain how that can be if he is the one who is false, and they come up with no answer. They don’t like this blog either, but I don’t care. I like it and I will keep reading it!

    1. Hypocrites are like bags full of hot air! There is NO content worth anything, and Jesus said if the salt has lost its savor, it is good for nothing but to be cast out! So, they are just wasting time opposing those who really do have the anointing and really do have the results of people being healed, delivered, filled with the Spirit and needs being met spirit, soul, and body! They are false and phonies and no doubt are jealous of the singer for they cannot produce the power of God! Welcome, and I’m very glad to hear you like this and will keep reading it for God has special things for you and what is written here will give you the faith for them! Enjoy!

  69. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! The pastors aren’t happy but can’t do anything. The roof is coming off the place and JBT said “l should have known when this afternoon was relatively mild that l was in for it tonight.” Haaaaa! 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Hahaha I love it! Poor, poor, dear “FROZEN” pastors! Lol Let us know all that made the roof blow off. I thought it would be a gully-washer, as they say.

  70. Well, here’s the thing Rocket Preacher. I already knew about this blog and was reading it and still trying to talk myself out of things due to the ridiculous and inaccurate teachings I had throughout my life that I was stubbornly clinging to. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Well, I had heard that this singer likes to give people this site and I thought, well, I already know about it, and my mind is made up to remain a skeptic so I’m just going to go listen to him sing and tell him that he’s too handsome for his own good and maybe even to go back to California. Ooops, when I got there, and started to do my little speech, he immediately started laughing at me and said “give me a break, three major things that Rev. Rocket said on the blog came true right in front of your face and you know very well that your time as a skeptic is limited because you can’t deny he was right about all of them.” And then he decided to tell me what they were and the reaction I had when I read them. Okay, you BOTH GOT ME. I surrender. I’m official holy roller now.

    1. Welcome to the official Holy roller status! Your life will be 100% better now for the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of wisdom and revelation and anoints the Word of God, bringing it to pass in lives!

      Bye bye demons of skepticism and HELLO LIVING FAITH that opens the prison doors. Now, after the singer had revelation that the 3 major things happening that was said here that is in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses all things are established!

      Enjoy the faith filled life!

  71. I finally get spirit filled last night even though pastor tried to interfere and say not needed. But assistant pastor say everyone there need to listen to singer because people in Cara don’t know enough about incarnation. So now I have prayer language and a completely better life because he could tell me what to do. He just help everyone and then disappear and that seem to be the way he want it from what people say. But I want to say thank you for both him helping people and this blog that can show everyone the way because people need that! The world is confusing without anyone to tell you what makes sense!

    1. You are welcome for sure for both of us! This is for God’s glory to help God’s people in these last days! I know how it feels and mm pray Jesus helps everyone looking to Him in these days!

      There is a lot of spirits of confusion, but the Holy Spirit is showing the truth that would set people free, and lift them above the mess of the world! Jesus and we are here for you and I am praying special prayers for all the singer comes in touch with and for all who come on this blog. Miracles will continue to happen to meet every need in every life every day!

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