The Cure for Fainting

There is a saying in the world that gets everything backwards and is reverse order that says: “Seeing is Believing!”  That is absolutely wrong and perverse!  Do NOT pervert the right way of the Lord!  Get it straight so you can live in, and have  what God has for you!

Believing God is not “just” you saying generally “I believe God!”  You need to BELIEVE to SEE!  Faith that opens your eyes and you see the “vision of the Lord!”  You see the truth!  Psalm 27:13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to SEE  the GOODNESS of God IN the land of the living.

The land of the living is RIGHT NOW!  NOW then FAITH IS the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11)  In John 11 Lazarus was sick and as Jesus was on the way to him he died. Martha said said to Jesus that if He had been there  there he would not have died. And Jesus said to roll away the stone from the grave.  Then Martha said Lord by now he stinks: for he had been dead four days. All she could think of was how long Lazarus had been dead, death, and stink! So, her faith was in death and stink, and right there Jesus, the resurrection and the life stood. Jesus said “Didn’t I say that if YOU would BELIEVE, you would SEE the glory of God?  Jesus said to her that her brother would rise again. Then she procrastinated in unbelief and said that she knew that he would rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Then Mary, Lazarus’s other sister came and said the same thing Martha did that if Jesus had been there Lazarus would not have died, inferring Jesus was too late now. Mary was weeping and others that came with her, Jesus groaned in the spirit and was troubled. Jesus asked where they laid him. Jesus wept. (not for the reason they thought) then they went on in their rank unbelief and said, Could not this man, which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not have died? Jesus again groaning in himself came to the grave that was a cave, and a stone on it. Jesus said, Take away the stone. Martha doubled down in her unbelief and said that by this time he stinks for he has been dead four days. Jesus said to her didn’t he say to her if you would believe, that you should SEE THE GLORY OF GOD? Then they took away the stone. Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank you that you have heard me. And I knew that you hear me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may BELIEVE that you have sent me. And when He said this, He cried with a LOUD VOICE, LAZARUS, COME OUT! And he that was dead came out, bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face was bound about with a napkin. Jesus said to them, LOOSE HIM, AND LET HIM GO! When you really don’t believe all you can think of is “the stink” instead of what God said and believing what He said, and will faint in the day of adversity for your strength is small!  The only way to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might is to BELIEVE TO SEE THE GOODNESS AND GLORY OF GOD IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING, AND YOU WILL NOT FAINT AND WILL SEE THE GOODNESS AND GLORY OF GOD IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING!

People faint because they think seeing is believing and when they want, and want, and want to “see” something and it never comes, they faint by the wayside.  Then they blame God by believing rotten “permissive will” false doctrine, lying unbelief, and do WITHOUT the blessings of God that are theirs already….they just don’t know it!


JESUS said we should always pray and not faint.  When we pray God brings the supply of the Spirit and be able to stand and not faint.  We need more than natural strength to win the spiritual battle we are in battling wicked spirits in high places, etc.                                                                  God said we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but with all kinds of wicked spirits, and wrestling is strenuous and you need a LOT of strength and endurance to win! Ephesians 6.  Those principalities and rulers of darkness are trying to usurp authority and it is up to us to put them in their place, UNDER OUR FEET for Jesus gave us authority and power OVER ALL the power of the enemy.

Ephesians 6 God says to be strong in the Lord and in the power  of His might, and to put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  Above all take the shield of faith wherewith you will be able to quench ALL the fire darts of the enemy.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.  Having done all to stand, STAND, praise God, and you are NOT fainting when standing in the power of the Spirit!

Some preachers pretend everything is nicey nice and you don’t have to do anything, but God will do whatever He wants and permit the devil to do all kinds of mess and they want you to just lie down and take it!!  No wonder people are fainting by the wayside!

We have been erroneously taught to lay down in the middle of the battle street in the name of FALSELY believing that all that happens is permitted by God and just to “accept” it, and let the devil and demons run the steam roller over you and flatten you down until dead!


Fight the good fight of faith laying hold of eternal life!  2 Corinthians 10:3-5 Though we walking the flesh we do not war after the flesh:  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God  to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations and EVERY high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ.

Praise God you can have a clear mind no matter what goes on as you PULL DOWN strongholds of the devil!

Get rid of being steam rolled by the devil mentality!  Get rid of spiritual stagnation and lethargy, and use your faith to tear down everything the devil and demons have built up against you!  

Live the life God has for you, the ABUNDANT LIFE!  Jesus said He cane that you might have LIFE AND HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY!  ABUNDANT LIFE, NOT abundant fainting in the day of adversity and NOT abundant death!

As we do what the Word says do and take up the whole armor of God, praying always in the Spirit, and having done all to stand, STAND we will not faint in these last days and all that is going on! 

Remember seeing is NOT believing, but as we BELIEVE, we WILL SEE THE GOODNESS AND GLORY OF GOD IN  THE LAND OF THE LIVING!!!


I bind every demon of fainting and unbelief, and OUT you all go in the name of JESUS CHRIST! EVERYONE BE LOOSED NOW IN JESUS NAME!

375 thoughts on “The Cure for Fainting

  1. Great new post! I love it Rocket Preacher! And you-know-who is playing in the park tonight. He’s trying to keep a low profile. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    1. Thank you, I’m glad you love the new post! May faith run high in overcoming power for the last days!

      Hahaha…low profile??? Hmm I wonder just how that is going to happen!? Let us know just how that works

    1. There you go….God is everywhere present! Praise God you are Spirit filled now and NO more skepticism, ONLY FAITH, which means victory for you no matter what you face.

    1. Oh, GREAT, good to hear! I’m glad this is a blessing! No more “fainting” for us, only the goodness and glory of God that will put us on top of it ALL!

  2. Okay, so I was so sure I was going to the park last night to prove that all this is just a dog and pony show and I had to eat my words! Especially when I saw that singer I thought, oh baloney, he’s nothing but trouble. And then when he started singing and playing people started just dropping to their knees praising God and getting spirit filled and getting delivered from demons. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing! So my friend gets sarcastic and says “still think it’s all a snow job?” Okay… You got me. I have to find out more about this because I don’t think that was all fake! I don’t know who you two are but all this must be real. And I definitely like this blog. My last words to that singer were that I was not going to come to this blog. Whoops.

    1. LOL, I liked your last line how your last words to the singer were that you were not coming to the blog, ha ha! Gotta love it!
      You are NOT here by chance! The Holy Spirit is reaching out to you and drawing you to Jesus with the bands of love! His love will put your life together like you never dreamed possible as you believe God. Its real, it’s real, oh, I know, I know its real. The old account was settled and I know, I know IT’S REAL!

  3. Rev. Rocket, I am completely confused and I don’t know who to believe! I went to the park last night to hear that singer that everyone was talking about and my church warned me not to go because they said he does sleight-of-hand and all this crazy stuff and you think you’re having an experience but really it’s just all in your mind. Well, I thought they were wrong because when I went I never felt anything like that my life. It felt like Jesus was just permeating the air and almost like a little bit of heaven came down. And then at the end he was singing a song called Jesus Paid it All and I saw a dove fly right over him!! At that time I thought it was the best thing I ever saw in my life. I felt so good and I thought finally I found where I can get closer to God and get the Holy Spirit and everything else. But two people that heard me say what I saw told me that it had to be demonic or everyone would have seen it. They told me I was just having a hallucination and that that’s what people try to warn everyone about… That this is all some kind of smoke and mirrors and it’s really not of God. They said that I probably got demons of hallucinations and I’m completely flipped out now because I have relatives who have schizophrenia and they really do have hallucinations although I never did and I never had any symptoms of schizophrenia.
    But now that has me wondering if maybe I am mentally ill now and I did just hallucinate that. I don’t know what to think. And that singer said that those two people have familiar spirits and the reason why they said that is because the familiar spirits KNEW that I would be afraid of that, because schizophrenia runs in my family. Well that started to make sense, because that’s exactly what happened. As soon as they said the word hallucination I thought, oh no, I’m going the way of my relatives and seeing things that aren’t really there. So I was leaning more towards believing what that singer said, but then someone from my church told me that God would never send a sign of a dove, that that would only be for Jesus so that’s blaspheming. Now I’m completely confused again? Do you know if this person is the real deal? He kind of seems like a bit of a loner although he does seem to have an inner circle. But it’s not like there’s any way to verify anything because he’s not really involved in a denomination. Of course, that can be a good thing. And some people that have credentials you can verify end up to be idiots, so I’m not sure that’s even important, but he said that you could vouch for him. Am I okay to listen to what he says? I’m so confused.

    1. Jesus loves you Veronica and had you see the singer for he is anointed of the Holy Spirit and is used of God in wonderful life changing ways. Stop listening to the negative idiots who are going against the HOLY SPIRIT. What you saw was NOT blasphemy…the dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit. They don’t know what blasphemy is but they are trying hard to actually do it, especially for blasphemy is ascribing to the devil the works of the Holy Spirit. God was encouraging you and that’s why you felt the peace of God and closer to Jesus, and a little of heaven DID come down! Stay away from
      people who speak against those with anointing, and DON’T listen to the negative people. Jesus is Lord! Go hear the singer again and receive all you need! There is nothing wrong with your mind…fear NOT and be loosed from demons of fear NOW IN JESUS NAME!

  4. ok, thank you Rev. Rocket for taking all that time to exlplain! I am going to go see him again tonight! Thank you!

    1. You are so very welcome and I pray Jesus blesses you so much you will never forget it and the Holy Spirit will move in your heart and life in a miraculous way!

  5. Well, Rev. Rocket, l am going to be officially conducting interviews to get detailed testimonies. People mostly didn’t speak English very well, so l am going to translate and post the various stories like any respectable Roving Reporter. Should l also create an overall synopsis of the night? JBT is very excited that l will be doing all this. Ha ha ha ha ha!

    1. Wonderful, thank you so much…terrific job! God is going to bless you for all this. Yes, definitely include a synopsis of the night in all the detail you can. These stories really boost the faith of others and bring glory to God! That’s great that JBT is so glad and thrilled you are doing all this!!! Hahahaha

    1. Praise GOD, YOU ARE FREE BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! You are officially indeed into the “Blowing in the Wind Club!” You were the fifth person in the last 5 I said would go free.
      You included makes 205 people who have come on here, believed God, did what the Holy Spirit said do, threw out the stash and were instantly, totally delivered from all addiction and drugs!! Tremendous.miracle Jesus is doing and there are more to come.

      Enjoy your new LIFE OF FREEDOM from all the addiction and bandage!

      I loose others who are thinking of going for it to be made FREE IN JESUS NAME!

  6. Well, here’s how everything went the other night. For one thing, there were troublemakers far and wide, showing up every two seconds to pester you-know-who. It didn’t work out very well for them. For one thing, they would march right up to him and then suddenly they wouldn’t be able to open their big fat traps. I just had to laugh. Then when he was about to the third or fourth song, well… The cloud descends. I never really saw it exactly like this before, but people were almost where they couldn’t stand up under it and were just dropping to their knees and praising God and then they were getting sporadically spirit filled and speaking in tongues and getting delivered from demons. It was awesome! And some didn’t even understand what was happening. He’s not all that good at explaining it either. HA HA HA HA HA, but they got it. And then more troublemakers came to try to confuse people and at one point he just waved his hand in their direction and it almost looked like they got catapulted over a row of chairs. They looked kind of stunned and then they decided to run away. I thought that was pretty funny too. So I will get information from other people for individual testimonies later today! I know JBT is very happy about that!

    1. That was quite the move of the Holy Spirit where all over the place people dropped to their knees and were Spirit filled and delivered with no one telling them what to do except the Holy Spirit! Praise God. That was great that God shut the mouths of the opposes, lol! A new thing to them: “they couldn’t speak their rotten negativity!” Hallelujah! Then…oops..catapulting time…bye bye antichrist spirit and the people who have it …running from God! Maybe they saw the angel with the drawn sword! It could have been down to either get out or they were going to lose permanently!
      Thanks for sharing and for gathering testimonies! Blessings!

  7. Okay, here is one of the first testimonies. A man named Eduardo came to hear JBT and he didn’t even understand about getting spirit filled but he prayed earlier that day, if this is real, show me a sign right away. Well, check this out … He saw that dove too! And when he saw it he said Lord, please fill me with the Holy spirit! And from that moment on he believed and he got spirit filled and also delivered from demons of migraine headaches that plauged him his whole life. Oh yeah, he also quit his church. Ha ha ha ha ha!

    1. Praise Jesus, now that’s what I call answers to prayers!
      A sign from God seeing the dove and instantly believing and being Spirit filled and delivered from demons of migraines he had his whole life! Life changing miracles of God that make it all worth it! Quiting the dead church will release him from all their false doctrines, unbelief, and demonic controls…HALLELUJAH!
      Looking forward to the rest of the testimonies!

  8. Here is another testimony. This one is from Raphaella. She was told three times to stay away from you-know-who and she finally came to hear him because she was tired of being told not to. She didn’t really understand English much but knew music and let’s face it, you can enjoy music even if it is in another language. BUT…the Holy Spirit was telling her what the words were. She thought she was a little crazy at one point but when she asked a bilingual person what he was singing, she realized it was accurate and got saved and spirit filled!

    1. Thank God He turned the negative around for sure! What a sign from God to tell her what the words were he was singing, and then because of it she got saved and Spirit filled! Praise Jesus, amazing grace for sure!

  9. This one is really good. There was a man who wants to be anonymous with two hecklers and when he saw them get catapulted out of the way, he got saved. HA HA HA HA. He was listening to them all day long say how they were going to run interference and stop JBT and then shortly after they got there they were running away! But he stayed behind and got saved and spirit filled!

    1. Ha ha ha ha YES, this one is really good! Praise God, he responded to the Holy Spirit INSTEAD of the unholy spirit the other two men had! Talk about being saved out of the fire! He was smart.enough to see which side really has the POWER OF GOD!

    1. Praise God this changed your whole life! God wants us to have the ABUNDANT LIFE IN JESUS HE promised us! I’m so very glad this turned your whole life right side up and into victory every day!
      You are totally welcome!
      Thanks for sharing, it will encourage others to apply this word to their lives!

    1. Praise God! Thanks for sharing this is a Godsend! I really pray over these that God would bless and anoint them to help, heal, deliver, and lead each person so that they will live a powerful Spirit filled life in Jesus!
      You are definitely welcome!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this gave you the shot in the arms needed! God is greater than all we face and always has the way for us to live in victory no matter what has gone on!

    1. I’m glad you really got a lot out of this! You are welcome! If you love this, you love the truth and that is a very good thing for then God can really work in your heart and life!

  10. Here is another testimony. A man named Hermes came to hear you-know-who for the sole purpose of learning music tips from him playing and everything. He didn’t really even believe in God! Then when the air started getting thick he said that all at once he thought to himself, “you mean this stuff is actually real?’ And he ended up getting saved and getting delivered from demons. When all that happened he went home and told his family and his whole family got saved!

    1. Praise God, what a turn around…he went for music tips, gets saved and delivered and his whole family! That’s God!

  11. Here is the testimony from a girl named Gayla. She came to hear if JBT was really as good as everyone said, but by the second song, she said that she wasn’t even half listening anymore but she felt like she was “alone with God” and it ended up that she had been backslidden and got back to God that night. And then some people were trying to “warn” her about JBT when she was talking to him at the end, and he just turned to the troublemakers and said “Oh shut up!” and they ran off as if they were terrified. JBT said that they were probably hearing and seeing more than just him saying shut up. I think he knows exactly what they saw and heard. HA HA HA HA

    1. Yes, I do believe you are right and praise God she came back to Jesus! She will stay with Him now since the Holy Spirit did a great thing in her heart!
      Good riddance troublemakers! Lol

    1. You are welcome! God always has the cure, and makes sure we hear it when we look to Him!

    1. Good, good, good! I am so glad to hear this. Each testimony of how this is helping means a lot, and encourages others to soak this in and apply it in their life!

    1. You are very welcome! Praise God for Holy Ghost inspiration for He knows exactly what we need and when! My God shall supply ALL your need according to HIS RICHES in glory by Christ Jesus! Ph. 4.
      Thanks for the comment!

    1. You are welcome, and that is exactly what I wanted it to be: a lifesaver! Praise God! Our God reigns! Thanks for sharing that, it means a lot as does every single comment that comes in on these!

  12. Hi Rev. Rocket. I really love this post! I think more people would benefit from this than realize it. I think once they start reading they will see just how important it is to not faint! Thanks!

    1. You are welcome definitely! Good to hear you really love this post and you are right that this would help more than they realize! I pray the Holy Spirit brings them here and they receive this overcoming word in their spirit!

    1. Good to hear! Good to hear you really enjoyed this one! Then it will do you a lot then! Thanks for sharing! You are welcome!

    1. Oh, good, praise Jesus! I’m very glad to hear this was a real life change and perfect timing! You are wcome for sur e! God’s Word in due season changes the tide! Thanks for the comment!

  13. I’m really appreciating this! This is exactly what I needed to help me through life right now. Thank you so much!

    1. You are welcome! It is good when you and others like you appreciate this for so many just trample the Word of God. When appreciated it can do wonders in your life. I’m so glad this is exactly what you needed to help you through life right now! Thanks for sharing and I speak God’s blessings on you over everything!

    1. You are welcome and I’m very glad this stepped up and blessed you! Thanks for sharing that! If GOD BE FOR US, who then can be against us?!

    1. Oh, praise God that you got good sleep after months when you read this post! Now that makes it worth it all! God is so good. Thanks for sharing, praise Jesus for this miracle!

  14. Brittany is visiting her parents but don’t worry. I will be on the scene tomorrow night to report on the awful gaggy event. HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Oh, GOOD, Molly I’m so glad you will be reporting tomorrow at awful gaggy! I know he will be very happy! Lol

    1. Good, welcome and enjoy the blessings that come when you believe and apply the Word of God in your life

    1. Good to hear and blessings to you! Thank God He knows how to deliver us so we won’t faint anymore!

  15. Wow. This is too good to keep. I’m kind of glad Brittany is at her parents. Check out what you-know who did this afternoon. There was a special dance performance at a theater about 15 minutes from here, so of course JBT couldn’t stand it and had to go see them, so a bunch of us tagged along with him and his wife. So we were only there a few minutes when some guy recognized him and said “Oh! You have to be kidding me! God DOES love me! This is better than winning the lottery!” and JBT just looked at him like “What is THAT suppose to mean,” and the man turned out to be the show’s producer and he knew JBT of course from the business and he said his lead woke up with Covid the day before and couldn’t perform and the understudy was missing steps all day and he begged him to pitch hit. JBT just looked at him and said “Are you nuts? That’s a 25 year old’s dance.” And the man said, “Yes, but don’t tell me you still couldn’t do it.” And JBT said “I haven’t danced professionally in years,” and the man said “But you could do it if you wanted to.” And JBT said “Not without mistakes.” And then the man burst out laughing and said, “Come on Johnny, I know you. Never kid a kidder. You could do it to perfection. Don’t put a lie on your soul.” And then we all just started laughing and saying “Pleeeeeeaaaaase, JBT!” And Renny just said “why me?” And then all of a sudden we just saw the look. He got suckered in and off he goes. So we were all backstage for the finale because that was the part they needed him for and I tried to make my roving reporting notes quick but the comments were coming too fast. Once he went out all you heard was “Who is THAT?” “He’s perfect” “He’s better than the 20-somethings!” “How can anyone be that flawless?” “Where did they get THAT guy from?” Etc… And all the other dancers were awestruck. It was a riot, and then at the end Renny said, “There will be no living with him. They don’t understand what they’ve done. They’ve ignited the dance itch.” And we all started laughing.
    Now he is already complaining that tonight will be boring because it’s much more exciting to dance than to sing and play. This was the funnest thing that happened in forever. He told me it was not necessary to post this, but I HAD to do my job…right?

    1. My,oh my,oh my! I will send up prayer for Renny…lol, she will have a lot to deal with! You DEFINITELY had to report this! I pray a flame of fire of the Holy Ghost on him for the meeting tonight that will DEVOUR the works of the devil! There is nothing in this world like the anointing and God is orchestrating that deal and that takes us far beyond this world and into that heavenly atmosphere that heals the sick, drives demons out and brings restoration and all people need! Let us know what goes…good job! Gotta love it!

      P.S. I pray God heals the “dance itch!”

  16. Ooops. The awful gaggys are already warning JBT not to do all that hootin’ and hollering, so l think l know what he will be doing at the end of every song. LOL

  17. Rocket Preacher, I finally get healed of depression and demon go when guest performer sing a song called Jesus Will Outshine Them All. I just come for entertainment because everyone talk about him and how good he sing but he bring something from God too! Now I finally have peace and also answers to my questions. Thank you for this blog!

    1. Praise GOD the depression and demons have left you, and peace from God has come in! Let the peace of God rule in your heart and mind and keep stepping all over the devils head!
      You are welcome for the blog and I’m very glad you are getting answers! God wants you to know the truth so your faith will be strong and you will be able to overcome! The anointing of the Holy Spirit came when he sang that song of Jesus outshines them all! I pray that anointing stays your spirit and enables and empowers you. If you have not been filled with the Holy Spirit yet ask Jesus to fill you and you will receive the prayer language of the Spirit that is powerful as you pray in it every day! Thanks for posting!

  18. I just went to be entertained last night but l also got more than l bargain for. I don’t know who that singer was but when he sing and play all of a sudden the whole room change and people start praying and praising God and you feel like you walking under water and can hardly move. I never felt that and someone had to explain so I understand it was Holy Spirit. And my friend tell me to get up as close as l can to him when that happen and l get miracle and it was true. For first time I get delivered from demon and have Holy Spirit and prayer language. I feel l set free now. This blog have answers to questions too! Lots of needed information. Thank you!

  19. Rev. Rocket, this is the best post yet! Very different and also necessary. Because life is hard enough with not knowing where to get answer for anything, but then you can come to this blog and get answer. Thank you Rev. Rocket!

    1. I’m glad to hear this is blessing and meeting the need in life to see us through! You are welcome! Keep walking in the Spirit and I’m glad you are finding answers here!
      Thanks for sharing.

  20. My church doesn’t want your singer friend to come back. I not understand why because no one ever get help until he come and now they don’t want him to come back. I think maybe the reason is they can’t help anyone and they get embarrassed if someone can. They say don’t read this either. I read it anyway and get more information than they can ever give!

    1. You are absolutely right! When someone comes with the power of God and miracles happen that tremendously bless people if leadership is not willing to pay the price and really live right and “really” have faith and believe God, then they will fight the one with the anointing because it shows how “they” “lack” the anointing and have substituted program instead!

      Welcome here, and I’m very glad to hear this is feeding and blessing you! Thanks for sharing. Many share your sentiments!

  21. Ok, I’m in. This has to be real because I told that singer that if he is legit then there should be signs following. He just burst out laughing. I thought “ok…he’s crazy.” But then, ooops….there were signs. In fact, one of them was me being unable to stand up, repenting of everything, getting saved, and getting spirit filled. OK…you got me. And now I have all these assignments. OH MY!!!

    1. Ha ha ha ha now that was a good one! There are enough “signs” to swim in! You were honest and had a hungry heart for the truth and God showed you Hos power and now you are saved and Spirit filled and here! Praise Jesus!
      As you get into the blog I believe you will enjoy it a lot and learn a lot, and your faith will grow abundantly! Thanks for the testimony!

    1. Praise God, I’m so glad this post was the highlight of your summer! That means it is a life changer for the better! God has SO MUCH FOR us, and wants to keep us from fainting so that we will be strong in the Lord and the Power of His Might to go in and POSSESS THE LAND! Hallelujah! Thanks for sharing!

  22. I don’t know how you come up with all of these things Rev. Rocket. This one was really a Godsend. Sometimes I would be having the worst day of my life and I would go back and read this and remind myself to do what it says and it would turn my whole day around! And that’s not easy these days with everything that’s going on in all the mess we all have to deal with. It’s wonderful to have your bad day turned around with a blog post!

    1. Praise Jesus this post is turning the bad days around into a good days! The gospel of Jesus Christ works! The Holy Spirit reveals the truth and when He does, then miracles happen! Thanks for sharing! I pray others have the bad days turned around as they read this!

    1. Good that this post has been a huge blessing to you…fainting NO MORE! Thanks for sharing. Jesus knows what we need.

  23. Okay, I believe. I don’t know who this singer is, but I can’t deny anymore that he’s got something, because he was the first one to ever pray for me and really casts demons out. But now I discover that I have all these assignments to do! I don’t think I was counting on that. Especially my boat. I think I might need a life raft! Thank you, I think!

    1. Praise God for deliverance from demons! You will do fine with your boat, and you are welcome for sure! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing.

  24. Okay, Rev. Rocket, I’m now joining the ranks of the “I have to believe this.” I came with a girl I know to see your hotshot Liberace friend because I heard he could help people when no one else can. And she hates when we go to church meetings and whoever is there comes around plucking people out of the audience for a “special prayer” because she feels like it’s a dog and pony show and I have a tendency to agree. I think they just run around grabbing this one and that one and get everybody stirred up in emotionalism because I never heard that anybody really kept the benefits long-term. So he was singing a song called Glory in the Cross and he stopped about halfway through and I could tell… I don’t know how… But I could tell that he was literally listening to a voice that I couldn’t hear. And he got up off the piano and I thought “great, this is what they say he never does so why is he doing it when I bring my friend to get help?” But he really didn’t come over to her he just came over toward our aisle and he kept singing with the band who were still playing, but he was just kind of walking back and forth and all of a sudden, to my shock, SHE went over to HIM. Needless to say she got everything she needed from the Lord that night. I asked her later “why did you go over there, because you said you hate when they come to you so why would you initiate that?” And she said it was because she felt something that “made” her go over. She said it was like an irresistible force pulling her over. That was the Holy Spirit right? This is amazing!

    1. Wow, and PRAISE GOD! Yes, that was the Holy Spirit drawing her! I believe God showed him there was someone who had a problem with the imitators who go picking people out and the Lord had him in the area so she could go to him….and then receive everything she needed from Jesus! Hallelujah! Amazing grace! Our God is real, and there have been so many phonies but now God is bringing the genuine anointed who will produce the results the Holy Spirit brings! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Good, welcome to the land flowing with milk and honey and where the “giants” are bread for us! Praise Jesus, He knows what we need to bring us in!

    1. The Lord is faithful! I lean 100% on the Holy Spirit! He is who leads us into ALL TRUTH! Once He shows it to you, believe me, you have got it!

  25. JBT will be so glad to know I booked him for a midweek concert in the park tomorrow night. HA HA HA HA. Well, I just got back. You have to hit the ground running!

    1. HA HA HA HA…I’m sure he will be absolutely “thrilled” to have a midweek concert! Lol. He must realize you have to make up for lost time!

  26. I just thank God so much for this blog. I lost everything during the Pandemic and people had me convinced that it was all God’s will. I never would have known any different if not for this blog.

  27. Ok, Rocket Preacher…you got me. Your hot shot friend said that I would be reading this blog by the 4th of July and l told him he was crazy. Well, yesterday l ended up reading every post he said l would and l didn’t even think of it until later. Now I want to go kick him in the shins. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. It really was very helpful though,. Thank you!!

    1. Welcome! Where have I heard this story before?! The Holy Spirit definitely moved on you to come here, and I’m glad now it has helped you! God is good! You are welcome!

  28. Well…l just fixed my foundation and my blueprint. I am not sure how swimming will go though. And maybe l will procrastinate with my dead horses. Well…no…l better do them too.

    1. You are doing good, keep up the good work, it will pay off big time! God’s Word is alive and powerful and will liberate you from all that weighs you down, and releases you from things that were thought just to be accepted as normal, but were really bondage!0

  29. Here’s what I’m struggling with, Rocket Preacher. I feel like it took forever to get my act together in this life and it’s depressing to think about all the time I wasted. I don’t know how to feel better about that and I think about it too much I guess. What advice would you give? Yikes.

    1. Praise Jesus, He is the restorer of paths to live and walk in! He said He would show us the path of LIFE! Everything God gives is ABUNDANT AND RESTORES AND REVIVES! God said HE would restore ALL the years that have been eaten away!!! Believe that, say that, receive that, live that! Ask Jesus to forgive you ONE time and after that thank Him you are forgiven and HE IS RESTORINGNALL THOSE YEARS!

      I REBUKE THE demons of depression and they leave you NOW in JESUS NAME! WHEW!! HALLELUJAH! GIVE GOD PRAISE! NOW WALK IN THE NEWNESS OF LIFE IN THE SPIRIT AND REDEEM THE TIME for the days are evil!!!

  30. Okay, I’m going to break down and go see your hot shot 5 octave friend tonight, but this better not be all smoke and mirrors.

    1. O.K. So, when you go ask God for something special that you have been afraid He wouldn’t give if you asked! Let’s believe God together and agree that tonight you receive it!

    1. You are welcome …in Jesus name! Call on His name for His name has power OVER EVERYTHING you face!

  31. Okay, I think I have the straight, but I want to make sure. You’re saying that no matter what, sicknesses are never from God and he’s never allowing them so that you learn something? I just want to be sure about that.

    1. Right! God allowed JESUS to take ALL our sins, and ALL our sicknesses in His body on the tree so we could be saved, cleansed from all sin, and healed of all disease and sickness, and made healthy! 3rd John says: “I wish above all things that you prosper and be in HEALTH!
      If God turned on His own Word He would be done! JESUS CHRIST IS THE LIVING WORD! THE WORD IS A REVELATION OF JESUS, WHO WENT ABOUT DOING “GOOD” HEALING….HEALING…HEALING ALL THAT WERE oppressed of the “devil!” God does NOT permit sickness to teach! He permitted Jesus to take many stripes so WE would be healed!

  32. This is awesome.If everybody would just take it to heart when they read it it would change their whole life. I don’t think they understand how important it is to change your perspective and not faint. I love this!

    1. I believe you are right! If people would really take this to heart and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth here and apply it to their lives, then their whole life would change for the better!

  33. I did it! You can add me to the club! What number am I? I used to think this was all just a hoax. But once it happens to you…you can’t think it’s a hoax anymore. LOL

    1. Praise God, now you see that this is the miracle WORKING POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT delivering people from the ravages of drugs and addiction in a moment of time!
      You are added in the blowing in the wind club 206 strong, and more to come! You are the 206th person that did what the Holy Spirit said do and went FREE INDEED! GOOD GOING!

  34. I wonder too about how all these things come to you. I know it’s divinely inspired, but does it come all at once, or does it come little by little and then it eventually becomes a post? I’m just curious.

    1. Usually I get a subject/ theme, and then the title. Then the thoughts of the message, and as I write it developes and completes! Praise Jesus, I’m so glad this is helping many people!

  35. Everyone should give their testimonies about last night, even if your English isn’t that great! Or you can even post them in Spanish and we will translate them.
    Or I can post some for people like I did last time. So much roving and reporting… So little time… HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. YES,EVERYONE WHO RECEIVED FROM GOD SHOULD TESTIFY AND GIVE GOD GLORY! It will encourage other’s faith! Don’t let the roving and reporting of the roving reporter be for nothing!!! She works hard to help everyone share what God has done!

  36. I never see anything like this before. Singer bring power with him and many preacher there want to run him off and then they go up to the stage to bother him and all of a sudden hold their ears shut and try to cover their eyes and then they run off. A girl ask him what happen and he finally say “people try to fight the Holy Spirit sometimes experience more than their senses can handle. They’re lucky they didn’t end up blind and deaf. SO…l say then…”I believe!” and as soon as I say it l get Spirit Filled! I am joining this blog now too!

    1. Big lesson not to fight the Holy Spirit, isn’t it?! Praise God that when you said you believed, instantly you were filled with the Holy Spirit!
      I am always amazed that these religious hypocrite idiots try to fight the Holy Spirit!
      Welcome here to the blog, I pray the Holy Spirit reveals truth to you and that you grow in faith and knowing Jesus!

  37. Okay, yes, here is my testimony. I go because I need Holy Spirit and church not know how to help me. They say it automatic when you are save, but I don’t think that’s right. Then someone tell me that music teacher know how to tell you to get Holy Spirit. Well, he didn’t really have to do anything. He just sang and then Holy Spirit come and then you get a prayer language. Completely easy although they make it seem difficult and now I am glad to be finished with those churches. They don’t know anything. They need to read this blog.

    1. Praise Jesus from filling you with the Holy Spirit! It is easy when you believe! Those other churches you spoke of are bound with demons of unbelief and false doctrine! It is good you left for the Holy Spirit does not honor unbelief ever!

  38. I have too much to tell and don’t know how to explain. I needed to be spirit filled a long time but churches tell you it not necessary. I think that because they don’t know how. They need to be spirit filled too. They just don’t realize it. I went to hear that singer out of curiosity because preachers say don’t listen to him. And then I discover all he does is sing. He doesn’t even do anything and Jesus show up and heal people and demons go. I got spirit filled and headache demon and anxiety demon all go out the whole time I’m there. I agree that they should spend more time reading this blog and less time interfering with that singer who doesn’t do anything wrong.

    1. Praise God for delivering you from demons of anxiety and headaches, and for filling you with the Holy Spirit! Those who oppose the singer should be ashamed that they fight the Holy Spirit! They need to repent and get Spirit filled and soak in the blog to know the truth that sets people free! Thanks for sharing and God bless you!

  39. Here is my testimony Rocket Preacher. My former pastor was arguing to tell me never to go hear that singer and that he spread false doctrine. So I went anyway because I wanted to see what all the excitement was about. He wasn’t bothering anybody and not trying to promote a doctrine. He just singing songs that brought in Holy Spirit. So I asked my pastor, don’t you like the Holy Spirit? That doesn’t seem right if you don’t because you claim to be Christian. And all he do is get mad and stomp away. So I decided to stay and ended up getting spirit filled! I went back and told that pastor and he didn’t want to hear about it but I told him anyway. I said you need to go to Wonder Working Power blog and learn something. And he stomped his foot like a little baby. I walk away laughing.

    1. I love it! You were preaching good to the former pastor, lol, you had me laughing at his idiocy….stomping away like a baby! He had nothing to say when you spoke the truth! Good for you going back and being filled with the Spirit! God has a lot for you!

  40. I love this because it is the first blog where I get told that Jesus is on my side. And I tell my pastor to think he would be happy. He wasn’t happy and he say not to listen. But he came the other night. I said well why are you here if I’m not supposed to listen? He was there to bother that singer. So I told him again that that singer and this blog is only thing that make me see that life can be positive. Everyone else say confusing or negative thing. And I ask that singer is God on my side like this blog say and he said of course, he said I wouldn’t send you to a blog that wouldn’t be the right thing. And then the stupid preacher jump up and say. But you don’t know exactly what applies to each person. Maybe that’s not the case. So the singer said, you stupid idiot. Do you realize what you just say? You just say that maybe God is not on her side? Is that what you’re trying to say? The blog is giving erroneous information because maybe in this case God really isn’t on the person’s side? Do you hear the stupid stuff coming out of your mouth? Why don’t you go stuff a sock in it. And then everybody laugh for at least 10 minutes until our sides hurt and then we look around and the stupid preacher is gone. Ha!

    1. HA HA HA..the unbelieving pastor on the run! You laughed him away!
      Its pretty bad when they don/.even believe God is on your side! The Word of God says HE IS FOR US AND ON OUR SIDE so the “pretenders” don’t believe the Word of God! They have “NOTHING”to say to us!
      I like the “why don’t you go stuff a sock in your mouth” comment… wonder you laughed for 10 minutes! So when we want “stupid” to leave just laugh! Thanks for sharing!

  41. Rocket Preacher, I think that there are many preachers who don’t like your Liberace friend because he bring Holy Spirit with him and they can’t do that. I find now that everything I do is easier and better because I have Holy Spirit. And they try to tell me that was not necessary. But here is my question. If they accuse him of just putting on a show and that it is not really God, is that not blaspheming? I tell one “I think you blaspheme” and his face got all red and he start to stammer, but I just figured I would tell him.

    1. Well, if they are saying it is “not God” then if not God, and that he is just putting on a show, then “who” are they saying is behind it? If they are saying that the devil is doing this then they have blasphemed! There is no forgiveness for blaspheming the Holy Spirit!

  42. Rocket Preacher, I feel much better now that I understand the truth about things, but sometimes I still sit here and have a lot of doubt about everything and I don’t know why I can’t control those thoughts. Are they demons?

    1. YES, that is demons of doubt! SO..demons of doubt HAVE TO GO OUT…NOW, IN JESUS NAME! You bind them, renounce them and tell them and their thoughts to GO OUT, and your mind will stay clear!
      Realize that everything contrary to the Word of God is demons trying to rob! “The thief only comes to rob, kill, and destroy!” Jesus said that speaking of the devil and all his cohorts! So when something is trying to rob your peace, bind it and rebuke it and it will go!

  43. My pastor told me there no such thing as demon and I asked him, well then, what did I get delivered from? He say it was all in my head. And your singer friend say, no, it was all in this flesh, and now it’s gone. And the preacher look like he want to punch him or something. These religious people really hate him. I think it’s funny. They hate this blog too, but I tell them they should read it and they might learn something

    1. People, including “so called” pastors who are ruled by religious demons do NOT know the Holy Spirit, and hate deliverance for if the demons are cast out then the people will wake up and see that they are listening to someone who speaks what religious demons tell them to say. They hate all who really have the power of God that brings miracles for it shows how very DEAD they are and that they are ruled by demons of spiritual death and are void of the Holy Spirit so have NO miracles. They fight God and God’s people. I bind all their demons and command them to SHUT UP IN THE NAME OF JESUS!
      P.s.JESUS cast out demons by the Spirit of God, and said when that happens. NO doubt the kingdom of God has come to you. So that so called pastor does NOT believe JESUS or the Bible!

  44. This post was really divinely inspired and here’s what it did for me! Somebody had a genuine prophecy about me a long time ago and said that there would come a time in my life when I need to remember the Scripture “I would have fainted had I not seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. And I totally forgot about it and then when I was told to come to this blog there it was… the cure for fainting and it reminded me of that scripture and that I needed to remember it and it really helped.

    1. God is faithful to warn us of things to come and how to be ready, and what to do to overcome! Here in Psalm 27 He says: “I HAD FAINTED “UNLESS” I HAD….BELIEVED TO SEE..the goodness b of God in the land of the living!” Believing God is faith in action! As we act on our faith the power of God comes into operation! We BELIEVE to see God’s goodness right now and we WILL! God’s goodness will cause us to overcome all evil! He said to with evil, but overcome evil with good! God’s Word is good; the Holy Spirit is good, and God will manifest His great goodness right now b in r he land of the living as we believe!
      Truly that word spoken over you by the Spirit of God has come to life now in these days! Thanks for sharing.Blessings!

  45. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I definitely believe now. Everything in these posts was true, and I said I wasn’t even going to read this! Oooops.

    1. Praise God that you believe now, especially since you said you weren’t even going to read this!!! Welcome to the land of faith!

    1. Cool, I know now! Lol. The old double Reed trick is a real tongue twister! Ask him if the knot ever got out! Lol

    1. The miracle is yours! If you tried before it doesn’t matter for this is by the power of the Holy Spirit, and is a special miracle God is doing, and what He does for one He does for another. Right now, in faith, raise your hands to heaven and praise Jesus for the miracle! Now, do whatever the Holy Spirit says do and be FREE in Jesus name!!! Hallelujah, the power of God is all over you!

  46. I’m glad to have this blog. Even though these preacher say not to come here, I think they wrong because here is answer that no one else have. All other sites have only confusion, but this have real help! Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. Thank you, and you are welcome! Everything that is truly from God gets opposed by the devil and his crowd. They opposed and spoke against Jesus when He walked the earth! The same so called preachers who speak against the blog would have opposed Jesus and then the Holy Spirit in Acts!
      I’m glad to hear this helps and brings peace and NOT confusion! The demons of confusion in their flesh causes people to write things that cause confusion! Enjoy the blog and the peace of God that passes understanding! Thanks for sharing!

  47. How do you know if something is demon talking in your mind? If a thought keep coming that you don’t want, is that always demon?

    1. What you said is the key! When it is a thought YOU DON’T want then it is coming from a negative spirit trying to FORCE “NEGATIVE,” oppressive, tormenting, driving, lustful, fearful, unbelieving, discouraging, doubting,confusing, depressing, give up, looking back, backsliding thoughts into your mind! BIND all the demons behind the thoughts and COMMAND them to SHUT UP AND GET OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS….AND they will go because they have to and take their unwanted thoughts with them!

  48. How can you tell if there is any point arguing with a pernmissive willer? Because I want to try to help people like that but some of them seem like a lost cause and it’s only an exercise in frustration. JBT said that’s a good question to ask you.

    1. First, pray for them that the Holy Spirit will deal with them and open their eyes to the truth. The 2nd thing is not to “argue” anything with a permissive willer, they are dogmatic. If they come at you say what the Holy Spirit gives you and it will shut them up. Pray that if there are those who will be open that the Holy Spirit show you and set it up.

    1. Well, since this IS real, for Jesus is real, and the Holy Spirit is real, and the promises of God are real, the YES you can be totally delivered from depression. Do NOT accept depression as normal. The JOY OF THE LORD IS NORMAL! God all depression a spirit of “heaviness!” In Isaiah 61 He said He gives you the garment of praise instead of the spirit of heaviness!
      I bind every demon of depression and in the name of Jesus OUT you go NOW! Now lift up your hands to Jesus and praise Him for delivering you from depression! Keep wearing the garment of praise and you will have joy instead of the spirit of heaviness!

  49. I went to see your showoff friend and he told me that I would end up coming to this blog and I was determined not to. I told him I didn’t need anybody telling me what blog to go to because I will go to a blog if I want to, And don’t need someone else telling me to.. Then, oops, I finally broke down and came here and he was right. The biggest questions I had were all “made simple and answered” here. Ooops. Ok, you two win.

    1. Welcome, and I’m glad you made it here, and that the biggest questions you had were made simple and answered here!
      God is good, and knows what we need and when; He is faithful!
      We ALL win together for we agree together in Jesus and have what we agree for! As we all believe the Word of God and speak it out in faith, believing we will have whatever we say, we will have it! Mark 11. God bless you, and thanks for your honesty and for sharing!

  50. Ok, Rocket Preacher, I’m in. Everything you said would happen, happened. How can I not agree now? Ok….here I am.

    1. Praise God He does all things well! Praise the Lord everything happened…faith works! Welcome, and blessings, keep rejoicing, praying and speaking the Word of God as you believe it, and you will have it! Thanks for sharing.

  51. Ok…I’m HERE! And I have had it with getting water dripped on my forehead. YOU know who you are! If I want to read a blog I will. I don’t need to be nagged into it! I hope you are happy now. You wore me down. And I don’t want to hear I told you so! I mean it! But this was actually very helpful Rev. Rocket! Thank you.

    1. Welcome! The Lord is good and He has a lot for you and that’s why you know who was persistent. I’m glad you found help here, and you are welcome! Thanks for sharing, and never, ever give up for Jesus is the answer!

  52. I really don’t know who you think you are. You tell me 50 times in a row go read this blog. How do you know what blog I should read? You don’t know anything about me or what my problems are, so how do you know this blog will do anything to help me at all? Well, anyway, you were right. I don’t want to hear I told you so. YOU know who you are. Thanks Rocket Preacher, this was very helpful!

    1. You are welcome. I’m glad to hear you made it here and this was very helpful! God is so good!

  53. Okay so how does it happen that these people who come to bother my music teacher walk up to him and start swinging like they want to punch him but it doesn’t get through? How does that happen? I can’t figure out how all that centrifugal force could just be stopped unless it’s by an angel or something. Is an angel?

    1. It is the shield of faith, angels, and the presence of God! When we step out in faith, faith is a shield (Ephesians 6)! There was a musical called “Your Arms Are too Short to Box with God,” and truly when these idiots go against your music teacher when the presence of God is all over the place healing, delivering, saving, and filling people with the Holy Spirit, ARE GOING TO BE STOPPED BY GOD! Everything from God all works together, and yes it includes angels! The idiots are biting off more than they can chew and ar r going to be very sorry they tried to hurt someone who loves Jesus and is just helping people get in touch with “THE MOST HIGH!”

  54. Ok, I have to say the same thing as that other person! I don’t know if it’s the same thing but here it is.., all the things that you said would happen when you give up permissive will actually happen. And don’t look now, but I think I even am building my faith and getting prayers answered! That may make front page news, I’m not sure. Thanks Rev. Rocket.

    1. Praise God forever! I’m so glad to hear the good report of you being delivered from the lousy permissive will demons, building your faith and getting answers to prayers as God promised you would! Good going! Thanks for sharing and to God be the glory!

  55. I’m really irritated that all my life I was told that illness and diseases are God showing something and I’m finding out this late that none of that is true! How long does it take to get enough faith to get healed from diseases?!

    1. You can receive faith in a moment to be healed from one Word of God! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God! He sent His WORD AND HEALED THEM AND DELIVERED THEM FROM ALL THEIR DESTRUCTIONS! So, stay in the Word of God, believe it and meditate on it, pray it, and say it! Read Mark 11, and be encouraged for the power of God goes beyond anything we ever dreamed!
      It has robbed a lot of people when taught wrong about sickness! Read my post: “ITS MAKE UP TIME!” God will make it up to you!

  56. This one is too good to keep. The people who were trying to bother your hotshot singer friend walked in circles and couldn’t find their way out. Someone told me that happen one time before. And they were furious. All red in the face and everything. Why were they angry? Because people were getting HELP? They look like such fools. Did God confuse them so they couldn’t find the door?

    1. Gotta love it! Thanks for sharing this! It shows how those who oppose the Holy Spirit will literally go around in circles in a dead end life in their utter confused and bewildered state! Ha ha they couldn’t get out of going in circles because God confounded them and showed them for the idiot fools they are!
      The devil and his crowd cannot stand the anointing for it DESTROYS ALL the works of the devil and they CANNOT STOP IT, PRAISE GOD! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!

    1. God only gives that anointing you see on the music teacher that saves, heals, delivers, and gets believers filled with the Spirit when HE, GOD, trusts that person! That’s as REAL as you get!
      He is real, and thats why the religious spirit phonies hate and oppose him for the power of God comes to help people and they are helped, but the phony hypocrites CANNOT produce the power of God because God does NOT honor hypocrisy or lies!

  57. Rev. Rocket, I am kind of amazed at what I saw. I don’t understand how people could have told me my whole life that there is no modern day miracles, so to speak. I went last week to hear this controversial singer, mainly because everybody was warning me to stay away from him. So I want to see what all the fuss was about and he was helping people not hurting them and he was telling people things that he couldn’t possibly know by himself and everybody was getting helped and healed and everything they needed. These pastors always give him a hard time, but they can’t offer anything. I feel like my whole life is different now that I found all this stuff out and have this blog.

    1. Praise God that your life is totally changed now for the better after being in r he presence of the Lord with the miracle working power and now here to receive from the Word of God.
      Those with demons of unbelief are the ones claiming there are no miracles today! The fact is THEY cannot produce miracles for THEY do NOT have the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and their rank unbelief goes against Jesus!
      Meanwhile, those who believe are having miracles for the power of the Holy Spirit is available! Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and forever! Jesus hasn’t changed…He is still the healer, deliverer, restorer, savior, and baptized believers in r he Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues! Let the skeptics weep in their unbelief, but as for us who believe, we shout the praises of God and have the joy of the Lord!

    1. I hear you! I pray God makes it up to you, and what you receive here will bring double portion blessings!

  58. I understand now what I miss for so long. I not understand before that all these things were for modern time. I was told only for back in Bible days. Now I see firsthand that incorrect. I don’t know where this singer come from but I’m glad he is here, even if it does make some people angry. People need to know about this! And they need to have this blog too. They may not like it but I tell them about it anyway. Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. Yes, the Holy Spirit never left, but people with unbelief believe all the wrong things and when people listen it robs them of blessings that God has for them!
      I’m glad you have seen the light and know Jesus is the same today as He always was, and always will be! I’m glad you like the blog and tell others. They do need it, and if they only knew how much they would receive from God if they came here and applied what has been revealed!
      God sent the singer and I pray many peoples hearts to be opened to the move of the Holy Spirit and many miracles that are needed will happen. I pray that God blesses you with ALL you need and more besides! Hallelujah!

  59. I like this Rev. Rocket. I like to send this to my pastor who think he know everything but really know nothing. He tell me stay away from person who has faith but go to a doubt church. That music teacher tell me he is just a doubt peddler. So I showed him this blog and that post and I said “you’re not a doubt peddler are you?” And he get all mad in the face and tell me I am listening to false doctrine. I told him, no, YOU are the false doctrine.HA HA HA HA HA HA HA H AH

    1. You told it like it is! I love the part where you told the pastor HE was false doctrine! HA HA HA HA. Those doubt peddlers cannot stand when you come around real faith! Oops! Too late, they cannot stop you now! Praise God forever! I pray the wisdom of God keeps flowing in your spirit, and the Holy Spirit leads you into all truth!
      Thanks for sharing!

  60. Ok ok ok, I’m here! I believe, can I get help for my unbelief now? Everyone’s going to laugh, but I mean it! Well, sort of… LOL.

    1. The first thing is to confess it to Jesus and be forgiven and cleansed from the sin of unbelief, then renounce unbelief, and do not claim it as yours! Don’t call it:”my unbelief!” Now, I bind every demon of unbelief and OUT YOU GO IN JESUS NAME! Be loosed and praise Jesus for.delivering you! Read all the posts here that are against doubt and unbelief and build your faith! Read and speak the Word of God as you read and meditate in the Word!
      If you want the deliverance God always makes a way! Enjoy of faith….MUCH, MUCH, MUCH AND TOTALLY BETTER!

  61. Ok, Rocket Preacher, my friend go to hear a singer last week and he say no one in room could stay standing. He saying now he is Spirit filled and I need to go hear him next time and then I will understand this blog better. Is that true? I will understand this better if I go and can’t stand up?

    1. Yes! What happens is as he praises the Lord the presence of the Holy Spirit manifests strong and when that anointing comes on you fall under the power of God, and miracles happen. The Holy Spirit is greater than our senses and it is a quickening of God to do special things in your life! Then with the Holy Spirit active in you, you will have much better understanding to understand the Word of God and this blog! Enjoy!

  62. Well, I have a wonderful engagement planned for JBT at a Presbyterian Church! They are going to be SO happy when they see what happens.

    1. Wonderful! Those Presbyterians will never be the same again! Lol. Yes, they will be “thrilled!” We will just have to pray an extra dose of anointing on them!!!

  63. Here is my question. Sometimes I don’t know what to believe when different people say different things. And everyone says well you need discerning. Okay, but how do I get it? It’s not like a switch you can turn on and off. I don’t really feel like any little voice telling me who to listen to. I guess that means I have no discerning. But how do I get it?

    1. The Word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart! The Word discerns! Compare everything to the Word of God and if it is opposite then discard what they are saying! Sometimes they take things out of context and it comes out to something God never intended or said or meant! If you have not been filled with the Holy Spirit yet ask Jesus to fill you and He will! The Holy Spirit will bear witness deep in your spirit to the truth! The Holy Spirit will regurgitate lies and things that are not so or what God really said! It will be like a big YUK on your deep inside! Again, study and read the Word of God for the Word is the discerner and you will be fine!
      I also bind every spirit of confusion and they must all leave you in the name of Jesus so you will have a clear spirit and mind, and WILL know when things are the truth or a lie!

  64. my former pastor told me that this is too complicated for me and I shouldn’t read it because it’s over my head. That singer told me he’s full of baloney and to read it anyway. Well, I understood every single word. Now I realize that he just wanted to stop me from reading this because he doesn’t have the goods and you do!

    1. Good for you and praise God you understood every word!! That former pastor is full of baloney for sure and is jealous of those who really do have the power of God! You have wisdom from God and insight into this that could only come from the Holy Spirit! Keep up the good work!

  65. This is one you can’t read only once. You have to go back and go over it again! Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad you are getting a lot from this! The power of the Word of God goes on forever and as the Spirit of God breathes on it the life of God quickens your spirit, soul, and body! Enjoy!

  66. Well I was happy to get spirit filled, but I didn’t realize that I would have all these assignments, and have to fix my boat and my plane and my car and my blueprint and my foundation! Thank you, I think

    1. Welcome, and I’m glad to hear you got Spirit filled! Now that you are Spirit filled you need to feed your spirit the Word of God, and as you go through the assignments here the Word of God will come alive and the Holy Spirit will have a lot to move on in your life to do above and beyond anything you can think of!
      You are welcome for sure! God has great things in store for you!

    1. It DOESN’T matter how many years the addiction has been! It DOESN’T matter if it has gone on all day long, every day! It DOESN’T matter how many substances are involved! It DOESN’T matter how hopeless you feel!

      You are NOT hopeless for there is hope in God! God is GREATER than all the years of bondage!

      Now look up Jeremiah 32:17 in your Bible and highlight it. Read it out loud a number of times to it grabs hold of you deep inside your spirit, and emphasize the Word “NOTHING” everything!
      It says…Ah Lord God! Behold, you have made the heaven and the earth by your GREAT POWER and out stretched arm, and there is NOTHING too hard for you!
      After this has gotten in your spirit then worship God in the Spirit andnin truth, and praise Jesus with all your heart that this scripture is yours from Him and that how wonderful it is that you were set free when Jesus died on the cross, and rose from the dead for you!
      Now do whatever the Holy Spirit says do and BE FREE INDEED! YOU ARE LOOSED FROM ALL DRUG ADDICTION IN JESUS NAME and we step all over the devil and demon’s heads and crush them right on OUT NOW!

    1. Welcome, and I’m glad you are here! The Holy Spirit will help you do the assignments! Enjoy, and thanks for sharing!

  67. I don’t know who this singer is but he had power with him and these preachers who hate him don’t. I went just for entertainment and he wasn’t even singing gospel music, but something filled up the air and people started speaking in tongues and l was one of them. I never knew it could be this easy! And I wish l would have known about this blog for years!!! Thank you!

    1. I love it! God shows up even when he is singing regular music! Praise God you and others were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance! Pray in tongues every day for it is a perfect prayer, and you are built up on your most Holy faith as you pray in tongues of the Spirit! I’m glad you are here now and God will make up for it! Thanks for sharing and God bless you!

  68. Rev. Rocket, l finally got Spirit Filled and now my whole life is better! Everyone tells me that singer is trouble…don’t go hear him. Well, l go out of curiosity just because they tell me not to. Then when he sing a song called Berlin, everyone can’t stand up anymore and even he look surprised. Then we all get prayer language and have power to live life now. I know now why he tell everyone to read this blog…because it have answers that you can’t find anywhere. Thanks Rev. Rocket.

    1. Praise Jesus! It is so good to hear after you got Spirit filled and prayer language your whole life is better!
      This shows that when someone has the anointing that the Holy Spirit moves in people’s lives no matter what! This happens everywhere he goes, but usually he is singing spiritual songs! He didn’t expect it singing secular songs, but God used him to bring the Holy Spirit to everyone anyway! God is greater than everything and helps all He can!
      I’m glad you like the blog, and you are very welcome! Enjoy! God will minister faith, and show you truth that builds you up and sets you free! Thanks for sharing!

  69. Here is my question Rocket Preacher…l come hear this music teacher sing and play, and then people come at the end of the night and try to fight with him. But they swing and nothing happen. They hit something and can’t get through. Why does that happen but then you hear other people it doesn’t work that way and they get hurt. What is the difference? That singer seem to not be afraid at all. How could he not be afraid of that?

    1. The music teacher has faith and the anointing and he knows that faith of God works and so does the anointing so the idiots cannot hit him and never will! Other people that get hurt do not have faith or the anointing and are missing the blessing of God.

  70. Rocket Preacher, l get Holy Spirit now! I always was told no need for that in this era, it only for Bible times. I ask your Liberace friend if that true and he said only doubt peddler say that Holy Spirit not for now. So then l say “Can l get prayer language then?” and he just laugh and say “thank you Jesus” and suddenly l getting spirit filled. Now my life will be better from now on won’t it?

    1. Praise God for the Holy Spirit, and yes your life will be much better now! The power of God makes all the difference and changes things to work out with God involved, and He doesn’t make mistakes! Jesus is good and I praise God you received the Holy Spirit! Many blessings to you in Jesus name!

      We need the.Holy Spirit more NOW than ever!

  71. Well, I never saw anything like this in the Presbyterian Church before! Everybody came to see this controversial singer because there is so much said about him, both good and bad, and I went along to see what all the fuss was about. Then this person came in, practically dragging somebody with them up towards him because I guess they were desperate. But the person was totally flipped out under demonic control and the pastors came running over and told people to call 911. That singer totally flipped out. He practically shoved the pastor out of the way and said “no offense, and I’m not being nasty, but you don’t know what you’re talking about! All they will do is stick her in a mental hospital and pump her with drugs. THAT is not the answer!” And all he did was just touch her head and say “go” and within a few minutes she was completely back to normal and said that she never felt that normal in her whole life until then. Everybody was too stunned to say anything! I don’t really understand that. I thought that would be a long drawn out process before there was any improvement. I never saw anything like that and I didn’t know what to think. I know it’s real, because I don’t think it could happen that way if it wasn’t!

    1. Yes, that church will never be the same! LOl. Deliverance is very powerful “if” you do it right and the singer does it right! He knows his authority in the name of Jesus and that when he says GO the demons have to go! It does not have to be drawn out at all when one has the power of the Holy Spirit! Praise God she was delivered and didn’t have to go through that torture that pastor wanted! Now, you have seen proper deliverance! Believe me, it’s real for if those others had tried to handle it they would have been shocked at the demonic strength that would have come and they would have left black and blue!

  72. Ok, well, I went to hear this showoff, five octave singer, just try to find flaws and see if it was just smoke and mirrors. Ooops. When I got there I could tell something was going on because people were whispering and in little groups talking, and then I found out that this was the guy all these preachers around here hate. Well, he didn’t look like a mean person to me. He was just casually getting set up there and one of the preachers went up to tell him that he shouldn’t do any of that “wildfire stuff”. What does that mean? Anyway, he just laughed at him and walked away and the pastor was standing there with his fists balled up and he was all red in the face and he kept opening his mouth like he wanted to yell at him but he couldn’t say anything. So I thought, well, I think I want to talk to that guy! I plan to ask for this big long detailed prayer, but halfway through the performance I found myself on the floor looking up. Now I can say I’m officially a holy roller! How cool is that?

    1. I love it! The whole thing is filled with the Holy Spirit! When the phony preacher goes to rail on him, he laughs at him and the guy, with clenched up fists, red in the face cannot speak a word!!! HA HA HA HA HA! The devil is a liar and should be shut up!
      Now you have officially experienced the awesome power of the Holy Spirit, and become Holy roller, lol! Gosd is so good to give us His presence! There is nothing like it.

  73. I finally get spirit filled! Rev. Brockett. I didn’t even know this is important. I just went to see what all the controversy was about, and I noticed that that man wasn’t doing anything bad to anybody. He was only singing gospel songs and people were getting saved and delivered. And these people are against that? I don’t understand. But I’m glad I went!

    1. The people that are against the singer oppose the Holy Spirit and the true anointing of the Holy Spirit and are pretenders and hypocrites and liars! He helps people get Spirit filled as you found, I’m very glad of, healed, delivered, saved, as you said and if people oppose it they are not in the Spirit of God for that would be the Spirit of God opposing the Spirit of God, and that does NOT happen! You are seeing the manifestation of demons of hypocrisy, unbelief, doubt, anger, hate, etc. these people are NOT listening to Jesus and are to be steered clear of!
      Enjoy having the Holy Spirit, your life will be much better now!

  74. I’m so glad I find this! I wish I knew about this website long before. I get finally spirit filled and no one even pray for me. Holy Spirit show up when that music teacher sang at my church. Except that now I don’t think I want it to be my church anymore. LOL

    1. Nice! The Lord is so good and gives what we need! Praise Jesus you are Spirit filled now! Yes, I don’t think those church walls are big enough to hold you! Lol.
      I’m glad you have our sight now, and God will make up to you lost time! Enjoy living a new life of victory and praise to God! I pray God opens up to you all you need!

  75. Okay, Rocket Preacher. I can’t argue anymore. I was shocked at what I saw. Presbyterian Church who normally would never let a spirit filled person even near. Well, maybe that’s not fair. Maybe they would let them in, but they definitely wouldn’t let them perform, for fear of all that holy roller stuff. But anyway, I was shocked that they even let him come. Then the pastor was trying interfere and he couldn’t do anything. All the singer did was keep laughing at him and every time he left Adam the preacher got more angry but he still couldn’t do anything. I never knew laughter was a weapon!

    1. Good, come on in the water is fine! Laughter is definitely a weapon, laughing at your enemies disarms them completely! God laughs, join in with Him. I did some posts on here about laughter that would do you good! Laughter is joy’s way of expressing itself, and JOY of the LORD is powerful! I love that as he laughed the pastor just could not do anything against him! HA HA HA HA. The move of God is on keep swimming in the waters of heaven! Thanks for sharing!

  76. Well, I suppose you can add me to holy roller club. I definitely am holy roller now. I get spirit filled for first time in my life and now my whole life better. And this is person they warn everyone away from, and blog they warn everyone away from, when really it has all the things to help! Thanks Rocket Preacher.

    1. Yes, you are official now! Your life is better already and will be better yet the more you pray in the tongues of the Spirit, good for you, and praise the Lord! Yes, we are the 2 they warn about to stay away from. Interesting isn’t it that the ones with the most problems should be yearning for help, but instead they oppose the gospel, Jesus, and those who labor for Him truly helping people?!

      You are welcome, and enjoy!

  77. I think it’s funny how these preachers try to run off people who can actually help. You should’ve seen this one pastor thinking he was casting one demon out of someone and it was going nowhere. And then that singer that everyone has mixed things to say about came over and practically pushed them out of the way and said, “you’re just chasing your tail, for crying out loud, can’t you see you’re not getting anything accomplished?” So the preacher through the gauntlet down and said “okay, well then YOU do it,” and the singer said, “good… Get out of the way.” And when he prayed for the person they just crumpled onto the floor screaming out demons and then get spirit filled! Then the pastor STILL try to argue with him and told him he was doing it the “wrong way.” They just can’t quit can they?

    1. Now THAT is rank IGNORANCE and BELLIGERANCE the pastor exhibited isn’t it?! AFTER he couldn’t cast out ANYTHING and the singer WAS ABLE WITH EASE TO CAST demons out, AND she got Spirit filled, and then the pastor STILL was going at him that “it was the wrong way!” This when the pastor could NOT cast out a thing! He knows NOTHING!

  78. I don’t how to explain what happened to me. Nothing like this ever happened before. I was in churches all my life but I never really felt the Holy Spirit. I heard about people who said they could feel him in the room but I never experienced that at all, and then when I went to hear your show off friend he had only just started and suddenly I realized what it was that people feel. It feels like something’s filling up the room, almost like you’re being covered with a blanket and you can just tell that it’s God. I started repenting immediately! I was kinda sorta backslidden… Oops and then once I repented I asked if I could get the Holy Spirit and before I even had the sentence out of my mouth, it was happening. I told him about that later and he said that “before you call Jesus answers.” Now I know why they don’t like him. Because nothing like that happens in their churches. I think they’re just jealous!

    1. Praise God now you felt the presence of God and was restored and filled with the Holy Spirit!
      When believers have the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT and pretenders don’t, yes, they get jealous for they are not willing to pay the price! Live in the power of the Spirit every day, don’t give the devil an inch! You will be VERY glad you did this!

  79. Well, I went to hear that show off singer just to see what all the excitement was about and it was so obvious that that was not just something in the natural and I was one of the ones who got spirit filled but I guess I didn’t know enough about things because I told him at the end that I kept having this awful physical illness that was making my life miserable and I said, well, I know God’s trying to show me something through all that, and all he did was say “no no no no no no no, that’s false teaching.” And he just touched my head and said “Thank you Jesus” and all the illness went away. Seriously? I really didn’t know what I was in for with this whole spirit filled thing, did I? Does that mean that no illness is ever God trying to show you something? He seemed pretty sure about that.

    1. Praise God for delivering you, healing you, filling you with His Spirit, and unlearned false doctrines all in ONE BIG SWOOP! I love it!
      Jesus took all your sickness so you wouldn’t have to have it just like He took sin! By whose stripes you WERE healed, and since you were, you are and GOD DOES NOT TEACH YOU WITH sickness! He teaches you the Word by the Spirit in your spirit! Thanks for sharing. JESUS IS LORD!

    1. Yes, you are healed of headaches in Jesus name! Do NOT accept headaches as normal at all! Touch your forehead in faith believing and the power of God sets you FREE…NO PAIN! Thank you Jesus for healing and delivering this believer from headaches right now! Praise God!

  80. Isn’t it wonderful that I have JBT booked for an Assemblies of God church on Friday? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Ohhhhhh my, my, my, my, my! He is going to be so “thrilled” it will be unbelievable!!! Lol! I will pray God’s grace!

    1. God said that before you call He will answer, and while you are yet speaking He will hear. Another scripture says if He hears us we have what we asked! Praise God these are yours, take them, embrace them, speak them in faith and receive your.miracle! Now raise hands high toward heaven and praise God with your whole heart! Now do whatever the Holy Spirit says and be FREE AND MADE WHOLE IN JESUS NAME!

  81. Rocket Preacher, sometimes I’m so depressed at living in the end times and having to see all the mess that happens in this country every day. I know were not supposed to give into depression, but I just miss the world the way it was when people hadn’t gone off the left deep end the way they have. Do you think God will send us a good president in 2024?

    1. God always has a way of victory and someone who will listen to Him and do the right thing to help the country! There are people in authority positions speaking out against the deep end stuff and I’m praying we all stay in the Spirit of faith and victory and hold this garbage bound in prayer and OVER 2024 that God’s person will get in! Stay in the Spirit and faith for Jesus is Lord and every knee will bow!
      I loose everyone from demons of end time depression in Jesus name! All spirits of depression, fear, and worry GO in Jesus name!

  82. Here’s what I did. I went over to the University to tell that singer that he was all wrong about everything he was telling people and the reason I do this is because my pastor told me.. Isn’t that a good reason? I’m sure you’re laughing already. So when I get there, and start doing my little speech, he told me every single thing I did for the last six months and why certain things went wrong the way they did in my life and so I just stood there kind of in a daze thinking okay now what do I do? I came here to tell him off and he’s telling me all kinds of things he couldn’t possibly know. Whoops. I had to repent then and get saved and spirit filled. Can you imagine that? I really like this blog, but I’m not so sure about fixing my boat and car and plane and blueprint and foundation. I won’t even mention my dead horses at this point. Oh my.

    1. Yes, that was a laugh! Your pastor was a bit wrong wasn’t he?! I guess you couldn’t say much when the Holy Spirit showed up! Praise God you repented, got saved and Spirit filled!
      You will do fine with all the posts…look how far you have come already! Enjoy!

  83. Rocket Preacher, I stayed away from that music teacher for months and months because the preachers around here say he is a charlatan. Then for the first time I get help. I seeing images in my head of my own funeral and the Grim Reaper and all these morbid thing. He say that it demons and I said I was scared of that. Demon always scare me and I would rather think there are no such thing. Then he laugh and say “there nothing to be scared of,” and all he say is two words, “leave now,” and all the demon go and the vison stop, but then these preachers still tell me that could not be real because if it were he would have to say Jesus name to make them go, and he just said “leave now.” And I said “but they left! How do you explain that?” And then they have nothing to say.

  84. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! For the first time ever, JBT will be playing in a Catholic Church! They said they just want the entertainment, though, none of that other stuff. I said “Ok, I’ll tell him.” HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!


  85. Is that music teacher the man who used to dance at the Stockton theater in California? I would be really happy if that was him who is here in Costa Rica now because I think he’s the only one who can help my daughter. Is that really him or are people just saying that it is?

    1. Yes, the music teacher is the man who used to dance at the Stockton theater in California, and he is in Costa Rica now! Many people are being really blessed as the Holy Spirit is moving strong! God is good! Others pretend, he does NOT need to pretend for the power of God moves! Enjoy having a daughter who is free and made whole!

  86. Here is my question, how come so many people think there has to be long drawn out rituals for people to get delivered? I can’t find anything like that in the Bible. I didn’t see anything that said it was a hard, long, drawn out process. Where do these doctrines come from? I guess that’s a loaded question that nobody can really answer. Hmmmm…

    1. Right in your question is a big part of the answer! Rituals do not help, and do not come from God, but from a wrong spirit, and people going along with it! People get crazy on all kinds of things like “thinking” that they have to name every demon to get them out, and that is not the way it is! I think pride gets in the way also, for some people like the attention like they did some great thing because they “wrestled” demons for hours and hours!

      The Holy Spirit is not limited! God is ALL POWERFUL, and it is by the Holy Spirit we cast demons out! The problem with those with long rituals, etc. is they are doing it in their “own” fleshly energy! That will not get the job done!

  87. I went over to Costa Rica University to find that teacher because my pastor would not tell me where he was going to be even though he knew. The security was giving me a hard time because I guess so many people come there to try to bother him and the one security guard stopped the other two and said “she can go through, he told me she was coming earlier.” But I didn’t tell him. I didn’t even know where to find him other than at the school. But I thought, well, they think I’m someone else, so good, that way I’ll get in, and then I’ll just tell him I’m sorry I pretended to be the person he was waiting for. But I WAS the person he was waiting for. He said he knew I was coming and he even knew why. He also knew everything to tell me that would help. How did he know I was coming in advance to tell the security guards to let me in? Is that a special gift, Rocket Preacher? I don’t know very much about all the stuff.

    1. Praise God He loves you and was not going to let you down. You had prayed to the Lord for help and He was going to make sure you got it!

      God knows everything including the future. When He takes a bit of His knowledge and drops it in a believers spirit by the Holy Spirit that is called a word of knowledge and is shown in 1 Corinthians 12. The teacher knew you were coming,and what was wrong, and what the answer was. The gifts of the Spirit work that way to help us. They all work together also. The word of wisdom shows us how to apply the knowledge!
      Blessings, and what happened should really encourage your faith for the future! All things ARE possible to those who believe!

  88. Rev. Rocket, I now see how all this make more sense now that I have Holy Spirit. I was told that not necessary , and I even switched churches to try to find it but new church also tell me you get that automatically when you are saved. I see now that is not true. It is different. Now it much easier to understand this blog and I need to learn a lot more, but now at least I know how to understand it!

    1. Praise Jesus, yes, the Holy Spirot is the one who reveals the truth to you and quickens you to move in the power mm of the Spirit! The Laeotacean church is blind, wretched, miserable, poor and naked and doesn’t know it! They think they are fine the way they are and then they mislead others into r heir bandage! Thank God you were hungry and thirsty for ALL God had for you including the Holy Spirit and kept going until someone could minister the baptism of the Spirit to you!
      You will have more and more understanding quickened to you! Blessings! Thanks for sharing…truly having the Holy Spirit makes a huge difference and it is a separate experience and we do not receive the infilling when saved. Salvation is salvation! The filling of the Holy Spirit is the baptism of the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, (languages)!

  89. Okay, I am happy now I have this blog to answer questions. This is not a blog like others where nothing really is ever made where you can understand, but instead just confuse you. This is much different and better. Thanks Rev. Rocket

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this is helping you. Some speak from intellectual and carnal knowledge, and spread false doctrines and confusion.Now you can have truth and peace and have your faith grow! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy!

  90. Rev. Rocket, how do I not have a vexed soul with all this insanity that’s going on? I know were supposed to just trust God and praise the Lord and ignore it all but sometimes I can’t. There’s multiple genders now? And it’s not just women who can have babies? And these far left lunatics think that they can make statements like that and the rest of the world just has to go along with it? This really is like in the days of Noah isn’t it?

    1. God said He will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is “stayed” on HIM! It is up to you to do that! The world is messed up for sure with all kinds of perverse spirits running rampant in their lives! God said that He will keep you in PERFECT PEACE when your mind is “stayed” on Him! That is up to you to do! Spend extra time praying against all the mess and binding the demons behind all the evil, and loosing people from them. There is demons behind all evil and we have authority over them!

      Right now I bind every demon of vexation and they must GO OUT NOW! I loose the peace of God on you! “Let” the peace of God RULE in your heart, and be thankful God said! When you pray over everything with all prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, r he peace of God WILL KEEP your heart and mind through Christ Jesus! AMEN!

  91. Your five octave friend is right. He say this blog is a treasure chest for new Christian who need to learn everything. He is right. All is here that you have to read to understand the Bible better. Thanks Rocket Preacher

    1. Praise God thats great! I am so glad you and others are receiving what you need here! I pray for all who read this special blessings, understanding and miracles!
      You are welcome!

  92. Ok, Rev. Rocket, I’m in. You got me with all this. You were right and I was wrong. I admit it….Ooooops!

    1. Good to hear you are in! Welcome! I know the Holy Spirit will minister great things to you here!

  93. This one was a big help because I was definitely fainting! I think this would help everybody if they would just read it!


  94. Rev. Rocket, l got diagnosed with underactive thyroid gland! I don’t want to have to take medication. JBT said he’d pray for me. I said “Ok, but I’m afraid I don’t have enough faith so I better get the big guns involved. I’m asking Rev. Rocket.” And he laughed his head off. He said “Yeah, better not take any chances.” I think he’s making fun of me. HE’LL find out. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    1. No problem! Big guns!…..hahahahahaha, you are the best! All in good fun! JBT and I agree together you are healed through and through and the pituitary gland makes the hormone needed in the name of Jesus! You were healed 2000 years ago “by His stripes!”

    1. Happy Sunday to you too! I’m very glad to hear this blog makes your life better! That’s what it is all about! Praise God! Thanks for the comment and blessings to you abundantly as you believe God over everything!

  95. Okay, I’ve had it with Mr. Liberace. If I want to read a blog I will read a real blog. I’m a grown woman, I know what I want to read and what I don’t want to read and if you don’t stop dripping water on people’s foreheads you’re not going to have any friends! This is actually just what I needed, though, Rocket Preacher. I was definitely fainting. I’m glad I came here, even though your friend is very annoying and I would like to punch him.

    1. LOL, well the main thing is here you are, and I’m glad to hear this was just what you needed! God is good and supplies every need when we look to Him!

    1. Good going! Praise Jesus you are the 208th person to go completely free here. God is doing a special miracle for sure! Glory to God, He works amazing miracles when you step out and obey the Holy Spirit in faith! You are officially in the Blowing in the Wind club! Enjoy!

      There are more people right on the verge of going free! I loose all of you in Jesus name! Be made whole now!

  96. Wow, did I have a lot to learn Rocket Preacher. I was raised Catholic and thought it was the “true faith” and everything else is heresy. I heard different people talk about the “full Gospel” and all that, but honestly, I didn’t understand and it was like a mental block. But I got spirit filled last night and it all came perfectly clear then. I don’t think I ever would’ve understood without being spirit filled though! I know I have a lot to learn about all this, but how did the Holy Spirit come just because somebody was singing songs?

    1. The Holy Spirit will show you the truth from the Word of God, and it does make a huge difference in understanding, and in your life.

      The singer really worships and praises God when he sings, and God “inhabits” praise! The presence of God manifests as we praise God and come in faith believing. The singer spends time with the Lord in prayer and praise as God tells us to, and he yields to the Holy Spirit and takes his hands off so God can move! Enjoy your new life! Thanks for sharing!

  97. I am rounding up testimonies. We may have to translate some of them. but here is a secret I will let you in on in the meantime. JBT saw fire. He saw fire sitting on their heads! Isn’t that just like the upper room? Of course, he’s not going to come on here and tell about it, but he saw it on everybody who stayed. (Some got a bit uncomfortable and went home. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!)

    1. Thank you very much for rounding up and translating testimonies! The Lord and I appreciate it!

      That is just like the Lord that those who were “uncomfortable” went on home… Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hmm not wanting to get delivered of some things maybe?!

      Yes, there was fire that sat on all their heads in the upper room! Praise God that works for me! Those people were definitely open to what the Lord was going to do!!! Hallelujah to Jesus!

  98. Well, I certainly got free of a lifetime of bondage. I didn’t realize what kind of a mess I was in until I got spirit filled and really felt the power of God. I think all I was doing was rituals! And no one can ever help with my problems or my habitual sins and certainly nobody knew about demons. I’m trying to absorb all this!

    1. Praise Jesus for delivering you of a lifetime of bondage! The power of the Holy Spirit is sure the OPPOSITE to rituals! Ritual is empty repetitive things that deny the power of God and help no one! The false prophets did their rituals and cut themselves and nothing happened and no power came! Elijah prays one prayer of faith and the power of God are and did mighty things! Praise God!
      The Holy Spirit will open ever ything up to you and give you quick understanding, and as you read the Word of God and this blog God will show you all you need to know day by day! There is a demon behind every sin and that is what people are fighting without knowing it! When we cast the demons out then the power behind the sin is gone! Stay with the Word of God and pray in tongues a lot. This brings faith alive and you will walk in the Spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh!

      Enjoy this blog! I’m sure God has a lot for you here! Praise God for all He did in you and is going to do!

  99. I feel like I have to start all over with my Christianity. I guess I was saved and that was all because I did believe Jesus was son of God and believe that in my heart and confess it with my mouth that God raised him up but I getting nowhere with my Christian life. I think now that all I do was ritual and it not help anything. Then God came to our church the other night. I don’t was going to happen to us all because we going to get kicked out of the diocese but I think the priest is on our side!

    1. Praise God He is giving you a fresh start, and now you will get it the Holy Spirit way and not just man’s ideas and things mixed in that shouldn’t be there! You will grow spiritually very quickly with the Holy Spirit and will be filled with JOY unspeakable and FULL OF GLORY! Denominations don’t know a fraction of what is really needed and have added to and taken away from the Word of God and it leaves the whole lump! Stay strong in the Word of God, especially the New Testament and reject every thing contrary to the Word of God and you will be blessed!

  100. I’m trying to understand everything that happened last night. I don’t think I ever experienced anything like that my life. This man came and opened the night with a song that he just referred to as the 23rd Psalm and the power of God filled up the whole sanctuary. Some of the officials there were trying to interfere with the couldn’t do anything. And this man that came with him the didn’t really say very much but just stood there would walk in front of them and it was like they couldn’t go past around him and just had to be frozen in their tracks. And so many people got saved for the first time and spirit filled and some people were calling it heresy, but I know that it wasn’t! Glad I have this blog, because with them l will never learn anything!

    1. Praise God for all who were saved and Spirit filled, and that those officials were stopped in their tracks and frozen by the power of God, and so they could not interfere with the move of God! Keep praying and reading the New Testament and the Holy Spiri r will open it up to you. I’m glad you like this blog, it will explain a lot so you an understand! The anointing of the Holy Spirit does amazing miracles, and we stand in awe of God!

    1. All right! The fire of revival is going there with you to burn out all the works of the devil, and bring people to Jesus with amazing power and demonstration of the Spirit and power!

  101. This is world best blog. Now I think I finally know things I needed before. We think we just getting nice concert but this superstar singer came. No one ever sing like that that I heard! I thought… This more talent than we have at our church usually. But then something else start to happen and power come in room from God and then we get incarnated! No one ever mentioned that in our church before and now the priest say he didn’t know the right thing to tell us but now he do. He may be kicked out now because of not doing any more rosary or chance. But I think that better because we can all learn the right way together. Thank you for this blog rocket preacher!

    1. You are welcome and you are on the right side of the tracks now and as you follow Jesus you will be blessed more than you ever dreamed. The power of the Holy Spirit is amazing and available to walk in and be blessed by! You are welcome for the blog… enjoy and keep walking in faith, there are many, many blessings to come!

  102. I got confused with all this. What I understand now is that there is no need to pray rosary or to ask Mary or the saints to intervene for us in heaven because Jesus already did that and doesn’t need to be done again. So when you sin, there is nothing except to asked Jesus to forgive you? That’s what this man tell us and the priest say to listen to him because he know more than us. But did I get that right? And this prayer language is different. It comes out in words I don’t know but then life is better. That’s how it’s supposed to be right?

    1. That is exactly right! There is one mediator between God and man… Jesus Christ! He is the one and only Savior and there is only forgiveness and cleansing of sin through Him!

      The prayer language of the Holy Spirit is a perfect prayer and bypasses your mind as you are praying from your spirit by the Holy Spirit and it is a perfect prayer and as you pray in tongues you build yourself up on your most Holy faith also! Then LIFE DEFINITELY IS BETTER for the Holy Spirit is flowing in your heart and life! Enjoy!

  103. I always had my doubts about my religion. There was something I liked about all the rituals. It felt good. I felt like I was accomplishing something, and now I suddenly realized that the Bible we claimed we were following calls that stuff vain repetition. Did you think that when you got spirit filled it made you understand things hundred percent better? Because all of this was just a blur to me before that man came and brought God with him and then when we got spirit filled all of a sudden it seemed easy to understand. I guess that’s how it’s supposed to work! I’m just still getting this all straight I think I’m doing it pretty well but I’ll keep reading this blog to make sure.

    1. I am so very glad to hear your eyes of understanding got enlightened that you saw the rituals are vain repetitions! Vain reactions are just that-vain, empty, with NO power!

      Yes, when we are filled with the Holy Spirit the understanding is quickened and things that were hard to understand suddenly are understood, and revelation from God is in our heart!
      You will be blessed here as the Holy Spirit takes you from truth to truth, and shows you what you need to know!
      Praise God for saving people and filling people with the Holy Spirit! God is building His army of believers marching in victory overcoming all evil and releasing others to believe and receive from Jesus!

      You are

  104. Rev. Rocket l am happy to find this blog because now I can really understand spiritual thing. All l do before is ritual. I didn’t know difference until your friend come to our church and bring Holy Spirit when he sing. No one could interfere even when they try. And everyone life change for the better. Thank you for this blog.

    1. Praise Jesus you were delivered from rituals, and brought into the power.of the Holy Spirit. Now you really can have the abundant life!

      You are welcome for the blog, I am very happy you are enjoying it and being blessed! Praise God!

  105. Rocket Preacher, do I not pray rosary anymore at all? It seem now like it not needed according to what your singer friend tell us. He say all that is just repeating things and chanting and that it do nothing. But what do l do instead? Just pray right to Jesus?

    1. The singer is right. God never said to pray rosary, so you won’t get any answers praying rosary. You can pray to the Father in the name of Jesus, and yes, call right on Jesus for whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be delivered. When man adds to or takes away from the Word of God it is adulterated and is a leaven that leaves the whole lump because what they add or take away is by lies and we know Satan is the father of lies!
      The Bible says there is one mediator between man and God, even Jesus Christ. Enjoy getting answers to prayers.

  106. Rev. Rocket, l feel weird to give up my crucifix but that music teacher say not to keep it anymore. He say that is because Jesus not on the cross now. Well, that’s true, but do I need anything to pray. If no rosary or crucifix then do l just pray with nothing to hold?

    1. The music teacher is right 100%! Jesus is not on the cross and He died once, was buried, and on the third day rose again from the dead!

      You just hold fast to FAITH in your heart, and do not need to hold on to anything else in the natural! Jesus is ALIVE, and NOT on the cross. Why would we want to keep Him in a constant state of crucifixion? Man makes things up that God never intended! Let go of them and watch how free in the Spirit you become! When you are filled with the Holy Spirit you can pray in tongues for long periods and it is very powerful and builds you up on your most holy faith too! It is a perfect prayer! Enjoy praying in the name of Jesus and getting answers. Then your joy will be full!

    1. You do NOT need to do any penance…Jesus did it all for you…HE saved YOU! HALLELUJAH!

  107. Rev. Rocket, I go to my church just to see some entertainment and then a cloud of fire come into the room and I feel the spirit of God in the room and realize how much I miss all this time and I can’t believe how long I was doing meaningless ritual. I thank you both!

    1. Praise God, you saw the fire of the Spirit of revival! Yes, the power of the Holy Spirit is what we need and all those rituals are definitely meaningless!
      You are welcome! Enjoy living in the power of the Spirit of God!

  108. I am so surprised to find out I am not needing to pray rosary or ask saints to pray for me anymore. It seem like now I can just go right to Jesus on my own. I never knew any of this until this that singer came to our church to sing. We all came to just hear him sing but he bring God with him and then we get saved and spirit filled. I thought he was just entertainer but this was different. I don’t know what will happen now because our parish will probably not like him to be here again but I’m glad because we were going down the wrong road!

  109. I find out I am doing pointless things all my life! There is not need to hold crucifix to pray and pray rosary because now I find that all that was unnecessary ! I am much better now with Holy Spirit and being really saved! That religion is all wrong and add many thing that you don’t really need to do! Thank you for this blog!

  110. I happy understand how really to be saved and that l have holy spirit. Fire came through my church when a mysterious singer came and bring God with him and all there could get holy spirit. This is a relief. I was following a wrong religion!

    1. Praise God you were saved and Spirit filled, and delivered from religious bondage! The fire of God showing up will do amazing, powerful things that transforms lives to the glory of God!

  111. Rev Rocket, I happy to be in the room when the fire come with that singer because I realize now I had wrong religion and I am happy to be gone from there. I have a lot to read on this blog though! Thank you!

    1. Praise God you were set free when the fire of God came! Now you can really live for Jesus and get.answers to prayers and have the joy of the Lord!
      Enjoy the blog, the Holy Spirit will show you truth. You are welcome!

    1. Yes, indeed this blog will definitely help you! God has a lot for you, more than you ever dreamed and bad religions speak lies and deception so I loose you from every spirit of bad religion and loose the Holy Spirit on you to bring revelation from God’s Word!

  112. Well, Rocket Preacher, the air is thick out here and he hasn’t even started yet. But I saw him turn around after he got set up and all of a sudden he’s looking up about 3 feet over our heads all around at something we can’t see, and I think it must be angels. Something interesting is going to happen! Well, I must get back to roving and reporting.


  113. How this man bring along Holy Spirit with him enough for everyone?! I never see this before! He can’t walk because too much power and everyone get what they need including me! I love this blog!

  114. Rev. Rocket, now l see what l needed was to have Holy Spirit. I get Spirit filled when l listen to singer who bring power with him. Before l not know anyone with power so no one can help me. Now everything will be different. I think preachers not like him because he have power and they don’t!

  115. Rocket Preacher, I learn so much just from coming to hear music yesterday. I don’t know where this singer come from. He start to sing and you feel like heaven on earth come there to the park and people got spirit fill, including me, with no one praying. And my friend even asked him can he pray for her to get spirit fill and he tell her “if it doesn’t happen by the end of the first song I will, but you won’t need me to.” And she one of the first one to get spirit filled halfway through the first song he sang. I never saw anything like this before and I don’t understand all about it yet but things seem to be easier to understand on this blog now that I get Holy Spirit! Thanks!

  116. Rocket Preacher, my life was a big fat zero before I met your Liberace friend. He came to play in the park and in a few minutes there was power falling all over and by the end no one was really standing. They were either getting spirit filled or they ran off. One or the other. Then I found out that l had wrong teaching all my life. I am so happy now that I know the truth about all this!

    1. The anointing is all the difference there is! That’s the only thing that breaks the yoke of bondage and sets people free! Those that hate God run from the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and those that love God and want all He has run TO the anointing! It is SO good to be free in the Spirit…nothing like it, and we should cherish it and praise God for it! Hallelujah! It is not by might (your own), not by power (your own), but BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD; THIS MOUNTAIN SHALL BE REMOVED!
      Enjoy knowing the truth that sets you free, and thanks for sharing! To God be the glory!

  117. Ooops. Impromptu fill in at a church that threw him out last time. How interesting is THAT? I will be back with more roving and reporting.

    1. Oh, yes, I love it! Impromptu will be the best… demons didn’t have time to organize their mess! I say the Holy Ghost tears it up more than ever and sets the captives free in such a way that they will never go back to the mess again!

      Do keep me posted Thanks!

  118. JBT said this is the church that you said fire would come. Well…it came again. People getting Spirit filled and JBT can’t really walk. LOL

    1. Oh, this is so good…fire again! When God wants another time, its go into frozen mode opposers and flow Holy Spirit time! Lol

  119. Rocket Preacher, I never know thing like this happen in modern time. When men come to sing at my church I think to myself, he is one who got thrown out before and told to not come back even though many people get spirit filled. So I think I have a second chance and I wait and it feel like fireball fill up room and then I get spirit filled too! I wish I knew this sooner because now I know how to pray better with different language. I have lot to read on this blog he tell me what order to go in so I have to follow that! Thank you Rocket Preacher.

    1. Praise God for the fireball of heaven and now you are Spirit filled and have the power language to pray over everything! Enjoy the blog, God has a lot for you! You are welcome!

  120. Well, Rev. Rockett, he got kicked out again, and I was kind of surprised because he rarely starts any confrontation with these people, but when the guy told him not to come back, he turned around and said “we’ll see about that. If God wants me back I’ll be here.” Me and Molly were just standing there with our mouths hanging open. Usually he says something like “really? Do you promise you won’t let me back in? Can I count on that?” Because he’s usually glad to leave those places. So I have a feeling he’ll be back there. I can’t wait to rove and report. There should be more testimonies forthcoming


  121. Rev. Rocket, finally I found someone who could help me and my pastor tells me not to listen to him. But he just touched me and said “go” and demons leave and my problems stop so l think I SHOULD listen to him. I think I should quit my church and just read the blog!

    1. Amen and amen! Praise Jesus for a wonderful deliverance and then all the problems demons weee causing stopped! I think you are right about what to do! The devil is a liar and he is the one that moves idiots to oppose those who really do have the power of God that helps! Press on, God has great things for you!

    1. For the same reason the “religious” dead spiritually leaders rejected and hated Jesus! They are walking and living in darkness and darkness hates the light! He veins the light of God because he walks in the light and that light scatters the darkness! The ones telling people to stay away from one who has answers that help are not right with God at all and are not living in the Spirit of God. They oppose, grieve, vex, and speak against the Holy Spirit and the anointing He brings!

  122. Rocket Preacher what I want to know is that feeling coming from that singer and what it is. You feel like electric wave or something when he touch you. Is that Holy Spirit? No preacher seem to have that around here.

    1. Yes, that is the Holy Spirit! Jesus baptized us with the Holy Ghost and FIRE! That fire burns demons and sickness out, and brings blessing and release! What you feel is that fire of the anointing of the Holy Spirit! Believers have to yield to the Holy Spirit to have that anointing. When preachers are just going through the motions and deny the power of godliness they will never have the anointingnor any miracles of God. Then they fight those who do have the goods.
      Praise God for the Holy Spirit!

  123. Hi Rocket Preacher. I want to know how this music teacher can make things happen without even really praying. How come he just touches people and they get delivered from demons and spirit filled and he doesn’t have to pray? I was told that can’t happen!

    1. Believe me he has a prayer life, or there wouldn’t be any power. The anointing comes through prayer. Then when there are people with needs when they are touched the power of God goes into them and heals, delivers and fills them with the Spirit! This is what Jesus did and He said we would do the same when we believe and greater for He went to the Father! Read the New testament and you will see Jesus touched people and they were met by the power of God. Jesus didn’t do massive prayers when people needed deliverance…He would say “GO” and the demons would go! It is all there, but the religious dead people that told you the lies that miracles can’t happen this way don’t believe the Word and are hypocrites.
      Faith works and when we act in faith miracles happen. God actually said in Mark 11 that we will have ” whatever we say” when we believe we will have whatever we say and don’t doubt?! So, when we believe and say to demons..GO, they must go. Praise God for the authority and power He gives to believers! It is the only way to live above it all!

  124. Rocket Preacher, your Liberace friend told me to come here and read the dead horses post, shout the walls down, and this one, and they would have all the answers I needed. How did he know that?

    1. He knew the posts that would have the answers for you by the Holy Spirit. God knows all you have been through and so knows what you need to fix everything, and He simply let’s him in on that by a “word of knowledge”…one of the gifts of the Spirit given to help us! Praise God! God is so good!

    1. You asked how I know how to write all this. It is a combination platter, and I lean heavily on the Holy Spirit to bring revelation from God’s Word!

    1. Amen! God is going to bless you a lot as you use the faith that comes to you now! You are welcome! Enjoy!

    1. God said in His Word that the wisdom that is from above, from Him, is pure, peaceable, easy to be entreated, without partiality, and with all good fruits. That is ALL POSITIVE! The devil comes to rob, kill, and destroy. THAT is ALL negative! The good things come from God, the evil things come from the devil. Negative thoughts are from the devil trying to rob your peace and take you into depression and discouragement! Be loosed from every negative spirit in the name of Jesus! All those spirits GO!

    1. HE IS TOTALLY OFF THE WALL! GOD SAID “NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY OR TIME!” Do not listen to anything that preacher says for he has demons of deception and false doctrines of demons running rampant!]

  125. So now I think I understand this better. There is the gift of tongues and interpretation but everyone who is spirit filled should be able to pray in tongues. Is that right?

    1. Exactly right! The “gift of tongues, and the gift of interpretation” are 2 of the 9 gifts, special manifestations of the Holy Spirit given to minister to and edify people. When we are filled with the Spirit we receive tongues that we can pray in at will! We should pray in tongues every day for it is a perfect powerful prayer and you build yourself up on your most Holy faith! A mighty weapon against all evil!

  126. Rocket Preacher, here is what happen. On Wednesday I go to the University because that music teacher have a class every Wednesday at 10 o’clock through the summer. So I wait until students all leave and then I asked him “can you help me? Because if you can’t then it is hopeless for me and I give up.” And he didn’t even pray for me, but he tell me everything that is wrong in my life without me saying anything and then cast lots of demon out and then I get spirit filled. Now everything better and easier to understand and I get answer to prayer right away. Then my pastor tell me “you can’t cast demon out that way.” And I said, “well, you don’t cast any out at all, but when he do it, all the demon go, so how can you say that does not work?” And he have no answer except to say that that music teacher cause trouble everywhere and I just said to him no, I think you caused trouble and I quit that church. Thanks for this blog Rocket Preacher.

    1. Praise Jesus for delivering you, filling you with the Holy Spirit, and healing your life where everything is better now, and you get answers to prayer right away! God is so good!

      You preached real good to that unbelieving pastor! It is so simple.. the music teacher told the demons to go and they did and now you are free! It is amazing how steeped in unbelief and doctrines of demons these blind, wretched, miserable, poor, and naked, Laeodicean church people are! Revelation 3:14-19.

      It is good you got away from that unbelief and spiritual death!
      I pray God’s best for you in all things, and you are welcome for the blog!

  127. Care thou not that the other singers perisheth? I think he’s about to go to the hardware store and buy a ladder to get fruit that’s barely pickable but must be picked anyway. We took great pains to make all the arrangements yesterday for the gig tonight, and first thing this morning, no… it’s not good enough anymore… There’s more fruit up there. Why, Dan why?

    1. LOL! I do care if other singers perisheth. “Cast your nets on the other side!” Abundance of notes are yours!
      I believe you should start praying a quickening where he gets all the fruit there is right away!
      Who knew that fruit picking would become an extravaganza? Extra blessing on “all the other singers!”

  128. Hi Rocket Preacher… Supposedly nondenominational gig tonight. I think that’s better than anything! He can have multiple denominations throwing him out all at once instead of just one. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. LOL, yes I do believe you may be on to something there! So, then there will be people from multiple denominations all in frozen animation together just like one big unhappy, unbelieving, disobedient, bunch of people ruled by religious demons! Oops! Don’t oppose the Holy Spirit guys…you will never win that one!

  129. Rocket Preacher, do you think that show off singer would pray for me tonight? I want to go to where he is playing, but I hear all kinds of different things about him. My pastor told me that he wouldn’t bother with me and he wouldn’t help me anyway so not to go, but other people say that he always helps everybody. You must know, because he tells everyone to read this blog. Should I go?


  130. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I’m in! I can’t really argue with any of this no matter how hard I try. I guess there is nothing left for me to do except admit that you were right and I was wrong!

    1. Welcome to the land of plenty! Plenty of faith, blessings, joy, the power of God, answers, the wisdom of God, the Word of God and the abundant life in Jesus! Hallelujah! You win!

  131. Okay, I never saw anything like this in my life. I didn’t think there was power like this in this day and age, I thought it was just for Bible times. But there was real power when this man sang and it filled up the whole place. I thought the windows were going to shake out. And then people were getting saved and spirit filled without anyone praying or doing anything. I think my whole life will be different now and I’m so happy.

    1. Praise God its real and for today for the Holy Spirit is still being poured out upon all flesh, and He does totally change your life fo the better! Yes, you will be happy and full of joy unspeakable and full of glory! Enjoy, and enjoy the blog! Our God reigns!

  132. You were right, Rocket Preacher! He prayed for me first! Those preachers lie! I’m so glad I went! Thank you!

    1. Praise God, good to hear you were met by the Holy Spirit! It shows not to listen to “negative man” even of they are mm preachers! Evidently when they are following a religious spirit they lie and tell people to stay away from where the power of God is flowing! You are welcome, enjoy the blessing and enjoy the blog! God has much for you!

  133. I got dragged to hear this singer because my life was a mess and my friends were worried about me and trying to save my life. I didn’t want to go because everyone I knew was always a phony and it was always some kind of hocus-pocus and never real so I kept refusing, but they wore me down and I went. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing because people really were getting free from all kinds of oppression and healed of things and even when people tried to come and interfere, they couldn’t do anything! It was like an invisible force was holding them back. And then I was just starting to think, I wonder if this could happen for me, and all of a sudden I was enveloped in the cloud and I got spirit filled for the first time in my life. Now everything that used to be hard is easy and it’s hard to even imagine that I went my whole life without this. These churches are crazy to constantly give him a hard time. I don’t understand that. But I think it’s jealousy. Now I have to play catch-up. How am I going to learn everything I have to learn because I lost so much time not knowing about any of this?

    1. Praise God, now you have come into contact with the real deal, and the came on you and you were filled with the Holy Spirit and your life is dramatically changed for the better!
      The Holy.Spirit will reveal truth to you as you read and study the Word of God to catch you up. Read the blog prayerfully and again the Holy Spirit will apply truth in your heart and you will be very happy at how fast you come along! Read especially in the New Testament and be a New Testament believer! Another chapter is written now about your life in heaven for the book of Acts of the Holy Spirit does not have an Amen at the end because it is still going on! Hallelujah!

  134. I love this blog Rocket Preacher. Someone gave it to me once before but I didn’t really read much because I didn’t believe anything and I always thought all the stuff was just a scam. But then last night I got spirit filled when that music teacher came and the roof blew off the place and now I understand these posts! There’s nothing like this anywhere else on the Internet so I hope people keep finding it!

    1. Oh, I’m so glad you love this blog and now understand it with receiving the Holy Spirit. It is so important to get truth to people in these last days, so I do pray God anointing this to go around the world quickly!
      Enjoy, soak it up, and thanks for spreading the word! God will bless you for it!

    1. Praise God, great! What a wonderful miracle! You are number 209 to be added into the blowing in the wind club! Hallelujah! Nothing can stand before the power of the Holy Spirit! Think of it, right here on the blog 209 people have gone completely free in a moment of time!

  135. Well I finally got spirit filled, because I finally got to listen to someone who knew what they were doing. There’s not too many people these days who do. I’m so relieved and grateful to know that I don’t have to go through life the old way anymore. Of course, I have to fix my car, boat, plane, foundation, blueprint and stop dragging my dead horses around! Oh dear!

    1. Praise God you got Spirit filled…so much better! Lol. Well, when you get into all these posts you will be so on top of it all you will be far above it all looking down on what used to drag you down for it will be under your feet!

    1. Yes, you certainly can be healed of depression. There are demons of depression that when in the flesh come up to the mind and emotions and project their downer thoughts and feelings! So we simply recognize this, bind them in Jesus name and tell them to GET OUT NOW! Praise God, raise your hands and thank Jesus for deliverance and setting you completely FREE, RIGHT NOW! HALLELUJAH! Then think on good things, the pure things, if there be any praise,and virtue
      think on those things! Meditate in the Word of God and praise Him a lot everyday! God inhabits praise and believe me God is NOT depressed, and will flood you with Joy! Amen!

  136. Hi Rev. Rocket, I can join all the people who got spirit filled now because it finally happened to me. I was always told my whole life it wasn’t necessary, but now I see just how necessary it actually is, and I’m so glad I finally ran into someone who knows what he’s doing. I felt like a cloud came especially for me and when it did that’s when I finally got the Holy Spirit. I couldn’t be happier! I know my whole life will be better now!

    1. Praise God you finally met someone who knew what he was doing! It is great you now are filled with the Spirit! This is very special because as another person said and you said a special individual cloud came over you and you were filled! We had claimed it would happen that way this time and shared it earlier here on the blog in an answer to the roving reporter! God’s power is beyond anything man knows and is there to meet every need as we believe Him!

  137. Rocket Preacher, I finally get what I need when I not listen to people who tell me Holy Spirit not important. They say only in Bible time. Now I see that not true because when I go hear this music teacher play who everyone say stay away from, he bring fire with him and it fill up whole room and then cloud come down on me and I get spirit filled! Now I have a lot to learn on this blog but I think it will be easy now. Much more than before.

  138. A girl called the Roving Reporter told me to leave my testimony here. I needed deliverance forever but no one around here could do it. All they did were ineffectual rituals and nothing got better for me. So I came to listen to this music teacher from the college singing and playing because my friends told me he was the only one around here who New how to cast demons out. Well, I was watching all of it happen but I was still determined to be skeptical. So I said “I don’t think this is even real. How do I know this is not all just an act or something?” He said “Hmmm, I don’t know…let’s see.” And then the next thing I knew I was screaming out demons. Really?! Ok…l believe… I’m in.

    1. Yes, I guess you do believe after that demonstration of the power of the Spirit! Lol. God is good! Welcome in, you will receive much here. ENJOY! Praise Jesus for delivering you! It is good to be free indeed.

  139. My former pastor told me this was too complex for me and I shouldn’t read it because it will be over my head. That’s not true, because I understood all of it. Now I realize he was not telling the truth because he wanted to stop me from reading it so all that did was make me more curious and make me want to read it all the more! HA HA HA HA HA

    1. LOL. The devilsdevices worked against him, and God turned it around for good getting you here! Praise God!
      Its good he is your “former” pastor since he lies to keep you away from the truth that would bless you! Enjoy! I’m glad you made it here!

  140. Rev. Rocket, some looney tune came to JBT last night to rant and rave about everything, and then we found out he was a NAR idiot. This is what JBT said to him: “You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing. But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.” And the man went off hollering and cursing!! Some preacher HE was! HA HA HA HA HA

    1. HA HA HA…yes, if all the warbling preacher can do is curse and holler when the Word of God is spoken to him then what ever can he ever give to a congregation? Lessons in cursing and hollering at those who have the anointing that heals, delivers, saves, and gets people filled with the Holy Spirit in moments? Lol. The Word of God IS ALIVE AND POWERFUL, and sharper than any two edged sword! When hypocrites meet the Word of God their lies and hypocrisy are shown for what they are! Oops, there they go running from Jesus instead of to Him!
      Thanks for sharing this. I like to hear what goes on as we are praying for and over the gatherings!

  141. Ok, I guess I have to eat my words about this show off piano player that I would not go hear other times because I didn’t think it was real. I got talked into it the other day, and someone called the Roving Reporter told me to put my testimony here. Well, your Liberace friend had to stop half way through a song because everybody was crowding around. So I went up there to try to figure out what was happening and suddenly I realized, “Uh oh…this stuff is for real!” So I was going to make a hasty exit because I didn’t want to become a holy roller! But the next thing I knew I was looking up at the sky. Oooops. THEN he had the nerve to tell me I should begin by repairing my blueprint and foundation. Oh my. I didn’t know I would have to do all these assignments. OOOPS! Thank you I think.

    1. Praise God you finally made it where God was moving, and He was waiting and gave you His power infusion to bring you in! You made it! Don’t worry once you get into these posts it will flow and you will be very glad you read them! Enjoy!

  142. I would like to thank you for this. I know it is what I need and never got at church because church not know anything!

    1. You are definitely welcome! When they go the wrong way it starts out with adding to and taking away from the Word of God, and God said that a little leaven leaves the whole lump! There you have it! Instead of the churches seeking God in prayer until the anointing comes and the Holy Spirit shows truth, they have spaghetti suppers, and lean to their own understanding! Then they have a church full of bound, sick people oppressed of the devil, and call that “normal!” No thanks! Welcome again and be blessed and receive all you need by the power of the Holy Spirit!

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