The choice is yours today whether you stand strong in faith giving glory to God or get “steamrolled” to death!  

This is where we come face to face with the truth and what we do with it will determine what direction our life goes!

Some people gravitate to groups who speak lies and false doctrines of demons because they love excuses and adopt doctrines {beliefs}  of convenience!  They want to put everything off on God like it is ALL up to Him what happens in their lives and falsely believe that He “permits” all that happens and it is all for some mysterious reason!  It is the doctrine of demons called “permissive will!”

Jesus said:  “LET NOT your heart be troubled, neither “LET” it be afraid. {John 14:27}  Two things right off that are totally up to YOU to do!  What He tells you to do you can do through Him and you must choose to do it!  Fight the good fight of faith laying hold on to eternal life, and stand strong against all that would try to trouble your heart, and the same with fear!  We cannot afford to give these things an inch… just DO NOT LET ANY TROUBLE TO TROUBLE YOUR HEART, AND DO NOT LET ANYTHING CAUSE YOUR HEART TO FEAR!  

God does not force you to live for Him, but invites you to come to Him  Matthew 11:28 “ Come to me you who labor (are weary, beset by problems, conflict, distress), and are heavy laden,  and I WILL GIVE YOU REST!”  “Your people will be willing IN the day of your power!” (Psalm 110”3)  God does NOT force you to live for Him, but invites you to decide from your will in your spirit to yield your life to Him.  “Come to me…”  It’s up to you to come to Jesus and when you do He takes the heavy burdens away and heaviness and His yoke (will) is easy and His burden is light, and then He gives you rest and a garment of praise instead of the spirit of heaviness!

Now, if you were walking in the road and saw a steam roller coming toward you that has the ability to crush the life out of you with tons of weight, would you lay down in front of it?  Why not?  Because you know it is not good for you, and want to live and you know it would kill you so YOU don’t LET it hit you!  Don’t YOU LET your heart (spirit, inner man) be troubled (crushed, distressed, vexed).  Don’t YOU LET it be afraid!  God said to guard the heart with all diligence for out of it proceed the issues of life!    You ARE  a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body! From your spirit you possess your soul and present your body to God a living sacrifice!  

Your spirit is YOU where your will is!  We have authority and power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us, but WE have to will, choose to use authority to stop the steam roller, and we have to speak it out in faith believing!  Don’t let the devil’s steam roller crush you!  The steam roller is made of lies!  The words of demons are that “You cannot overcome…this is too much for you…you won’t be healed…you sinned (false condemnation), …. You will never dig out of this hole!”  All a pack of lies!  

Once you start listening to the lies of demons it starts rolling you under to crush the life out of you!  They want to hinder, hurt, destroy, tear ;you down, so all the lies are contrary to what God promises you in His Word, that is His will, as a believer!  

Then, those demons turn and tell you more lies that those promises of God are not for you and try to make you feel like a second class citizen!  They tell you it won’t work for you because you are not God’s favorite!  This is a spirit of unworthiness lying to you about you!  You need to tell them to shut up and get out for you have been made worthy by the blood of Jesus and you need to say so!  They tell you that you don’t have any faith, when God gave us all a measure of faith when we were saved!  We need to stand against all these lying spirits and STAND BY FAITH!  When the steam roller of fear, doubt, and worry say that too much has gone wrong, and what “if” the Lord won’t help this time, we need to rebuke them and stand strong in the Spirit of God in faith in what God said in His Word about us, who we are in Jesus… the new creation, blessed of God in all we do, and that all the promises of God are yes, and Amen to the glory of God by us!

You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!  Nothing is too hard for the Lord!  You need to believe and say….I am the forgiven, the light of the world…I stand in faith on what the Word of God says I am, and I can do all things through Christ Jesus!  I refuse to listen to demons of “I can’t” for that is unbelief!  

The devil is a deceiver and tries to deceive, trick, seduce you away from Jesus, the faith, the truth!  The devil is the one who said… “Has God said?”  Eve was deceived and fell for his trickery that put doubt in her mind.  He was saying… Is it really so?  You must be established in the Word of truth and in the faith!  Be unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord!  Stand firm in the Word and what the Word says about you, what is yours in Jesus!  Know your inheritance.  The Spirit of God is given so you would KNOW the things freely given to you of God!  I am what I am by the grace of God!

Some have a feeling like you are lost in a forest.  You cannot see the way out, for every direction looks the same!  It is confusion for all the trees look the same with no path out!  Then the darkness of night comes and you cannot see anything or where you are  stepping, and the fear rises up!  Take heart child of God, Jesus is the AUTHOR AND FINISHER of our faith!  Jesus IS the WAY… He IS the PATH…He IS the LIGHT!  So simply COME TO HIM IN SIMPLE FAITH.  LOOK TO JESUS!  He will deliver you from spirits of confusion and you will come out of that dark forest, and NOT be steamrolled by the devil’s lies, fear, unbelief or any other demon spirit for your FAITH STANDS STRONG IN JESUS, and having done all to stand, you STAND having put on the full armor of God!  Stand firm in the faith!  REFUSE to give up!  I bind the demons of giving up, and they must shut up and GO OUT in the name of JESUS!  Say, as the apostle did…I press on to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!

Your will is so important to decide on the Word of God!  There is God’s will, the devil’s will, and your will, and where you vote turns it the way it is going to go!  If you put your will with the devil’s you are going down for sure, but if you put your will with God’s will you WILL WIN EVERY TIME, EVERY DAY IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE!  God’s Word is His will, and when you STAND on those promises of the Word YOU WIN!  GOD NEVER LOSES SO WHEN YOU LINE UP WITH HIM YOU WILL NOT LOSE EITHER!

Check the thoughts you have been having to see if there have been thoughts of defeat, discouragement, melancholy, giving up, or have they been pure thoughts, thoughts of faith, victory, healing, and praise to God!  Put your mind on the promises of God for God says He will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is stayed on Him! 

1 Timothy 6:12  Fight the good fight of FAITH laying hold on eternal life!  Never, EVER give up for GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN YOU than he that is in the world!  There is trouble in the world, but Jesus said to BE OF GOOD CHEER for HE has OVERCOME the world!  All that is in this world CANNOT steamroll over you if YOU don’t LET it!  Do not “let” your heart be troubled, neither “let” it be afraid!  Do not fight as one that beats the air; know what you are fighting, zero in and KNOCK IT OUT by the faith in your heart as you speak words of authority and power against all that is negative and of the devil!  FIGHT TO WIN!  HAVING DONE ALL TO STAND, STAND!

The just shall come out of trouble!  Call on the Lord and He will deliver you out of all trouble!  God gives power to the faint and to them that have no might He increases strength! 


    1. Praise Jesus for this showing you what you needed to know and helping you! Now you WILL be the HEAD and NOT the tail! Hallelujah!

    1. Its good to hear you love this and I agree! Keep this going in the end times we live in, and you WILL live in complete victory over it all!

    1. Oh, praise God then that this lifted you out of going down for the count! Jesus loves you! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Praise God this will help you a lot! The Word of God is quick and POWERFUL! I’m Glad to hear this met a need you had now!

    1. You are welcome! It’s good to hear you are LOVING this post! That means it will do you a LOT of good!

  1. I really appreciated this one, Rev. Rocket! SO important to get the full revelation of this in these ends times! Thanks!

    1. I’m very glad to hear how you appreciate this! I agree with you and pray God really shows us. Thanks for means a lot!

    1. Thanks. I am praising Jesus that this came when you needed it bad. We all do. I appreciate your comment

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this is bringing you out of the steamrolled category into the STANDING STRONG category! Praise God this is helping you a lot! That is exactly why I do this! Blessings! Thanks for sharing

    1. Praise God for this meeting that need! Thanks for letting me know. I thank the Lord that He inspired this and gave it to profit everyone!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God for the major help in your life! The fact that you love this shows your heart is right with God and you love the truth which is so important in these days! Then God will make sure you have the truth from Him! Jesus said that you will know the truth and the truth will make you FREE! Praise God for Holy Ghost freedom…. nothing like it in this world! It is not by your own might or by your own power, but by MY SPIRIT says the Lord, this mountain SHALL BE REMOVED! HALLELUJAH! THANK YOU JESUS FOR THE VICTORY OVER IT ALL!

    1. Oh, praise God that you are delivered from being steamrolled and will be standing strong!
      I believe we all need to stop and realize that the Holy Spirit is not limited power, but is unlimited, and as we line up with the Word, and yield to the Holy Spirit that power will flow freely and anoint us with the anointing that destroys the yoke of bondage!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God, this came at a time when there was desperate need! God is always right on time! NOW then faith IS the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen!

    1. I’m glad you are here because I know that Jesus has a lot of good for you, and here you will see how to walk in that rich inheritance and crush the devil and all his mess UNDER YOUR FEET! Praise God this met the life need you had!

    1. Younare welcome and I am very glad this was a big help to your life and for the future! God honors His Word so the Holy Spirit will move in your heart and life according g to this Word the Lord gave! Its by the Spirit of God that the mountain in the way is removed!

    1. Oh, yes indeed, that is definitely “grand!” Time for revival FIRE to burn very HOT, and burn out all the demon spirits people have had for long periods of time and have been agonizing for the answers! Well, here those answers come! Ain’t that grand?

    1. Praise God, good to hear this one is a lifesaver! God looks on the heart and life of everyone, and then as I go to Him He shows me by the Holy Spirit what to do. I really lean on Him for the inspiration for Jesus did it all for us and He is the One we go to for all we need including salvation and all it includes….it covers every area of life need there is! Praise Jesus…He paid a debt He did not owe! Enjoy, and never look back!

      Thanks for the comment, it means a lot, as each one does!!!

  2. Ok, now I know there were not many English speakers last night, but just do your best with your testimonies!

    1. Ah, very good, REAL HEALING by the power of God! You received Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit instead of a ritual with no power! Amen, and God bless you every day for real! Thanks for your testimony!

  3. I have not enough English to explain my miracle. I have nothing in my life but ritual before singer come to bring power and even priest say he need to find more out about it. He not even pray. He just sing and miracle comes and demons have to go!

    1. You did fine with English. You explain perfect how the power of God came with the singer and miracles happen and demons go! That is the Holy Spirit for sure! Ritual can never make power for God does not like ritual for it denies the power mm of God. Jesus delivers you from demons of ritual and causes Holy Spirit to flow! Praise God!

      Thanks for sharing! It was good and glorified God!

  4. I don’t know how to say what happened, except that we never have any power in church, only ritual, then this man came just to sing and brought power with him and then Holy Ghost come to everyone!

    1. That is WONDERFUL! Praise God the Holy Ghost delivered you from ritual! Now you will know the Lord very well! Thanks for sharing, you did very good! I loose others from demons of rituals, and into the power of the Holy Ghost!

  5. I can’t say in good english enough what happen. I finally get Holy Spirit because I don’t listen to my church anymore!

    1. Ah, very good, now you listen to Jesus! Praise God you got filled with the Holy Spirit! God is going to take you places in Him you never dreamed of, but He will do because He loves you and has heard the cry of your heart! Thanks for the testimony! Glory to God!

  6. I can’t explain all of it but finally Holy SPirit come to our church through a man who only supposed to sing. Now there is big split in church! But I got Spirit filled!!

    1. HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! You did great! You chose wisely… To be Spirit Filled! Praise Jesus! Pray in tongues of the Spirit every day and you will be very glad you did! Thanks for sharing, it was good!

  7. Rocket Preacher, I not know what happen exactly at church, but we not have any mass or any rosary recital or usual thing. Just this music teacher come sing and change everything to where Holy Spirit does it all. I guess he knew what would happen because he not at all surprised but all of us were. Our priest say we have to find more out about this and said he read this blog to see more.

    1. Praise Jesus! Wben one knows Jesus, and is filled with the Holy Spirit then the power of God flows when they praise God, sing, or speak the Word of God. Look at the book of Acts and you see when people were saved and Spirit filled how the power of God made many wonderful miracles happen for He wants to meet everyone’s needs. Enjoy the blog, and the answers the Holy Spirit will show.

  8. Rev. Rocket, can I know how that singer come and bring Holy Spirit into room with his music? And how it made us get Holy Spirit too? He say it have nothing to do with him but it never happen til he sing there!

    1. Read about David in the Old Testament who played the harp and tha anointing of the Holy Spirit made the demon leave king Saul! God inhabits praise as we sing to the Lord and praise Him, and His presence is what heals and fills people and delivers!

  9. I come back to my church tonight where my priest ask music teacher to return and bring more Holy Spirit. We may have to leave diocese though. They told my priest not have him return but he did anyway. But I think he have more to tell us than all the church officials can in this blog have things that we never learned before too! I think my whole life will change for better!

    1. Praise God the Holy Spirit is on the move, and that was God having him bring back the singer! Great miracles will happen as people are loosed and the miracle power of God flows! I pray a double portion anointing on the singer and everyone to be delivered and made free by the power of the Holy Spirit! Thanks for testimony and your life will be blessed of God for sure!

  10. I go back tonight too, to bring my friend because he need help like I did. That singer have something come through his arm and into me when he touch me and I need that for my friend. I have to read dead horses next. OOOOPS! My blueprint was challenge enough and now dead horses. But I think I should so what he say!

    1. I agree with you that tonight the power of the Holy Spirit goes into your friend and sets him free too! This is the real power of God and God freely gives us all things, and ALL THINGS are POSSIBLE to those who believe!

  11. I need to go see that music teacher again too. He have knowledge of thing we never know about before. He not even have to pray for anyone really, but things happen anyway. I need to find out more about all this. My friend had demons make her do weird things and after he came and sang she not have that problem anymore after 15 years so he know how to make demon leave. l like this blog. It have things no one talk about in church. They say same things every time and nothing ever changes. This have something different on every page!

    1. Praise God the gospel works! I’m glad you are receiving from the Holy Spirit and liking the blog! God has a lot for us and He will help us grow in all things by the Spirit!

  12. I am so happy now Rocket Preacher! That singer come back to our church and he bring power with him again and I think we may be a church on our own from now on without any connection to anyone but I think that will be best!

    1. I agree and the Holy Spirit knows all you need and will always steer you right and show the truth!

  13. Rev. Rocket, I now think we will leave our parish and just be on our own. The bishop is mad at the priest because he have that music teacher come back anyway. But I am glad he did because nobody get help before and now they do! And now there is this blog to find out more, not just always hear the same thing!

    1. Good, praise God! The Holy Spirit leading and moving is totally better than something that is dead trying to control everybody! I’m glad you are taking this and receiving the truth! You will be built up and made free and strong!

  14. Rev. Rocket! Now I have place to come to learn thing I never know before. Instead of just repeat thing over again and again, this have something new on every page! Thank you!

    1. LOL, we cannot have anyone dying! I am sending up a prayer. When they can sing in the rafters of high E etc. It is amazing the journey up there for us. God bless!

    1. Ut oh! Hmmmm what, just what can be done? Can’t you just go an octave or so above it all and at the same time make some perfect blend?

  15. OK OK OK OK ….l’ll go a few octaves above like I did in the 23 Psalm. You people are just so difficult to work with. ROFL.

    1. LOL, O.k. now just what song are we talking about a “few” octaves above?! Somehow I must hear this!

  16. We need a referee here, dude. Dance Fever was told by Clay that last call for fruit was an hour ago and now he’s creating a disturbance. We threatened to get you involved so we have to make good on our threat. Please remind him he already agreed to just take off and go nine octaves ahead of the rest and LEAVE THE ARRANGEMENTS ALONE! Never get involved with a mad genius. This could happen to you!

    1. Dear Mr. Dance Fever,
      When one agrees and states as a fact that one will just simply sing umpteen octaves above ALL the rest and leave the arrangement alone then one should follow through and make good on one’s Word! Otherwise your friends may be so bedraggled that they will not recover, and “What would Jesus do?” Amen, over and out …peace and blessing to all!

      Your Sincere, wisdom Seeking Referee

    1. Bravo. I’m sure the fruit already in place is totally, completely good, and you will be very happy at how it comes out! I pray God blesses this one special!

    1. Good for you! God rewards those who believe Him and diligently seek Him. Remember He said seek and you WILL find. The Word talks of the riches of the glory in Jesus He has for us so expect God’s best as you press on!

  17. Rev. Rocket, was this power always for people or this happened recently? I think our priest will be fired now because he bring back singer who bring power with him but I think it’s a good thing. As soon as he gets there Holy Spirit come too and everyone get whatever they come for!

    1. Yes, the power of the Holy Spirit has always been there for us! It takes diligence to follow Jesus, and spend the time in prayer, and be willing to yield to Him and His Power. It IS a good thing he brought him back…it is VERY important people come into con r act with the Holy Spirit, and know He is moving in great power in these last days. He is getting us ready to go home and ever be with the Lord!

    1. I AGREE! We will understand, just say what you know, plus the Holy Spirit will help everybody. The main thing is for you to testify of God’s great goodness to you and all He did. It will encourage others and glorify God.

  18. Any language hard to explain. This man come to sing and within ten minute he can barely walk and he suddenly get from piano and wave people over and the more that come the better he can walk. I think he passing off power! One girl say, “when that happen, RUN up there because more than enough there for every miracle.” So I get mine and my whole family but I think we not a catholic church anymore because our priest will be excommunicated!

    1. You are right on! The power of God is being passed off! It is like being supercharged with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and it comes to meet people’s needs! Praise God for His miracle working power! It does sound like the Lord is delivering the church from ritual and wants it to be a full gospel church with the power of the Holy
      Spirit flowing!
      Thanks for sharing!

  19. My friend get free from demon in big number that she had all her life. That singer not scared at all and my friend start going berserk when he sing and she scream help me help me! And everyone is scared except singer and he say “you don’t have to be afraid of demon, they have to go when we say.” But he didn’t really say anything. He just touch her and all demon go!

    1. Praise Jesus for deliverance! Jesus said that when demonsnare cast out by the Spirit of God, NO DOUBT the kingdom of God has come to you! Deliverance removes all doubt! Now your friend has her life back because of the power of God! When you know your authority and you know the power in the name of Jesus, demons bite the dust! Ha ha! It is good to be free! Thanks for sharing and may others go free right now in the name of Jesus…every demon OUT!

    1. The piano man loves Jesus with all his heart, and IS DEFINITELY FOR REAL! He has learned how to really LETGod have HIS way and DO what HE wants! That is the power of believing and seeking God with all your heart! “THESE SIGNS WILL FOLLOW THOSE WHO BELIEVE…THEY WILL CAST OUT demons….

    1. No problem! Always remember heavy burdens are never from God, and His arms are wide open so He still says: “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden and I WILL GOVE YOU REST! Take my yoke on you and learn of me for my yoke is easy and my burden is light!” Your part is to come to Him right now! Repent of any slip and receive His cleansing and forgiveness and say so! Then stand in faith on God’s Word that says: “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENS ME!” Say that out loud in faith and believe it…I can do all things….RIGHT NOW! Whew! HALLELUJAH! GLORY TO GOD! PRAISE YOU JESUS! Praise God with all your heart counting it done! Keep praising Him until you go to sleep tonight, and wake up praising Jesus! Victory is yours! Rise, shine for your light is come!

  20. Rocket preacher, this blog have a lot more than I think. Most thing like this is all same thing over and over. This has new thing on every page. And more information each one. I’m not worried about our priest getting kicked out. I think we better off getting kicked out because now we can have people like that singer who go higher than anyone can sing. He has power that come with him and is not scared of anything. Even demon. I think that’s what our church need for a long time! I like this blog!

    1. Thank you, I’m glad you like this blog. I depend on the Lord to show what is needed to help everyone! Yes, the singer comes with the power of God, and that is what we need for sure. Thanks for comment. Blessings.

  21. I think now I get off crazy train now that we leave church. Your friend know much more to help people then church leaders did. I get finally spirit filled without anyone even praying and I didn’t know before that it was something I even needed. Now I see difference and realize how important! I think everyone need this blog and most of all the church officials need it.

    1. Yes, it is very important to be free from crazy train! When God moves there is always great peace that passes all understanding. When people listen to the wrong spirit there is confusion, strife, and all evil. Praise God you are free and now Spirit filled. I pray God leads you in all things. Thanks for sharing, and enjoy the blog!

    1. Good! Welcome, and thanks for sharing. Its good to hear all came true, and I’m glad we got you! Jesus loves you and has a lot for you so never give up! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Well, he got tapped to do consulting for a Christmas show down here….l have now heard 4 million arrangements for every Christmas song know to man. Help meeeee!

    1. LOL! Well, now if at any time anyone forgets a word from any given Christmas song from forever and again “you” will definitely know it, and clue them in! Hey, here is an idea: maybe he could write a simple new Christmas song for them, then you would hear something new! If he does I pray God uses it to minister to people and help them. Help is on the way-y-y-y!

  23. Shhhhh!!! He’s been writing all morning. Blessed quietness, Holy quietness. Now he has to go to class and I think his students will be the Guinee pigs for the new song. Unless of course he discards it as not good enough, as he does with 99 out of a hundred songs he writes. He’s a handful…..

    1. I do believe he will keep this one!!! Blessed quietness…help has come! Yeah! Looking forward to hearing all about this! 😇

  24. JBT suddenly needs me after my last class. What have you done!? Rumor has it you gave him a brainstorm. Why? What did I do, Lord?

    1. Well, when you hired “that singer” to go out with a bang you didn’t know what you were getting into, did you?! Lol.

    1. Good! Praise God! Besides being steamrolled is not fun for sure! The blessing of God that makes you rich and takes away all sorrow is worth standing for! Enjoy Standing Strong!

    1. Good going! It feels good to be growing in the Lord doesn’t it?! You will see the power of God working in and through you more as you apply these to your life! Stomp the devil into the dust…he has no rights to you at all, and you have authority and power over him, and nothing shall by ANY means hurt you! HALLELUJAH!!!

  25. Ok who are you two? I see on this blog everything I needed to know for years. I didn’t even know it existed, until this show consultant came to our theater and people started sporadically screaming out demons. Huh? All he could manage as an answer when I said what made that happen? was “I’m not sure, it never happened exactly that way before.” Yeah, okay, so you walk into a theater and people sporadically start getting deliverance who could never seem to get it before and you don’t know how it happened? THEN he told me that would be a good question to ask on this blog. Seriously? Then I start reading this, and it’s like a whole storehouse of information to get you through life and I never knew it was here. What in the world?

    1. We are 2 people who believe what God says is true, believe we can have what He says we can have and can do what He says we can do! God does the hard part! Thank the Lord He got you here now! God brought him to the theater so they could be delivered and you could be here on the blog gaining what you need!

      The anointing of the Holy Spirit is very powerful when someone really yields to Him and let’s Him move and do what He wants! Wherever he goes he carries that anointing with him and it is by the Spirit of God demons are cast out. So as the people in need reach out to Jesus for help it ignites that anointing and the demons have no choice but to go! Praise God! Now, that is the Spirit of revival! The end time move of God will go beyond anything we have ever seen up until is the double portion, and the miraculous of God will explode everywhere there is faith! Enjoy and thanks for sharing!

  26. Ok, your friend not even pray for me and demon all go. I didn’t know it could be that easy. But he say I have to read about not dragging dead horses around. How did he know that? I have many dead horse to drag around so now I guess I must stop. I will go read that now. Oooops!

    1. When the power of the Holy Spirit is allowed to manifest deliverance from demons is easy. They have no power that can stand before the power of God! When God gives a word of knowledge He can show what is needed to be read for your good! Praise God! Time for the dead horses to go! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing what God has done!

    1. I asked Jesus to send a Holy Ghost wall of FIRE to melt to nothing the wall of doubt! Now I ask Him to do an outstanding miracle of power that NO ONE can doubt!

    2. Please come on ahead of time and announce where and when each new place JBT is going to. People are tired of the dead places and are asking for this. Let me know you got this. Thanks very much.

  27. Rocket Preacher, I am amazed at my church giving such a hard time to your friend who sang here last night because he brought the goods with him to help everyone and they looked like they wanted to kill him. They pounced on him the minute he walked in the door with all kinds of crazy orders and instructions and all of a sudden he said “you people are giving me a headache.” And he walked away and then all of a sudden this man was there with him, I guess like a bodyguard or something, and they couldn’t get near him then. He would just stand there and somehow they looked afraid to even approach him. Like he was protecting him or something. Well I would have a bodyguard too if people were going to do me that way. Every single person in my church got deliverance and the preacher told him not to come back!!! Then one of the congregation members told the singer that he should shake the dust off his feet and we all started laughing! Does he or someone come on here to say where will be next? I’m not going back to that fake church ever. Of course, I have to take swimming lessons on this blog though. I wasn’t really counting on that. So thank you, I think….Ooooops.

    1. Those who oppose the Holy Spirit will be very sorry! God is good and praise Jesus for everyone being delivered! That truly is the power mm of God!

      I will ask the Roving Reporter to come on and always announce when and where JBT will be singing next. He does at least 1 or more a week. Just look for the posting from the Roving Reporter.

      The angel of the Lord camps round about them that fear the Lord and deliver them!

      Lol, Well, it is good you will take your swimming! Then you will NOT drown!

  28. Rocket Preacher, I was at church last night and they had a man, who was only supposed to entertain us but he do much more. He have bodyguard with him because pastors were angry and telling him what to do, then bodyguard just stand there and then they look scared. When he saying everyone get delivered from demon of all kinds and he not even have to pray. Then the preachers tell us stay away from him. I’m not going to stay away because he was only person to help me in my family ever. That church will now not have any member because no one one to stay where they can’t help after finding someone who can. This blog is important to because it have everything you need to know that you can’t find from anywhere! I have to read all this!

    1. Praise God, OUR GOD REIGNS! The power of God is more than evil people can handle! Ha ha ha! God turns sorrow into JOY, and we LAUGH at the devil and his imps! They CANNOT stop the move of God for Jesus goes to the hungry like you and others there who really did want deliverance and all God has and brings you what you need!

      Yes, enjoy the blog, the truth will make you free and build your faith and knowledge in Jesus! Thanks for your testimony!

  29. Don’t fear! The Roving Reporter is here! JBT’s schedule:
    Cabo Mountain Presbyterian Church Friday, Oct 21st 7pm
    Saber Park, Saturday Oct 22th 2pm and Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church that night at 6:30
    Chimata Valley First Assemblies of God Sunday Oct 23rd 7pm

  30. Okay Liberace I’ve had it with you. Go read the blog go read the blog go read the blog. Till it’s coming out my ears. So I went and read the power of a song, pig slop religion, no matter what, wishy washy or bold as a lion and blueprints, and you’re right it was everything I needed. And in the exact order you said. I really had it with you and if I hear even one I told you so I’m going to punch you right in the face. 😠 thanks Rocket Preacher this was really helpful. It’s hard to even explain!!

    1. You are definitely welcome! It sounds like these have dramatically affected your life for the better, and I praise God for that! I understand how it is hard to put into words because when the Holy Spirit applies the Word it is a revelation and power! Thanks for sharing and keep on keeping on for God will see you through!

  31. I kind of want to punch your friend too. He told me to read Shout the Walls Down. I said…that won’t help. He told me to read it 3 times and God would reveal it to me and that’s what happened and the walls in my life really did come down!

    1. Praise God the walls came down by the power of God! The Word works when you apply it to your life from sure!

    1. Good, praise God! It is time to stand strong in these last days and walk in all the light God has for us in total victory!

  32. All right! I read Shout the Walls Down and you were right. I don’t want to hear I told you so. YOU know who you are. And I mean it!

  33. Rocket Preacher, do you think people ever regret it when they push away people who really have the power and try to stop people from getting help? Do you think they ever realize what they’re doing and realize how ridiculous it is!?

    1. I think there are some, but it takes a real wake up call from God and deep repentance! Like Paul who was Saul then, on the road to Damascus…Jesus let him know he was persecuting Him, and he repented, and turned to Jesus with all his heart and then helped many and was used greatly by God!

  34. Rev. Rocket, I have to admit I thought your friend was crazy when he started to talk about pig slop religion. But I went read those posts, and really each pig slop was better than the last. HA HA HA HA HA HA. I think I was in a pig slop church. Oh dear.

    1. LOL. Every pig slop was better and better! Thats great! Then you were delivered from a pig slop church! HALLELUJAH! JESUS IS LORD!

  35. I need help Rev. Rocket because every time I try to go see that singer I have massive anxiety and can’t go.


    1. HAHAHAHAHA They think they are are now, wait until later when the old Presbyterian bones come together and the Holy Ghost shakes and fills them! HAHA Can hardly wait to hear it! Lord, shake me up real good so that they never forget it and we loose them to receive everything they need!

  36. Rev. Rocket, here is what I don’t understand… There’s nothing I can find in the Bible to back up the big sloppy religion, yet they claim that everything that happens is God’s will. But when you asked them to show the Scripture the fact set up all they can show is when Jesus was praying in the garden of Gethsemane. But that had to do with the crucifixion, so it makes me wonder why they’re not at least somewhat interested in hearing another perspective on that. It seems to me that would get you thinking that how come that’s the only place in the Bible were that prayer was used and it had nothing to do with healing or getting out from under poverty or any of the other blessings. I think they’re just immersed in their “schooling” that did them no good and they can’t do it out of their rut. Oh well, they’re missing out.

    1. Yes, you are right…they are immersed and bound with “Rutitis!” LOL It takes a real jolt of power to wake some of them up they have been in the false church doctrine rut so long!

  37. Shall we all recite THE LORDS PRAYER in honor of those who are being tortured with fruit picking even though the last call for fruit was 5 PM?

    1. At least it was just a little after 5. But still we do recite the Lords prayer for you.Our Father….(great prayer)

  38. Well the comments might come in a little slow but to start off the night this big know it all marches up to jbt and tells him that he’s not pleasing god. So jbt just looks at him and says “oh, yeah okay, thanks “in this total bored tone of voice and his wife starts laughing out loud and then the rest of us started laughing and then jbt started laughing and then everybody was laughing for about 15 minutes. Stay tuned for further comments. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

  39. People always try to obstruct when someone come who know Holy Ghost. It happened once before a long time ago and they just give up and leave, but this man wouldn’t give up. He say he have to do what God says and other two people fall flat on their face just from him saying that. I think I was in fake church that have no power and will just read this blog instead from now on.

    1. Praise God the singer knows the Holy Spirit and obeyed God! To God be the glory! No more fake for you praise Jesus! Welcome, and I pray many blessings as you read here and that you will grow strong in the Lord and the power of His might!

  40. Ok, I now choose not to go back to my church because they not like singer who bring Holy Spirit with him. I tell him, I am so weary of life l not able to go on and he touch me and say “he gives power to the faint,” and I get spirit fill and delivered. My church is crazy to not want that but that is not my problem!

    1. You have chosen WISELY! When someone touches you and says ..He gives Power to the faint, and you get delivered and Spirit filled, and are going on now, and the so called church rejects him, then they are fighting the power of the Holy Spirit, and that is not good to do at all! They have turned to spiritual death and darkness!
      I pray God helps you every day and blesses you for your decision!

  41. Rocket Preacher l happy to find this blog because it have answers of all kind instead of ritual. Your friend tell people to come here and church officials say not to. They crazy because it smart to go with the people who have power not people who have nothing!

    1. I’m glad you are happy to find the blog! I do this to help those who want the real answers and the power of God.

      Those people who hate the power of God are, as you said, crazy because God gives us His power to set us free and make it so we can live in victory.
      Enjoy the blog and the power of the Holy Spirit!

  42. Well Rocket Preacher l never saw anything like this! My church invites your hot shot friend and then tells him not to do “wildfire” and goes “yeah whatever” and starts warming up while they stand there looking scared. Then the Holy Spirit moves and everyone gets something but the church officials. They’re nuts and I have had it with them. Perhaps l will email this blog to all of them!

    1. I hear you, and they have to be crazy to fight the Holy Spirit! At least everybody else wanted the Holy Spirit and all God had for them! Blessings to all! Thanks for sharing…so true!

  43. I don’t know what people’s problems are Rocket Preacher, but when you see people getting spirit filled and delivered another people upset about it you have to wonder! I finally got delivered from all kinds of things that I never thought I would because nobody could ever help me before. Now, I not only have that, but now this blog to find answers to questions! Thanks Rocket Preacher.

    1. Some people refuse what the Holy Spirit is giving and it is weird for sure that they would do that! Praise God you received that deliverance you needed. You are welcome, enjoy! Thanks for sharing and God bless you richly in all things.

  44. Rev. Rocket, I really love this blog. I was arguing with your showoff friend for a long time because I didn’t want to come here and now here I am! But I’m still kind of wanting to punch him for being right about everything. I definitely needed the swimming posts, and pig slop religion had my name on it! Thanks!

    1. I’m glad you made it and these are helping! You are welcome! I pray God’s best for you! Thanks for sharing!

  45. Rocket Preacher! Was that angels that protected the music teacher when they try to swing bat at him?! I never see anyone swing bat and have it stop mid air instead of hit the person. So I must believe it was Angel. I think I was in fake church that not want God’s power so I need to get out! They don’t help anybody and then they get mad at him for doing it.

    1. Yes, it was angels protecting him by grabbing the bat in mid air swing…HA HA HA! Glory to God! Yes it is a fake church when they try to hit the one with the Holy Spirit with a bat! You have the right idea there on what to do.

  46. this singer really help me Rocket Preacher! After he make big controversy at my church he tell me to come to this blog and all answer would be here and he is right! Thanks!

    1. Praise Jesus He enabled the singer to really help you! The trouble comes when people listen to the devil and fight the Holy Spirit! Our God will deliver us out of all trouble! Hallelujah! You are welcome, enjoy finding out what they should have taught you all along! Now you will have VICTORY every day!

  47. I think my church is fake church and I need to leave there. They not want Holy Spirit even though they claim they do. They not tell the truth and they need to read this blog.

    1. RIGHT! RIGHT, AND RIGHT YOU ARE! It is very important to get away from dead, corrupt, void of the Spirit, fake churches! They have nothing of the power of God and without that it is vain! Thanks for sharing. Do what the Holy Spirit tells you, and you will be very glad!

  48. Well….here is the synopsis of the first meeting. JBT shows up early in the day to set up and the church “officials” look like scared rabbits. Then one comes over and says “The Holy Spirit will never move here…this is a ‘burnt over field’ and nothing will happen.”

    JBT says “Ok, yeah, ok, is that an outlet over there I could plug the monitor into?”

    Then a person comes over to try to choke him but his hands only go so far. JBT says “You hate anyone connected to the Gospel because a preacher once stole $20,000 from you. Well, you can’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.” The man kept demanding to know how he knew that and JBT said “Don’t worry about it, just forgive the guy.” And he just kind of brushed the guy’s head, didn’t even pray and he goes crashing to the floor and ended up getting Spirit Filled and delivered. Then the word spread that there was “wildfire going on” and the officials asked him not to let things get too rowdy. He said “yeah…ok, got it.” And then later about 25 people got spirit filled and started speaking in tongues and the church officials got scared and left.

    Tune in for the 2nd synopsis.

    1. Praise God …GREAT report! They cannot outdo the power of God! Praise Jesus for those miracles and 25 being flex with the Spirit!

  49. Really Rev. Rocket! Everything I was arguing against I was wrong. I read these in the order I was commanded to, and oooops. I was wrong and you were right. Thank you I think!!

    1. LOL, this is a common ailment! We think we know and so argue til we are blue in the face until one day someone crosses our path with the power of the Holy Spirit, and alas, we were totally going by reverse order spirits and had it all backwards! But THEN the.light comes, delivers us from those spirits and we see the truth that makes us free, and ….BRAND NEW LIFE IN JESUS is ours! Its good you read these in that order for it helped you! God bless you and thanks for sharing! God is good! You are welcome for sure!

    1. Welcome! Good to hear you were helped here! God has a lot for you, keep pressing in so you receive it all!

  50. Okay, synopsis number two. We were a little late on the draw getting to the church this time and of course JBT was met at the door with all kinds of warnings about how they have a certain protocol in their church and it needs to be followed and blah blah blah and he just said “oh, yeah, great, thanks for telling me.” Well at this one, when the very first song began, a cloud so thick and heavy descended that nobody could argue or say anything! It just went person after person getting spirit filled and getting deliverance, and a bunch of people got healed from the virus in the meantime!

    Then the priest decided to get saved and spirit filled, so I guess he’s going to be excommunicated shortly, but he said “what he saw changed his mind.” HA! Well, I hope so!

    Then some idiot at the end, decided to try to run JBT down in the parking lot, but it really didn’t work because he got so far and slammed his own brakes on and wore his own breaks down while we laughed. I thought that was even funnier than an angel stopping the car.

    Stay tuned for number three, which will be the best one!

    1. Well, Hallelujah! The FULL GOSPEL was in action for sure….you know it is t he POWER OF GOD when people are simultaneously Spirit filled, delivered and healed! No wonder the priest changed his mind and got saved and Spirit filled himself! I pray God keeps him in the LIGHT and that he keeps receiving the truth that makes us FREE!
      I have experienced the old “run you down in the parking lot, screech on the brakes every pass about 10 yards out!” The devil is 100 percent defeated! Ha ha ha ha ha …and they wearied themselves to find the door!
      By the way what was the first song where the glory of God came immediately so strong all over the place?

  51. Rocket Preacher, I have to say, I was pretty ticked off about your friend telling me over and over and over again to read a blog, but then I did what he said, and I read in the order he told me to and he was exactly right. Every answer I needed was here! Now I have to believe. But I have all kinds of assignments to do! Thank you, I think.

    1. When the Holy Spirit shows what is needed then he will definitely keep after you until you read the answers here. It definitely is a lesson in persistence when you know something will help a person. That’s the love of God. I’m very glad to hear you read them and they were definitely what you needed! You are welcome for sure! Enjoy what God is going to show you and do in your life!

  52. Okay, now this one is the funniest one of all. We got there right on time and it looked like there wasn’t going to be much harassment at first, but then… No… Someone has to rush up with all kinds of instructions about what to say what not to say and not to let things get “out of control.”

    So, JBT gave his usual answer “yeah, whatever, okay.” And we went about our business. So naturally as soon as the Holy Spirit started to move, these church officials got beside themselves and were trying to waive people away from crowding around the front and started jibber jabbering about “decently and in order.” Then all of a sudden, Oooops…. Angels in the outfield.

    I couldn’t see them but I could tell it was in a circle because the prim and proper officials were walking in a circular pattern trying to get to the other end of the room, but it was like they were hitting a wall and you could tell it was in the shape of a circle. It’s hard to explain but was very comical.

    So they kind of wandered in their own little wilderness the whole time the meeting was going on and a bunch of people got saved and spirit filled, and then decided they were better off not being in that church. So then the next day, the officials came to pester JBT at the school and accuse him of “stealing sheep.” And he said “Seriously? All I would like you people to do is your job properly so I could just go dance.” Then those of us who were in earshot just started laughing and laughing and then he started laughing too, and these losers practically ran away and one of them was holding his ears shut. Now why would you have to hold your earshot because of a little after? Hmmmm

    I thought that was just the funniest one ever!

    1. I love it! The song says…you’ll go around in circles until you meet the Lord! Evidently they don’t know the Lord! And plugging their ears to fight …laughter…hahahahahaha! The best yet! It shows the power of our laughter…demons cannot stand it!
      Thanks for sharing!

  53. I hope your hotshot friend is happy. I did everything he said and he was right. Right down to reading Blueprints! Yes, it had my name on it. Are you happy? You know who you are and I don’t want to hear I told you so! Some people have a lot of nerve!

    1. It really depends on how the Lord gives them. There is always time putting them in order and looking up scriptures, etc., so it can be a bit of time.

  54. Yes, that worked Rocket Preacher. I definitely noticed a difference when I stopped accepting the negative thoughts like my own!

    1. Good, praise God! It helps so much to know that the demon spirits are the enemy, and they are behind the negative thoughts! Now you will have a mind of peace and be able to live in victory!

    1. Praise Jesus for your whole life changed fixing your foundation! I am SO glad! It makes my day to know how these help! They are from my heart by the Holy Spirit!

  55. HI Rev. Rocket,
    The Liberace Dude told me you’ve had lots of your own “ball bat” and “getting run over” experiences too. Did you ever get scared!? I’m just curious how you knew you wouldn’t be clobbered. LOL.

    1. Well, you see, I “knew and know” my authority and power in the name of Jesus so I was never scared at all. I took authority over them and they could NOT hit me with anything, not a car, not a bat, or their fist! Praise God, what God gives us works, and delivers us from ALL evil at ALL times! When they try to ram you with their car over and mm over high speed and HAVE to screech on the brakes and stop until it wears them out, you just have to laugh at the devil and the people!

    1. Oops! Just a few errors..Ha Ha! I’m glad now you were able to get it right! It is totally better to be standing up by faith than knocked down by unbelief or fear!

  56. But rocket preacher what am I supposed to do when I’m bombarded with negative thoughts that I can’t control? Are you saying they’re all from demons!

    1. Number one, you are “bombarded” and that is NOT God’s way! The 2nd thing is that you “cannot control the thoughts”! All signs of demon spirits at work. That does NOT make you a freak, and there is easy deliverance as we agree in Jesus! He already defeated all demons and hands us the authority, victory and power OVER all demons! When we tell the spirits to shut up and go they have to go!
      demons are spirits so they don’t take up space so many spirits can be in one place! Those spirits have a voice and you don’t hear it audibly, but when they are in the flesh, and come up to the mind they speak and it registers as thoughts! They know the way to control the body is through the mind, and they try to speak as many words as they can to confuse, bewilder, and control the mind! Now, recognize your enemy, you don’t want these thoughts so they are NOT your own! Those spirits try to rob, kill, and destroy, and we are stepping all over them right now in the name of Jesus! They must all shut up and leave you and NEVER come back! Now, PRAISE JESUS FOR DELIVERING YOU, AND NEVER ACCEPT ANY THOUGHT LIKE THAT AGAIN! STAND STRONG AND HOLD ALL demons bound and shut up! HALLELUJAH! JESUS IS YOUR DELIVERER!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this really helped! God is good for sure and will give us all we need to overcome it all!

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