The mind is a battleground, and what “You” do with your mind can make or break you, put you over or take you under, keep you on the path of life or lead you into destruction!  Mental torment is horrible, and is the total opposite of peace!  When you live for Jesus, part of your inheritance is a stable mind of peace at all times!  Do NOT settle for less than that!  The devil loves to tempt you with compromise, and you cannot afford to compromise this!  Not even a little bit!

Where the devil takes people is to a dark downward place of a reprobate mind that is a morally depraved, unprincipled mind where the person is set on satisfying the flesh and not the Spirit of God, where the person rejects God and does what is self-serving instead of what God desires.  In Romans 1:28  …and even as they did not “like” to retain God in their “knowledge” God gave them over to a “reprobate mind” to do those things which are not convenient… do not prosper, a debased mind to do what ought not to be done, unapproved, unworthy, worthless, rejected, cast away.  This is a picture of the mind that is given to darkness.  When you get saved you need to do something with your mind so that it will not go on the downward path of darkness controlled by demon spirits!  They try to make you feel like it is hopeless and that you have no choice but to be tormented all your life!  The devil and demon spirits are ALL LIARS, AND ARE DEFEATED, AND HAVE TO GO WHEN YOU TELL THEM TO!  So, what are you waiting for?  PRAISE GOD, I PRAY THIS STIRS YOU TO THE BONE, AND YOU RISE UP AND USE THE WEAPONS OF YOUR WARFARE, TEAR DOWN THE STRONGHOLDS AND RISE ABOVE IT ALL WITH A CLEAR MIND, FREE FROM darkness!

All that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.  Even though we are in the world, yet we, as believers in Jesus Christ are NOT “of” the world so there IS a way to live above it ALL and have your mind free from oppression and vexation.  The devil is after people’s minds, for then if he gets control of it he can control their bodies and it is a one way ticket down!  God’s WAY is from ABOVE, to depart from the ways  of hell beneath!  Proverbs 15:24

Romans 12”1 I beseech you therefore brothers by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not “conformed” to this world, but be you  “TRANSFORMED” by the RENEWING of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.  Your mind needs to be RENEWED, and God has the way for you to do it, and then your whole life will be TRANSFORMED!

Philippians 4:6,7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God which passes ALL understanding shall keep your hearts and your MINDS through Christ Jesus!  Prayer works, and prayer is powerful, and prayer provides a mind of peace as you refuse to be anxious over anything as you take everything to God in prayer!    

2 Corinthians 10:45  The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting DOWN IMAGINATIONS and EVERY high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST!  Praise God we have the power to cast down every imagination and every high thing and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of the Word, Christ!    Our minds are renewed, made new and refreshed by the WORD OF GOD!  Psalm 1 says that we are blessed as we walk not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But our delight is in the LAW of the LORD; and in His law do we meditate day and night.  And we shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth our fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and WHATSOEVER WE DO SHALL PROSPER.  As we meditate in the Word of God it renews our mind to what God said and clears our mind so that faith will flow unhindered!   Joshua 1:8  So be sure to obey all the Word for then you will have good success in all you do!

Here is the wrap up.  Praise God that our minds are released from all demon oppression right now in the name of Jesus and all that has hindered or tormented your mind must leave you now in Jesus name and your mind be FREE!

In Romans 1 it shows the steps down into the darkness of a reprobate mind that’s not been renewed.  The first step is in verse 21  Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him NOT as God, neither were THANKFUL, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened.  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools!  They were unthankful and became vain in their imaginations!  Be thankful, give thanks to God, praise Him, praise Him, praise Him!  It keeps you in a frame of mind to yield to Him for He knows ALL you need and His Word works, and brings the blessings, and as you meditate in the Word it renews and makes new your mind every day and you are TRANSFORMED .

The Word of God is called a mirror.  2 Corinthians 3;18 but we all with open face beholding as in a glass (mirror) the glory of the Lord are changed (transformed) into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the SPIRIT OF THE LORD!  Hallelujah!  There it is!  There is the power!  There is the victory!  There is all you need in Jesus, reflected from the mirror of the Word of God as you behold it   and are changed into the same image you see by the Spirit of God!  

This is where you cannot lose where your mind is renewed daily by the Word of God, and you are thinking good and NOT conforming at all to this world!!!


    1. Good, good, good! I poured heart and soul into this and prayed it would do what needed to be done! Thanks for sharing! I pray a special anointing on this for you to do amazing miraculous things!

    1. Good, praise God, its good to hear this was amazing. Enjoy, and let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly for it will put you over! Thanks for the comment!

    1. Now is the time! God says it is high time we wake out of sleep. Don’t procrastinate for sure. The Lord is giving us all a wake up call to be about His business and to be walking in the Spirit.

    1. Sounds like this hit home for you! Wonderful, praise Jesus! Enjoy the renewed mind and transformation by the power of the Word and Spirit! Thanks for sharing.

    1. O.k. you are got! Praise God for the answers from Him, for as people pray for answers He does definitely give them.

    1. I’m glad you got it right now, praise God! You are welcome for sure! Enjoy living in victory!

  1. Thanks, Rev. Rockett, this was just what I needed. I don’t think I was understanding exactly what to do to implement this and now I get it. This took a lot of work and I appreciate it!

    1. I’m very glad this helped you to know what to do! You are welcome, and I pray many blessings come to you out of this!

  2. I never thought I would like anything as much as pig slop, but this has become my new favorite! Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. Welcome to the life of VICTORY over it ALL! I’m glad to hear I got you on this one! Praise Jesus! As we all apply this the power of God will move in great ways!

    1. You are definitely welcome! I’m glad to hear this and pray the great power of God overshadow this and bring it alive to everyone who reads it sincerely in a way that will be unshakeable and powerful!

    1. Good to hear this is wonderful and as good as pig
      slop! Now the new people will definitely have to read pig slop! Enjoy, and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this is blessing you and really intense! The truth is very powerful and as we embrace it and act on it the power of God will come we alive in our lives and great miracles will happen!

      I speak a special deliverance to all who embrace this post with all their heart in JESUS NAME!

  3. Praise God all day long! Breakthroughs in all aspects of Life are on the way so let’s keep praising Him till they get to the Finish line!

    1. AMEN AND AMEN! Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith! I praised the Lord and my enemies vanished!

    1. You’re welcome! I’m very glad to hear you are loving this! I pray rich blessings on you to stay!

    1. Good that you found this, and that it hit the mark like you said. The Word of God is ALIVE AND POWERFUL AND SHARPER THAN ANY TWO EDGED SWORD! ENJOY!

  4. Well, JBT had to today to tell what happened at school yesterday, but since he has not, I will have to tell it. He was showing us how to ad minor chords into music written with a major key without changing from the standard chord progression pattern. So he was demonstrating with “Jesus Paid it All,” and all of a sudden, ooops….halfway through it was suddenly like we were in church or something. The Holy Ghost descended and everyone went crowding around grabbing at JBT. He got this look on his face like “seriously?” and later on I was laughing about it. There were even some other teachers who wandered in to see what was going on and one ended up getting saved. Church at school. Oh my!

    1. I love it! Jesus paid it all, and the Holy Spirit came down on everybody with teachers getting saved and miracles! Things are going to happen on a song like that no matter where you are! Lol, I can imagine the look of total surprise and shock on his face! Praise God for the power of the Holy Spirit in these end times.
      Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Praise the Lord! It’s good to hear this was just what you needed! As we look to Jesus He will make sure we receive the word we need!

    1. I’m so glad to hear that this was what you really needed! You are welcome, and blessings as you apply this to your life and come out on top singing God’s praises!

  5. This one caught me by surprise. I knew it would be good, but I didn’t realize it would be this good! Thanks Rocket Preacher

    1. You are welcome! The way you said it we could call it ” A Double Portion of Good!” Hallelujah to Jesus! Let it be so! Enjoy!

    1. I’m glad you found this to meet the need! Quicken it to others all over the world Lord, I pray, even through the hands of your people who receive this.

  6. Rev. Rocket, I needed this so bad. I hope I can really follow this and have the strength to put it into practice. I always end up failing.

    1. You need to make a decision of faith and then simply follow through on what you decided. When we listen to wishy washy spirits of indecision it makes us lukewarm and then we cannot get close to God. So, I bind every demon spirit of indecision and in the name of JESUS they all must shut up and leave you NOW!
      God told His people to “choose” who they would serve, either baal, the false God, or Himself, the true and living God! It was a decision!

      Now make a decision of faith to do what this post says do and follow through every day and you will succeed! Fear not, ONLY BELIEVE!

  7. While I was wait to see if that music teacher put on testimony about what happened to me last week but he never put it on. I thought he would do it but now I think maybe he not like to make posts on here. I came last week to hear him play and people were trying to interfere in this man with him stood there and suddenly they couldn’t go past him. He’s stronger than 100 men so very strong bodyguard I think. Now I think he Angel because my friend with me said she see him turn into fire until she couldn’t see him at all just see like a big column of fire. No one else see that man that way. So later she asked the singer why she see that man turn into fire and he just go off with her somewhere and talk without anyone hearing anything. I wonder what that was all about! But anyway, when I went to Doctor next day I didn’t have virus anymore and they say that was impossible and that first test must have been a mistake. But it wasn’t a mistake! I know how sick I was! They don’t like to admit all this is real. So there is my testimony. I hope it come out okay!

    1. Your testimony are out very good, thanks for sharing it. Praise Jesus you were completely healed of the virus! The power of the Holy Spirit is greater than all disease! What is impossible with man is possible with GOD! Yes, the ones who try to oppose the singer better not try to take on the Angel because they will DEFINITELY lose! Praise Jesus for all He is doing and thanks for sharing!

    1. Oh, praise God this is making a big difference in your life! You are welcome!
      Its wonderful to hear, and the sense I get is that when you said really a big difference you really meant it. Its like going from darkness to LIGHT in one swoop! Hallelujah! Jesus is Lord and all must bow to Him! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Praise God for that happiness that you found this post! What a wonderful blessing that this is everything you need! That is the Holy Spirit for He knows the hearts and lives and what truth to reveal that will set people free and give what is needed! Thanks for sharing! Blessings!

    1. You are welcome! Praise Jesus this ministered to you in this way! Blessings! Thanks for sharing.

    1. All right, praise God! Welcome to victory in Jesus! The Word of God works every time as we exercise faith in the Word and act on it! God is good!

  8. Is that piano player for real Rev. Rocket!? Is that stuff staged where people walk up and try to clobber him and hit something invisible. My pastor told me it’s probably fake but it doesn’t look fake to me!

    1. The piano player is 100% real deal, and your pastor doesn’t know what he is talking about. If your pastor stood up there when evil people are trying to kill those with the anointing he would be clobbered because you have to be standing in faith in the Word to be protected by God like that. All who have the anointing of the Holy Ghost get opposition like that. The reason others, who “call” themselves “ministers” don’t get opposition is because they don’t pray the way they should, they don’t move in real faith that gets results, and they don’t
      have the anointing of the Holy Ghost! Do NOT listen to anyone who opposes someone who has the anointing with signs following. See, you were there and could tell it was real. Go see him again and let the skeptics and their skepticism behind and receive from the Holy Spirit what God has for you! Praise God, I loose you from all negative words of unbelief and all the spirits behind it GO FROM YOU NOW IN JESUS NAME!

    1. You are welcome! Praise the Lord this brought you peace in a very messed up world for sure! God says to “let” the peace of God “rule” in your heart and life! As we do that then we will rule over-all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt us! Praise Jesus! Thanks for the comment!

    1. You are welcome! Good to hear this is fantastic! God is good, and He knows exactly what we need to put us over! Thanks for the comment! Blessings!

    1. Welcome right on in! It is the only way to go….IN the flow of the Holy Spirit, IN the truth! IN the victory! IN the blast off! Hallelujah!

    1. All right! Praise God, you are added into the blowing in the wind club! This is a tremendous miracle of deliverance. In a moment of time as you toss it all to the wind, the drug habit is completely gone with no withdrawal! Praise God, I loose others to receive this miracle in Jesus name!

    1. Praise Jesus this was a lifesaver for you! You are welcome! I’m so glad this helped you so much! Enjoy, and keep praising the Lord! Our God is able and willing to use His power on our behalf! Hallelujah!

    1. Good, good, good! Welcome! It is definitely the thing to do to give up all the pig slop! You will find out what Jesus meant when He said that He came that you might have LIFE AND HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY! ABUNDANT LIFE! So we rebuke all the demons of death and spiritual death and OUT they GO NOW in the name of JESUS! YOU ARE LOOSED! BE MADE WHOLE! ENJOY your NEW LIFE IN JESUS! HALLELUJAH!

    1. Its good to hear this is really uplifting! I’m glad this met your need, that’s what it is all about! God is taking us from earth to glory, and we are not going to do it defeated, but are stomping ALL OVER the devil’s head! Glory to God!
      You are welcome!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad to hear this is powerful for that is what we need…the power of God! The devil cannot stand before the power of God! Hallelujah!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this got you out of the dumps! Enjoy the victory and keep praising the Lord…great things will happen! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Ok, Rocket Preacher I’ve had it with the mad genius. Here’s what he did to me. I gave him two get out of jail free passes on the key change thing so what does he do? He raises it two keys at a time! He should have realized what I meant was up one octave per key change. I told him I’m not letting him get away with it and he said what are you going to do about it? Ha now he knows. This is not right dude. Help!

    1. Well, for the future definitely specify one octave per key change and that will be that! I think you should do a coin toss and you get to call it in air, and let it hit the floor ( then no one can say foul play). If you win, then you get to say whether there is “any” key changes the next 2 times. If he wins he gets to have key changes the next 2 times, but only 1 octave. This way both of you get something. Grace to you! ( I wouldn’t want to see anything smashed or anything lol, so this is the best I came up with..)

  10. Don’t you think it’s really wrong of people to try to get me in trouble with you due to their own negligence and not clarifying the details of a key change? I Never Promised what key I was changing it to..🤣🤣🤣 Let the buyer beware!

    1. Hmmmm…well, I remember what some.people I knew pitched for eye glass cleaner, and they said: “I know how clean YOU get YOUR glasses…” so thats what I say to you! As you think on that I believe you will get it. Lol. I gave Clay a coin toss option where either he or you get to say whether you get the next 2 key changes, but with only 1 octave. He gets to call it and that is the best I could come up with. So, enjoy the “toss”! Lol May God’s grace prevail and all be well!

    1. You are very welcome! Good that this really hit you big! It will stay strong in you then and do exceeding, abundantly, far above all that you ask or think according to the power that works in you! That’s the Word, and Jesus is the WORD! HALLELUJAH!

    1. I’m with you…ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oopsy ka daisy …and the saga continues..the 2 octave man meets the Clay man! They could write a book.

  11. Rocket Preacher, your friend here setting up to play at our resort this week and my boss get nervous and not want him here. Then l find out it because he bring Holy Spirit with him so l ask him to pray for me to get Holy Spirit and he not even have to pray and l get Spirit fill too. My boss will really be nervous now!

    1. Haha…wonderful, by the end of it your boss will be much more than nervous!!! Lol. Praise God you were filled with the Holy Spirit, now you have the power! New life! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Grand opening of a resort and you-know-who is relieved because of course nothing will happen, but oooops…the workers there getting Spirit Filled already even though he’s not live yet. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    1. Oh, just gotta love it! Workers Spirit filled already…oops, can you say resort gully washer? Lol Keep us posted. Thanks for the report!

  13. Rocket Preacher, I get finally spirit fill because Singer, who know about that and can tell me how. He not even pray, though. He just say “thank you Jesus” and then I become spirit fill! How can that be?

    1. Praise Jesus you got Spirit filled! That can be because real faith works, and Jesus said that ALL things are possible to those who believe! Those who do not have faith are the ones that try to make it all complicated and then no one receives! Stay some in Jesus and you will have what God promises!

  14. I finally get Spirit fill and not even in church! I don’t understand how that man not pray anything but I can see from other people here it happened to them too. I guess I won’t question it! My church needs to get on right track with this!

    1. When man puts Jesus on the outside then it all becomes a “religion” ruled by religious demons and without the power of God!
      When Jesus is on the inside the power of the Holy Spirit flows, and we must take off ALL the limits we have put on God by religious spirits, false doctrines, and spirits of unbelief!

      Yes, it is time for the “church” to repent and come back to Jesus, and be delivered from all that has them bound.
      Praise God HE got you to someone who knows how to let the Holy Spirit flow, and now you are filled with the Spirit! Hallelujah!

  15. Ok, OK OK! You got me! And I don’t want to hear I told you so and I mean it! YOU know who you are! Thanks, Rev. Rocket!

  16. Some people are soooooo overly dramatic. Shallow and Hammer to Fall are GREAT songs to do in the Key of E, and may I add that they were requests, so what’s a guy to do?

    1. When one listens to those, especially “Hammer to Fall” the key of E would seem like fall on the floor time after the vocal cords were stretched into oblivion. Your range exceeds most I have heard, so to you it is a piece of cake, yes, but to those with normal good range the key of E on those would be excruciating I do believe. Can’t wait to hear how this one goes. Yes, it is a request, but you would do just fine a notch lower to help those in suffering. Best wishes!

  17. Ok Rocket Preacher! You convinced me! I’m in. And l don’t want a certain someone to tell me l told you so. YOU know who you are!

    1. Welcome in. Praise God you were convinced! Victory living in the Light is what God has for you here! Enjoy!

    1. They go to a doctor because they are hypocrites! If they believe God permitted sickness to teach precious lessons then they are going to the doctor to try to get rid if what they believe is the will of God!
      That is the Holy Spirit showing you that!
      Thank God for real FAITH that really works and we do NOT have to put up with sickness for 1 Peter 2:24.says…by His stripes we were healed! Hallelujah to the KING!

    1. Praise God that you are now filled with the Spirit. The Holy Spirit will help you with the “dead horses!” You will be very glad you took care of that deal! Enjoy living in victory and the power of God! Nothing like it!

  18. I never see anything like this before. I just come to see and opening of Resort I got job at and very handsome singer there so I think okay I’ll stay and hear him. Then as he sing on he get a glow on him from something. Then he suddenly wave these other two men to come over and he can barely stand up and people start crowding around and they have to practicallyhold him up. I thought I better go over there and see what being transmitted because I think it from God. Then I get spirit filled even though I didn’t think that was for this day and age. Now I have a lot to read here I never knew was here on this blog! Rocket preacher is a good name! That will make religious people offend.😀

    1. I love all you said here because it shows the power and love of God. The fact you didn’t even believe the filling of the Spirit was for today Jesus gave you the Holy Spirit filling! Praise God, this is the work of the Holy Spirit for sure! That glow is the anointing of the Holy Spirit. You did the right thing to get right up there for then you received what you needed!

      Lol, yes indeed, the religious ones are offended by the “Rocket Preacher” name! Hahaha ha…have to laugh at them and their religious spirits! Welcome and enjoy the blog, God has a lot for you!. Never give up!

  19. Rocket Preacher, now I get spirit filled and I didn’t even go to church. Someone tell me that can’t happen it have to be in church but I know what happened to me! My friend tell me to go here a singer at a resort because she heard spiritual things happen when he around and so I went. I don’t care what my church say! I am finally spirit filled and I think life will be better now.

    1. The Holy Spirit is not limited by spots or churches, thank God. Praise God you are filled with the Spirit now, and you have the power of God so you can overcome all things! Pray in the Spirit every day for extended periods of time. The power of God will flow, it is a perfect prayer and the “mountains” will be removed as you speak to them in faith and tell them to GO! HALLELUJAH!
      Here you will learn how to live that in the Spirit! Enjoy!

  20. Rocket Preacher, I don’t even know what to think! I always told that getting deliverance is hard and not everyone get it at first and all kinds of things. All my church ever do is tell me all ritual to do and then nothing happened so then I go hear that singer everybody make a fuss about and he know everything to tell me and how easy it is and then we not even pray and I get deliverance for the first time! I believe all this now!

    1. The religious spirits in churches are the ones behind all the confusion, lack of understanding, rituals, and unbelief about deliverance!
      The Holy Spirit is the one who drives the demons out, and the Holy Spirit is everywhere, and God doesn’t have “some” power, but HE has ALL POWER! So when 2 or 3 agree together they will have whatever they agree for Jesus said, and so you did!

      People make everything hard because of their stupidity, but the Holy Spirit makes it.easy to receive from God!

      Welcome to the life of FAITH AND POWER! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Okay so I avoid this guy like the plague because my pastor told me to stay away from him but then when he was singing secular music I thought I was safe. Lol. Oops, now I got spirit filled and I have to clean up my act and fly straight. Yikes! Although it is wonderful being spirit-filled. Course I have a lot of assignments on this blog now. Thank you, I think!😁😵‍💫🥴

    1. Lol, oops, when someone is carrying the anointing of the Spirit it is on them “everywhere” they go, as you found out thank God! You got Spirit filled and now can live a life of real victory and overcoming! You will receive a lot as you do those assignments and read here what God has for you! You are welcome for sure!
      Lol, I’m sure your think will become “know”! Blessings, blessings, blessings! Enjoy, and thanks for sharing! What if God had them do secular song night just to get you there to fill you with the Spirit, that all who believe need after they are saved? Pray in the prayer language the Holy Spirit gave you every day! It is a perfect prayer and releases the power of God in your life! Jesus said that we would receive POWER…AFTER that we receive the Holy Spirit! First we came to Jesus and were saved, then Jesus baptized us in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues…languages we don’t know! The evidence we have been filled with the Spirit is the “other tongues!” Praise God for it for we need that POWER!

    1. Good, because God really has something special for you when you go back tonight! Go believing, praising God, and when the rivers of living water start flowing dive right on in and receive heaven’s best! Praise God!

  22. Rev Rocket, how come many preacher have no anointing and then that singer get anointing when he not even a pastor or anything? And why does so much come at same time? He tell me that a good question to ask on blog.

    1. I see the singer sends the “easy” (not) questions here! Lol.
      First, God looks on the heart! The heart has to be right with God! Second, the anointing flows on the wings of prayer and praise. Without a prayer and praise life, no anointing. Prayerlessness is a curse. How can a preacher be close to God in any way without prayer.
      3rd, The person must have faith in action and know how to move in faith to release the power of God for people to receive. Many preachers don’t even know what faith is. They think it is just mental assent and that is not right.
      4th, the person, to be anointed must be dedicated to Jesus and yielding to the Holy Spirit, and flowing with Him, and letting Him direct and lead! The problem with preachers is when they do their “own” program and leave the Holy Spirit out!

      Why so much anointing all at once? God said He will do a quick work and cut it short in righteousness. There is a lot to accomplish in people’s lives in these end times and not so much time left so thus the powerful anointing all at once to save, heal, fill with the Spirit and bring powerful deliverance to set people free!

      And finally when Jesus asked the singer to let the anointing flow, he said “Yes,” and the rest is history! To God be the glory! And for SURE the singer gives God all the praise and all the glory!

      Those with spirits and sin of pride don’t give God the glory and the Word says God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble!
      When you humble yourself under the hand of God HE LIFTS YOU UP! So another thing is that there must be humbleness!

  23. Rev. Rocket , now that lm spirit filled your friend make me do all these assignment on your blog. Oh dear! Especially to not drag dead horse around. Uh oh.

    1. Praise God you are Spirit filled. Take heart for God knows what you need, and as you read this the Holy Spirit will bring it home and reveal the truth that will make you free and give you what you need. Enjoy, and many blessings be yours.

  24. Rocket Preacher l like your answer to that person but l think JBT always pass off hard question to you because he think you’re smarter than him.

    1. I’m glad you liked the answer to the person asking about the anointing and the ins and outs of it all. The Lord is faithful and is moving in very powerful ways in these last days. However we can flow with Him we should, and keep praising Him, and giving Him glory. In His presence is fulness of joy. Praising Him takes us right into His presence for God inhabits praise! Thanks for your comment.

  25. Yes, this blog make my life better and now I’m glad I got spirit filled because I understand more. Everyone tried to warn me away but now I know I did the right thing!

    1. Praise God this is making your life better and you are filled with the Spirit! Life will be so.much better now with the power of God. It is good you didn’t listen to the negative people!

  26. Okay finally now I am spirit filled, but I think I need to get away from my church to tell me God let people be sick for his own reasons. I don’t think I need to be involved with them anymore.
    But, Rocket preacher, your friend a sidewinder. Last week he tell my boss at the resort that he play “a little” piano. That is not accurate! He play like Liberace. Last night I tell him “Christians should not say inaccurate information.” And then I just laugh.

    1. Praise Jesus you are now filled with the Spirit, and getting away from where they teach the false doctrines of permissive will that keeps people sick! Healing is our inheritance in Jesus for by His stripes we were healed!
      Lol, so my friend plays a “little” piano…hahaha haha, gotta love that one. I like that you told him and then laughed! Ask him if he just sings a “little” too! Lol.
      Thanks for posting. Blessings.

  27. Rev. Rocket, your friend cast out demons without any ritual or even much of prayer! I can understand that. Catholic Church say always it must be ritual. He to say “go” and all demons go out! I have to find out more about this!

    1. God never said to use ritual, but God said we have authority and power, and Jesus just said GO and demons left, and He said we will do the same things He did when we believe on Him!

    1. HA HA HA HA HA…GOOD! He spoke for all of us who have dealt with the “religious officials” and their nonsense! They mutter a lot of religious spirit stupidity and “think” they know it all when really they know nothing worth anything at all!

  28. Okay, Rocket Preacher. My little friend came and asked me if I sing “a little” or if I sing a lot. She told me someone told her to ask me that. Hmmmm…. I think I’m being ganged up on here. I better stop giving out inaccurate information. HA HA HA HA HA

    1. HA HA HA, well, you know they want to know these things “the way they are!” There may have been a “performance shock” that happened. Your little friend will be sure and spread the word on the fact of how it really is now! Lol. Keep laughing today, the devil cannot stand it! HA HA HA HA HA

  29. Okay, go ahead, say I told you so. It’s not going to bother me. Even though you are a very annoying individual. You know who you are! Okay I’m in.

    1. Welcome in! At least you are here! I guess someone was not going to give up until you were here and in!

  30. Rocket preacher, your friend tell a religious person to give their mouth the rest. I think that very funny and kept laughing because the religious person couldn’t do anything to help anyone but was telling that singer that he was doing it all wrong. I think those people are confused!

    1. That was very funny and he is right: those religious, dried on the vine, dead, proud, NO power, unbelieving people need to give their mouths a REST, and we should definitely LAUGH AT them, and their demons! They ARE CONFUSED FOR SURE! They don’t know which end is up, and then try to tell him what to do! What a joke! They cannot help the people, but when he prays and speaks in faith the people are helped and the “mountains are removed” as Jesus said! Praise God!

    1. Welcome! You are welcome for sure and you will be very, very glad, and praising God when you do them!

  31. Rev. Rocket, I like that your friend not have to pray but just tell demon go and they have to go. Because I think that how they did it in the Bible and everyone make it more complicated than it have to be! I’m sorry I got talked out of going. They don’t like this blog either. That’s because real answer on here instead of just quoting religious thing!

    1. Yes, you are right and telling the demons to go is the way of the Bible. It works, and they have to go! Yes, the religious people don’t like the blog either like you said! Lol, I guess they have those “itching ears” that want to be itched instead of hearing the truth! Enjoy and stay on track like you are because you are being led by the Holy Spirit!

    1. Demons are behind permissive will and demons bring stubbornness with it to lock it in. So permissive willerss have demons of permissive will, stubbornness, dogmatism, and unbelief! When they yield to permissive will they open the door to all of them!

    1. Well, they say if the shoe fits wear it, lol, so the wife would have to measure the extra gray hair and determine the penalty accordingly.

  32. Hmmm…..if the shoe fits….I believe it does! Great answer! I wonder if anyone else is reading this right now…..HA HA HA HA HA

    1. Lol, I’m glad to hear you like the answer. Evidently there is some shoe fitting going on! Let me know where this goes…can’t wait…HA HA HA!

  33. I really like this rocket preacher! It’s uplifting and gives you real answers instead of just jibber jabber that most sites give!

    1. I’m glad you really like this, and I know what you mean with getting real answers instead of the usual jibber jabber that is a lot of talk about nothing!
      Jesus wants us to KNOW the truth, for then, and only then, will will be set free and be able to use faith that really works! Enjoy, and thanks for the comment.

    1. Oh, my yes I put up with many, many permissive willers! I’ve pretty much heard it all! They give “developing unbelief” a whole new twist! I would call their unbelief: ” Dont have faith at any cost,” even if it means your life dying of some awful disease! They resist God, resist, deny and oppose the truth, grieve the Holy Spirit!
      The Bible says to ask and you WILL RECIEVE, SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND, KNOCK AND THE DOOR WILL BE OPENED TO YOU! So I believed God and seen miracles mm of all kinds…healing, deliverance, etc. The permissive willers can die in their unbelief if they want to, but I choose the ABUNDANT LIFE Jesus promised us who walk and live by FAITH! FAITH WORKS! HALLELUJAH!

    1. No problem! Jesus loves you with everlasting love! He took all our sins, bondage, and torment in His body on the cross, and died and rose again for us!

      You have your stash throwing out miracle now! It is yours! Take it, and raise your hands to heaven and praise God for the miracle now! Now, do whatever the Holy Spirit says do and be FREE and MADE WHOLE in JESUS NAME!

  34. Rocket preacher, your hotshot friend keep telling me come to this blog but my priest keep telling me not to. So I decide I’ll listen to your Liberace friend and just see what goes on on this blog. Well, all this make a lot more sense than anything I ever hear in church and now I think it not wise to pray to Saints and dead people because prayer doesn’t do anything unless to Jesus! I think I have a lot to learn. Anyway, thank you!

    1. God is speaking to you so its good that you listen. God says in the Word of God that there is ONE mediator between God and man and that is Jesus Christ! Jesus is TN every only way, truth and the Life, and no one comes to the Father but by Him. That is the ONLY way to get prayers answered and receive the power of God. You are welcome! Keep on keeping on!

  35. I figure out why not many people like you and not many people like that singer. It because they get embarrassed when they do all kind of thing that doesn’t work and then people come read this and it work and that singer hardly say anything and they get result. It’s their ego doesn’t like it. I think it’s funny!

    1. Yes, I believe you are right. When the singer comes with the power of God and those who oppose him have no power, then it is obvious that the others are in unbelief and do not get answers to prayers. Keep laughing.

  36. Ok, where are the testimonies from last night’s unexpected results via impromptu concert in the park? We KNOW JBT won’t do it, so come on everyone!

  37. How do I give testimony? I just say what happened? Okay. I come to hear singer in park and he complaining because his students demand concert and he say “why me?” And we all start laughing. He cannot say no to his students. Then as he keeps singing, people come around to feel the Holy Spirit and everybody start to get healed and delivered from demon. Three people quit Catholic Church and say they can’t help them. I got healed from blood disease and my doctor won’t believe me but I don’t care. This blog have a lot of important thing on it!

    1. Thank you for saying your testimony…it glorifies God for what He is doing and blesses people to be encouraged to receive from the Lord. Praise Jesus how you were healed of a blood disease and people were healed and delivered from demons. More people should come on and share what Jesus did to give Him praise and it will help others have faith.
      Enjoy the blog, I’m glad you like it. God will show you a lot for you have an open heart to Him!

  38. My friend go crazy when she hear that 5 octave singer playing in park and she drag me there. I say “I don’t think I believe any of this, so forget it. She not take no for answer though and make me go. So he sing a few songs and then the air become thick and heavy and miracles begin to happen. I go over to try to get near but then I couldn’t stand up. People falling out everywhere and then I get delivered from unbelief and skeptic and my whole life change. I have many assignment on this blog now! Oh my!

    1. Praise Jesus, you have a life change miracle of God! No more demons of unbelief or skepticism! Hallelujah! Now THAT is time to SHOUT to God with the voice of TRIUMPH!

      Thanks for sharing that! What a tremendous miracle! Welcome here, and enjoy soaking in the truth that REALLY makes you free, delivers, heals, and brings faith ALIVE in your heart!

  39. I have testimony because I get spirit filled for first time ever and I thought it could not happen to me but it did. And no one pray, just that music teacher sing and power come to everyone. I have to learn a lot about this and l have a lot to read on here! Thanks Rev. Rocket.

    1. Praise Jesus you got Spirit filled! Now you have the power of God in you to help with everything in life. Pray in the Spirit every day, it is a perfect prayer directly to God, and builds you up in your faith at the same time!
      I pray the Holy Spirit reveals truth here to you. God has much for you!
      You are welcome! Enjoy the blog and let us know what God does. Thanks for sharing your testimony!

  40. I go to hear that music teacher sing and all of a sudden a bluish white light is shining all around him! I see him stop in the middle of a song then. Like he hardly remember what he was doing and then everyone crowded around. I think, I better go too, and then I get Holy spirit when I didn’t think it could happen to me. How can that be that my church wrong about it all these years! I’m not going back there, I will just instead read this blog.

    1. Praise God forever! The anointing of the Holy Spirit is real, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit brings the results you saw there when the music teacher sang. Praise Jesus you were filled with the Spirit. Churches get into spiritual ruts and away from God when they listen to wrong spirits and teach and believe false doctrines. As God said, they have a “form of godliness, but deny (say no) to the power thereof.
      Enjoy the blog and let the Holy Spirit anoint the truth to your heart and life. God will do powerful things in your heart and life!

      Thanks for your testimony!

  41. Ok…l read the posts in the order you said, you were right and I was wrong. Go ahead, say I told you so. You’re going to anyway!

    1. It sounds like the posts really helped you, praise God! Enjoy! God has a lot for you as you continue in Him and His Word and power!

    1. Praise God for filling you with His Spirit! The Holy Spirit is everywhere and when the anointing is there and people are hungry He fills you! I’m glad you love this blog, I pray God uses it in your life in a big way! Thanks for the testimony!

    1. Praise God this helped you much, and you had problems, but now you know what to do! That is what it’s all about! Hallelujah! Jesus loves you and all of us, and He wants us to have what He died and rose again to give us!

  42. That’s what I needed rocket preacher! Somebody talking about the quick work instead of all the stuff being dragged out in rituals and being told it takes forever to get something from the lord! Thanks!

    1. You are definitely welcome! God said He would do a quick work, and He will quicken your mortal body by His Spirit! Rituals do nothing for they have NO power whatsoever!
      Keep on with the power of the Holy Spirit, you will be glad you did!

    1. LOL, love it, the unbelief cannot stay where the anointing and faith are! Let us know what happened!

  43. Okay, well I can’t deny any of this now! I was told not to get involved in that “wildfire” but I don’t think it was wildfire after all, because I got spirit filled. Wildfire can’t get you spirit filled! So I am happy now to have this blog and have the Holy Spirit because I think my life will get better! Thanks Rocket Preacher

    1. Thank God you didn’t listen to the negative people! Praise Jesus now younare filled with the Spirit, and life will definitely be better for now you have the POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST and as you pray in the Spirit daily you will see what God will do and be built up on your most holy faith! You are welcome, enjoy the blog and receive God’s best. His Word is alive and powerful and will instruct, heal, deliver, and bring faith! Enjoy.

  44. Okay, Rev. Rocket I finally get spirit filled now. It’s because someone finally know how to tell me I don’t have to have “tarrying session” or anything like that.. I heard whenever he play thing happened so I made sure that it would happen to me! Now I have a whole better life. I love this blog.

    1. Praise God I like it that you made sure the good thing happened to you! Being Spirit filled is the best! I’m glad you love this blog for it will show you truth that will bless all your life! Praise God for a totally better life now! Enjoy the blog and let the Holy Spirit show you the truth that will cause you to grow strong in the Lord!

  45. Rev. Rocket, I don’t understand why my church and everybody tell me don’t go see that music teacher because he had answer for me when other people didn’t. He play in the park last night and Holy Spirit come and everybody get spirit filled! Now I have a lot of assignment to do on this blog though!

    1. Many times people that “think” they know it all know nothing and are not right! Then they oppose and fight those who DO know what God is saying and have the answer! Praise God you are Spirit filled now! Well, this blog will help you a lot because here you will see important truth that will help you all through life! Enjoy!

    1. The music teacher is definitely for real, and loves Jesus with all his heart. The presence of the Lord is everywhere and Jesus is the one healing, delivering, filling.people with the Holy Spirit, etc. I call it God’s Blast! He blasts the devil right on out! Praise God! God is not limited, and when we believe Him He does what He promises and HE SAID: “I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT ON ALL FLESH!” Well, when the Holy Spirit is POURED OUT all kinds of miracles happen all over the place for HE is EVERYWHERE!

  46. Okay, Rocket Preacher, you have to give the answer. I said it must take days for you to write these posts, but Dance Fever here says, no, weeks. Which is it?

    1. I write them in one sitting in an hour or two. Then it takes maybe another hour to polish them.
      I wrote a new one just this way and probably will release it early December. Have a good time! Enjoy!

  47. Rocket preacher, how come the people who say it’s God’s will for you to get sick go to the doctor? Wouldn’t that be going against God’s will?

    1. Yes, you nailed it! If they go to the doctor to get rid of what you believe God wants you to have then you disobeyed God and are a hypocrite! I call that a “bag full of hot air!” Lol

    1. Yes, that’s right, and they were both good guesses, but this is just the way it has developed with me, and I go with the flow.

    1. The Holy Spirit! How do you tell people all the miracles happen? It comes to me title, theme, major points, and as I write it fills in! Like stepping out of the boat in faith, and boom, you are walking on the water. Did that take a long time, or was it instant? I wouldn’t be able to do that without knowing, and having the Word of God in my spirit, and the Holy Spirit leading. Hey, go back and re-read the one I did on prayer power going through the Lord’s prayer….When the Holy Spirit illuminates it to your spirit it just shines the light that takes it into a whole different arena! I got this one the same way!

    1. Welcome, and know that God has a lot for you! Enjoy the Word of God and take hold of faith for if God be for you, who then can be against you?!

  48. Ok JBT, Here is a question for you! You claim we can do anything with words so why is the world in such a mess?. Why aren’t people out there every day changing their circumstances with words?

  49. Simple. Because they don’t believe it works and they don’t do it. For it to work and change the circumstances, you have to A. Believe it works and B. Follow through and do it. (Not for five minutes, but until the results come)

    1. Good, I’m very glad! Jesus knows what you need and I look to Him! Praise God for answers you needed, it brings you on solid ground!

    1. Praise God! I’m glad this answered more and more questions as you went along! That means you have the upper hand in all those areas now and the devil will NOT be able to rob you, but you WILL STOMP him down under your feet! HALLELUJAH!

    1. Yes, you can do this! Phillipines 4:13 “I CAN do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me!” Say that out loud 4 times, and then say it that you CAN DO THIS! You can because God says you can! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THEM THAT BELIEVE!

    1. When you love the truth it works in your life and sets you free, so keep enjoying the blog, and the Holy Spirit will show you all you need to know!

  50. Rev. Rocket I had to take a Xanax today after making the mistake of listening to Joe Biden and his psychobabble. It’s a fine line between trying to stay up on things and not go nuts when you hear the dribble that is propagated to the general public. We have to be close to the end! I can’t stand it anymore!

    1. Yes, that was definitely a mistake. A spirit of confusion never tells it straight. Find a Christian news place where they won’t mess with the real news. I loose you from spirits of psychobabble and loose the Spirit of Peace on you! Stay in prayer over everything with Thanksgiving and no matter what is going on, the peace of God that passes all understanding will keep your heart and mind in these last days! Stay on what the Word of God says and do what it says and you won’t need anything but the Word of God and the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah!

    1. That is a very good thing to do. God’s truth needs to be taken deep in our spirit, and sometimes people have not taken the time needed for it to do all God wants that will help us big time! Reading this every few days keeps it fresh and alive and gives the Holy Spirit more to move on and quicken! We need to get the depth of revelation God has for us in these truths!

  51. Ok, so l saw that JBT was about to go off on a permissive willer so l hit the handy dandy record button on my phone. I will just type it out as a transcript. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…and don’t worry…JBT already said “Thanks, Brittany.” Ha ha ha ha ha. Here it is:

    “You’re not content to live a miserable existence yourself, you have to try to drag everyone with you, and perpetuate your stupidity and false doctrines, and you not only doom yourself but try to doom the rest of the world with your negative words and get everyone believing your mess. Why not take your blasphemous doctrines of demons and have a private party with you and all the other deceivers and leave other people alone? Take your diseases and poverty and oppression and enjoy it then, but make no mistake that you are doing nothing but embracing a gift from satan. Now get out of my way before I twist you into a pretzel.

    1. PERFECT! It made me laugh at permissive Willers stupidity! HA HA HA HA HA HA! How dumb to take garbage from the devil, suffer, try to spread the mess, and then blame God for what the devil is doing! Woe (grief) to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah5:20)

    1. Praise God, He sends His Word and heals and delivers us! Enjoy the renewed mind, and all the blessings that follow!

  52. Okay, I’m in. Those rings of fire were real! I don’t know who you two are where you came from, but I can’t be skeptical anymore about all this!

    1. Welcome in! The power of God is real and available, and He does all He promises! Enjoy!

    1. Praise God, welcome in! God is doing amazing miracles, signs, and wonders, and we give Him praise for He alone is worthy to be praised! The Holy Spirit led you here to find the truth that will set you free and truly bring you into a life of faith and the power of God! Enjoy!

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