The question is, “What will you do with what God has given you?  Where will you go in life?  How far will you allow the Lord to go in your heart and life?  Will YOU limit the Holy One of Israel or not?   Will you take off the limits YOU have put on God?  

“You can go so far Lord, but no further!”  Where have you heard that?   

“ Lord you can have this, but not that!”   How about whole churches and denominations that say,  “Lord you can save us, but do NOT expect us to get filled with the Spirit and speak in tongues!”    

Others “let” the Lord save them and fill them with the Spirit, but absolutely refuse to open their hearts to be delivered from demons that are oppressing them in the flesh!  They are LIMITING GOD, LIMITING THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL and saying:  “God, you can go so far and NO further!”  

Ephesians 3:20:  “Now to Him that is able to do EXCEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY, FAR ABOVE ALL we ask or think according to the power that works in us, “To Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”  What are you doing settling for less than God’s BEST?   God has SO MUCH that is FAR ABOVE ANYTHING you ever thought or imagined!  Exceeding: exceeds all you have EVER thought, or imagined!  It exceeds the needs!  It exceeds everything man knows!  It EXCEEDS what EVERY preacher knows!  It EXCEEDS what denominations have or think they have or think they know!  

ABUNDANTLY: MORE THAN CAN BE MEASURED!  God has abundance of All, and it is far over and above all that we ask or think, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams!  Praise God, the message of taking off the limits we have put on God should have started to sink in now!

When there is fear going on, you are limiting God by “letting” the fear speak, control, and torment!  The demons of fear can project feelings, such as when you feel afraid. But remember, feelings can lie!  Just because you feel something does NOT make it true!  God NEVER said that man shall live by every feeling he has, but He DID say:  “Man shall live by EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD!”   

So, when you “feel” like, “oh, you are going to get sick with the virus,” guess what?  That is a lying spirit of fear from the pit of hell trying to set you up to get sick, if you let that fear control you!  When you fear, you are not made perfect in love for fear has torment!  God IS LOVE, and you are limiting love in your life when you fear!  Perfect love CASTS OUT fear!  Limit love and you’ll have no deliverance from fear!  If you yield to fear, you limit the love flow in your life, and limit love itself, and your faith won’t work right, for FAITH WORKS BY LOVE!

When you walk in love, it triggers faith and miracles happen, answers to prayer happen, and you RECEIVE A LOT, FOR FAITH WORKS BY LOVE!   God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE, AND A SOUND MIND!   

I REBUKE EVERY demon of fear and all its torment RIGHT NOW!  TAKE YOUR thoughts of failure, and thoughts of evil and destruction, and GET OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS!  HALLELUJAH!  VICTORY IN JESUS!   

LORD, FLOOD YOUR PEOPLE WITH YOUR LOVE RIGHT NOW BY THE HOLY GHOST!    The Love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost!

Jesus said: “Let not your heart be troubled, neither  LET it be afraid!”  Limit NOT the peace of God, but let the peace of God rule in your heart and life!  Your will is involved!   His people will be willing in the day of His power!  

Psalm 68:1-3:  “LET GOD ARISE, LET His enemies be scattered: LET them that also hate Him flee before Him.”

Some do not let God do anything and then complain that “God” has not done anything for them!  God will NOT force you to live for Him, but He invites you!  Everyone who is thirsty let him come to the water of life and drink freely!  It is up to you to come to the water and drink!  

Jesus said:  “Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!”  “Take” means it is up to you to take His yoke on you and learn of Him for He is meek and lowly in heart!  You have to make the step to go to Jesus, or you won’t receive deliverance from demons of heavy burdens, and you will strain at a gnat and swallow a camel as Jesus said! 

In Psalm 110 God says His people WILL BE WILLING IN THE DAY OF HIS POWER!  You are using your will to come to God and to allow the Holy Spirit to fill you, lead you, help you, and comfort you!  Don’t limit the power of God in your life by not being “willing” in the day of His power!  You have to say “yes” to the Holy Ghost to have in life what He gives!  Get up every morning and say, “YES, LORD, I am willing in the day of your power, and I will NOT limit your power today!  I WILL LET GOD ARISE and His enemies be scattered!  

They limited God in their unbelief!  Anything opposite to faith is not of God and will cause you to limit God in your life! 

 Psalm 78:40,41: “How often did they provoke Him in the wilderness, and grieve Him in the desert!  Yes, they turned back and tempted God, and LIMITED the Holy One of Israel.”  

Oh, my dear friends whatever you do, PRESS ON, and do NOT look back, or turn back or “limit”  Jesus in your life!  Believe me, He has your best interests in mind! 

Yield to the Holy Spirit, flow with Him and be careful not to grieve the Holy Spirit or do things that tempt God.  Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith!  

How far do you want to go with the Lord?  Take off all the limits you have put on Him now!  Do NOT limit God by your past!  Jesus took all your sins and shed His blood so that you would be forgiven and cleansed, but are you listening to demons of unbelief, failure, false condemnation, and failure complex?  Your future is NOT determined by your past failures, your future is determined by how you yield to the Holy Spirit now and don’t limit God by anything! 

Confess the greatness of His power toward us who believe, including yourself!  Speak aloud Ephesians 3:20:  Lord you are able to do exceeding, abundantly, FAR ABOVE ALL that I  ask or think, infinitely beyond my highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams,  according to the power that works in me!  I refuse to fear or have unbelief!  I refuse to limit God in anything!   

I expect the unexpected, and the miraculous ABOVE ALL I ask or think!  I LET God arise and let the peace of God rule in my heart!  I let the high praises of God be in my mouth according to Psalm 149!  

Praise Him now for the Divine Flow of Love, Peace, and His Spirit, and praise him that the limits are OFF!  


199 thoughts on “           LIMIT NOT…RECEIVE A LOT: LIMIT A LOT…RECEIVE NOT     

    1. Thanks, enjoy, and let this really settle deep in your heart and great things from God will come!

  1. I don’t know what people think they’re going to do when they read this, but they’re going have to give up their stupid philosophies because there’s really no way to refute this! Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. You are welcome! You are right and stupid philosophies cannot stand before the Word of God! Blessings to you! Keep looking to Jesus, He never fails!

    1. Thank you very much, I’m always glad to hear that it hit the mark!

      Thanks for recording JBT tearing permissive will false teachings to pieces! It made me laugh at them and their amazing departure from the Word of God!

  2. I love this post. My music teacher read it to class yesterday and we all like it and then we were practicing and singing he touch me and it kind of go with the theme, no limit God and let him touch you!

    1. Nice! Thanks for sharing! One touch from Jesus, and you will never be the same for His miracle working power is beyond everything we know, so never ever limit God! Now the song “He Touched Me” will have a new meaning and power! I love the verse that says “I will never cease to praise Him…” God is so good and has so much for us!

    1. The same Holy Spirit that helped you with the dead horses and the boat will help you with this! When you get into the “meat” of the Word of God is when real discerning comes and strength! “Be strong in the Lord and the power of HIS might!” Praise God!

  3. Okay, Rocket Preacher. I can’t argue. I have to do it… Oh dear. I thought I was doing great when I fixed my blueprint. This will be a lot to tackle, but I can see I have no choice. Whoops.

  4. Rocket Preacher I’m an abject failure when it comes to having the fruits of the spirit. I just want to twist people into a pretzel. What can I do? This world is getting to me!

    1. First, no matter what it is, FORGIVE them out loud instantly as a decision (thinking, but for the grace of God, there go I)!
      Remember Jesus is in your spirit. You live from the inside out, and not from the outside in. To exercise the fruit of the spirit it is a deliberate act of the will to obey the Word of God. To move in love you say and do according to what the Word shows with Love. Love pays no attention to the wrong done to it, etc. The fruit is “not” a feeling or emotion, but is obedience to what the Word says do!
      The world is definitely in a mess because they don’t follow Jesus, so let your light SHINE BRIGHT,and it will overpower the darkness, and people will be drawn to the light! Jesus is the light!

    1. Some have come on and said they are praying, any others do come on and say so for it will boost faith.

      You will see the glory of God as you believe Him. We are praying and standing against all the wiles of the devil and put him under our, and your feet! Every time you take a step the devil is crushed and we turn the massacre on him NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

      Thanks to all in prayer! God is a prayer answering God!

  5. Ok, lm here…l hope your happy, you were right and l was wrong and l don’t want to hear l told you so. YOU know who you are! I.mean it!!! Thanks Rev. Rocket, this makes a lot of sense!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this makes a lot of sense to you. The Word of God is quick and powerful…! Believe God and watch the power of the Holy Spirit work!

    1. Just believe and say what God says you are that “you are MORE than a conqueror through Him that loved you, even Jesus” and you.will be able to do this! Hallelujah!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this came alive to you! This one can turn your life right side up for sure if you apply it!

    1. LOL I really love this one! You outdid yourself! “Professional God Limiters!” Maybe they studied at Limiting God university, and have a degree in unbelief! They majored in: “Getting NO answers to prayer!” HA!

    1. Fun,fun! Yea! This will be a good one! Deliverance flows like a river and sets the captives completely free! Send your light Lord!

    1. Number one use what you have. Faith comes by hearing…and hearing by the Word of God. Speak the Word of God out loud in faith for words are faith’s way of expressing itself! Read Mark 11 and there you will see that you will have whatever you say when you believe in your heart you will have whatever you say! Have the God kind b of faith! He calls those things which be not AS THOUGH they WERE!

    1. Good that this makes perfect sense. Thanks. Evidently demons cannot stand for people to read this and get nervous. If we do not limit God then the demons have to go for the Holy Spirit will drive them out!

    2. Rev. Rocket, I like when Angels remove people because it really shows God is there and watching!

    3. Oh, yes indeed it does show God is there and watching with His angels delivering His people from the enemy! Praise God for Victory!

    1. Enjoy this and let God do the amazing things that only He can do as we take off the limits! Good to hear you love this!

    1. Praise Jesus this did a lot for you! The Holy Spirit applies the Word and it builds faith, delivers and heals us, gives instruction, reproof, rebuke, correction, and makes us strong in the Lord and the power manifestation of HIS MIGHT! Enjoy, blessings!

    1. I’m glad to hear you love this and that it is very helpful! God knows what we need, and makes sure that it is there for us!

  6. Seriously Rev. Rocket? After boats planes and dead horses now l have to stop limiting God? Oh dear! Ok…thanks…l.think…

    1. Yes, and you are welcome! You will be very glad you stopped limiting God! All this gets you open and ready for ALL God has for you!

  7. Rev. Rocket, this is a really powerful post! I can’t believe you write these more or less in one sitting! This would take me a year!

    1. Praise God! Thanks, I want everyone to receive God’s best! The Holy Spirit brings it to life, I listen and go with the flow!

    1. I’m glad to hear this is the best one! Hands down! Thanks! God is good! He knows exactly what we need! Enjoy!

  8. Rocket Preacher, I was told my comment about the reschedule didn’t go through. Whoops. So JBT was joking around and he said that maybe the computer had a demon, and this goofball rushes over to explain to him that computers can’t have demons. He kind of looked like he just wanted to bang his head on the desk so I was relieved that he didn’t. Why are there so many idiots in the world, Rev. Rocket?

    1. LOL, ya gotta love it! Idiots cannot even tell when one is “joking”…HA! I guess sometime I will have to post “Why there are so many Idiots!” LOL. Hey, he could think up things to get them going! Lol, no I guess that won’t be good..there would be no end to it!

  9. Rocket preacher, I’m thinking that a fine thing today would be if a certain mad genius would at least wait until we’ve played 10 measures before changing the key. Just a random thought, but prayers are always appreciated.

    1. Wow, the mad race to change the key before 10 measures! Lol…At least its not 5 measures! You have got the prayers!

  10. Ok….l did everything in these posts to prove it wouldn’t work, and now it did. Now I’m going have to hear I told you so from a certain individual and I don’t want to hear it! YOU know who you are! And I mean it. Thanks Rev. Rocket. I can’t believe this was actually real! I’m in!

    1. WONDERFUL! You did what these posts say to do to prove it wouldn’t work and it DID WORK, and you are in!

      WELCOME IN FOR SURE! God has a people of faith that are stomping the devil into the ground, and now you have joined in the VICTORY MARCH! HALLELUJAH TO JESUS!

  11. Ok, Rocket Preacher, I won’t limit anymore. I was getting pretty good at it too, until I saw this post and realize the error of my ways. Thank you, I think! Oh dear.

    1. That is common, and you will rise above it all in Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit! You are welcome and I loose you to the mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit that destroys every yoke of bondage and brings you into the glorious liberty of Jesus Christ!

    1. Many people have gotten wrong teaching all their lives! Praise God He showed you the light to scatter that darkness and fill you with His truth and Spirit!
      I loose you from every false teaching, from every doctrine of demons, from every lie of every lying spirit in JESUS NAME! I pray the SPIRIT OF TRUTH anoint your spirit to receive all that God has for you since HE opened your eyes!

  12. Well, Rev. Rocket, I have to round up some testimonies. We were at school til after 7 last night because things started to happen on a song! JBT was showing us something about chord progressions and he was playing To God Be the Glory. OOOPS. So we asked him to sing it and the rest is history. It was almost like when he’s playing out somewhere and eventually there really was no class, it was just more and more people crowding into the room and people getting saved and spirit filled and all kinds of things. I am going to try to round up all the testimonies! Of course, JBT says that’s not necessary but I say it is and I am the reporter. I wonder why that happened out of the blue like that. I actually had a hunch something was going to happen when we asked him to sing it and he said “Yeah, why not? That one was always one of my favorites.” LOL.

    1. God is so good! You know it is the last days when He is pouring His Spirit out like that, instant in season and out! He is moving to reach every last soul possible before He comes back for us! Think about it: To God be the Glory is sung and the power of God does all kinds of things!
      Thanks for rounding up as many testimonies as possible…TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! I think there are some winners!
      And… it always was a favorite song of yours! I guess you should request he sing that had the hunch what was going to happen!

    1. You are welcome! It is good to hear this was very helpful. We need all the help from the Lord we can get!

    1. HA HA…OOPS…the old stammer, stutter routine! Time to face the truth!
      Thanks for sharing this! I laughed with you.

  13. Rocket Preacher, I have quite an experience yesterday and not know how exactly to tell it. My teacher sing a christian song, To God Be Glory, and when he sing Holy Spirit come all over room and we lose track of time and I got spirit filled for first time ever!!!

    1. You told it perfect! Praise God you were filled with the Holy Spirit. God has much for you and this shows He works in ways beyond our understanding and does miracles!

    1. There was ONLY one tarrying, waiting for the time to come for the Holy Spirit to be poured out. God had set a time and when the time came in the room full of believers the Holy Spirit was poured out and they were all filled with the Spirit and spoke in other tongues (languages) as the Spirit gave them utterance. He HAS BEEN HERE EVER SINCE, and DOES NOT NEED TO COME OVER AND OVER…HE NEVER LEFT. Read the book of Acts and you will see that after the initial outpouring there was never more “tarrying”….IT WAS INSTANT like when the teacher sings and the Holy Spirit comes.

  14. Rocket preacher l get heal from epilepsy and spirit fill when my teacher sing to God be Glory . No one even pray. Things keep happening for hours just from one song. I never see anything like this!!

    1. No one limited God and then the Holy Spirit could really do what He wants to do! Praise God for all the miracles for hours including healing you from epilepsy and filling you with the Holy Spirit! “The Power of a Song!” There is a post on here about that! Hallelujah to Jesus for the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit in these last days. It will be more powerful than ever for this is the end time harvest of souls! God has much for you so keep pressing in and on!

  15. This was such an experience. My music teacher sing To God be Glory and it feel like whole room change and fill up with power, and I say to my friend “what is happening” and she say “just repent of all sins if you need to and you will get Holy SPirit.” I didn’t think it would happen for me because people tell me it come automatic when you get saved, but this is completely different. I don’t think my church will help me much anymore because they don’t know enough, but this blog will help!!

    1. Yes, you are right. When you got saved you were “born again!” First you were born physically, and when saved you were “born again,” born of the Spirit, not filled with the Spirit. The Spirit bore witness with your spirit you were now a child of God. Now you have been filled with the Spirit which is a separate experience, and you can pray in the languages the Holy Spirit gives. It is powerful. Praise God you were filled with the Spirit. You are right that those who don’t have the Holy Spirit will not have anything that would help you.

      You will be.blessed by the Word of God here and learn how to flowing God and believe God for all He has promised. Thanks for sharing, enjoy!

  16. Rocket Preacher I now am spirit fill which I never thought could happen. Then I also get healed of physical problem and all because Holy Spirit come all of a sudden into room when my teacher saying a song. I never knew how it could happen that way I thought long waiting session have to go on first. This was only a few sentences into the song and thing happening all over the place in the room than other teacher and student come from different places at the school want to know what’s going on. One say she feel it out in hallway and never felt anything like that before. I just thank God that finally I get what I need after waiting so long! And it go perfect with your post don’t limit God. If we limited God that day all this would not have happened to us!

    1. Praise Jesus for filling you with the Holy Spirit and healing you!! To GOD BE THE GLORY! Yes, this is what happens when we do not limit God…He comes.into the classrooms and hallways and saves, fills, delivers, and heals…REVIVAL FOR SURE! Thanks for sharing what God did! Enjoy the blog!

  17. Okay Rev. Rocket now I think I understand all this. I think I was limiting God. I have to get my act together. Seriously!

    1. This brings the light so you can see clearly what is going on and what you need to do that will overcome whatever has been going against you. The devil tries to trick us by getting us limiting God, and then he and the demons try to blame God when God is waiting with outstretched hands the whole time for us to stop limiting Him! I’m glad this helped. Enjoy getting it together and standing!

  18. this is the biggest help rocket preacher. I never understand this before. I always think whatever happen is meant to happen by God, but now I can see it differently!!!

    1. I’m very glad to hear this is the biggest help. It has been taught wrong by many. When they have demons of unbelief and blame they blame God for what the devil is doing, and get it all confused.

      When Jesus died on the cross for us He took our sin, sickness, oppression, and all torment, and redeemed us by His blood from all of it, and now when we are saved we have the blessing of God, not the curse for Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law for it is written: “Cursed is every man that hangs on a tree!” Now you can stand against all the “wiles of the devil” and win every battle because Jesus did it all for you! Hallelujah!

  19. Rocket Preacher, I get saved in a Catholic Church last night. My priest have to be called on carpet now because he not suppose to have that singer come but he did anyway. Lot of people like me get saved because we didn’t realize we were not already saved through all the rituals. Now I see that the ritual is really doing nothing. But how does that man carry power around like that!?

    1. Praise God you and others got saved! No ritual could ever do that, only Jesus!
      Well, something new might just be happening after he gets called on the carpet! The Holy Spirit is in the move big time and nobody is going to be able to stop Him.

      Now you need to be filled with the Spirit. Get in another meeting and ask Jesus to fill you! That is where the power comes from. You will speak prayer languages from the Holy Spirit and will be able to pray through the day or any time! The singer has been filled with the Holy Spirit and that’s how the anointing comes! As we pray regularly the supply of the Spirit intensifies and gets strong.

    1. Good to hear, I’m very glad this was really interesting and brought out a lot of things people don’t think of! God wants us to know all of this so we can receive from Him ALL He has to give us freely! Here is a simple truth that many forget and so they do without things they need that God wants to supply: “You have not because you ask not!” And then, some ask to consume it on their lusts so miss out. James 4. So, stay simple in faith, ask Him BIG, don’t limit God, and He will do great things in your life!

    1. Time to turn it around and then watch, just watch all the answers to prayer that come, and all you receive from the Lord. He has wanted to bless you exceedingly for a long time!

  20. I go back and see that singer tomorrow night, Rocket preacher because I think he know way more about things than he say. Last night he told someone they need to leave and stop interferring because angel were coming to remove them and the man kept bothering him and then suddenly something invisible move him out of the way, I tell my family and they think l am crazy but l know what l saw!!! They all need to read this blog!

    1. I love it! God’s hindrance removal program! LOL. God sends his angels to deliver us who believe. Psalm 34:7. It is a very good idea to go back and see the singer. He has learned how to yield to the Holy Spirit.

  21. This is a post to help everyone Rev. Rocket! They need to understand this better and this would help. Some people problem is that they think they know everything already and won’t learn!

    1. You are so RIGHT! Pride and spiritual pride is the downfall of many! That is what the devil gave in to that caused him to fall from heaven as LIGHTNING! When we humble ourselves under the hand of the Lord, then we can be lifted up as we receive the truth that makes us FREE! I loose people to receive this truth so they will be able to flow with the Holy Spirit and receive the truth that would make them free from all the pride that is binding and tormenting them!

    1. Limit not…receive a LOT! The sooner you do this the better! Don’t wait or procrastinate. Plunge in right away, and the Lord will meet you, and you will be very glad!

  22. Rev. Rocket I get Spirit fill in Catholic church. Someone say that can’t happen but I know what happened. My priest in trouble for bringing that singer here but he bringing him back again anyway. I think he get spirit filled too. Now I think all I ever do was ritual and I can stop all that now! More people need to see this blog!

    1. God is greater than everything! The power of the Holy Spirit is going to people hungry for the Holy Spirit, and all Jesus has for them! I do believe special miracles are happening and that something special and brand new is coming out of this move of God! Ritual helps no one and has no power as you and others are finding out! Now you can get answers to prayer and flow with the Holy Spirit…what a JOY!

    1. You are definitely welcome! Praise God that this brought hope alive in you! “If God be for us, who then can be against us!” Hallelujah! We who believe are on the victory, winning, overcoming side and JESUS IS LORD, and everything must bow to Him and the power of His name! He IS our hope, and JESUS NEVER FAILS!

  23. I think that person is right! This is uplifting because it gives you hope that God is there to do all the positive stuff and not the negative!!!

    1. ALL the promises of God are YES AND AMEN, and AMEN MEANS “SO BE IT!” This I know God IS FOR ME! “GOD IS LIGHT, AND IN HIM IS NO DARKNESS!” “GOD IS LOVE!” “GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN YOU THAN he THAT IS IN THE world!” “Now the God of HOPE fill you with ALL joy and peace in BELIEVING, that you may ABOUND IN HOPE THROUHH THE POWER MM OF THE HOLY GHOST! Roman’s 15:13. Amen.

    1. Thank you! The key for this to change everything is exactly what you said for people to take this to heart. With the heart man believes and when we believe we receive! Putting your will with God and taking off the limits turns the Holy Spirit loose in your life to do amazing miraculous things!

  24. This post is great! I tried to share it with an idiot I know and he got so mad he banged his keyboard on his own computer. HA HA HA. I said “you’ll ruin your own keyboard, and why do you want to limit God anyway?” HA!

  25. People don’t want to face the reality of this because then they can’t blame God for everything. And why do they want to do that anyway? I think it’s because then they don’t have to have faith!

    1. You are exactly right! People who blame God for everything excuse themselves in their unbelief and think it releases.them from having faith! They need to think again because WITHOUT FAITH IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE GOD! And faith without works, accompanying actions, is dead being alone! Oh, what those kind are missing out on! God has SO MUCH for us who believe, it is awesome and amazing!

  26. Rocket preacher, your friend pray for me and it seem like electricity come through his arm!!. I never feel that before. People say it holy spirit. I didn’t think you could feel holy spirit like that. I have a lot of thing l have to learn!!

    1. Yes, the power of the Holy Spirit is amazing! Jesus said that you will receive “POWER” after the Holy Ghost is come upon you! The word for.power in the Greek is “dunamis” which is a word we get r he word dynamite from…EXPLOSIVE POWER! Praise God, you have a lot to learn and a lot g he Lord is going to show you and give you!

    1. You are welcome! I’m very glad to hear this really did something for you! That is what I pray for!

  27. Ooops. Christmas “program” tonight. What do YOU think will happen with the “program” Rev. Rocket? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Hmmmm…this will be a “Christmas program” like no one there has EVER been to before! Lol. In fact Jesus is really going to be revealed by the Holy Spirit and the devil will have to LEAVE! HA HA HA HA HA.
      Do let us know the details! I claim the double portion to flow!

  28. I think he is going to be surprised because he said, “well, this is just a Christmas thing, probably nothing much will happen.” Oooops! l think he doesn’t realize what he’s in for!

    1. I think you are right! Some of these people it is the only time they make it through the church door. I don’t think the Holy Spirit is going to miss the opportunity! What is the saying? “Strike while the iron is HOT!” Let it burn bright and HOT tonight Jesus!

  29. LOL. I hear you-know-who thinks not much will happen tonight. I guess l’ll be one of the people lugging him around when he can’t stand up. That’s always what happens when he says “this is JUST…” and that nothing much will happen.

  30. Well, I will have to round up testimonies about last night since everyone was distracted today with the holiday. But in the mean time I know JBT would be disappointed if I do not do a synopsis, so check back soon for some highlights. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    1. Thank you VERY much! Ha ha ha ha…I just know JBT would be disappointed with no synopsis so I will definitely look forward later to your tell all!

  31. Okay, just so I don’t disappoint JBT….ha ha ha ha ha… Here is a synopsis of what happened and then I will be rounding up some testimonies as well! Well, of course, as you know, he was all relieved because he figured well this is just a Christmas program so what do I have to worry about? Oops. So they do the first two or three songs and then the room starts getting quiet and the Holy Spirit is permeating the air. THEN on the fifth song, which was that “Old Song,” people start to sporadically go down on their knees and repent and get saved. There were even some diehards there that I thought would never crack. Then we reminded him that he said he would sing O holy night. Ooops again. So when he started to do that one, he got to about halfway through and people were sporadically beginning to speak in tongues. Then someone of course tried to interfere to tell him that things should be done decently and in order and he said “well, go tell the Holy Spirit that.” And when he said that to the guy, just when he said it, the guy falls flat on his face. HA HA HA HA HA. I think that’s awesome. I just had to laugh. Then people were getting individual miracles, but I will round up those testimony so they can tell them themselves! Merry Christmas, Rocket Preacher!

    1. Praise God in the highest forever! Now that is Jesus being revealed by the Holy Spirit! Salvation, filling of the Holy Spirit all over the place, and other miracles! I love the one where he is opposing and just JBT saying go talk to the Holy Spirit about it the guy goes down flat on his face by the Holy Spirit he is opposing! HA HA HA HA, AND GLORY TO GOD! Thank you for sharing this and looking forward to the testimonies. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you!

  32. Well here is my testimony Rocket Preacher. I come like skeptic because I not believe all this thing that happened is real. Then when I see more and more happened I think I better repent so I do then that man did song called Gloria that I never hear before and when he halfway through the whole room gets slain in the spirit. I think okay, now I believe all this! Because when nobody can stand up you have to believe! Now I have to learn all new thing that’s okay!

    1. Praise God you became willing in the day of God’s power and were delivered from skepticism, and now the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth! Rely on Him and He will show you what you need to know!
      ..I pray God’s very best for you!

  33. Rev. Rocket I can’t explain thing that happened because I don’t know how but I have Jesus now and I’m saved in spirit filled. That singer everyone say listen to him when he sing only night I thought the roof would blow off. God’s power was everywhere in room and everyone getting saved and delivered. I had demon from voodoo and all the demon go and now my mind clear for first time in years and years. That girl say to put testimony here but maybe everyone think I crazy but voodoo mess you up bad and now I’m finished with it!

    1. You are NOT crazy I know because I know the DELIVERER and His name is Jesus and I have seen many delivered from demons spirits from voodoo witcraft and all kinds of evil! Praise Jesus you received Jesus, was Spirit filled, and delivered! That is a wonderful thing! Now you have a NEW LIFE IN JESUS by the power of the Holy Spirit! I loose others to go FREE from demons of voodoo too! Thanks for the testimony and praise Jesus!

  34. I think I go to just here Christmas program but that singer have power with his songs and power come when he’s singing and just praising God. I think because he really worshiping God with music that’s why Holy Spirit show up. Meanwhile I get
    delivered from demon of hopelessness and depression and feel like different person now!

    1. Yes, the power of the Holy Spirit comes because the singer is truly worshipping and praising God in song! Hallelujah! God inhabits our praise, He sits upon the throne of our praises! Oh, how we should praise Jesus every day! Praise God you are free from all the demons of hopelessness and depression! Now God has given you the garment of praise delivering you from the spirit of heaviness! The JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH!

  35. Okay, your friend at Christmas show tell me not to worry about virus because he say it can’t live in that environment. So today I get back negative test. But I know I had it. But he say other thing he not explain then but get a little evasive. He said “that virus was designed to harm Christians and it can’t live where Christians are praising God.” What do you make of that, Rocket Preacher? Later he also say “every cell in your body respond to your words, so you have to be careful of your words.” He need to explain more thing!

    1. The virus is evil, and always the devil wants to use that evil foremost against Christians. I believe the Lord showed the singer how this was designed especially to get Christians. When we praise the Lord the presence of God manifests, and when it comes to the virus the Holy Ghost fire destroys it! It is like if you light a fire and throw paper in it…poof…no more paper! Remember that when we are filled with the Holy Ghost there is FIRE!
      Read Mark 11 carefully and especially the power of what we say. Jesus said that we will have “whatever” we say when we believe we will have whatever we say! There is POWER in words! YOU will have what YOU say! Negativity in our words will totally work against us whereas positive words of faith as we SPEAK THE WORD OF GOD WILL BLESS US, HEAL US AND CAUSE OUR BODY TO DO WHAT IT SHOULD FOR THE GOOD. Death and life are in the power of the tongue…(Proverbs 18:21)

  36. Rev. Rocket, I am old, and I travel to America one time to get healed at Oral Roberts crusade and he was on fire. Then he get strange later. When that singer touch me it was the same feeling. I remember after all these years. These religious people say to stay away from him so I was all this time. Now I know they are the ones to stay away from. They lied! He is not counterfeit because how could feeling be the same as at that crusade? It like fire that he could not pass on fast enough!

    1. Yes, the liars are the hypocrites for they have no power and no miracles and then say to stay away from the singer who has the power of God, the fire of God, and the miracles of God! Always see for yourself! There are too many with the spirit of antichrist these days opposing those who are on fire of God.

    1. I praise God for anything that helps you here! Take the Word of God to heart and run with it…you will WIN! HALLELUJAH!

    1. Yes, you can be and will be delivered from repetitive thoughts! This is tormenting spirits that try to keep speaking these repetitive thoughts in your mind. It registers as thoughts, but believe me it is from them. See, these thoughts are NOT something you want so they are not your own, but are from other spirits. All demon spirits of the tormenting repetitive thoughts you are bound and LEAVE HER NOW IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS, AND NEVERNCOME BACK! HALLELUJAH TO JESUS!
      Now raise your hands to Jesus and thank Him for setting you completely free for HE is the DELIVERER, and Henis the same yesterday, today, and FOREVER!

  37. I get told to stay away from that singer, but when I went to hear him I see he know exactly what he talking about. Everyone want to say no matter what happened is God’s will, and he just say to me “no, Jesus is the healer and he is the same yesterday, today and forever,” and all of a sudden I get healed from artery condition. That can’t happen if he is a phony. So I’m going back. I have to know more about all this. This blog is easy to understand and most spiritual blogs are not! Thanks Rocket Preacher

    1. Praise God you were healed from an artery condition instantly because JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER, AND HE IS THE HEALER!
      You are welcome, and I’m very glad this is easy to understand. What good is anything if it is confusing and hard to understand! Jesus wants us to KNOW the truth, for then the truth will make us FREE! I pray God gives you quick understanding so you can learn what you need to know!

  38. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I’m in. I don’t know who you two are where you came from, but I have to believe what I see with my own eyes!

    1. Welcome! Faith works as you can see with your own eyes! God brought you here and has much for you! Stand strong and believe Him for best!

    1. You CAN do all things through Christ which strengthens you! Read Phillipians, believe it, and SAY it, then you will have it! You can because God says you can. Now it is a matter of doing what God says do, and He will carry you and put you over!

    1. O.K. no problem. We are in the world, but are not of the world. The world is messed up with the darkness and there are children of the darkness! We, who believe on Jesus, are the chosen of the light! Darkness does not comprehend the light, and the spirits of darkness are in people trying to drive people crazy as they oppose the light! Dumb demons are in people’s flesh and when they listen to them they do dumb things and say dumb things. This is vexing for sure, but God’s power and grace will lift us above it all. First see that you are seated in heavenly places in Christ ABOVE IT ALL, AND RULE AND REIGN WITH HIM. BELIEVE IT AND SAY IT AND YOU WILL HAVE IT. Next know that God will give you His grace to deliver you and help you deal with it all. Read 2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make ALL GRACE abound to you that you having all SUFFICIENCY in all things will abound to every good work! Then you are the salt of the earth and need to guard that you keep your saltiness. Pray in the Holy Ghost a lot and let the fire of God burn in your heart. Jesus is right there and will sustain you as you cast all the burdens and cares of this life on HIM. AMEN AND AMEN!

  39. Seriously rocket preacher? Your hot shot friend tells me everything I did for the last 5 years and then tells me what order to read these posts in and he’s right? I’m going to hear I Told You So for the rest of my life!

    1. Well, one thing for sure, you KNOW THAT YOU KNOW the Holy Spirit is working in your life, and wanted you to KNOW this was God ministering to you through a believer, and has heard your prayers and answered! Hallelujah! Thats a lot of “I told you so’s!” LOL

  40. This is a scream Rocket Preacher… Somebody was asking JBT to pray for their friend, but the friend was being a real jerk. So the person said “how about if you anoint him with oil”. And JBT said, “well, that’s all well and good, but if a person doesn’t want to change and they want to be ugly, you can anoint them with as much oil as you have, and all you’ll get is a slippery demon.” I laughed till I cried.

    1. HA HA HA HA..That is a good one! And it is definitely true…let the ugly and the jerk be ugly and a jerk still! Lol. We cannot have slippery demons running around! Thanks for sharing that one!

  41. Well rocket preacher, here is how I am starting the new year! You can add me to the blowing in the wind club! What number am i?!

    1. Praise God, now thats the way to start off the New Year with deliverance and FREEDOM by the power of the Holy Spirit. You are added in the “BLOWING IN THE WOND CLUB,” AND YOU ARE NUMBER 227! GOOD GOING, FAITH WORKS! Happy NEW year!

    1. Praise Jesus you are in the Blowing in the Wond club! You are number 228! Congratulations! The fire of the Holy Ghost is burning, NOW IS THE TIME to let the Fire Burn in everybody! Whatever you need jump in and receive God’s miracle working power! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE!

  42. Ok, you were right and I was wrong. I do not want to hear I told you so. YOU know who you are! And I mean it!!! I don’t appreciate it. Thanks Rev. Rocket. This was just what I needed!

    1. You are welcome!!! I’m very glad to hear this was just what you needed! I pray the Holy Spirit reveals all you need!

  43. Okay, Rocket Preacher. I did my foundation, my blueprint, my boat, I got rid of my dead horses, fix my car and plane, and now you’re saying I have to stop limiting God? Come on now. I think that’s probably what I do best. Oh dear. I really need to change how I think about things and what I say, but it seems like it’s hard and I don’t know why!

    1. You have come a long way, praise God! The more you say what you need to say it will get easier and easier for you are breaking bad brain habits and patterns and creating new ones, and as you hear the words they will take root in your life! I loose you from all the old patterns and mind habits that are not of faith or of the Spirit of God and all the spirits behind all the negative words and thinking are bound and must leave you now in Jesus name!

  44. Rev. Rocket, your hotshot friend said a few days before New Year’s Eve that there would be 10 new stash thrower outers the first week of the year, and some of us skeptics were sitting there like “yeah, sure, how could he know that?” But now I see that there’s two already… Ooops…well… I better go now.

    1. Well, God knows everything that will happen in advance and if He drops a little bit of that knowledge in the human spirit by the Holy Spirit then we have it to share and doesn’t it boost your faith when that happens?! Praise God for the deliverances!

    1. Praise God, you are added into the club! God is good and faithful to deliver us from all evil! Good going! You are number 229!

  45. Rev. Rocket, what is going to happen to us with this economy? Will God take care of Christians? I hope we don’t have to sink with the ship!

    1. Look at the promises of the Word of God! Phillipians 4 My God SHALL SUPPLY ALL your need according to HIS RICHES IN GLORY! HALLELUJAH! There will be no sinking with the ship! We are in the world, but not of the world! We mm operate in the power of the Holy Spirit. There were people who were in Latvia Russia years ago and were without food and were believers. The father would go out to pray for provision and every day on the path there would miraculously be 2 loaves of freshly baked bread and it sustained them until they got where they needed to be. Don’t limit God by the economy, HE is SO FAR ABOVE ALL THAT! Start praising God that He is taking care of all of us every day, and bind the evil! Also, ask Jesus for His wisdom, and He will give it!

    1. Praise Jesus forever, you are the fourth this week and are number 230! Good going youbarenin the blowing in the wind club, delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit! Glory to God!

    1. Praise God, you are added in the Blowing in the Wind club! You are #231 and going strong! Congratulations, go in the power of the Spirit like this the rest of the year and you will see just what HE WILL DO WHEN WE BELIEVE!

    1. Well, all right then, you are 6 for the week and #232 in the total that have been set free by the power of the Holy Ghost! Praise Jesus for your miraculous deliverance. Good going! People need to know that this is a total, instantaneous, miraulous deliverance from drugs and the addiction to drugs! GONE FOREVER WHEN THROWN TO THE WIND IN FAITH! HALLELUJAH! JESUS IS LORD! You are now added in to the Blowing in the Wind Club!

  46. Rev. Rocket, I’ve had it with your friend telling me what order to read these posts in and that they would have the answers to the questions! I will hear I told you so the rest of my life! But this did really help. Thanks Rev. Rocket!!

    1. I’m glad to hear this really did help! You are welcome, and I know if God brought you here then He has a lot of blessings for you. I prayed the hungry and thirsty after righteousness would be drawn here by the Holy Spirit, for they shall be filled!

    1. Yes, indeed for REAL! Praise God, He has applied this to you personally like it was with you in mind! He knows the number of hairs on your head! Go to Him with everything and ask BIG for He is far, far GREATER than all of it, and takes great delight in answering prayer and giving what is needed with overflow blessings!

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