Jesus came full of grace and truth.  He healed the sick, raised the dead, and calmed the troubled sea!  All He did, He did for you and me!  

 A SONG ABOUT THE LIGHTHOUSE SAYS IT ALL!  There is a light that shines out to rescue us from destruction and Jesus is that light!  Praise God!  There are some of God’s people that need to be rescued!  They are living by circumstances and have become run by their senses and emotions and are living from the outside in and the devil has taken advantage and established evil patterns to keep you in a constant state of turmoil!  After this post, that will all change and be turned the right way and new, good, blessed patterns will be established!  

The devil is the father of lies and there is NO truth in him whatsoever, and he is the one that has been telling  you by circumstance that “you cannot take it or make it!”  The devil is the father of lies!  Who do you think it was that robbed  everything from you?  Who do you think got all those people to turn against you?  (the spirit of rejection)  The devil lied to them about you and they listened and acted on the lies to do a number on you!  They were trying to get you living in a spirit of rejection and get you to hate them!  The lies try to make you sad and rob hope by those lies and make the heart of the righteous sad who God has NOT made sad!  

All the mess from the devil tries to rob hope, but when you choose to live from the inside out when God’s Word says Hope you in God you rebuke the lies about you and life and you say: “There IS hope in God!  You get hold of that in your spirit and believe and say what He says in Philippians 4  “I can do ALL things through Christ Jesus!”  I will hold fast to hope and hope in God!    With Jesus it is UP and NOT down!  The devil is the one who went down so that is where he tries to take everyone with him by his foul, filthy, abominable lies from the pit of hell! 

 Here is a word for someone:  “The  just SHALL come OUT of trouble!  Proverbs 12.  Now put that in your spirit and believe it, say it, live it, for it IS YOURS!  That is the Word of God and we are to live by every Word of God and we do that from our inner man, our spirit!  

We are a spirit {the real us}, we have a soul {emotions and intellect], and live in a body!  When we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit where does He flow from?  From our inner most being shall FLOW RIVERS OF LIVING WATER!  John 7:38.  He bypasses the outside and comes on the inside and flows out!  That’s how we need to live…from the inside out!  

God is a Spirit and they that worship  Him MUST worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!  Spirit goes to spirit!  You have faith that came by hearing the Word in your “heart,”  your spirit, your “inner man!”  Now, you can live by that faith in your spirit (inside), and NOT be ruled by circumstances on the outside!  

Jesus doesn’t just have the answer, He IS the answer!  Jesus doesn’t just “have” the light, He IS  the LIGHT!  That’s why Paul the apostle said:  “That I may KNOW HIM and the power of His resurrection!  Philippians 3:7-15.  INSIDE KNOWLEDGE is POWER!  When you KNOW the truth the truth MAKES YOU FREE!  FREE from heavy burdens!  FREE from fear!  FREE from the past! FREE from all torment!  FREE from the fear of the future!  FREE from all the lies of the devil and lying spirits!  FREE from rejection!  FREE from spirits of reverse order that cause you to get it backwards or upside down!

One man built his house on the sand and the storms came and beat on the house and destroyed it and he ended up living upside down…destroyed!  All other ground contrary to Jesus is sinking sand and when you build your house, your life on these things, your house will end up upside down!  The storms of life and outside circumstances rule you and your house is swayed by the fierce winds and rains beating on your house!  This was the life of the “foolish man!”  

Then there was a man of wisdom who built his house on the ROCK, and when the storms of life beat on it, the house stood strong, for the foundation was the ROCK!  When your life is built on Jesus, your life is right side up and NOTHING can take  you down… you are UNMOVABLE, ALWAYS ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord! 1 Corinthians 15:58.   I am not ashamed of the gospel  of Christ for it is the POWER OF GOD to salvation!  

Jesus said:  “I AM the way, the truth and the life.!”  He said:  “I AM the resurrection and the life and he that believes in me will live and never die!”

Anything, or anybody that tells you that you “cannot do” what God says you can do is a liar!  “I CAN do ALL things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me!” Philippians 4.. “ The Lord IS the strength of my life!” Psalm 27:1.  “Be strong in the Lord and the Power of HIS might!” Ephesians 6:10.  Don’t rely on your own strength , but rely on HIS STRENGTH!  HIM!  HE IS THE LIFE!  Live from the words of God in the inside in your spirit, and rule in life in Jesus over ALL circumstances on the outside, and NOT from the circumstances on the outside in!  When circumstances are calling the shots your emotions and mind will be confused, bewildered, tormented and messed up and will make you think that when the winds of the storm blow and beat on the house, it will go down in a pile of dust!

But Psalm 103:1-5  says, “Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.”(He told his soul–the emotions and intellect–what to do: to bless the Lord!  He is living from the inside out!) Bless the Lord oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits; who forgives all your iniquities: who heals all your diseases; who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies; who satisfies your mouth with good things; so your youth is renewed like the eagle’s!

While you are blessing and praising the Lord; His presence manifests for He “inhabits,” lives in our n praises! In His presence is fullness n of joy, healing, deliverance, and all that He is and has for us, and will manifest as we reme.ber them, and use our faith in Him for all these blessings! All because you lived from the inside out and told your soul what to do from your spirit, your inner most being, and were not shaken or controlled by the outside circumstances!

Isaiah 40: 29-31  He gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increases strength.  Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:  But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and NOT faint!  HALLELUJAH TO JESUS!   It is NOT by your own power or might, but by MY SPIRIT says the Lord that this mountain SHALL BE REMOVED!  (verse 7)!   Rely in and on the power of the Holy Spirit IN your spirit, in you to remove those mountains that stand in the way!  Pray the Word, believe it, say it, and it will come to pass in your life and rule OVER the circumstances!

The word of God is the revelation of Jesus Christ!  HE is the Living word!  No man comes to the Father except by Him!  All other ground is sinking sand where lives are turned upside down by the storms of life, lies of the devil, outside circumstances!  Jesus Christ is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending!  Jesus is the Author and finisher of your faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down on the right hand of the Father God!  (Hebrews 12:2)

Philippians 1:6  He that has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ!  Jesus Christ is Lord and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord  Psalm 18:2  He is the ROCK of our salvation!  Psalm 62:6  He only is my rock and my salvation:  he is my defence; I shall not be moved.





    1. Thanks! And that is how God wants things….made plain so we receive clear understanding on the things of God!

    1. Oh, good, praise God, I’m very glad to hear you love the new post! I pray many blessings come as this truth goes deep in your spirit and comes alive as well as in all who read this! You love the truth and that will be b in in your life!

    1. Thanks. I am always blessed to hear this is hitting the mark! We all count to God and He will apply this in our hearts and as we do what He says the blessings will flow!

    1. Thanks! The fact you love it will let the truth set you free and work in your life! Enjoy and keep praising Jesus!

    1. Amen! So be it that whoever reads this will benefit from it all God has in it for.them!

    1. Loving this brings it alive on the inside where it counts the most! And you are right about seeing the truth in this when one seriously reads it! Being sincere goes a long way with the Lord!

    1. Great! That is a very good thing that you love this! Then it will definitely take root in your heart and cause you to grow strong to live from the inside out, and then will win over it ALL! HALLELUJAH! And so it will be with all who love this!

    1. Yes, indeed, seriously for sure!!! Evidently this one has your name on it! Welcome! Enjoy!

    1. I’m glad to hear this hit home and that you love it! God is good and it is time we all really learn how to live in the Spirit from the inside out so we can truly be: MORE THAN CONQUERORS through Jesus! Enjoy!

    2. Praise Jesus! Good to hear you love the new post! Blessings to you, and I pray God’s best for you!

    1. Praise God! The Lord is so good, and He definitely knows exactly what we need! Thanks for sharing that! I pray this blesses many all over the world!

  1. Oh no! Just when I got through boats, planes, cars, foundations, blueprints, swimming, and dead horses, now I have to live from the inside out?!

    1. Yes, living from the inside out is a huge key in living for Jesus in the abundant life He has for us! It is the way in to a life truly blessed n of God, and victory over n itnALL!

  2. Well, if it wasn’t for your hot shot friend being such a blow hard about this site I probably never would have visited it. But oooops. I needed this! I read it three times already!

    1. Praise God! I’m glad he convinced you to come on and that this was what you really needed! Enjoy!

    1. Good hearing that! You can do this by the grace of God, and power of the Holy Spirit! I pray He anoints you with the power of the Spirit that enables you to do this!

    1. Thanks, I’m glad this hits the bulls eye! You can do this because God says you can do all things through Jesus who strengthens you!

    1. Good Job! They will never be the same again! Lol. Let the fire of God burn strong and bright!

  3. Okay, Rocket Preacher. I did it. I got through all of my “assignments”, and I still want to punch your hot shot friend, but it really was helpful. This one I have read once, but I noticed everyone says you should read it more than twice and that’s what I’m going to do. I didn’t think I was smart enough to understand this, but five octave showoff was right. It’s very simple and easy and it helps a lot.

    1. Good going, you are going strong! I pray the Holy Spirit makes it all come alive in your spirit and brings great victory as you apply it in your life!

  4. I don’t know how to explain everything Rev Rocket! I have whole new world now because of that music teacher who bring Holy Spirit with him. I think angels come along too!

    1. Praise God for a whole new world because of the Holy Spirit coming with the music teacher, and angels! Angels excel in strength, and camp round about us to deliver us, and are ministering spirits to help us sent from God! I pray the Holy Spirit enlightens you quickly and opens your understanding to everything here and all you need to know! Enjoy!

  5. Rev. Rocket, some man try to kill that singer and the bullet won’t come out and then he drop the gun and run. I never see anything like this before! I am now Spirit Fill but think I have much to learn now that before I could not understand!

    1. Hallelujah! Praise God, He delivered him from being killed, and FROZE the bullet! Hahaha! Jesus Christ is Lord!
      Yes, now that you are Spirit filled you will be able to understand the things of God!

  6. All I can say Rev. Rocket is that all my demon of fear gone now and all go at once. I think l was in wrong church. That music teacher come and all the candles blow out, so l say ” ok…l need to see who this is. Then he sing Jesus pay it all and by the end everyone getting spirit filled. I have all new things to learn now!

    1. Praise God you were delivered from all the demons of fear! Now the Holy Spirit will show you the truth and help you with everything! God said He would signs, wonders, and miracles as He pours out the Holy Spirit. Truly, when God put out all the candles, it was a sign, miracle, and wonder that all point to Jesus! I can see why that miracle got your attention! Glory to God. I pray the Holy Spirit leads you into all truth and brings great faith alive in your heart that will remove “mountains” that the devil has created!

  7. Okay, Rocket Preacher, you got me. This is excellent. This is one of the best posts ever and now I really have to get my act together because I don’t have any more excuses!

    1. Thank you, I’m glad to hear this is one of the best posts ever! Welcome into the way of victory and blessing! Praise God you are getting it together! There is no time to waste for time is short!

  8. Rev. Rocket, did God blow those candles out? I see it for myself, not just hear about it like some of them. I came early, and that singer walk in and when he walked pass those candles go out. Then Holy Spirit come and make all demon go and people get saved for real this time and spirit fill! Now I have to catch up because I have a lot to learn.

    1. God definitely put the candles out, but I think the way He did it was angels pinched the flames out because there was no smoke swirl that there would be if they were “blown” out! Praise God all the demons had to go and people were truly saved and Spirit filled. Jesus help Darlita learn quickly by the Holy Spirit! Thank you Jesus! Thanks for your testimony!

  9. I never see anything like this before Rocket Preacher. We are always told don’t listen to anyone who does that wildfire thing but I don’t think it wildfire. Now my opinion is that it Holy Spirit coming to make all demon go and infill people and get them really saved. I can’t wait for tonight! And I think now to understand this blog better, it will be easier!

    1. You are right! It is NOT wildfire for people were delivered from demons and filled with the Holy Spirit! Only the Holy Spirit can drive demons out! I prayed that tonight everything that can be shaken will be shaken, that only that which is in the kingdom of God remain!

  10. Rev. Rocket, I think I was not saved, not really just thought I was but now realize all I do is ritual and that must change. I am happy to have all this to read because no one have much information about Holy Spirit. But this blog have information about everything. I used to think that singer was crazy, now I think it’s the rest to are crazy to not listen to him.

    1. Praise Jesus you are really saved now and delivered from rituals! Rituals never saved anyone ever, they only produce death! Those who call the singer crazy are the crazy ones, like you said! It is crazy to fight the Holy Spirit and fight those God sends to minister the power of the Holy Spirit that brings truth alive, delivers, heals, saves, and fills to overflowing!

  11. Well, Rocket Preacher, it might be a lot of similar testimonies this time around. He usually doesn’t say anything, he just starts singing, but this time as soon as he sat down at the piano he quoted the Berean translation of Isaiah 53:4-5 (Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed and made whole.) And then all of a sudden people were falling down on their knees and getting saved and spirit filled and delivered and, yep, that pretty much went on for about two hours. The priest included! I’ll try to round up some testimonies, although they’re gun shy because of their English. I will have to try to find some more Catholic Churches for him to go to! On with the show! ( he will be so happy.)

    1. Thanks for sharing this, it is a blessing for sure! Praise God, how marvelous and wondrous are the works and power of God! Hallelujah! Everyone, do tell your testimonies …I don’t care how bad you think your English is, we will understand! It is important to give glory to God and that’s what you are doing when you share your testimony of what Jesus has done!

  12. Reverend Rocket, I don’t know how these thing happened but I go to hear controversial singer who they say don’t listen to him, but I did. He only say one Scripture and I just feel compelled to repent of all my sin and then I get Holy Spirit which I didn’t think happen in this day and age! I have to do a lot of reading here!

    1. These things happened because ths singer knows how to let the Holy Spirit flow and help everyone! Its good you didn’t listen to the jealous negative people, and went to hear the singer! Enjoy living in and by the power.of the Holy Spirit, and enjoy the blog! This will build you up and make you strong in faith!

  13. How come I try all my life to get answer to things and none come and then just one Scripture be read and everything happen that I need? Now everything much different and I don’t know what happened to our church. Some of us may be kicked out. I don’t think priest is welcome here anymore after he bring that singer twice!

    1. That is the difference it makes when someone knows how to invite the Holy Spirit to move! Well, maybe the priest should start his own Holy Ghost church with all of you who are saved and Spirit filled now! It is time to allow the Holy Spirit to flow and God be praised! Enjoy the abundant life in Jesus!

  14. Rev. Rocket, I never understand anything before but now I have Holy Spirit. That singer come to our parish and our priest get in trouble to have him here but he bring him anyway. Then he start out to just quote one bible verse and everyone get save and spirit fill and all demon go and then he finish the rest. Now I think this blog will be the best thing for me!

    1. Praise Jesus how He saved you and the rest, filled you with His Spirit, and delivered everyone from all the demons!
      Yes, you will learn much here, and it will give you faith, knowledge of truth, and wisdom of God to deal with everything in life! Enjoy!

    1. I’m glad this was a lifesaver! You are welcome!! Enjoy living right side up and from the inside out for Jesus! He is with you always!

    1. Good! Then you will be living the way God wants and He will bless you, and help you every day! U ou can do all things through Christ Jesus!

  15. I am glad now to be spirit filled. I never know before how easy it could be. That singer that they tell my priest not to have came anyway and all candles blew out and statue fall over. Then everyone get delivered from lots of demon and we all get spirit fill. I never saw anything like this. But I have a lot to catch up with here!

    1. Praise God, HE shook all that could be shaken and down went the statues! God came to deliver everyone from idolatry and bring all to a place of true worship of God in the Spirit and in truth! Thank the Lord for all the deliverance and all being Spirit filled! Now you have a NEW life in Jesus and will learn much here how to bind the demons, live in victory all the time, walk in and live by faith, how to be healed, and led by the Holy Spirit! Thanks for your testimony! Enjoy the blog!

  16. Rocket Preacher, l have long way to go on this blog now, but it will be easier since having Holy Spirit. I didn’t know anything before but decide to come hear that music teacher who cause big commotion everywhere and when he come there all candle blow out and statue fall with broken head. I think, ok, something happen here and l need to pay attention. Then we all get really saved and spirit filled and all demon go . This never happen here before and l’m glad because l think everything will be different now.

    1. God sure showed up, didn’t He?! All the demons left, and everybody got really saved and Spirit filled! Praise God, that’s the work of the Holy Spirit!

    1. Yes, everyone, it is just good to hear what God has done in your life! We will understand! Don’t worry if English is not perfect. The main idea always comes across very well!

  17. This too hard to explain…it happen when that singer come. They say, no don’t have him, he always bring trouble, but that not true. He start to sing and candles all go out and idol head break off and then Holy Spirit come to everyone to get all saved and make all demon go. I never see anything like this ever.

    1. You did good explaining! Now you have seen what the power of the Holy Spirit does! He brings people to Jesus, breaks idolatry, delivers you from false religion and rituals and all demons connected to them! Hallelujah! Enjoy the new life in Jesus! Thanks for testimony!

  18. I don’t know how to explain, except to say all we have before is ritual and nothing really happen. Just pay for things all the time and get no result. That music teacher come and he not charge any money and more happen in one night than years. He bring power with him that never was here before and people get real saved and real spirit fill! Now things are exciting!

    1. Praise God the power of God is exciting for then miracles happen that God promises to those who believe!

      Thank God now the demons go, and ritual goes too, as the power of the Holy Spirit moves in hearts and.lives saving, delivering, and filling those who get saved! Enjoy living for Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit! Thanks for testimony! Glory to God!

    1. O.k., no problem! I call you free in Jesus name! Now praise the Lord for setting you completely free! Do whatever the Holy Spirit tells you to do and be made whole! Hallelujah! Deliverance is yours!

  19. Rocket preacher, why do they all say don’t listen to that music teacher…it is really opposite! He know how to help people and they don’t! I have lots to read here that will make sense now!

    1. When some people do not have the power of God instead of seeing how to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and how to move in faith, they become jealous of those who DO have the power of God! Then they fight the Holy Spirit and speak against the one who has come in the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit! Enjoy the blog, and learn how to live by faith and the power of the Holy Spirit! Enjoy! Thanks for testimony!

  20. Rocket Preacher, I like how statue head break off when that singer came. And all candle go out. I think it because only ritual was done there before and then someone, who have real power. I didn’t know everyone can have that, but he say yes they can! I have much here to have to read! Thank you!

    1. I like when the statue head break off and the candles went out too! Rituals never help anyone! Yes, all believers can be filled with the Holy Spirit and flow in the power of God! Hallelujah! You are welcome! Enjoy reading here, it will bless you and take you to new faith!

    1. Thanks, and good! I’m glad to hear this was one of the bests posts! Then it is hitting where it needs to hit, and I pray this blesses you exceedingly!

    1. Good! I’m glad to hear you get more and more out of this all the time! That shows the Lord is blessing this and revealing the truth in the heart! Enjoy!

  21. I think that music teacher see Angel when he go places to sing because he never scared of anything. And then I find out that I think my friend saw them too! We went to try to talk to him at the end and it take a long time to get up there by him but then my friend say “those angels are giant!” And I say “you see them!” And then a few minutes later he walking off with her and they talk alone and I don’t know what they said! I never see anything like this before in my life! And some on here have race to read these posts and maybe I get in that too!

    1. You are right! There is no fear when angels manifest, and they work in deliverance, and they camp around those that respect the Lod and deliver them!

    1. Praise God! Welcome to the club! What a miracle! No withdrawal, just GONE! That makes 231 that have come into the stash throwing out club, completely free in a moment! God is so good!

    1. Thanks, I’m very glad this is blessing you that much! I pray God anoints the truth to your heart!

  22. I love this post. The last three are great when you read them together too! It’s a great combo!

    1. The last 3 read together sound really good! It is good to hear you love this post! The truth of God is wonderful and makes us FREE!

    1. I am very glad the Word got through to you to help you! I pray God moves on you to lift you up and empower you as you stand!

  23. Calling all testimonies from last night’s impromptu gig. Don’t worry about your English!

  24. I try to explain what happened. That music teacher come to a café and someone see him and his wife drinking coffee there and say he is great musician, let’s see if he play for us. He asked what we want to hear and we say he could pick and he say he will sing “Jesus Paid it All” for us. But when he finished, he quote Scripture. 1 John verses 1-5. He just say them out of the blue and then people start getting saved and getting Holy Spirit. I never see anything like it before. My family will think I’m crazy but I don’t care.

    1. You said it very well and thanks for sharing. You KNOW it is the power of the Holy Spirit when it happens like that especially! Singing the song and saying the scripture and the people get saved and Spirit filled! Time to give God glory and praise Jesus!

    1. I’m glad this hit that mark! You are welcome! Praise God, this blessed you! The Lord has so much for us, so He says to come drink the water of life freely!

  25. Rocket Preacher I get saved And spirit fill after only hearing one song and some scripture. I never see anything like this before but I see there is a race here to read certain posts I think I will join the race!

    1. Praise God, what wonderful miracles of God. Now you know Jesus and are filled with the Holy Spirit! There is the power of the Word of God and Holy Spirit together causing one scripture and a song about how Jesus paid it all to give what was needed spiritually to all who would receive it! The race sounds like fun as you receive the truth that builds you up in faith!

  26. Okay ! You got me! This is great! It’s exactly what I needed. OK, you were right snd I was wrong!

  27. I came to this blog like that singer told me to but sometimes when I try to read it I just feel all confused! What should I do?

    1. Next time say out loud: “demons of confusion SHUT UP AND ALL GO OUT NOW IN JESUS NAME, AND NEVER COME BACK!” It is them, and they HAVE to SHUT UP AND GO!
      God is anointing those words of faith, and all the demons causing confusion leave on the power of those words! You will not be confused, but full of peace!

  28. The word of Jesus breaks every chain. Relentlessly quote the Scriptures that apply to your situation, even if people think you’re becoming fixated! Do it anyway. All the power is in the word of God. Words can change anything!

  29. Rocket Preacher, reading all these posts, I think I’m going to be happy in spite of myself! Thank you!

    1. You are welcome!!! I’m so glad that happiness has come to you! Laugh at the devil, at circumstances, the past and let the joy of the Lord be your strength! Jesus loves you!

    1. O.K. no problem! We agree that you are free! Jesus said we have whatever we agree for! So renounce the stash, raise your hands to heaven, and praise Jesus for setting you completely free! Then do whatever the Holy Spirit tells you to do! Be made whole in Jesus name!

  30. Rev. Rocket, I don’t know what to make of that man who say a few Scripture and sing one song and cloud decsend on everyone to get save and spirit filled. I never see anything like this and he tell me in end time it’s supposed to happen this way everywhere but not enough people yield to God. I get the feeling he not want to be stuck with it and think if other people would do their job he wouldn’t be. I thought that funny but I kept it to myself. I have a lot to read here, and don’t know if I can join this race because I not fast enough reader but I want to read everything now!

    1. Just think of the greatness of God! He created everything… the earth and everything in it. He created man, and made all the organs to work together perfectly right down to serotonin to put us to sleep so we can function the next day, etc. The power of God is great, and when believers seek Him and spend serious time in prayer, the anointing comes strong and moves like you saw where the glory cloud of God descends and miracles of salvation and being filled with the Spirit happen to many at the same time! This is the end time anointing, and we are believing for the “double portion!” Enjoy the blog, God has a lot for you!

    1. Praise God! I’m happy you are getting a lot of answers to your problems here! The Lord is faithful to His Word, and always has the answer to help us! Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you!

  31. Rev. Rocket your friend cast out demon of dark mind tunnel and now l understand all this better. How did he know what demon l have and to cast them all out?!

    1. He knows what to cast out by the gift of discerning of spirits by the Holy Spirit, and by the Spirit of God the demons are driven out! The gifts, special manifestations of the Spirit are listed in 1 Corinthians 12.

    1. Praise God, you make 232 who have been delivered by the power of God! Hallelujah!

    1. Well, praise God for special miracles that will shake people loose completely from religious spirits and all that came with it!

  32. I have had it with you! You know who you are! I don’t need water dripped on my forehead until I agree to come on a blog and I don’t need anyone telling me what to read. You are a very aggravating person. YOU know who you are and I DON’T want to hear I told you so. Thanks Rev. Rocket, this is exactly what I needed!

    1. You are welcome, and I am praising God that this was exactly what you needed! Praise Jesus! Enjoy the blog, and what the Holy Spirit will show you here!

  33. Rocket preacher, I get Holy Spirit now because that singer comes and we are waiting for some big thing for him to say and all he say is a scripture and then everyone start repenting and get saved and spiritual! Now we have all assignment on here to read. Oh dear!

    1. Praise God you got filled with the Holy Spirit! New life now! Yes, just a few words anointed by the Holy Spirit will bring blessings from heaven that are needed! Enjoy the blog, and I pray God opens your understanding and ministers faith and all you need!

  34. Calling all testimonies Don’t worry about your English. This was really cool. All he did is sat down at the piano and said that scripture: Salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven whereby we are saved. And everyone started getting saved and spirit filled! 😁

    1. I love it…the power of the spoken Word and the Spirit of God moving on it! Praise God for all who were saved and Spirit filled!

  35. Rev. Rocket, all candle blow out and statue head come off when that singer come to our church. He to say one Scripture and start to sing and then one thing after another keep happening. I never see anything like this before and now I see I am missing a lot. I have to join in this race to read these posts!

    1. Welcome to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah! Jesus is LORD, and all must bow to Him!

      When God took the head off the statue/idol and put out all the candles He was saying to everyone to turn from idolatry to HIM, and worship ONLY HIM in Spirit and in truth!
      Now is the time to live 100% for Jesus, and let the Holy Spirit lead us n into all truth. I would like to hear more testimony of ALL God did in this meeting and after it! I know there were special miracles! To God be the glory, and let the redeemed of the Lord say so!

      Enjoy the blog and being in the race. You will know the truth, and the truth will make you FREE! I loose everyone from all the past and all oppression that came in! demons of all the darkness GO OUT NOW AND NEVER COME BACK IN JESUS NAME! HALLELUJAH! GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST! PRAISE YOU LORD JESUS, FOR YOU ARE OUR DELIVERER!

  36. Rev. Rocket, someone tell that singer that idol head breaking off is a trick and he say, “Lord, please break off their feet too!” And idol feet break off with no one touching!

    1. You have a great name! Praise God, He answered that prayer …”Let God be true and every man a liar!” Those who said it was trickery that the idols head came off are all liars for it was not by man’s might, but by the Spirit of God! Then as a special miracle God took the feet of the idol off too! HALLELUJAH! IT IS TIME TO BELIEVE GOD, BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND ALLOW HIM TO LIVE IN AND THROUGH US! Thank you for sharing this! What a faith booster. It is time for people to pay attention to what God is doing, and why He is doing it!

  37. I never see anything like this before Rocket Preacher. When that singer come to our church, all he do is quote Acts 4:12 and then people get saved and get Holy Spirit when told it can’t happen that way. But when candle all blow out and idol all fall over and break, everyone have their attention on him. And he tell us he did not do that, but Holy Spirit did it. Well it had to be Holy Spirit, because no wind blow. How can candle all blow out with no wind? And how can statue head break off with no one touching it. Then he asked God to break off statue feet too and that happen! The other things make no sound, but when feet break off it sound like lightning bolt and he just laughed when it happened. I don’t understand all this but I am going to learn all about it!

    1. Yes, seek and you will find…! When the Holy Spirit anointing is there all the miracles God promises will happen will happen! Hallelujah! Stay with it, read the Word, read the blog, and pray, pray, pray the fervent effectual prayer of the righteous and the power of God will flow mightily, and you will be always filled with the joy of the Lord! Praise Him all the time, He inhabits your praise!

  38. Okay so now my priest is kicked out of Parish because he bring that controversial music teacher to bring Holy Spirit with him. The priest say that Holy Spirit is for everyone and ritual must stop and we have to learn different way of worship now. That’s okay with me, because this way never really have any result. Just repeating the same things again and again, but nothing happen. This man come and just say one Scripture and sing and all kinds of things happen. That’s what I want. I see there are contests here to read these posts. I have a lot to read. But I am a fast reader and this is easy to understand!

    1. I pray God helps him to lead people into true worship in the Spirit and leads him exactly where to go and what to do! Ritual never helped anyone, and Jesus saves and fills us with the Holy Spirit, and then the move of God is alive in our spirit! Enjoy the blog and the race and be blessed!

  39. Ok, Rev. Rocket, I must believe all t his now because I never see statue heads and feet break off before. Everyone say, “No…stay away from that music teacher, he stir up trouble,” but there was no trouble when he come, only people getting help and get Holy Spirit! I think our priest in trouble now but he not want to belong anymore anyway. We now must stop all these ritual that do nothing, and get real thing to happen instead!

    1. Yes, when you see the power and glory of God shown like this it removes all doubt, and you see that God is who He says He is and does what He says He does! It is time to draw close to Jesus, and He is the author and finisher of our faith!



    1. I hear you loud and clear! There are strange spirits that when they are in the flesh cause people to live a strange life when they listen to them! When there is a blog that would bring deliverance to the people the demons, especially, rise up with all kinds of crazy thoughts to get them away from here. The people need to tell the demons to shut up and go, and then obey the Holy Spirit and come here and be made free and made whole!
      Sometimes people love their sin, and need to repent, come here and be set free!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this hit the mark! God wants us to live in victory over it ALL and living from the inside out is a big key! Praise Jesus for His victory we can walk and live in!

  40. Okay, Rocket Preacher, here is what your hot shot friend do. We track him down in cafe and want to hear songs and he say piano not good enough there and all different excuse to not play but we keep pestering for a song. Then he eventually start singing and playing for us but religious people interrupt, and tell him “you don’t do any of this right, because people can’t suddenly be saved and spirit fill and deliver all at same time. You don’t do sinner prayer properly.” He said there laughing forever at them and then he say “if you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raise him from the dead you ARE saved. He doesn’t need big formal invitation. He’s already there waiting, and those are the only two things you need to do. If you stop there, you’ll miss out on a lot of blessing, though, so THAT’S why the Holy Spirit comes immediately to people who open to be filled. And deliverance come because demon can’t stand that atmosphere. Any other question?” And the entire café go out under the power. I can see I have to do a lot of investigate here and learn more about this. I think he more than just a singer, and I will now read this blog, when before I dragging my heels. I think there things here I need to know!

    1. Yes, it is good you are reading here now! God has a lot for you! Now you have seen the power of the Holy Spirit at work, and it wakes you up for sure! Praise God for the end time outpouring of the Holy Spirit bringing people to Jesus, filling them, and delivering them and making them whole! Enjoy what God shows you here! Rise, shine, and give God the glory for great things He has done and is doing!

    1. I’m glad this was really helpful! The Lord made us spirit, soul, and body, so He is the one to go to to know how to live the abundant life!

    1. Welcome in where the living waters are flowing! Jesus is Lord, and all must bow to Him!

    1. O.k., that’s easy! Jesus’yoke (will) is easy, and His burden is light! His will is your deliverance, and freedom from the stash so raise your hands to heaven and say out loud that you agree with His will, and thank and praise Him for setting you completely FREE! Then do whatever the Holy Spirit tells you to do and be made whole in Jesus name!

  41. Alright…l think l can do it now. I thought dead horses were rough, but now I have to live from the inside out???

    1. Yes, indeed, if you live for Jesus in victory every day, you must live from the inside out! Here is the thing: the Holy Spirit will help you do it!

    1. AMEN! Praise God you did it…OUT with the stash, IN with the blessings of God! Now it is 233 that have gone free by the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit instantly!

  42. This is a good one to read with the last two. All three of them together make a kiind of mini book! It’s awesome!

    1. Praise God, that sounds like a plan! The mini book that moves mountains that have stood in the way for long periods of time, but now have to go, and believers go free!

    1. Welcome in! The rivers of living water are flowing freely and will flow out of your inner most being!

  43. Ok, Rev. Rocket, here is what happened tonight. We rehearse at school for finale concert and ugly guys come to try to get our teacher, and they making all kinds of threats and he just turn around and wave his hand at them and they fall over. How did he do it? Is that Holy Spirit do it for him?

    1. God gives us authority and power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us! When he waves his hand in authority then the power of the Holy Spirit is released against the enemy and knocks them down! Praise God! Jesus IS Lord!

    1. Oh, yes indeed we.are.tuned right in. Endless miracles are coming…miracle after.miracle after miracle and God will be praised,glorified, and worshipped exceedingly! Hallelujah!!! Glory to the MOST HIGH GOD!

    1. Thanks, I’m very glad to hear this is one of the best ever, and you are welcome! That means it is doing in people’s hearts and lives what God ordained to happen by His Spirit!

    1. I pray it hits home, wakes them up and gets them on the right track! Jesus deliver the idiots from idiocracy!

  44. Rev. Rocket, is power that come from that singer Holy Spirit? It feel like electricity coming from his hand. I need to find out more about this!

    1. Yes, the power coming from the singer’s hand is the anointing of the Holy Spirit!!! When we walk in faith and have been in prayer the Holy Spirit is flowing, and as people look to JESUS for what the Word of God promises to meet needs, then God can and will use people to minister the Holy Spirit, and demons will leave, healing flow, people will get saved and Spirit filled, etc. Hallelujah, God is on the move….jump in, the water is great!

    1. Amen! Send away! I’m glad you love this; that means you love the truth, and then the truth will set you free.and work in your life powerfully! Praise Jesus!

  45. Rev. Rocket, we are kicked out of our parish now for bringing that controversial singer, but that is good thing because all we have before is ritual but now we have Holy Spirit. he bring power along and all candle go out with no wind and all statue fall flat down with face on the ground. He not seem to think that anything special. Like something happen every day! I can’t wait to see more of this.

    1. Good! You don’t need the parish or any ritual for now, thank God you have the Holy Spirit. That is where statues belong…flat on their face, knocked down by the power of God, and the candles put out by God with no wind! Hallelujah! To God be the glory, great things He has done!

  46. All people in my church get save and spirit fill and no mass said. Just that man came and sing and all mirecles happen and people get Jesus directly without extra step. now I realize extra step not suppose to be there. You pray right to Jesus and only confess to him. I want to know how all candle go out right when he walk in. I hear about that before but didn’t really think it happen. now I see it!!!

    1. Praise Jesus everyone got saved and filled with the Spirit. More people should come on and testify of the miracles they received! Thanks for sharing.

  47. Rev. Rocket, now I have Holy Spirit because that singer came and bring Holy Spirit. We all see candle blow out and then want to come up to get near where he was because it was easy to feel power. But when you get close, cannot stand because waves were coming from him. Then we all start to talk new tongue and no more ritual but instead pray right to Jesus. l think we follow a better way now!

    1. Praise God for all God did, and that now you have the Holy Spirit. The candles were put out supernaturally by the power of the Holy Spirit with no man touching them! It is good you were delivered from the rituals, and now go directly to Jesus and.pray in other tongues of the Spirit! This is the way of God!

  48. Rev. Rocket, I am glad to be rid of ritual. I see gospel whole new way now. I think it just rumor at first that all candle blow out but then l see it with my own eyes, And there no wind at all, but they all go out, and then statue feet break off and it topple over. That singer said “good, glad that’s out of the way.” I think he knew it going to happen ahead of time. Then he warn two people who are trouble make to leave and they refuse, but then when he start to sing, they cover their ears and run away. I’m glad to be spirit filled now and l have lots to read here!

  49. Rocket preacher, I cannot figure out why everyone say “don’t go hear that singer, he make a lot of trouble.” No he didn’t. He come and bring power like old time televangelist use to and every one get save and spirit fil. Now we kicked out of Parish, but I think that is good thing!

    1. Those who lack the power of God don’t want people to see the singer because he “does” have the power of God, and gets the results God has when they cannot do that! It shows the unbelief they have! The power of the Holy Spirit is the way to go for sure! Jesus will help you with everything when you ask Him! Praise God!

  50. I can’t imagine how l miss all this my whole life. I always told that it take years and years for all demon to go, but that not true. There was a person who controlled by many demon and could not even ask for help. Her friends bring her and they beg that singer to pray and he not need to do anything, He just say “thank you Jesus” and touch her and all demon go and the she in her right mind. So now I believe all this, but l think Catholic religion pointless now. It all ritual but l want power instead. I have to read many page on this blog now!!!

    1. Well, the main thing is that God heard the cry of your heart and brought the singer there so you could see and receive the power of God and all you need! Enjoy the blog and I pray the Holy Spirit quickens the truth to you in a big way!

  51. Rev. Rocket, I think they not like that music teacher because he bring power with him and they not have any. Everyone he touch get spirit fill or heal or delivered and they can’t help anyone. That because it only ritual but he not use ritual. It only Jesus who does it all. I think this is wonderful!

    1. Yes, you are right! wonderful when you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit! New life and way of living for sure! You are seeing the true move of the Holy Spirit and He wants everyone to receive all that God has promised! Enjoy! Hallelujah!

  52. Ok, Rev. Rocket, now I live from inside out. I can’t do it before because no one could help me get free of demon, but then our priest bring that music teacher to our church and tell us he can show us better way. Now I think we’re kicked out but that ok because this religion much better. That man bring power and we never have that before! Thank you for this blog!

  53. Ok, Rev. Rocket, I will follow this from now on because I think you have the best information here. Other things do not make sense.

    1. Good! This is right from the Word of God, and God honors His Word, and as you believe it and act on it miracles will happen!

    1. Good! No more skepticism for you, only FAITH! Answers from God are yours! Praise Jesus!

  54. Rocket preacher, we make your friend sing for us at Café. He think he just going to get espresso but no… He come to sing for us. We were watching a band and I was there with two of my friends. At intermission, I see this man go over and fiddle with all button on mixer board and then second half of concert sound much better. Before it was too much bass and drum. But my friend look over and say “I know who HE is, he is that music teacher who bring miracles with him.” So, we resort to follow him and his wife to Café, and then make him play for us. And at the end, all 19 people there get saved and leave Catholic Church and get Holy Spirit too. Then someone tell me that can’t happen in Café, well it did. How can I deny it? So I will do what others did. I start my own race here to finish the first 10 we get told to read. I am already on second one “blueprint.”

    1. Well, you did good figuring it out and look, now more people are saved because of it! Praise God! Who do people think they are to say where the Holy Spirit can or cannot move?! Let Hod be true and every man a liar! Enjoy the race!

  55. Rev. Rocket, l go with my friends to follow that singer to cafe and he bring power there like he does other places, and we all get really save and spirit fill. Now we make our way through this blog to make our own contest. I can beat Carlos, so I will go on record to say that!

    1. Welcome in, enjoy the blessing! I’m glad you love this! It will do you a lot of good!

  56. I follow that singer too, to the cafe and people come in and tell him not to do “wildfire” and he just say “oh just shut up, l don’t want to be doing anything, and you don’t know what wildfire even is,” and then he just start to sing and play and room fill up with power and windows shake and we all get saved and healed. Then we look around and the wildfire people are gone. HA!

    1. Praise God, God says He will shake everything that can be shaken and only that which is in His kingdom will remain! Praise Jesus everybody was saved and healed! The false accusers cannot stand before the power of God! Ha! They “had” to leave! Thanks for sharing! Blessings to you!

  57. JBT made AG officials run out of the school this afternoon. They came to warn him about all his supposed problems and he called them white sepulchers full of dead mens bones! ha ha ha ha ha!

    1. We laughed and laughed! Hahahaha, and they are definitely dead men’s bones…and I think some of those dead bones have turned back to dust! Lol thanks a lot for sharing!

    1. AMEN! Good going, you are in the club, 234 strong and counting miraculously delivered instantly! Hallelujah! Our God reigns! Enjoy your New life in Jesus! Praise Jesus!

    1. O.k., no problem. We will pray now and deliverance will be yours. Also, there will be a post in the near future to continue help.

      There are demons of anxiety and they will go when we give the command. You don’t have to figure it out, just agree that it HAS TO GO NOW! Then refuse to let it control you at all! It MUST obey you!
      In Jesus name ALL demons of anxiety and stress GO NOW, AND NEVER COME BACK!
      Hallelujah to Jesus! Praise God for delivering you! Raise your hands and praise the King of kings and Lord of lords! Jesus is your deliverer and IS YOUR PEACE! AMEN AND AMEN!

    1. All right now, you will see the glory of God as you believe and live from the inside out! You got the revelation of this, and it came alive to you by the Holy Spirit!

    1. Oops! Well, now is the time for all that can be shaken to be shaken that only that which is in God’s kingdom remain! I pray the deep revelation of Jesus comes alive by the Holy Spirit to the hungry!

  58. Rocket Preacher, your show off friend come to our church even though they tell our priest don’t have him. And when he come in, all candles go out and priest not know why it happened and he try to light them again but they not light. And then later when he was singing, everything in the building was shaking, and we all get saved for real. Our priest is in trouble now, but he not seem to care because say this is better way!

    1. Now you have truly seen the awesome mighty power of God. Praise God, He shook everyone loose from all that had them bound and all got saved for real!!! Hallelujah! The candles going out by the power of God and unlightable were a sign from God to show the need to be delivered from idolatry! Jesus Christ is Lord!

  59. Rev. Rocket, I don’t know why they tell us not to hear that singer because he first person I ever see, with power and others can’t do anything for you, but he know how to pray and make all demon go and then you have clear mind. I will always from now on avoid ritual because I see now that it is problem! I can’t wait to see what happened now.

    1. Praise God for all He did for you! The real power of God came and look at all the miracles that happened! The best is yet to come!

  60. Ok, Rocket Preacher…l have to believe now. Because when your friend come and sing the whole room shake and we think windows will blow out. Now I see what people mean when they talk about power versus just ritual. That man know how to pray with power and all demon have to obey!

    1. Amen! God’s power delivers us from ritual! Yes, believing God is f he way to go when He shakes the whole place, and all the demons have to go! Welcome to the victorious life of faith!

  61. I leave ritual now too Rocket Preacher. I never know anyone who know how to get result from prayer but that singer just say a word or two and things happen and sometimes he say nothing and thing happen anyway and then he just say Thank you Jesus, like he knew ahead that it would happen. Does he know in advance?

    1. Praise God you left the ritual! Yes, God can show when miracles are going to happen, and then as faith is released the miracles happen! Keep praising Jesus and the presence of God will manifest in your life!

  62. Ok, Rev. Rocket, we get rid of our rosary and instead will read this blog and pray right to Jesus. Your singer friend bring power with him and now everything change!

    1. Wonderful! Praise Jesus you got rid of the rosary and are praying right to Jesus, and are reading the blog! Yes, my singer friend brought the power.of the Holy Spirit with him and truly, the anointing destroys the yoke of bondage and brings true liberty as deliverance flows! Enjoy the blog and living life in the power of the Spirit! Praise the Lord forevermore!

    1. Praise God, the Holy Spirit is now leading you! Enjoy the blog, God has much for you!

    1. Amen! NEW…BETTER LIFE IN JESUS! To get rid of rituals first: say: “I renounce all rituals in the name of Jesus! 2nd Say: “I bind all demons of all rituals, GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND NEVER COME BACK! 3rd Pray in tongues for an hour at a time. 4th Praise the Lord all through the day. Watch God work! Hallelujah to Jesus!

  63. Rocket Preacher, please can you tell me how you know to write all these things and how long it take to learn all this? I don’t understand how you do it.

    1. I spent a lot of time reading, studying, meditating in, and speaking the Word of God, and praying a lot in the Spirit, and praising God through time. The Holy Spirit revealed these truths to me in my spirit, and so I share them with everybody on the blog! There are a couple of prayers in Ephesians that I prayed and made them personal to me in Ephesians 1 and Ephesians 3. It is by the Spirit of God these posts come! Glory to Jesus! Hallelujah! Lord, anoint this special to Maria and others who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness!

    1. I’m glad to hear this is the best n one yet! Praise God it is ministering to your needs! I pray the blessing of God on it to you!

    1. Praise God! Good! We all need to learn to live from the inside out to live in victory!

    1. Good going! Yes, see God helps us do what He says do and we really CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

    1. Praise God, I’m very glad to hear that this is wonderful! This will help you in every way in life to overcome it ALL! Pray over this and the Holy Spirit will make it come alive inside your spirit and quicken all God has for you to you! Hallelujah to Jesus!

    1. You are welcome! Enjoy and be blessed! I always pray these will minister in a big way what people need! Never give up, press on, and keep the devil under your feet! Jesus is Lord!

    1. Lol, I just know how excited JBT must be, but it really is past time for that A/g to get “SHAKEN” to the core! Hahahaha

  64. Well, Rocket Preacher, I guess I am now an ex member of my church. I couldn’t help it. I finally saw the difference between dead religion and alive religion. I don’t get the rest of my church, though. They sat there like statues when the power of God was practically blowing the windows out. All this man was supposed to do was sing, and he did, but wow! It was unlike any singing I ever heard in church. Almost the minute he started the Holy Spirit just descended all over the place, that was falling all around everybody except for me and one other person. Why? Why are they that stupid? I don’t get it. As soon as I felt that I started repenting of every sin I ever did, even though to the best of my knowledge, I didn’t have any unrepented sins. But that’s just the feeling that was in the room. You did not want to be in a bad place with that much power there. And at the end I went to try to go up to talk to him and I got within 8 feet and just fell out. I couldn’t even stand up under it, and I don’t how HE did! Me and one other lone person and the rest of them were idiots. I’m never going back there!

    1. Praise God, you were loosed from prison! Hallelujah to Jesus! It is good you are out of there because it is full of death there, no matter what they call themselves!
      You called it right…the idiots rejected the power of the Holy Spirit when it came! They are Laeotacea…blind, wretched, poor, miserable and naked and don’t “know” it! Some people sadly believe all the false doctrines, and it binds them to evil, sickness, and oppression!

      Its good to be free, SO good to be free! Enjoy the blog and flowing with the power.of the Spirit!

  65. Well, l thought l was comfortable in my dead church but ooops….now l am not going back. We had a chance for everything to change and only two of us were on board. I don’t know where that guy came from, but the Holy Spirit was all over what he was doing and it was amazing. I started praying right a way to get the biggest share l could and everyone else sat there like toads. I really have the Holy Spirit now and am SO glad. I don’t know where he came from but l’m glad to have seen the light!

    1. Praise God, you were delivered from “dead churchitis!” Thank God you are not going back as you have seen the light. What happens to too many Christians is that they become complacent as they are lulled to “sleep” by churchianity, unbelief, and doctrines of convenience, and NO power!
      Now that you really have the Holy Spirit you can live the abundant LIFE Jesus has for you! Enjoy! Thank God you are free, free, free at last! Enjoy the blog, God has a lot for you here, and your faith will grow by leaps and bounds!

  66. I got to the mall and I’m back first! I win! (And that was with getting really hung up with my dead horses!)

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