If the Lord is not building the house, those who labor to try to build it in the flesh are building it to no avail! It won’t work! God will not bless it or honor it! God’s presence will not be in it, and it will fail!
So, then comes the “naysayers” speaking against the true move of the Holy Spirit, the true move of God, where signs, wonders,and miracles are happening and people are being saved, healed, filled with the Holy Spirit, and delivered from demon spirits!
The naysayers want you to believe the lie that they believe, and so do without what God has promised! One huge lie they say is that they were filled with the Spirit when they were saved without speaking in other tongues of the Spirit! The Bible says when we are filled with the Spirit the evidence is that we WILL speak in other tongues;languages of the Spirit! Praise God! This is the power of God to do miracles and pray the perfect prayer!
Psalm 127:1 Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it! Instead of doing what God says in the Word to do, they have turned everyone to their own way, and therefore oppose their own blessing, and have demons of self opposition! They make religions around false doctrines stuffed with lies and deception, and are deceived into believing they are doing God a service when they are completely out of the will of God! God never started any denomination for there is only one true church, and the true church is believers in Jesus who believe the whole gospel and do not tear pages out of the Bible nor add to or take away from the Word of God! When dead churches add to and/or take away from the Word God it says their name will be taken out of the book of Life! They are fighting God in the name of religion!
In John 5:1-9 there is the story of the invalid man who was crippled 38 years. He was sitting by a pool where an angel would come and stir the water, and the first person in the water would be healed of whatever was wrong! Jesus came and asked him why he didn’t get in the pool, and he told Jesus that he had no one to help him get in, and while he was trying, others got in first! Jesus said: “Rise, take up your bed and walk!” Hallelujah! He told him to do something he could not do in the natural! The man stood right up and immediately strength poured into his body and he was completely healed! The religious hypocrites got in an uproar against Jesus because He healed on the Sabbath day! They decided that was wrong to do and so they spoke against the Son Of God who was right there in front of them in the flesh and who had just miraculously healed a man who was crippled 38 years!
You can see from this how blind the religious hypocrites are and how we need to be delivered from all religious spirits of every kind that got in the flesh from being under the control of religious groups and people who have a form of godliness, but deny the POWER thereof!
Praise God, then healing comes, and all the bondage goes, and you are able to flow with the Holy Spirit!
Talk about the high praises of God being in your mouth! Then, it will be as the Psalmist has said… “I praised the Lord and my enemies vanished!” When some have been delivered they felt chains of darkness being broken off their spirit and felt their spirit grow from being released by the power of the Holy Spirit! The Laodicean church is blind, miserable, wretched, poor, and naked! They are NOT clothed with the power of God for they do not believe it is for today! Whereas, what God says is: “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever!” The Holy Spirit is still moving all over the world to get His people ready! The “in vain” church is deceived and has a form of godliness, but denies the power thereof! They turn to fables and fight the Holy Spirit! From such, turn away! Get away from them for the Lord is not building their house. They are trying to build their own house, and they labor in vain, empty, for no purpose! Then, they tell you not to go where the power of the Spirit is demonstrated! What are they afraid of? The Holy Spirit? Healing? Deliverance that sets people completely free from lifetime bondages? OR, are they afraid for you to come where the power of God is moving because then you will see they have no power and have been wrong about the Holy Spirit all these years and are hypocrites?!
If you have been bound in religion, false doctrines, controls, vain religion that denies the power of God, renounce it, turn from it, rebuke it, and bind all the demons, and tell them to shut up and get out, and never come back in the name of Jesus!
I agree with you now that you are loosed, and go completely FREE! Praise God!
Where there was ritual now there will be power! Where there was unbelief there will be living faith! Your faith is in the power of God! Faith speaks and the mountains will be removed that have stood there against you! Where there was depression there will be joy like a river!
Do not listen to the spirits of unbelief, guilt, or false condemnation for the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness! False religions use guilt and condemnation to control people, and it grieves the Holy Spirit! They try to instill fear that if you don’t believe and do what they say, you will be out of the will of God and miss out!
Man trying to build the house is an action that is all in vain and empty with no power and none of the results that God promises to those who believe!
1 Corinthians 2:4,5: Paul said: “My speech and preaching was NOT with man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God!”
I was in an all night prayer meeting, and as I prayed the Lord told me to go up to the pulpit and tell the people that healing was in the air like it was in Kathryn Kuhlman’s meetings where people were healed all over the place from all kinds of sickness, diseases, and maladies just from being in the presence of God!
So, I went up and asked the “dead while alive preacher” if I could say something to the people about healing! He said abruptly to “keep it short!” Hahahahaha! How the mighty have fallen! He couldn’t see that the Holy Spirit had spoken and the anointing was all over it!
I went over to the pulpit and said what God had told me to say, and like a bolt of lightning the power of God hit that place and everyone erupted in praise! People were healed, and one I heard of was a baby born with a hole in the heart. The baby was completely, miraculously healed, and the hole was no more. The baby was made whole by the power of God!
We serve the Living God who is able to do exceeding, abundantly, FAR ABOVE ALL that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. (Ephesians 3:20,21)
Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord! What a mighty God we serve!
Oh dear, Rocket Preacher! I think I’ve been building my own house for a long time! Laboring in vain! Now I seriously have to get my act together and I’m going to start with this post!
Praise God, you will be glad you let the Lord build the house! His blessing is so worth it!
Oh no! I think I was trapped in that craziness for a long time in the denominational church. I was questioning myself about whether or not to bail out, which I did a few months ago, and now I realize it was the right thing to do and this post confirmed it!
Good! I’m glad this confirmed you getting out of the dead church! It is good to be free!
I love this! It really boxes people in where they absolutely can’t deny that you’re telling the truth! I love how everything gets backed up with Scripture and they can’t deny it! Yay!
Baptist bible college tonight! Ooops! I wonder what kind of house they built?🤣🤣🤣
LOL! Well, they are going to have a house on “fire” tonight! Hahaha!
Ok, I finally get it! I see what you’re saying. I think I had a mental block before. Thanks Rev. Rocket!
Good, praise God this brought light that opened the eyes of your understanding!
When I heard that that guy was coming to sing I just rolled my eyes and said “he’s that crazy person that does all this wildfire stuff.” HA! Okay, I got an education. He actually didn’t start out just singing, I couldn’t figure out what was up because he just sat there a minute before he even started to play and then he said, without any preliminaries, “the Bible says “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” and people started getting deliverance all over the auditorium. Seriously? I don’t even understand half of this, but I know he’s definitely not a phony, so I’m going to read this whole blog.
Now I understand why religious people not want that man to come sing. They can’t argue because power come and then miracle happen and people get spirit fill and they like to teach against all those things. Against miracles, and against all demon going and against Holy Spirit. Now I think how is this even Christian school? I have to think about all this!
Look at what the Word of God says and see that all that happened at the meeting was all things Jesus said we should see happen when we BELEIEVE GOD! Praise God!
HA! You should’ve seen all the officials of the school scuttling around when the Holy Spirit broke out and people were all being saved and spirit filled. They looked like little cockroaches running around trying to escape. It was almost like they went into a frenzy of fear. Are they that scared of a charismatic movement? I guess so. I couldn’t wait for this day, and when I heard that music teacher was coming I just sat back and laughed. I enrolled in the school and then got spirit filled later, and UGH. I was waiting for a moment like this!
Yes. It sounds like the officials were totally scared of the move of God! Lol. Now is the time if the end time move of the Holy Spirit!
I had a great time hearing this showoff singer because some people were saying he is a crazy person, but he started right out saying things out of the Bible. I don’t how they can be mad about that, but it made them nervous right away. Then when he sang people started getting saved and spirit filled and they started running around like chickens with no heads. Now I have to rethink what denomination I’m in, because it seems like they don’t believe ANYTHING. I don’t know what I was doing all this time. Did getting spirit filled make me see this clearer?
Since you had a great time hearing the singer where the power of God came and people were saved, Spirit filled, delivered, healed, and blessed! Hmmmm sounds just like what the Word of God says that…these signs WILL follow those that believe! Really pray about what you should do now because really, you don’t need to be affected by a dead religion! Blessings! Enjoy the blog!Having the Holy Spirit definitely helps you see clearly what has been going on!
I went to hear that singer even though I don’t go to the college and on the way there, I was praying about all these tarrying sessions I went to to try to get the Holy Spirit and it never happened. And I asked God “how long do I have to seek for this, why won’t you send me the Holy Spirit?” I prayed that on the way there and then that was the first thing that singer said, “ask and you will receive, seek and you will find.” and as soon as he did me and a lot of other people got Spirit Filled. I told that to someone today and she said “well, you must have told him that ahead of time.” I said “I don’t even KNOW him! I just came cause I heard he was a great singer!” Why can’t people be happy for me! I’M happy for me! LOL
I’m very happy for you, for you finally were filled with the Holy Spirit “without” tarrying! When man does a false twist to the Word of God then people do not receive what they could when they could! Enjoy praying in the Spirit and enjoy the blog!
Okay seriously? I’ve been praying and praying for so long to get spirit filled and then I really felt like the Lord was telling me to go hear that singer and I would get what I was looking for. I thought to myself that I was either crazy or I was about to get the answer finally. Now I get the whole thing about these ridiculous tarrying sessions. That was the upper room. We don’t have to do that. We get the Holy Spirit right away when we ask for it! But I didn’t see that before. I still can’t get over the fact that before he even sang or played one note he said “seek and you will find, ask and it will be given, and knock and the door will be open.” How can ANYBODY question that that was God? I think I have a lot to learn on this blog. I can’t wait to dig in here!
Welcome! It is amazing how many that “tarrying” false doctrine has hindered from receiving the infilling of the Holy Spirit! Enjoy the blog and the power of the Holy Spirit!
I love this new post! Thanks Rocket Preacher!
You are welcome for the new post! I’m glad to hear you love it! I pray God anoints it to your heart and life!
Wow! This is an eye opener! I am passing it on!
Praise God, this is an eye opener! It is high time for deliverance from the controls that people try to impose by their religious demon spirits that drove them to “labor in vain” trying to build the house without God involved at all!
Well, I’m finally spirit filled. And it was so easy! I was praying and praying about it because it just never seem to happen. Between the churches that do these big long sessions that nothing ever comes of and the other denominations that tell you you are spirit filled automatically when you got saved, I had nowhere to turn. Then I heard about some crazy things that happen when that music teacher sings, and I come to find out it’s not anything HE’S doing, it’s just the Holy Spirit doing the “crazy” things. LOL. I couldn’t believe it when the first thing out of his mouth was seek and you will find. Wow. Talk about God answering exactly what I needed. I never knew about this blog either!
Okay, so I’m reading my Bible one day, trying to figure out where I’m going wrong with getting spirit filled, because I really didn’t believe the Baptist school that I go to that you get it automatically when you’re saved. And I read that scripture “ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open,” and I was kind of whining to the Lord and saying but I AM seeking, and it’s not coming. Well, I think I was over complicating it. ANYWAY, that’s the first thing that music teacher said before he ever started to sing or do anything, is that scripture. I knew as soon as he started saying it, oh boy, something is going to happen NOW! I don’t think the Baptist people knew what to do. They were running around like crazy people. They were acting like a five alarm fire broke out. Well, I guess it kind of did. LOL. But at the end I went up to one of them and said “did you learn anything?” And then I darted away before they could answer. I love this blog!
I love this new post! It really makes things simple that everybody else tries to make complicated!
Praise God this hits the mark because God wants us to have understanding and not be in darkness so the Holy Spirit opens it up to us in simplicity NOT in confusion! Enjoy!
Thanks Rev. Rocket, the new post is awesome!
You are welcome! I’m glad you love the new post, thanks, and enjoy!
I needed this SOOOO bad. Thanks Rev. Rocket!
You are welcome! Praise God, this met what you needed! God knows!
I love the new post. I have to share it with people!
I’m glad you love this. and God bless you sharing this with others! I pray many will see this and be helped, blessed, healed, and delivered!
I needed to find this 20 years ago!
I understand what you are saying! God bless this to you now in a double portion!
Seriously one of the best posts ever!
Praise God! I’m glad this hit home!
I agree with that other person I wish I had found this long ago! It explains things that the denominational churches don’t even want to touch because they don’t know what they’re talking about. They should try to find out instead of doubling down on their stupidity!
You are exactly right! They double down on their stupidity! No wonder they cant touch God for anything as they fight the Holy Spirit and grieve the Spirit!
I hope that that singer come back to our school. Now they not want him back but maybe God want him back so he come anyway. We never know about Holy Spirit because we get taught wrong thing and then they run around like chicken with no head when Holy Spirit move. They should have sat down and learn something! They hate this blog too. Oh well, I love this blog!
I love this Rev. Rocket! It explained so much to me!!
Good! GOOD! GOOD!!! I’m very glad to hear you love this, and that it showed you a lot that helped you and brought.understanding! Understanding is a wellspring of LIFE! Enjoy!
Really, talk about wishing you knew something sooner. This really makes things completely clear in ways that so-called religious people just can’t do and the reason is because they don’t know anything and they don’t want to learn! Well, they didn’t talk me out of reading this blog. They think I’m stupid but I’m not!
I never needed any post as bad as I needed this one. Thanks Rocket Preacher!!
Praise God this was there for you right in time of the need for it! You are welcome! Enjoy!
Finally something that makes sense on this subject! Thanks Rev. Rocket!!
You are welcome! Praise God this makes sense! So many people spread things saying it is God, but ALAS, it is all “pig slop religion” and is far from truth! The Holy Spirit only anoint the truth for the Spirit and the Word agree! The Holy Spirit is called The Spirit of Truth!
This makes so much sense and the other arguments don’t! Thanks Rev. Rocket!
You are welcome! When it is truth it witnesses in your spirit and brings understanding!
This really helped me a lot and my friend too!
Praise God this helped you and your friend!
Ok, I’m here. I hope you’re happy. I don’t need anyone telling me what blog to read, I can make up my own mind. You are a pain in the neck!! I don’t need to be nagged! Thanks Rev. Rocket! This helped a lot!
You are welcome! I’m glad this helped a lot! I pray God’s best for you!
This cleared up so much for me that I was wondering about for a long time!!
Praise God, I’m glad this cleared up a lot younwere wondering about for a.long.time!
I love this new post! It gives a whole new perspective. People who believe that we have to be defeated need to read this but instead they try to talk people out of it. They are stupid!
This is awesome! I sent it to a bunch of idiots l know!
Hallelujah! I pray they get delivered and that the light of God.shinez bright on them!
Thanks Rev. Rocket this makes a lot of things obvious that should have been obvious before, but for some reason they’re not!
Me and all my friends really enjoyed this! Thanks Rocket Preacher!
You are welcome! I’m glad you and your friends are enjoying this! Blessings!
Hey, that’s a good idea that other person had! I’m going to send this to some idiots too!
I used to think your friend was crazy but now I like him! I’m so glad I’m spirit filled and I have this blog now!
The hypocrites with no power speak against him and call him crazy, but they refuse to look at the power of God that shows up and all the.miracles that happen!
Enjoy the Holy Spirit and the blog! Now you are on the right track since being Spirit filled!
Yes, l also think it good idea to send this to all idiots because it highlight how stupid they are!
Rev. Rocket l try to figure out how to get holy spirit for long time and now l realize that it wasn’t hard. Do you think sometime church overcomplicate thing on purpose?! They need to read all posts on here and learn something!
Yes, dead churches twist God’s Word and end up with a tangled mess of unbelief mixed with confusion, lies, and false doctrine! Then they try to control people to get tjeir.money and pretend to care and do rituals and make it seem hard to receive the Holy Spidit! They don’t know God so have no power and don’t want anyone to see the real power of God so try to keep them from going g where the Holy Spirit is moving! Praise God you have received the Holy Spirit as you saw the true power of God and truth!
Well, Rev. Rocket, the jury is back in, and the other churches lose and you win. Haaaaa! They couldn’t back up their philosophy with ANYTHING. And then they got red in the face when I presented the Scriptures and what you said here. I guess it sucks to be them!
Hahaha! The old “red in the face” problem! I guess they couldn’t take the heat! There are people who lose out with God completely because “they received NOT the love of the truth!”
Are you serious? This showoff piano player tells me the exact order to read these posts in and keeps dripping water on my forehead until I do it and then it’s exactly what I was looking for? He’s a very irritating person and dealing with him is extremely annoying, but I’m glad I read all this now! Thanks Rocket Preacher
You are welcome! Praise God this was exactly what you needed! God knows!
Ok…you got me Rev. Rocket! This makes perfect sense.
Good! Welcome! Abundant life is why Jesus came so believe it and live it! Joy will be yours!
Rocket Preacher, I really don’t get why anyone would try to fight this blog! This is so practical and helpful! Thank you!
You are welcome! The people who oppose this blog.are those who have unbelief, false doctrines and NO power of God! They don’t get anyone healed or delivered so oppose those who do! It was the same when Jesus walked this earth and in the book of Acts!
This is beyond helpful! It’s life changing!
Now I see why the denominations don’t like you! Ha ha ha ha ha!
I sent this to to the people they wish they had seen 10 years ago too!
Ok, so I said to my pastor in so many words “alright stupid are you going to admit you’re wrong or not?” Ooops, I guess he didn’t! Oh well!! He didn’t read the blog either. What a dummy!
This is really great Rev. Rocket! I needed it!
Praise God this met your needs! God is greater than all and knows what we need and when!
I love this post because it’s irrefutable!
Okay, Rocket Preacher! This makes the most sense of anything I’ve heard on this whole subject. No wonder these churches don’t get anywhere. They don’t understand what they’re talking about!
This post explains so much! Thanks Rev. Rocket!
You are welcome! Enjoy!
Thanks for this post Rev. Rocket! It’s wonderful!!
You are welcome! Enjoy!
Thanks Rocket Preacher! I love the way that all this is made plain and simple so that you can understand it without getting a headache. People try to overcomplicate everything and then you don’t understand ANYTHING you give up!
Praise God! When it is of the Lord it is in simplicity so we can understand it and let it.work in the spirit, and cause us to be strong to overcome all evil! Enjoy!
You are an extremely annoying person. YOU know who you are. Don’t tell me what to read and what not to read. I know whether or not I want to go to a blog and what I want to read for myself without somebody telling me. You’re probably the most irritating person I ever met. Thanks Rev. Rocket! This was a lot of information packed into one post and I really appreciate it!
You are welcome!I’m glad this helped you! God wants us to be able to see the truth in simplicity so it can work in our lives as we.understand it!
Dead denominational church on the last minuet agenda tonight. Oooops! HAAAAA!
HA! Well, it looks like God will have the first say….the last say, and every say in between! OOPS! Time for the Holy Spirit to upset the apple cart, as they say! Let us know what happens.
I love the new post Rocket Preacher! It explains a lot of things that most people only confuse other people about.
I’m glad you love the new post, and that it explains things that others twist to confuse people! Blessings to you and all who read this!
Well, there were not a lot of English speakers, but they understood enough to pray in tongues. And it was pretty amazing. I was hoping some people would come on and try to give their testimonies but I don’t think they will because I don’t think their English is good enough. Anyway, what happened was the entire half that was spirit filled started to pray right away like you said, and then the other half split, and half of them ran out and half of them got spirit filled themselves. So now this church is stuck with a congregation that is hundred percent spirit filled! Haaaaaaaaaaaa!
LOL, God turned this completely around for good! Now, the whole church knows how to allow the Holy Spirit to move and do what HE wants no.matter what opposes say or do!
Thanks for.sharing!
I forwarded this to some idiots too and it was pretty awesome! They could not argue, but they decided that they would just go around telling people not to read it, and what happened was they ended up reading more because they wanted to know what all the fuss was about! LOL
Nice! I claim their deliverance and that the light of God shine so bright on them that they will come to God’s truth and way!
I really love this, Rocket Preacher! It illuminates so many things that you think are complicated but really they’re simple!
Good! I’m glad thjs illuminates things and makes it clear so the complicated becomes “uncomplicated” and easy to understand! Understanding is a wellspring of life!
I love this Rev. Rocket! Thanks!
You are welcome!
Enjoy! The truth is powerful and alive! The Holy Spirit anoints the Word to your heart and life!
This has cleared up a lot of things for me! Thanks Rocket Preacher! I love this!
You are welcome! I’m glad this cleared a lot up for you!
You are a very irritating person and should not harass people to go to a blog. I KNOW what l want to read and what l don’t so stop being a pain in the neck! Thanks Rev. Rocket! I never heard this explained this way before! It’s great!
>You are welcome! I’m glad this blessed you!
Thanks for this Rocket Preacher! It was your annoying friend who made me come here, and I have to echo the same sentiments as other people. He is very irritating, but this blog is great! It answers all your questions!
Rev. Rocket I am glad now I spirit fill and my church have to accept because none spirit fill people leave. Now it only us who are left. Things much better in my life now and I wish someone would have say this sooner or that man came sooner and tell everyone pray in tongues. Then that get rest of us interested, and others who not interested go out the door. They say it your idea so I have to say thank you!
You are welcome!
I never opened a meeting like that, but as I prayed for your meeting the first thing God impressed me with was to have all who were Soirit filled pray in tongues! Praise God for what He did!
Okay, Rocket Preacher, I sitting in Café last night and your hotshot friend come in for coffee. Everybody kind of knows him around here now. And suddenly when he walked by this one girl start saying “help me help me,” and she grabbing her head like something is in her head and she can’t get it out. And everybody getting scared but he seemed to know something about it and not get scared at all and he go over to her and say “that’s just demon, and it can’t have your mind” and then he just say “thank you Jesus” and all demon go at once and girl is normal for first time in eight years. Then some religious person who is in their tell him that everywhere he go it stir up demon. And he laugh and say “I’m not stir up demons, demon get stirred up by Holy Spirit and when people are recognize them and the way they operate.” But the man keep arguing and saying that it is your singer friend who stir up all this trouble because things like what happened with that girl never happened otherwise. I see this different way. I see that if he didn’t walk in their then demon probably not act up and then it not identified and cast out. I’m right about that aren’t I?
You are definitely right! The Holy Spirit does the work and exposes demons so they can be cast out! Praise God she got the deliverance she needed for 8 years! That hypocrite that spoke against it needs to repent and be delivered from unbelief himself!!! His demons are going nuts!
I like this because it backs everything up with scripture!!
Ok, Rocket preacher! I’m sending this to some religious people just to see their faces turn red!
All right now! They need this and I pray a special anointing for deliverance goes with this, and drives out every demon of religiosity and unbelief! HA! Oops, defeated demons go as the.light of God comes!
This makes a lot of sense and that is something I needed. No one ever explains things backed up with scripture like this but this blog always does. It is very helpful!!
Praise Jesus this was something you needed and made the truth clear to you from the Word of God! Enjoy!
Okay, so I told my pastor if this is really wrong, then show me where it’s wrong and back it up with Bible verses and all he did was spit and sputter and never really showed me anything. So I told him to have a nice life! HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Ha! Right on! If they cannot back it with scripture then what they propagate is false and they have no power!
Secular concert in the park tonight. So since it’s not in a church or anything, probably nothing will happen THERE, right? HA!
Hmmmm. Welllll….I think this “secular” concert will be attended by myriads of ministering angels that will walk all through the crowd and deliver in ways that will be amazing!
Rev. Rocket l need the stash throwing out miracle!
Ok, no problem, you’ve got it! Jesus is your deliverer!
All spirits of.addiction are bound and.leave you now in the name of Jesus!
Renounce all drugs and addiction and tell them out loud to go and never come back!
Raise your hands and thank Jesus He heard you and set you completely free!
Now, do whatever the Holy Spirit tells you and be FREE!
Up until now I think all this nothing more than rumor. Because I know nobody ever really help anyone. Just religious people give long list of what to do, but nothing ever work. So I go to park the other night and see oh, there’s that man they all talk about. Okay, we stay here and see what happen. Well, everybody in crowd who have something wrong get heal and even some people before they get save they have healing come. Then religious people say it can’t be in that order. He tell them “you don’t even get Matthew 9:5. You’re so overcomplicated that you’ve lost the ability to understand simple thing and it work against you.” And then he tell them that Holy Spirit can do anything in any order he want. Then I find out you very special prayer for angels to come. I think I have to learn all about this now and leave other philosophy behind!
The power of God is available, as you saw, but religious nuts deny the power of God! There are many angels and they come to bring healing and deliverance charged with the anointing!
Religious people don’t touch God for anything so never experience what God has!
Enjoy what you have received from the Lord!
l have to admit this situation last night is exactly what I needed to happen. Where there is real power behind what get done and that is never case with religious people. They always have formulas and never work to help anyone. But that man start to sing and you could feel something happen everywhere all around and I just start praying for God to forgive me for my sins because I didn’t want to stand there with that feeling and have any sin not repented of. It was strong and I want to make sure I not in a bad position with God. Then everyone get something wonderful happened and no one left behind. This is the right way. I know this now because I compare with other option with religious church and they can accomplish nothing. I have many post here to read and find out more!
Praise God, the angel of the Lord camps round about you and delivers you! Keep flowing with God’s power! He has much for.you!
Okay! You can add me to the club!
All right! You are in the club, 260 strong! Good going! Jesus is truly your deliver!
Last night I feel hot feeling all over and that singer said ministering angels in crowd and to accept God’s blessing in your life and believe for whatever you need. I never think things like this happen in modern times, only Bible times, but now I know better! Your prediction was right, Rev. Rocket!!
Yes. the Word of God was written for all who believe and He is definitely moving by His Spirit today and doing miracles of all kinds! Thanks for sharing! Praise God for all He did!
Here’s what I say to that singer before anything happened that night. I asked him why God will is for me to have chronic illness and he say it’s not. So I told him what my pastor say about it and how it my “cross to bear” and he said “no no no no NO! Jesus didn’t bear things on his body so that we had to turn around and bear them ourselves.” So I fascinated with that and I say how do you know I can get heal though? And he just laughed and touched me and I have not had any symptoms since after having symptoms for nine years. And I not take any medication since that night. So I think I will join this club now!
Praise God for your healing! Jesus bore all our sicknesses and diseases! You now are seeing the light! Continue in faith and you will continuously have victory over all the works of the devil!
Ok, I get big healing the other night when that man come and sing. They say stay away from him he bad, but when he sing l feel heat all over me and then my migraine go away forever. And then l get spirit fill and speak in tongue. He say your prediction come true and angels there. I believe it!
Ok, now I spirit fill Rocket preacher! They say stay away from that man, for why? To never get any help that come with power behind it? He have lot of holy spirit because he hardly walk up the right way because I guess it heavy. he was leaning on one of the boys from the university. What should my next step be Rev. Rocket
Well said! Idiots that have no faith and no power speak against those who DO have faith and power! They speak against the righteous because they listen to demons and are under their control!
Praise Jesus for your healing…NO more migraines for you! Now that you are Spirit filled you will have quick understanding with the things of the Lord.
Now your next step would be this:
Thanks Rev. Rocket! This was so helpful to me. Nobody ever puts things in ways you can understand but these are always easy to understand!
You are welcome! God never complicates things, but comes in simplicity and truth!
I love this post! I really got a lot from it and it clears up a lot of things that l wondered about!!
Praise God! I’m very glad this cleared up a lot of things for you! Enjoy!
That singer come into a store last night and this girl start going crazy. She keep saying ” I know you.I know you stay away from me!” And he not scared, he go right up to her even though she berserk and he say Thank you Jesus, and then she get calm and normal but then manager ask him to please leave. Was he casting demon out that fast?
Yes, he was casting the demons out that fast! When faith is active in the power of God and you know the power of the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit drives the demons right out!
I sent this to a lot of idiots but they are determined to stay uninformed. Oh well…
You did your part, and now they are without excuse!
Ok, I heard all the other arguments and then I read this and this is the right way as far as I’m concerned. I do not want sickness and poverty!!
The devil only comes to rob, kill, and destroy! Jesus came that we would have life and have it MORE ABUNDANTLY! Jesus bore all our sickness that we would be healthy and would prosper! Enjoy!
Really Rev. Rocket? I have no excuse now! Thank you, l think!
You are welcome for sure! Excuses gone, faith alive, the power of God flows! Enjoy!
Ok, Rocket preacher! You can add me to the stash thrower out club!
All right you are added to the stash thrower out club! Praise God for the wonderful miracle of deliverance! The club is 261 strong and growing as the miracle working power of God flows
A nice little outdoor concert tomorrow night. I’m sure it will be ordinary! Haaaa!
Oh, yes, ordinary indeed! If you consider Jesus revealing Himself in a very special way by the Spirit of God ordinary! Hahaha! This is going to be a good one!
Well, my pastor doesn’t like this because unfortunately he’s stupid, but that’s HIS problem. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
LOL! HAHAHA! OOPS, stupid is as stupid does! Darkness hates the light for the light scatters the darkness!
Okay, I’m here. I hope you’re happy. YOU know who you are, and I don’t want to hear I told you so. I mean it. I’ll read what I want to read and I don’t need somebody else telling me what blogs to go to. I appreciate this Rocket Preacher, because it really does answer a lot of questions!
You are welcome, and I’m glad this answers what you needed answered! Keep running with the Lord…Jesus never fails!
Don’t worry about your english. We’ll understand what you’re saying. Just leave a testimony!
Okay I try best I can to write testimony. I just come to hear music really, but I have bad leg and had always have to hobble around. Then when music going on somebody touch it and it get better. I go up and asked that singer at the end who touched my leg? Was it you? And he say no, I not anywhere near you. But no one could really tell who was where because Holy Spirit come in everyone in their own world. So I tell him again who touched my leg? Somebody touch it? And now it completely normal so who touched it? And he said “the same person who healed it, Jesus.” I didn’t know healing was for now I think before only in Bible times. He say that theory all wrong and healing now and for everyone. I have a lot of people to tell about this!
Praise God for Jesus touching your leg and
healing it! Now you are a living testimony to the power of GOD AND THAT JESUS IS THE HEALER TODAY AND FOREVER!
Rev. Rocket you are correct that Jesus show up last night because everyone who have problem get heal and everyone keep asking that singer how this happened, and he say Jesus. Because you could feel him walking around there. It have to be Jesus because no human can make it feel that way in atmosphere. I get healed of epilepsy. And my daughter get healed of chronic asthma that flare up every day. And they say stay away from that man. No. They are wrong. They don’t want to admit they not know how to get miracle and he does. And they think Jesus just a teacher from the Bible but they not understand he have power today. In fact, when that singer say “Jesus have power to still change life today” is when a lot of things start to happen. So I say people foolish who don’t join in and get healing too! I hope I did okay with my testimony.
You did very good with your testimony! Praise Jesus for your healing of epilepsy and your daughter’s healing from chronic asthma! Yes, you are right that those who oppose the power of God by their unbelief should repent and come under the power of the Holy Spirit so they could be delivered and healed too!
I not know how to explain my miracle! It feel like Jesus there talking just to me and then l get holy spirit after many long years of waiting! It very easy too!
You explained it good! Jesus talked to you personally to let you know for sure He is with you and is be like that all the time! He is ever present and hears your every prayer and wants to answer them! Praise God you received! You spoke it good!
I not know how to tell this exactly except that I went to hear that music teacher that many say stay away from because he tell people healing for everyone, but then I find out healing is for everyone and it other people who teach wrong doctrine. I get healing for blood disease that I have forever because when he start to play and sing, Jesus come to everybody all at once. It not something I know how to explain. Then I get healed and Holy Spirit all at same time and then later I tell him I came to try to read this blog a few times before because I wanted to see why everyone say it controversial and I just get confused and can’t read properly. He say that demon, and then he pray for me and all demon go to and now I read all these posts and they are wonderful. I hope I explained all this right!
Praise God for healing the blood disease and filling you with the Holy Spirit! Enjoy the blog it is here to bless all, and I’m glad this is blessing you in a wonderful way! “His name shall be called Wonderful…!”
I have bad eyes my whole life, they keep get infected and inflamed around soft tissue inside. It rare disorder and for their is no cure. So I go to hear this concert and see what will happen if anything for me, and I feel my whole eyes get warm and tingly and then they feel normal for first time. I asked that singer how this happened, he say Jesus heals all the time. Because he is same today tomorrow and always. Now I believe all this and will not believe those other religious people because they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Praise Jesus for healing your eyes that nothing else could help! Jesus loves you, and has shown you that HE IS the healer and does what He says He will do! Now you know that those who oppose the power.of the Holy Spirit these days are listening to the devil!
Jesus is LORD! Enjoy the blog and enjoy your new eyes Jesus gave you!
Are you happy now? YOU know who you are! I will read what I want and don’t need anyone to tell me. Your very irritating! I dont want to hear l told you so! Thanks Rev Rocket! I needed this!
You are welcome! Praise the Lord this was what you needed! The Word says: “My God shall supply ALL your NEED according to the roches of His glory by Christ Jesus!” Enjoy!
Ok…you got me Rev. Rocket! I can’t argue!
Rev. Rocket, your show off singer friend pray for me and l finally get spirit fill but then my church say to stay away from him but l think they are crazy!
You are rigbt…the church you fo to is definitely crazy since they are fighting against the Holy Spirit!
Finally you get Spirit filled when he prayed for you and crazy church says to stay away from the one who prayed and you were Spirit filled! Hmmmm..so what they are saying is to stay away from the one who gets the results the Bible says we should get when we believe! Then they really don’t believe the Bible!
Ok Rev. Rocket, l see what you mean here! I had it all wrong. I get it now!
Praise God the truth here came alive to you!
Why didn’t l find this sooner!?
Well Rocket preacher, l will have to get my act together now. Seriously…I don’t have any excuse now. Thank you, l think!
You are welcome! Enjoy the victory that comes as you walk by faith!
Well, I asked these know it all preachers to refute this blog from the Bible and they couldn’t do it! Oh well, they shouldn’t be sore losers. It’s their own fault!
All right Rocket Preacher, I did the same thing. I showed this to some religious people and told them it’s all backed up by Scripture, what do THEY have to say? They had nothing. They could not point to one single scripture to back up anything that they tell people. Oh well. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime! LOL
Amen! Well done! Lol..they could not hide behind anything for their wrong doing was exposed by the Word! They need to repent and be delivered from all of their spirits of unbelief!
Ok Rev Rocket, you can say l-told-you-so! You got me coming and going on this one!
i’m glad this one got you coming and going because that covers it all! Enjoy! I will say that God is the one who says: “Did not I tell you?!” His Word says it all! Enjoy!
I don’t need someone telling me to come to a blog. YOU know who you are. Drip drip drip like water on my forehead or Chinese torture, and you don’t even have any remorse. I’ll decide for myself what I would like to read thank you very much. This actually was really helpful Rev. Rocket! Thanks!
You are welcome!! Im.glad this really was helpful! God is good!
Rocket Preacher, for real? I’ve got to get my act together and have faith and actually do MY part? Okay, I’ll do it. Thank you, I think.
You are welcome! Jesus isn’t coming back for a “lazy, indifferent” church!
He is coming back for a devil stomping!, Holy Ghost filled, on fire, glorious church without spot or wrinkle!
Now is the time!
I challenged some idiots with this too.And they couldn’t back up anything they were saying! This is all backed up by scripture. So they should just shut up and read it!
Friday night, Catholic church. Oooops!
Ooooooops is right! The devil loses! The devil loses control of the church and all the people are loosed from all bandage and sickness and pain! The light will shine in the darkness and will scatter the darkness! True repentance will flow like a river and great deliverance will be there! Our God reigns!
Rocket Preacher, how do l know God hear my prayer and how much faith must l need to get an answer?
Stay in simplicity! You have a measure of faith as a believer and it will grow as you use it and stay in the Word of God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!
Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock, and it shall be opened to you! That is the words of Jesus!
Start with that simple formula, and always thank God for the answer by faith!
God wants you to have all the answers to prayer you need more than you want them. He takes you right where you are at! Read Galatians. Ephesians, Philippians, and Colosians! You can pray the prayers there in the first person and it will be prayers God definitely answers for they are right out of the Word of God, and they are prayers that the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened that you would “know” what is the hope of His calling and what is the riches of the glory of His grace…!
I think this man not crazy after all. He sing and we all speak tongues. I think more to come tonight!
I think you are right! Enjoy what Jesus will do by the power of the Holy Spirit!
Rev. Rocket, I didn’t realize all this is for now. Everyone say, don’t go near that singer, he crazy. But he not crazy because I see him start with song about upper room and then all of a sudden it like we are in the upper room in Acts and power come down and we get spirit fill even though they say we not need that. So I think I will stick with this blog and keep praying in tongues because it is more success in life with those things than just believing whatever will be will be!
The power of the Holy Spirit changes everything! Praying in tongues is powerful and a perfect prayer of the Spirit! The more you pray in tongues the better! It is the power to do miracles! As you found out this is for today!
The whatever will be will be prayer is a demon of fate that is tied into witchcraft! No wonder those who believe that mess never get answers to prayers!!!
Reverend Rocket, I ask that man. Why so many trials when you’re a Christian? And why they not all just disappear?. And he say best thing to do in any trial. No matter what type of trial it is say, Thank you, heavenly, father for the fourth man. And I not know what he meant at first and then I read about fiery furnace, where he showed me to read and he’s saying no matter what trial you are in , you’re coming out if the fourth man is there with you so immediately thank God for fourth man.(.Jesus, of course,) because he always there no matter how hot furnace is. Will this really work for me?
Yes, this will definitely work for you! Jesus loves you and is with you always, even to the end of the world! So, when you thank God for the fourth man, Jesus, you are activating your faith in Him as your deliverer and He will manifest Himself to deliver you unscathed, for HE IS THE DELIVERER!
Oh well, the interferers could only sit there with their mouths shut all night, as everyone else got spirit filled! Ooops. Mass exodus perhaps coming. What a lovely Jubilee!
HAHAHAHAHA! WELL SAID! All Idiots …shut your mouth!
Spirit filled Believers go with the flow of the Spirit! Jubilee for me and thee…HALLELUJAH TO JESUS FOREVER AND EVER…KING OF KINGS…LORD OF LORDS!
Now I have Holy Spirit I understand this better Rocket Preacher! I read before but I not really understand a lot, but now much better because I got spirit filled. Our church tell us we not need that, but that singer say they are full of baloney, and I’m with him! Thanks for this blog!
You are welcome for the blog! It is here for you to feed on, enjoy, and grow strong in the Lord! Yes, those who oppose the Holy Spirit and try to talk you out mm of it are definitely full of baloney! Listen to Jesus! He sent back the Holy Spirit so we could be filled with the Spirit, pray powerful prayers in tongues and have the power of God to do miracles and overcome all evil!
Enjoy the life of victory and always remember the life of victory is a life of praising God!
Okay, now I realize everything I’ve been missing! I’m on board now. I get it. It’s amazing how much more you can understand when you’re spirit filled!
I’m glad now I went to hear that singer that a lot of people say stay away from. They just don’t want to look stupid because they can’t help anybody. They just say homilies that don’t work and ritual that do nothing. But he sing a few songs and everyone start getting spirit fill and then the rest history. I like the “I exalt thee” song. He came back a second time to do that one and people tried to interfere and couldn’t. Well, they should know better but they not too bright.
Ok Rev. Rocket, what is this cowboy thing? Someone request your hot shot friend to sing country song, then l no longer smoke and l ask him, what in the world?? And he just laugh.
Just a simple country song…yet a very powerful miracle of deliverance! Hmmmmm..maybe there could just be a bit of a backstory to this!???? Maybe an inquiry is in order!
My friend who stopped smoke when that hot shot singer do cowboy song go and make him tell whole story. We spread it all around now. Roving reporter girl give us thumb up!
Good! Now more will go free!!!
Rocket preacher did you know what would happen with cowboy song or you find out later?
I already knew what would happen with deliverance from smoking when the cowboy song was done!
Hi Rev. Rocket…l read this blog for a long time and l had a vision about you. Maybe it was just a dream but l had to laugh. It was 2029 and there were these religious people reading your current post which was dated Nov 10th 2029 and they were saying “how are we ever going to stop him? We can’t seem to stop him!” And l was just watching and laughing!
I love it! It was a good dream/vision ! What God has blessed NO MAN can curse! Haaaaaaaa! HALLELUJAH TO JESUS FOREVER AND EVER! JESUS IS LORD!
Ok…l’m here. I hope you’re happy. Even though l don’t need anyone to tell me what blog to read. YOU’RE ANNOYING! Anyway…Thanks Rocket preacher! I REALLY needed this!
You are welcome! I’m glad this met what you really needed! God has some very interesting things for you, and I think that the person who sent you here very well knew that!
This is very practical because it works no matter what’s going on in your life!
Okay, Rocket Preacher… I’ll do it. I have no excuse now. I see what I’ve been doing wrong!
Good! It is good to make those adjustments for the victory that is there to be had!
Rev. Rocket! Careth you not that we perish?! We’re up to 9…yep, count ’em…NINE arrangements for “To God be the Glory.” Jason told Brittany to PLEASE get the mad genius a gig for tomorrow night so the torture can stop!!
Hmmmm sounds like there is help needed! All I said was to do “To God be the Glory” the next time…and “nothing” concerning doing a gazillion arrangements so I say how about you all vote on what is the best of the nine and majority rules! After all that sounds fair. And I’m sure Brittany is in motion already for a gig to do this at very soon!
Lovely outdoor concert tonight. Well… to God be the glory!
Amen! Lovely indeed! To God be the glory! It will be glorious for the glory of God will fill the place! Praise Jesus!
Calling all testimonies! Don’t worry about your english.Will know what you mean!
I don’t how to explain my testimony. That man singing To God be the Glory, and suddenly we all face down on the ground spirit fill and praising God!
I get spirit fill for first time in my life. I not know how to explain. I was told not easy and must be very hard or else that I didn’t need it at all, but now it come easy because of one song!
Ok Rocket preacher…how we all get spirit fill just on one song with no big ritual?
Well, because no need for big ritual at all! Ritual does not do anything to get anything at all from God! But when a song of praise to God is sung then the Holy Spirit moves!
Rocket preacher, that man the other night say that salvation mean healing, deliverance, and a whole bunch of other thing! Is that true?
Yes, that is definitely true! The Greek word for salvation is sozo that means healing, deliverance, Salvation, all the acts and provision of God, wholeness, etc.
Okay now I finally spirit fill I have prayer language and it all happened just on one song. And I like the song, it complicated music that was never what I hear before. But anyway, I’m glad to finally know what all this about and now have my life change! Thanks!
You are welcome! Praise God for His awesome, amazing. Power!
Ok you win… I can’t argue after what happened the other night! I hope you’re happy and I don’t want to hear I told you so! I MEAN IT! I love this blog,Rev Rocket thanks!
You are welcome! Praise God you love this blog for the Word is alive and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword! Blessings are yours as you appropriate the promises of God! Enjoy!
Ok..l.believe! I can’t possibly explain all the difference in my life now that l have holy spirit! I never think this could happen to me and then it happen and not only that it was easy too! I am very happy with it.
I did it! You can add me to the blowing in the wind club!!!
Praise God you have been set FREE INDEED! Jesus IS the DELIVERER! You are added into the Blowing in the Wind club! Now it stands at 289 people who have been supernaturally delivered by the Holy Spirit as they listen to the Holy Spirit and do what He tells them to do!
Amazing…when the stash is thrown into the wind, the Holy Spirit carries away the habit, the bondage, the addiction, the control of the drugs and it is gone forever! HALLELUJAH TO JESUS! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, AND NOW MORE THAN EVER WILL BE DELIVERED AND COME INTO THE BLOWING IN THE WIND CLUB! IT IS TIME TO CELEBRATE WITH THE HIGH PRAISES OF GOD IN OUR MOUTHS!!! PRAISE YOU LORD JESUS!
Ok, I believe. What else can I do? I can’t really argue. Although I don’t need to be told 150 times to go to a blog, and you KNOW who I mean. So I’m here. I hope you’re happy. You can stop harassing me now. But really, Rev. Rocket, I did need this. It makes everything a lot easier to understand!
Good! I’m glad you are here and it is making everything a lot easier to understand!
Ooops! Methodist church tomorrow night. Well…to God be the Glory…
Oops, for sure! Yes, To God be the glory! It is time to shake….rattle…and roll! Lol. They will definitely not be sleeping thro this one!
AWAKE you that sleep, and Christ will give you light!
Uh oh! I think I built my house on my own. Ooops! Thank you, I think!
Mmmmm its good you found out you built your house on your own before it was too late!
You are welcome I know!
Rocket Preacher, I not know what to think! I never see anything like this before, but it make me convert to Protestant. I was always Catholic and then I go to Methodist Church to hear that controversial singer. I go early because my friend tell me you want to be up near the front for sure. So I was ahead of time and he show up with the other musicians and man come running out and say you can’t perform here tonight! We get bad report about you. So he just laughed and said great, let me call my wife and tell her we go to the movies tonight, and he start to leave with his friends and then all of a sudden he looking up above everyone’s head like he looking at people 3 feet taller than the rest of us but I saw no one there. Then he turned to the guy next to him and say well, we’re going in to set up. I think he must be crazy. They just say you have to leave, and then he tell his friends let’s go in and set up. And these other three men were practically barring the door and telling him what does he think he doing, he not allowed to come in there. But then when they get right up to the door, the men jump aside and they walk in and set up their music equipment. And nobody bother them all night and they play just like they were supposed to. I never see anything like this ever! So I get save and spirit fill because I think that had to be big sign he is right and it is those religious people are the crazy ones! Did you ever hear of this?
Yes, this is the power of the Holy Spirit and angels. When you know Jesus then the angels go with you to deliver you. Probably he saw warrior angels standing there, and when they show up no man will be able to stop what God wants to do! In the book of Acts God sent angels and shook the shackles off the apostles in prison and opened the prison doors. They were being persecuted for preaching the gospel and God showed up and showed everybody who is boss! HA! JESUS IS LORD!
Okay, I believe now Rev. Rocket, because I think that man see angel who tell him go play anyway even though those church officials say you cannot play here! I have to laugh because I know they not want him to be there but can’t do anything. Then it seem like the walls shake out of the church and everyone get something from God that they think they not able to get! I believe now!
Praise God for His awesome power that shook the walls until everyone got something they needed that seemed like they couldn’t get!
Yes, now is the time to believe! Good for you! You will see the glory of God!
Rocket Preacher, I get slain when that man sing because they not able to throw him out and then I get up speaking in tongues and my migraine headache go and my stomach disorder go! They could do nothing but sit there. Even though at first they try to bar the door to not let him in. I think he have Angel with him! He seem like he use to it.
Praise God for filling you with the Spirit, taking the migraine away and healing your stomach!!! Yes, there definitely is the angel of the Lord there, and believe me, only an idiot would try to fight the angel!
Ok, l believe. The walls of the church shook and rattled last night! This has to be real!
God was giving everyone a wake up call! That was the power of God shaking the walls til they rattled! He said He will shake all that can be shaken that only that which is in His kingdom would remain! Believe with all your heart…the kingdom of God has come to you!
Rev. Rocket how that man touch me one time and all demon go? I never hear of anything like that happen! They say it takes months and years for all demon to go but he just laugh and say “thank you Jesus” and all of them go. It feel like bullets exploding out of your body. They crazy to try to run him off because they never make any demon go ever!
Man made doctrines are false, and no man can say it will take a long time to be delivered! I say don’t limit God! Faith works, and the anointing destroys the yoke of bandage! The Holy Spirit is a “quickening” Spirit and it is by the Holy Spirit we cast demons out! Those who oppose cannot and do NOT cast out a thing! Then it is religious rituals that do nothing and help no one!
Jesus NEVER said it would take a long time to be delivered! He said “GO” and a legion of demons went out of the man who was running around in the tombs cutting himself, and in a moment of time, when the Word of faith was spoken by Jesus, the Holy Spirit drove all the demons out! Then the man kept clothes on and was in his right mind! Enjoy your freedom and new life!
Okay, Rocket preacher, I’m in. I went to go see that hotshot singer just because I heard he was talented, but because it always packs out when he’s there I had to get a good seat and I went early and I saw for myself them trying to throw him out and he seemed happy at first and he started walking away and then he turned around and came back and just casually told the band, well, let’s go set up. I’m standing there like this guy is crazy, and then when he walks by, the interfering guys were catapulted out of the way. This means I have to believe in all this now and get my act together! Thanks to both of you, I guess.
Yes it is time to believe now! You are welcome! Now, you can walk in the power of the Spirit and see the glory of God like never before!
Why Dan?
Oops! No ill intended! It seemed someone needed something soooo…there you have it! It does sound like a winner arrangement though…it is like one huge crescendo! With your talent you will knock it.out of the ball park with ease! Faith is going to be ignited all over the place for everything so that will be a good thing!
Ok…you got me Rocket preacher! Thank you, l think!
Good, welcome to blessing way in the land of the living right now where you don’t have to wait 20 years to see the goodness of God! You are definitely welcome!
Okay, so your hotshot friend tells me to come and read this three times and that third time it will really stick and I’ll get it and it will change everything. I told him he was crazy. NOW I have to go back and tell him he was right! I will very likely have to hear I told you so! Well, I do have to thank you, because this really was a life-changing post!
You are welcome! Praise God this was a life changing post! That is the power of the gospel! Many times we have endured problems and all we needed was to hear the truth we needed and then faith comes alive and we act on God’s Word and HE blesses it!
Rocket Preacher! I think that bodyguard man that travels around with JBT is an angel. There were three people trying to interfere with him tonight when he went to set up, and all three of them together could not push past that guy and he didn’t have to exert any energy at all! Is he a guardian angel?
Yes that is an angel! The people who fight him will definitely lose!
Ok, Rev. Rocket, your hotshot friend tell me all kind of thing that he could never know about my life unless God tell him. He not really exactly admit that it word of knowledge but it is! So I’m going back tonight because I have other thing I need help with now that I saved and spirit fill. I think it’s funny because he go back to church that tried to throw him out!
Yes, God is making them have him back! Go expecting more than you are asking for! Tonight is double portion time!
Back to the church that tried to kick us out! Oh well… They better get ready.
Hahahaha! Amazing! God has a hook in their jaw! Double portion time! Not just enough, but more than enough!
Ok, two idiots from another town came to interfere and they are just sitting there mute. Haaaaa!
HAAAAA! Sounds like they love to come against the power of God! Oops! Better watch it there might be a big surprise coming if they keep it up like their position being re-arranged from sitting mute on the pew to looking up at the ceiling from the floor position! Hahahaha! God will not be mocked!
Well, Rev. Rocket, I don’t know what to think! I got all my needs met, but really all I did was laugh!
Laughter is the joy of the Lord flowing and the joy of the Lord is our strength and heals, delivers, and let’s the presence of the Lord minister! The demons cannot stand when we laugh at them for then their lies and oppression is broken and the Holy Spirit ministers! The kingdom of God is not.meat and drink but righteousness, peace, and JOY in the Holy Ghost! Laughter is joy’s way of expressing itself!
Rocket Preacher, how all this blessing happen just from laughter!?
Holy Ghost laughter is powerful! Psalm 126:2 Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them!” Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good like a medicine…! The original says “A mery heart brings an explanation cure to the body!” Laughter is joy’s way of expressing itself! Joy heals and delivers! I have seen tremendous miracles when joy is flowing and believers laughing in the Spirit! Thonk of it this way …when you laugh at problems it releases you from there grip and brings God on the scene!
Rocket preacher, l get all my problems solve by laughter, and everyone else too have healing and deliver from demon!
Praise God! The Holy Spirit is truly moving in these last days in power! God told me my laughter would disarm the devil and people! God said a merry heart does good like.a medicine…brings an excellent cure to the body! Praise God for all the miracles!
Ok well my testimony is that music teacher come and ugly people have to shut up and then we laugh for hours and all problems go!!!
Ha! I love when ugly people have to shut up, and then there is Holy Ghost laughter and all the problems have to GO! HALLELUJAH TO JESUS! THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL GOES MM ON AND NOTHING WILL EVER STOP IT!
Rev. Rocket… I always think that laughter is the best medicine was just a metaphor. I not realize that to be taken literal. But all my problem and illness go away when we laugh. And that was all that really happen. No prayer or any ritual, just that singer start to laugh at nasty people who say no healing for everyone and then we all start to laugh too and all issue resolve right away! I can see I have a lot to learn! How long did it take to write all this blog posts?
Praise God, yes the scripture is literal on laughter bringing the cure!
I have been writing this blog for 14 years so enjoy the truth, soak it in and the Holy Spirit will reveal it.and apply it.to your life!
Okay, you can add me to the blowing in the wind club!
Praise Jesus, you are the 291th person to throw the stash to the wind and be instantly, and completely delivered from drug addiction by the Holy Spirit! Hallelujah to Jesus! Enjoy the life free from all drug addiction!
Ok Rev Rocket, you got me! I’ll get my act together!