Cast Your Nets on the Other Side

What to do When You Don’t Know What to do

When it seems like everything has gone wrong that  can go wrong, you need to know what to do when you don’t know what to do!  

God always has the answer, and it is up to us to go to Him and get the answer!  God said in His Word that you have not because you ask not!  And then some ask to consume it on their lusts and that just won’t fly!  

So, number one:  ask God for wisdom!  Wisdom takes knowledge and applies it right!  You will find the knowledge you need in His Word!  God’s wisdom will show you how to overcome all that has been thrown at you!

So many do without the blessing of God when they could have had it!                                           

If you would allow God to open your eyes of understanding, you would see the blessing and be able to have it work in your life!  Again, the apostle prayed a prayer that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened;  that you would know  what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance is in the saints. And what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward usward who believe, according to the working of His power, which He worked in Christ, when He raised Him  from the dead,  and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality, and power, and might, and  dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also that which is to come:  

And has put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church,, which is His body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all!

Pray this prayer in the first person…I pray that the eyes of MY understanding will be enlightened!  And as you pray for the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, it will be so, and you will see God’s glory and receive what you need to overcome!

Another key is that your faith is not to be in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God!  Man fails and does not have all knowledge, and man twists God’s Word many times, especially when they are religious and do rituals, but deny the power of God!  They say “no” to the Holy Spirit, and give excuses why you need to just put up with the mess the devil is throwing at you, and then “blame God” for everything by saying He “allowed it!”

Ha! What a joke! They are miserable, poor, naked and blind and don’t know it…Laodicea!  They say: “I can’t “see why..!”  There is the problem. Spiritual blindness!  They cannot see the blessing of God when it is right in front of them!

“I had fainted unless I had believed “to see” the goodness of God in the land of the living!  That is right now faith!  Not just believe its there, but believe to SEE the goodness of God in experience! God comes to faith!  God’s presence will manifest as you speak and act in FAITH!  The faith of God calls those things that be not as though they were!

Spiritual warfare is real, so God says to put in the whole armor of God so that you can stand against all the wiles of the devil!  ALL. Not just one piece!  The helmet of hope protects your mind from going into the ditch because without hope you have nothing for faith to make substance of!  Hope keeps you happy!  You say: “But I have nothing to hope for!”  Maybe circumstances have gone sour, but your hope is in GOD who is more than enough!  Hope you in God!

Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God!  Speak the Word over and against the evil circumstance and the devil!  Speak the promises over your future, and by the time you get there it will ALL HAVE ALREADY BEEN TAKEN CARE OF!  HALLELUJAH!  PRAISE YOU JESUS!  THANK YOU JESUS FOR TAKING CARE OF IT ALL!

Let your feet be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace! The gospel prepares you for everything and brings you into peace!  “The God of PEACE will bruise, CRUSH, Satan under your feet shortly!

Put on the breastplate of righteousness!  We are made righteous by faith in Jesus! Jesus died and shed His blood for our redemption and rose again for our justification!  When we are right with God we can stand our ground against all false condemnation and can boldly say, “there is now therefore no condemnation to those who are in Jesus!”

ABOVE ALL, take up the shield of faith, wherewith YOU will be able to quench ALL the fiery darts, flaming missiles, of the devil!  Praise God, faith works every time! 

There are those who throw everything off on God and don’t do their part as they blame God for all that goes wrong, and God had nothing to do with the fiery darts of the devil!  Spiritual warfare is real, and God says to fight the good fight of faith laying hold of eternal life!

The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds!  We have authority in the name of Jesus to speak in His name against all wicked spirits, bind them, render them powerless and squished!  They are behind all the evil in the world, but GREATER  is He that is in us as believers than he that is in the world!  Praise God for the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith!

God says be doers of the Word, not forgetful hearers!  When God says forgive, forgive others trespasses against you!  Forgiveness is a key in prayers getting answers!  Put away anger, resentment, guilt, hate, jealousy, strife, etc.  Take out the trash!

It is high time to wake out of sleep and awake to righteousness!  There are spirits of spiritual sleep that want to keep people asleep in the deep instead of being about our “Father’s business!”

Light the fire of the Holy Ghost and add the fuel ( the Word of God)! Let it burn hotter and brighter all the time going from glory to glory!

Forget the past and press on toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!  Live now in faith! Believe God now!  Praise God now!

Praise brings the atmosphere of heaven here!  Believe me, there is no sickness in heaven, no sorrow, no evil, but only good and the glory of God!  Praise God forever! Did not Jesus teach us to pray…God”s will be done in earth as it is in heaven?!

In the presence of the Lord there is fulness of Joy!  God inhabits the praises of His people! That is His presence! The presence of the Lord is present to heal!  In His presence is deliverance from all that is opposite to joy!  

Get with the Lord and put away all doubts and wrath and lift up Holy hands (the universal sign of surrender), and praise Jesus!  Glorify God! Worship God in Spirit and in truth!  I praised the Lord and my enemies vanished!  God sits on the throne of your praises!  Pray and praise the Lord in tongues of the Spirit!  Having done all to stand, STAND!

The disciples had toiled all night long trying to catch fish in their net!  This speaks of when we are trying in the energy of the flesh, and straining to get things worked out that we need!  Let me tell you that when you take the time to get in the Spirit, there will be no strain, only rest!

They told Jesus what was going on and He said one word: CAST YOUR NETS ON THE OTHER SIDE! When they took the time to lay aside all their excuses and straining ,and instead listened to what Jesus said, they did what He said and so many fish were in the net instantly that the net began to break! ABUNDANCE!

So here you have the recipe of what to do when you don’t know what to do!  Enjoy the victory, and enjoy winning!  Through God we shall do valiantly, for He it is that does tread our enemies under our feet!  AMEN!

219 thoughts on “Cast Your Nets on the Other Side

    1. Good! I’m glad to hear that! There is more to this one than it seems at first glance! Enjoy the benefits!

    1. I’m glad to hear this is one of the best posts ever! This one came over some time and I felt like something special was coming from the Lord! I pray special miracles come to all who read and believe!

  1. This is amazing! I had to read it many times because there’s so much in it! I love it and have a lot of people that I’m going to show it too!

    1. Praise God I’m glad you are getting a lot from this! Enjoy, and I am sure this will bless others as you show them this!

    1. You are welcome! Enjoy! There are certain blessings that come with each layer! Thanks for the comment.

    1. Jesus said that you will know the truth and the truth will make you free! So, to all, enjoy the freedom only Jesus can bring!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this is helpful and powerful! The Lord knows we need the help and the Word that comes with power! Your faith has been ignited to have His power to help, deliver, heal, restore and do the miracles needed!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad to hear this is one of the best! Heart and soul went into it! I pray you receive much blessing from this!

    1. You are welcome! When the Holy Spirit anointing the truth to you, it comes alive and your life is definitely changed for the better!

  2. Rocket Preacher I love this! And I think everybody is right. You really have to read this more than once because there’s so much in it! Thank you!

  3. Rev. Rocket, I can’t get over this post! I had to read it over and over again. It has a lot of “meat on the bones” as they say. I think it’s one of the best ever!

  4. This is a fantastic post, Rocket Preacher. I don’t how you come up with this, but it has to be inspired by the Holy Spirit! This will help me and a lot of people!

    1. Praise God for the life change as you read this post! You are.welcome! Welcome to a life with new faith that will go a long way!

  5. This is one of the best posts you ever wrote! It has a lot of depth to it, and it’s true that you really have to read it more than once!

  6. Rocket preacher, do post like this come straight from God? I say they must! How else can it come out perfectly like this do!

    1. I go to the Rock of my salvation, the stone the builders rejected! Jesus, the living Word is the rock of mm our sLvation!

  7. This helped my life very much Rev. Rocket! There’s so much in it to show you what to do and how to change your life around! I was getting a lot of things wrong!

    1. Praise God that you received more help from this than anything like it in your life! God knows what we need and always makes a way for us to receive it! Enjoy!

  8. I have to agree with other people that this post life-changing and must be read many time. Every time something new come from it or you realize something you miss. I don’t how you write all these but I will read mine again over!

    1. Yes, and as you do read this post over and over again the Holy Spirit will make it alive in your spirit and resurrection power will flow and you will be blessed by God more than ever before!

  9. This post more better than anything l ever hear. Our music teacher read it to us in Spanish. I never hear anything like it!

    1. Very good! I like that your music teacher read it to you in Spanish so that you would totally understand what the Lord was saying! This is meant to bless you deeply and totally change your life for the better by the Holy Spirit! Expect GREAT things from God now!

  10. Okay so I must say thank you Rocket Preacher for this wonderful post. It changed a lot of thing around in my life and I glad it read to me at school I never would expect to hear something like that in music course but God must know I need it for my life!

    1. You are welcome for this post! Yes, God knew you needed this and if you would have been the only person there He would have had it read for you! Take it to heart and Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

  11. Well, there will be a lovely party tonight where there might even be some country music! Imagine that! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    1. HA HA HA! Even the country music that will mark the end of smoking for all who hear it! I call for new lungs and new life!
      They are about to find out what a Holy Ghost party is like! Whoosh….as His wind blows, there goes all the demons, and woes, from their heads right on down to the tips of their toes! HA! AND ANEN!

  12. I not sure how you know to write these thing, but it very needy and helpful to one like me who not understand everything I need to about gospel and thing that I supposed to claim for myself! I want more to know about these promises from God! Thank you!

  13. Okay, Rev. Rocket, now I know more smoke because that singer do country song and when people hear then no more smoking. He say it start long ago with you. I find all this very interesting and am happy to know things like this can happen!

    1. Praise God everyone got delivered from smoking! Yes, this did start back in time as I was singing that particular song! Think about the miracle of this. In a moment of time all the addiction is gone, your lungs are healed and you are completely delivered from smoking by the power of the Holy Spirit! The days of miracles are still here as the Holy Spirit moves in our lives! Praise God!

  14. I never read posts that have so much in to study and learn something you never hear before. This post is valuable! Thanks Rocket Preacher

  15. Rocket Preacher, how can I have the scripture about God restore years that canker worm eat be for me? I really need that because of how my life go and I hope it for me but I’m not sure how to tell!

    1. This scripture IS for you for it is for all who believe! ALL the promises of God are YES and Amen to those who believe! Claim this promise of restoration of the years that have been eaten away now! Speak it, believe it, receive it! Then thank Jesus for doing it!

  16. Okay, now I no longer smoke because not only can’t I do it anymore but I don’t even want to. And it all because of that cowboy song. Now I know why they laugh when he start to play it because he know what will happen from before. He say it all start with you. Ha!!

    1. Praise God you are now instantly smoke free and not even wanting it anymore! Now you have new lungs too, completely made clean! It is good to breathe normal isn’t it?! Praise Jesus!
      Yes, I sang ..this is where the cowboy rides away and demons of smoking went away!!! HA! God does amazing miracles when we believe Him!

  17. Okay, so here’s what JBT does….this little short guy is trying to give a religious sermon to a girl that started going berserk during the show from demons. And he told him to step aside and let him get to her, but no… Little short guy has to argue and won’t get out of the way, so eventually JBT says “if you don’t move I’m going to move you.” Renny looked a bit nervous at that point… I was laughing myself. So of course the girl is not being helped by Mr. short-guy-with-big-ego, but when he gets out of the way she gets set free. THEN he says JBT did it “all wrong.” Then why did she go free? These people are crazy! So then JBT told everybody who was there to do a little experiment, (since the big problem usually stems from the fact that he doesn’t really say a prayer,) He told them, “Go read through the new testament and read every case where someone was healed, delivered, raised from the dead etc, and see how many times an actual prayer was said versus how many times it was more of a statement of faith or just utilizing Jesus name. I don’t know where these religious experts acquire their expertise, but they’re off the mark 99% of the time.”
    We all just had to laugh!

    1. That was a good one! A short guy with a big ego and tons of religious demons with a mix of know it all spirits! What a joke!
      Talk about ignorance…he couldnt cast out a flea, and argues that JBT didn’t do it right when here she was all delivered and in peace! Mr. Short guy should thank God that he got out of the way! Hahahaha!

  18. Okay, Rocket Preacher, all your hotshot friend do is laugh when I say for him to explain this cowboy song phenomenon. He say “well, haven’t you ever heard of special miracles?” and then he just laughed and laughed like he have some private joke to tell but will not tell. Well, anyway, even if he be a bit difficult with that, I still am joyful and grateful because now I can’t even stand smoke to be around me let alone smoke myself. I thank Jesus for that!

    1. HA HA HA! Yes, I would call it a “special miracle” also!
      Praise God you are SO delivered you can’t even stand the smell of it now! Jesus is good!

      Enjoy your new lungs!
      Tell the singer I said: “Why does everything have to be a song and a dance or a song about a dance?” HAHAHAHA!

  19. Okay, Rev. Rocket! Now I must cast my net on the other side because I have this good instruction. I never read post quite like this before. This become my new favorite now!

    1. Praise God! I’m glad this is a some “fresh manna” for you and that now you are casting your net on the other side! The Holy Spirit is going to move in a mighty wY in your heart and life!

  20. Now I not smoke anymore Rocket Preacher! And it all begins with cowboy song that you sing first long ago. I not quite understand all this but I like it! Anything that make you get miracle to not smoke is good!

    1. Praise Jesus for this great miracle of deliverance from smoking! God heard the cry of your heart and to baffle the naysayers and skeptics He does a miracle by singing a country cowboy song! Glory to God! Enjoy your new lungs and fill them with air to praise God with!

    1. You are welcome and I’m very glad to hear this did a lot to change your life around! God is faithful to send us what we need!

  21. I use this as great argument for people who not understand anything about faith or the proper way to understand Scripture. They left with nothing to say because they realize they were wrong but won’t admit it! Ha

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this was extremely helpful! God knows what we need! Enjoy the blessings!

    1. Good, I’m glad you really love this and good change came as the Holy Spirit applied this and revealed it to you!

    1. You are welcome! Praise Jesus! I’m glad to hear this is one of the best things you have ever read in your life! That is powerful and shows the power of God’s Word when spoken!

    1. Ask the Lord to show you how to implement this into your every day life and perfect it and He will!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God you love this! I pray the anointing of the Holy Spirit comes on the truth and destroys the yoke, and brings great faith and joy!

    1. Oh, you are very welcome for sure! I’m glad this cleared up many things for you! God does not want us in the dark! Send your light Jesus deep in the heart of all who read this end time post!

  22. Okay, Rocket Preacher, you got me! This is really intricate and the more I read it the more I realize I’ve been wrong about a lot of the stuff! Thank you, I guess!

    1. You are welcome for sure 100 percent! Praise God this is getting in your spirit! You will never be the same again!

  23. YAY! Ok…I’ll accept all this Rev. Rocket because it badly needed in my life for long time now. I need to have known it earlier so I glad I find out now! Thank you!

    1. Younare welcome! Praise God this made your day! Jesus is Lord and everything must bow to Him and as we speak His name in faith miracles will come!

  24. Rev. Rocket, it hard to understand why people say no read this blog. They not being too smart. I read it because l smart! I love it!

    1. I’m glad you love this blog! I pray over it that God will bring people here that are hungry for the truth, and then that He will give me the truth that is needed. So, you are very smart because you listened to the Holy Spirit when He said to come on here and read the good news! ENJOY!

  25. Rev. Rocket, I really love this post! I told some idiots about it but they chose to remain idiots. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    1. Ha! Idiots remain idiots through stubborn wilful ignorance when the truth comes! This truth will meet them in judgment if they don’t repent! Oops! Meanwhile keep laughing! HA HA HA HA!

  26. I don’t know where all this come from or how you get all this to say in post but I happy about it because it makes perfect sense to change my life! Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. Good! Praise God this will totally change your life for the good as you believe it, read it, think on it, say it, and do it and apply it! Praise God!

    1. You are welcome! Excellent! I’m glad this made things sense to you that didn’t make sense before! God wanted you to have understanding so sent this post special!

  27. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I have to figure all this out. My voice teacher read this when he giving us private lesson so I think, okay an extra break for a Bible study. That’s cool! But then I getting antsy and afterwards ask can I go have a quick cigarette and I’ll be right back? He not like that I smoke. He say it bad for singing and I know that, but I couldn’t quit. So he say, okay, you can go after I just do this one more song. I want to show you something about pitch. So he do country song, although not quite sound like country the way he do it, and then I come to find out it that cowboy song that no one can smoke after hearing. He say it all start way back with you. Now how on earth did that happen? He not good at explaining things.

    1. Well, let’s see if this will help you understand. The Holy Spirit moves in wonderful ways to do special miracles. In times past I sang the cowboy song out, and at a certain point I sang it and the anointing came and somebody instantly was completely delivered from smoking, the.addiction, the craving and all that goes with it and when it does the lungs are instantly made clean!
      Before that I always ministered deliverance and healing and I had things happen like after I rebuked the smoking habit a guy was completely set free. When he left the meeting he decided he was going to test just how real this was and he tried to light up! He said it felt like it burnt his face and he could not smoke…Jesus had set him free!
      So a while ago I told your teacher it would be good if he would sing that song and that people would be delivered in the same way! He did sing it and the same deliverance happened! God said He would do wonders and I think this is one of them! It makes people wonder and confounds the know it alls who say a bunch of nothing, cannot get anyone healed or delivered, and then persecute those who can do the works of God! Enjoy!

    1. You are welcome! It makes me very happy that you passed this post to many others who needed it and it made them happy like it did you! Praise Jesus! He meets our every need!

    1. YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!Praise God! I can tell you applied the Word of God and used your faith and now….RESULTS! God has ALL the answers and He is the one that said: “without faith it is impossible to please God!” That means that WITH faith you PLEASE God! When you please God all HEAVEN breaks loose! There is a song…heaven came down and glory filled my soul! Keep shouting His praises and the walls the enemy has built will come crashing down! Enjoy!

  28. I get spirit fill now for first time ever, and also watch crazy people have to fall flat on their face for trying interfere when they not supposed to! I don’t even know what to think about all this!

    1. God knocked the crazy people down so they could not interfere! You now.have seen the mighty power of the.Holy.Spirit when someone allows Him to move!

  29. I always wait forever to try to get spirit fill because no one ever tell me it easy. Now it happened almost at once only one song sung and me and all family get spirit fill. And this is person they say stay away from him he crazy! I think THEY are crazy!

    1. You are right! The crazy ones are the ones who oppose the Holy Spirit and.tell people to wait and wait.for someday and someday never comes!
      Praise.God you and family were Spirit filled! Now you have power to do what God says do, and.power.over.all the.power.of the enemy!

  30. Rev. Rocket, l get spirit fill and deliver from demon all at once and people come to try to warn people not to listen to that singer but they fall flat on their faces and not able to interfere. I think this is wonderful!

    1. That is wonderful! Praise Jesus! Spirit filled and delivered all at the same time! You got the double dose! That’s double portion for sure! Praise God! God was showing the ones trying to interfere just who them were coming against, and that He is Lord, and His power cannot be overcome!

  31. I love this Rev. Rocket! They say don’t read this blog and stay away from that singer when really we need both and THEY are the crazy ones. I have to read this several more times!

  32. Rocket preacher l get spirit filled on Christmas eve after only one song. Before l wait for years and nothing happen then it happen really easy! Now l can understand this better too and have lots to read!

  33. Rev. Rocket, I get spirit fill too on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas to me. And all demon go as well and mind clear for first time in all life. People come to interfere and end up flat on their face. That singer wife laugh at them and she say she has most fun when that happened because she see what people try to do to him 365 days a year. So she have great fun watching them look like idiot. I have great fun getting all blessing I needed. There are many chapters here on this blog for me to go over! Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God for a clear mind for the first time as all the demons had to go, and you being Spirit filled too! Along tith the singers wife I would love seeing the interferes go down flat on their faces too!!! HA HA HA HA HA! They have learned a hard lesson: do not interfere with the Holy Spirit!

  34. Ok, now I understand much more after getting Holy Spirit on Christmas Eve. They try to interfere and tell people to get away from that man because he do “wildfire”, but it not work. Instead, they fall over. HA HA HA

    1. Oops! They should know not to mess with God’s people and the Holy Spirit! Praise God.for.filling you with the Holy Spirit!

  35. Thanks for this blog Rocket Preacher! I work through a lot of these chapters and now I understand thing better! It much better when you have Holy Spirit!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad.this brought clear understanding to you of the things of.God! Now your.gaith will be you and.decelope it!

    1. Happy New Year! Enjoy a Spirit filled, devil stomping, praising God New Year filled with all blessings and the joy of the Lord! Enjoy the blog…there’s more than meets the eye!

  36. Ok you win Rev Rocket, that man correct about all answer being on this blog. It easier to understand with Holy Spirit!

    1. Thank you! I like winning when it means someone received the light of the truth revealed here by the Holy Spirit! Enjoy!

    1. You are welcome! It is good to hear this blog turned your life around! That’s what it us all about!

    1. Of course he is sooooo excited for the New Years day gig! Lol. HAPPY new year! HA HA HA
      Well, then I think he should sing a number of songs about joy, don’t you?!

  37. Rev. Rocket l get heal of depression and all depressed demon go! That singer do joy song which he say you predicted for him to sing. I can have much more happy life now!

    1. Praise Jesus for the songs of deliverance that brought joy alive in you! There is great power in songs of joy that healed you of depression and made all demons of depression go!
      Yes, now you will have a happy life because of the power of joy songs! Praise the Lord every day! This will keep the presence of God alive in and in His presence there is FULNESS OF JOY!

  38. I not know how to explain my miracle because l not sure how it happened. Something happen in the music and it free my spirit somehow and now have a better life!

    1. The anointing of the Holy Spirit came in the songs and the anointing destroys the yoke of bondage! You were bound, but now you are free! Praise God, Jesus is the deliverer!

  39. Rev Rocket l hear many songs of joy because you tell that singer to sing all joy! So he do and something happen because of music and all demon go and my life positive now!

    1. Praise God that those songs of joy drove the demons right on out and brought great joy into your heart and life! God is so good! Thanks for sharing this! To God be the glory!

  40. I happy now that life become much more easier because l get holy spirit and lots of joy like you predicted. Now l have much to read!

    1. Praise Jesus that you received the Holy Spirit and that life is easier now! Enjoy the read here on the blog..truly the Holy Spirit is :”Wonder working power!”

    1. O.k. congratulations you are added into the blowing in the wind club! Now this is 290 people who took the stash and threw it into the wind and were instantly set completely FREE!!! You are the 290th person who received this dynamic, powerful miracle of God! Praise Jesus! Enjoy your new life in Jesus!

  41. Rocket Preacher, I must know how you know what to write for all these blog chapters! I am quite impressed! How do you do it?

    1. Prayer, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit is how all these posts came! When you get in touch with the Most High, His wisdom comes inside!

  42. Ok Rev Rocket l must admit you are right. This change all my life around for better! I was doing it all wrong!

    1. Praise God, this changed your life all around for the better! Now is the accepted time! Enjoy life in JESUS!

    1. Praise God! Number are added in the blowing in the wind club! Praise God He is faithful to deliver as none other can! Congratulations!!!

    1. Go to it! Start right away and proceed with all your heart and soul and you will see the glory of God!

    1. Ooooops for sure! I wonder what might happen?! Could a chorus of angels show up to join in the worship and special miracles of “all kinds” happen?!Ha!

  43. Today my former pastor come into our class to start argument with my music teacher. He just call security to have him removed, looking very bored. But the man kept going on and on about how my music teacher do heresy because of faith thing he tell everyone. That pastor think all that happen is God and God wants bad thing to happen sometimes. So he go on getting angrier and angrier, and then security guards come to remove him and he punch security guard and then he turned around to try to punch my music teacher but his fist break against something. Then security remove him. Nobody I’m sure will go back to his church after that. I’m certainly not going. Instead, I will read this blog.

    1. Nice! The old “break your knuckles on an angel fist trying to hit the music teacher trick!!!” HAHAHAHAHAHA..That guy is not fit to be a pastor and it sounds like he was not “sent” he just “went!” Enjoy the blog! Thanks for sharing this, it made my day!

  44. Rocket preacher, how that man tell me all thing about myself he couldn’t possibly know? Is that word of knowledge? He not give me very clear answer.

    1. YES, INDEED THAT IS THE GIFT OF THE SPIRIT OF THE WORD OF KNOWLEDGE! God drops a little bit of His knowledge in our spirit by His Spirit to help, deliver, heal, comfort, and raise our faith level up to receive what we need from Him!

    1. Praise God! The power and presence of the Holy Spirit is real, and God is doing a quick work in lives for the time is short.
      When people fall under the power of God great deliverance will happen, and all kinds of miracles, healing and the Holy Spirit speaking deep in the human spirit the revelation of Jesus Christ! This is the end time prophesied of, and it will be a time of the great power of God!

  45. Okay, Rocket Preacher! I finally get miracle! And it happened in first five minutes of event. How can be so easy!?

    1. God never withholds any good thing from those that love Him! Man is who complicates, adds to and takes away from the Word of God! In the presence of God there is fulness of joy and His presence makes the difference that takes what we have wrestled with for a long time and sets us free in a moment of time! Enjoy what God has done and keep praising Him and all of life will be a lot easier than before!

  46. Rev. Rocket, that man sing one song and we get all slain in spirit and my blood condition go away overnight! All I ever get before was nothing more than ritual, now with Holy Spirit I think different life will happen!

    1. Praise Jesus He healed you of the blood condition and overnight all the symptoms are gone! Hallelujah! God is good! You came under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and yes life will be so much better now with the power of God in your life!

  47. I color blind before last night, and have dyslexia and now it gone overnight. That singer come and do one song about the Upper Room and he then stop and say this, that I find out later is amplified Bible scripture. Here is copy paste of what he read: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me (the Messiah), Because He has anointed Me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent Me to announce release (pardon, forgiveness) to the captives, And recovery of sight to the blind, To set free those who are oppressed (downtrodden, bruised, crushed by tragedy.)” and he said then, “Jesus fulfill this scripture on cross. When revelation of that come, miracle instant, no need to wait,” and then next thing we all spirit fill!!!

    1. Praise God for healing you of dyslexia and color blindness! Praise God for the revelation of the scripture of Jesus and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and all being filled with the Spirit! Thanks for sharing your testimony! Now others with dyslexia will receive faith to be healed and from the color blindness too! I loose them from all of it in Jesus name!

  48. Rocket preacher, will my miracle l got the other night stay or is it temporary? I don’t know anything about this kind of christianity!

    1. God does not take ba k what He gives! The miracle is yours! When you believe that Jesus died for you and rose up from the dead, and say Jesus Christ is Lord you are saved! Then Jesus lives in your spirit as your spirit is born of the Spirit of God. All His promises in the Word of God is yours and one of them says that by His stripes you were healed! 1 Peter 2:24. You were healed on the cross by Hos stripes! He bore all your sins and sicknesses so you would be free from them! Enjoy what God has given you!

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