Your Inheritance

DON’T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN GOD’S BEST FOR YOUR LIFE. We have all heard someone say how they were stuck with some awful thing because it was in their family, and that’s just the way it is.  That’s NOT the way it has to be. It does not matter who in your family had what, you DON’T have to have it.

Some have felt that because their parents were in darkness and worshiped the devil that somehow that made them a second class citizen when they came to Jesus.  NOT SO!  When we come to Jesus we have been translated into His kingdom, and are children of the MOST HIGH GOD!  The past has been washed clean by the blood of Jesus and now OUR INHERITANCE IS IN HIM AND FROM HIM, AND IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT WAS IN OUR FAMILY LINE,  FOR PSALM 91 says NO evil WILL BEFALL US.

See, now our inheritance is what God says in His Word for us!  Anything opposite to what God promises we need to reject, bind, and cast out in the name of Jesus!  God’s law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus supersedes all other forces, problems, sickness, bondage, no matter what the source, including family, and the law of sin and death.

So just because family has lived for the devil,  evidently, could not stop you from getting saved!  It was a decision from your will and heart to accept Jesus, and your family past could NOT stop you. It is the same for everything else God promises you, and for every area of your life.
So someone in your family was crazy…SO WHAT…God says He has NOT given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a SOUND MIND. There is your inheritance, so believe it, receive it, and say it.

If someone or a number of people in your family died of cancer…SO WHAT..YOU ARE UNDER THE BLOOD OF JESUS AND YOUR INHERITANCE IN HIM IS DIVINE HEALTH, AND HEALING of ALL disease!  You will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord.  That is what the Word of God says, and all the promises of God are yes, and Amen to the glory of God by us.  PEACE IS YOURS…NOT a troubled mind..JOY IS YOURS, AND DELIVERANCE FROM ALL demons of depression.

You must make up your mind once and for all that you are taking God’s inheritance and NOT the family negatives, oppressions, sickness, and troubles. You must put your foot down on all evil and ancestry bondage, and DON’T accept any of it as normal or your lot in life for any reason!  Your inheritance as a believer in Jesus is Psalm 91. When you live in the secret place of the MOST HIGH you abide under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY. He is the God that is MORE THAN ENOUGH.  NOT just enough, or barely enough, but MORE THAN ENOUGH.

evil spirits try to go from generation to generation with ancestry bondage, so if you have had symptoms of any kind, or bondage similar to family, bind the spirits of ancestry bondage and command them to get OUT IN THE NAME OF Jesus. They try to make it seem inevitable that you have the same bondage your family had because you are in at family, but those demons are foul LIARS.  Do NOT let them deceive you. Your inheritance is the inheritance that belongs to Jesus because you belong to Him, and are in His family…the family of God. You are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. All that is His is yours.  fate has nothing to do with Jesus for fate is a demon and NOT the way it is. You are NOT locked into some oppression or sickness for YOU HAVE A CHOICE WHO YOU SERVE AND LIVE FOR  and your decision determines your destiny, NOT a demon of fate!
The Lord looses the prisoners, heals the broken heart, raises us up from the dust and sets us among princes, is our shield, is our shepherd, goes before us and makes the crooked places straight, cuts in sunder the bars of iron, and breaks in pieces the gates of brass, makes a plain path for our feet, is a lamp to our feet and light for our path.

A man came to Jesus for his child was thrown into the water and fire by demons in the flesh to try to destroy him many times.  When he saw Jesus he was thrown to the ground in convulsion foaming at the mouth.  Jesus was ruled by peace and matter of fact asked the father how long this had gone on, and the man said it was since he was a child.  So right there is where those with no spiritual sense would say that this is a family bondage and just to struggle through the best you can because it is just locked in.  DO NOT LISTEN  to skeptical people full of unbelief. Jesus rebuked the deaf  and dumb demon and out it came and the man’s son was delivered and healed.  Mark 9.

The father had said to Jesus:  “IF  you Can do anything to help, help us!”  Jesus said: “IF YOU CAN BELIEVE, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THEM THAT BELIEVE”!  The man said he believed and asked Jesus to help him overcome his unbelief. Jesus got to the root of the problem….unbelief!  As soon as the man said:  “If you can…”  his unbelief was showing. If prayers don’t go anywhere. So if YOU will believe God, you will be delivered from and overcome all ancestry bondage and sickness!  Praise God, Jesus never fails.

I loose you from all your family bondage and past, from all the disease and torment and instability. In the name of Jesus I bind all the trespassing demons of ancestry bondage that are in the flesh, and you must all go out now. Praise Jesus for setting you free, now stretch out those wings and mount up with wings as eagles…FAR ABOVE IT ALL.

7 thoughts on “Your Inheritance

  1. I quit permissive will and now basically have no family or Christian friends left. I guess their allegiance to sickness and poverty meant more than me. Oh well. Screw them. I think I will be ok as along as I have the blog.

    1. You have the blog and every person who is on here! It is amazing how deep the unbelief goes in the permissive will people! It is a beast with many tentacles! When you love Jesus even though it costs you family and friends…great is your reward here and in heaven! The thing is people are deceived into thinking they are standing for some great truth with permissive will when actually they are denying the ONE they say they love, even Jesus Christ! Jesus is the truth and He healed all that were oppressed of the devil! Thank God Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Since you have stood for the truth, Jesus, then He is now standing for you! There will be some dramatic answers to prayer as you seek the Lord! Press in and on and watch the wonder working power of God work in your life more than ever!

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