Life Free From burdens

What is in God’s hands and what is in yours? How much have you committed your life to Jesus? 20 percent? 50 percent? 100 percent? Commit means putting into charge or trust; trust; to put into a place for safekeeping; obligate; to pledge or assign to some particular course or use.

Psalm 37:5
” Commit thy way to the Lord; trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.” One version says “Roll your cares on the Lord.”

We live in an inpatient society that does not want to wait for anything. Push and shove are key things in their lives, but good things come to those who rely on, wait on, and trust the Lord! If you do not see the manifestation of what you need instantly, don’t go digging up the faith seeds you planted yesterday. Growing takes a little time and what will happen is, as you’re patient and faithful (exercising patience, faith and endurance without wavering) that seed will grow and grow and one day it will all come together in “due season” for you have not grown weary in well doing, but committed your way to the Lord and kept planting the word of faith and watering and trusting God and then, BOOM, there is an abundant harvest: healings, blessings, answers to prayer, deliverance and joy. All on one stalk! Think of an apple tree seed: one seed. Plant it, water it, allow the sun to shine on it, have patience and trust… And it grows into a big apple tree with hundreds of apples on it every year. Then it keeps producing and producing until it’s created thousands of apples, an abundance of apples, but it was all started with one seed.

Imagine how it starts to multiply the more seeds you plant and the more you learn to commit your way to the Lord. Another Scripture says, ” Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain you. He will never permit the righteous to be moved.”

Are you still carrying heavy burdens that you’re supposed to cast on the Lord? You are to lay aside every weight to run this race with patience and endurance. Lastability. No wonder many fall by the wayside… Too much weight on their heads and emotions and body. Too much excess baggage because they really simply don’t believe God. On the other hand, they who do believe do enter into the rest of God where there are no burdens and no strain. “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” Read Matthew 11:28, 29 again and you will see if you’ve been 100 percent in the will of God.

The word in Isaiah says the wicked cannot rest like a sea in the storm that casts up the dirt and mire. It’s all the muck in them that keeps surfacing and keeps them in unrest and unpeace.

So as we submit for “muck removal,” Jesus will deliver us and we will walk in rest and peace as we believe God. For they that believe do enter into rest. Keep everything committed to God, so the faith seeds you are planting can grow to maturity and produce. It says He will bring it to pass!

This life is not as hard as the devil makes it seem. We just need to realize God’s simple keys he gave us to live a truly blessed life and enjoy it as he said to do each and every day.

41 thoughts on “Life Free From burdens

    1. You are welcome! The best part is that God DOES what He says He will do, and The WORD woks every time all the time! Enjoy NOT carrying the heavy burdens!

  1. Rev. Rocket, I wish people would snap out of it. God is bigger than Donald Trump! How do you put up with such unbelief? I am vexed.

    1. Some people would NOT know faith if faith walked up to them and declared…”I am faith”! They would find a way to disbelieve, doubt, and of course DO WITHOUT! The unbelief crowd moans, groans and talks about how sick they are, how broke and disturbed they are, and if you look close there are teeth marks where the hungry lions have been gnawing on them! they blame God for all their ills, believe erroneously that God permitted all the mess and die of awful diseases when they could have been healed, blessed, filled with the Holy Ghost JOY and anointing and walked in faith on the water instead of under it!
      Actually, I don’t put up with unbelief, I disregard it for it is unworthy of regard! I laugh at unbelief and people’s idiocy! trump has been trumped and we serve the God who is greater than the Sea, hungry lions, angry mobs, cancer and all sickness, all oppression, the heavens and the earth…in fact HE sits on the circle of the earth, so who is trump but a tsk, tsk, oops..squished all people’s vain imagination unbelief that tries to get them to limit God when it comes to this!
      Have a great week…you are going to be laughing a lot!

  2. I wish people would just join the party and stop being sniveling babies. Trump is a loser. In many ways. LOL. YOU have faith for this, right?!

  3. Come on everyone. Join the party and stop worrying about Bogieman Trump. Believe God! Right, Rev. Rocket?

  4. Ok, so I’ve just been told I am going to hell for taking Xanax? True or false? I can’ t function without it right now although I do believe in healing, but I have to be functional and work? What should I do? Stop taking it to prove I have faith? I am kind of scared to do that and have panic attacks.

    1. false! Stopping taking something does not prove faith! When you move in faith the results come without strain! Do not condemn yourself or let others condemn you for Jesus does not condemn, but He will help you, deliver you, and heal you! Here is what you do! Believe God, enter into His rest, keep building your faith by the Word of God, reading, believing it , and saying it , and one day at the end of the day you will realize…”Wow, I did not take or need xanax today!” And then day by day you will see the power of God at work in your life as He sets you free and establishes you in the faith!

  5. You understand so much its almost hard to argue with you….not that I really would want to HaHa. ( well….I use to).

  6. This is the right site for anyone who wants to find out real information that makes sense. Nice lowercase “h” starting the newest post by the way!

  7. See, the difference with this and a lot of blogs is that you know what you’re talking about!

    1. This blog is written for those who have “the love of the truth” and evidently you are one of them! Glad to hear that you are enjoying and you are welcome!

  8. This is the right site for anyone who wants to really understand things properly. It’s great.

    1. Praise God this helped you a lot…more on the way! when you are hungry and thirsty after righteousness you will be filled!

  9. Excellent post. I’ll definitely keep recommending it to some of my friends who haven’t visited here yet.
    I’m sure they’ll be happy about that. Ha ha ha….

  10. OK, I don’t know if I really believe any of this stuff, but the person who was just in trouble has the nerve to tell me “shut up and read the blog.” Of course, I am in bad shape. but I still don’t know if I believe this. But I will read a while. I think.

    1. Welcome! Your new life has just begun, the old passed away and Jesus said He makes all things NEW! The beauty of it is that He does it by the power of the Holy Spirit in your heart and suddenly you realize that there has been a tremendous change totally for the good and there is LIGHT where there used to be darkness, HOPE where there was despair, and ABUNDANT LIFE where there was death and death wish! Jesus is the way, the truth, and the Life, and all who believe on HIM though they were dead in their sins and trespasses will yet LIVE and come to LIFE as they believe on HIM! Enjoy, and always know that it was JESUS who sought you out and found you and HE will forgive you, save, heal, deliver and bless you abundantly and fill you with the Holy Spirit to overflowing! Enjoy!

  11. Yeah….I’m reading too now. I never thought I would, but… this is way cool. Not the typical mumbo jumbo nothing.

    1. You are welcome and good to have you here because I know that when you know the truth it will make you truly FREE! Praise Jesus you are in the right place at the right time and the devil cannot hold you back or down so press in and receive the goodness of God in the land of the living!

  12. OK. I am going to listen now because I have peace when I listen to this but not when I go to churches that can’t back anything up with power. I guess the dude was right.

    1. Amen! Keep up the good work…it will pay off big time in blessing after blessing! A lot of Christians forget that this thing takes work and consistency! Faith without the accompanying actions is dead being alone, but faith with works…action…produces the desired victory and result!

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