Burn Out

There is a lot to be said to stopping negative things before they start! That’s why it is important to know, believe, and speak the Word of God in faith believing. God said in Mark 11 that you would have whatever you say when you believe it in your heart and say it with your mouth. Notice He did NOT say you would have what you didn’t say. The course of your life is governed by the rudder of the ship: your tongue. You are stopping the negative ahead of time putting the Word of God in all its power in front of you paving the way for you to walk safely on, fearing nothing for all the hosts of hell are already defeated by the blood of Jesus.

When you’ve had battle after battle and many things going against you at the same time it can get to a point where you feel burned out. You have spent so much time putting out fires that you are spent, wearied.

The devil and demons want you to think and believe that it is over for you and that you don’t have the strength to fight even one more battle. They try to remind you of how weary you feel, and tell you that you will never feel better. The lying spirits work with spirits of weariness. They tell you lies about your past, present, and future. The lying spirits say you are worthless and try to make you out to be the worst sinner ever. You should NOT base what you believe on ANY lie, but ONLY on what the Word of God says! The Word of God says you are worth more than the whole world to Him and your past is completely forgiven and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. God’s Word says there remains a rest to the people of God who BELIEVE HIS WORD.

The lying spirits are the ones that speak failure about your present and future, and say you “can’t help being the way you are and that nothing will ever get better.” They are LIARS from the pit of hell and you SHOULD BE RED HOT ANGRY WITH THEM AND RISE UP AND BIND AND REBUKE them and their lies and TELL THEM TO GET OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS! In fact lying spirits will lie to you and tell you you are burned out when in fact you are NOT burned out, but just need to yield to the Holy Spirit and pray in the Spirit for in Isaiah God says that this is the refreshing and the rest wherein the weary will find rest. With stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people. The Holy Ghost will revive, refresh, and cause you to rest and deliver you from weariness. The Holy Ghost burns out the “burn out.” In fact I bind every spirit of burn out now in the Name of Jesus and they MUST GO OUT NOW, QUICKLY!

Elijah was feeling burn out, ran and hid in a cave, and prayed to die. He told the Lord how zealous he was for Him and now Jezebel was going to kill him. He thought it was all over, the end of journey, no strength to go on, weary in well doing, finished! God asked him what he was doing there in the cave. The still small voice of the Spirit was stronger than a wind that tore the rocks up. Elijah told God that he was the only righteous person left living for Him. God told him He had reserved several thousand that had not bowed the knee to baal, the false god. God told him to get out of the cave and go do what He told him to do.

burn out tries to have you have ” hide in a cave” mentality. God even now has many He has kept and reserved and preserved that are marching in faith, overcoming the devil, the world, and the flesh, with the power of God destroying the works of the devil. God’s army praises Him at all times, and God inhabits that praise and sends ambushments against the enemy, divides and destroys their tongues…they will fight each other, and angels will deliver us from them! Galatians 6:9 says “Let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we will reap if we faint not.” Do NOT give up, keep doing what God said do. Keep PRAISING GOD AT ALL TIMES. Keep on speaking the Word of God in faith. Having done all to stand, STAND and you will see the glory of God.

weariness is an enemy so fight it with all that is in you! Sometimes when a lot had gone on against me I would stand on the scripture that says that God fights for His people. Everyone’s arms are too short to box with God, and the devil and all his cohorts are defeated and under our feet as we move in the authority Jesus gave us. Read Psalm 34 Psalm 32 and Psalm 143 and you will be comforted, receive faith, and be delivered by the power of God. weariness must go, the give up spirits must go, spirits of “I can’t” must all leave also in the name of Jesus.
The refreshing of the Holy Spirit is yours now so begin to speak in the heavenly prayer language and allow the Spirit of God to rise up strong within you and this IS the rest and the refreshing wherein He will cause the weary to REST.

5 thoughts on “Burn Out

  1. What is up with Joel Osteen and this Pantheism and one-world religion garbage? Love the dude who called him out in his own church when they prayed in the name of “all that is holy.” Is this the end times Revelations talks about??

    1. Good call…people who join the spirit of the world and try to mix the spirit of the world with the Word of God are compromising and preaching deception! There is ONE name whereby men can be saved…the name of Jesus and Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and NO man comes to the Father but by Him! All roads do NOT lead to God and the one-world religion is full of religious demons and dead men’s bones! Outwardly they are all shined up like a whited sepulchre, but inside….dead men’s bones, and there is the spirits of spiritual death! They are walking talking dead men! In the end times Revelation talks about people will be seducers, deceiving and being deceived, and we are seeing first hand the playing out of these things one after another! God warns to take heed because if the light that is in you become darkness, how great is that darkness. In other words when people have had the light of God and then turn from it a great darkness comes in their lives! The problem with deceived people is they no longer can see their need…they are blinded to it and stumble, but do not know at what they stumble! A man of God years ago saw a vision of the end times and Jesus stood with outstretched hands and this Holy Ghost liquid fire anointing would go into people and they would be saved, healed, delivered and then they would go and the same anointing would go into others with the same results, but some would start backing away from that anointing and the light and when they did a great darkness would swallow them up and they were seen no more! People like Joel need to come to a place of repentance and turn from the darkness and deception to the light…and JESUS CHRIST IS THE LIGHT…AND NO other!

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