Before you enjoy the post, just a quick note:

When a lot has come against you from all sides it tries to bring a feeling of hopelessness and frustration! It is the tactic of the devil to try to hit with so many different things from all kinds of sources to wear you down and to cause fear and doubt! So if you have felt belabored, vexed, weakened, and at times like giving up, then this message is for you!

In this life it is not a matter of “turning over a new leaf” or “trying the latest program for self help”! No, what we need is revelation by and of the Holy Spirit! There is wisdom that is far above anything man ever knew or will ever know, and it only comes by the Holy Spirit! God knows EVERYTHING, not some things! Man has limited knowledge and is at his best state altogether vanity! We need to learn to lean heavily on the Holy Spirit!

As you seek God, meditate in the Word of God, and pray, and praise the Lord, the presence of the Lord will become very real in your life. You will become intimately acquainted with the Holy Spirit an He will lead you into all truth. After saved as you ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit you will receive a Holy Ghost prayer language and the wonder working power of God! Then you can pray a perfect prayer in the Holy Ghost and build yourself up on your most Holy faith all at the same time! Jesus said: ” You will receive POWER after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and you will be witnesses to me….in all the world!” Power to heal, power to deliver and cast out demons, POWER OVER ALL the power of the enemy, and NOTHING shall by ANY means hurt you!

John said in Revelation 1 : “I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last what you SEE write in a book.” He was in the Spirit and when He turned saw Jesus and received the revelation of Jesus! Some people go by what they see in the “natural.” They go by what they feel and therefore miss what God has for them as they progressively get worse in every way until they finally pass away. We need to be in the Spirit and SEE what He shows and then we will walk in victory over the world, the flesh and the devil!

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Faith, the Spirit of Truth! He changes how you look at everything and what you see! There is a spiritual blindness that keeps people from seeing the truth. The redeemer, Jesus Christ was right in front of people and they were blinded from seeing who He was! The blinded ones rejected Him and wanted Him dead! So it is today when people reject the power and move of God in the name of religion! The religious spirit keeps people from miracles they need by telling them lies and say the days of miracles and healing are past! When they believe the lies it blinds them instantly and from then on they “cannot see” the truth that would set them free! They can receive their sight again if the Holy Spirit breaks through the darkness, and they repent and believe!

As I grew in the Lord and ministry I got to a point to where when I was ministering to the sick I would see them different than they were in the natural by faith in the Spirit, and they would be healed every one! Parents brought a young crippled child to a miracle service and when they brought her up all I could see was her walking and running normal. We believed God and in the natural it looked like nothing happened, but in the Spirit I saw her walking. I told the parents to simply believe God, and they did and she was walking in two weeks. The doctors could do nothing for her, but THEN CAME JESUS! This kept happening where I couldn’t doubt as I would see the people as God sees by faith, well and strong!

It doesn’t matter what you have been through or how long you have been going through it, the POWER OF GOD IS FAR GREATER! As I thought on this post I thought of all the needs you have and no matter the situation, no matter how long you have been crippled or oppressed with arthritis or pain, no matter if you’ve been battling cancer or poverty, or vexation….I SAW YOU DANCE! God will turn our mourning into dancing and clothe us with gladness! Psalm 30:11 everything that has caused grief and pain is under my feet and God is turning your mourning into dancing!

“You don’t understand brother, there is no way I can dance…you just don’t know how bad I hurt!” What I do know is that no matter how bad off you have been, no matter how long you have been in pain, by FAITH I saw you DANCE by the WONDER WORKING POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! My preaching was not in the words of man’s wisdom, but in the demonstration of the Spirit and of POWER, that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of man, but in the POWER OF GOD! The WONDER WORKING POWER OF GOD IS UNLIMITED! Do NOT limit God by your infirmity or circumstance or by how long you have been oppressed! Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and FOREVER! He is the Deliverer, the Healer, the Restorer, the Good Shepherd, He is peace! Look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith!

I pray that NOW, SIGNS, WONDERS, AND MIRACLES BE DONE IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Let the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, and whatever miracle you need I thank Jesus for doing it now!