We serve the God who is MORE than enough, NOT just enough! “If God be for you who then can be against you!?” God does NOT need big numbers of people to accomplish great things, He only needs one person…you…to act in faith believing and ALL heaven will move and great signs, wonders, and miracles will happen to the glory of God!

When the false prophets of baal stood against Elijah there were many of them and one of him! They acted up all day with their chants and cutting themselves with stones whooping and hollering to their false god! Nothing happened! Then it was Elijah’s turn and he had a lot of water poured over the sacrifice! God will supersede all you ask or think when you move in faith! Elijah prayed this little prayer and asked God to show them that he did all he did at God’s Word! The fire of God came down and burned up the sacrifice, the water…everything and the people fell on their faces and cried out “the Lord, He is the God”! They saw the power of God and realized baal was a false god that could do nothing for them! It was one man of God with faith and that was all it took!

Elisha, another prophet of God, was in his house and the servant comes running to Elisha scared witless for the enemy army had surrounded the house! At this point you can either believe God and move in faith or fear the enemy and die!
Elisha was perfectly calm for He KNEW the power of Almighty God and that it was greater than everything! He prays: “Lord, open his eyes”!
The servant looks again and sees the armies of God and flaming chariots and angels and exclaimed to Elisha what he saw! Elisha said that there are more with us than are against us and had told the servant to fear not!
Always remember that as you meet life’s challenges and when it seems the enemy has you surrounded! God caused the enemy to not be able to see and the man of God led them into captivity!

The power of one!

Remember three things to overcome it all with the power of God!
1. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness, wicked spirits in high places.
2. fear not
3. God does not need many to win, He only needs one
When you fight flesh and blood it is not the arena to win in! There are wicked people for sure and God warns us about them so we will not be affected by them, but the wrestling match is with wicked spirits that are behind all the sin and evil there is! We bind them in the name of Jesus in every realm and cast them out of the flesh here on earth! Some read that scripture and stop short….we wrestle not…….and they don’t resist the devil or bind anything but try to float along and accept whatever comes as the will of God! They will NEVER have the blessings God promises with that lazy, indifferent, unbelieving approach! God’s will is healing and divine health NOT sickness, disease and oppression…NOT cancer, arthritis,pain,headaches,etc.! So fear NOT and bind this garbage, do NOT ACCEPT IT AS YOUR LOT IN LIFE, AND CAST IT OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS!

Some fight like they are drowning and don’t know how to swim so are flailing and slapping the water in fear and anxiety, and are going down! Others fight as if blindfolded swinging in all kinds of directions all over the place and never come close to knocking the enemy out! Then they blame God and accept defeat as their lot in life when Jesus overcame the world, the flesh, and the devil and has given us authority and power over all the power of the enemy and says to us as we use what God has given us that NOTHING will by ANY means hurt us! OH, PRAISE GOD FOR THE VICTORY IN JESUS! This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith!

God said the enemy would gather together against us but NOT by Him! Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! They will come against you one way and have to leave in seven directions! No weapon formed against us will prosper and every tongue that rises in judgment we will condemn! The weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal but MIGHTY THROUGH GOD TO THE PULLING DOWN OF strongholds! Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!

My dear friends REJOICE for the battle is the Lord’s and HE NEVER LOSES OR FAILS! You may have seen so many wrong and wicked things going on in the world, but do NOT despair for God is still on the throne, and there are more with us than against us and Jesus will cause us to triumph OVER it all! He will show us what to do, how to do it and when! As we humble ourselves under the hand of God HE WILL LIFT US UP! When God lifts you, you are LIFTED in such a way that NOTHING can bring you down!

I was traveling in ministry with a man who moved in faith and he told the story of how once he was one of the staff members watching over a young girls spiritual retreat. They were out in a wooded area with no people living nearby. A great number of hoodlums came and surrounded their trailer with torches and began rocking the trailer to push it over. You better be prayed up right then for there is no time to go get faith worked up somewhere!

The Holy Ghost spoke on the inside and told him what to do! He went and opened the door and BOLDLY SPOKE IN TONGUES OF THE SPIRIT! All the criminals dropped their torches got on their motorcycles and drove off! Praise God! The power of one with the Lord!

You may have felt alone, but you are NOT alone and there are more with you than against you! Do not be discouraged over those who have gone astray, but keep your eyes and heart fastened on the ONE who is GREATER than all, JESUS CHRIST for in Him we live and move and have our being! God will do great things as you as “one” believe and stand for God in these last days!

I loose each person to receive the Spirit of Faith in Jesus name! As they release that faith in your Word Jesus the angels will deliver, all heaven will move on their behalf and great deliverance will come!

I bind every spirit of unbelief and fear that has caused people to look at the circumstance instead of the promises of God and all these spirits must go out now! Be healed of all sickness and disease and all spirits of heart trouble, pain, back trouble, heartache, broken heart and all oppression GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Praise Jesus!

Let us know the great things God has done and keep praising the Lord for the answer!

22 thoughts on “THE POWER OF ONE

    1. I know you meant this and I take each comment individually and seriously! I’m glad you said this because it is good to know this is hitting the mark! God is always on time and surely knows what we need to hear! In my spirit I was seeing people sitting alone, trying to deal with everything and feeling overwhelmed because they had few or none to stand with them.
      The Almighty One, The Rock of Ages, the God that is more than enough is with you now and through HIM you will do valiantly for HE it is that treads the enemy under your feet! Praise God, “One” with Jesus is a MAJORITY…FOR THERE ARE MORE WITH US THAN AGAINST US…PRAISE GOD!

      I’m glad you said that this was just what you needed!

    1. Yes, this is for you and I stand in agreement with you for all that you need! Remember, EVERYTHING that has been negative,lies, oppressive, and been against you is NOT God, but IS the work of the devil and he is defeated, bound, and UNDER YOUR FEET! satan, the thief, comes to rob, kill, and destroy, but JESUS came to give LIFE AND LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY! That abundance of LIFE FLOW is MORE THAN CAN BE MEASURED! So that means you will be so blessed with the blessings of God that you won’t know what to do with it all! Be encouraged for God has heard your cry and is come down to deliver you!

    1. If you are here reading….think about it …it is NOT by accident, but by design! God is greater than everything and knows just what we need and when! Jesus loves you, died for you and rose again! He knows you and what is in your heart, and is the HEALER, THE SAVIOR, THE DELIVERER, THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS! WHEN YOU BELIEVE ON HIM AND CONFESS JESUS CHRIST IS LORD HE SAVES YOU AND WASHES YOU CLEAN, FORGIVES ALL THE PAST AND GIVES YOU ETERNAL LIFE ON THE INSIDE AND A NEW LIFE NOW! ENJOY THIS AND ASK HIM TO REVEAL THE TRUTH TO YOU BY THE HOLY SPIRIT….YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED!

  1. The reason is because it’s sensible and you can follow it, rather than ridiculous, rhetoric that you can tell the person got out of a book or something. Rev. Rocket is sane. That right there is an oddity these days in the church world.

    1. PRAY! God can do what man cannot do! 2 Chronicles 7:14″If My people…will humble themselves and pray….then I will hear from heaven and heal their land!” Also, as we pray and intercede we draw close to God and enter His presence and in His presence there is fullness of JOY! Stop looking at man and his failures and mistakes and start and continue to look at God’s promises in His Word and speak them in faith over this country! Also, remember to bind all wicked spirits in every realm and loose the nation from their control and all influence!

      This battle is a spiritual one and will be won by using our spiritual weapons God has given us that are MIGHTY through God to the pulling down of strongholds and bring victory every time! Then let’s PRAISE the Lord for the answer for God inhabits our praise…He sits upon the throne of our praises and rules! PRAISE JESUS…OUR GOD REIGNS, OUR GOD REIGNS!

    1. I know what you mean! The world tries to run on negativity! The real shame is when Christians live negative! The devil is a liar and the father of lies and lies are what make the heart of the righteous sad! It is time to stand for the truth and live in JOY! I pray that all who read this blog will walk in a new faith and joy as the chains of darkness are broken! You are welcome for the encouragement!


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