IF is a two letter word that is very important and can dramatically change your life for the better.

A lot of people try to blame God for their lack, bondage, sickness, accidents and catastrophes when God had nothing to do with the evil, but was there all the time ready, willing and able to prosper, deliver and heal!

People say: “Yes, I know God promises blessing……BUT…” Then they list all the excuses and accuse God of everything from not caring to not performing the promises. God in this hour looks at ALL of them with their bitterness, anger, unbelief, and hate of God spirits and says: “IF you can BELIEVE, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE!”



In John 11 Lazarus had been dead 4 days and first they accused Jesus of being too late. They said if Jesus had been there then He could have kept Lazarus from dying. Then Jesus says to roll the stone away from the tomb. Then they said: “But Jesus by now he stinks!” All they could think of was in the natural, what they could see, smell, hear, taste, or touch! That is the “I will believe it when I see it crowd!” God says the opposite that you will only see it when you believe first.

By the way, when you believe God it cannot be this wishy washy one minute you believe and the next you are talking of how bad everything is. Read James again and you will see that he that wavers is like the waves of the sea that are tossed back and forth by the winds! Then He says do not let that man who wavers and who is double minded think that he will receive ANYTHING from the Lord! FAITH that has come from hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, STANDS fast on the promises of God and does NOT waver. Not even an inch! God honors that faith and will bring the miraculous and the needed answer every time!

So Jesus turns to them and says: “Didn’t I say IF you could believe you would see the glory of God?” Martha said if Jesus had been there, then Lazarus would not have died! unbelief lives in the past and says God is too late. Martha is not seeing her lack of faith as she blames Jesus as being too late. She goes on to say that she knew whatever Jesus ask of God He would give it! So Jesus declares that her brother will rise again! Still, Martha in unbelief puts it off in procrastination to the future as she declares that she knew Lazarus would rise someday at the resurrection in the last day.

So, while some procrastinate in the day of God’s power, and others won’t believe God now, but think circumstances should have changed on automatic pilot and since they didn’t, think God must not want them to have the blessings they needed. Others have the spirit of procrastination and believe they will get the blessing of God…”SOMEDAY.”

GOD’S WORD SAYS THAT FAITH IS NOW AND IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR, THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN! Praise God! TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION. Today, IF you will hear His voice, don’t harden your hearts as in the day of provocation when they tempted the Holy One of Israel!

Jesus cried out with a LOUD voice: “LAZARUS COME FORTH”! Lazarus rose from the dead and came out with grave clothes on and Jesus told them to loose him and let him go. Praise God faith NOW works and brings the dead to life again. Churches today need to be raised from the dead. To come into the abundant life in Jesus you must move in FAITH NOW without wavering for faithful is He who promised who will do what He said! If you can believe you will see the glory of God and all things are possible to them that believe!

In Mark Chapter 9, a boy had been thrown around in convulsions and thrown into the fire, and water etc., by a deaf and dumb spirit to destroy him. He brought him to Jesus and the spirit tore him and threw him to the ground and he wallowed and foamed at the mouth. The father said to Jesus : “IF you can do anything, have compassion and help us!” Jesus said back: “IF you can BELIEVE, all things are possible to him that believes!” The father said he believed and asked help with his unbelief problem! Jesus commanded the dumb and deaf spirit to come out and not to enter him anymore and it came out and the son was delivered! IF you can believe..ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

In 2017 it will be the year of the “turn around” where God will turn everything around for the good for those who believe as He has promised to do in His Word! IF you can believe then ALL things will be possible this coming year. So it will be a year where your faith will be ignited by the Holy Ghost and you will speak words of fire that will burn up the works of the devil!

Remember the power of ONE! Get your faith from the Word of God and let the chaff be burned in the fire of the Holy Ghost! Some of the chaff is the unbelief and noisy chatter that speaks judgment instead of mercy and steers people away from the pure gospel into paths that are NOT ordained by God! God is NOT the author of confusion, but of life and peace! One with Jesus is a majority for we live for the God who is MORE than enough and there are more with us than against us!

Do NOT be discourage or dismayed, but be of good courage and God will strengthen your heart! People fail, preachers fail and miss it, but our faith is NOT in them, but our faith is in JESUS! JESUS IS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH and NOT anyone else!

Daniel of the Old Testament was a man of prayer and a law was made against it, but he kept praying so they threw him into a den of hungry lions! God sent an angel that SHUT the mouth of the lions and they could not do any harm to Daniel! Daniel didn’t run to any preacher or those who compromised; he trusted God and was delivered.

Those who opposed Daniel, falsely accused him, and did this evil against him were thrown to the lions and were immediately devoured. The king made a new decree that all should fear and reverence the God that Daniel lived for! And Daniel prospered! “ONE” with God is a majority!

This year 2017 ….THE YEAR OF THE TURN AROUND! As God did for Daniel so He will do for us who believe in these last days as we wholly trust Him and look to Him! God is bringing us out of the lions den unharmed and turning everything around for our good and prospering us in every realm!

I pray for each one now in the name of Jesus. Deliver us from the lions and all that has opposed your people Lord Jesus. I bind every evil spirit and loose each believer to go free from all oppression, all sickness, all bondage, all false condemnation, all deception, confusion, and every evil work! Now, rise up you strong and possess the land. Possess what God has promised. We give you all the glory Jesus for it is your power, your grace, your mercy that rewrites our lives and brings the victory. Let this coming New Year be a year of the GREATNESS OF GOD with great miracles, great peace, and great joy in the name of Jesus!

Psalm 126:3 The Lord has done great things for us whereof we are glad!

26 thoughts on “THE KEY FOR VICTORY 2017: “IF”

  1. I like this better than the other junk I’ve been hearing….like give up everything I like for a full year to “get God’s attention.” I think I need to stick with this for now.

    1. YES, PLEASE STICK WITH THIS FOR NOW! How absurd that you would have to give up all you like to get God’s attention! God knows you totally and knows what you need before you ask Him and knows the number of hairs on your head! Jesus died and rose for you so I do believe you ALREADY have His attention! People are so absurd with their religious spirits and false doctrines and doctrines of demons! Live for Jesus and enjoy the life He has given you! How about whoever told you those lies give up their control spirits and stop trying to control people and let the Holy Spirit lead you!

  2. Yeah…I am ditching them. Someone in my town told me that that pastor “called himself” into the ministry. That explains that! LOL

    1. LOL wow what a trick….calling oneself into ministry! That is like someone waking up one day and calling oneself a neurosurgeon with no training except barber school! Ha Ha It is real tough to be a minister with no anointing of the Holy Spirit when without the Holy Spirit there is no ministry to accomplish anything worth anything to heal or deliver! This is the seven sons of Sceva all over again…trying to cast a demon out in the name of Jesus that Paul preaches about…the demons spoke through the man and said they knew Jesus and Paul and said : “But who are you”? and thencaused the man to leap on and thrash all seven of them and they ran away wounded and with NO spiritual results! They had the same degree that this “self called” pastor has ….it is a degree of “Idiot”! LOL Aren’t you glad you know Jesus for yourself!?

    1. The Lord gave me this to share so as you ask Him to give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth here and it will be like a LIGHT going ON in your spirit and understanding will come! You are here not by chance, but Jesus brought you here to receive the truth that would minister faith to you that will change your whole life for the better and make you FREE! Enjoy this and what God is going to do in your life! I prayed that people would come here that are hungry and thirsty for the truth and that would receive it and the wonder working power of God that would bring the miraculous in their lives! And so you are here….an answer to prayer, and I loose you to receive all that God has for you and that you need in Jesus name!

  3. Ok, so a mysterious stranger from nowhere tells me I need to visit this blog, so I came very skeptical, but now I like. Ok you win.

    1. Welcome to Blog Church where Miracles and Healing are the norm, Jesus Christ is Lord, with none of the Godhead left out, Father, Son, Holy Spirit all alive and well, and where you can know the truth and the truth will make you free from false religions, sin, and sickness and all demonic oppression! Glad you made it here…it will be great for you to experience true Joy as the Holy Spirit leads you into all truth! Enjoy!

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