The “EYES” Have It

What you DON’T know can not only hinder you, but it can destroy you ! God said that His people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge! What is it that you don’t know that could end up destroying you?

Let me tell you something: the devil is NOT your friend and comes to rob, kill, and destroy! demon spirits carry out the works of satan and they work under the cover of darkness! They are very deceptive as they speak lies into the minds of the unsuspecting! In the garden of Eden satan said to Eve: “Has God said…?” and he planted doubt in her mind. That seed of doubt, once acted on, destroyed their walk with God and His protection And brought sin, sickness and death on every generation since. They acted against God when they acted on the word and lies of the devil!

If you knew that a maniac was coming down the wrong way on a one way street you could avoid a serious accident because of what you knew! Did you “know” that there are demons of accidents that come up to people’s minds to get them to do stupid things on the road to “destroy you and others”!? I have cast them out and then they were not there to cause accidents in the future! Preventative medicine! Also, knowing this we can take authority over all spirits of accidents and hold them bound so that NO evil will befall us! Another thing to do is bind and be delivered of all spirits of the fear of accidents! fear opens the door for destruction!

Watch what you ACCEPT! Here is one I discerned and it is a spirit of “acceptance.” This one lies to people to get them to accept sickness and disease as normal and as allowed by God! Then they suffer needlessly and the whole time Jesus ALREADY purchased their healing when He took those stripes on His back for 1Peter 2:24 says: “By whose stripes you WERE healed”! Wouldn’t it be better to actually believe what God said and receive your healing than be sick all your life and die before your time? STOP accepting arthritis, pain, heart trouble and any sickness or disease as normal or your lot in life or as if God permitted it for some mysterious reason. The devil is the oppressor and Jesus went about doing good HEALING ALL that were oppressed of the devil! Acts 10:38.

Take God at His Word, stand on the promises of God and resist the devil and he will run from you! Remember the devil is behind all the sin and evil there is and what he does he does by demon spirits! They are defeated, but work destruction when people live by fear, unbelief, or believe false doctrines and doctrines (beliefs, teachings) of demons! The spirits of unbelief blind the mind and then people could see a great miracle right in front of them and yet not really see it for they still refuse to believe God!

I preached on Psalm 91 one time and said that God will deliver us from all evil and nothing by ANY means hurt us as we walk in authority and the power of God! There was a lady who was a die hard permissive willer who said she didn’t care what I said but that she still believed people had to die from some sickness! Ha ha ha…oh really… come Enoch walked with God and one day went to heaven with no sickness!? Why does the New Testament say that above all things God wants us to prosper and be in good health even as our soul prospers!? Could it be at Jesus wants to make us whole spirit, soul, and body? Isn’t that exactly why He died for us and took our sins and sickness in His body for us?

Praise God, we should be shouting the praises of God about now!

The good news is that you do not have to be destroyed for the lack of knowledge, for the entrance of God’s words bring light, the light of God! God is LIGHT and in Him is NO darkness at all! When you pray and get in the Word of God the Holy Spirit will anoint the Word and destroy the yoke of bondage and cause you to SEE the light that scatters all the darkness and produces ABUNDANT LIFE! When you can SEE then the pitfalls that were going to destroy you are exposed and you can avoid them!

There is a scripture that has so much in it that you could meditate on it for a year and there would still be more that God would show you! Ephesians 1 :17-22 ! This is a prayer so I’m going to say it the way we should pray it over our lives personally, See how when the EYES of your UNDERSTANDING are enlightened that it causes you to KNOW 3 major things that will deliver you from the lack of knowledge and destruction and cause you to stand strong in these last days!

“I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to me the SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATION in the KNOWLEDGE of HIM, the EYES of my UNDERSTANDING being enlightened that I may KNOW 1. what is the hope of His calling and 2. What are the RICHES OF THE GLORY of His inheritance in me, and 3. What is the EXCEEDING GREATNESS OF HIS POWER toward me who believes, according to the working of His MIGHTY POWER which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places FAR ABOVE ALL principality and power and might and dominion and EVERY name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. And He has put ALL things under His feet, and gave Him to be HEAD over ALL things to the church (me) which is the FULLNESS of Him who fills all in all!

If a person dies before the rapture the spirit that is you leaves the body! The human spirit can see , hear, and feel! So your understanding for spiritual things is in your spirit and your spirit has eyes that if darkened then you will be blinded to truth and the knowledge of the Word of God that would have delivered you, but because the eyes of understanding are not enlightened causes a lack of knowledge that causes people to be destroyed!

Are you starting to see how very important this prayer is in Ephesians 1 ? When your eyes of understanding are enlightened by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus, praise God you live in GOD’S HOPE, answers to prayer are abundant and God’s RICHES OF HIS GLORY that are your inheritance as you KNOW them, and no longer are you a weak struggling Christian for you walk in the EXCEEDING GREATNESS OF HIS POWER EVEN RESURRECTION POWER that brings that which was dead to LIFE again! No wonder God says that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE! “IF you believe…ALL things ARE possible to those who BELIEVE!

The “EYES” have it….motion carried…every name of every disease and bondage and destruction is under our feet because of Jesus victory and as you SEE it you will walk an OVERCOMER in this life and have eternal life and live with Jesus forever! Amen!

37 thoughts on “The “EYES” Have It

    1. You are welcome…my pleasure…always good to shoot down unbelief/permissive will mess! If people refuse to really believe God they should NOT even try to give lame excuses in their pride in the form of devil made hellish doctrines that make and keep people sick and tormented …and then turn and accuse God falsely! What hypocrisy! I will take the truth that sets me free and the Word that heals and delivers! Praise God…and receive the healing joy!

  1. I better keep reading too, although this post makes me a little nervous. I can’t believe Randy did this to me.

  2. Well, at first I thought on every single page….I can’t do THAT. But actually I have been able to do it all. I guess I was a doubting Thomasina.

    1. See there, the Holy Spirit enables you to do what you “thought” you couldn’t do for as you read on in spite of the demons of doubt faith came in your heart, the doubt left and you were doing the Word and will be blessed in your doing! Praise God! No more doubting Thomasina…haha!

  3. Now that we have President Idiot, the blog is even more important…..a positive message so men’s hearts don’t fail them for fear. LOL

  4. Well, Rev. Rocket, I forwarded this on to several people who didn’t want it. Oh well. I guess they got it anyway.

    1. Good for you! People don’t know what they need but they do need Jesus and they need to see the truth so they can be made free from the law of sin and death! sometimes they say they don’t want it but inwardly are hungry for the truth! I pray the Lord touches them now, opens up their eyes and refeals Himself to them through this blog in Jesus name! I bind all spirits of unbelief and rebellion and loose the people to go free NOW in Jesus name!

    1. Welcome, enjoy and remember that when you stand for Jesus and righteousness then Jesus stands for you! You don’t need to subject yourself to the spirit of confusion anyway! God is NOT the author of confusion but of LIFE and PEACE! ABUNDANT LIFE AND ABUNDANT PEACE!

    1. No you are NOT crazy at all! Many people have had this same problem! These are NOT your own thoughts at all! Do you know how I know that? Because you want to pray and seek God…NOT have thoughts of all the things you did wrong in the past! So it is the enemy! demons in the flesh have a way of coming up to the mind and putting thoughts in the mind! They are trespassers and have NO right to be there or do this so we can cast them out in the name of Jesus and they must take their wicked tormenting thoughts and get OUT!

      These are spirits behind those sins and spirits of false condemnation and sin recall! Renounce the past now, renounce these spirits and tell them they must leave you now in the name of Jesus! I agree with you now in the name of Jesus and rebuke every spirit of past sins and false condemnation and mental torment..all of them MUST GO NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS!
      Now praise the Lord for deliverance and pray all you want with no bad thoughts of the past at all! Remember when you confessed Jesus as Lord and repented of those things the blood of Jesus wiped the slate clean and it is as if you NEVER sinned for you are JUSTIFIED by the blood Jesus shed for you…just as if you never sinned, for He took your place on the cross bore your sins and judgement and raised up from the dead so you could be made brand new! Enjoy praying and receiving the answers you pray for!

    1. What you do then is begin and continue praying the prayer from Ephesians 1 for Jesus to enlighten the eyes of your understanding….and read and meditate on the Word of God so the Holy Spirit will have something to move on! Read the post again and see how I said to pray the prayer…believe it works for it is the prayer of the Holy Spirit put there for us to pray so that the eyes of our understanding would be enlightened so that we would KNOW the things freely given to us of God! The first step to knowledge is to see that we lack it! Then we will go get it from God the way He said to!

  5. Thank you for not being a trumpster like some of these loser televangelists. I hope they have a good speech ready when they face God.

  6. Thank goodness I have the blog to read while my husband and his friends are watching that boring ballgame. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    1. Glad you enjoyed the blog at “such a time as this!” lol Well, one thing though…New England was down 28 to 3 and showed a big lesson in NOT giving up and persevering and kept on keeping on doing what they knew to do, made up all the ground in one quarter and a little overtime to win 34 to 28! A lesson to all who feel like throwing in the towel when some things have gone against us!
      There now you heard in a minute about the game AND you got your faith boosted reading the blog! Enjoy, and thanks for the post!

  7. Ok…what can I do, I have to believe all this!! No one ever bothered to direct me to a blog that really had helpful information, much less help me to get spirit filled. I was really tired of these tarrying services that accomplish nothing, so I figured when may pastor was trying to stop me from getting prayed for by this guest singer, then that probably meant I needed to ditch my pastor and talk to the singer. So I did. The rest is history.

    1. YES, THIS IS REAL AND YOU REALLY RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE BLOG IS REAL FOR I AM HERE ANSWERING YOU LIVE! Those tarrying meetings were designed by a spirit of procrastination and that’s why nothing ever happened!

  8. Ok, I’m here. Are you happy? I’m reading. I don’t want to hear I told you so. I think sending the link 5000 times is enough. HERE I AM. Actually…I’m really glad I finally came.

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