Which Car Are You? Part Two

Maintenance and Repair

When we let things go that we should be paying attention to and maintaining things go haywire and get out of sorts, mess up, and get turned upside down and do not work any more the way they should work!

Are you the car with an old corroded battery, frayed plug wires, and plugs that are clogged up and fouling out? That will not be producing blessing in your life but will be trouble …for your car eventually won’t even start because of the poor condition everything is in!

I was at a place of business the other day and a delivery man in a van pulls up and made his delivery! He comes over and asked if I would jump his battery for it was dead! He carried jumper cables with him for the battery was going dead everywhere he went! Lol I tried for 10 minutes to put a charge on his battery and all it would do is grunt….but not turn over or start! This is the Christian that knows better but has not stayed prayed up, fasted up, praised up, not kept faith ignited, and is not reading, meditating, believing, or speaking the WORD OF GOD! They run from meeting to meeting to get jump started! But they have become weakened and the power drained and the car won’t start even with others praying! Even the jump start won’t work!

So we need to get our cars tuned up and if the battery is going dead do NOT rely on a “jump start” to pull you through! Get the NEW battery, plugs, wires, and all that produces the power necessary to run your car! Jesus said you will receive power AFTER you are filled with the Holy Spirit! Then in the epistles God said to be FILLED with the Spirit, and it literally says: “BE YOU BEING FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT”! Ephesians 5:18. That is ON GOING, EVERY DAY!

Take the TIME to spend time in the presence of God and go in there praising and worshiping God in the Spirit and in truth! Stay there until the power comes and then your “battery” will not need to be jumped, for it will NOT be dying! Your car will start and run perfectly EVERY TIME, EVERY DAY, no matter what the weather or circumstance is!

You have been given AUTHORITY AND POWER OVER ALL the power of the enemy! The devil is defeated and as we bind all evil spirits they are bound and whatever we loose is loosed! But how sad it is when Jesus gave us ALL we need to walk in blessing and we refuse to do what He said and then we do without and experience the curse! TOTALLY unnecessary to be experience the curse when God has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Jesus! Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us when He went on the cross and laid down His life for us!

If you have been riding around on bald tires and you know they are bald….GET NEW TIRES ON before you have a blow out and run off the road entirely! When you wait on the Lord you renew your strength and will mount up with wings as eagles and run and not be weary, walk and not faint! GET THE NEW TIRES, WAIT ON THE LORD SO YOU CAN RUN AND WALK ON unhindered or without running off the road an having an accident that hurts and destroys!

Did you ever run out of gas? It is usually when there is something very important you needed to get to! You either forgot you needed gas or procrastinated getting gas ….and there you sit in the middle of nowhere not able to get where you need to be just because of not keeping your tank filled!

It is so important to be filled with the promises of God….to be FILLED IN YOUR HEART WITH THE WORD OF GOD! For then when an emergency arises instead of cursing the WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD WILL COME OUT YOUR MOUTH AND YOU WILL OVERCOME AND HAVE WHAT GOD SAYS AND PROMISES! Keep your heart filled with the fuel of the Word of God and faith will flow like a river and healing will come, deliverance will flow, answers to prayer will abound and you will possess GREAT JOY!

With JOY you will draw waters out of the well of salvation! The JOY of the Lord is your strength! Take time to laugh at the devil, laugh at the circumstance for it is all under your feet! JOY is the oil that keeps the engine of your heart running smooth! Do NOT LET ANYTHING rob your JOY! A car that loses the oil will seize up and the engine will be no more! How many times people let circumstance break their heart and the live in depression and brokenheartedness and below their inheritance in Jesus! I cast out a withering spirit one time and instantly a deep joy filled the woman! The scripture says how joy had withered away from people!

Jesus will restore the years eaten away by the enemy, restore your soul , and fill you with the oil of JOY AND GLADNESS! Isaiah 61:3 . Come to Him all that labor and are heavy laden,and you will find rest for your soul as you cast your burden on Him! Matthew 11:28.


44 thoughts on “Which Car Are You? Part Two

    1. Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted, restore that which was ruined, save the lost, deliver the oppressed, give the oil of joy instead of the spirit of heaviness, lift up that which was cast down and He is the restorer of paths to dwell in, He is the sun of righteousness risen with healing in His wings, the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end, He is the resurrection and the life, and He is the KING of KINGS and the LORD of lords, and in HIM we live and move and have our being! Turn it all over to the MASTER and watch Him take the vessel that was marred and make it over again into a beautiful creation for HE is the POTTER and we are the clay!

  1. yeah, ok, whatever, I’ve neglected my car. The tires are flat and the oil is spraying all over the engine.

    1. Philippians 4…My God shall supply ALL your need according to HIS RICHES in glory by Christ Jesus!

  2. Here I am. It took me longer to get here than some of the others. But then again, I DID have to have wait quite awhile for the tow truck…..

  3. My car was chugging along, I tried to make it….puff puff….smoke from the engine and the tailpipe…noxious gases, all kinds of noises from under the hood. Time to trade up I think.

    1. Yeah, sooner better than later! Newness of life in Christ Jesus! Out with the old, in with the new! Then the abundant life kicks in! Smooth running, no fumes or noises. just victory in Jesus all the way running on faith and powered by the Holy Spirit!

    1. LOL You are welcome! The blessings come with obeying the Word of God so many blessings are on the way!

  4. Ok, whatever, I’m here fixing my car and plane again. I don’t want to hear I told you so….YOU know who you are. Can someone hand me that wrench over there? thanks.


  5. Ok…I think I was the wrong car all together but now I am the right one. Oooops. The tires might need some air though….

    1. now it will be much better and you will get where need to! Nothing worse than being the wrong car. Yes, air will definitely help those tires and a much smoother ride! Enjoy!

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