From Darkness to Light 2

We are dead to sin and alive to God through Jesus Christ! Faith has come alive in our spirit. So don’t listen to demons of false condemnation trying to condemn you over the past. They try to come to the mind and speak words of Worthlessness calling you unworthy to yourself. It registers in your mind as a thought. REJECT those thoughts. Bind all spirits that condemn and try to doom and tell them to GO…and they WILL because they HAVE to, for in the name of Jesus you speak and He said you will have what you SAY when you believe.So out goes all of that gloom and doom from the past.

I’m believing God for you right now that your human spirit and personality be released from all stoicism and unfeeling spirits so that you can and will be normal emotionally again NOW.
those negative forces are NOT you but trespassers in the flesh. So we definitely don’t want loser, defeated trespassers hanging around to rob, kill, or destroy us.
You were delivered from a life of stupidity onto a life of wisdom when you came to Jesus!!So don’t agree with things that are contrary to God’s wisdom. You can find His words of wisdom in the Word of God.

If God doesn’t hold your past against you in any way then why would you want to listen to evil spirits or anything or anybody who would try to get you to do the opposite?
Learn now NOT to live by feelings for feelings can lie…live by faith. Faith in Jesus! Faith in what God said. God NEVER said only praise Him if you FEEL like it or only read and meditate in the Word of God if you feel like it or only show love when you FEEL like it. Some try to serve God half hearted cause they don’t feel like praying.

On the other hand …praise the Lord when you DON’T feel like it and when the presence of God manifests you’ll be glad you did, for “In His presence is FULLNESS of JOY!” I have ended up feeling such powerful annointings in the presence of God, it was like Heaven was right there. Joy flowing in your spirit will make you STRONG and HEAL you. Praise you Jesus. Glory to the MOST HIGH. Jesus is LORD. Darkness bows to the name of Jesus now and must depart as the JOY of the Lord flows.

2 thoughts on “From Darkness to Light 2

    1. There is a song that goes…it’s real, it’s real..the old account was settled and I know, I KNOW it’s real! Jesus is real, deliverance is real, the Holy Spirit is real, and He will really answer your prayers, deliver and heal, and restore all that the devil has tried to rob away! God is NOT the destroyer, the devil is the destroyer, but rather Jesus Christ came to give life and give it more abundantly! Praise God! Enjoy, for I am here at NO charge to FREELY GIVE what Jesus by the Holy Spirit has given me! The Holy Spirit will make the truth real to you as you seek God, and believe the Word of God!

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