NEW POST COMING SOON. ASSIGNMENT IN PREPARATION:  read the book of Ephesians at least one time!

54 thoughts on “LOOKING BEYOND

  1. OK…l will do it….OH MY. I wonder how my carnal self will do reading all of Ephesians at once. I may have to start being a proper spiritual Christian again. Uh…hmmm….thank you.

    1. Yes, that is the call of God to you and others… it is the “time” for time is short! You are welcome, God has great things in store and we must be ready for them or they will pass us by!

    1. O.K., good, then you will be ready for what is coming and will receive what God has for you! Remember the thoughts of God are much higher than our thoughts, and He knows everything including the future so He will give us all we need to be prepared if we do what He says!

  2. I just thought I’d let you know that I read it THREE times so l will be more prepared than ANYONE. Oh well. sucks to be them. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    1. LOL You definitely will be prepared. Now that you shared this others will be inspired to also read it 3 times so the push is on! Who knows what will happen!?

  3. Well, I just got done reading Ephesians for the FOURTH time, so I will be MUCH better prepared than people who assumed THEY would be better prepared.

  4. Don’t worry. I’m back and I’m on the scene. Tomorrow we can’t have class because they are disinfecting the pavilions so I decided that JBT should do a nice outdoor concert now that we can do outdoor things at 50% capacity. I already talked to the policeman who sometimes goes to get people when miracles are happening and he said he would watch out for us. I made a point to get to know him so that I could more easily plan things like this from time to time. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! JBT will be SO happy, won’t he?

    1. Welcome back! JBT will be absolutely thrilled that you are there to plan these things!!! Hahahahaha Enjoy the concert!

  5. Hmmm…l guess I will have to check the blog more often so that l can see what my schedule is. THANKS SO MUCH Brittany, and thank you to Dan for encouraging her!

    1. No problem… any time…lol! I have to be an encouragement… after all that’s what the Lord wants!

  6. I don’t think it counts, though, if you read Ephesians in Middle Eastern gibberish that no one else can understand. I read it in three different versions of the Bible now. Do those weird hieroglyphic Bibles have more than one version. Just curious. HA HA HA HA HA. Go me!

  7. I can’t be bothered with irritating red heads anymore. I’m reading so much that it’s giving me answers to prayers!

    1. Praise Jesus that is exactly where the Lord wants us to go.. into the answers to prayer arena where all things are possible to them that believe! Whoever receives answers to prayer doing this reading of Ephesians come on and share the ones you can to the glory of God!

  8. Do you think it will help even me? I’m a mess. I need to find my way back to Jesus. I’m horribly backslidden and my life is a disaster. Some girl told me this blog can help. Can I get in on this assignment or is it too late for me.

    1. This will definitely help you! YOU ARE RIGHT ON TIME! This assignment is for YOU RIGHT NOW! As you read you will be delivered from demons of backsliding, will come back to Jesus with all your heart, be filled with the Holy Spirit, be restored, and filled with Joy! Jesus’ arms are outstretched to you saying: “Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I WILL GIVE YOU REST!”

  9. Rocket preacher, some crazy guy came to set JBT straight about everything, and of course he was an NAR jerk. Well here is what JBT said to him: “You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.” And the guy went away screaming!! I thought that was great! HA HA HA HA HA

    1. Hahaha.. a scene right out of the Bible! The truth exposed what was really going on and waaaaay he went!

  10. I’M not irritating YOU are, and I can’t be bothered either because I am getting bigger and better answers to prayers than YOU are.

  11. Rocket preacher! I read Ephesians 3 times! And I’m a slow reader. But I did it. I wonder what the assignment is going to be… Oh no!

  12. Thank you for telling my friend that it wasn’t too late! I told them to come to this blog and that would be made clear, but some people just can’t listen until they get really desperate!

    1. You are welcome! God has heard the heart cry of the desparate, and is come down to deliver them!

  13. I see our gals finally did a cease-fire, because they’re distracted with getting prayers answered. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

  14. Rev. Rocket, I’ve had it with your friend out here! He is a water dripper for sure and nags until you read the posts he says. I am at the end of my rope with him. Actually, the ones he told me to read did help a lot. Thanks!

    1. He really wants you blessed so when God tells him what you need…..drip, drip, drip! Lol You are welcome, and I’m glad this met your need! God is good!

  15. Ok, JBT has officially flunked for failing to leave testimonies. I am calling all testimonies from yesterday!

    1. Oops, another failing grade! Thanks for calling all the testimonies in!! It blesses others and raises their faith and glorifies Jesus!

  16. Ok, I guess I have to eat my words about this hotshot piano player that I refused to go hear other times because I didn’t think this stuff was real. I ended up going anyway yesterday, and someone called the Roving Reporter told me to put my testimony here. Well, the show off singer had to stop half way through a song because people were crowding around. So I went up there to see what was happening and all of a sudden I realized, “Uh oh…this spirit filled stuff is really true!” So I was going to get out of there quick because I didn’t want to be like these holy rollers! Then the next thing I knew I was staring up at the sky. Oooops. THEN he had the nerve to tell me I should start by repairing my boat. Oh dear. I didn’t know all these assignments were coming! But… I guess I have no choice but to do them! Thank you I think.

    1. God’s power is beyond all other power and when the supernatural of God comes into contact with the natural something’s going to give and it n.v is NOT going to be God… and boom .. there we go down under the awesome power of the Holy Spirit! The assignments will bless and help you! Before you came God had me write these knowing you would be here one day and gave things that will fix what is wrong, and make you strong in the Lord, bring deliverance and healing, and turn your life right side up instead of upside down!!! Enjoy! I pray God’s best for you!

  17. A girl called the Roving Reporter told me to come on here and leave my testimony. I needed deliverance for a long time but there was never anyone around here who could do it. They just did a lot of stupid rituals and nothing ever got any better. So I came to hear this teacher from the college playing and singing because my friend told me he was the only one around her who could cast out demons. Well, I was watching all these things happen but I was still being a skeptic and finally I decided to just tell him off. So I said “I don’t think this is even real. How do I know this is not all just an act or something?” He said “Hmmm, I don’t know…let’s see.” And then the next thing I knew I was screaming out demons. Seriously? I had to ask my friend just to find out what happened! Ok…l believe… I’m in.

    1. Praise Jesus, you finally got to the right place at the right time, and He set you free when you didn’t even think what was going on was real!!! Thank God you received the deliverance you needed for so long! That is a rebuke on all the idiots doing stupid rituals with no power, who could not cast out not one demon! Welcome, believer in you are, and the blessings are flowing so get ready to be blessed beyond anything you have ever known!

  18. Okay, so I’m listening to this show off sing and play, and then all of a sudden it’s like he had this aura around him, like some kind of a light. He was glowing. I was hoping it didn’t mean he was about to kick the bucket. You do hear of that happening. HA HA HA HA HA. but anyway, people started hovering around him and I guess they were feeling that light, but I didn’t really feel anything I just SAW it. And we’re not allowed to have that big of a crowd around for these things, so I just figured I’d wait until everyone was gone and ask him. So at the end I went up and said “what is that light?” And he said “I don’t know, because I don’t see it, but when it’s there it means your hopeless situation is going to be turned around, what’s your hopeless situation?” And I said “well, I just finally got evicted because of having no job due to the virus pandemic, and I have no place to live, and no money to get my car fixed, so I’m walking around on foot looking for a job at this point.” And he said “switch your faith on, it’s all going to change.” And all he did was take both my hands and wrap his around them and told me to say “I believe.” So I did it. Five minutes later my cell phone rang and I got a job in a store, I can take the apartment above the store and have deducted the rent from my paychecks weekly so I don’t have to pay it all at once, and that way I have no commute to work, so it solves the car problem, because I can save up over a few weeks to get it fixed because I don’t have to drive to work! I love the apartment, my work is right downstairs, and now I’m actually spirit filled as well! I don’t even understand all this, but no one will ever convince ME it’s not real.

    1. Now that is a miracle from God above! It is amazing what will happen when we turn our faith on! When the Holy Spirit manifests like that, you are NOT crazy, but now have seen the light of God, and are Spirit filled where the power of God can flow through you every day as you pray in tongues, and you received a tremendous miracle by faith with a job, and a place to live right there! Praise Jesus, He is faithful! Enjoy your new LIFE, and as you read here God will show you what is going on and how to use your faith over everything like you just did!

  19. Okay, here’s my testimony. I am another diehard skeptic and I had migraines and Epilepsy my whole life. Someone told me that that’s from demons. I just sat there and laughed. But then they dragged me to hear this really irritating singer who can do all kinds of impossible things on the keyboard and with his voice, and suddenly I felt the Holy Spirit. I remembered it from being raised in church, but I rejected it later in my own infinite wisdom. Well, to make a long story short, I ended up getting out of my backslidden state, spirit filled, and I delivered from the demons of those things. I didn’t take any medication today and by now I definitely would’ve had an epileptic attack but I haven’t. A girl called the Roving Reporter told me to come here and put this testimony! I like this blog!

    1. You WERE a diehard skeptic, but no more for Jesus has delivered you, filled you with His Spirit, and healed you! Praise God! Now others with epilepsy and migraines will be delivered and healed! Thanks for the testimony and good to hear you like the blog. God has so much for you …it is beyond your wildest imagination! He is able to do exceeding, abundantly, FAR ABOVE all that you ask or think by the power of the Holy Spirit!

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