Doubt Peddler’s Nightmare

There are those who take it on themselves to say everything negative they can think of and who approach life with a spirit of doubt shadowing everything. They are “doubt peddlers.” They must like being sick because they oppose healing from God by accepting sickness as the will of God, as if permitted by God when God has NOTHING to do with sickness; for He sent Jesus who bore ALL our sickness and disease in His body on the tree that we would NOT have to put up with sickness but be healed of ALL disease and sickness! 1Peter 2:24 …by His stripes we WERE healed! Psalm 103….”Who forgives all our iniquities and who HEALS ALL our diseases.

Also, doubt peddlers were never delivered, for when Jesus cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then He said: “NO doubt the kingdom of God has come to you!” Deliverance removes all doubt. You know the kingdom of God has come to you when the powers of darkness have to go. No other power can deliver from demon oppression; ONLY by the Holy Spirit can we be delivered.

doubt peddlers don’t like believers who speak FAITH. There are no excuses that can stand when God says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. There is no “in between” place…you either believe what God says or you don’t. There are NO gray areas. sickness, disease, pain, oppression, and torment are NOT of God. Acts 10:38; “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing GOOD HEALING ALL that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him!” the devil is the oppressor, JESUS IS THE HEALER. Don’t get your kingdoms mixed up. God is NOT the author of confusion, but of Life and peace. Do NOT listen to instruction that causes you to err, but listen to the Word of Life that makes you FREE. Praise God.

wishy washy doubt peddlers live a miserable existence putting up with whatever comes along for they accept everything as the will of God. God’s WORD IS HIS WILL FOR US WHO BELIEVE and He already said He has healed us, and provided ALL we need through salvation that JESUS paid for by His life and blood. DO NOT doubt or waver like the waves of the sea tossed back and forth; DO NOT be wishy washy, but STAND FIRM ON THE ROCK AND GOD WILL ESTABLISH YOUR GOINGS AND PUT A NEW SONG IN YOUR MOUTH, EVEN PRAISE TO GOD. Gone will be the horrible pit you ended up in; gone will be the sin that so easily had control; gone will be the oppression of demons and all their lies; gone will be the sickness and despair for THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST WILL SET YOU FREE.
The real nightmare for “doubt peddlers” would be to see Jesus Christ face to face. The reason is they would instantly be made aware of the fact that they fought the One they claimed they loved.

All their hideous false doctrines and deceptive devil-made lies could NOT hide under the cloak of darkness in the presence of the KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS even JESUS CHRIST who is THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! He would ask why they twisted His Word and spoke words of doubt against Him! Why did they ignore what He did on the cross, but believed and spoke false doctrines of men and devils that denied Jesus and His power? Why did they speak against God’s people who spoke true faith that delivers?

Jesus is the way, the TRUTH, and the LIFE and no man comes to the Father but by Him! Jesus said that you would KNOW the truth and the TRUTH would make you FREE! It is so simple people stumble over it! FREE! No heavy burdens here in the promised land of the FREE! No sickness, no bondage or torment, no fear or spirits of doubt and unbelief, no pain, no guilt or false condemnation, no headaches in the promised land of FREE.
You can be delivered right now from all darkness in the name of Jesus as you simply believe that the will of God in Jesus is for you to be MADE FREE. By the blood of Jesus you are FREE from the past and the devil’s hold on your life! Nothing can hold you down if you don’t let it. demons have no right to be in the flesh and are trespassers and thieves so therefore you have the authority and power to bind them and cast them out in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS.

demon spirits are behind all the evil in this world so it is time to hold them bound every day and loose people to go free in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! I bind every demon of doubt and double minded in the name of Jesus, every spirit of unbelief, fear, fate, and false doctrines and deception, and all of you MUST GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS.

My friends make a firm decision to BELIEVE GOD OVER EVERYTHING, and refuse to doubt or be wishy washy, and NEVER listen to the doubt peddlers for theirs is a dark road that leads downward and not up. Praise God for deliverance! Jesus is the LIGHT and in Him is NO darkness and He came to bring us all to the promised land of the FREE!

220 thoughts on “Doubt Peddler’s Nightmare

  1. Rev. Rocket I don’t know how you even come up with things like this! This is awesome! There’s a lot of idiots I have to send this to immediately!

  2. Okay, now that I’m spirit filled I actually have to have faith! Well, for you and your hotshot friend that might be easy, for someone like me, who was a……doubt peddler it’s not so easy. Ha ha ha ha ha. I think I need prayer. LOL

    1. Lol, Well, it may “look” easy for us to you, but always remember that the main thing is to use the faith you have, and everyone is given a measure of faith from God, then it is up to you to use it and develope it like you would a muscle. Keep that joy going for it is your strength. I loose you from all spirits of doubt and every spirit contrary to faith and they must leave you now in Jesus name!
      A brand new life of faith is yours in Jesus! Praise.God!

  3. Okay, so I went charging down to that university to talk to this showoff piano player because I didn’t believe any of this stuff was real. So I did my little speech and then he goes “hmmmmm… You aren’t a doubt peddler are you?” And he burst out laughing. Well, obviously now I know WHY. But anyway, I guess I was a doubt peddler, because that’s what I went to tell him, that none of this stuff really happens it’s all just smoke and mirrors. Next thing I knew I was spirit filled. Now I have to change my whole life and particularly my permissive will. He said “don’t worry, that always wants to be the last to go but it’s going to be the first to go this time.” And then he laughed again. I don’t know who you two are where you came from, but I guess I have to believe all this now. Oh dear.

    1. Hello ex-doubt peddler! Now that dark cloud that hung on you and followed you everywhere will NOT be there any more, but now the light and glory of God will be on you and lead you forward in Jesus by the unction and power of the Holy Spirit.
      Why? Because now you BELIEVE! Now the God of hope FILL you with all joy and peace in BELIEVING, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Ghost. (Romans 15:13)
      Welcome to the winners circle!

  4. Okay okay okay, I believe… Now please help my unbelief. Everybody will laugh at that, but I’m serious. Well, kind of… LOL

    1. Guess who has been waiting to hear you say that you believe? God has been ready to answer your prayers, which also would make your joy full, bless you in all you do, and anoint your words that when you speak to the mountains that stand in your way to remove them speedily!
      So I tell you what…we will help your unbelief right…on..OUT in JESUS NAME! HAHAHA. WE LAUGH AT unbelief!

    1. Good to hear you love this post! Truth really does set us free when we know it as Jesus said. The freedom God gives from all that is darkness is priceless for then we live ABOVE it ALL instead of laboring under a load of oppression and darkness! Praise Jesus!

  5. well, here’s what I did Rocket Preacher. I emailed doubt peddlers nightmare to 5 Assemblies of God pastors. Wait till I tell JBT.

    1. Hahahahahahahahaha way to GO! I can almost see the smoke rising from their brains frying from here as the truth hits them straight on and the LIGHT OF GOD!
      JBT should like it for sure!

  6. This is good Rev. Rocket. I like to send this to people who think they know everything but know nothing really. They tell me stay away from person who has faith but go to church that has doubt. That makes no sense and now I see they are just doubt peddler! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA H AH


  7. This is really good. If people would read this and take it to heart it would change the whole life. Because unbelief and doubt, I think, ruins more people’s lives than anything else!

    1. Yes, this taken to heart can change your whole life for the better! Without faith it n IS IMPOSSIBLE to please God, so doubt and unbelief is at the root of many people’s destruction as you said. It is high time to wake out of sleep for people need to get rid of unbelief and doubt and get right with God in there last days!

  8. Rev. Rocket, this was a really uplifting post because it shines a spotlight on one of the biggest problems in the church world and the world at Large today! Thank you!

    1. You are welcome, and I’m glad this is uplifting! The devil is the father of.lies and we are NOT going to take his lies or anything that goes with them!!!

      This is one of the biggest problems and what happens is people end up giving God just “lip service” but their hearts are FAR from Him! People are cut off from God through unbelief.

      I loose the Spirit of faith on you and others like you who are in the Spirit and fighting these serpents of unbelief and who want revival and the move of the Holy Spirit!

  9. Hi Rocket Preacher. Boy am I loving this post. It tells you everything you need to know about doubt and why you should avoid it! This is great!

    1. I’m glad you are loving this post. It is a very important truth to know to keep you in the victory of faith believing! Stay with it…you are on the right track and the Holy Spirit will continue to lead you into all truth!

    1. You are welcome! The only way to TRULY enjoy life is to live for Jesus the way He said to live! The “blessed” life is the HAPPY LIFE, THE ABUNDANT LIFE IN JESUS! Doubt peddlers live in despair, and have no clue the ABUNDANT LIFE there is in Jesus!

  10. Ok, no more doubt peddler for me. I finally meet someone who know how to tell me to get Holy Spirit without long tarry session or any of that. It new to me because I’m not used to anyone in a church who operate in real power but he did. Now there are many posts here to read and I never get tired of them! Thanks Rocket Preacher.

    1. Welcome to the land flowing with milk and honey! God knew where to get you so that the right person who knows the truth could help you receive the Holy Spirit without the unbelieving, doubt filled “tarrying sessions!”

      You are welcome, and praise God no more doubt peddling for you! Soak all the truth in for it will make you free and build your faith! Reme.ber to say what God says for as you speak it in faith believing you will have what you say! Mark 11.

  11. Okay, Rev. Rocket, here’s something that came to me today. The windows of Heaven are open so we all need to claim what’s being offered to us and start confessing that it belongs to us 100%. I don’t know what that is for each individual person, but I know it’s being offered so whatever we need, we need claim it and receive it!

    1. I like this a LOT! Everyone, run to the Lord and take what is being freely offered as the windows of heaven are open! When the windows of heaven are opened He talks of pouring out a blessing that there won’t be enough room for it all…we could call it “overflowing blessing!” I hear the sound of ABUNDANCE!

      Claim what you need and receive it….it is already YOURS!

  12. If more people would take this to heart and read it while really concentrating they would get it and it would change their life!

    1. You are right! This is one that cannot be absorbed skimming! Read it closely, stop and think on it, pray on it, let b it soak in, and go through the rest the same way andnit will definitely, dramatically change your life for the good! Praise God!

  13. JBT is a scammer Rev. Rocket! A guy stopped at the school today and asked him if he played piano or if he just sang, and he said “yeah, I play a little.” A little! I think he should repent!

    1. Hahahaha! So, if “that’s” a little…imagine what a “lot” would be! Lol
      O.k. I have a question, and if he did this I did not hear it in the natural from anybody…ask him what instruments he played in the philharmonic!? Then if he did we could they let you play in it when you just play a “little?” Hahahaha. Let me know!
      P.s. I just listened to the intro he did to How Great Thou Art…definitely a LOT more than a “little!” LOL.

      HEY, I CALLS IT AS I SEES IT! LOL, and that’s what friends are for!
      P.s. I really love your piano work. The lead ins are great! Its what I would call the “all inclusive deal!”

    1. I’m glad to hear that, and you are very welcome! Enjoy the lessons that come when you live by real faith!

    1. You are welcome! Good to hear this is a winner for then people who believe will win also over all evil, and be extremely blessed in all ways.

    1. Oh, boy, what fun putting AG in their place! Lol. Let’s see now…where might be their place??? I say frozen completely, especially on the floor, the entire time while the Holy Spirit sweeps back and forth over everybody setting them free from all the darkness!!!

  14. this is a great post for people who want to pedal doubt and permissive will and everything negative instead of realizing that the gospel means good news. I like this a lot. Thank you!

    1. Very good point! The gospel of Jesus Christ is GOOD NEWS! Doubt peddlers are negativity peddlers of bad news, lies, unbelief and darkness!
      God is LIGHT and in Him is NO darkness at all! Lets live and walk in the light as He is in the light! Praise God that Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost and power, who went about doing GOOD, healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him! Hallelujah, our God is GOOD and we overcome evil with GOOD!


  15. Well, you are right! Doubt peddlers couldn’t do anything except sit there in anger. They couldn’t interfere with anything!

    1. AMEN! Thanks for sharing that. I love it when God shuts the naysayers up! They should realize, at that point that they better pay attention and that they have been fighting God!

  16. Okay, Rev. Rocket, I believe all this, because what I see tonight tell me that something more going on than just singing. I want to find out more about this, because I think it’s what I need. My church tell me no one need to be spirit filled in this day and age, but it seemed like we need it even more these days!

    1. Spirit filled is to all that know Jesus and you are right…we need the Holy Spirit now more than ever! Keep pressing in and do not listen to the naysayers…they don’t know what they are talking about! Go with the one who has the power of God!

  17. Yes, I believe this all. I think I saw both tonight. I see doubt peddlers who want to interfere with things, and then someone who actually have power. I think I will leave the doubt peddlers behind!

  18. This was the best experience I ever had. I didn’t know it was so easy to get spirit filled, and I was always talked out of it by stupid people. Now I see it will change my whole life to have this, and also it will be helpful to have this blog!

    1. Praise God for what He has done in and for you! Stupid people are just that…stupid! It is totally stupid to go through life struggling when all along we could have the filling of the Holy Spirit that is the POWER to live godly and above all the mess in this world!

      Welcome, and the advantage of the blog for this will build your faith and show you how to flow in the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome. Thanks for sharing your testimony. GOD IS GOOD.

  19. I really enjoy last night because doubt pedal pastor can’t do anything to interfere. Just like you say they are just in problem of their own making and so God not allow them to bother or interfere with anybody. And why would they want to? Why would they interfere when people need Holy Spirit and they want to try to make sure they don’t get it?! I’m glad you pray that ahead of time and then they can do nothing! Thanks Rocket Preacher. And thank you for this blog!

    1. You are welcome for all! You and others have been thankful for all they receive here, and I appreciate that and ask God to bless all who are thankful.

      Hahaha the devil could NOT interfere with the meeting last night, or the singer or anyone who wanted the Holy Spirit!!!

      God is on the move and people need to decide if they are for Him or against Him, for there is NO in between. When they are indifferent and lukewarm God spits them out more of His mouth!



  21. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I was giving the blog to someone, and Pastor doubt peddler came over with his flailing gestures and red face to put me in my place. So he kept opening his mouth but nothing was coming out, so finally I just held up the piece of paper with the blog address on it and said “oh, do you mean this?” And I said wonder working power really loud and he stomped away in a red-faced huff. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  22. ROEL! HAHAHAHAAAAAA..HA! I laughed so much on this one…the awful gaggy was gagged, and had to stomp off in a huff red face over “wonder working power!” I love it!
    Thanks for sharing it…it made made my day!
    ( for those who think I hit an E instead of an F…not so…made up my own…roll on everything laughing..Ha)

    1. Welcome! The Word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword…! I pray the Holy Spirit reveals truth here to you and all who read it that will set you free, build faith, heal, deliver, bring peace, and joy unspeakable and full of glory!
      Thanks for sharing and agreeing with us for great things from God!

  23. I think this is one of the best posts ever. I can definitely see how permissive will people would get red-faced over this. Because it hits them right in between the eyes! That’s why!

    1. Its good to hear you think this is one of the best ever. I believe it draws the lines very clearly, and by t he end of it everyone has a choice: either truly walk and live by faith, or decide to go against God in unbelief, doubt peddling, and darkness. There is NO in between and people, pastors, or whoever will no longer be allowed to sit on the fence! Choose God or go t he other way, but there are those who need to stop pretending now for God knows all, and will hold them accountable for every doubt peddling word they spoke! He does not take kindly to people trying to stumble his people and mislead them!!!

      Yes, this message shows the hypocrisy of the permissive will people, the lies they believe and try to peddle, and hard core demon of unbelief they have!

  24. this is a great post. I did what that roving reporter girl did… I sent it to some pastors who really need it. Now, whether they’ll be smart about it or be lunkheads I don’t know. But… The deed is done! 😂😂😂

    1. I’m glad you like this post… it shows that you are on God’s side 😇 for He is only about faith and has NOTHING to do with doubt peddlers! I hope the pastors won’t be lunkheads 🤪! Good for you for sending it for now they will be without excuse!

    1. You are welcome! This is much needed message to put idiots in their place! They have their kingdoms mixed up and put darkness for light and light for darkness! That means they are FULL of demons of CONFUSION and REVERSE ORDER! I STOMP ALL THOSE demons IN JESUS NAME!

    1. I’m glad to hear you like this one the best so far. That is good that it hits you right between the eyes! At least then it is totally evident that it is time to change the believing to God’s way, and WIN instead of lose all the time!
      Bravo for being able to humble yourself and let go of wrong believing to believe the truth.

  25. Rocket Preacher! I can’t stand all these stupid “teachers” running around with these complicated formulas and stupid outlines and 27 parts to understanding how to pray and 49 parts to understanding how to prosper, who do they think they are? These people are like crazy eggheads from the show The Big Bang Theory with a Christian twist. This blog, on the other hand, actually has things you can understand and don’t have to be some kind of a ridiculous crazy intellectual dissect-the-Bible-based-on-your doctorate-from-an-AG-college idiot. There’s my rant for the day.

    1. I couldn’t have said it better! 👍. Intellectual idiots trying to God a service WITHOUT His will! There are people God sent who are simple to the Word and anointed and get people healed and delivered, and OTHERS just went and have no results except confusion and.mental assent which produces NOT one.miracle whatsoever!

  26. Okay Rev. Rocket… What does it mean when this man pray for me and I feel like hot oil running all over? He tried to explain but I think maybe a little over my head. Because I know I have heard about anointing but I don’t really understand what it is or how it work? All I know is I could never get deliver from demons ever and everyone tell how it have to be a long process and all I can think is Linda Blair and I say to myself, no, I don’t want to go through all that crazy stuff. Then this man tell me none of it is difficult and just touch me and all that hot oil feeling come and demons go. I have to learn more about this!

    1. In the Word of God He speaks of the oil of joy and gladness. Oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit anointing. The Word anoint means to rub on! So when the anointing of the Holy Spirit manifests it can be as oil, even hot oil running over and in you and driving out demons and healing, etc. Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing good healing all that were oppressed mm of the devil. God was letting you feel it because He wanted you to know that this is the deL deal and the yoke is destroyed because of the anointing.

  27. Rev. Rocket, I am tired of preachers trying to sell miracles! I don’t believe they get any miracles at all. Why do they do it? Were they ever sincere at all? I asked JBT that he said it would be a good question to ask you!

    1. Do NOT listen at ALL to ANY preacher who tries to sell miracles!!! They do NOT have the anointing and will NOT get any miracles… they just pretend, and some pay people to lie! Jesus paid the ultimate price, His life laid down for us to give us all the miracles we need, including salvation! NO ONE can improve on that sacrifice, and it is demons of GREED in these preachers trying to sell miracles that they do NOT have in their possession to sell!!! They have the sin and demons of the LOVE OF MONEY, that is the root of ALL evil! WRONG, WRONG, WRONG they are in all kinds of ways and we should avoid them and turn them off, and REFUSE to listen to them at all! They are deceived, and are deceivers and seducers, and have doctrines of demons! So, why would anyone want to listen to THAT MESS? As far as sincerity, who knows!? Some may have started in a right spirit, but when they saw others raking in money “selling” miracles, then the greed and avarice kicked in and they went away from the Lord into darkness, and never came back! Others got into having “meetings” etc. because they were in it for greed from the beginning!

      Since this has been on your mind it would be good to intercede for others that they be loosed from these imposters, and their false doctrines of demons, and greed, and the love of money, that is the root of ALL evil! See, other demons come in with this into their flesh and rule them for they are opened to ALL evil! Bind all the evil demons behind it and tell them to GET OUT OF SINCERE PEOPLE, and then loose the Holy Spirit on the sincere people who have been duped by these phonies to lead them into all truth and bring deliverance!

      GOD IS GOOD! THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE, AND HERE PEOPLE WILL BE DELIVERED FROM THAT MESS, FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT, AND FED THE WORD OF GOD THAT MAKES THEM FREE AND BRINGS FAITH ALIVE! Guess what? I do not get a penny for doing this blog, and I do it as to the Lord, and to help God’s people in these last days! I love God, and I love people and the love of God is very powerful and will lift people out of the most horrible darkness, and bless their lives, and make them ready for heaven!

    1. Well said, lol, a new descriptive phrase, dumb dumb permissive willers. Definitely a dumb move to believe the false doctrine of demons of permissive will. You are welcome! It is high time to awake out of sleep and come back to the Word of God, and it all starts at the cross where Jesus paid the price with His blood to save, heal, and deliver us! How dare dumb dumbs go against that!!!?

    1. Oh yeah, and I will coin a phrase here: dumb dumb permissive willers listening to dumb demons saying dumb things, getting them to say and do dumb things that deny Jesus, and what He did on the cross for us, speak against t he Word of God, quench and grieve the Holy Spirit away, and keeps them bound with dumb diseases that they could be healed of if only they would totally repent, and really BELIEVE and ACT ON the Word of God by FAITH!

  28. Someone come special to tell me not to listen to that singer because he doesn’t really know anything and he caused all kinds of trouble in California. So I say well, when you pray for me nothing happen and when you cast demons out nothing happen and when you tell me how to get Holy Spirit nothing happen. When I went to see him, all that happen in one night and now my life is 100% better. Then I learn all new thing on this blog and make it even 100% better than that. So why is it I listen to you instead of him and this blog? And I wait there for an answer and they just walk away. People really confuse me.

    1. The reason they just walk away is because they do NOT have an answer because they do not believe and do NOT have the anointing to do the miracles so they oppose those who do and warn people not
      to go hear him when all along he knows the mm power of God and could get you delivered and Spirit filled all at the same time! Don’t listen to phonies for they have demons of unbelief and confusion and they “imitate” the true, but do NOT have the goods to deliver. They have chosen their path and that is up to t hem, but AS FOR.ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD!
      I. Hlad the blog is blessing and helping you! Keep that faith going for you are on the right path and the Holy Spirit led you to see the singer, praise God! Life is good when you know t he abundant life in Jesus!

  29. Okay rocket preacher. You win! You’re right. This is all true and I was just trying to remain a skeptic. Oops. It didn’t work. 🤣🤣🤣

    1. I’m very glad to hear a skeptic you are no more! Hallelujah! Now you will be able to hear the Lord clearly by His Spirit!
      Its good you could admit it and humble yourself to the Lord and His Word! God honors that! Welcome to “club WIN with JESUS!”

    1. 5 o.k.’s and you are definitely, positively IN! It is definitely the Holy Spirit bringing you here for I have a standing prayer that the hungry and thirsty for righteousness would come here to receive truth that would set them FREE and feed their spirit the good Word of God that brings faith alive, and here you are! Hallelujah to Jesus!
      Never give up or look back for God has a LOT for you! Believe it because it is true! Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened!

  30. Okay, I am only going to listen to this blog from now on because everything else is silly and ridiculous. No one know what they are talking about these days!

    1. There is a lot of confusion and people with lying spirits and then they try to “teach” everyone. Their words are cheap, and when they have wrong spirits they don’t even know they have in the flesh, then there is trouble!

      God brings us truth in simplicity, and it ministers deep in the spirit by the Holy Spirit, and we know that we know, and then we can stand firm and move in faith! Praise God!
      I pray the Holy Spirit ministers the truth here just in that way..deep in the spirit! God bless you and enjoy the victory that comes as you continue in the truth here on the blog of wonder working power! I loose you to receive the miracle working power of God right now for all you need! When you believe, you receive!

  31. Rocket Preacher, I like this post. It’s down-to-earth and practical and hits permissive will dumb dumb’s right between the eyes. I like that saying to. HA! They earned the title. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime!

    1. Right on! Glad you like this. Truth is truth and the sooner people face it, repent, and get delivered the better for them. Enjoy and thanks for the comment.

  32. I don’t know what to do Rev. Rocket because no matter how much I pray I always feel like God is mad at me and not going to answer. I used to live an awful life and I repented for everything, but I just feel like he’s always mad at me. What should I do?

    1. Ok, no big deal at all! Number one go by what the Word of God says! God is love and loves you with an everlasting, undying love! “For God SO loved the world ( that includes you so put your name there) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe on Him would not perish, but have everlasting LIFE! Condemnation is NOT ABUNDANT LIFE GOD PROMISES!

      So believe you are cleansed by the blood of Jesus and forgiven by God like He says you are! Now SAY IT OUT LOUD…I AM FORGIVEN AND CLEANSED FROM ALL SIN!

      Now say the scripture…There is now therefore no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus!

      Now renounce condemnation!
      I bind every demon of false condemnation and the lying spirits that have been lying telling her God is mad at her when He is Not mad at her…GO OUT IN JESUS NAME! Now praise the Lord and believe in His love!

  33. OK, so I come to set up for a “social supper” at the AG church who demanded live entertainment for their spaghetti dinner. Ok….didn’t really wanna go. These places are making my head ache and as soon as I walk in the door, the assistant pastor who apparently didn’t get the memo from the pastor said “who are YOU and what you doing here?” I told him I was singing for their illustrious altered hog picnic and because it was going to be more than 200 people I wanted to test the sound ahead of time. So he tells me “Well, Pastor Jones didn’t tell ME anything about it.” So I just looked at him and said “Well go check with Rev. Rocket. He knows ALL about it.” He was so bewildered with that answer that he just stared at me as we walked by. Me and Clay went in to set up and he was nowhere to be found. He probably went to ask the pastor who Rev. Rocket is. I need prayer brother. I kind of made my own bed now.

    1. Jehovah Jireh….The Lord our Provider! God is going to make a way where there seems to be no way! I ‘m praying a spiritual feast comes and the Spirit of God anoints and does what no other power can do! God is going to show them what they have been missing! I pray God’s great grace on you to help in time of need!!!
      P.S. I call allopposers FROZEN in Jesus name!

  34. JBT is crackin’ up, dude! He just told the assistant pastor that we’re here because YOU gave us permission. We’re in for it tonight. So much for JBT’s prediction that all that stuff was just “a California thing.” Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    1. lol, and make sure you tell him not only full permission, but FULL HOLY GHOST GULLY WASHER! HAHAHA

    1. HahahahahahHa…oh I knooooow just how VERY glad he is you booked him there! LOL
      I am praying and tuned right in. I prayed for a “gully washer!” The cloud is FILLING UP, and down, DOWN, DOWN WILL COME THE HOLY GHOST RAIN OF HEAVEN!

  35. Well, Rocket Preacher I’ve called in a bunch of testimonies, and they should be forthcoming very soon. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

  36. Okay so I thought we just coming to hear good singer because my church is all about eating and entertainment. Not much church goes on usually. Well last night, it was like church. It reminded me of old-fashioned revival meeting that you see on TV in tents and things. My pastor have no power. I realize that now. He doesn’t know how to cast any demon out or how to tell anyone to get spirit filled. But all that happened last night just when this other man sing and play. Nobody really had to do anything except praise God and then all kinds of things happen. I get spirit filled for first time in my life! So why should I bother with that church anymore? I don’t think I will. Unless that singer goes back there. But I have a feeling he won’t be asked to come back. HA!

    1. Praise God for how you received the Holy Spirit under the anointing! Many are christian in name only and have no power, no real knowledge of the things of the Spiritnof God, and don’t know how to really help anyone.
      Yes, I think you are right about all of it, including that its not good to go where there are dead men’s bones! Keep praising God and I pray the Holy Spirit reveals truth to you here that will keep you going!
      Thanks for your sharing!

  37. Well now I know what all the rumors are about. I heard not to go talk to this music teacher because he spreads wildfire and does all kinds of crazy things. Well the crazy things got me healed and spirit filled! I think the OTHER people are the crazy ones. They try to tell you to stay away from someone who can help and tell you to keep going to a church that can’t do anything for you. What kind of sense does that make? Nonsense! But now I have all kinds of things to read on this blog. I was a little ticked off at him for that. It seems like I have a long way to go and I have to focus particularly on Swimming 101. Oooops. How did he know that?

    1. Praise God you went anyway and did not listen to the dead naysayers unbelief and fear!
      Praise Jesus for healing you and filling you with the Holy Spirit!

      He knew what you needed to focus on, swimming 101, the same way that healing and the Holy Spirit was.ministered to you! It’s: “By My Spirit says the Lord of hosts…!”

      The Holy Spirit is the teacher and He will reveal these truths to you and you will be VERY glad you read, studied, and made the truth your own in your spirit! The Word of God is Live and powerful! Enjoy, and thanks for sharing your testimony!

  38. I’m so happy to finally be spirit filled! Roving reporter girl tell me to come on here and tell about it. But I don’t really know how it happened. Atmosphere and the whole place change when this man starts to sing and everybody started getting spirit filled and delivered from demons. The pastors ran off. It made me think of a saying “if you can’t take heat get out of the kitchen.” Ha ha ha ha. I love this blog. Thanks Rocket Preacher.

  39. This was pretty cool, Rev. Rocket… These stupid pastors were in a huddle of course! Why would they be happy if someone came there who has the anointing? And then I heard one of them say ” And who is this Rev. Rocket? I want to get bottom of this!” So I went over and gave them the blog address and they told me not to be bothering them. I said “okay, but it will clear a few things up for you.” Then when they finally looked it up they REALLY went off in a huddle and were never seen or heard from again. Could an innocent little blog have scared them away? Oh well.

    1. Lol just gotta love it! Yes, why would they be happy when someone is there with the anointing they all need desperately!? That was an interesting exit. When they looked up the blog…haha. Their demons were seeing their end! Lol, and away they go!

  40. what I want to know is why these stupid people want to have doubt all the time? Why wouldn’t they want to have faith and see good things happen? It’s like they’re just indoctrinated with false teaching and they can’t help but dig their heels in and want to stay in the muck and mire!

    1. You called it right on! They got demons of doubt, false doctrines, doctrines of demons, pride, stubbornness, unbelief, and won’t let go of it and so never know what faith can do! Muck and mire is all they know as they wallow in it and do without the blessings, ABUNDANT LIFE BLESSINGS God has for all who live by real FAITH!

    1. Ok, no problem! The stash throwing out miracle is yours, don’t doubt it for a minute! Remember recently I said there were 3 left right now that are ready to receive this miracle, and you are the first to reach out. I touched the screen and prayed a prayer of deliverance, so in faith touch the screen as a point of contact and receive the answer. Now praise God for the answer and then do whatever the Holy Spirit says do and Be FREE in Jesus name!

  41. Rocket Preacher, here’s what I saw. This singer come to the church who only want to give him hard time once he get there. But he knew everything to help people and the church never helped anyone just took money that no one could afford to give. All they do is entertainment and food and speeches about how whatever happen is God will. So at the end when the pastor and his assistant come back in, they tell him they don’t want him to come back and he just laugh at them. Then he said “Too much Holy Spirit for your demons to handle? You better stop agreeing with them. There’s not much time left on this earth.” And the pastor said “You can’t know that… No man knows the day or the hour, you’re blaspheming!” And singer say “I never said I knew the day or the hour or even the year, but I know it’s not going to be long. You can take that to the bank. So you better stop listening to your demons.” And then when he walked past them to go it looked like something push them back and then when he walked past me I felt what it was. That power that was in the room when he was singing was still coming from him. I LIKED it and THEY backed away from it. I think they are weirdos. LOL

  42. Lol, yes you called it right…the opposers.of the Holy Spirit are definitely weirdos! I like what the singer said to them: “Was it too much Holy Spirit for your demons?” He warned them that they should stop listening to their demons for the time is short, and he is right!
    It is amazing how the power of the Holy Spirit is right their that will work miracles yet hard headed, hard hearted people resist Him and miss out!
    Thanks for sharing this.


  43. Okay, so I go to hear a singer and I was kind of avoiding him because I knew he was going to ask me if I went to the blog yet. Then he gets to a song Jesus Paid it All and the roof blew off. I thought, all right, I’ll go give in and tell him I’m going to the blog. But then when I got closer, I was suddenly unable to stand up and I thought, oh, this is what they are all talking about. So now I’m spirit filled and an official holy roller! What do you think of that?

    1. There you go! As soon as you decided to come here…BOOM..down you go under the power of the Spirit and become Spirit filled and are officially a holy roller!! I like it!

  44. So your hot shot friend tells me that all negative thoughts come from demons. But is that every single one of them doesn’t God ever tried to warn you about something negative. For instance, a few days ago, all he could keep thinking was that I might die of cancer. Was God trying to warn me that I might get cancer or is that just demons? I’m thinking it’s demons because it really just ruined my day. How do I tell it apart? Is it really as simple as this other guy told me?

    1. Why would God give you negative thoughts when HE is the One who told you in His Word to only think on GOOD things, PURE things, VIRTUOUS things?!
      God is NOT doubleminded!
      Negative thoughts are from demons, who want you to get into fear and then get what the thoughts were. Cancer destroys people’s bodies and is from demons so you need to renounce those thoughts, bind all the demons behind them and tell them to GET OUT IN JESUS NAME!
      Listen to what my friend said…he gets people healed and delivered, but the people who are peddling the nonsense to get people to accept negative thoughts as a warning from God cannot heal a flea and have NO power! Read Phillipians 4:8

    1. Welcome! Prepare yourself for blessing after blessing after blessing that is coming to you as you take God’s prescription here from the Word of God!

    1. The piano player gives what the Holy Spirit gives to him and loves Jesus with all his heart and soul! He IS for REAL! Go believing and watch what God will do for you! You will sing “Amazing Grace” with power!

  45. ok, Rev. Rockett, time to email this blog to some idiots I ran into today! I’ll have to do it as soon as I get home. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Lol, idiots need the truth, thats for sure !
      All right! I pray the anointing of the Holy Spirit falls on all of them convicting, and rebuking all the evil in their lives!




  46. Okay, I give up. You were right and I was wrong. This was an excellent website to come to. I don’t hear I told you so. YOU know who you are. And I mean it. Thanks Rocket Preacher. This is exactly what I needed.

    1. You are welcome, I’m glad this was exactly what you needed! The Lord is good, and always makes sure we receive exactly what we need!

  47. Okay, here’s the thing Rev. Rocket… I finally listened to your show off friend and I read the blog posts in the order he told me and four of the major problems in my life were miraculously addressed! I don’t know who you two are where you came from but I’m in.

    1. Welcome on in where living waters are flowing freely, abundantly! God sure knows what He is doing doesn’t He?! Things that happen like you said bring confirmation that the Holy Spirit is orchestrating and directing this! Then you know, that you know, that you know! Amazing Grace how sweet the sound!

  48. Rocket Preacher, I’ve come to the conclusion that the people who need to read this kind of thing the most are the ones that resist it with everything they have!

    1. Oh, they need to repent and believe! Our padf is to pray the blinders off, and get this to them.

  49. Rev. Rocket, do I seriously have to go back now and tell your show off Liberace friend that he was right and this blog was exactly what I needed? I mean, it’s true. I definitely love this blog. I’m kind of binge reading right now. But I don’t want to hear I told you so. I only went to hear him play oh, well… Really, just to lust. But then things started to happen and I thought I better repent. And then he has the nerve to give me all these assignments on this blog. I really just want to punch him. But I do love this blog! Thank you!

    1. Lol, you have quite the roller coaster going there! Facts are facts, and he was right, so no big deal you could go back and thank him for now your life will change 100% for the better because of the true powerof the gospel of Jesus Christ! Thats up to you, but I’m glad you are getting this in your heart for I know that I know what the truth does when digested…it makes you FREE, FREE, FREE! Faith will come alive like never before as you read here, and then you will be pleasing God for faith pleases Him! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing!

  50. Rocket Preacher, sometimes when I’m trying to pray I feel like my mind isn’t clear. Is that demons?

    1. Yes, especially when you are going to pray and there is something clouding your mind it is a sign of demons trying to hinder you from praying and getting answers!
      So, let’s do something about that right now fornyou and everyone else affected this way! Put your both hands on your head and say and pray this out loud and BOLDLY: IN THE NAME OF JESUS ALL demons of mental block, mental oppression, mental haze, mental instability, mental frustration, and prayer hindrance YOU ARE BOUND AND ALLNOF YOU GO OUT RIGHT NOW! HALLELUJAH! PRAISE JESUS! GLORY TO GOD! YOU ARE GOING FREE RIGHT NOW…TAKE YOUR DELIVERANCE BY THE POWER AND ANOINTING MM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT IS ALL OVER YOU RIGHT NOW! THANK YOU JESUS FOR SETTING EACHNONE FREE!


  51. Okay, Rev. Rocket! You got me. You were right about everything! I give in! I guess I will do all these assignments now. Oh dear!

    1. Good to hear because now I know you will receive what God has for you! I pray the anointing on you to absorb this and havenit working in your life!

    1. You are welcome, and I’m VERY glad to hear that this was the most helpful blog you have read! I pray God’s best for you and that the Holy Spirit quickens your mortal body, and many blessings to come your way! Faith works!

  52. I wish more people realized how important this is. Because there’s so much in the Bible about faith and not doubting and not giving the devil a toehold with unbelief but it seems like when it comes right down to it most churches don’t really teach that. They either do a speech about how God’s testing you or a sympathy club, trying to make people feel better but not really helping them solve their problems, or they just blabber about nothing because they don’t know what to say! They need this blog. But for some of them… I’m not holding out a lot of hope.

  53. A few weeks ago and irritatingly talented singer came to an Assemblies of God church that had nothing going on, but I went to hear him. I ended up getting spirit filled and delivered and sent to this blog! Now a lot of my problems are straightening out. I was glad I was told to come here because the church world doesn’t offer very much help anymore. I don’t understand what happened to good churches but you can’t find any. Thanks for this blog!

    1. You are welcome for this blog, and I know just what you mean! God predicted the falling away in the Word, and warned to take heed lest the light that be in you be darkness. When Christians exchange light for darkness, how great is that darkness. The church world has exchanged the truth for lies and has stepped back from the light into darkness, even gross darkness by their doctrines of demons and unbelief! Now like Samson they are blinded and bound and have lost the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and cannot do any miracles or get the sick healed. The glory is departed…Ichabod!
      I’m glad you made it here and are liking this. I pray God makes it a super blessing! Praise God for filling you with the Spirit and delivering you!

  54. All right, Rocket Preacher. I have to believe this now. Because everything in this blog on the parts I was supposed to read came true and I guess I have to hear I told you so. But that’s okay, well, on second thought, I don’t want to hear I told you so. Because you were a very annoying individual. YOU know who you are! Of course, it did get me here… Okay, I’ll change my mind again. You can say I told you so. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. I’m glad you received everything you needed on the parts prescribed to you! Believing is TOTALLY BETTER than the alternative!!! As for the thought of “I told you so’s” lol, I told you so isn’t so bad when what you were told worked and brought multiple answers and blessings in your life! Thanks for the testimony! The Word and power of God work, and bring life changing, miracle working power in our lives! It’s real, it’s real, oh, I know, I know it’s real!

  55. Well, my teacher really put this denominational pastor in his place the other day. He came storming up to him to tell him that he was “leading people astray,” and JBT just rolled his eyes and said “really, how am I doing that?” And he said in so many words it was because he was telling people about faith and JBT said “Well, here’s the thing… If you can answer this question, I’ll converse with you further. When Jesus said if you abide in me and my words abide in you ask what you will and it will be done unto you,” was he lying?” Well, that was the end of that conversation. That was ingenious. That pastor was trapped either way!

    1. I love it! It shut that skeptic right up! The Word of God is the truth that sets us FREE!

  56. Rev. Rocket, I can’t deal with him anymore. No piece of fruit is good enough, there’s always one more piece behind that, and one more piece behind that. He’s picking fruit continuously driving the rest of us nuts. We have to play tonight and he still insisting there’s more fruit and rearranging things at the last minute. I’ve had it! Why did you DO this?

    1. God made the fruit! Lol! JBT was having some misgivings so I just helped out a little. I suggest he picks it all at once and puts it in a BASKET! A FRUIT BASKET ALL AT ONCE…MUCH BETTER THAN A MEASLEY PIECE OR 2 HERE AND THERE ….(driving people “fruit crazy”! Haha)

  57. Fruit crazy. YEP. And taking us all with him. The basket’s a good idea. He’s filling it now much to our dismay. One hour to show time. I wish there was a pill for his condition. The ad could go something like “Are you or someone you know suffering from 5-octave syndrome?” HAAAA!

  58. Ha ha ha ha ha! A man was here trying to “warn” people away and security threw him out. Ooopsy daisy!

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…oops, I guess the one that needed to go was HIM! Must going to be a red hot one tonight with that going on already!

  59. My testimony is that I finally got spirit filled. But I don’t really understand all this. I never saw anyone who had power before. All I ever see is people saying how great they are but nothing happen when I ask for help and they know no answer to anything. I could feel power from way far away and this person never say he is great or anything only just say “give Jesus the praise,” no matter what happened. I think there are many phonies out there but not this person. I’m translating these post to Spanish and then I understand a lot better. I like everything on here because it’s easy to understand and always come with Bible verses to back everything up! Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. YOU ARE WELCOME! I’m very happy you finally met up with someone who had the answers and the POWER OF GOD, and who gives the praise to Jesus! Jesus is faithful to His Word and will NEVER let you down!

    1. I’m very glad to hear that, praise be to God, who does all things top of the line! Jesus never fails! Good that you love this because that means you love the truth, and that is when God can really do so much in your life!

  60. I have “5-octave syndrome?” Oh my. I hope no one cures me. Have a heart you guys. I can’t dance anymore, I’m stuck going to crazy denominations that I managed to dodge my whole life, and you all want to interfere with my fruit plucking? Not fair. I like the basket idea. Baskets hold more fruit than one hand does. HA!

    1. I don’t know about 5 octave “syndrome” LOL. Since you use your voice for God then as you give it your all then your “all” is good!
      Really! The denominational spirits are very ugly and I really do pray the grace of God helps you!
      I think you will enjoy the “basket of fruit” more because you don’t have to worry about changing the fruit plucking as you go along, but will have all the fruit picked all ready in one basket! More fruit that way anyway! Enjoy!

  61. My testimony is easy. I had the virus and all anybody tell me is that if it’s God’s will I’ll get healed. So after a few days I stop asking anybody to pray because there doesn’t seem much point in that kind of prayer. Now this morning I test negative and that singer didn’t even pray for me, he just say “You don’t have it anymore, it can’t live in this environment.” Now I believe all this and I think before I was involved doubt peddlers!

    1. You have it all 100% right! Doubt peddlers peddle excuses, lies, and anything but the truth! They couldn’t heal a flea!
      When someone knows their authority in Jesus they speak a word of faith and the.miracle happens like it did with you! Praise Jesus…no more virus, only the healing power of God!

      Thanks for sharing! God is good!

  62. Ok, I don’t know who you two are or how all this came about but I suppose I will go along for now and see what happens. I am not promising not to be a skeptic anymore. Even though an annoying individual told me “the bigger they are, the harder they fall.” Well, don’t count on it. I am still wondering about you two.

    1. Praise God you are added into the blowing in the wind club! What a wonderful miracle and there is one more in that original 5 I called out coming into this miracle! When you listen to the Holy Spirit you go free as you did! Keep praising God and enjoy being FREE from all addiction and the torment that went with it! There is a standing prayer and word so that the last one in that 5 will go free, and then others will continue to be as they do whT the Holy Spirit tells them to do!
      Welcome and enjoy!

  63. Okay, I’ve had it with your hotshot friend. He’s passing me off to you. He said I remind him of an ABBA song called The impossible case. I didn’t laugh and I hope he knows I wasn’t amused. he said for me to stop letting my thick head get in the way and just accept things in my spirit. I said okay, if you stop irritating me singing songs like How Great Thou Art in the key of E. Here’s my problem. I can’t think of things spiritually because I’m so angry at what’s been allowed to happen in this world and in this country that I just want to smash something all the time. And he told me to keep my mind on Jesus because that brings perfect peace, but I said I can’t do that because I’m too angry all the time. I guess I am going around a mulberry bush in a way. He did use every bullet he had I can guarantee that. And then he said “What would Columbo do in this situation? I know! He’d pass you off to Rocket Preacher!” A real funny guy huh? I still don’t appreciate his humor, but here I am. Can you help me?

    1. The Lord will help you as you are willing. Your part is to put your will with His will and agree together! God does NOT force anyone to believe; He gave you a will and He wants a willing from the heart relationship.

      Your problem is you have demons of preoccupation, and they have kept you preoccupied with the negative for a long time so as to keep you from the positive of God that overcomes the negative!

      The fact that everyone has been given a will should tell you what is going on in the world and why! People “choose” the wrong master, the devil, and live for and serve him, and THAT is where ALL the mess came from and comes from! Jesus came and redeemed us by His blood from all the sin and mess that comes from it, and handed us the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Those keys cause us to be able to bind demons and all wicked spirits and exercise authority over all of it! Eventually when the full time has come, the devil and ALL evil will be thrown from hell into the.lake of fire forever. Right now it is up to us as believers to use the authority andnpiwer Jesus gave us. wherever we can.

      If you want to go free you can right now. All the demons of preoccupation are bound and have to leave you right NOW in the mighty name of JESUS as you renounce them and repent of being obsessed with the dark side in the world!

      God said your faith WILL overcome the world and all in it! GOD SAID: Greater is HE, (JESUS CHRIST), that is in YOU,(in your spirit), than he, (the devil), that is in the world!

      “THIS IS the victory that overcomes the world, even our FAITH! 1 John 5:4

  64. An outdoor event in the park not connected to any denomination. What could possibly go wrong? Stay tuned…

    1. Hahaha… oh, yes, what could ever happen?! Tuned in… praying the Holy Spirit gets em in the far reaches and gets em solid! Will be waiting to hear the news!

  65. I try now to explain what happened. I went to hear my music teacher in the park because I wanted to see him for the entertainment instead of just at school. And this creepy looking man come over to try to attack him and kept swinging this piece of wood but it not get to him. It was like it hit something else that no one could see. He was talking to a girl who needed help. She jumped on him immediately when he get here and he was trying to talk to her and this man kept swinging the wood piece. So finally he just turn around to look at him and wave his hand at him and the man fell down to the ground. I don’t understand that? I asked him how that happen and he said “Oh, l knew he couldn’t really hit me with that. I just couldn’t deal with that in my peripheral vision anymore .” I don’t think he realized what I was asking. What I ask is how he wave his hand and the man just fall over. I never saw anything like that before!!!

    1. To release the power of God to effect a situation it takes an act of faith. He has received simple faith that when someone is trying to injure/interfere he can just wave his hand in authority over it and BOOM..down goes the offender! God doesn’t put up with nonsense from the devil and neither do we as God’s people!

  66. I think JBT needs prayer. There’s a hussy trying to drape all over him like a cheap suit. She just doesn’t want to give up. Can you imagine acting that way in public? We will have to pray for all the lusting females to get saved tonight . Well, approve this if you dare. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.

  67. I’m praying lust out and Holy Ghost in! The “cheap suit” will disappear when all the angels show!!! Leave it to you to report this! Lol. I guess you have to report things you see, but don’t know about.

  68. Okay so they call this man “strange fire.” I didn’t see anything strange except a lot of people getting saved and spirit filled. And everyone told me to stay away from him! That’s crazy!

  69. I’m still laughing my head off because I just got done reading pig slop religion one and two. I don’t how you ever came up with that! But I love it. I really thought this guy was crazy when he said all I need to do is read about pig slip.

    1. Lol, I’m glad you love what you read here about the pig slop religion! I call it like it is! Its good to laugh at that slop! Haha. God is good and He knows what we need. Glad you are enjoying.

  70. Okay, everything I read on this blog turned out to be the truth and I can’t argue anymore. And every single thing made sense and I totally see what I was messed up on. I guess I can hear “I told you so” because he did and it was right. I should’ve come here a lot sooner! Thanks Rev. Rockett.

    1. I’m so glad to hear how you saw what was messing you up as you saw the truth here that sets you free! Praise God who does all things well! Its good you are here now, and God will help you grow in truth and the knowing of God as you absorb the Word of God!
      You are definitely welcome! Enjoy!

  71. I didn’t know where to turn about anything. There was no one ever who could help me and then I was told not to go hear this singer because he supposedly caused all kinds of trouble in California and tried to break up churches. Well, I didn’t really believe that because when I met him I just felt the love of God coming from him like I never felt it from anyone. Nobody will ever convince me that he doesn’t care about people. And he stayed till late last night helping every last person until it looked like he was really exhausted. And I think he would’ve stayed all night long if he had to. What I don’t understand, and I know that nobody else does either, is why these churches do what they do. Why, when they can’t help people, do they want to interfere with other people who can? I know nobody can answer that but it just runs through my mind all the time. Thank you for this blog, Rockett preacher

  72. Seriously? This was for real all this time and I listen to idiots? That’s lousy. Oh well, better late than never.

    1. The miracle is already yours! Renounce all sins and drug addiction, and ask Jesus to cleanse and forgive all sins, then thank Him for doing so!
      Doubt your doubts, and ONLY BELIEVE! The promise of God is whoever will call on the name of the Lord WILL BE DELIVERED!
      Count it done by faith and raise your hands as high as they will go towards heaven and praise Jesus for setting you free!
      There are demons behind all sins so they MUST GO NOW and take their drug habits with them in Jesus name!

      Now, do whatever the Holy Spirit tells you to do and be made whole and FREE!

  73. I can’t believe I didn’t think this guy was for real. He definitely has the goods and I stayed away all this time because I listen to lies. I can’t believe myself. I went up to try to talk to him and I couldn’t even get near. Whatever was coming from him knocked me right down. I guess it was anointing. Then someone told me that he couldn’t have anointing like that because he didn’t go to Bible college. I said “okay, then you walk up there and try to get near him.” So they went marching up there and bam. Flat on their back. Oh my. Anyway, I love this blog and I have a lot to read here. Everybody is saying to read pig slop. First time I heard that I nearly fell over laughing until I read it and realized what it was. I love it.

    1. Good for you! I’m glad “pig slop” made your day! Lol. I love it! You told the skeptics good! Boom! Down they went! I guess that solved that deal!!! Yes, that was the anointing of the Holy Spirit coming from him! When it is strong and hits the flesh, the flesh goes down. Think of it like God giving supernatural anesthetic to do a spiritual operation and deliver, heal, and restore people! When the supernatural of God comes in contact with the natural something is going to give and it is not going to be God!

      I rebuke all the lying spirits that had you and all their lies in Jesus name! You are loosed to be who God created you to be and to have from Him what He has for you! Enjoy!

  74. Rev. Rocket, can we pray God’s protection on that trucker convoy that went from California and is almost at Washington DC now? They are speaking for all of us against the Biden/Pelosi/Fauci unconstitutional overeach!

  75. Yes, I’m with that other person. I can’t believe I got talked out of this and it had all the answers I wanted! Now I see why they’re so upset over this blog and that singer… Because they don’t have any goods and you guys do. What idiots!

    1. Welcome, and “United we Stand!” Faith is more powerful than all the unbelief idiots can muster up! Just ask the false prophets who went against Elijah! They could dance around cutting themselves all day getting all worked up and NO fire! Elijah must have laughed out loud! He said to them that maybe their god is far off and they need to yell louder so he could hear them! LOL But, when Elijah spoke the word the FIRE of GOD came down out of heaven and licked up the water, the sacrifice and all! Then the people bowed and said: The LORD, HE IS THE GOD! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD! PRAISE GOD, TOGETHER, WE IN FAITH WIN!

  76. Rocket Preacher, I am so tired of everybody telling everybody else how to live their lives and trying to be teachers and train everyone else what they should do say think and feel. Who are all these self-appointed prophets and teachers who end up not knowing ANYTHING? Is this just part of the end time chaos? I went to hear that singer the other night got the first sensible answer to anything I’ve gotten in a long time and now I came on here and there were a lot more sensible answers waiting for me. Why can’t the rest of them do this?

    1. The rest of them can’t do this because they are know it all’s who know nothing with spirits of pride who love attention and want to impress everybody so they try to tell everybody what to do. It is a shame because they shouldn’t be “teaching” anyone or prophesying when they know NOT the Spirit of God.

      Its good to hear you got answers from the singer and here. Do not yield to false teachers or false prophets who speak NOT by the Spirit of God, you will save yourself a lot of grief. People have to repent to receive the real deal from Jesus!

  77. I wish I would have found this one a long time ago! There’s a lot of idiots I have to send it to!

    1. Enjoy! Gods blessing on the sending! It is amazing what has been deceiving people for long periods of time and robbing them of God’s blessings they could have if only they would believe!

  78. Ooops. yeah, that was me too. Acting twice before I think once. It didn’t work out so well. I should have listened to this blog to begin with!

  79. I really like this Rocket Preacher. It puts everything in black and white about doubt and how important faith is. If people would get over their stubbornness on this topic they could really learn something here!

    1. I’m glad you really like this! You are right about people’s stubbornness holding them back from seeing the light that would scatter all the darkness that has them!

      There is.a.lot to be said for keeping our hearts open to the Holy Spirit, and open to the truth!

  80. Thank you for this! I have to get my thinking in order because I think I’ve been taught a wrong perspective on all this!

    1. You are welcome! At least now you can get your thinking and believing straightened out from now on!
      I think about how many blessings have been robbed from believers by false teachers spreading lies about God! I pray this blog finds its way to all that are truly hungry for the truth!

  81. Someone come yesterday to my school to try to make big confrontation with my teacher because when he pray people get free from demons and they get Holy Spirit. So he keep bothering him outside the school and finally my teacher just waved his hand at him and the man walked away backwards! I never saw anything like that in my life! Why did he have to walk away backwards?

    1. Thats easy question. The HOLY SPIRIT is TOTALLY GREATER than the demons in the man driving him to do the confrontation, and the HOLY SPIRIT ANOINTING IS TOTALLY greater than the maniacal man! When God gives us an action of faith like the waving of the hand, then the authority we have over evil kicks in and GOD BACKS IT UP, and then that man is going to do NOTHING !!! PRAISE GOD!

  82. Okay, I think I’m finally swimming properly and my car is repaired, but as far as my foundation and my blueprint… Oops I think I need a little more work

    1. All right, you got it in motion now just keep it going and you will be very glad you did! God is a REWARDER of those who DILIGENTLY seek Him!

  83. I’m not used to anyone who have power. But this singer have a lot of it because when he prays for people things really happen and when you do what this blog says it works! I happy I find all this!

  84. Okay rocket preacher, you told me that I needed to change my thinking and then I would realize I was having pig slop mentality, then you told me that it’s never God’s will for any negative thought to be in your mind, but that is always from demons, and then you told me that it’s always God’s will to heal someone and I was being skeptical and.. ooopsy daisy.. you were right about all of it! Okay, go ahead you can say I told you so like a certain other individual already HAS!

    1. LOL, well I will let the individual’s “I told you so” suffice! Actually, God told you so and that is how we tell you so, and it is all because the “Bible tells us all so!” Enjoy your new life in Jesus, He has so much for you!

  85. This one is too good to keep… come this guy to the school at lunchtime to tell JBT that he shouldn’t tell people he is God. He just sat there shaking his head and I really think at that point he was just praying for the rapture to come. We all just started to laugh but I don’t think he was amused. Finally he said “okay, when did I say I’m God? I can’t wait to hear this one.” And the man said “you were talking to people one night and said be still and know that I am God.” And JBT said “I was quoting Scripture you moron! Don’t you ever read your Bible? You don’t recognize that’s a Scripture?” And then he just shook his head and mumbled “Lord, can you please deliver me from the stupidity in this world.” And we kept laughing even though JBT was not amused but the man got more and more angry the more we laughed at him and finally he left and we heard him running down the hall. This is end time insanity! But it is very entertaining.

    1. Oh, my aren’t they getting more stupid every minute?! Now they can’t even recognize when a scripture is being quoted! They NEED to be laughed at! Lol ..definitely end time insanity!

  86. Rocket Preacher, can I have a prayer to get me out of this lethargy? I feel like I never bounced back after all this pandemic mess and losing my job over stupid worthless vaccine and the hatred that’s in this world and Biden betraying everybody. I just feel like I have to drag myself everywhere and I was never like that, even during the messed up Obama years and everything else. I just feel like something happened to me and I never recovered. And I didn’t even get the virus or anything, but I feel like my brain got it or something. LOL

    1. I hear you and Jesus loves you! Take hold of His love and pray in the Spirit and the love of God will flood your heart and loose you from everything negative!
      I loose you in Jesus name from all the pandemic mental torment and oppression in Jesus name! Revive her Lord Jesus 100%! Thank you Lord!

  87. God is speaking today! Listen for the still small voice. It will be so mild you will miss it if you don’t pay attention. There are answers to your questions and problems. Listen to Him. You know how reluctant I am to give a word from the Lord. But I was commissioned to say this. Okay, off to the juniper tree I go. ROFL.

    1. Take time everyone to get before the presence of the Lord and get quiet and listen in your spirit for the Word of the Lord! He is always on time with a Word in due season that will put you over.

      Thanks for coming out from under the Juniper tree (lol) and obeying the Lord JBT. God will help people.

  88. Okay, I’m getting through all these assignments! I guess I will not be doubting anymore! Oh dear.

    1. Good riddance doubt and hello FAITH where all things ARE POSSIBLE when you believe!

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