Miracle Service: The Hand of God ( Acts 3 and 4)

There is no hand like the hand of God!  When His hand is on someone or something they CANNOT  fail, and whatever it takes to get them through to victory, success, and blessing WILL happen, and happen FAST AND POWERFUL! 

When the hand of God was on Elijah he ran FASTER than a horse to get where he needed to go!  Horses can go at a top speed of about 35 miles per hour.  So, there you are riding your horse down off the mountain to avoid the cloudburst coming because of Elijah’s prayers, and WHOOSH….. a streak of something blows by you faster than the horses!  What was THAT?  It was Elijah with the HAND OF THE LORD ON HIM!  The Hand of the Lord is powerful for He measures the waters of the earth in the hollow of His hand! 

When you see a prayer prayed in the Word of God pay attention, for we can pray those same prayers in faith today by the Holy Spirit, and see the power of God move, and do the miraculous in great power!

In Acts 3 and 4, a man above 40 years old crippled from birth sat begging as Peter and John went to pray at the temple at “3  in the afternoon.”  Peter said: “Look on us!”  So the man gave them his attention expecting to get something from them.  Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” Then, taking him by the right hand he helped him up and INSTANTLY the man’s feet and ankles became strong!  He jumped to his feet and went walking, leaping and praising God into  the temple!  People knew he was the cripple who sat begging at the gate, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what happened to him. 

Peter and John preached about Jesus who was “handed over to be killed, by those who disowned the righteous One, and asked that a murderer be released.  God raised Jesus from the dead and by faith in the name of Jesus this man who you see and know was made strong.  It is Jesus’ name and faith in his name that comes through Him that has completely healed him as you all see!”

Persecution came from the “religious leaders,” the scribes, High Priest, and relatives of the high priest threatened the disciples and told them to speak NO more in the name of Jesus at all, or preach.  It is amazing that religious idiots speak against the Holy Spirit when a notable miracle has happened!   

The Peter and John went back to the rest of the believers and reported what happened and how the religious idiots threatened them and commanded them to speak no more in the name of Jesus!  Everyone lifted up their voice to God in prayer with one accord, and said,  “Lord, You are the God that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is:  Who by the mouth of your servant David has said, ‘Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things?  The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together, against the Lord, and against His Christ.’ And now, Lord, behold their threatenings and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may speak your Word BY STRETCHING FORTH YOUR HAND TO HEAL; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of your holy child Jesus.

And when they had prayed, the place was SHAKEN where they all were and they were ALL filled with the Holy Ghost and they spoke the Word of God with boldness… and with GREAT POWER  the apostles gave witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and GREAT GRACE was on them all!

The whole building SHOOK under the power of God when they prayed for God to stretch forth His HAND!  Signs, wonders, and miracles of all kinds needed happened!  Healing, deliverance, restoration, salvation, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and more!  Do NOT underestimate the power of the HAND OF GOD as you pray for the Lord to stretch forth HIS HAND!   PRAISE GOD!  He does not have “some” power, but He has “ALL POWER”  and is able to do exceeding, abundantly, FAR ABOVE ALL that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us!

There are a number of you that after reading this, faith will ignite in your spirit and you will be healed of whatever the ailment is, and delivered from demons of oppression of ALL kinds, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical!

As we pray this prayer, the great grace of God will come on us and there will be no lack as the POWER OF ALMIGHTY GOD works in our lives!  GREATER is He (Jesus) that is in us than he (the devil), that is in the world!  Let the GREATER ONE  rise up in you as you pray and praise God in faith believing for ALL things are POSSIBLE to those who believe!  ALL things! 

Take off the limits you have put on God!  Stop limiting Him by your stinkin’ thinkin’!  Believe God from your heart, your spirit, and tell your mind the Word of God, which will renew it, and tell your mind that you are believing God, and you are taking off all the limits you have put on God by your “stinkin’ thinkin’!” 

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be NOT dismayed, for I am your God;  I will strengthen you, I will help you, I WILL uphold you by my righteous RIGHT HAND!

1 Peter 5:6  God will exalt you in due time as you humble yourself under His mighty right HAND! 

Jeremiah 32:17  Ah, Lord God, behold, you have made the heaven and the earth by your great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for you.

Psalm 31:15 My times are in your HAND ; deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from them that persecute me.


219 thoughts on “Miracle Service: The Hand of God ( Acts 3 and 4)

    1. Thanks, enjoy! I’m believing God for many to receive all the miracles of deliverance and healing they need!

    1. LOL, yes, and it must be that they lost all their mirrors that they can’t see how ugly they are being speaking against the Lord and His anointed!

    1. Oh, yes indeed! Busy, busy, busy! Lol, They need to realize, realize, realize that they are operating on the wrong side of EVERYTHING, and REPENT, REPENT, REPENT before its too late, and the move of the Holy Spirit passes them by completely!

  1. Cool…a post about the religious idiots who have nothing better to do than follow us around trying to ruin gigs. I may just have to print this out and distribute it appropriately. 🤣😂🤣😂

    1. Yes, proper distribution is always a plus! Lol . When someone’s goal in life is to try to do all they can to hinder the Holy Spirit, and keep people from healing and deliverance they need then they are worse than messed up…they are total reverse order and fighting God! Guess who is going to lose that battle BIG time! And God does NOT lose!

    1. Good to hear and I’m glad to hear you like this the best ever! I pray it blesses many!

    1. All I can say is to God be the glory! I pray for them and try to listen to the Holy Spirit.

  2. I said I would never come to this blog. Now I find myself not only here but believing for a miracle! Oh my. You really can’t read this and not believe!

    1. Welcome, and I’m glad you came and stayed here and are connecting with the Spirit of faith! God is in the miracle working business and has the miracle you need for you! Refuse to doubt for His Word is true and He definitely loves you! I agree with you for the miracle you need in the name of Jesus!

  3. Okay, Rocket Preacher. I think I can get my miracle now because I have resolved my “stinkin’ thinking.” Now when I feel like saying “I can’t take it anymore.” I say “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” In other words… I think I’m actually making progress… Really? Wow.

    1. AMEN AND AMEN! Now the Word of God is getting into your spirit, and is coming up to renew your mind and your faith is working as.you boldly say out what God says! Then you go to Mark 11 and will have whatever you say when you believe you will have it!!! Praise God!

      Yes, it IS “MIRACLE TIME FOR YOU!”

  4. I showed this to my pastor and he got all red-faced. It reminded me of all the red-faced pastors who tried to interfere with my teacher’s gigs and couldn’t do it. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Hahahahahaha… those who oppose cannot face the truth without the red coming in the face! Let GOD BE TRUE and every man a liar! Our God reigns, and He will have a believing people for without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God!

      The red faces will continue as the Holy Spirit has His way!



  5. Ok…the “basket” of fruit is a complicated chord progression that goes kind of like this: C7 B Gm Adim E/G#. Can you remind the dude that the rest of us are mere mortals?
    I just want someone to put me out of my misery. Or the rapture to come before tomorrow night. Or something…

    1. OH, MY… MY…MY… MY… a tisket, a tasket, a green and yellow basket. A root, a minor 3rd and a diminished 5th…that’s all there is to an A dim arrangement according to JBT Mozart Bach Beethoven Tchaikovsky the 3rd! LOL what EVER can be done..? I guess we must pray! I meant for him to get all the fruit picking at one time, not an A diminished arrangement! God’s grace is sufficient for you I pray!

      P.S. JBT the rest of your friends are mere mortals, they would like you to know. We don’t want them in misery, right?!

    1. Hahaha..”mess” is the right word for denominationalism! OH, I know he “loves” that you book these! Lol. I pray for open hearts.

  6. What I don’t understand is why people fight to hang on to their permissive will! Oh well, I’ll just have to print this post out for them.

  7. They cling to that foul doctrine of unbelief for dear life, but the thing is that it is NOT producing life, but death!
    Jesus came to bring abundant LIFE not abundant death.

    Happy printing!

  8. Rev. Rockett! Here’s the miracle I need! I need a job. I was forced out of my job because of the stupid vaccine that doesn’t work and my expendable income has now been expended. I’m in real trouble. I know that everybody has is days. Nobody has two dimes to rub together, but I don’t want to be out in the street. I’m thinking of going back to to Costa Rica to work at my friend’s store there and everyone’s telling me I’m crazy, but I see that your Liberace friend went there and at least I could hear some good music if I become a bag lady. LOL.

    1. When you have been in prayer and you have a peaceful leading thought like to go to Costa Rica and work there I wouldnt be afraid to follow the Lords leading! And good music and blessing here you come.

  9. Rocket Preacher is there something in the water lately? Why is this world so anxious and tense and stressed and angry? I’ve had a headache for three days. I can’t take it anymore. I need some of this miracle power!

    1. We are seeing what you are in this world! They have no power to deal with what is happening on all levels and so are snapping out under demon oppression!

      We, as believers are in the world, but NOT OF the world! Use your authority and bind the mess everyday concerning everything, and then praise God, praise Him, praise Him…no more headache also!

    1. I like that…the silence of red faced religious idiots! How true! I would be scared if I were them because what does it say about you when GOD SHUTS YOUR MOUTH so you can’t interfere with the Holy Spirit that you were going against?!

  10. I can’t explain what happened last night. I don’t know where to start. Except I know I never have Holy Spirit and my pastor tell me it doesn’t matter. You get that when you get saved. Well not like this I didn’t! This was different, because when this man touch me, I feel something happen and then finally get a prayer language. Well that’s much different from what I was taught. And this blog they tell people stay away from but others say no definitely go to it and have all kinds of answers, and that’s the truth! There is more here than any church teach. I really like this!

    1. Praise God for you being truly filled with the Holy Spirit, and I’m glad you are learning from God here. Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother and He loves you very much and heard your heart cry and got you to the meeting last night and now here to lead you by His Spirit into all truth! Enjoy and keep praying in the to gues of the Spirit for it is a perfect prayer and builds you up on your most holy faith!

  11. Well, my pastor tried to get me to leave last night but I wouldn’t because I needed help. I never really got spirit filled I only thought I did. these churches don’t know what they’re talking about. So I refuse to go with him and he looked really angry so I thought I’m finished with that church. then I went to talk to that singer and he told me how to really get spirit filled and it worked! I don’t understand what they have against him. Shouldn’t everyone be getting spirit-filled especially in these end times?

  12. How funny is this? some idiot went up to jbt and told him not to do that wildfire stuff and not to do so much hooting and hollering and jbt just said yeah okay whatever and kept walking and when he walked past the guy the guy fell over. and the guy kept saying that he tripped on something but I don’t think he really tripped. It just made my life. 😂😂😂😂😂

    1. Hahahahaha. God put the idiot down and made him eat his words.These idiot “wildfire” criers don’t know Holy Ghost fire when its right in front of them healing, delivering, and filling people! So, they are blind, deaf, and dumb spiritually and don’t know it! Laeotacea!

  13. Well if this is the difference of being not spirit filled and being spirit filled, I’ll take this any day of the week. I understand everything better now, including the Bible. And I don’t understand why anybody would say you automatically get spirit filled when you’re saved, because this is completely different. This blog makes a lot more sense now too. LOL. I don’t understand why they try to run this singer off but he doesn’t run off too good. In fact, it was all those “religious idiots” that ran off last night. LOL. I hope the girl comes on to give her testimony about getting delivered from all those demons of insanity. If she doesn’t, maybe that roving reporter girl will!

    1. Oh, YES, SPIRIT FILLED is totally where it is at! Power vs. Weakness…POWER wins! Power OVER all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you!

      Yes, the testimony of deliverance from demons of insanity needs to be heard!

  14. Okay, well I’m done with my church. They tell me all the wrong things and then I find out none of it is true. And this is the blog they were “warning” everyone about? Seriously? This has all the answers to everything here and it’s not too complicated to understand! I love this!

    1. Welcome to the land of faith and blessings. God is alive and well, so when you see dead churches with no power then they are not believing in the Living God!

      Its good to hear you love this blog for then I know you love the truth, and that means God is pleased with you! It makes it worth it all that you and others like you really get ministered to here! Blessings!

  15. Well, here is my testimony. I brought my friend because she was under such demonic power that her whole life was being ruined and these pastors rushed up and tried to start praying for her but they didn’t know what they were doing. Things just kept getting worse and worse and she was getting more and more out of control and finally that singer came over and literally shouted at them and said “just get away, get away from her, you don’t know what you’re doing, I’m so sick of people who don’t understand anything trying to instruct everyone.” He seemed like he was really angry, and then he just put his hand on her head and said ‘go”. That’s all, just one word. And the one pastor said “well, you have to do a lot more than that.” And the stupid idiot didn’t even realize that my friend was getting delivered from all these demons even as he was standing there telling the singer that he was doing it all wrong. At one point the singer turned to them and said “go read Matthew 8: 16.” So finally I said “don’t you see that she is getting delivered?” And then they didn’t say anything and then eventually they drifted away one by one. And then my friend asked him later who that voice was that said “go” because it was not a worldly voice, and the singer told her that it was him and she asked me and I told her that he did say go when he went over to pray for her, but she heard some kind of heavenly voice. What did THAT mean?

    1. She did hear a heavenly voice; it was the voice of Jesus, who loves her, and is her deliverer. In the divine flow of love when we as believers speak in faith and authority our voice and the voice of Jesus become one, and when we speak it is Him speaking! I have heard of other times where this exact thing has happened and when the one praying gave the command, the person being prayed for heard the heavenly voice of Jesus giving the command and they were made whole!

  16. This is too good to keep Rocket Preacher! Some know-it-all walked up to JBT last night and told him that… I hope you’re sitting down ….that he needs to get more emotion into his music and feel it a little bit more and then it will translate better.
    Jason laughed so hard he nearly fell down on the ground. Yeah, I think Johnny needs to not be so dry and boring when he sings. He needs to crank it up a little bit. I’m glad I didn’t have to pee when I heard that guy say that. That’s all I can say. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. Hahahahahahaha, lol,roll, and……! Well, we have been exposing IDIOTS and here we have exactly that ..trying to tell JBT how to sing! Yeah you can be glad you didn’t have to pee when Mr. Lackofbrains spewed his pig slop critical spirit!
      Thanks..this one was worth hearing. It shows a bit of just how stupid these pig shoppers are!


  17. Was this for real? How does this man tell everyone all detail of their life because how could he know that? My pastor say he’s a fake but I think my pastor is going the way of NAR. He only seem to have a dog and pony show. I think I rather believe you two! Of course, now I have to start by fixing my car. I think the engine is blown and the gas tank has water in it though. Oh dear.

    1. It’s as real as the Holy Spirit is real! God knows everything and the Holy Spirit takes some of that knowledge and reveals it to help people! Simple! It’s just that idiots who have no power cannot comprehend this!

      Enjoy getting your car fixed!

  18. All right, I’m on the blog. I said I would never do it. But I heard that your hotshot Liberace friend was playing the other night and I just had to hear his showoff talent. But… I got pushed over the edge. I try not to believe in all this charismatic stuff because I wanted to just believe it was a hoax, but when the Holy Ghost is that strong that it comes off a person in waves that knock you down, I guess you really can’t be a skeptic anymore. I always thought people were just carried away and thinking that it happened in their head or exaggerating. No… I could tell. In fact, I could tell the precise time that he had to stop singing because it was too heavy for him to keep going. And then the nearer he got, the stronger it was and then oops. There I am on the floor. But I really do love this blog. I’m supposed to start with swimming lessons. Thank you I guess.

    1. It’s good to learn how to swim because then you don’t drown!
      Hello Holy Spirit, good riddance demons of skepticism! I’m glad you love this blog..you will know the truth and the truth will make you free!
      You are welcome 100%!

  19. Is this guy for real? Okay, I guess he is. Me… A person from society’s dregs, who snuck in to hear him play about a week ago because I don’t even go to the school anymore, was not thrown out. Instead, he told the security people to let me come through. When I said “why did you do that?” he said well, why go to all the bother to sneak in and then leave without getting what you needed? So I asked him how HE knew what I came for, and he said “you got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and then they retracted the diagnosis and said they didn’t know what it was, then they backpedaled out of that and said it was Myasthenia gravis and then they change their mind about all that and said it was Parkinson’s disease, and then your pastor told you whatever it was was God’s will. Actually, what you have is a vitamin B12 deficiency.” So I’ve been taking vitamin B12 for a week now and all my symptoms are gone. Yep, nine dollar bottle of vitamin B12 solved at all. Okay, I’m in. I don’t know who you two are where you came from I can’t deny any of this anymore.

    1. Amazing grace, isn’t it good to know God knows what is going on and what you need, and then someone actually listened to the Lord to be able.to help you?!

      Yes, it’s real, it’s real, oh I know, I know it’s real! Welcome in! God has a lot for you!

  20. Okay, I admit I went on Friday night because I heard about this singer who likes to compare hitting the high notes to plucking fruit. I just thought that was kind of interesting, and then when I saw him I just KNEW that he wasn’t married and he was the one for me. Well, be careful what you think you know… So I was kind of in a bad mood because I really just wanted to be entertained and maybe do a little lusting on the side and it was all ruined because he ended up being dragged around by two other guys because he could hardly stand up under the anointing he got. I never saw anyone get it like that except Benny Hinn but now he appears to have lost his mind. I was done with all of them, but this guy is the real deal. Then he said my two biggest problems would have clear answers if I would read this blog. I thought to myself well, he’s crazy. But he was right. I found my answers on darkness to light and keeping your boat afloat. Thanks Rocket Preacher. I wish I would’ve known about you a long time ago.

    1. You are welcome, and I’m very glad to hear that your problems were solved as you took in the Word here, praise God! Enjoy knowing the truth and being set free! Thanks for sharing what the Lord did!

  21. I didn’t think your friend have any way to help me. I say to him “I think that you can’t really fix my problems.” And he said “No. I can’t fix my own either, but Jesus can fix all of them.” And the next thing I knew I can’t stand right and everyone think I was drunk. That was not it though. Holy Spirit coming from him came on to me too. I tell him I remembered it from when the church world was different and preachers not take drugs. So he told me to just go here to blog for church because none of the churches can help me. But now I see many assignments I have to do. This will be a lot of work but it will be good for me.

    1. Praise God for what the Holy Spirit is doing for you. The preachers who backslid need to repent and be delivered for they have stepped back into horrible darkness.
      Welcome, and enjoy being blessed as you soak up the Word of God!

  22. Okay, give up ! I went to lust too. Well, I’m only human. But Guess what? Oooops. I ended up getting spirit filled instead. Talk about a life-changing experience! Okay, you both win. I’ll act right from now on. Thank you, I guess.

    1. Well, praise God He turned it all around for good! Now you have the power to live above it all! You are.welcome positively! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Ok…l went to the park to listen to this show off sing and play…. and to propose to him!. NOT to do all these assignments, dead horses, blueprints, foundations, boats, cars and possessing the land? Okay Rocket Preacher, I’ll do it.

    1. Well, now you know whats going on and I’m sure these will bless you. Sounds like God has great things in store for you.

  24. Rev. Rocket! I have issues now! I never was entirely convinced about this whole modern day Pentecostal thing and then I went to the University merely to hear the 5-octave wonder and started thinking I was in the Upper Room. WHOOOPS. Okay, I believe now….because…I don’t have any choice. Then I got told to come here and I DID try to bargain with the singer OK…EVERYTHING BUT THE DEAD HORSES. He said “no….that would be the one you need most.” THEN HE LAUGHED AT ME. ARRRGGGHHHH!

    1. WHOOPS is an understatement! Now, the Holy Spirit is in charge! He will never lead you the wrong way, but only to where the blessing is! Evidently you are going to have your life turned right side up when you read…”dead horses!” Praise God you are here at the right time, and God has so much in store for you!

  25. Okay, I’m not entirely sure I understand every bit of this, but when this hotshot was praying for people, or rather walking by and having them just fall out, he was saying “don’t worry, that’s just the power of God,” I thought “okay, he is off his rocker.” Then he got to me, ….. or whatever was coming off of him got to me. I did hear his reputation of getting a real strong anointing when he sings and plays, but I figured it was all poppycock because I thought I’d seen it all before and nobody ever keeps their miracles. But oops, my disorder went away now! Of course, I have all these assignments to do…. Whoops. Thank you… I think…

    1. Cannot argue when the disorder goes! The power of God is REAL, and when a person really has it miracles REALLY happen, and knock the devil for a loop!
      You are welcome, and your faith is about to grow by leaps and bounds!

  26. I send this to a bunch of religious idiots a while back and no one has responded! Can you believe that Rocket Preacher?

    1. Hahahahaha. Just unbelievable that those idiots you sent this to would not respond! Lol, they must have lockjaw or something…in their rank unbelief!

  27. Are your ears ringing Rev. Rocket? We were talking about you in class this morning. You were never scared of the virus, were you? Even with all the hype and fearmongering. Now they are finding that repetitive testing is even dangerous. It can kill off good bacteria you need in your nose to prevent colds and flu. My teacher started a rumor that you laughed at that virus and knew you would never get it. We think that’s cool.

    1. Thanks, that you think it’s cool that I laughed at the virus and knew I would never get it! I figure why get something you don’t want! Lol, and no fear here, only faith! Fear mongers are full of torment to which I say: NO THANKS, I WILL HAVE NONENOF THAT! It pays to laugh at all the devil is doing! God said that “NO evil” will befall me as I abide under the shadow of the Almighty! Hallelujah! Would you like a footnote? O.k. then, also I had a good paying job and objected against the virus and they said O.k. you can keep your job if you do repetitive testing, and I refused the testing so could not stay! Now they see that it does damage! I felt very strong not to do the testing because it was not somethingn I would do on my own because I was believing God, so I should not compromise for a job either. I’m still laughing at the virus and all of it and to quote the Word: “Sirs, I BELIEVE GOD!”

  28. Ok…is this guy for real? Seriously? I just need to know. Why would someone want to help people all the time and not ask for money? That does not make sense.

    1. The LOVE OF GOD in the heart does this! His love is real, and powerful, and makes the difference!

  29. How do you have peace in this world when everything is working against you? I don’t think I have as much faith as you have and it’s a problem!

    1. The answer is JESUS! Paul, writing by the Holy Spirit said in Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live BY THE FAITH OF THE SON OF GOD, who loved me, and gave himself for me. It is HIS FAITH in you when you identify with Him! Keep your mind STAYED on HIM and He said you will have perfect peace for He is made to us peace! The world has no peace and are as the sea that the storms stir up the dirt and mire! Praise be to God that when the storms come and fill the boat with water we can say with Jesus “PEACE, BE STILL” and the storm will cease and the calm return for we live by the faith of the Son of God!

  30. I don’t know who this guy is or where he came from, and really I hope it’s not a scam. He said to come on here and you would vouch for him. He walked right up to me last week and said “the guy who’s using you for a punching bag is going to kill you next time if you don’t get out of there.” I just figured somebody told him but there was something that I never told anyone and he said it right to my face. In fact, his exact words were “Last time he broke three ribs and you had a lung punctured, and you said you were going to leave for good after that and then you didn’t. You can’t save him if he doesn’t want to be saved, but you’re going to die in the process if you keep trying. “ Needless to say I moved out. Is this some kind of ESP thing and then he’s gonna want money to predict my future or something?

    1. He speaks by the Holy Spirit to help people because of the love of God. God really uses him because he is NOT in it for money.

      Don’t confuse the Holy Spirit with esp and fortune telling spirits that are of darkness of this world who take money to “predict” things!

      God knows you, knows the past and wants to deliver you from awful things that would have happened had you not listened to the Word of t he Lord spoken by a yielded vessel to Him. God is about deliverance and good things for you. Seek Jesus and you will see what I say is true and He will help you like no other can.

  31. Okay so this religious idiot it comes to the school to put JBT in his place and tell him all the things he’s doing wrong and he was blabbering blabbering blabbering and finally JBT stood up to invite him to leave and the guy starts backing up across the room saying “don’t touch me! If you touch me you’re going to get sued. You better not come near me.” And all this nonsense, and finally JBT said “actually, all I did was stand up. Nervous at all?” Then the next thing we knew the guy was running down the hall telling JBT to stay away from them. Well, who came to the school to bother him? Isn’t it interesting when people accuse you of doing what they did? HE was the one who came to bother US! Wow. Just thought that would be entertaining.

    1. Exactly! Religious idiots don’t want to take responsibility for the nonsense, antichrist things they do, like coming there to falsely accuse JBT so they accuse you of doing the mess they are doing! Amazing!

      Run, run, run, run AWAY…HAHAHAHAHA

  32. Okay Rocket Preacher! I did everything you said in those three posts and it worked. NOW l have to hear you know who say I told you so and I have no defense. And all I really wanted to do was marry him and I can’t even do that because he’s already married. Look at what I got myself into. Well I better go.. I have to repair my car now. 😮😮😮

    1. Praise God for all He did for you and good to hear the 3 posts you were directed to worked as you did what was said! Thats the key for people to DO what the Word of God directs! I pray blessing on you repairing your car!

      What you are receiving from God is the most important thing in your life, and when the right person is there the Holy Spirit will let you know! Be patient for people have made shipwreck rushing it!

  33. Presbyterian Church tomorrow night! But here’s the thing… They want to ‘find out more about this power.’ Maybe it will be a transformed Presbyterian Church by the end of it. It seems like their heart is in the right place. The music director is coming to hear hot shot tonight.

    1. The music director’s life will be transformed tonight in a very miraculous way by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Presbyterian church….tomorrow, the Holy Ghost gully washer! Hallelujah! I say they will become a Lighthouse!

  34. Well, l am rounding up testimonies from last night. He was in top form. I think it was because of your prayer! And everyone loved the song. That naysayer didn’t know what he was talking about so l knew that no one would get the wrong thing out of it. l’m glad you made him do it.

    1. Good to hear, I’m so glad! I’m looking forward to the testimonies! Naysayers do NOT have anything to say about anything worth anything, and definitely NOT worth listening to, NOT even a little bit!
      Praise God for all the Holy Spirit did!

  35. Okay, Rev. Rocket! I have to believe all this now. I don’t know who your hot shot friend is, but apparently you prayed a special prayer and he spent half the night trying to stay on his feet. But that’s okay, because we all got the runoff. I thought all this stuff was just made up and stuff people fake. Oops, not this time! now I have assignments though… I’m not sure how I feel about that.. thank you, I think…😯

    1. God is so good, and His power amazing and available to us as you saw! You will be very glad you did the assignments for the Word of God is alive and powerful and will give you faith and make you free!
      All we do here is to help and build you up and get you in touch with The Most High! Jesus is with you always even to the end of the world so never give up, never doubt, and keep believing God, for He, the Most High, will always see you through! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing.

  36. I wanted to give this singer everything I owned! Nobody in this world could ever help me and he barely even prayed for me he just said a few things that I can’t really talk about but that was exactly the answer I needed and I got spirit-filled and instant help with my problems like I never had in my life. I was going down the drain in every way you could go down the drain and nobody knew what to do and everything people did tell me to do didn’t work. It only made it worse. And then when I tried to pay him something he wouldn’t take anything and said just give the glory to Jesus. And THIS is the person that they told me to stay away from because he’s in it for himself?

    1. Bless you and it is so good to hear how Jesus gave you what you needed after all others put you through! Negative religious people don’t know what they are talking about! Praise God younare free and received what you needed! Thanks for sharing, it will give hope to others!

  37. I have no way to tell testimony because I don’t know what happen. I always told to not try to get spirit infilling because it only for Bible times. Then I come here to see the singer who can do all kinds of things with his voice that everyone like. I didn’t think it was anymore than that. Then all of a sudden person next to me say..Go go go! Get up there near him because thing you need will happen and it is movement of Holy Spirit. I guess she was there before. So I tried to go up and crowd in but when I get to a certain distance I couldn’t stand and then all of a sudden I become Spirit-filled like he is. this is what I needed my whole life and was kept away from by lies. I am grateful for this and for special prayer done by you as they told me to make last night even better. I have a lot to read here but he tell me I will not have problem understanding now that I’m Spirit-filled. Thanks rocket preacher! I like your name. That will offend religious people. Good!

    1. Thanks for your testimony, it is straight from the heart, and I love how you fell under the power of the Holy Spirit and were filled with the Spirit!
      God is so good! Yes, now your understanding will come quickly with the Holy Spirif there to lead you into all truth, praise Jesus!
      You are welcome, and I’m glad you like “Rocket Preacher…yes, religious people don’t like that…haha..oh, well!
      You did a good testimony! If.you share Jesus straight.out like that people will get saved!

  38. Rev. Rocket I am happy for the first time in my life. I finally got answers to things on this blog and found someone who really knows how to pray for me and help me. I don’t understand why everybody is always against this singer and saying that he caused problems other places, because he doesn’t cause any problems, he helps people until he’s exhausted. He had something special last night because everybody was saying it so I’m glad that was the night I went! I’m going to tell other people about this blog, too. Thanks!!!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad you are getting the answers you need here, and that the singer has prayers over you that are helping you! That’s what it is all about! I know that those who oppose the singer do NOT know what they are talking about and are working for the “wrong side!” Jesus is the healer and deliverer and when there are people being healed, delivered, saved, and Spirit filled when the singer prays then these “religious idiots” who oppose him should back off because indeed, they are fighting God and opposing Jesus! Jesus is the one who said that what they do against His people they have done against Him!
      Enjoy, and keep praising the Lord for He is good!

  39. Okay, three different times people tried to interfere last night and they got knocked flat on their face. It was great! Calling all testimonies!

    1. Hahaha and Hallelujah to Jesus! Try to interfere and down you go! Glory to God! Looking forward to hear what happened, I was in prayer!

  40. I didn’t think this man was for real but now l know those people were lying to me! Why keep you away from someone who can help?He knew how to cast demons out. I never knew anyone who could do that! And then l have all new things to learn on this blog. Thanks Rev.Rocket!!

    1. Exactly, how right you are! Only idiots would try to lie about someone who can help, and cast out demons, when they CANNOT do it for they have no power… they have “religious idiot demons!”

      You are welcome for sure…ENJOY…ENJOY…ENJOY!
      Thanks for sharing!

  41. Seriously Rev. Rocket? I go to try to prove this guy as a phony and I end up getting Spirit-filled and now I have to do all these assignments? Really? 😱😮😯

    1. Hahaha, where have I heard this before? You are in good company! When you have seen so many phonies you were figuring it was just another, but always remember that when there are phonies there is the REAL! We would not stop using real money just because there was “phony money” out there!

      The devil tries to use the phonies in different ways, but one of the ways is to try turn people off to the REAL POWER OF GOD by sending phony imitators who couldn’t heal a flea if their life depended on it, and then try to tell people that everyone who says they have the power of God are in the boat with phonies!

      Do you see that when someone has the power of the Holy Spirit that the signs, wonders, and miracles just flow with no strain?! They who believe enter.into rest! “This is the rest and the refreshing, with stammering lips and another tongue I will speak to this people!” That is prophecy in the Bible speaking of being filled with the Spirit and that it is where the rest is! Did you see how the peace of God was all over the place? Praise God for His perfect peace! These assignments are for you so that the things that have bothered you a long time will bother you no more! Also, this is to bring you into the level of faith you need to overcome what you need to overcome! I believe you will find great joy as you take it in! 😁🤸‍♂️💃

  42. It’s hard to explain my testimony. Things happen when this man play his songs and sing and everybody try to get some of the power. I was afraid there wasn’t going to be enough for everyone at the end but it keep coming until everybody get what they are looking for. Finally for first time I am Spirit fill! It looks like I have a lot to learn though! I think I can do it though.

    1. Praise Jesus He met everyone’s needs! Thats just like Jesus! Now that you are filled with the Holy Spirit He will open up the Word of God to you as never before. When you read here you will receive understanding and it will build your faith. I try to speak in simplicity for God wants us to understand so we can have what He has for us, and we can do what He says we can do!

      You can do this for your heart us hungry for the truth and the Word says: “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!” Believe that, say that, and you will have that in your life!

  43. My testimony is that I am thankful for whole new life and want to keep on with this blog and having a Spirit Filled life instead of just being saved but not knowing how to get answers to things. I’m glad I didn’t stay away and listen to these “warnings” because now I finally have a way to understand everything better. Everyone need to be Spirit Filled and shouldn’t listen to people who say they don’t! Thanks Rocket Preacher

  44. Amen to your testimony, and I like how you said you are thankful that you have a whole new life! When you get filled with the Holy Spirit that’s what happens for sure! He is the Spirit of LIFE, and brings you into ABUNDANT LIFE in Jesus! Praise Jesus!

    Amen that people should NOT listen to those with unbelief who tell them they don’t need to be Spirit filled! Jesus Himself told us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, who He sent.back when He went to heaven! The Holy Spirit is another comforter who.leadsnus into all truth, and empowers us to understand and DO the Word of God!
    You are welcome, and enjoy the blog! Thanks for sharing.

  45. Rev. Rocket my whole life change now because I get help from person who know how to pray with power behind. I get a lot of prayer in my life, but nobody know what to say to really make the prayer work. They just say many words but with nothing behind it. This man said very few word but lots behind it! You could feel power coming from him and then I finally get filled with the Holy Spirit. This will make my whole life better now. I am reading through all these posts to learn the things I need to learn to really understand the Bible and faith instead of here a lot of meaningless speeches. Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. Praise Jesus for setting you free and filling you with the Holy Spirit and changing your life completely for the better!

      We all need the POWER of God, not fancy speeches with no power! I’m glad the singer was able to pray a few words with the poaer of God that gave you whT you needed! Praise God!

      You are welcome, enjoy receiving the truth here that makes the difference and will show you how you can live as an overcomer!

  46. Rev. Rocket… All my life I tried to get help at church and no church can help. I try catholic, baptist, and Pentecostal who try to make you holy from the outside in. That not work very well for me. And then everyone warned me to stay away from this singer and yet when he was there I walk up and whatever coming off of him knock me down and I get spirit filled. I don’t understand any of this! I’m going to look for answers on your blog.

    1. There are false religions that deceive many and “say” they love God but tell lies, false doctrines and listen to doctrines of demons that lead many to destruction! Every one who names the name of Christ, God said they should depart from iniquity, sin! You went to places that have a “form of godliness, but deny the POWER thereof!” If they say NO to the power of God, what do they have but an empty shell with nothing in it that can help people at all! They have their suppers, and events, and singalongs, but NO power of God!

      Now, when the Holy Spirit came on you so strong you went down under His power you were Spirit filled and spoke in other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance…. NOW you have received the power of God IN you, in your spirit, and can flow in that power and live above all the wiles of the devil, and walk in perfect victory and pray perfect prayers in the Spirit bringing perfect liberty! Enjoy the blog for God will show you what you need to know, and the truth will make you free from all those lies you were told by religious demons speaking through people bound with them!!!

  47. Rev. Rocket, I have had it with your hot shot friend. He gives vague answers when asked about whether or not he wrote a song, and he is always saying “I told you so” to people like me who he sends to this blog and all the answers are here. I do NOT want to have to admit to him that after I put it off all this time, I have finally come here to discover he was right and I was wrong. I will never hear the end of it. I have had it with him!!

    1. Well, the main thing is that when you came here you found the answers you needed, and ultimately that’s why he sent you here, and yes, he was right. He probably says I told you so because he has to say it so much to get people to come on here because of their procrastination. He knows answers are here and this gospel WORKS and will set people free, so it can be frustrating when you are trying to help people!
      Go with the flow and enjoy what God is showing you here!

  48. Ok….l’m in. Your prayer made all kinds of things happen the other night and everything your show off friend said would happen, happened. I don’t know who you two are or where you came from but I have no choice but to believe now!

    1. Welcome to the land of faith, power, and amazing grace! Prayer really does work doesn’t it when you pray in faith believing?! A new life for you, an abundant life, a miracle filled life as you worship Jesus Christ as Lord!

  49. JBT is off his rocker, dude! He’s talking about getting a bigger basket! He’s like the mad genius or something! What did l get myself into??

    1. Well, one thing for sure..you will never be bored, lol! When he gets on a train, in his thinking he wants to see the possibilities of each car! And so it goes with the basket of fruit! Arrangements that have been there waiting for discovery.

  50. You can’t read this one only once. You have to go back several times and read it again. Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God, then a lot of blessing is coming from this as you read it several times!

  51. My ex pastor told me that this is too complex, Rev. Rockett and it’s over my head and therefore should not read it. Well, I just did, and I understood every single word like my teacher told me I would. Now I know he was just trying to get me to not read this and all that did is make me want to read it all the more. HA!

    1. Good for you, I love that you came here anyway, and that your ex-pastor doing what he did just made you want.to come here more! That’s the way!!!
      God bless you real good and I pray you receive everything you need and.are praying for.

  52. Seriously? This was the website I was warned to stay away from? Is this a joke or something? I wish I had come here years ago. I came to listen to this singer the other night because I heard all these controversial things and that he tried to steal people from churches in California. Then I find out he doesn’t go to any church or have a church of his own, he’s just singing and things happen. All that they said were lies so they became a self-fulfilling prophecy… I am leaving my church now. Ooopsy daisy

    1. Good for you…having done all to stand, stand! These lying, religious, unbelieving, caniving, false accusing, divisive idiots do NOT care about people, they only care about causing trouble for those with the true anointing of the Holy Spirit! The Word of God says to MARK those that cause divisions, and AVOID them! Look how they kept you from a blog that could have helped and blessed you years ago! What a shame….shame on THEM , the religious idiots who oppose the Holy Spirit!
      Welcome! I pray God’s very best blessings for you! The Lord is moved with compassion for you and wants you to know that! So, he got you to see the singer and come here!

  53. Okay, I believe. If someone could just wave at somebody and freeze the person in their tracks, he either did a magic trick or has God’s power. Well, let’s face it, it’s God’s power because all those people including myself couldn’t of gotten delivered if it was not really the Holy Spirit. Of course, now I was told I have to start with swimming. Uh Oh. I didn’t realize I would have these assignments. I hope I can do it. Thank you I think.

    1. Praise God the power of God is real and no one can cast out demon without the HOLY SPIRIT! Magic is trickery etc., but when the singer waves his hand the power of the HOLY SPIRIT stops the one who is trying to stop the Holy Spirit! Praise God for your deliverance and welcome to the blog, and you will be able to do it for the Holy Spirit will help you!
      You are welcome for sure! Enjoy getting strong in the Lord!

  54. I need prayer, Rev. Rocket. My life is a mess! Do you think that singer would pray for me tonight too if I go hear him at the Cathedral?

    1. He will DEFINITELY take time to pray for you! Try to sit as close as you can and when the Holy Spirit comes on him like a coat of POWER, which it will tonight at the cathedral, you get to him as quickly as you can and Jesus will make you whole, and fix your life 100%! God’s power is unlimited and He loves you with everlasting unconditional love!

  55. The air is getting thick in the ole Cathedral and we haven’t even been here that long. He’s still busy picking fruit and doesn’t even realize what’s happening yet. HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Hahahaha…I love it! I sent him a text..don’t know if he got it, but the power of God is going to come on him like a coat and a girl that came on the blog is coming up for prayer she needs. I prayed for “special miracles” tonight! Keep me posted and thanks…it is going to a new level tonight I do believe!

  56. Rev. Rockett, I don’t know about any of this! I’m flabbergasted. Who is this guy? This is like having one of the apostles walking around on earth and I was told that doesn’t happen anymore. Now I’m spirit filled and have to sit up and fly straight. I wasn’t expecting THAT! But then he said here’s a blog that’s written by an apostle! That’s you! I don’t know who you two are where you came from, but the girl called the Roving Reporter told me I need to read “pig slop”. I nearly fell on the floor laughing! I’m going to find it and read it now.

    1. Welcome to you, and it is so good to hear now you are Spirit filled, and getting into the blog. Pig slop is a good one to start, lol! It is simply amazing what goes on in “religious” circles in the name of the Lord that has “nothing” to do with the Lord, so I called it “Pig Slop!” Enjoy, and keep pressing in for God has a lot for you!!! Let us know what God does in and for you. Thanks for sharing!

  57. I can’t believe what happened to me last night. I supposedly had the virus. So this piano player who, honestly, I thought was absolutely nuts, told me that the virus “can’t live in this environment,” and I thought, what’s he talking about? What environment? Wow. Yeah, now I get it. The environment was called nobody can stand up on their feet. It’s like the anointing that those old-timers used to get before they sold out to money. I didn’t think there was anyone left who had that! So I go to get a rapid test today and I don’t have the virus. Seriously? And now I have to repair my boat and work on my blueprint! Oh dear. I have to take a while and think about all this and try to convince myself it all really happened.

  58. No problem, the Holy Spirit who did it will reveal to you the reality for it is the anointing that destroys the yoke! He does so much so fast that your brain says: “What…….?….” and by the time it has “what” out there the Lord did 5 miracles including eradicating the virus by the power of His presence!
    Thanks for sharing! God is good, and to be praised for great things He has done!

  59. Okay, Rev. Rocket! I’m in. I don’t get how all this happened. I don’t even really understand how a perfect stranger told me everything I ever did. But to make a long story short it ended up solving all my problems so I have to believe now! Of course, I have to fix my foundation… I don’t know about that. My foundation was pretty shaky. In fact, I think I’m one of those people who built their house on the sand. Ooopsey Daisy. But I will give it a whirl! Oh my.

    1. Praise Jesus forever! You just had a serious introduction to the Holy Spirit and how when we yield to Him the things that seemed so hard become easy and the things that were messed up get straightened out! Glory to God!
      You can do it through Jesus who strengthens you! Now, you will do things His way, and that means the way above delivers you from the things below that were messing your life up!

      Enjoy the abundant life, and thanks for sharing your testimony!

  60. Rocket Preacher, l get many miracle last night when piano man pray for me. People tell me thick air is anointing and I should go close when it happen like that. And l did and got my healing from migraine!

    1. Praise Jesus for many miracles you received when the anointing came, and for healing and deliverance from migraines! Keep praising God for He is going to continue to bless and lead you by His Spirit! Thanks for your testimony.

  61. Okay so the other night at Cathedral my teacher tell me I am all wrong about thinking disease is something we must suffer and God’s will. I said that my pastor had told me that’s what it mean to “partake of his suffering,” and my teacher tell me that doctrine is from hell!!!! He told me this Scripture in Philippian One “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him” and he said that Scripture like this is what they try to twist into suffering from disease but that it never mean that! And I said well what does it mean? He say “Do you see all the hecklers I get when I play somewhere? Remember the times people came to the school just to harass?” And I do remember all that because they always are going at him for something. And he say “THAT’S suffering for Jesus. It does get wearisome even though you can bind their demons and shut them up, they will continue to make attempts no matter what you do, and it will probably go that way until the rapture.” Then I see it in a completely different way. Persecution is what we suffer not sickness? Is that right Rocket Preacher? He told me to read pig slop. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Yes, all that live godly in Jesus will suffer persecution. Jesus paid the price for our sins and sicknesses on the cross in Bis body so we could be free, and by His stripes we WERE healed! We WERE healed so how could God turn around and be wishynwashy and say we have to suffer sickness???! He cannot do that for He would be doubleminded then! Psalm 103 He forgives all our sins and HEALS ALL our diseases!

      Enjoy the “Pig Slop” message and be free from all the false teachings in Jesus name!

  62. Ok no problem! In the name of Jesus I loose you from ALL demon oppression and vexation, and torment! All demons trying to bind her and destroy her mind… you are BOUND, GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS! GOD STRETCH OUT YOUR HAND ON AUDRINA NOW AND DO THE SIGNS, WONDERS, AND MIRACLES SHE NEEDS AND I SPEAK DOUBLE BLESSING ON HER AND SHE WILL NOT BE VEXED BY ANY CURSE FOR THEY HAVE NO POWER! demons of witchcraft GO NOW!


  63. ok, Rocket Preacher, l believe all this now because I see how when you do special prayer and big anointing come extra to get everyone spirit fill. I have a lot to read now though, so l hope l can do all these repairs…my boat and car…oh dear!

    1. Believing is totally better than not believing, for if you believe you receive, but if you doubt you will do without!

      God is a prayer answering God and all believers should take advantage for whatever miracles are needed will come!

      You will get it all fixed for the Holy Spirit will help you! Praise God for all being Spirit filled as the anointing came! We so need the Holy Spirit in these days to flow in and through us every day!

    1. Kelly, You came on here 4 times so would you tell again what were the things I was right about that now you have to keep reading!?

  64. I had to try to get my friend to hear this singer because she needed deliverance and nobody could do it. She didn’t trust anyone but then heard he was at the college and decided to go. I didn’t know exactly who he was, but I know around here they call him “that man from California who loves everyone.” So I took her to see him and she told him right away that she didn’t want to say anything about her problem, but in the end it didn’t matter because he said “I know what it is, I don’t need you to tell me.” And she was just kind of staring at him for a second and then he said “I was in a worse place than you were.” I don’t really know what all that meant and I don’t care, but now she doesn’t have to take mental illness prescriptions anymore and that’s a big miracle. I wish I knew about this blog many years ago and I wish I knew that there were still people around who knew how to cast demons out!.

    1. Praise God for that powerful deliverance all because of the love of God. God still has a.people and we are finally finding each other. Enjoy the blog, it will buildnyour faith, set you free, and build you up while you receive the wisdom of God! Thanks for sharing…we loose others to be delivered the same way in Jesus name!

  65. So, this singer who everyone “warned” me about is actually somebody who can help. He scares these religious idiots, even though he’s doing nothing wrong. That’s awesome. I like this blog too. But I have to read these posts over again! I really loved pig slop.

    1. Yes, you have to seriously watch who you listen to these days! Religious idiots have that air of falsity that the Holy Spirit will show you! They get it backwards as they did when Jesus walked the earth! They falsely accused Jesus of casting out demons by the prince of demons! Jesus rebuked them and told them thats impossible for if that was so then Satan is ended. He cast out demons by the Spirit of God. So here we are now and the same deal goes on! Stay with the true who have the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT like the singer!

      The devil is under our feet, and we win through Jesus! Enjoy the blog…yes, pig slop is a favorite!

  66. I hope this translation comes through right. Now I’m Spirit Filled and I thanked Jesus to have this type of blessing. No one ever told me about this previously so I didn’t know was available. I was taught that it only happened as a sign in Bible times, like in the second chapter of ACTS but not beyond that unless it was a special gift. I didn’t know until this singer explained to me that there is a gift of tongues and interpretation, but also Holy Spirit filled for everyone who wants to be filled. I think I had bad teaching and that’s why those religious people hate him so much and were angry when he showed up here. This blog is wonderful. I have to get through a lot of these posts still though. There’s hundreds of them! But I need them all. Thank you Rocket Preacher.

    1. You are welcome, and it’s good to hear this is such a blessing to you! Thats why I do it!

      Praise Godnyounare Spirit filled now! Yes, the religious idiots hate the singer for he has the power of God and they don’t! He also has the truth and they don’t! Enjoy, thanks for the testimony!

    1. All right! Keep it going, you will get there! God has a lot for you and you will receive it as you continue in His Word and Spirit!

  67. Well, I took your advice to answer those thoughts out loud and address what was said and it worked! Now I have a clear mind because I keep telling those demons to go. Remember I said “you make it sound so easy?” But really when I finally did it, it was easy!

  68. I did it! I fixed my Foundation. Yep….it was definitely built on sand. Very squishy sand. I had to bulldoze that out of the way and pour cement and make a layer of bricks and then build from there. Hmmmmm… It took a while, but I did it! Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. Good job! Without a good foundation everything crumbles, so it is good you took the time and effort to fix your foundation.
      You are welcome Brandy, keep praising the Lord and living in victory by faith! Thanks for sharing!

  69. I’ve had it with your pain in the neck friend. I don’t want to hear I told you so. If I want to come to a blog I will come to a blog. I don’t need somebody telling me what I should read. And I mean it, YOU know who you are. Thanks, Rev. Rocket! This really did help!

    1. Well, I’m glad you made it here!
      I’m very glad this really did help…that’s what it is all about!
      God is good and He has purpose in your life and there is good reason you came across someone who knew to get you here. You will see it all more and more as you continue! Thanks for sharing.

  70. Praise Jesus authority works when used, but a lot.of.believers just dont know how to use it! The reason a lot of people are constantly oppressed and vexed is because they listen to the.negative thoughts running t hough their mind every day! No wonder they are depressed! Drive the spirits out that.are speaking those thoughts into the mind and now you have freedom and peace! You had to fight the good fight of faith, and YOU WON, and will continue to win as you keep it up! I loose others to go free as they also use the authority in the name of Jesus! Thanks for sharing, and it is easy for it is by faith and Jesus already defeated the devil and all his cohorts and handed the keys of the kingdom to us! Thanks for sharing this victory!

  71. Okay Rocket Preacher… You got me! Things are much better now that I have my blueprint mapped out properly! I think it was my primary problem. 😱 Thank you!

    1. Good, praise Jesus! You are welcome! Keep it going and never look back! Thanks for sharing.

  72. Amen! No more blessing robbing skepticism for you, only faith believingnin the Word and power of God! Faith works because it comes from God and is His faith, even the faith of the Son of God! The faith of God calls those things which be not as though they were! Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen! Welcome to the life of victory for this is the victory thatnovercomes the world, even our faith!

  73. Well Rev. Rocket l have to say l am getting this down. I am on to my boat now after my car got a few flat tires but l think I am getting the hang of it!

    1. Very good, glad to hear it! In this world God calls us to be overcomes and NOT be overcome! The only way to do that is to walk in the Word of God and n in the power of the Holy Spirit! So as you follow the Word and got your car fixed and off to your boat God will show you how to overcome all the wiles of the devil and take you into a ace m of victory you have never known before! Enjoy!

  74. Rocket Preacher, the only problem with this post is that NOW I have to get my act together after reading it. I didn’t sign up to have to do that! I don’t know…hmmmmm

    1. Well, God’s call is always that He calls you UP to a higher place than you have been at, and of course it m involves doing the things He is speaking to you about from His Word! So choose wisely for He sends His Word to heal, deliver, set you free, and build your faith! Getting your act together isn’t hard compared to what Jesus did for us on the cross. No greater love!

  75. I really don’t know what I would do without this blog because there’s no place else to go to get answers. The world is insane, the preachers are insane, and you can’t make sense of anything anymore. Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. I know exactly what you mean! The spirits of confusion are working in all the people you described and it brings chaos and insanity!
      God promises us we will have NOT the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a SOUND mind! When the Spirif of God is working there will always be God’s power, the love of God, and soundness of mind! Thank God for His peace in these end time days!
      It’s good to hear you find answers here for that’s what I pray for, for all who come here!
      You are welcome, and.I pray God’s very best for you. Thanks for posting this comment for it is good to hear this is helping.

  76. Well thank you Rev. Rockett, even though I dragged my heels getting here, I am happy that I finally listened because you were right. I like all these answers that you give to other people too. They’re almost like mini posts, or at least that’s how I think of them and there’s a lot of nuggets of wisdom if you go through and read all these comments. Just saying that for everyone else’s sake!

    1. Praise God, good to have you and well said comment! Keep pressing on for God has MANY blessings for you!

    2. I’m glad you finally dragged yourself here…God brought you here with a strong hand, and the blessings you will receive as you continue in the Word are off the charts!
      You have good points on your comment. Thanks for your comment!

    1. Oops…upset the religiosity cart! Hahahaha. I’m going to pray extra anointing just literally FLOODS the place!

  77. I wish I wouldn’t have been so thick headed and would have come here long time ago. This blog really did have everything that I needed and even some extra things I didn’t know I needed but then found out later that I did. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    1. Thick headedness can be a very crucial bandage, so thank God you got free and made it here where you could receive the answers you knew you needed and some you “didn’t know you needed..lol.., but later found out you did! Haha! Welcome, enjoy, be blessed!

    1. You are added to the blowing in the wind club! Praise God, you did it by the power and grace of God! Free at last, thank God Almighty you are free at last! I knew there was one more, you, coming in from the last time we believed for this miracle! Now you are safely in the fold! Jesus is good! Now we loose others to go free and receive this tremendous.miracle of deliverance as they reach out to Jesus and do what the Holy Spirit sas do! There is a mighty move of God to completely set you free that do what the Holy Spirit says to do!

  78. Rev. Rocket! It was the best cartoon I ever read in my life! I can’t wait to show you know who. He will be so thrilled to see it. A definite masterpiece. I didn’t imagine it would be THAT good! Thank you!

    1. Thanks…u r welcome! Glad you like andnIm sure ” others” will like it too! Lol

  79. Hmmm….I guess I’m supposed to say thank you. NOT! Although Renny is here to grab the mouse from me and say that she is still laughing on and off an hour later. Well, I am SO happy that everyone except me is laughing. I’m losing enough hair as it is from having to put up with Brittany and Tina, and now I get to see myself in a cartoon with a big clump of missing hair. Yikes. Who is the other dude in the cartoon? THAT’S what I need to know. Because if this is true, then someone can sing tenor to my lead. Yes, amen!

    1. Hey, laughter is good for the soul! Lol. The dude is yet to be found…I just called him the jolly green giant! See, this helped Renny get some real good laughter…go Renny!

      I would truly be amazed if there was anyone who could ever sing tenor to your lead! You are up in the rafters!

  80. The dude is nuts. He’s working out an arrangement to have someone do tenor to his lead. So he is wasting his short work day on something that no one will ever be able to use. I can’t believe I followed this kook to Costa Rica. Lord help us all.

    1. Well, it kept the mind occupied for a bit, and when it is going lightning fast already it probably needed something to work on! lol The Lord will help!

    1. Of course we are pals… I cannot answer for another’s reaction or actions concerning said cartoon (that was just in fun requested by Jason on fruit picking)! It definitely was NOT intended to write parts for a tenor to sing with someone who is already in the rafters! I know you heard all the working of an arrangement for something “nobody could ever sing!” My sympathy to you! I send you an email hug and pray that the Lord will comfort you!

  81. Jason is laughing his head off. He said “Decades of revenge accomplished with one cartoon.” I will accept the Lord’s comfort and pray that the show will start soon and the Jolly Green Giant will be temporarily forgotten about. HA HA HA HA HA

    1. Hahaha, I love it! At least decades were all wrapped up in one fell swoop of a cartoon! Lol. Laughter is a good thing The! The pen is mightier than the sword. HO…HO…HO…! The Jolly…forgotten for a couple hours! Hahahahaha!

  82. I don’t know how to put words on my testimony but before last night I never able to really cast care on jesus. Always I end up hold things and try to handle them myself. Then when all this thing happen with Holy Spirit showing up, suddenly I can do that and it not difficult! Now I have a lot to read on this blog though! I guess I better start right away. 😯


  83. Rev. Rocket! These religious people were trying to bother your friend when he came to perform last night and they couldn’t find the door to get out of their own church! I never saw anything like this in my life! I have to follow along on this blog and go back to hear him again. I wasn’t even saved before and now I am even though I went just be entertained. But I never saw anyone not be able to find the door out of their own church! Talking about having it fall flat when you try to stomp away in a huff. You can’t figure out where to go and you own the building!

    1. Praise God for you being saved finally when they should have been able to get you there way before this, but that’s hard to do when religious spirits are interfering and calling the shots!

      God made.sure they were shown for being the religious, insanity filled idiots they really are…cannot even find their own door…HA HA HA HA HA HA! Welcome here, and I pray the Holy Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus come alive in you and leads you into all truth! Thanks for sharing… love it!

  84. Rev Rocket, l not used to people who have power but that singer have so much that he hardly stand and then they holding him up. I got healed of virus and get spirit fill and now my whole life is better. There is much posts to read here for me now! 😃

    1. You got the Holy Ghost package deal! I’m glad you are happy that you have many posts here to read for God will show you much, and build your faith, and take you from glory to glory! You, and people like you, who are hungry for the truth are why I do this! Thanks for.testifyingnof the great goodness of God to you!

  85. Well now I understand what I miss all this time. I didn’t understand that all these things were for modern times. I was told that the incarnation was only back in Bible times. Now I see firsthand that’s not true. I don’t know where this singer come from but I’m glad he came here even if people do get mad. Because people need to know about this! I have people I give this blog to. They may not like it but I give it anyway. Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. You are welcome and thanks for spreading the word! Then those people you gave this to will be without excuse.

      Yes, the singer is definitely flowing in the Holy Spirit and only wants to help people! This who oppose him are biting off a chunk for God is using him so really, they are opposing God, and going against the Holy Spirit! The power and gifts of the Holy Spirit are definitely for now until Jesus comes back for us! Enjoy, and keep praising God and going for the truth that sets you free. Thanks for your comment.

  86. Rocket Preacher I really need your help. I can’t stand to go through life angry and depressed anymore but I hate what this world has become and the filth and sin and ungodliness that we’re all supposed to just accept as normal in this country. From the homosexual agenda to trying to force needles into your arm at the government’s whim and a corrupt government that only has its own best interests in mind. Not to mention world war 3 has started with an idiot in the white house. I just can’t stand living this life anymore and I don’t know how to get through. What do I do? Can you please help me?

    1. THE CURE FOR VEXATION FROM THE WORLD There is a spirit of vexation from the world that tries to wear you out with repeated assaults over and over again! You need to guard your soul, your intellect and emotions, and fight off all vexation so that you endure to the end, having done all to stand, stand with the full armor of God on, and above ALL taking the shield of faith wherewith YOU shall be ABLE TO QUENCH ALL THE fiery darts of the wicked one! Praise God, in Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit we have the upper hand, and nothing shall by any means hurt us! The good thing right off is that you have NOT given up for you are asking for help! Jesus said YOU are the salt of the earth and the light of the world! So, it is up to us to stay salty and shine brightly in a dark world! Salt preserves that which is good! So, the Word of God is good! Read, believe, speak, and pray the WORD OF GOD! THE WORD OF GOD IS QUICK AND POWERFUL, AND SHARPER THAN ANY TWO EDGED SWORD! HE SENT HIS WORD AND HEALED THEM AND DELIVERED THEM FROM THEIR DESTRUCTIONS!

      Now you are speaking faith as you speak the Word of God and Mark 11:22-26 says that you will have whatever you say when you believe you will have those things that you say! Take authority over ALL the evil in this world, bind those demons and loose people in prayer and by faith words of power!

      Get your mind and heart back on JESUS, who is the author and finisher of your faith!! He did not say to think on the sin of the world or how bad things are, and He very well knew the things that would go on in this world! God said in Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK ON THESE THINGS! That is not a polite request, but it is a command of God to do this! Take control of your mind and by the power of the Holy Spirit think on the good things!
      Right now all the demons of mental obsession with evil are bound and MUST GO IN THE NAME OF JESUS! HALLELUJAH! GLORY TO JESUS! START PRAISING JESUS! RAISE YOUR HANDS UP HIGH TO GOD NOW! SURRENDER YOUR WHOLE LIFE; spirit, soul, and body to God! He is able to keep that which you have committed to Him! Thank you Jesus!

      Now earlier in verse 4 God says in His recipe for victory to REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAY: AND AGAIN I SAY, REJOICE. Rejoice is to exult, delight in, gladden yourselves in the Lord…ALWAYS! BE HAPPY IN JESUS, JOY IN YOUR KING AND KNOW THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND EVEERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST …IS… LORD! PRAISE BE TO JESUS! HALLELUJAH! NOW, IT IS TIME TO DANCE BEFORE THE LORD! He said to praise Him in the dance! When you dance in the Spirit as worship to God you are giving your whole body to God in praise, and God inhabits our praise, He dwells in our praise … He sits upon the throne of our praises! About now you have also remembered to cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you! No more anxieties, no more stress, no more carrying heavy burdens, fo God carries them AND YOU! HALLELUJAH!

      NOW OTHERS ARE GOING FREE FROM demons of heavy burdens as they have read this! spirits of anxiety and stress GO IN JESUS NAME! Thank you Jesus for making people whole right now!
      Read Philippians 4: 4-8 and you will see God’s recipe where His peace that passes all understanding will KEEP YOUR HEART AND MIND through Christ Jesus! God bless you, you are the winner and NOT the loser, the HEAD and NOT the tail, and as you DO Psalm 1 whatever you do will prosper!

      Read our posts on LAUGHTER and start laughing at the devil, problems, wicked people, corrupt government, etc. and you will rise above it all in Jesus, for He is the glory and lifter of our head! Amen and Amen!
      God bless you!

  87. I never see anyone try to stomp away in a huff and not find their own door. These preachers were so mad at your singer friend that they were walking in circles. All red-faced and angry because people were getting help!? I don’t understand. They looked like fools.

    1. They looked like fools because they are fools! The foolish build their house on the sand, and their house crumbles when the storms come because they fought God and His anointing of the Holy Spirit that helps people! This shows the spirit they are of….antichrist! For they are against that which Jesus was doing!

  88. Rev. Rocket, I like that answer you gave to the hopeless person. That could be a whole post by itself for this day and age that we live in! I hope a lot of other people see it!

    1. You called it and so a new post it will be: The Cure for vexation from the world. I pray it helps many!

  89. Rev. Rocket… He’s at it again. He’s writing out a score for the jolly Green giant. Even though he doesn’t exist and no one else could sing those notes. Why me?

    1. Oh, mercy! Well, I guess I will have to sing Jolly’s part from my imagination because that’s where he came from…ha ha! Take heart for when Jolly no shows maybe that will close the chapter!

  90. I’m actually loving the fact that those stupid religious people couldn’t get out of their own building. Talk about destruction going after pride. Imagine being so mad you want to stomp out of your own church and you can’t find the door. and all because the anointing was so thick you could barely stand up. So does that mean they were basically running from the anointing?

    1. Oh, yes indeed they were running from the anointing! How stupid can they be?! They will be very sorry!

    1. Ok, that is easy for God. Your part is turn your faith loose for this miracle now and say: “Lord Jesus, I thank you now for giving me the miracle I need; it is mine, and I receive it. Thank you Jesus for the abundant power of the Holy Ghost that is all over me now bringing your miracle working power alive, and bringing the manifestation of the working of miracles to work the miracle in my life! Hallelujah! I say it is yours in Jesus name!

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