There is a spirit of vexation from the world that tries to wear you out with repeated assaults over and over again! You need to guard your soul, your intellect and emotions, and fight off all vexation so that you endure to the end, having done all to stand, stand with the full armor of God on, and above ALL taking the shield of faith wherewith YOU shall be ABLE TO QUENCH ALL THE fiery darts of the wicked one! Praise God, in Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit we have the upper hand, and nothing shall by any means hurt us! The good thing right off is that you have NOT given up for you are asking for help! Jesus said YOU are the salt of the earth and the light of the world! So, it is up to us to stay salty and shine brightly in a dark world! Salt preserves that which is good! So, the Word of God is good! Read, believe, speak, and pray the WORD OF GOD! THE WORD OF GOD IS QUICK AND POWERFUL, AND SHARPER THAN ANY TWO EDGED SWORD! HE SENT HIS WORD AND HEALED THEM AND DELIVERED THEM FROM THEIR DESTRUCTIONS!

Now you are speaking faith as you speak the Word of God and Mark 11:22-26 says that you will have whatever you say when you believe you will have those things that you say! Take authority over ALL the evil in this world, bind those demons and loose people in prayer and by faith words of power!

Get your mind and heart back on JESUS, who is the author and finisher of your faith!! He did not say to think on the sin of the world or how bad things are, and He very well knew the things that would go on in this world! God said in Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK ON THESE THINGS! That is not a polite request, but it is a command of God to do this! Take control of your mind and by the power of the Holy Spirit think on the good things!
Right now all the demons of mental obsession with evil are bound and MUST GO IN THE NAME OF JESUS! HALLELUJAH! GLORY TO JESUS! START PRAISING JESUS! RAISE YOUR HANDS UP HIGH TO GOD NOW! SURRENDER YOUR WHOLE LIFE; spirit, soul, and body to God! He is able to keep that which you have committed to Him! Thank you Jesus!

Now earlier in verse 4 God says in His recipe for victory to REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAY: AND AGAIN I SAY, REJOICE. Rejoice is to exult, delight in, gladden yourselves in the Lord…ALWAYS! BE HAPPY IN JESUS, JOY IN YOUR KING AND KNOW THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND EVEERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST …IS… LORD! PRAISE BE TO JESUS! HALLELUJAH! NOW, IT IS TIME TO DANCE BEFORE THE LORD! He said to praise Him in the dance! When you dance in the Spirit as worship to God you are giving your whole body to God in praise, and God inhabits our praise, He dwells in our praise … He sits upon the throne of our praises! About now you have also remembered to cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you! No more anxieties, no more stress, no more carrying heavy burdens, fo God carries them AND YOU! HALLELUJAH!

NOW OTHERS ARE GOING FREE FROM demons of heavy burdens as they have read this! spirits of anxiety and stress GO IN JESUS NAME! Thank you Jesus for making people whole right now!
Read Philippians 4: 4-8 and you will see God’s recipe where His peace that passes all understanding will KEEP YOUR HEART AND MIND through Christ Jesus! God bless you, you are the winner and NOT the loser, the HEAD and NOT the tail, and as you DO Psalm 1 whatever you do will prosper!

Read our posts on LAUGHTER and start laughing at the devil, problems, wicked people, corrupt government, etc. and you will rise above it all in Jesus, for He is the glory and lifter of our head! Amen and Amen!
God bless you!


    1. Praise God! I’m glad this saved your sanity! God makes sure we hear and receive what we need to put us on top of it all!

    1. I’m glad this was what you needed! Jesus always has the answer, and is the answer!

    1. Good to hear! We all need to pay real close attention to the things we need to do to stay clear of the mess in the world so we are unaffected and can live in victory!

    2. Its a nice surprise when you find out the Word of God really works, isn’t it?! See, it has to be spoken the way God intended and NOT some watered down, wishy washy, doubleminded mess of false doctrines mixed with lies, hate, and religiosity!
      Enjoy the help the Holy Spirit brings… nothing like it in this world!

  1. This is awesome Rocket Preacher! I think this is going to help a lot of people. Probably more than you’ll ever know. Some people didn’t get their testimonies on yet from the other night because I don’t think they know how to explain it. I thought I will just do my synopsis.. Haaaa! The preachers got mad and as you know they decided to stomp out in a huff and not listen to anymore and then they couldn’t find their own door in their own church. I thought that was too precious for words. But then when JBT started to sing, of course the air got thick and people were just kind of crumpling to the floor. It was like they couldn’t resist it even when they didn’t know what it was. A lot of people got Spirit-filled and it was definitely extra like what you prayed. Because, of course, I’m the roving reporter expert and can evaluate those things. And later he made a comment about your prayer and said that’s why that happened. And I said “aren’t you happy that I report where you’re going and those prayers get prayed?” He didn’t really say very much then. Can you believe that? well, he thinks he’s safe this weekend because he’s just playing at an outdoor gig. But I happen to know that there’s going to be some people coming to get help and then also some people coming to make trouble so I can’t wait to see what happens. I know he’ll be excited about it when I tell him.

    1. It’s good to hear this is going to help a lot of people, probably more than I will ever know! I pray it sweeps all around the world to all in need and sets them free and sets their feet dancing too for Jesus! I like your synopsis… you should do it more often because it shows a whole story of things going on! Very good! Praise God He answered the prayers and met people in a very powerful way that they will never forget! Changed lives are why Jesus died on Calvary for us!
      So the outdoor gig sounds interesting and I think we should invite a multitude more angels to come than usually do so that the move of God INTENSIFIES, and spreads from the front to the back of where everyone is, and then from side to side, kind of like dominos when they are set up to go down in a pattern! Ha! Ha! Ha! The power of the Holy Spirit flowing from one to another so that none escape untouched by the power of Almighty God!
      Thanks for reporting and I will look forward to after tomorrow night! Hallelujah!

    1. Good to hear that this was really helpful! We need all the help we can get from the Lord in these days! God will see us through no matter what the case may be!

    1. Good, good, good! You are welcome! I’m glad this was just what you needed and right on time! The Lord knows what we need!

  2. Rev. Rocket, I don’t know what to think! I’m one of the people who was supposed to put my testimony on here, but I don’t how to describe it. I knew I had demons and none of these preachers could tell me how to get rid of them. That’s why I was surprised when they let this singer come because they don’t agree with what he does. One of them even said that you can’t cast demons out unless you’re wearing a purple and white scarf. The singer laughed until tears were rolling when he heard that one. He said it’s a Catholic ritual. Anyway, I went and pushed my way through and kind of was rude I guess. I knocked a lot of people out of the way because I needed help and I was desperate and I said can you really cast demons out of people? And all he did was put his hand on me and this voice said “go, you’re set free from all of it and the source of it will never bother you again in your memories.” And I got all this deliverance that was truly a miracle. Then I asked him who that voice was and I repeated what it said. And he said “that was me.” And I said no, it couldn’t of been because it sounded like a thousand voices. And he said again that it was him and then I said “well then why did it sound like a thousand voices?” And he just stood there looking at me and I thought he was never going to answer and then finally when he did he just said “I don’t know.” Do YOU know Rocket Preacher? I never heard anything like that in my life. I thought he was hearing too but I guess he was the one saying the words. But I know a human being can’t sound like that!

    1. Yes, you heard the voice of JESUS say that! In the divine flow of love the person praying and Jesus become one in the Spirit and when we speak it is HIM, JESUS speaking and giving the command! Praise God, thats wonderful and praise Jesus for delivering you so powerfully! God is so good! Thanks for sharing, now others will receive faith for deliverance! I loose each one to GO FREE NOW IN JESUS NAME!

  3. This really helped me! Thank you very much. I think were all feeling this way and I like the fact that now there’s something you can grab and read when all that stuff is starting to crash in on you! Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this really helped you! I pray the Lord anoints this special to everyone as they need! It is good to come back to it when you are being crashed in on!

  4. I really needed this. I don’t how you knew, but you did. LOL. Sometimes things come at just the right time when God sees that were getting at the end of our string and that was me. So whoever sparked this idea, I thank them and I thank you for making a masterpiece answer!

    1. Mara, when you know, you know…lol! You are welcome 100%! God truly knows what we need and when! I’m glad to hear that when you were getting to the end of your string this post came and helped you!

      We all need to press in more than ever, pray more than ever, believe God and speak faith words more than ever, and praise Him more than ever! The victory is ALREADY ours, we just need to take it and live it!

  5. I think everybody needs to read this because even the strongest of us get fatigued. And I think sometimes even when we don’t think we’re fatigued we’re getting that way underneath and just don’t realize it. This is what we have to read and focus on and remind ourselves of! Thanks Rev. Rockett.

    1. You made a good point! Battle fatigue happens and we all have been in the battle as we war against all the wiles of the devil and deal with people who are of the antichrist spirit! The battle fatigue where soldiers have been in battle brings anxiety, depression and a loss of motivation caused by the stress of active warfare!

      We need to take time with Jesus and pray in the tongues of the Spirit a lot! ” This IS the rest and the refreshing wherein I will cause the weary to REST; WITH STAMMERING LIPS AND ANOTHER TONGUE WILL I SPEAK TO THIS PEOPLE!” Isaiah 28:11,12

  6. Finally something that makes sense instead of “God wants us to go through all this mess, he has his reasons.” I don’t think so! Thank Rev. Rocket for the voice of sanity!

    1. How about God wants to DELIVER us from all the mess?! Didn’t Jesus teach us to pray for God to DELIVER US FROM evil?! We have the upper hand here with authority and power to bind all evil spirits and walk all over them as we OVERCOME IT ALL! PRAISE GOD!

      You are welcome for the voice of sanity!!! Jesus is Lord and all must bow to the power of His name!

    1. It sounds like you have applied this post and truth to your life and it is putting you over into a whole new arena of power and victory! Your mind is the battleground where demons try to oppress, and if you get a grip on the whole truth in this post they will NOT be able to control or vex your mind as you think the way God wants you to think where your mind is free from oppression! Praise God! Then your prayers are effective and powerful for they flow from the heart in the power of the Holy Spirit with no hindrance from an oppressed mind! Let’s all win together as we unite in prayer!

    1. Oh, praise God for this being a life saver! Jesus cares about everything in our lives and gives words like this by the Holy Spirit to make sure we have everything God has for us and are delivered from every vexing demon of the world there is so we can live in total, complete, surpassing VICTORY!

  7. Rev. Rocket, how do you begin to talk to people who have been immersed in permissive will their whole life? I don’t even know where to start with some of these people but I feel like if I don’t say anything it looks like I’m agreeing with their mess.

    1. Well, you have asked a mouthful! Lol. Those who live in “permissive will land” are also very stubborn in their unbelief! Usually they have been at it a lo-o-o-o-ong time, and that goes against them! More time for more demons to get in and control them, and set them up for catastrophe!

      Let the Word of God speak for itself! Jesus said: “You will know the truth and the TRUTH will MAKE you FREE,” NOT be bound up, oppressed, or made sick to teach you precious lessons when Jesus said the lessons are from the Word of God itself! The Word of God is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished to all good works. 2 Timothy 3:16,17. Did Jesus do the will b of God? Of course they must answer yes! THEN say Acts 10:38 ..”How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power, who went about doing GOOD healing all that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him.” Jesus did the express will of God and God’s will was healing for ALL, NOT permitting sickness to teach some precious lesson! Sickness is the oppression of the devil and is under the curse of the law. Galatians 3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us! Say: Is Jesus double minded? They have to answer no! Then say: It would make Him double minded to redeem us from r he curse of the law just to turn around and say that there will be awful things happening to you because God permitted them, including sickness, that Jesus redeemed us from to teach you precious lessons that God already said HIS WORD teaches us!

      One of the strongest scriptures of faith and power is 1 Peter 2:24 ” By whose stripes you WERE HEALED!” If we were healed, then we are healed present tense, and always healed every day SO-O-O how could God EVER go against His own Word that says we ARE HEALED???!!!! He cannot permit sickness to teach us or for any reason for we ARE THE HEALED BY JESUS’ STRIPES LAID ON HIM WHEN HE WAS CRUCIFIED FOR US, AND OUR REDEMPTION!

      Jesus bore our sins and sickness on the cross so we could be forgiven and cleansed from all sin and healed from all sickness and disease, and live healthy! 3 John 2 “BELOVED, I WISH ABOVE ALL THINGS THAT YOU MAY PROSPER AND BE IN HEALTH, EVEN AS YOUR PROSPERS!” THE WILL OF GOD IS ALREADY PROSPERING AND HEALTH SO GOD CANNOT GO AGAINST HIS OWN WILL OR HE WOULD BE OPPOSING HIMSELF AND HE CANNOT DO THAT OR HE WOULD BE DONE!

      There is some food for thought on things to say to people who live by unbelief, and have no idea whatsoever whT faith is or how to use it! There is another scripture: “Above ALL taking the shield of faith wherewith YOU will be able to QUENCH ALL the fiery darts of the wicked one! Ephesians 6. Faith stops all evil! So everybody ..STOP blaming God for the mess in your life for He had NOTHIN G TO DO WITH IT! GOD HAS A WILL THAT IS HIS WORD…THE devil has a will to rob, kill, and destroy. People have a will, and where you put your will determines whether you walk in blessing or curses!

    1. Thanks very much, my heart and soul went into this prayerfully that God would say what He wanted to say! Glory to Jesus for all the good things that will happen as people believe and apply this truth!

    1. Thanks, I’m very glad this is blessing you so much. I pray it goes deep and brings many miracles.

  8. Well this was interesting, Rocket Preacher. Last night there were preachers running around telling you-know-who-what to do and what not to do and then this one person came up to him and said that they told her she wasn’t really saved because she didn’t do the traditional “sinners prayer” an invite Jesus into her heart to be her personal savior. So he asked her “do you believe in your heart that Jesus is your Savior and God raised him from the dead? “ and she said yes and he said “well if you believe it in your heart and confess with your mouth you’re saved. There is no ritualistic sinners prayer you have to pray, that’s a man-made invention. And besides, you don’t have to ‘invite’ him to be your personal savior. He already IS that, you just have to believe it, accept it and confess it.” And when he said that everyone within 6 feet went down. It was very interesting Rev. Rocket. I don’t think anyone was more surprised than him. He was just kind of looking around like “okay, what just happened here?“ Haaaaa! It was a pretty cool night. I’m rounding up testimonies as we speak! I just thought that one was great.

    1. Yes, that one where they fell under the power within 6 feet was great! Lol. The r e is the power right there of believing on Jesus and confessing Him as Lord with your mouth! Glory to God! That made the skeptics weep right there…Haha ha! Sounds like an interesting night! God always has more!

      Looking forward to the rest of the testimonies. Thanks for rounding them up and what you shared!

  9. I don’t understand what this man did last night. He just touched me and everything changed and I get deliverance and healing. But why he not say anything? I don’t think he really knows either. He just say he knew when he touch me demons would go.

    1. Praise God that you were healed and delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit when the singer touched you! Jesus said the same things He did, we will do too when we believe, and that’s what happened when He touched people in faith! Thanks for sharing! The power of God is awesome and He is doing signs, wonders, and miracles today!

  10. I really love this. I don’t know some days what my brain would’ve done to me if I hadn’t had this to read. It’s probably a good idea to print it out take it with you, and that way you have a hard copy if you don’t have Wi-Fi or something to pull it up online.

    1. Praise God, and I hear you! I’m glad this is blessing and helping you and keeping your mind straight! God’s Word does that and He gives us a sound mind! That is a very good idea to print these out to take with you for then you have it no.matter what! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy!

    1. Praise Jesus! Daily medicine from heaven to lead and keep you! I’m glad this is blessing you every day! You are going from faith to faith and glory to glory by the Spirit of God!

    1. You are welcome, and its good to hear this helps when things are vexing! God will deliver us out of all trouble as we call on Him!

  11. I don’t even know how to explain what happened the other night. I just wanted to hear how good this singer was because everyone talks about him. But when he said one simple thing about getting saved and half the room fell out I figured there was more to it than I knew! So now I’m reading all this stuff on this blog to figure all this out. I never saw anyone who actually had power. Usually it’s just a lot of talk with nothing to back it up! Anyway, I love this blog!

    1. Those with just words and more words with no power to back it up have said to God you can go this far and NO FURTHER, and have limited God in their unbelief, greed, stoicism, and fear!

      On the other hand the singer has said to God that whatever He wants to do is fine with him, and he will be careful to give God the glory, which he always does! Without God we can do nothing, but WITH God, with no limits put on Him, ALL THINGS AREMPOSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE! HALLELUJAH!

      The Holy Spirit is moving mightily in those who yield to Him in these last days! He is like the wind in that you cannot see Him, but you sure can tell when the “wind is blowing,” for at the mention of the name of Jesus a whole group of people go down under the mighty power of God.
      I’m glad you love the blog. The Lord will reveal Himself to you as you read here and absorb! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Vexation no more! You are welcome! Just like the vexation when the storm rocked the disciples boat and tried to sink them, Jesus said why are you so fearful, where b is your faith?! He stood, rebuked the storm, and it stopped and there was a great calm! For all who believe I rebuke demons of vexation in Jesus name…GO! Peace, be still!

  12. Okay, Rev. Rocket, this man touched me and I feel like it’s electrocution! But in a good way! Like power coming all over me. Does that mean I have power now? I don’t understand all this.

    1. Usually that can mean you got a powerful deliverance from demon oppression, and the power of God is definitely on you, so if you were never filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, believe, when you ask you will receive, and ask Jesus for that and begin praising God in other tongues! It will be powerful in your prayer life! If you already were filled then you will be goingndeepernon the Spirit now and God will show you what to do as you go with Him and the flow of the Holy Spirit!

    1. You are welcome for the saving-sanity post! Truly, I rely totally on the Holy Spirit! I have studied, spoken, and prayed the Word of God for a good portion of my life, and stayed in prayer and praise to the Lord, and He gives the Word!

      I pray God’s best for you…seek and you will find!

  13. okay, I haven’t been on the blog for about a week because I’ve been so busy and then this morning I saw that I got banned from a Facebook group (not that I cried a lot of tears over that) but the reason was because I used the word prayer in a post. People can go on there with any type of profanity they want and talk about their gay lovers or anything like that but the words God and prayer are banned.I really felt like I just wanted to give up the ghost at how perverse this world has become with its reverse order and then I came to the blog to see what was new here and… Well…. I bet you can guess the rest! Thanks Rocket Peacher! From the bottom of my heart!

    1. You are welcome, and I did guess the rest! Now, you are happily delivered from the vexation from the world, and the demons thereof! We are in the world, but NOT of the world! Thank the Lord for the Holy Spirit who is called another comforter! He will comfort us as well as deliver us from the spirit of vexation! Peace be to you every day, and as you keep praising God He will manifest His presence in your life where there is FULNESS OF JOY!
      Again, you are definitely welcome! We are in this together, and together we win!

  14. I don’t understand who this person is but I can’t deny any of this is real anymore. When you can’t even stand up around someone they have to have the goods. I was told by a person who was there that night that he is just a phony and just wants to become a famous singer so he fakes all the miracle stuff. Well, here’s what I have to say about that… He could be a famous singer any day of the week if he wanted to, so obviously he doesn’t want that for some reason. But anyway, the very people who were bad mouthing him ended up running away like their hair was on fire. I wonder what they were so scared of? Oh well, either way, I’m in. Of course I’m a little bit stuck on my foundation … But I’m going to go back and read the post again. Ooops. I didn’t know this would come with all these assignments. Oh dear.

    1. The power of God is as real today as it was when Jesus walked the earth and in the book of Acts with God’s believers who were filled with the Holy Spirit! Jesus Christ the sMe yesterday, today, and forever! So, when someone shows up with the REAL POWER OF GOD with signs following that God promised, then the phonies are the ones who oppose him like they did Jesus and believers in Acts!!!

      The accuser of the brethren is cast down, and is UNDER OUR FEET!

      The opposes evidently could not stand the power, or fire of God could they?! It is pretty bad when people run FROM the power of God…sounds like they have a lot of demons that are scared they will get cast out!

      The good thing is that now you have the teaching of the Word that will deliver you, heal you, lift you up, build your faith, and give you wisdom that will get you through life in victory instead of defeat! Welcome and enjoy! Thanks for sharing! I liked the analogy of the “runners” running like their hair was on fire!!! Hahaha.

  15. Rocket Preacher! Here’s the thing… I sniffed the air this morning like a bloodhound and I got onto something…shhhhh… I can’t give my secrets away. But the short of it is that JBT is “filling in” for the third part of a big wig musical event at ( drumroll ) an AG Church tomorrow night.

    1. Hahahahaha… had to laugh at demons and religious idiots that will be put TOTALLY in their place tomorrow night as the Spirit of God descends on the place like a heavenly tornado and ripping the devil and his works apart, and crushing them under our feet in Jesus name!

      Good going catching the “scent!”

  16. THIS is the blog they “warn” people about? That has to be a joke. Warning us about the 2 people who can actually help. These religious people are so dumb I can’t believe it. And it’s all because of money. That’s the comedy part. The joke is on THEM because I guarantee this guy would never take a penny from anyone and I have a funny hunch he has no intention of ever trying to start a church anywhere! And they miss everything the Holy Spirit can do cause they’re so afraid about their precious money, as if it goes with them when they die.

    1. You are 100% right about everything… right down to the religious idiots greed that has them bound, and drives them to do what they do against those who have the anointing! “The love of money is the root of all evil!” They would kill the singer if they could, but they CAN’T, for all their demons are bound, they are bound, and the angel of the Lord camps round about us and delivers us!
      The people should wake up for if they think these scoundrels care about them, they have another think coming! I pray the hungry for God people will be shown the truth in a dramatic way that would set them free from feligiosity spiritual bring them into truth.

    1. Good that you live this post! It is loaded with delivering power from all vexation! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy FREEDOM!

  17. OK so JBT is trying to practice with the guy he’s supposed to sing with tomorrow night and the guy walked away from him backwards 3 times. it was hysterically funny. Finally JBT said “are you a Christian?” And the man said yes, and JBT said “well, I think you need deliverance because otherwise we’ll never get to rehearse.” And he all he did is put his hand on the guy and say “out” and he started getting deliverance like crazy. Then one of the preachers comes over and says “uh… we don’t do that here.” JBT just looked at him and shook his head and said “well I guess you do now.” And the pastor began blabbering something and JBT said “okay, if I’m such a thorn in your side, go ahead and replace me for the night.” The pastor is looking like a deer in the headlights because they know very well they’re going to look like fools in front of their important guests because nobody of JBT’s caliber is going to be able to come on short notice, if such an animal even exists. So finally the preacher says “well, can’t you just rehearse?” And JBT said “if you promise to leave .” So the pastor had to leave and risk that may be that “wildfire stuff “ will be going on in rehearsal. Oooops! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Thank you, definitely worth the price of admission! Another religious idiot shut down and put in their place! Oh, this IS going to be a good one don’t you know?!!!! I love it…starting off with deliverance at rehearsal! Hahaha… we are the winners, the devil is the loser, and JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND ALL WILL BOW!

  18. I don’t know who you two are or what this is all about, and I’ve been avoiding this blog for a long time because there’s all kinds of rumors that go around that you two are crazy and this singer just makes all this stuff up for show. Now I know who the phonies are. The ones you call “religious idiots” who are wallowed in pig slop. I finally went to see what the big deal was about last week about this singer and it was an eye-opener. The one preacher even said he was “dangerous”. Well, maybe a little dangerous to the eye if you’re a female, But he had the goods like no one I ever saw before. When he did that Psalm 23 song at the end the atmosphere was so heavy in that room I thought the walls were going to cave in. And about halfway through when he started singing about walking through the valley of the shadow of death and fearing no evil he suddenly broke into a smile and I think it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw and heard at one time. And don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. He’s a very handsome guy, but it had NOTHING to do with that. When he smiled like that when he sang that one line it was like he just exited to another place and I don’t think he was even aware of half of what was going on after that. My life will never be the same again that’s for sure. Now I know how important it is to be spirit filled! I don’t even know how I survived this long without it! I love this blog! Thanks Rocket Preacher

    1. Thanks for commenting! You hit it right on! It is great when the Holy Spirit shows you personally the truth and causes you to see the anointing at work in a way you never saw before as you did on the singer!!! It makes a huge difference when a person truly humbles themselves and yields to the Holy Spirit and gives the glory to God!
      I’m glad you love the blog for then you will be very blessed beyond anything you have ever known as the Holy Spirit reveals truth that will be dynamic in your life!
      You are welcome, and I pray God’s best for you!

  19. He’s under already Rev. Rocket. The Holy Spirit is radiating and then he suddenly looking over people’s heads at about that infamous 7 foot level. I suspect there may be angels in the room. Ha ha ha h! And the uptight pastors tried to make me go but JBT wouldn’t let them. HA! He’s irritated at my roving and reporting, but he never lets anyone throw me out!

    1. Thanks for sharing and I’m glad he made them let you stay! Definitely many angels…many…there are more with us than there are against us! Oh, do keep me posted I’m agreeing in the Spirit and in faith for a mighty move of God! Great things are going to happen!

  20. Ok, well, here’s the dream. I dreamed that I was sitting at my computer and I was extremely happy because I was reading a blog that had the answers to all my questions and then every time I’d wake up, I would think…why can’t there really be a blog like this. Then this hot shot singer who I thought was too handsome and talented to be anything but trouble gave me a blog address. I thought…what are the odds?? Well, 100%!!! Thanks Rev. Rockett!!

    1. Praise God, that was the Lord for sure! Thanks for sharing that! You know the book of Acts is still being written and what happened there with the Lord sending you that dream is in it, and how then God made sure you met the singer where you received this blog address! Glory to Jesus forever! God is so good!

  21. I’m completely overwhelmed. This singer came here and the roof came off and it felt like we were in a little corner of heaven here on earth. I was one of the most screwed up people on the planet and I didn’t think he would bother with me for sure, but I went up there anyway and shoving my way through because he was getting mobbed like a rock star but I didn’t care because I needed help and I just hollared at him to help me and I told him nobody cares if I live or die. And he said “yes, at least two people do, Jesus does and I do.” And then he put his arms around me and the pastor came rushing over to say that’s not appropriate and here’s what he did… He waves his hand in the pastor’s direction and he fell flat on his face. Then he went on to pray for me and I got delivered and healed and all kinds of things. I’m even a bona fide holy roller now because I got a prayer language. And someone told me he will be here all night as long as people keep asking for help. And THIS is the blog we were warned to stay away from? Seriously? This has all the answers for everything. Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. Praise God for all He has done for and in you! You got the Jesus overhaul! Hallelujah!

      I care for you and others also, and that is why I do this blog! So, this is my love letter to everybody to heal lives and bring the light that would scatter the darkness! You are very welcome, and I know you are going to take this deep in your heart and be blessed all over the place! Thanks for sharing your wonderful testimony! Yes, Jesus loves you, and He showed it!

  22. Ok…l’m in. I’ve heard this guy before but never talked to him because l figured he wouldn’t bother with me, but when he got to the last song, which was the mysterious 23rd Psalm song that he pretends not to know anything about, you could hear a pin drop in the room. It wasas like an invisible thick fog was there shaking the windows. But when everybody was mobbing I was worried because my mask came off and I was Covid positive. And I told him I lost my mask in the mob and asked him if he wanted me to go and he started laughing! He said “COVID can’t survive in this.” While He was right! I went back for rapid test and I don’t have it. That’s impossible but yet it happened. I woke up feeling like that atmosphere was still on me. And then I read your post The Power of a Song. I have to pass this blog around too! I can’t believe people tell other people not to read this!

    1. Praise God for healing you of covid and all the presence of God did and is doing in your life!
      The devil hates this blog and those who listen to him try to stop people from reading it, but God makes sure the hungry for righteousness and truth get here and receive all they need! Here you are and they tried to stop you, but couldn’t! Praise Jesus! Enjoy and blessings on you as you pass this around!

  23. Ok, the Roving Reporter girl told me I needed to put my testimony here. There was a lot of power in that place last night! By the time that show off singer got to the last song the crowd was mobbing him like crazy but he wasn’t shoving anyone away. That’s what most of these “celebrity preachers “ do. There was a man standing with him and I thought maybe he was a bodyguard or security or something but he didn’t really say anything to anyone or have any expression on his face very much. But he was there the whole time. I had a blood disorder that they were now telling me was terminal, and the smile just illuminated his face kind of the way it did at one point when he was singing one of those songs. And he said “you don’t have it anymore.” And that’s when it felt like. I don’t how else to explain it because that’s how powerful it was and I felt my body changed instantly. The weakness was gone, along with a lot of other strange symptoms that came along with it and I instantly fell out. Then the Roving Reporter girl gave me this website and I thought “oh… The one they told us to stay away from.” So here I am with my testimony and I’m not going to stay away because this blog is amazing. Thank you so much Rocket Preacher!

  24. I never felt anything like this in my life. I’ve been to so many meetings that were supposedly such anointed people and felt nothing. I always thought I was the problem because it certainly couldn’t be them. The only one that I ever got anything real from was Vicki Jamison and then she seemed to kind of go strange too although not as bad as the rest of them. But this man who tells people he’s not really anybody walked into the room with something all over him. Nothing had even started yet, he just brought it in WITH him. I was just sitting there looking around wondering if everybody else was feeling what I was feeling and I could tell they did and they didn’t know what to think. People were just kind of looking at each other like “what is THAT?” And then our pastors didn’t WANT him here. What in the world? It was the first time any kind of power was in THIS church in decades. And a few people literally started to stagger when he walked past them. Then at the end he did a song I never heard before called Love Has Won. I asked how to get it, but he said he didn’t think it was ever recorded anywhere. But anyway, when he did that there was not one person in that room who could walk straight. People were either on the floor, on their way to the floor, or trying to get back up (unsuccessfully) from the floor. I had to be on medication every four hours for the last eight years of my life and I haven’t taken any since last night and I feel better than I ever felt. He told me that would happen and I didn’t believe him. I thought I would be in the emergency room from not taking these pills. Nope. He was right. I’m just flabbergasted. And he told my best friend everything she did for the last year and he doesn’t know her from a hole in the wall. When he got done she said “how can I get saved?” Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to work? I’m not going back to that church ever again. They wanted to get rid of the only one who had any power behind what he was doing.

    1. Praise God, you are the kind of person we have been praying for to come in for only the hungry for God and all He is and has will be filled!

      Praise Jesus for that tremendous healing and deliverance from the medication drugs after all the years! The Lord is faithful to His Word and is looking in people to find faith.

      The so called leaders of that church need to repent for they are fighting the Holy Spirit! It is good younare getting out of there!

      Yes, the Word of knowledge over your friends life and her saying what do I have to do to be shed IS the way its supposed to happen!

      This year we all need to take off any limits we have put on God, and the power of the Holy Spirit will move in amazing ways that will turn the tide completely around for good for us as we believe God.

      Thanks for the testimony, God is so good!

  25. I didn’t think there was anybody left who had the kind of anointing the man had who gave me this blog. We thought we were going there just to get entertained. You couldn’t even stand up around him. I thought the walls were going to shake out of the building. I didn’t understand what was happening. I thought that kind of thing was only in Bible times because none of these modern preachers seem to have it. They say they do, and they put on a good show, but I never see too many people actually get healed or delivered…but last night EVERYONE got healed and delivered. And then the pastors tried to throw him out! They were unsuccessful though. They couldn’t even open their mouths at the end. Then this blog is here to answer all my questions. It’s like a lot of things in my life got solved all at once. Thanks Rev. Rocket!!! (Dig on the name)

    1. Thanks for sharing your testimony! There is nothing like the true anointing of the Holy Spirit! Praise God for the healing and deliverance and that the mouths of the opposers was shut tight! You are welcome! Glad you dig on the name! Enjoy!

  26. Well, Rocket Preacher, I quit my church on Saturday because my pastor was trying to keep me away from the only person who actually knows how to cast out demons around here. It was kind of a fascinating experience. I had depression for 10 years and it’s hard to explain to people who’ve never experienced it, but you just literally have to drag yourself everywhere. Just getting up in the morning seems like something you’ll never be able to do. Everything was a chore. Even simple things that most people do without even thinking about. Everything was hard, and I was at the end of my rope. They were praying for me for deliverance but nothing was ever happening and they told me it was because I didn’t have enough faith. Then when everybody was getting delivered they were trying to keep me away and said that only they knew how to do it and that singer didn’t really have the goods. And I said “but you’ve never been able to cast anything out.” And then all of a sudden, even though I was at the other side of the room and he couldn’t possibly have heard me, he came over and asked them politely to stop interfering and they started ranting and raving at him and all of a sudden he literally shoved them out of the way and I heard him mumble under his breath “This is vexing! Jesus give me grace, I can’t stand this anymore!” And then something shut them up all of a sudden and all they could do was sit there with red faces. And he touched me and didn’t even SAY anything and I got delivered from depression. This is the first morning in 10 years I woke up and actually wanted to get out of bed! I love this blog. I can finally learn the things I’ve been trying to learn all these years in the wrong church! Thanks Rev. Rockett!

    1. You are welcome, and I’m very glad you can finally learn things you were trying to learn for years in the wrong church!!!

      Praise Jesus for such a powerful deliverance from depression after 10 years of suffering!!! Joy, joy, joy flowing in and through you because a person listened to the Lord, and got the “religious idiots” out of the way, and God shut their mouths! See, it was NOT a lack of faith on your part at all! It was that they are not flowing in the anointing of the Holy Spirit so go through ritual, and empty motions that do nothing for God is not in them at all!

      Thank God you are out of there! Enjoy, and be blessed, and thanks for sharing!


  27. I think you talking about same singer I have been trying to find. I try to find where he is because he pray for my daughter and she healed of epilepsy. We were in restaurant and she began having an epileptic fit and nothing can be done when that happen. It just has to run its course. But he went over and just touch her head and epileptic episode ended then and since then she not have any attack. Doctor doesn’t understand and finally he take her off medicine. This has to be the same singer you talk about here. He give my wife this blog after my daughter get healed but then disappear and I never even knew where to go to thank him. Where can he be found? Do you know? I hear he go to Caro to play sometimes. Do you know when next he is going there?

    1. Emilio, praise Jesus for.healing your daughter of epilepsy! Ths Lord is good. I will try to find where you can see the singer. He will see your thank you for touching your daughter’s head here on the blog in the mean time.

    2. I’m happy to hear that she’s off medication Emilio. I am actually playing at Caro tonight at 7pm! God bless!

  28. Okay, I have had it with your showoff friend. Can’t a girl just go somewhere to lust anymore? What kind of world is this coming too!? I went to just enjoy the “scenery” and hear some ungodly high notes being hit, but NO. He has to tell me five things about myself that nobody knows and tell me that if I come and read this post and one other one it will answer the three major questions that are holding me back from really getting where I want to be in life. Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. Oops he was right. And now I’m going to hear I told you so if I ever want to go hear him sing again, which I do. Well, YOU know who you are! I DON’T want to hear I told you so and I MEAN it! Don’t even think about it! Thanks Rocket Preacher! This really did have the answers I was looking for!

    1. You are welcome, and I’m very glad to hear this had the answers for your life! The Holy Spirit is faithful and reveals the truth needed to deliver you and put you over! It is MUCH, and TOTALLY BETTER to win and not to lose! Enjoy, and good to have you, thanks for sharing.

  29. I’m not even sure what happened to me last night. I was just going to be entertained, really. But this singer was a lot more than just an entertainer. He definitely had God’s power on him. He took the whole room to another place, we were just swept up with it. You couldn’t not be. And it really makes you want to get your heart right with God right away! I was not expecting to get spirit filled though! He was not even really praying or anything but people were getting delivered and spirit filled. I never saw anything like it. I have to bring my friend back because she’s really messed up and I think he would know how to cast demons out! Everybody should know about this blog! It has everything you need to know about everything!

    1. Praise God for the move of the Holy Spirit! See what happens when people REALLY believe God and yield to the Holy Spirit?!
      Glad you like the blog, it is here to bless!

  30. I thought I was dreaming last night. I pray all the time for help to come from a person who know about demon and how to cast out. A lot of preacher say they know but in the end they can do nothing. This man have no fear of anything and demons try to make person act up and go crazy and he only touch them and all demon leave! I have to find out more about this and read more on this blog!

    1. Its real and only with the anointing of the Holy Spirit can this happen where demons MUST leave! Jesus said that if I cast out demons by the SPIRIT OF GOD, then no doubt the kingdom of God has come to you!
      If you are looking for deliverance you came to the right place and the singer knows what he is doing!

  31. Now don’t worry about if your English is perfect. Just leave your testimonies as best you can.. we’ll understand. Don’t let that stop you!

  32. Rocket Preacher l can’t describe what happen last night. I go to hear this singer and others come to just harass him for no reason. One telling him to sing different and another one telling him how to give word of knowledge even though they don’t know how and on and on. And finally he say “Well l can’t please anyone lately but l don’t care. All l care about is pleasing God.” And when he say that all of a sudden demons start going from people and people get spirit filled. He didn’t pray or anything. Someone tell me that happen the other night that way and he wasn’t even talking to them. He just said “demons can’t hide from Holy Spirit” and suddenly people getting delivered. Then l hear about how last week he touch a girl with epilepsy and she cured without him praying I have to go again and find out more about this. I don’t understand!

    1. Ask Jesus to give you understanding by the Holy Spirit, and He will! The power of the Holy Spirit is far beyond what most people have seen, especially when they sit in dead, religious, hypocritical, stuffed shirt religious churches where they have a form of godliness, but deny, say no, to the power thereof! They have put the Holy Spirit on the outside!

      So, now someone comes that let’s the Holy Spirit move the way He wants to and yields to Him. Then when being opposed he says he just wants to please God, and the Holy Spirit immediately starts filling people and delivering! The religious idiot persecutors should see that God was rebuking them and showing them that the singer is pleasing God and that’s why the Holy Spirit is able to do what He does for God looks for willing people to use.

      I pray the Holy Spirit shows you all you need and blesses you greatly. Thanks for the testimony, and praise God for all He is doing!

  33. Now I understand why they say this singer is “man who love everyone.” Church world is cold and people mean. They won’t listen to understand what you say and have no help to give. this man tell me that my past mean nothing to God because I am saved and Jesus doesn’t even remember my sin. Religious people never tell me that. They make it sound like I have to make up for my past. My past was horrible and this man tell me none of it matter and I shouldn’t even think about it. He say it’s the hardest thing for him to get through to people with… Is that past doesn’t matter. Well, it get through to me! I feel free to never think about it again! Now I have a lot to read here on this blog!

    1. Yes, praise God the singer is so right! Jesus cleansed and forgave you for EVERYTHING in the past and we need to let the past die and be buried for it is OVER and DONE by the power of the blood of Jesus! Praise God he gives us NEW ABUNDANT LIFE, BRAND NEW, and the old things have passed away!
      Enjoy the blog and let God reveal the truth that makes and keeps you FREE!!!

  34. And hard to explain what happened. The singer churches say don’t go here him he is really a cult. I know now that not true at all. He love everybody and want to help people no matter what he stay way late in tonight because people have question about philosophy from their pastors that make no sense. And he explain things so it can be understood and then they want him gone that’s terrible to be persecuted for doing good things but I guess that happening these days. I needed incarnation and thought it had to be much tarrying before it could come but he show me it come right away. Now I have prayer language and get deliver from demon forces. Thank you for this blog. Sorry bad English! I will be reading this a lot!

    1. You are right about the singer for he really cares about the people and stays late to help them! Don’t worry about your English, you did fine and the main thing is to share what God did, so praise Jesus you were delivered and filled with the Holy Spirit!

      Those who oppose the singer cannot get people delivered for God does not anoint them. When people love money and serve religious spirits God will NOT honor them!

      You are welcome for the blog! Enjoy, and never give up!

  35. Ok Rev. Rocket…l have to check this out…Is it true that if you don’t fear diseases that you won’t get any?

    1. There are inroads of sickness through fear, unbelief, doubt, worry, and sin in general, for there was no sickness until after Adam and Eve sinned. Sin and sickness are the works of the devil and when Jesus redeemed us He took sin and sickness in His body for us that we could be made whole and live above it all. Also, we need to have a steady diet of the Word of God for Psalm 107:20 “He sent His WORD, and healed them and delivered them from all their destructions!” We need to put the Word of God in our hearts, minds, and mouths! Proverbs 4:22 “His words are LIFE to those that find them and HEALTH TO ALL their flesh!” Roman’s 10:17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!” Faith works! We can live in divine health as we use our faith, live right with God walking in the light as He is in the light, having our sins cleansed and not letting sin have dominion over us including the fear you spoke of! 1 John 4:18 “HE THAT FEARS IS NOT NADE PERFECT IN LOVE, AND PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAR! FAITH WORKS BY LOVE, SO YOU CAN SEE THAT WHEN PEOPLE LIVE IN FEAR THEY ARE NOT WALKING IN LOVE, AND THEN THEIR FAITH WILL NOT WORK!
      We, as believers have authority and power over all the works of the devil, and we must use them or the devil takes advantage!
      Stay heavy in the Word of God for it is heavenly medicine that heals and delivers!

  36. Well here’s my testimony. I felt really stupid because everybody getting spirit filled and can hardly walk because this singer bring so much power to the room. But I was having hard time walking because of neurological condition. I felt terrible because people think it was from Holy Spirit. Then somehow in all that sea of people that singer know I was having a disease and he came over and said so quiet that no one could hardly hear “those days are over… Enjoy having your balance back.” And then I have no more symptom of disorder and now I’m walking normal and don’t have any dystrophy in my muscles and not need to use a cane. I have to go back and see him because I don’t understand all this but I am learning a lot on this blog. Thank you, Rev. Rocket

    1. You are welcome, and I’m glad this blog is helping! Wonderful your healing! Praise Jesus! God loves you so much.

  37. Who is this man who pray and everyone demons go? Is he really man of God or is it trick or fake or something? I don’t know what to think. I got taken by hoax so many time but I think he is real.

    1. He is a true man of God! Look at all the posts here of people who came under the anointing as he sang, etc. And were dramatically healed, delivered from demons, Spirit filled, etc. That many.people are NOT making it up. Go up for.prayer the next time you see him and you will find out firsthand the anointing of the Holy Spirit that is there that makes ALL the difference in the world!
      Sorry you ran into the false prophets who are in pretend land, but as sure as there mm is the false there IS THE TRUE!

    1. Good to hear! You are welcome! The Holy Spirit knows exactly what we need and sees to it that we receive it! Enjoy!

  38. I get deliver from demon first time ever because this man know how to do it right. Everyone say stay away and now I not know why because he only one who had power with his words instead of just word alone. I’m going to read all these one by one! Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. You are so right…those with NO power of God whatsoever persecute and speak against those who DO have the power of God with the spoken word that drives the demons right…on.. O..U..T! Praise God! You are welcome, enjoy building your faith!

  39. This is just what I needed! I had bad vexation from the world! I can hardly take it anymore! I wish I would’ve seen the sooner!

    1. Praise God you saw it now! Jesus is faithful to deliver us from ALL evil, including the vexation from the world! There are bands and chains of demons that operate in the world system, and worldly people, but they have no power over us and hate when we find how to stomp that vexation right under our feet!

      I’m glad this helped now and met your need! Never give up, keep pressing for God always makes a way of escape! Enjoy the Word, and thanks for sharing.

  40. Okay, I’m in. I can’t argue with this anymore! I tried to cling to my permissive will long as I could… But now I simply have to give in. Haaaaa!


  41. I do not need to be told what blog to go to. I’m old enough to know what I want to read and what I don’t want to read and I don’t need someone dripping water on my forehead until I go to a blog. I don’t hear any I told you so’s, and you better not be acting smug the next time I see you. YOU know who you are! Thanks Rocket Preacher! I really needed this!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this was what you really needed! God always has the answer, we just have to get to the right place where the answer is, and here you are! It shows the Holy Spirit is leading you and brought you here for the truth will make you free when you know it!

  42. Okay, I’m trying to figure all this out! I think I was taught wrong my whole life. This singer told me that sickness is always from the devil and never from God? Is that right?

    1. Yes, the singer is right on! Sickness is from the devil, and never from God! Jesus is the HEALER, and NOT going around making people sick! Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and He healed ALL that were OPPRESSED of the devil!! The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost! So, you can reason that sickness makes people very unhappy and sad… well, that cannot be God for His kingdom is JOY in the HOLY GHOST, etc. Renounce all false teachings and you will have a new freedom as Jesus sets you free and shows you the Word of God by the Holy Spirit!

  43. I think it’s funny when these preachers come and try to torment this singer when he is just singing songs and minding his own business. I think they are afraid that he’s going to show them up because he has the goods and they don’t. THAT’S my opinion.

    1. Good observation! They are jealous that he has the goods and the Lord knows they sure do NOT have any power or they could do the same miracles! They are just making fools of themselves and are opposing the Lord! People are on to those opposers and it is very obvious what they are made of! The Holy Spirit is doing miracles and they are tormenting the one God is using… OOPS! They are upside down, and God is NOT happy with them! I would not want to be in their shoes for anything! Maybe God will bundle them up one night like when in the end the bad tares are bundled together to be burned, lol! That would definitely be a sight!!! HAHAHA.

  44. Rocket Preacher, I don’t really have right word for Holy Spirit before because I thought it had to be difficult. Then I find out from this man who was performing the other night that it’s not difficult and it can happen right away. Now I can pray in the spirit like everyone else and I think my life will be a lot better! How long every day should I pray? I don’t know anything!

    1. An hour a day of prayer is a good place to start and increase it as you go! It is a real blessing to get close to God in the Spirit, and you will find time fades away in the light of eternal things of the Spirit! Praise God that you now are flowing in the Holy Spirit! Expect a miracle… you will be very glad you did!

  45. Well, when you’re raised Baptist, it’s really an experience to see power and realize it could have been yours all along! I can’t believe how much of my life I wasted listening to false doctrines! Thank you for this blog Rev. Rockett. I have a lot to learn!

    1. Yes, I know how those false doctrines rob people of much blessing! God will make it up to you as you flow in the Spirit now! You are welcome for the blog, enjoy, and soak it in! The Word of God will come alive in you, as well as faith that will overcome the evil, and bring great answers and victory to your life! Praise God! I loose you from all the spirits of false doctrines and they ALL must go now in Jesus name! Praise God for deliverance that paves the way for a LOT of blessing!

  46. The mad genius managed to get 9 key changes into one medley then says “what do you think?” I said “l think I need an aspirin.”

    1. LOL. So,he ended up singing on the moon, wasn’t it hard to breathe up there, and lonely? It’s all fun and games until someone loses a vocal cord. Sending prayers.

  47. I don’t understand this man who come to me in a big sea of people because I am desperate and was crying because I can’t get sin out of my life and he know my problem before I tell him and read me a Scripture from Isaiah in the Bible to change everything and then pray for me for demons to go. Why would anyone bother with me? Church don’t want me in their group because I not good enough for church world. He tell me church world isn’t good enough for the rest of the world right now. I had to laugh at that even though I was worried. He say not worry about churches right now but come to this blog. Now I see why! Thank you Rev. Rockett!

    1. Praise Jesus! You are now in the victory side and will stomp all over the devil’s head! See, Jesus cares for you so much, more than you ever knew! Accept His love and live rejoicing every day! You are welcome for sure! Enjoy!

  48. Okay I am an official ex-pig slopper now and glad to be one! It only took seeing someone who actually had power and authority to make me realize that NOBODY is supposed to be languishing in permissive will all the time. I think they do that because they know they CAN’T get anyone healed and they know it’s a lost cause, so why not just pretend that it’s SUPPOSED to be that way? That’s my theory, anyway. I love this blog!

    1. Oh, sure, permissive will mess is one big excuse to not have the power of God or the signs, wonders, and miracles that Jesus said would follow those who BELIEVE! Good to hear you are an EX-pig slopper! Faith is wonderful to live by and in for with faith we please God and with Him ALL THINGS ARE PISSIBLE! HALLELUJAH!
      I’m glad this blog, it makes it worth it to hear it is blessing and helping people!

  49. I never see anyone who have protection from bad people like this man. They come and try to club him with a baseball bat and it hit something invisible. And he stand there laughing and I was shaking from head to toe. I thought he going to be roadkill very shortly, and I was ready to call the authorities, but he just laughed and the bat bounced off an invisible shield. How can this be!?? Is it an angel?

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha…just had to laugh at the religious idiot hypocrites trying to hurt a man who has faith! The devil has tried and tried to stop faith and he cannot do it!

      Angels definitely camp round about us and deliver us! Once in a place I was working the Lord had me look up to see a man coming at me in a dead stare with a two by four piece of wood. Under demon power he brought it back to bring it around in a full swing to hit me, and I just stood there and said: “The shield of faith quenches all the fiery darts of the devil!” Praise God, faith is a shield! Over and over he swung it around to hit my head and over and over it hit something invisible about a foot or so out from me!

      GOD IS FAITHFUL TO DELIVER HIS ANOINTED FROM ALL evil! God’s power is real and there is NO ONE who can overcome HIM!

  50. No one would’ve ever thought I could be added to the Blowing in the Wind club but I finally am! I would like to become an official member now. Thanks Rocket Preacher!

  51. Ok Rev. Rockett, I’ve had it with your show off a friend. I don’t need to be told what blog to read and where to go to read posts. I’ll go to whatever blog I WANT to go to without being henpecked into it. YOU know who you are. And I DON’T want to hear I told you so. And I MEAN it. Actually, though Rev. Rockett, this is exactly what I needed!

    1. I’m glad to hear this is exactly what you needed! So, it seems that it was worth all the push to get you here then…lol. When the Lord shows that you will find what you need here then he really wants the best for you and pushes to get you here. Enjoy, and believe God for the best!

  52. Rev Rocket, is it true that demons and the dark spiritual forces get more riled up and stronger and more active the closer we get to the end? It really seems like things are intensifying and Christians are just being attacked from odd places and for strange reasons and just in a crazy way that I’ve never seen before. It has to be the end times, right?

    1. Yes, the dark spirits see more angelic activity coming to deliver and minister to us, and they in the last days are intensifying their attack!

      God will anoint us above and beyond everything the devil has and having done all to stand, stand…! We need to intdnsify our prayer and praise life and stomp the devil in the ground ahead of time , and through Jesus we are more than conquerors. Where sin does abound GRACE DOES MUCH MORE ABOUND! TAKE HOLD OF THAT GRACE OF GOD AND SPEAK IT AND LIVE IT!

  53. I never felt anything like that in my life. If anyone can walk into anointing like that and try to interfere with it, then they have a screw loose. I was just frozen in place at one point when this man was singing because the anointing was permeating the whole room. You couldn’t get anywhere near him for about 15 minutes. I don’t know how anyone could even sit there and deny there is a God when they’re feeling that and I can’t BELIEVE anyone who says they are a Christian pastor would even DARE to mess with that. WOW. Anyway. I am glad to know this blog is here. This must be the one those same pastors “warn” people about. Yikes. They are biting off a chunk.

    1. You nailed it 100%! When the anointing is so strong like that and then religious hypocrites speak against it and try to stop it, they are vexing, grieving, denying, opposing the HOLY SPIRIT! Sins against the Holy Spirit are where people can get cut off from God real quick!

      The religious idiots have “no fear of God!” When they don’t respect the Holy Spirit then you KNOW the Holy Spirit is NOT honoring anything they say, and definitely NOT moving in their churches! Spiritual death demons have moved in where abundant life, the life of the Holy Spirit should be!
      Yes, this is the blog those so called pastors “warn” people about! God is blessing the blog so I turn them over to God and pray a special anointing on all who come here to know the truth and have the Holy Spirit move greatly in their lives, including you! Blessings!

    1. Oh, then I am so glad I did this to meet the need you had! You are most welcome! I pray the Lord will quicken this to you VERY FAST so that you can make it work for you RIGHT NOW IN EVERY WAY YOU NEED! I bind every demon of vexation from the world and they MUST GO NOW IN JESUS NAME! I LOOSE THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATION ON YOU NOW FROM GOD! HALLELUJAH! I CAN SENSE A VERY GREAT VICTORY THAT IS YOURS FOR BEFORE YOU CALLED THE LORD ALREADY ANSWERED! PRAISE YOU JESUS!

  54. Okay, I’m in. I don’t know who you two are or where you came from but I can’t deny this is true! It’s really good advice that actually works. Every single blog post is true!

    1. WELCOME IN … THE WATER IS JUST WONDERFUL… LIVING WATER FLOWING FROM HEAVEN ABOVE THAT HEALS, DELIVERS, BRINGS PEACE AND JOY, AND THERE IS AN EVERLASTING SUPPLY! Every blog post that is true indeed is so for it comes from the WORD OF GOD! Religious idiots like to twist God’s Word and try to make it mean something it does not mean! I asked the Lord to show me by the Holy Spirit His Word and to show me how to say things where people would understand and receive faith they need to WIN OVER IT ALL! PRAISE JESUS! I’M GETTING HAPPY JUST TALKING ABOUT IT! The Lord is faithful and will give us all we need in these end time days! Enjoy, and never look back!

    1. Good, I’m glad this got you in! Now you will live free from d he vexation from the world, and overcome it ALL!

    1. You are welcome! Good to hear this saved your sanity! God is moving by His Spirit to bring us to a sound mind! God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind! 2 Timothy

    1. O.K., no problem! The power of the Holy Spirit is already on you for the stash throwing out miracle! Your struggle is OVER! NOW, PRAISE THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND THEN DO WHATEVER THE HOLY SPIRIT TELLS YOU TO DO! TOTAL FREEDOM IS YOURS IN THE NAME OF JESUS! Come back on and testify to what the awesome power of the Holy Spirit has done!

  55. Ok, I really can’t thank you enough for this post that can save my sanity and everyone else’s too! This is advice we all need to survive the end times!!

    1. You are welcome for the post that saved your sanity and everybody else’s too! This is end time warfare and survival and together we WIN!

    1. You have been hoping it would happen, so just switch it to simple faith. After you read this just say: Lord Jesus I believe! Jesus already took all your sins and bondage in His body on the cross and died for you! You believe that so now believe in the power of His resurrection! You are dead to sin through faith in Jesus and when He raised up from the dead so did YOU! RAISED UP TO NEW LIFE IN JESUS …ALL NEW…COMPLETELY NEW. SO SAY THAT NOW, AND LIFT UP YOUR HANDS TO HEAVEN AND PRAISE JESUS THAT HIS RESURRECTION POWER HAS SET YOU FREE. THEN…DO WHATEVER THE HOLY SPIRIT SAYS DO AND GO FREE IN JESUS NAME!

    1. YEAH, YOU! Good job! Good to hear from you and in “action!” Let God arise and HIS enemies be scattered! HOLY SPIRIT TAKE OVER COMPLETELY!

    1. Mmmmm sounds interesting, I can well imagine! Looking forward to the testimonies! I wanted the devil SHOOK to the CORE and
      people SET FREE all over the place! Thanks for getting the testimonies!!!

  56. Ok…l’m an official Holy Roller now! And all because l went to be entertained at an eternal security church. Ha ha ha ha ha

    1. Gotta love that one…Ha ha ha! They will never be the same! Lol. Hello, people meet the Holy Spirit! I love it! Praise God you were filled with the Holy Spirit! Now you have the POWER to overcome it ALL! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Seriously! Amazing, isn’t it, how that when false churches teach false doctrines about “tarrying” etc. that it hinders Christians from receiving?!

      Praise Jesus, now you are filled with the Holy Spirit and will stomp all over the devil’s head, and it was easy! God does not withhold any good thing from believers! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy!

  57. I can’t believe it was this easy to get spirit filled. In fact, the entire first row of the church get spirit filled while the Baptist preachers looked on in shock with their mouths hanging open. It seemed like they wanted to interfere but they couldn’t! I can’t believe how easy it was and how much I missed out on all my life! I want to be mad about that, but I think instead I’ll just be happy that I finally got it!

    1. LOL, I love it! Opposing preachers with mouths wide open as the HOLY SPIRIT FILLS THE WHOLE FRONT ROW! PRAISE GOD, THAT’S REVIVAL! The end time outpouring of the Holy Spirit is unstoppable and will come to the hungry and thirsty after righteousness!
      Yes, you are doing the right thing to just be glad that nownyou are filled with the Spirit! I’m working on a new post that says: God Will Make it Up to YOU! AND HE WILL! He will make up to you the years you did not have the Holy Spirit! Praise Jesus!

  58. I’m trying not to be angry at my church for misleading me all these years! I don’t even know how to explain what happened the other night. A singer came and just started to perform and all of a sudden the air was too thick for you to move through the room. Everybody was in awe, and the pastors looked nervous, and then people started getting spirit filled left and right, including me! The singer just looked like it was par for the course, he wasn’t even surprised or anything. It was that easy all along? Wow.

    1. Praise Jesus! The Holy Spirit is truly amazing and does wondrous things when people really yield to Him! The Pastors had nothing to say when the Lord holds their mouths shut…hahaha ha! Forgive those who mislead and move in the Spirit now, and God will make it up to you for all the years of being steered the wrong direction! Yes, it really is easy to receive when you believe! Enjoy!

  59. Roving reporter girls say to leave testimony but a lot of our English not good enough to do it. I don’t know how to explain. I was saved but really had nothing except that and didn’t know there was more. This man come and bring power and everyone in front row get prayer language all at once and by end of night everyone in building spirit filled. I don’t know how to explain everything. I need work for my English before I can do it properly!

    1. Praise God that all were filled with the Holy Spirit and have prayer language, and the POWER of God now! Your English is fine! Tell everyone their English does not have to be perfect to leave a testimony. Just put the main things that happened…we will understand! Thank the Lord you now are filled with the Holy Spirit!

  60. How I can say what happen to me? I have prayer language and now life is better than ever because one person was allowed to come here and show us what to do! I can’t explain better but I tried!! 🙂

    1. You did just fine and we understand perfectly! Praise God you are now filled with the Holy Spirit! It is great that the singer came because look at how all were filled with the Holy Spirit and received the powerful prayer language of the Spirit! No one else had ever helped you! I pray God blesses him special and leads him every day what to do and where to go! Thanks for sharing!

  61. Rev. Rocket it hard to tell what happened because I don’t have right words in english. But I never understood about Spirit-filled because I was told it not important for anyone except in Bible times. Then I just go to hear singer and he have all kinds of power on him that came through the room and at the end everyone has prayer language and he never even pray! I never saw anything like this ever. And then this blog have all kinds of answers to every question. That is priceless!

  62. I never knew it so easy to get spirit filled. I never saw anyone have power. This man who come to sing have power with him and you can feel it. Then everyone get a prayer language without anyone having to pray. Why didn’t anyone have to pray?

    1. God filled everyone all over the place with the Holy Spirit so the unbelieving pastors and leaders could not say anything against the singer! Praise God!

    2. Everyone was hungry for God and all He has for them, and God came to answer the cry of their hearts, and He gave them what they needed, the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues!

  63. Here is the thing…the pastors were saying that the baptism of the Spirit was “just for Bible times,” but we ARE LIVING IN BIBLE TIMES RIGHT NOW! The books of the bible all have an Amen at the end, but NOT the book of Acts because the Acts of the Holy Spirit is still happening and being written!

    God showed that it really was the Holy Spirit for no one even prayed or forced anything! Hallelujah!
    Enjoy the blog and I’m glad this has had all the answers for you!

  64. Ok, Rocket Preacher, l have been spirit filled now and life will be better. I didn’t realize what l was missing but now l see it will be whole new life! I need this blog! I wish l knew before about it!

    1. Yes, it IS a whole new life with the power of the Holy Spirit flowing. Now you have authority and power OVER all the power of the enemy, and as you stand nothing will by any means be able hurt you! Enjoy the blog for Jesus said you will KNOW the truth and the truth will make you free!

    2. Yes, the Holy Spirit will breathe heavenly LIFE in your spirit, bring the Word of God alive, lead you into all truth, quicken your mortal body, and flow through you in prayer through the prayer language! BRAND NEW LIFE! I’m glad you are here now and pray the Lord will bring this alive to you and show b you how to apply the truth here! Enjoy!



  65. Okay, so this singer who I thought was absolutely stark raving crazy told me that you prayed for extra blessings for him or something recently and he’s “sharing the wealth,” and then he burst out laughing. The thing is… As the day wore on, I actually did get more and more blessed. I don’t who you two are where you came from, but I’m in. I see a lot of other people say the same thing here. I wonder what I’m getting myself into.

    1. Lol. Just gotta love it! God is so good! The thing is “what has gotten into you, your spirit!” The anointing of the Holy Spirit is powerful and will deliver us so fast it makes the devil’s head spin, and then God fills us with HIS POWER, BLESSING, JOY, PEACE, AND THAT BLESSING MAKES US RICH AND HE ADDS NO SORROW WITH IT! HALLELUJAH! NOW YOU GOT ME PREACHING! I LIKE THE “SHARE THE WEALTH” DEAL HE SAID! IT DOES PASS FROM ONE TO ANOTHER! GOD SAID FREELY YOU HAVE RECEIVED SO FREELY GIVE! ENJOY BEING IN THE LAND OF BLESSING!

  66. Okay, I’m trying to believe. But sometimes it feels like God has deserted us with all the crazy stuff going on in the end times here. How can we know for sure that he didn’t decide to judge us now and were just going down for the count? Because some people say that when evil rulers are in power it means God’s judgment, but I thought that was just for the Old Testament.

    1. Those who slice and dice the Word of God like they know it all do NOT know it all and many times become legalistic and judge God wrongly! God already warned us they evil doers will grow worse and worse in the end times and at the same time there would be the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit with all kinds of miracles, signs, and wonders as the power of God moves! Who is the ruler does NOT dictate the Holy Spirit outpouring! The end times is the culmination of evil and the good! God said to NOT be overcome with the evil, but overcome the evil with the GOOD! STAY FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT PRAYINGNOFTEN IN THE PRAYER LANGUAGE, STAY IN THE WORD OF GOD, MEDITATE ON IT, SPEAK IT, PRAY IT! DEVELOPE A SERIOUS PRAISE LIFE, PRAING JESUS AND WORSHIPPIMG GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH!

  67. I never heard of someone not praying for anybody but people getting spirit filled anyway ? Can I really trust that?

    1. The first thing to remember is that just because you never heard of it does not mean GOD,WHO IS OMNIPOTENT, doesn’t do it that way! The Holy Spirit is everywhere, including ALL OVER that room when people were Spirit filled everywhere with no human offering prayer.
      Man, developes rituals and beliefs that are NOT scriptural, and they end up having a form of godliness, but denying the POWER thereof! So, these kind of religious, tradition filled people “pray…and pray, and pray, but get NO answers…they lack the anointing! When someone comes that has the anointing all HEAVEN BREAKS LOOSE to fill the hungry and meet every need! If you trust the Holy Spirit you will trust this for “this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel!” Praise Jesus! You can always tell when people are of God for God gets all the glory!

  68. If I want to go to a blog I will go to a blog. I don’t need somebody telling me what blog to go to! I don’t need to have water dropped on my forehead like it’s from some Chinese torture because I’m perfectly capable of deciding what I want to read or not read. YOU know who you are. I don’t want to hear I told you so. This actually was really helpful Rev. Rocket! Thanks!

    1. I’m glad to hear this really helped you! Praise Jesus! God has a lot for you so never ever give up or give in to the temptation to settle for less than God’s best! The main thing is you made it here and I pray the Holy Spirit moves in a special way in your heart and life! You are welcome!

  69. I’m grateful to have this to read now. It’s hard to get answers and everyone say things differently and give information that conflicts with what last person said. It gets hard to sort everything out. Now I let this blog be the deciding vote because it’s consistent and no one else is. Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. You are very welcome for the blog! I hate the spirits of confusion and that is exactly what you have been dealing with! I loose you from all of it, and all spirits of confusion go now in Jesus name! I pray the sweet Holy Spirit stays with you in a special way to bring the truth alive in your spirit strong! God is good, and loves you! Enjoy the blog, and the Word of God will come alive to you as you continue!

  70. Seriously? This guy tells me everything I did for the last three months and he is right? That makes even the worst skeptic believe. Now I finally get what those gifts are for. It’s for people like me who would otherwise remain a skeptic and end up in hell. But how can you deny it when it happens that way? Now I have all these assignments. I was supposed to start with swimming. Great! I nearly drowned three times in a row. But I’ll keep going…😲

    1. You got it! The gifts of the Spirit are convincers and bring healing, deliverance and all kinds of miracles too! It all brings people to Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith! Hey, at least you didn’t actually drown! God has your life in His hands now, and WHAT a difference that will be for the good! Stay with it…you will be very happy you did!

    1. Welcome, the Lord has a lot for you, and many times false teaching robs people, and keeps them from receiving God’s “riches in glory!” Phillipians says.. My God shall supply ALL your need according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus! Hallelujah! So as you read here and take it in, your faith will come alive, for Jesus sets you free from all lies and false doctrine as the Holy Spirit leads you into all truth!

  71. Hi Rocket Preacher, I try to understand what happened to me. I came to see this controversial music teacher with church members who leave denomination. They want him to come sing in a different building that have nothing to do with church. They say they have nowhere to go now because denomination for church say if they listen to the singer they can’t come back. But why? He have answers that they don’t have and when he pray things happen and when they pray nothing happened. So he prayed for them and they could hardly stand and then even students who came near were getting spirit filled because of what was happening. I don’t understand why churches not want him around. I’m trying to figure all this out.

    1. Well-l-l.. I tell you what, the ones who pray and nothing happens, and then speak against the one who prays and things happen, are hypocrites trying to keep people from where they can get help! The people that were told not to come back to the denomination are in a good spot now for they are free from “dead weight!” God is going to use them as a lighthouse! Denominations were never started by God, and produce spiritual death, for they take away from and add to the Word of God!
      You have come into contact with the anointing mof the Holy Spirit, and He will do marvelous things in your life as you open your heart to Him!


  72. Well, you-know-who was fruit plucking and not even realizing the air was getting thick. Then he goes to shake someone’s hand who wanted to meet him and the man gets slain in the spirit instantly. Then he kind of just looks like “what just happened there” and goes back to fruit plucking like he’s trying to figure it out.

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha! Gotta love it! Guess what I told him? I said that tonight he will be carrying a torch that will light a GREAT FIRE that will consume the works of the devil! So, after the fire started in rehearsal he said something happened, and I said ..hmmmm that means its double portion time tonight! Oops!
      Thanks for sharing for now I know exactly what happened!

  73. Okay Rocket Preacher! I don’t really know if people will be able to explain their testimony so I will try to paint the picture of what happened. Well, of course, Clay already told you that the incognito singer was pretty far under during rehearsal and seemed kind of surprised that he shook a guy’s hand and he got slain. Well, that pretty much continued into the performance and it was very early on that nobody could even get near him and eventually every person who came was either slain in the spirit getting delivered of something or getting spirit filled for the first time and there was not one single dissenter or one single person who left without receiving anything. In other words, the Holy Spirit basically took the whole room out. Haaaaaaaaaa! And you-know-who was not even walking straight an hour after everything was over. I will try to round up testimonies to explain how it felt on their end, but I don’t know how well they will be able to do that. This is such a complicated job I have isn’t it? Well, I’ll be back to roving and reporting tomorrow night…. More on that later…. I figure I better tell JBT where he’s going before I tell anyone else. ROFL.

    1. Praise God, the fire was lit! Praise Jesus for everybody being delivered and Spirit filled as they all came under the power of the anointing and FIRE of the Holy Spirit!
      Yes, you do have quite the job there…and do it well! Lol, yes, I suppose you better tell JBT where he is going before others hear it!
      The Lord will help people share. They should know it doesnt have to be perfect, and will be praise and glory to Hod for the great things He has done! Thanks for all d he roving and reporting!

  74. Rocket preacher, very hard for me to explain what happen. I come to hear singer because church not like him and I want to know why. He had power and churches don’t. I think that’s why they don’t like him. You couldn’t come near to him. Every single person fell out. People got saved and delivered from demon and spirit fill. I never was Spirit-filled but now I am. I wish I knew all this before and I wish I had this blog before. I think they would definitely not like this blog either! But I do!

    1. You are EXACTLY RIGHT! The “religious, hypocritical churches” who have NO power of God, not a bit, hate the singer because he does have the power of God! They do hate this blog too, as you figured out! We expose their demons and unbelief as well as their hypocrisy! Enjoy being Spirit filled and the blog…now you will grow in Jesus quickly, and remember you now have the same Spirit in your spirit that did all the miracles!

  75. Yes, okay… I have to say that I never experienced anything like this before. I’m not used to anyone having power in the church world. They usually talk a lot but they don’t have anything to back it up with. This man had power on him from the beginning. I don’t think he even realized how much. I didn’t even realize what was happening till I was looking up at the ceiling. It was the best experience of my life!

    1. The indifferent churches have lost the anointing and substituted a form of godliness with empty ritual and NO power! Then the people suffer and do not experience the power of God that heals, delivers and makes people whole! Praise God for what He did in your life under the power mm of God! There is more to come! Thank God for.people who are willing in the day of God’s power and know how to let it flow! Never look back and press on by faith!

  76. I do not need to be told to go to a blog. I’ll go to blog if I want to. I don’t need someone torturing me or dripping water on my forehead to make me do it. I will read what I want to read. YOU know who you are. I DON’T want to hear I told you so! Thanks Rev. Rocket. This really was exactly what I needed!

    1. You are very welcome and I’m very glad to hear this was exactly what you needed! Stay with it…GOD IS A REWARDER OF THOSE WHO DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM!

  77. I don’t think I can speak well enough in English to explain what happened. But I was always tormented by demons and no one could help. I heard all kinds of thing like it’s my cross to bear or that it will be better when I in heaven. Well what good is that? There’s no demon in heaven anyway. And then I come to hear the singer everyone say have power and he was able to help without even praying. You just couldn’t stand up in room when he came and then I get spirit filled and for first time demons go without any trouble. I wish I would have known before where to go. I like this blog with answers that make sense and not just a lot of words to tell you nothing! Thanks Rocket Preacher.

    1. You spoke wonderfully and praise Jesus for your testimony! You said it well!!! In heaven there is no sin, no sickness, and no demons! They are being stupid when they put all we need NOW off to heaven in their rank unbelief!
      The Lord heard your cry, and you were one of the reasons God sent the singer there! NO ONE has to put up with demons and those who told you it was your cross to bear…they need to know that JESUS took all the oppression in His body on the cross so that by the power of the Holy Spirit we could go free from all demons!
      You are welcome, enjoy your freedom and enjoy building your faith with us here!

    1. Right now there are 5 people God is loosing to receive the stash throwing out miracle, and you don’t have to “hope” the miracle is for you, for it IS FOR YOU..RIGHT NOW! START PRAISING JESUS WITH ALL YOUR HEART

  78. Awful gaggy. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I almost had to drag him here. He’s getting very unruly lately. Bye the way, one comment might come through twice. There was someone who thought his comment wouldn’t post so he had someone else send it through from their phone, but if they both came through then it will look like a double. Ooops.

    1. Yes, I can believe that for sure…maybe a “tow truck!?” LOL awful gaggy, oh my what “fun!” OK we shut their mouths and loose everybody to go free from their witchcraft controls! FIRE..FIRE..FIRE ON THEM!

      Oh, a double post prob! Thanks.

    1. OH, YEAH! LOOSE THE PEOPLE TO RECEIVE THE FIRE..FIRE…FIRE! HA, I can see the devil running right on out of the place!

  79. Rev. Rocket, JBT stopped in the middle of a song and invited religious people to leave. He never did that before. It’s getting interesting!!!

    1. Mmmm that is interesting! Some were in a real “bad spirit!” They had to be vexing the Holy Spirit!

  80. Yep… I’m only here because I have to. LOL. What was happening last night was several people had come to stand up in the middle of everything to interfere and say that what was happening was not the Holy Spirit, but some kind of sleight-of-hand to put on a show that had nothing to do with the Lord. In other words they, they were going to try to convince people that it was not the Holy Spirit moving, but rather smoke and mirrors to get attention or whatever. Who knows why people do things like this. I guess because they’re just in love with their demons. But anyway, I stopped in the middle of a song and said “If you do what you’re planning to do, you will have to face the Holy Spirit in a way that we are not capable of facing him here on this earth and it will kill you.” Because that’s what the Lord told me. As much as these people drive me crazy, I’d rather not watch somebody die. And believe it or not they left. So apparently there is some tiny sliver of the fear of God there. I hope the sliver grows into something big enough to make them realize they need to get off the track they are on. I don’t know why it was important to say it here, but apparently some people need to know what happened. So there you have it. Over and out.

    1. Thank you for sharing this and I think it was very important to do so! People need to know that God will not tolerate sins against the Holy Spirit, and it is the quickest way to get cut off from God and receive judgment there is!

  81. Okay, so I’ve been fighting and fighting going to see this singer perform because I keep hearing all the things happen and it makes me nervous. But now I finally went and I’m so glad because I finally got all the help I needed. He said that was just demons my flesh getting nervous. Is that true! Of course, now I have all these assignments and I don’t know if I can do them! I really have to repair my boat?! Oh dear.

    1. Yes, the “nervous” you felt was demons getting worked up because they knew they would have to go out of the flesh if you went to see the singer! The same Holy Spirit that delivered you will help you do the assignments here including fixing your boat! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!

  82. How can I explain what happened last night? It’s hard to explain things that you never experienced before. All I know is that I never understood about getting spirit filled and now I realize I am 100% on the right track! I love this blog!

    1. You did fine! Godmis good and knows what we need! I’m glad to hear you love the blog! Enjoy and keep believing God for He is faithful!

  83. Rev. Rocket, it too hard to explain what happen last night! All I know is I have many assignment to do!

    1. That means the Holy Spirit did a lot for you! There is a song from years ago: “He Touched Me!” It says ..Oh He touched me, and oh the joy that floods my soul. Something happened, and now I know, He touched me, and made me whole!
      Those assignments can save your life and bring faith that brings much blessing! Enjoy!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God you received the CURE for vexation from the world!

    1. You are welcome and I am very glad this met a desperate need in your life! Take it to heart and rejoice for through Jesus you are more than a conqueror!

  84. I put this on Twitter because I remembered it from long ago when I was so vexed with what was going on in this country as I am now and it is a real shot in the arm. Thanks Rev. Rocket! I was ready to call it quits in this life.

    1. You are welcome, and I’m glad this gave you the courage to go on! I pray this helps many!

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