It’s Make Up Time


God said for us to NOT avenge ourselves, but to cry to HIM to avenge us!  In Luke 18 Jesus spoke a parable to them to this end, that men ought ALWAYS TO PRAY, AND NOT to faint!  Notice that when you pray ALWAYS, then it keeps you from fainting!  There was a judge that didn’t fear God, and didn’t regard man!  A widow came and asked him to AVENGE her of her adversary.  He wouldn’t for a while: but he said to himself “Though I fear not God, nor regard man; yet because the widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming whe weary me!”  

The Lord said, hear what the unjust judge did.  And shall not God avenge HIS OWN elect that cry day and night to Him though He bear long with them?  I tell you that HE WILL AVENGE THEM SPEEDILY  (not take 10 years or forever}!  Nevertheless when the Son of man comes shall He find FAITH on the earth!. Remember without faith it is impossible to please God, but WITH FAITH ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THEM THAT BELIEVE!

Avenge is to exact satisfaction for a wrong by punishing the wrong doer.  It is MAKE UP TIME, and all the devil has tried against us is going to be turned around,  and the HAMMER is coming down on the devil’s head, as Jesus restores paths to dwell in!   


God said He will make you the head and NOT the tail!  He said in Isaiah 45:2 “I will go before you, and MAKE the crooked places straight;  i will break in pieces the  gates of brass, and cut in pieces the bars of iron!”  God will MAKE the crooked places straight!!!  Praise Jesus HE SURELY KNOWS HOW TO STRAIGHTEN OUT THE WORST SITUATIONS BY HIS POWER, BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD!  God said in Isaiah 59:19 “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him!”  ( put the enemy to flight] Put faith in God’s Word that the standard that is the WORD OF GOD, when raised up by the Holy Spirit literally RUNS THE devil and all his cohorts OFF in defeat, and gives you GREAT, PERFECT VICTORY AND PEACE!  The enemy’s flood will be as NOTHING!  Fear it NOT!                                                          God is laughing at those who laughed at you!  Oops!  They will be put in derision!  Psalm 2:1-5 “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?   The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.  He that sits in the heavens shall LAUGH:the Lord shall have them in derision.  Then shall He speak to them in His wrath, and trouble them in His sore displeasure!    Join in with God and laugh at the devil, laugh at problems, receive God’s forgiveness and laugh at the past, laugh your way over all the obstacles as the JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH!  LAUGHTER IS JOY’S WAY OF EXPRESSING ITSELF!  Praise God VICTORY IS OURS IN JESUS EVERY DAY, EVERY NIGHT, NO MATTER WHAT HAS HAPPENED, OR HOW IT HAPPENED! STAND STRONG IN JESUS ON THE WORD OF GOD BY FAITH AND WATCH THE “walls of Jericho” FALL DOWN FLAT AS YOU SHOUT THE PRAISES OF GOD!  HALLELUJAH!  GLORY TO GOD!  You cannot lose for WINNING in JESUS, FOR HE IS THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH, AND WILL SEE US THROUGH IN POWER OVER ALL the power of the enemy, and NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS hurt us!  YES, IN JESUS NAME!

Romans 8:31-39 [NIV]  What, then, shall we say in response to these things?  If God is for us, WHO CAN be against us”  He who did not spare His own Son, but gave him up or us all-how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us ALL THINGS”  Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen”  It is God who JUSTIFIES.   Who then is the one who condemns”  No one. Christ Jesus who died- more than that, who was raised to life- is at the right hand of God and is also INTERCEDING FOR US.  Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? “Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” As it is written:  “For your sake we face death all day long:  we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.  NO, in ALL these things WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS through Him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present no the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  We will live in constant VICTORY  as we DO THE WORD OF GOD and are not forgetful hearers of the Word only!  No matter what goes on we will be exceedingly BLESSED, BLESSED, BLESSED beyond the need!  ABUNDANCE!  ABUNDANT LIFE IN JESUS!  YOU MUST FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH LAYING HOLD OF ETERNAL LIFE, AND FIGHT TO WIN, AND WILL YOU SHALL!



Psalm 23 says The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He MAKES me to lie down in green pastures…!  Sheep lie down in green pastures when they are full, satisfied and safe from danger!  Hallelujah!  Jesus is our shepherd and loves us, and watches over us, and is an ever present help in the time of trouble, and delivers us from ALL evil, and ALL trouble!  Our part is to call on Him to deliver us, and to PRAY DAY AND NIGHT FOR HIM TO AVENGE US OF OUR ADVERSARIES SPEEDILY, AND HE WILL!

Here we go:  Father in Jesus name I pray for all who read this that right NOW the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit comes on and in your people and SETS THEM FREE, FREE FROM THE PAST, FREE FROM demons, FREE from drugs, FREE FROM sickness, and all oppression, FREE FROM discouragement, dismay, depression, suicide, melancholy, and fear!  Torment LEAVE EVERYONE NOW IN JESUS NAME!  God is delivering you from all kinds of mental problems instantly as we pray!  I LOOSE YOU FROM ALL TIES TO WICKED PEOPLE AND ALL bondage related to that!  Thank you Jesus for delivering and restoring your people!  Let joy flow as a river, and bubble up in their spirit!  I speak PEACE in Jesus name!  BE MADE WHOLE NOW!      

IT’S MAKE UP TIME!          

357 thoughts on “It’s Make Up Time

    1. Thanks. It’s good to hear this hit the mark! I pray everyone profits from this big time!

    1. Thanks, I’m glad this is going strong! That means the devil is crushed, people loosed, and God glorified!

    1. You are welcome! Its good to hear you love it! I speak these things from my heart, leaning heavy on the Holy Spirit to direct me so then I know that it will meet needs in lives! We all need to push ahead in great faith in these days we live in so that we do not miss anything the Lord has for us. The power of God is going to flow from one to another in Holy Ghost POWERFUL ways! Thanks for sharing.


    1. Good to hear that you absolutely love the new post! God wants us to receive ALL He has for us, and for us to be ready and equipped to overcome in these last days! Thanks for the comment! Enjoy!

    1. 👍👍👍😊 Thanks, glad you like. Now all those who never read “Pig Slop” will have to read it!


    1. Good! Good! Good! Thanks! Yes, definitely good that you are sharing this! God will bless it and help many!

    1. I’m glad to hear this is one of the best ones ever! You are welcome! Put this one into action and watch the devil and all his cohorts RUN away and everything turned for the good!

    1. You are welcome, glad you love this! It will work for you when you love it for that is the love of the truth! Some miss out big time because they receive not the love of the truth! I pray you are successful with helping others!

    1. Good to hear fhis is great! That means GREAT THINGS from God are yours and will happen as you put this to work!

    1. I’m glad this was just what you needed! God is on the throne, His Word is true, and the Holy Spirit, another comforter is there to lead you into all truth!

    1. 👍😊 Thanks! HALLELUJAH TO JESUS!!! 💥 I squish every rotten demonic oppression in JESUS NAME, AND LOOSE ALL BELIEVERS TO GO FREE COMPLETELY! GLORY TO GOD!

  1. Rocket Preacher, I could feel this one pounding through my soul as I read it, and I think you’re really onto something with this. Maybe even more than you know! I’m claiming it, and we all need to do the same!

    1. Thats very interesting the way you said you could feel this one pounding through your soul! I think you are right that there is more here than we know! Time to pray for revelation of the depth of what the Holy Spirit is saying! Thanks for the comment!

  2. This is powerful! I have big reaction to all post here but this one more than ever. I know now this is the best place for me to find information and get answer to different question!

    1. Well said, and I’m very glad you are receiving the power of God behind the Word of God that makes it live BIG in your heart! Thanks for sharing! God is going to great things with your life for He is giving you GREAT FAITH!

    1. Praise God! That’s what I pray that God give me the Word that will bring Holy Ghost change in lives forever that will deliver, bring peace, joy, healing, courage, and lead us beside the still waters, and give us ALL God has for us!

    1. I totally understand! Timing is so important to have the greatest impact and results in lives! This shows God heard your prayers and sent this as part of the answers as well as to others that have said the same thing! I believe this is an end time message that will release the power mm of God to work in peoples lives as never before, and because of the anointing we will be able to deal with EVERYTHING that needs dealing with, and overcome the evil with GOOD! PRAISE JESUS FAITH WORKS, AND GOD IS RELEASING TO US THE SPIRIT OF FAITH IN POWER! ENJOY! PRAISE THE LORD A LOT FOR GOD INHABITS PRAISE!

    1. You are welcome! Yes, you are going to be very blessed as you really study this and take it in! Really pray over it as you do!

    1. You are welcome! Hope is yours and is very important to hold fast to for FAITH is the SUBSTANCE of things HOPED FOR! God is a God of hope and there is always hope in God!

  3. I’m loving this new post Rocket Preacher. Guess who is playing at “Prayer Hour” tomorrow night at an AG church? Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I guess I better hurry up and go tell him before he sees this. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! He’ll be so happy.

    1. Good to hear you are loving this post! Special miracles are going to happen!

      Well, I do believe their “prayer hour” is about to become the HOUR OF POWER FROM ON HIGH that is going to release everyone in a very very, very POWERFUL, MIRACULOUS way like in a whirlwind that obliterates all bondage!!!

      I’m sure “you know who” is just thrilled! Hahaha! I pray the DOUBLE PORTION ANOINTING OF THE HOLY GHOST ON HIM that will take him so far beyond their bondage that it will OBLITERATE ALL opposition in Jesus name!

    1. You are welcome! Yes, the Holy Spirit is breathing life and power on this one to do things beyond anything we asked or thought!

  4. This is definitely one of the best ones yet. I really felt speaking to me. I don’t remember the last time anything impacted me this much!

  5. This had to been divinely inspired. There’s no other way. The timing on it is perfect! I bet many other people feel the same way.

    1. Yes, others have said the same thing! Thanks for sharing! God is faithful to give what we need and when we need it! Enjoy and keep disappointed!

    1. Thanks, I’m glad this is blessing the way it is! We all need the Word that will fill us with faith to overcome it ALL! Thanks for the comment!

  6. I never thought I would like any post as much as pig slop! People don’t know what we’re talking about will think were crazy! HAAAAAAAAAAA!

    1. Hahaha hahaha, yes, people if not in the “know” don’t know! The Holy Spirit came so we would KNOW the things freely given to us from God! It’s good to hear you like this as much as pig slop! God has a lot for us if we are willing in the day of HIS POWER! Thanks for the comment!

  7. Thank you much for this post that give me clear picture of how to believe for good day better than just accepting whatever happen. This is an enough is enough post! I love it.

    1. Amen! Good days to those who believe so never ever doubt! Glad to hear this is helping you with this!

  8. I don’t know how to explain what happened to me except that I was tormented and confused and I couldn’t really function anymore. My mind was all horrible thoughts and voices and I was a mess. So I went to hear this singer who everyone warned me not to talk to. They said he thought he was God and he had a cult and all this crazy stuff. Then when I went to hear him I could feel God’s spirit from the parking lot! I just went right up to him and begged for a prayer and I told him what was wrong with me and all he just took my hands and said “Thank you Jesus, for giving this woman peace,” and the next thing I knew I was getting deliverance for an hour straight. How did it happen like that!? He didn’t even pray!!

    1. Praise Jesus for delivering and making you whole! Deliverance comes by the Spirit of God and He is not limited! Man is the one who limits Him…so far and no further! Jesus said that if He cast out demons by the Spirit of God,, then no doubt the kingdom if God has come to you! Deliverance removes all doubt! So, the singer does not limit the Holy Spirit and puts REAL faith in action, and God does the miracles of deliverance! That’s how it happens when a powerful deliverance flows like that! Enjoy peace of heart and mind, and keep it strong by praising God every day, and thinking on the Word of God, then speak the promises of the Word aloud boldly, and in faith nothing doubting. As you believe, you will have whatever you say! Thats how you use your authority in Jesus! God is so good, isn’t He!? Thanks for sharing your miracle to the glory of God!

  9. I never experienced anything like this before. Who in the world is this singer? These pastors were trying to interfere with him and he just held his hand out and they went into suspended animation. I never saw anything like that in my life. When I saw THAT I said “Uh…hmmm…would you pray for me??” And he started laughing and said “Sure.” And the next thing I knew I was spirit filled and getting delivered.

    1. Oh, praise God and HALLELUJAH! Welcome to the REAL POWER.OF THE HOLY SPIRIT that idiot man cannot stop!!! Can you imagine what moves these empty religious fruitcakes to go against the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD!!!??? HAHAHAHAHA..HAD TO LAUGH AT THEM AND THEIR demons! UNDER OUR FEET!
      When the anointing is there do not try to interfere…orrrr…suspended animation…I love that…thank you Jesus! And they COULD NOT interfere for the Holy Ghost stopped them cold! Glory to God!

      Praise Jesus you were filled with the Spirit and delivered!
      The singer simply loves Jesus with all his heart, does whatever the Holy Spirit says do, and then the power of God manifests to help people! Thanks for sharing! It goes to the glory of God and will help others as all testimonies do that tell the story of what the Lord does!

  10. Why Rev. Rocket? Me and Clay and a student name Maria, and her husband Peter have been tapped to do five part harmony with the mad genius tonight and I think I know who’s behind it.

    1. Well, you could just consider it “practice for heaven!” “There will be singing over there never heard by mortal ear…will be glorious I do declare, for God’s own Son will be the leading one, in that meeting in the air!”
      I was reading the testimonies from last night and the tremendous life changing miracles that they experienced, and started just praising God at His great goodness and tender mercies, and the presence of God came all over me and I started singing, you guessed it, “Oh Love of God!” And the rest of the story I think you personally know, lol! I said nothing of five part harmonies, but I can imagine it and you and Clay, Maria, and Peter will tear it up! In fact I pray a special anointing on you to do it that will even amaze you!

  11. I don’t need to know anymore to believe. This show off 5 -octave singer told me that the 2 main problems I have will get a lot easier when I read two specific posts on this blog and it will “finally sink in” what I need to do. And I though .”Ok, smart alec, YOU’LL find out,. There won’t be anything on that blog to help me. Oooops. He was right. Now I have to hear I told you so. Thanks Rev. Rocket

    1. Praise God, that’s a good I told you so since you got 2 major answers you needed from the Lord! Just say, yes you did tell me so and you were right thank God! Then you will laugh all over the place and be filled with healing delivering, strengthening JOY! Praise Jesus you found what you needed! So important! Thanks for sharing!

  12. WOW. I don’t think that these preachers should try to interfere with this mysterious piano player anymore. I think they almost ended up dead last night. They were tying to convince people that he was just trying to call attention to himself and take God’s glory. And I guess he is a man of few words because even his inner circle seemed to be surprised when he spoke, but he stopped right in the middle of everything and said “You need to stop saying those things because it is grieving the Holy Spirit and God is losing his patience with it.” And the pastors looked like they pretty near took a stroke and they couldn’t talk and then they left and didn’t come back for the rest of the night.

    1. Those preachers can thank God they are alive! He doesn’t allow people to mess with the Holy Spirit! If those idiots really knew the singer they would have NEVER said the lies about him they did!

      He loves Jesus with all his heart and gives all glory to God, and does what the Holy Spirit says!
      Thanks for sharing! God is good!

  13. Well, Rocket Preacher…he was here breaking glass…l mean, we heard him singing, but… he was checked OUT! I can’t wait to see how this turns out.

    1. Me too…let us know! Heavenly atmosphere takes us to heaven, and you know what happens when all HEAVEN breaks loose!!!!

  14. Hmmm…l think our teacher went off singing with the angels and hasn’t come back yet. He thinks he’s here, but he’s not…

    1. I knew something was going on with that song! Well, singing with angels is a pretty good gig! I don’t think I’d be too quick to come back myself! Lol praise God for what the Holy Spirit is doing!

  15. I have to somehow go back and see this singer again that I went to hear at the University. I was in terrible shape. I can’t even explain the terrible shape I was in. And when he did a song called “O love of God” something happened to him and he was different. It was like he was transformed into something else. And at the end of the song people were just mobbing up there to the front and it actually interrupted the performance but I don’t think anyone cared. And he stood up but two of the boys from the college were actually helping him to walk. I never saw anyone under the Holy Spirit to that degree. He didn’t even seem aware of a lot of what was happening. And then it happened towards the end again, where he had to get up from the piano, but I don’t know why. And people were mobbing up there again. But then at the very end, he motioned toward me and I came up and he touched me and I got slain in the spirit and spirit filled, and later my friend told me that as soon as he touched me he could walk normal again and didn’t need those boys to hold him up. Did I get all that? I don’t even understand what happened. All I know is my life is a lot better now!!!

    1. God loves you so you were in His mind when he had the song written…Oh Love of God! When you went under the anointing God did a tremendous operation ….He delivered you from. All the entourage of demons of heaviness and all that was weighing you down trying to crush you! Thats why you feel so free and lighter now, praise Jesus!
      The anointing on the singer would not lift until every person was touched by the power of God that was to be touched! You were the last and God saved it for you so you would receive ALL you needed…Oh, Love of God!
      You can ask around for our “roving reporter” there and she can tell you where he will be next! Enjoy your new life in Jesus!

  16. I’m trying to explain this as best I can but I don’t really know how to put it into words. Something happened on that song about the love of God and it made it feel like the windows were going to rattle right out of the building. It was like something filling up the room that you could almost touch even though you couldn’t see it. And that singer look like he was glowing. He looked like he had one foot in heaven or something. I actually never saw a human being look that way before. And everybody was mobbing, but they couldn’t get close because when they did they would just instantly get slain in the spirit. I always thought you had to do these tarrying sessions and all this other stuff to get spirit filled and I couldn’t believe how easy it actually was. It’s changing my whole life! Although I have specific assignments I have to do here now though. 😮 But… I will have to do them!

    1. You did fine! Everything is easier than the ritualistic religious ones say! They talk, but have no power! He did have one foot in heaven and the glory of God was showing on him! Praise God your life is now in the Spirit and blessed and easier! You will enjoy the posts…they feed you the word that puts you over!

    1. EXACTLY! WELCOME RIGHT ON IN! Now you are plugged into the Word of God, Faith, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Miracles of God! Sometimes all I can do when I see the power of God in action is sing Amazing grace how sweet the sound! There is another song that would describe last night: “Heaven came down and glory filled my soul!”

  17. Well, here is what happened to me…l was trying to get in the university to see the teacher who every says is the best singer on the planet but some preachers showed up passing out flyers warning us about false doctrines and saying not to listen to him and they were really obstructing and l couldn’t get through and then suddenly this man appeared and said “I came to get you.” I thought to myself “HUH? How did he know I needed help?’ And he walked in with me and took me right up to the singer! Then he kind of disappeared into the crowd but l saw him with him again later. But anyway, l told the singer l was hopeless and he couldn’t help me and he said “Oh, ok…” and then the next thing l knew l fell out and was getting deliverance. What in the world??

    1. LOL, gotta love it! Now you have experienced the REAL ANOINTING OF THE HOLY GHOST THAT REALLY DELIVERS AND MAKES YOU WHOLE! Amazing, what liars those false preachers were that tried stopping you! When the angel of the Lord comes and gets you then they couldn’t do anything, could they?! Hahaha. I laugh at religious demons that oppose the gospel and God’s people!

  18. I dragged my friend to the school last night because he desperately needed help and l heard that that teacher was the only one around here who can cast demons out. So when we got there he was trying not to go in but l just dragged him anyway, and when he did a song about the love of God my friend went up with the mob of people and he got everything he needed. He came back to our seats and he was just glowing. It was like he was a whole new person. He was messed up for so long that l know he thought it was hopeless and then all at once his whole life changes with a song!!

    1. Praise God for a totally new life as all changes with the power of a song! This also shows the power and importance of persistency!

  19. Hi Rev. Rocket! I don’t know how to leave a testimony about what happened because I don’t understand what happened. I think that the people who try to trash talk this singer are crazy. I never felt anyone with that much anointing in my life. And I’ve seen them all. The ones who are supposedly so close to God and have the goods. But a lot of it is just working people up emotionally. This was different. This was something that just descended and he looked like he was halfway transformed to heaven or something. I knew nothing was ever going to be the same after he did that song. I got deliverance for 2 days ever since he sang it. Just non-stop my life getting better and better and better in all kinds of ways because I’m getting free from all this mess. And he didn’t even pray for me. In fact he didn’t even touch me because I couldn’t get close enough. I don’t get people fighting him and fighting this blog because I think this is what everyone needs in the end times and it’s right in front of them and they don’t even get it. Wow

    1. Hi Wendy, you did good! The play acting hypocrites oppose him and the blog because their emptiness is exposed, and instead of repenting they lash out in the spirit of hate!
      Praise Jesus for all He is doing for you since: “Oh, Love of God!” 2 days of deliverance and your life changed for the better all because of the POWER OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD…THE ANOINTING! God said the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing! Another song is: Love Lifted Me….when nothing se would help, LOVE LIFTED ME!
      The people who are rejecting this will not have excuse before God for here it is and he is singing and letting the Holy Spirit do ALL He wants to do! Enjoy your new life in Jesus, and I loose others to read this and receive what they need too in Jesus name!

  20. I never thought I’d be able to read through these posts. Every time I tried to read I would just get confused and give up. And I told that singer as soon as he said for me to come here and read this stuff I said “well I can’t because I just get confused and I can’t concentrate” and he said “well that won’t happen anymore” and I thought he was crazy and then today I just read through 10 of these posts with no problem. What in the world?

    1. Welcome to using the authority Jesus gives us and speaking the word of faith, believing that we will have whatever we say when we say it! Read Mark 11:23,24 again and you will see it! You were set free, and whatever spirits of confusion that were there had to go when he spoke words of authority and faith! Praise God this gospel of Jesus Christ works! Enjoy being able to read and understand the blog, and keep stomping the devil to bits under your feet! I rejoice with you! Thanks for sharing your testimony to the glory of God! He cares about everything concerning us because of His great love!

  21. Okay, I have no way to argue now. If someone doesn’t believe this then they’re crazy. I saw this man come charging up out of nowhere and start going at this singer with a baseball bat like he’s going to pummel him to death or something and the singer just laughed and the bat hits some kind of invisible wall? Really? How can people try to say this is counterfeit?

    1. Hahaha, oops, God’s invisible wall manifests and the crazy man’s bat bounces off and he cannot do anything to the singer! I tell you what…fhe counterfeit CANNOT do that, ONLY REAL FAITH FROM GOD! It is high time for those on the edge to go FULL HEART into the move of the Holy Spirit and faith! Its time to BELIEVE, and doubt NOT!

  22. Rocket Preacher, I test negative for virus. I had it before and the singer tell me it can’t live in that atmosphere and now this morning no virus. Why couldn’t it live there?

    1. The anointing of the Holy Ghost and FIRE, that is there even if you don’t see it literally burns evil virus to death for the virus is evil, and cannot stand before the Holy Ghost fire! Hallelujah to Jesus! Praise God for your healing and deliverance!

  23. I never knew that a person could sing a song and everyone go free from demon and get spirit filled. No one tell me this can happen that easy. They say not to go here this man because he is cult, but that not true. I knew right away because I know the difference between spirit of God and bad spirit and you can’t feel like that if it God’s spirit. I finally get spirit filled and after so long a wait and I thank God for that!

    1. Praise God receiving the filling of the Spirit…easy! God does not make it hard to receive from Him what is needed!

  24. I heard you were the one who told JBT to do that song. That’s awesome. The whole room was taken out with it. The air was as thick as fog and smoke. I never saw anointing come down that fast ever, and I’ve seen some of the most famous of them back in the day when they were still sane. But there was something different about this.

    1. Yes, I was the one that asked JBT to do that song. I was thinking on some of the wonderful things God was doing in lives and started praising God, weeping, and the love of God came all over me in the presence of God. I started singing the song..Oh Love of God…I knew immediately I was to ask JBT to do it! Praise.God for the awesome presencenof God that came as he and others sang it!

      I know what you mean about how others have lost out with the anointing, but how the anointing descends so fast and powerful in these meetings! Dedication and yield essential makes one huge difference, especially when we sing ..Have thine own way Lord…and mean it! Thanks for the comment! Blessings!

  25. Well, all I can say is that I completely believe all this now. I never had an experience like this in my life where someone just barely touched me and I got delivered and healed from everything I had problems with. I was astounded. THIS is the person everyone is warning us to stay away from? As far as I can tell he’s the only one around here who even knows how to DO deliverance. This was amazing and I will never forget it. I never felt the power of God like that my life.

    1. amazing isn’t it? God is truly you see are the ones the religious Hypocrites opposed the most! Praise God for all the healing and deliverance to receive! It’s amazing how fast and Powerful you can be healed delivered when the anointing is truly there! The religious Hypocrites who oppose the almighty would see their error they could repent and get right with God, but they hold on to their pride and stubbornness and do without!
      Praise Jesus for all He did for you! Thanks for sharing!

  26. Rev. Rocket, your singer friend is getting on my nerves! He told me three posts on here that had the answers to my problems so I said “yeah, sure. whatever.” And then, well…he was right. NOW l have to hear l told you so! He’ll never let me hear the end of it. Give me a break!

    1. Well, that will be the best “I told you so” your whole life because its concerning something you did right that actually did solve your problems that nothing else was solving! You went to the 3 posts here, and there were your answers as the Holy Spirit showed! Praise God!

  27. Rev. Rocket, l can’t believe l get warned away from this music teacher when he is genuine. He love people a lot and you can tell. And he say later that he glad this song was requested by you because that is what he wish people know more than anything is that God love them a lot. And l think that why Holy Spirit come so strong. And l think he welcome Holy Spirit because he really sing all of it to Jesus. I love this blog and l will keep giving it to other people so they know a place to get answer!

    1. Yes, there are a bunch of religious fruitcakes that “warn” people against the singer who is anointed, loves God and people, and people are healed,filled with the Holy Spirit, delivered and saved! They should be ashamed! Welcome here now and I’m glad you love the blog and are going to share it! Keep praising Jesus and thanks for the comment!

  28. Okay, where is this hot shot playing next? Because I don’t think anybody can really help me and I’m throwing the gauntlet down! Do you know where he is going to be?

    1. Presbyterian church this Friday Call! Call til find exact one…God will help you get there. I pray you receive every miracle you need and then some!

  29. Rocket Preacher, I think you exactly right about everything you say about those people who try to lie about singer and tell people he not legitimate. That really speak to me what you say in all those answers to people who try to figure out why they want to align him. You hit the nail on the head! I love this blog!

    1. I’m glad you really love this blog! God loves you and all who come here and wants to pour blessings out on everyone because if His great love! Yes, those who oppose the singer should repent for they are fighting the Holy Spirit who anoints him!

  30. Ooops…another wonderful engagement this Friday. A Presbyterian church. HAAAAAA! He will be so happy.

  31. I think this blog is the most beneficial spiritual blog that’s online anywhere. You can look all day long and you don’t find anything like it. Just a lot of gibberish and stuff that makes no sense. Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. You are welcome! I want people to really hear the truth that sets you free so here we are!

  32. Yes, definitely! This blog does have something better than any other blog out there. Because the answers make sense and you can back them up in the Bible, and you don’t read anything you don’t understand, it’s all very plain with the Scriptures listed there! Thanks Rocket Preacher.

    1. You are welcome, and it is good to hear you saying how this helps and ministers to you! God knows what we need, and I ask Him to show me what to write! Enjoy, thanks for the post, keep praising God, and you won’t be disappointed!



  33. Okay, Rev. Rocket… I have to say this… You were right about everything in two different posts that I was told to read and now I’m going to have to hear I told you so. I’m not happy about that, but this was very helpful so I guess I’ll put up with I told you so’s. Oh boy.

    1. Good, I’m glad to hear there was truth in the 2 posts he told you to read and we were right about everything, and it helped you! The Word of God is truth, and it is right every time, all the time, everywhere, and with all circumstances! Praise Jesus! The Holy Spirit will keep applying these truths to your heart, and as you meditate on them, say them, believe them, and pray them, you will have them working abundantly in your life to give you victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil! The “I told you so’s” will be worth the blessing you received!

    1. This is a love letter from God to you and all who believe! He sends truth because of His great undying love! “For God so loved us that He gave…!” Receive this message for it is for YOU right now! It IS make up time in your life from God!

  34. I am happy to have finally come to this blog. I never knew about it before and got false information. Now I can see a contrast to what I get told that is wrong and what the truth really is. Thank you Rev. Rocket!

    1. You are welcome for sure! It is amazing how much opposition tries to come against this blog! Jesus said we would face persecution when we truly love and follow Him and preach the gospel (good news)!
      Religious hypocrites who lack the power of God try to keep.peoplenfrom coming where the power of God flows as people receive the truth that sets them free from the lies the hypocrites have been telling them.

      Thank God He got you here in spite of the misinformation!

  35. Rev. Rocket…this night was a bit treacherous… equipment malfunctions, rain, people getting lost. Ooops. But now….the air is getting thick! 😀

    1. Yes it is because very special miracles are going to happen with great power that will dramatically change people’s lives and bring great glory to God!

  36. All I know is I walked in to hear this singer that everyone told me was wonderful and there was a guy there making motions towards him like he was going to strangle him. I thought, well this night will be interesting. and then this other man who was standing by the singer just looked like he poked him with his little finger and the guy fell flat on the floor. I thought okay well he definitely has a good bodyguard. Then I was still determined to be skeptical because I heard all kinds of mixed things about this singer but when he started to sing the room started filling up with the glory of God such as I’ve never seen before and I immediately started repenting of everything I ever did or said even things that I may have forgotten about and definitely turned back to God. I was basically a backslid mess before last night. But then I found that the missing link was being Spirit-filled and knowing about demons and now I don’t think I’ll backslide again. Of course, I have a lot of assignments to do in this blog, which he seemed to give me with relish and people say he’s always like that concerning this blog. So I hope you will wish me godspeed. Oh dear! Boats, planes, cars, swimming lessons, foundations and blueprints? 😱

    1. Praise God, welcome home where you belong! With deliverance and being Spirit filled, now you have the POWER to walk in victory so fear not backsliding, just be vigilant and hold all evil bound, praise God a lot, stay in the Word, and definitely do these assignments…they are winners and will build your faith for what God has, and for the victory! Enjoy! Thanks for your testimony, it will bless others! It is high time for all to come back to God quick!

  37. Last night was one of the best experiences of my life. I was very skeptical, but when you feel the presence of God like that it’s hard to be skeptical. I was completely caught off guard and didn’t know what to believe about that before. Now I know what to believe. I’m so happy that I went and did not get talked out of it because now I know what the truth is!

    1. In the presence of God is fullness of JOY! A sure cure for skepticism is the PRESENCE OF GOD! Praise God the Holy Spirit flowed in your life! Never look back and believe God for His best! He loves you and His perfect love casts out fear! The presence of God changes everything for the better! Then you realize He said He is with you ALWAYS! His presence is right there in all His power and grace! Enjoy the blog and take in all God has for you here! Thanks for sharing!

  38. I really like this blog. I never would’ve known about it except that I went to hear this controversial singer and found out that he wasn’t really steering people wrong, but is actually helping people. I didn’t understand about getting spirit filled. I thought we got that automatically when we got saved and I used to wonder why it’s so hard to live a good life. But that’s what you need the Holy Spirit for. Now I get it. I think it’s great how people try to come and attack him and they can’t do it. They look like such fools. Is that angels holding people back?

    1. I’m glad you really like this blog! God will show you the truth in a way where you know that you know that you know! Hallelujah! Then nothing will be able to be robbed from you! Yes, it is so very important to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues after you are saved! Jesus said that you would receive POWER after that the Holy Spirit comes in! That is power to DO the willnof God, and power to life the life of victory and the true abundant life!
      We really have to watch when people are down talking a believer who has the power of God! Many times they have jealousy, and lack the power of God so try to cut down someone who really does pray, and who really does have the power of God and miracles that God promises to all who believe on Him! Enjoy your new life with the power of the Holy Spirit! Thanks for sharing! Definitely,.when people try to attack the singer angels of God hold them back or knock them down! Lol, oops, there goes another one!

  39. Oh no, I have a lot of assignments to do now. I wasn’t counting on THAT. I never felt God filling up place like He did at my church last night. I didn’t know you could even feel it that way! But I definitely felt it. And there’s no mistaking what it is. I would never believe now that he was anything other than legitimate because I know the Holy Spirit would not come like that for someone who was a phony. And those preachers who are trying to interfere can’t even open their mouths anymore! That was great.

    1. Don’t worry, you will get into it when the truth starts coming alive inside your spirit by the Holy Spirit so that FAITH surges and causes you to live the abundant life like never before! Yes, when God fills the place up like that you know the devil is on the run! Glory to God! I love that the opposes mouths are shut tight! Lol, and praise God! Thanks for sharing!

  40. I don’t have word properly for my testimony because it hard to explain and it’s hard to explain in English. But I was feeling lost in this life and I didn’t know what to do, and everyone tell me don’t go hear that singer he not really a Christian. But he is and I tell as soon as l get there that he have Holy Spirit with him and then you could not get near because so strong and then all of a sudden I was spirit filled to!


  41. Calling all testimonies from last night! Even if you can’t explain it just try!! 😀

  42. I got Spirit-filled and delivered now that my pastors saw the light! They used to bad mouth that singer and they got scared When they couldn’t talk one night and then they let him come back! 😄

    1. Yes, when God shuts your mouth so that you cannot speak against the anointing, it is time to change your ways!!! Lol, unless you want to keep looking like a fool!

      Praise God now you are delivered and Spirit filled! New life in Jesus, praise God! I pray God’s best for you! Thanks for sharing; God b is so good, and greatly to be praised!

    1. The atmosphere he is talking about is the presence of God, the Holy Spirit manifesting in POWER! The virus is an evil life that destroys and the anointing fire of the Holy Spirit burns up the virus for the Holy Spirit is against all evil! Sickness has to leave also, and demons too for the power of the Holy Spirit is good and greater than all the devil does!

  43. ok, Rocket Preacher l try to explain. My pastor use to persecute that singer and they were trying to throw him out of our church last time he come. Then last night he get invited back and suddenly they say not to fight him. And then this time they get Holy Spirit filled too! They tell us God strike them where they could not talk and they think they are dying so they change mind about singer. Now he welcome here and l got Holy Spirit filled too and he not even pray for me, just walk by me. This is a better religion than the old one!

    1. Maria, that was wonderful, and you did good telling what happened…I love it and thank you! The pastor got the message, didn’t he?! He knew GOD meant BUSINESS and was NOT happy with them persecuting the singer! It is good they repented and stopped fighting the Holy Spirit! Praise God that they got filled with the Holy Spirit too!!!
      Praise Jesus you now are filled with the Holy Spirit! Now you have the power of God to overcome all evil! You can pray for long periods of time in tongues of the Spirit and it builds you up in faith, and brings answers to prayer for you and others! Also, it is a perfect prayer!
      I enjoyed your testimony, and I hope others will come on and say theirs too!

  44. Rev. Rocket, l have great testimony because l find out that singer coming to Caro, back to church that try to throw him out so I bring my friend on Saturday night because no one could help him. When we get there l practicallly drag him up and when we get there these usher say don’t bother him right now, but my friend was going bezerk, but then he stop singing and come over to us. I was relieved that he come to get us because l think ushers were scared. He tell ushers “that’s just demons, nothing to be afraid of,” but they look afraid anyway. So he cast thousands of demonsout with only a few words and then my friend can hear the music too. And the singer tell me “God doesn’t follow a program, they’ll get us to it.” And he was laughing at the ushers. Haaa!

    1. That was a great story of the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit present to deliver your friend of thousands of demons and bring him back to his right mind!
      When you are walking in the Spirit there is nothing to fear! demons fear when people know the anointing if the Holy Spirit for they know they will have to leave! Thanks for sharing this, and I loose others from mental torment now, and in Jesus name all the demons behind it leave NOW! HALLELUJAH TO JESUS, OUR GOD REIGNS!

  45. OK, I’ve had it with your friend. I saw him the night the pastors ran out of the church as dumb mutes and he said “You can’t fight the Holy Spirit,” but l told him l wasn’t so sure l believed in any of it, and he said “hmmm, yeah, well, you’ll be back on Saturday night, ” and l thought he was crazy. I said “they are sorry they brought you here this time, what makes you think they’ll bring you back?” And he said, “well, you never know.” Well, obviously he was being a smart alec and knew something, because later the pastors ran out looking like they were taking a stroke and Saturday they brought him back. Guess who was there? Me. I demanded to know how he knew that would happen and he said “well, l don’t really know anything…but the Holy Spirit does.” And then there I am…on the floor looking up. Now he’s saying I told you so! But l really do like this blog. It’s just that I want to punch him.

    1. LOL, gotta love your comment! It is a familiar tune you sing! He said it right though because we can only say what the Holy Spirit shows on things and then there will be the results God wants! When people try to fight the Holy Spirit they are in a dangerous spot for there are very strong exams in the Word of people who lied to the Holy Ghost and they were done!
      Praise God you did go back and received from the Holy Spirit! Love it! I pray others too will respond that wefe wrongly influenced and will receive what God has for them! Thanks for sharing! Blessings. Glad you like the blog, it will build you up for sure.

  46. I just really go to church to see this handsome performer and find out if he marry, and now here is what happen. I decide to leave because he have very pretty wife with him but l can’t seem to make to door. I keep turning back around and then finally l say “what IS that?” And he just laugh and say “It’s hard to walk away from Holy Spirit, isn’t it?” Then this man come up to him accusing him of claiming that he was Holy Spirit, and the singer said “Oh, you’re so stupid l can’t believe you made it through school.” And then we all start laughing and the man get red raced and run away and we get spirit fill laughing so hard. And then he tell us about laughter post on this blog. This is really a good blog, all posts, and l hope that it always here!

    1. Hahahaha! I love it! God just turned this into one big blessing Spirit filling, joy filling fest for you! And by the way, God will have the right one for you and there will be no question!
      I’m glad you are enjoying the blog, and we are continuing by the grace of God and will keep it coming! God’s blessing and move of the Spirit is strong, and you will be strong as you flow in the Holy Spirit!

    1. HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! AMEN! Jesus for setting you free! I knew it was yours the day you came on! God moves on sincere people who want to go free who call on Him with all their heart! You are in the blowing mm in the wind club! Going free from drugs is a tremendous miracle, especially the way this started and how it happens! The Holy Spirit speaks to you what to do, you do it, and the Holy Spirit blows that bondage to bits and carries it away, as the first person this happened to they threw their stash to the wind and as the wind carried it away so they were set completely free in moment of time! Hallelujah! Over 200 people now have been completely delivered as they obeyed the Holy Spirit, including you!

  47. Looks like my church finally grew a brain and is going to welcome the Holy Spirit now instead of trying to program him out! And then someone was trying to warn HIM about your blog and tell him that he shouldn’t give it to people. He tried to answer three times but he couldn’t stop laughing. I think that’s great!!! I can’t wait to see if we get kicked out of the denomination now. ROFL

    1. Hahaha thats great! Stopping trying to program the Holy Spirit out was definitely “growing a brain!” Yes, the old denominational tie might just bite the dust! Denominationlism is spiritual death so really the denominational spirit needs to go! The Holy Spirit does NOT honor denominations who have departed from the Word and put the Holy Spirit on the outside!!!
      Hahahahahahahahaha…..idiots trying to tell the singer to stop telling people about the blog! They must hate the truth and be bound with many demons of darkness that cannot stand the light here!!! Thats great that all he could do is laugh, ROFL! LAUGHTER IS THE MEDICINE OF HEAVEN! Thanks for sharing! Blessings and keep us posted! I do pray Holy Ghost wisdom on the leaders for everything!

  48. I’m happy to finally be in a church who accepts that we need to be spirit-filled. I always thought something was missing but they kept assuring us that you get that when you’re saved and you don’t need to go any further. Well that’s not full gospel. That’s baptist. I think it’s funny that it took them almost dropping dead to see the light.ROFL

    1. I hear you! Pastors have a great responsibility to walk in all the light God has and not just a part of it! They are to seek God for revelation from the Holy Spirit that would bring the fulness of the Spirit, healing, deliverance and all the gospel of Jesus Christ provides…the FULL GOSPEL! It was pretty crucial that it took them almost dropping dead to see the light! I think it was their last chance! I pray the Holy Spirit flows and flows and flows as a mighty river of God sweeping through there every time you get together. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy the blessing and the blog!

  49. This is the best blog on the internet and l’m glad that singer hands it out to everyone and makes pastors red-faced!

    1. Thank you, it’s good to hear, and I’m glad that the singer hands it out also! He wants people to know the truth that “really” does set them free! When so called leaders mislead people and speak false doctrines and lies it is something God hates, for here are people Jesus died for to give them a new life, and hypocritical pastors and others deceive God’s people, and take them away from the truth, and the people are bound, sick, oppressed, and do NOT need to be any of that!
      Blessings to you, and thanks for sharing!

  50. Ok…I am in Rev. Rocket. I never saw anything like this before in my life! I don’t know who you two are or where you came from but I’m in!

    1. Welcome in where the blessings flow abundantly, and answers to prayer are yours as you pray in faith believing! God is real and His power is real, and now you know that you know you believe, and that the power of the Holy Spirit is available and beyond anything in this world!

  51. Rev. Rockett, I can’t deal with the reverse order in this world! How am I supposed to have peace when I have to see this insanity all around me all the time?

    1. Jesus said when you believe on Him you will do the same things He did! When a huge storm came, winds blowing strong and waves filling the boat that it began to sink, Jesus was ruled by peace and slept. The disciples got beside themselves and woke Jesus and said: “Don’t you care that we are dying?” He asked them why “they” were so fearful! “Where is your faith?” Their faith was in the storm, and NOT in Jesus or the power of God for they were “looking” at the storm with the fierce winds, etc. and so became fearful! Fear is a sin, and a demon! There are demons of obsession that try to get us obsessed with the mess to get our eyes off Jesus and on to the trouble of the troubled world.
      Rise up, dust yourself off and speak words of authority and power over all the mess and the demons behind it, binding them and loosing yourself and others, and you too will see the storm cease, as with Jesus in the boat with the disciples, and a great calm return to your life! Hallelujah! Glory to God! When you pray over everything with all prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, the peace of God will KEEP YOUR HEART AND…YOUR MIND THROUGH CHRIST JESUS! HE SAID …”LET” THE PEACE OF GOD RULE IN YOUR HEART! JESUS SAID: “MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU, NOT AS THE WORLD GIVES GIVE I TO YOU!” HE WILL KEEP YOU IN PERFECT PEACD WHEN YOUR.MINDNIS STAYED B ON HIM BECAUSE YOU TRUST IN HIM!


  52. What in the world! Who is this singer? These idiots were trying to charge up to him and he just put his hand out and they froze or something. I never saw such! When I saw THAT I went up and demanded a prayer and he was laughing at me and said “Sure.” But he really didn’t pray. he just touched me. And then before I knew it I was getting delivered and spirit filled. What??

    1. LOL, welcome to the world of the true ANOINTING OF THE HOLY GHOST! Signs, wonders, and miracles when God moveth; move oh Lord in me!

      Praise Jesus for delivering you and filling you with the Spirit of God!

  53. Ok, Rev. Rocket, what am I suppose to think when your show off friend tells me everything I ever did and then asks me if I can disbelieve NOW! What a SMART alec! If I want to go to a blog and be told what to do I would have said so! He is a really annoying person. But this blog is great and I love it!

    1. Well, I would guess that you had a problem believing and the Lord showed him those things to ignite faith in you because God really loves you and doesn’t want you missing out! I’m glad youlove the blog for God has much here that will build your faith, build you up, deliver, heal and restore! Enjoy! Thanks for the comment!

    1. Good to hear, enjoy it every day and let Jesus show you by the Holy Spirit the truth hear that will put you over and bring multiplied blessings!

  54. Ok, so how do I know for sure if a negative thought is just my own thought or if it’s a demon? I don’t how to tell the difference! I was told that ALL negative thoughts or demons. But that can’t be true right?

    1. Do you want the negative thoughts? If not, how could they be “your own?” demons are behind all evil and negative thoughts are evil for they are designed to take you down, away from Jesus, and rob peace and victory from you! Treat negative thoughts as an enemy, and then remember who our enemy is, even the devil, who comes to rob, kill, and destroy! Sin starts with demonic negative thoughts! I have cast out demons of negative thoughts that if had stayed wanted to take the person away from Jesus! God promises a mind of peace when our mind is stayed mm on Him! So, bind all the demons behind every negative thought, tell them to shut up and get OUT, and watch the peace you have!

  55. I do not need to be tortured into coming to a blog. I know if I want to be on a blog or not and I also know what I want to read. I don’t need somebody telling me five times to go to a blog and read this post and then read that post and even tell me what order to read them in. You are very annoying person. YOU know who you are. Actually, though, Rocket Preacher, this really is just what I needed.

    1. There you have it, this was really what you needed after all!😇 At least there was someone who was willing to keep going til you got here! Blessings to you as you take this in! This will dramatically change your life for the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word.of God! Enjoy, and never give up! Thanks for sharing!

  56. Calling all testimonies from”fire night” I know you don’t know how to explain things, but just try because you know who isn’t going to do it. We all know THAT. Okay, I won’t pick on him anymore but I’m just sayin’….

  57. Things hard to say when you don’t have words and all I know is room become very hot and it feel like air get thick and then all of a sudden an overwhelming feeling and then realizing it was being spirit filled. I always heard about “tarrying sessions” and that it took a long time and was difficult. Someone once tell me it can take 20 years so I just gave up. Then this happen all at once with no explanation just someone singing? I don’t understand but I’m glad it happened!

    1. You say it just fine! You felt the fire of the Holy Spirit, and the anointing filling the room, and then Jesus filled you with the Holy Spirit! When believers really believe and let the Hy Spirit move and do what He wants miracles happen all over the place, and it is in moments of time for He brings a quickening especially in these last days! Keep speaking in the tongues of the Spirit for that will bring answers to prayer and build you up on your most Holy faith! Thanks for sharing, it shows it is “not” complicated to receive from God what you need!

  58. l tried to get spirit filled for years and years and I would wait and wait and pray for something to happen and it never would. Then someone told me to just start talking in tongues and the rest will come. While how can you speak in tongues by just making it up as you go along? I wouldn’t even want to do that. That’s just plain weird. So I finally just kind of gave up and then all of a sudden the other night I felt like we were in the upper room. I was waiting to see those cloven tongues of fire sitting on people’s heads because that’s exactly what it felt like. And then at long last I got spirit filled and thank God, because I was wearing out trying to get through this life without it!

    1. Praise God He got you through all that mess without letting them steer you the wrong direction! There is some crazy things going on with some people!!!
      Actually, that night the we e was a special anointing of fire there so you were right on in what you sensed was going b on! Praise Jesus you finally got filled with the Spirit! The life of victory is yours! Thanks for sharing!
      I loose others who are fighting through all that also, and I loose the Holy Spirit on them to fill them to overflowing in the name of Jesus!

  59. Rev. Rocket l am glad to be here to learn things because l never had anyone to answer question before. Here it not even needed to ask question because they are already answered here and all l need to do is read. I see they call that “fire night” because you pray that. It definately happen because room feel warm with thick air. Then we all getting prayer language. This make life much better to have Holy Spirit. Too hard to get by without it. Preachers should all tell how easy it really is!

    1. Yes, it was FIRE NIGHT, Holy Ghost fire! I’m so glad you were filled with the Holy Spirit! Now you have POWER to live the abundant life and walk all over the devil’s head! Enjoy the blog with answers from God’s Word! Thanks for sharing what Jesus did, it will bless others!

  60. Ok, so l will keep on with this now after what happened. I felt fire all through the room that night because something start to happen when that man sing. Fire fill up the room and I get spirit filled finally at long last!I never knew it can be easy like this. I am so happy.

    1. Praise God now you are filled with the Spirit of God and it was easy. Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden light! God does NOT make it hard to receive from Him for He loves you and wants you to have His love gifts to help you overcome all evil in this life and walk in the goodness of God! Keep praising Jesus for the JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH! Thanks for sharing!

  61. Ok, I’m in. Your friend is a big pain though. Telling me which posts to read and in what order. I don’t need anyone telling me what to read and when. He is irritating and just keeps going and going until you give in. It’s insulting enough to hear Because He Lives in the key of E but now THIS. Actually though, this has been very helpful and he did pick the perfect posts for me. They solved a lot of my problems right away. Thanks Rev. Rocket!

  62. I’m very happy that this fire come when l go to hear singer because not only did l get Spirit Fill but I find out it was easy. I’ve been telling people now that it not as hard as many preacher make it sound and to just believe. It’s easier to understand the Bible when you have Holy Spirit. I learned that quickly. It makes more sense and easier to understand. I love this blog! Thanks Rocket Preacher.

    1. Praise God, the fire came when you were there! You will have a brand new life now with power over all the power of the enemy! More happened than people know and they will realize more and more in future days! Praise Jesus, He is the author and finisher of our faith! I’m very glad you love this blog for that means you love the truth as I speak the Word of God as He said it! You are very welcome! Thank you for sharing your testimony! People need to know how easy it is to receive from God for He loves us!

  63. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I ask your showoff Liberace friend if he knew that fire night was going to happen and he said yes because you prayed that ahead of time. And I said “well how did you KNOW it was going to happen just because he prayed.” And he said that people say all kinds of things to you but if it’s someone who’s in tune with the Holy Spirit you know that it’s going to happen. And I said again, but HOW did you know it wasn’t just something he was praying would happen, but may or may not happen, how did you know 100% that it WOULD happen, and he told me to ask you. That Roving Reporter girl said he likes to pass off hard questions to you. Then she cracked up laughing.

    1. The way it went was God said to me that night was going to be an anointing of fire night, so I said that to him straight out! Evidently, he witnessed to it in his spirit as true, and from the Holy Spirit so he knew it would be so! By the way, the scripture says of Jesus that He would baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with “fire!” The fire was definitely there, wasn’t it?!

    1. 204 is a nice round number! Hallelujah, you are free! The power of the Holy Spirit cannot be stopped! What a glorious, tremendous miracle of God! Good going, enjoy the life free from the pain of drugs! 2 more are coming in to make the 5 we called out! Do NOT doubt at all, just praise God for the answer and then do whatever the Holy Spirit says do and BE FREE in Jesus name!

  64. Ok, so l have to say that l never knew how easy it would be to be Spirit Filled. I was always told it was a long process and had finally started to give up but then we all get Spirit Filled just when music is being performed with not even a prayer. Why is it that most pastor tell people it take a long time and require long prayer??

    1. The pastors who say it will take a long time and long prayers to receive the filling of the Spirit have spirits of unbelief, been taught wrong, and give excuses for their lack of faith and the power of God.Praise God you got in the right place at the right time with one who has the anointing and who believes every word of God.

    1. You and others are praying for answers you need! I lean on the Holy Spirit to inspire me to write what is needed, and there you go! Enjoy and be blessed!

  65. I think the people who want to make it difficult to get the Holy Spirit is because they don’t know how to tell people how to do it so they just make it seem like it’s hard. That way they can just put it off on that it’s difficult to get, instead of admitting they don’t have the goods!


    1. No problem! I will lay hands on You by proxy. Im going to lay my index finger gently on my forehead as if it was yours, so take your index finger put it gently on your forehead, and just touch it. The anointing of the Holy Spirit will come in your finger as it is mine, and it will go through your head. It will heal the headaches and drive out every spirit behind them. Enjoy having NO headaches in Jesus name!

    1. Very good, welcome to “FAITH WORLD!” Thats where God lives and moves, and there is abundance of all the good things He has for you and all who believe!

    1. AMEN AND AMEN! NO MORE HEADACHES FOR YOU! YOU ARE WELCOME! BY THE WAY YOU CAN STAND AND SPEAK IN FAITH OVER THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, AND SAY:”NO PAIN!” and you will live pain free as you believe in your heart and say with your mouth! I did that years ago, and IT WORKS because God’s Word is true and He said that “nothing shall by ANY means hurt you!” Of course that doesn’t mean if idiots are tempting God by putting their hand on a hot iron to test it out God will protect, because He won’t! The same Word says not to tempt the Lord your God!

  66. Rev. Rocket, l stayed away from that singer all this time because these preachers were telling people he was a phony and now I see the difference in my life due to being spirit filled and delivered l really feel like punching them. They also said this blog had false doctrine and what it really is, is that it exposes THEIR false doctrine!

    1. You are exactly right on all these things! This blog exposes the false doctrines and shows the Word of God, the truth that sets you free! The false preachers do not have any power or the anointing and speak against one who DOES have the anointing that got you delivered and Spirit filled! Thank the Lord you made it to hear the singer! I pray others loose from the deceptive, false, lying words of those who are jealous and have not the Spirit of God in Jesus name we! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Mental illness is demons oppressing the mind! Remember Jesus came to heal and deliver all that were “oppressed” of the devil! Definitely this mental attack is demonic which I bind right now and OUT THEY GO IN THE NAME OF JESUS! PRAISE GOD RIGHT NOW FOR YOU ARE BEING SET FREE AS.I SPEAK! THANK YOU JESUS FOR SETTING H.G. COMPLETELY FREE BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!

    1. Welcome on in where the blessings are flowing and Jesus is Lord! I’m glad to hear the truth was ministered to you here! It is God’s Word and He definitely knows what He is doing, and as we follow His Word we will be the overcomes He told us to be! Enjoy!

  67. Well, Rocket Preacher, you’ll be happy to know that JBT is booked for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Ha ha ha ha! So now you can do three fire prayers in a row.

    1. Very Good! Job well done! God is perfected in three’s….Father, Son, Holy Spirit! I will see what the Lord says, but the FIRE is always in order! 4 is the number of deliverance… the three Hebrew boys thrown in to be burned, but would not burn for the 4th man showed up…the Son of God! Hallelujah! 5 is the number of grace! Matthew, Mark, Luke, John the first 4 books of the New Testament, the the 5th is Acts where GREAT GRACE was on them all! So I believe God will do a perfect work, with deliverance abounding, and the grace of God flowing all over the place so much that people will have to just fall on their faces before God and worship Him! Amen!

  68. Rev.Rocket, is this monkeypox thing going to be another pandemic? Can we pray that they don’t create mass hysteria over this now?

    1. There are, no doubt, those who want to cause hysteria and all it a pandemic…but how about we all crush it in Jesus name?! We bind it all now and squish it like a bug! Hahahahahahaha!😁

    1. You are welcome, and its good to hear this is really helpful! That’s why there is persistence in convincing people to come on! The end result is worth it. God still has His chosen people and is making sure there is truth and wisdom to help in every area of life! God is good! Enjoy, and never look back!

  69. I’m glad I finally stop listening to these people who claim they have Holy Spirit because they don’t. If they did, they wouldn’t send me away from this blog and tell me to not listen to singer who knows what he’s talking about. THEY are the ones who don’t know what they’re talking about! Thanks Rocket Preacher.

    1. Yes, good for you! If people “say” they have the Holy Spirit, but have no miracles, just excuses, get away from them and get away from them fast! They are exactly the ones who oppose those who do have the truth, the Holy Spirut, and the miracles God promises to those who have the Holy Spirit! The same things He did we will do also because we really do believe!
      You are welcome, enjoy, and thanks for sharing! I loose others to get away from those who are in the wrong spirit!

  70. Now I know why things in my life were so hard. I didn’t have the Holy Spirit. That’s an awful thing to be told that you don’t need it when you do because you go through your entire life wondering why EVERYTHING is so difficult when it shouldn’t be. These kinds of churches are doing a big disservice to people to tell them that it’s not necessary! Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. You are absolutely right! How about God sent the Holy Spirit for many BIG reasons, and one of them is that we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues for this IS the power mm of God, and how else are we going to have power to overcome all the mess if we don’t have the Holy Spirit! Always go to the Word of God and check it out for yourself! God said in His Word that the Holy Spirit was for all God would call and those who were far off…(the future)! Praise Jesus you now know and are flowing! You are welcome, enjoy the blog and get filled with the Word of God!

  71. Ok, so I’ve been resisting going to hear this singer because I keep hearing about what happen and it would make me nervous. But then at long last l went and I’m so happy because I finally got what I needed. He told me it was just demons in my flesh getting nervous and l believe him because now I’m not nervous anymore . Of course, now I’ve got assignments! I really have to repair my car and my foundation?! Oh my.

    1. Praise Jesus deliverance works! Now you see why all the fuss! The demons in others want to stop him from casting demons out! Oops, lost another one, and they will keep losing over, and over, and mm over again for Jesus Christ is Lord and all evil is under our feet! You will be happy, very happy when you read these…blessings all over the place and questions answered you have had a long time!

  72. I don’t think I talk well enough in English to say what happen. I always was tormented by demon and nobody to help. I hear all types of thing like it be better when l get to heaven and that it my cross to bear. What good is that? There no demon in heaven so once there it won’t matter. Then I come to hear singer who everybody say have power and it was true. He didn’t he even have to be praying. No one could stand up in room when he come in and then I get spirit fill and for first time demon all go with no trouble. I wish I knew all this before. I like this blog with the right answers and not just many words that say nothing! Thanks Rev. Rocket.

    1. You are welcome! I hear you on all that goes on giving excuses and lies with no power to cast out anything! You said it perfect! Praise God you were Spirit filled and delivered!

  73. I’m try to not to be angry at churches for misleading me for a lot of years! I can’t decide how to explain what happen to me last week. Singer came and just start to perform and then air get thick and hard to move through the room. Every person there in awe, and the pastor look nervous, and then everyone start being spirit fill, even me! The singer just look calm and not even surprised or anything. I was sure it could not be that easy but it was!

  74. Ok…l’m a bonifide Holy Roller now! And it all happened because I went with my friends to be entertained at an eternal security church. ROFL

    1. Lol, I absolutely love it! When the Holy Spirit is in action watch.out eternal security false doctrine demons because you are being steamroller out! Welcome Holy Roller!

  75. All this time and l still try to figure out how anybody can walk into anointing like come that singer and try to interfere with it! They have screw loose. I was just freeze in place at one point because anointing permeate the whole room. You couldn’t get near to him for about 10 minute. I don’t know how people sit there and deny Holy Spirit is for this day and age and l not BELIEVE anyone who says they Christian pastor and try to mess with that. I glad know this blog now. And those pastors “warn” people about this too. They are bite off a big chunk to fight all this.

    1. You are right for sure for those who oppose this anointing and the blog are biting off a serious chunk and God does not take it.lightly when He sends that strong of an anointing of the Holy Spirit and religious fruitcakes oppose it!
      Thank God for you and others that know the anointing and respect it and honor God! You will be flowing in the Holy Spirit when those other kind are gnashing with their teeth and wasting away! Praise Jesus for all He is doing!

  76. In this confusing world l am glad to have this blog to answer all my question. I wish l could have known about it before!

    1. I’m glad you are here to receive the Word of faith and power that will deliver you from the confusion of the world and make you strong! God will make up for lost time!

  77. Ok, Rev. Rocket, you-know-who is saying l am going to show up to hear him tonight and I say no! I am still skeptical about all this and l am not going. He insists l will be there. How does HE know? I’m not so sure about all this holy roller stuff. He is already making me read this blog and l really don’t want to do that either although l do kind of like it…hmmmm

    1. Well, what do you have to lose going to hear tonight? Hmm, you could lose fear, anxiety, depression, pain, sickness, oppression, etc.! Now THAT is worth going alone, let alone you will be refreshed, and strengthened and filled with joy in the real presence of God! If that’s Holy Roller, I’m IN! Enjoy!


    1. Yes! Peace is yours in Jesus as you keep your mind stayed on Him! I pray all distractions bound and you loosed in the name of Jesus and perfect peace in your spirit soul and body!

    1. Ooops for sure!😊 Well, we were guessing how far he got into the song until the fire fell!

  78. ok, Rocket Preacher, l’m in. Your hot shot friend walks into our church and I think to myself “Ok, this guy’s too handsome for his own good, he’s nothing but trouble.” I wasn’t even going to stay but then someone told me, “no…you don’t want to miss this…l’ve seen him before.” So really l just stayed out of curiosity. But then l was happy because he really was unbelievably talented. I thought l was just going to have a nice entertaining night. Then this man went up to tell him he was “stirring up too much emotion in the room” and he should tone it down. He just looked at him and said “Oh shut up.” And everyone in the place just started to laugh including me and we laughed ourselves silly before he was even halfway started. Actually, my headache went away while l was laughing. Then later on at the end we all got spirit filled. l think it was every last one of us. And he didn’t even pray. All he did was wave his hand!

    1. Praise God He never fails! The anointing of the Holy Spirit is wonderful when we let Him do what he wants! No more headache and Spirit filled too! Hallelujah! And a lesson on pre-judging….not to do it! Lol

  79. Rev. Rocket! This man just sing and wave his hand and everyone get spirit filled. How did it happen, do you know? I didn’t know it could happen like that!

    1. Yes, it did happen that way didn’t it?! The Holy Spirit impressed me all day long that as he sang the Holy Spirit was putting a special anointing of POWER in the wave of the hand. He waved his hand in faith and action on what the Lord said and the Holy Spirit filled everyone. If you read close in the Word of God you will see that all kinds of miracles happen by acts of faith on our part, on what God said. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

  80. Well Rev. Rocket, l knew l was in for it as soon as I got to the church tonight, because l was raised in church and l know the anointing and what it feels like and this guy had the goods. I was pretty efficiently backslid and l thought, well, this will be my do or die moment and it definitely was. At one point he got up, without any big fan fare or anything, but l knew he was about to do something because he could hardly stay on his feet. And he just waved his arm and the whole place went out. Except for a few stubborn people who decided to run out the door instead. Well, needless to say I am backslid no more!!!

    1. NOW you have had “CHURCH!” The Holy Spirit is not limited and will flow in rivers of living water as believers yield to Him! It breaks the yoke, destroys the religious, traditional, paganism demons works, and drives them out, and sets us free! Then we can truly worship God in Spirit and in truth!

  81. Well, l showed up as a skeptic and left spirit filled. Oh dear! Talk about losing your skepticism in one fell swoop. All he did was wave his hand one time and it was like a wind blew through the building like something you could feel. l thought we were back in Bible times because l didn’t think it could happen like that these days. You could literally feel it blow through. Now l have all these assignments to do though. Oh my….l wasn’t ready for this. I think it will be easier to do now that’s l’m spirit filled but l wouldn’t have wanted to try them before.

    1. Praise God, I guess you did lose all skepticism after the wind of the Holy Spirit blew through and you were delivered from skepticism and were Spirit filled! Praise Jesus! The power of God is GREAT and immeasurable! Enjoy taking in r he Word here in your assignments…you will do very good! Lean on the Holy Spirit He will lead you into all truth, and that sets you free, free, free, and causes you to rise up in faith that removes those mountains!

  82. I never know anybody who have power. But this singer who came last night have lots of it because when he sang things really happen. Everybody get spirit fill including me. I happy I find all this blog to now because I can get answer!

    1. Praise God everybody got Spirit filled including YOU!!! Keep it going for the Holy Spirit will carry you through! I’m glad you find this blog now so you can have the answers you needed! It is so different when believers really have the power of God isn’t it?! So many do without the power of God needlessly because of their religiosity spirits and their spirits of unbelief, among many others! You will be a lighthouse to others now, so shine on!

  83. Anyone who can just wave at people and have enough faith that they will all get spirit filled either has to be a magician or have God’s power. Well, obviously it’s God’s power after all these people get spirit filled and delivered last night including me. I was the worst skeptic of the bunch! I didn’t know how to be anything else, but then I had no choice. Of course, now I have a lot of assignments. I’m told I’m supposed to start with my blueprint! Oh dear. I didn’t know I was in for all this! Thank you Rocket Preacher, I think.

  84. Who is this guy? Seriously? He doesn’t explain anything. I don’t think he knows how. LOL. I was raised Baptist. Yeah, I know, sucks to be me. And when I heard this controversial singer was coming to her church last night I thought, well, I better go see what this is all about because everybody seems to think your life gets better when you get spirit filled. Well, the joke was on me. Walking around wondering about it all these years was the dumbest thing I could’ve done. Life is definitely better when your spirit filled! I would still like to know how he just waves his hand and all that happens. Of course, it was happening before, though, because he could barely stand up. You could feel the air getting thick. And then this one preacher was trying to tell him to tone it down and he said ” oh be quiet, you don’t know what you’re talking about”. That was the best ever! I love this blog!

    1. This guy is someone who has learned to listen to the Lord and do what He says, and God upholds His Word! Good goingnon receiving the Holy Spirit, and now you can really have the power of God to help you every day! Enjoy the blog and use your faith you receive and grow in! Thanks for sharing.

  85. I don’t have any idea where this singer came from last night at my church but he changed everything for us because we got spirit filled. I never felt anything like that in my life. You couldn’t stand up straight when he just walked past you and then eventually he took a break in the middle and I just ran right up there and I said “I guess you’re too much of a hot shot to bother with somebody like me who used to worship the devil and take drugs.” I was really pretty rude about it because I’m used to the majority of guest singers/speakers not wanting to bother with the dregs of society like me. And then all of a sudden I felt kind of bad for being rude and I started to apologize and he said “don’t worry one more second about that. Jesus knows every human emotion and he understands the rejection that people have to take in this life sometimes and he understands exactly how you feel. In fact, you’re so bad off that as soon as somebody says your name, your instant reaction is “okay, what did I do now?’ “I couldn’t believe it, I just burst into tears like a fool! And he put both his hands on my head and said “God’s love transcends it all. Just go free because it’s not difficult at all.” And suddenly I was getting authentic deliverance for the first time ever. It was unbelievable! And there were people there who were saying they wish he was dead? Wow. Is that their own demons? They ran out when the whole building was getting spirit filled!

    1. Wonderful what the Lord did for you setting you free and filling you with the Holy Spirit! Yes, it is people’s demons that wish him dead and since the people listen to the demons ran out when the anointing flowed! Well, I’m sure as you get into this you will really profit and love it! Enjoy, and you are welcome positively!

  86. Well, I never went to a concert where everybody there got spirit filled! Well, at least the ones who didn’t run out right before it happened. I don’t understand who this guy is or where he came from, but our church is turned upside down now. I don’t know what’s going happen, because I think they’re going to get in trouble with the hierarchy for even having him there. But that was a strong anointing. It almost took my breath away. The nearer I got to him the more I kept repenting for every little thing I ever did. And he had authority when he cast out demons. I don’t think that even happened in today’s modern world! I love this blog!

    1. Praise God for everybody being Spirit filled, and didn’t they say that about the apostles: “these are they who have turned the world upside down?!” LOL, the thing is that by the power of the Holy Spirit they turned it right side up, but those on the wrong side of the tracks were living opposite to Jesus and the Holy Spirit!!! I pray a special anointing to keep people going the right direction and bind all demons in the hierarchy! Glad you love this blog…enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!! Thanks for sharing! The anointing does it all!

  87. The “Roving Reporter” girl said to leave my testimony here. It hard for me to do that with poor English, but this singer come from nowhere to our church and the windows shook and rattled. Some people ran out and grinding their teeth and holding their ear shut when they go. Other said he wished he was dead. But for the rest of the night for everybody else it was wonderful! He did songs we not heard before and I can’t figure out where to get them. Everything he did was like fire burning in the sanctuary. Not one left standing up when Holy Spirit come,

    1. You did very good, and others should come on too because the main thing is to give God glory and tell the story of what the Holy Spirit did! Yes, that IS the power of God when the fire.came burning on r he songs and no one left standing for all fell under the anointing! God operates deep in people and great miracles of healing, deliverance, and people being filled with the Spirit when this happens! Thanks for sharing your testimony!

  88. Seriously Rev. Rocket? I can’t really understand everything that happened last night. I knew singer was extraordinary because I hear him before but some people get angry that he was there and ran out. One man was saying he wanted him to be dead. I couldn’t believe it. I never see a person act like that in a church service. At the end everyone get Holy Spirit and he cast out demon with real authority to! I Can’t wait to read along this blog and see all what I can find out!

    1. The man who was speaking against the singer has demons of hate and they hate especially those who have the anointing! The people who ran out were under demon control also, and since they do what demons say, they ran out because the demons wanted them to run out so they would not be cast out! Praise God everyone was filled with the Spirit! We need the power of God in these days! I pray Jesus blesses you as you read the blog and builds your faith, strengthens you, and gives you wisdom!
      Thanks for sharing!

  89. Ooops. Some people thought they were going to throw JBT out midway through. Splat. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. HA HA HA HA HA….YEP..SPLAT! Hey splat people who tried to interfere with the Holy Spirit, you better pay attention and repent!

  90. Well, some people just quit my church. Well, good. Because they didn’t have the goods. This singer came out of nowhere and did music that was so awesome it was almost like out of this world. He certainly had natural talent, but this was far more than that. He just exuded the Holy Spirit. I don’t remember ever being around anyone who had anointing like that, even when some of those famous preachers were actually listening to God. I just soaked it up. Some people were just enraged. When everybody got spirit filled they ran out the door and they were holding their ears shut. The one guy was looking at the singer like he wanted to kill him. He said “I was hoping he would never come here. He’s nothing but trouble.” “All that anointing and he’s nothing but trouble?” Some people are just too stupid to help. Anyway, I didn’t know a blog like this existed. I wish I had known a long time ago because it’s just what I needed. I think I was going to that church just going through the motions because I didn’t know what else to do. Now I really don’t care if I have any organized religion at all if they’re going to try to run out people who can actually help.

    1. short and it is high time for people to make up their minds which side they are on! Some are on the run from the Holy Spirit like those who ran out when the anointing came! It is a real bad spirit they have when they run from the Spirit and speak words of hate against those who have the anointing!
      God is calling out a people who will be true to Him and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit! These are those, as He said, the world is not worthy of! So you are on the right track, welcome, and enjoy the blog to make up for lost time! Thanks for sharing, I pray all the blessings you need come quickly!

  91. This roving reporter girl said for me to leave the testimony here about what happened except that I’m not exactly sure what that was! I just went here this show off singer because everyone talks about him all the time and it’s true he was definitely gifted. It’s easy to see why he teaches music, but other things were going on too. And I don’t really understand any of them. I didn’t know what to think about getting spirit filled because I was always told it was Bible times only for that. I guess it was told wrong. I went early because I wanted to get a good seat, and I got slain in the spirit when he walked past me. I don’t get that! The pastor said it must’ve just been in my head but the singer told me the pastor doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I think I agree with him. I don’t think very many pastors these days know what they’re talking about. Now I have assignments doing this blog though! Oh dear.

  92. It’s hard to put what happen in English words. I had many problem and didn’t know why. This singer have a lot of rumor going on about him but I went anyway and said “do you really have something to help me and how long does it take to have these problems go away?” He said, “only as long as it takes demons to go.” So I wanted to know how long that was and he said, “here, let me show you.” That is all that is in my memory until I getting back up off the floor with prayer language and all weird thoughts in my mind gone. He was nowhere to be found then but this must have been meant to be. This blog is important too because it give real answer to people.

    1. You did good with English. See how easy it is when we really know the power of the HolynSpirit and.let Him move in people’s hearts and lives?! Boom and you were delivered and Spirit filled! So much for the “naysayers,” they can wallow in the muck and mire of their ugly unbelief and skepticism, and religious demons, and get nothing from God at all if that’s what they want!
      We, on the other hand will yield to the Holy Spirit and receive blessing after blessing, answers to prayer so our joy will be full, and a one on one relationship with Jesus, who b is the author and finisher of our faith! I’m glad you like the blog, it will bless you a lot and build your faith and knowledge so you can STOMP ALL OVER the devil’s head, and LIVE IN TOTAL VICTORY OVER the world, the flesh, and the devil! Praise God! I enjoyed your testimony, thanks for sharing, it will bless others!

  93. I really just went to see if that singer was good as everyone said. He definitely was. I wanted to punch him when I heard the range, but the rest of it had nothing to do with earthly talent. This church tells people as soon as you’re saved you get spirit filled and that’s the end of it, but now I see there’s a big difference. In fact, as soon as he started singing there was something there that usually is not present in our church and now I know that was the Holy Spirit. The air just got heavier and heavier as time went on and it almost felt like the room couldn’t hold it all. And then he even seemed like he was kind of checked out, even though he was still playing and people were hovering around and I tried to get close but really nobody could without falling out. But now I have to deal with foundations, swimming lessons, dead horses, and blueprints. He said, “don’t worry, all that will build your faith.” And then he burst out laughing. He really is kind of annoying person but I have to be grateful.

    1. Oh,yes indeed when you receive the filling of the Spirit “after” you are saved it makes all the difference in the world…from no power to filled with the Holy Spirit, and then you receive POWER! PRAISE GOD!

      Yes, if you apply those posts you will be a new person, blessed, filled with faith, free from the past and all negativity, and have a vision of a future led by the Spirit of God into all truth that sets you free! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing!
      The singer gives a new meaning to range doesn’t he?! As you do what God says you too will be laughing and being freed in a way you never experienced before!

  94. My church got a makeover whether it wanted it or not! (And actually, I don’t think they did want it. LOL) They got this singer there because they had to keep up with the Jones’ and didn’t want to be shown up. But, hmmm..l could have told them not to bring him just to have as good of entertainment as the other churches because more than that always happens. They didn’t hear THAT part l guess. Ha ha ha ha ha! So he gets there and the pastor tells him “here’s the program,” and he just said “Oh, yeah, ok, whatever” and just went to set up. I was already laughing because l knew what would happen. I just set back to watch and sure enough, the roof blows off the place. I timed my lunge up to the stage when the air just started to get thick and l just agreed with whatever he was praying and all the problems were solved. Then later my pastor got irritated at me and said “Did you know this would happen!?” And l just laughed as my reply!

    1. LOL, this was worth the price of admission! Does the words “out to lunch” ring a bell with the “leadership?” It is highntime for those who call themselves.pastors to repent before God of all the mess they have set mm people up for with their unbelief, false doctrines, religious spirits, rituals, and excuses INSTEAD OF THE POWER OF GOD WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING THAT JESUS SAID WOULD COME TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE!
      You played it right and had the last LAUGH…HAHAHAHAHA!

  95. Ok, so now I finally meet someone who know how tell me to get Holy Spirit with no need for drawn out tarry session or a long wait. I didn’t know what to think because I’m not used to this church having anyone come here who have real power but this singer bring in power with him and it get spread around until everyone spirit filled except the people who wanted to kill him. Now there are many posts here for me to read and I never get tired of them! Thanks Rocket Preacher.

    1. Thank the Lord for someone who listens to the Holy Spirit and does it His way where all receive e filling.of the Spirit….without all the false., unneeded tarrying! That was their unbelief putting and lying about it for the Holy Spirit is already here…no need to tarry!
      You are welcome, and I’m glad to hear you are e joking the blog! God bless you, and thanks for sharing!

  96. I want to know if this singer is for real or of all that was staged. My friend told me about what happened and I’ve seen so many people fake that stuff that I don’t know what to believe. But l trust this blog, so l will ask you, is he the real deal?

    1. The ones who fake it and do staged things “hate him and want him dead!” That shows you right there he IS THE REAL DEAL AND HAS THE ANOINTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! People are truly saved, healed, delivered, and Spirit filled! Opposers have come at him with clubs to do him in and the Holy Ghost FLATTENS them to the FLOOR! Go and receive what you need from the Lord as you believe God!

  97. Someone come special to tell me not to go hear that singer because he cause all kinds of trouble in California and then come here and try to make churches all split up. But l’m glad l listened to him because his prayer really help and l told the pastor “when you pray for me nothing happen, and when you pray for me to get spirit filled nothing happen and when you cast demons out nothing happen but when l go see him, all that happen all together in one time and now I have a life that is 100% better. Then I learn a lot of new thing on this blog to make it even better so why should l take what you say as the truth anymore? And he have no answer!

    1. Praise Jesus! You testified the truth and there was nothing a pastor who prays and nothing happens could say! Results speak for themselves and now you are deliver we d and Spirit filled! Enjoy the blog, God will open it up to you and show you truth to make you strong and build your faith! Thanks for sharing, I like how you tell it as it is!

    1. Jesus said that people who “kill you” will “think” they are doing God a service! How messed up is that?! It’s reverse order all the way, along with demons of deception, spiritual blindness, spirits of hate of those who are good, and these idiots have sinned on purpose so much that they cannot receive a thing from God, and in opposing the anointed of the Holy Spirit now they are opposing Jesus who commissioned them and gave them the anointing! Those who are in darkness do not comprehend the light! The Word says that Satan has blinded the minds of those who believe not, and these who oppose the Holy Spirit do NOT believe, no matter the lies they tell everyone! Plain and simple the pastors who fight the Holy Spirit have followed the devil into deep darkness and their minds are blinded because of the wrong spirits they have yielded to!!!

  98. Okay Rev. Rocket. Here’s the thing… When people got spirit filled the other night, including myself, we all started to get delivered from demons too. But here’s my question. I always thought it had to be a long complicated process. However, Liberace there was not even praying for people. The demons were just going. I ask him why and he said because there’s anointing present and they can’t stand to be in that atmosphere. He said they’d rather be in the “dry places.” But I’ve been in other places and it wasn’t spontaneous deliverance like that. Does it have to do with the level of anointing that comes? He told me I should ask you that question.

    1. Number one, it never has to be a long complicated “process!” Man messes with it, and puts the human taint on it, waters it down, adds to the Word, takes away from the Word, and by the end of it they are backslidden, tormented, bound themselves, and put burdens on people that they themselves cannot bear…. thus the “complicated process!”
      Now, concerning the deliverance that happened: when the anointing of the Holy Ghost and fire is present it literally burns them demons! What would your reaction be if you were instantly thrown into a fire? Scream and GET OUT, right?! There they go, and good riddance! Now, some “religious” people who “think” they have the anointing and at least “tell people” they have the anointing, and act all “holy” and “know it all” go through the motions of casting out demons, but it is just an act, for nothing ever really goes! It’s a lot of play acting hypocrites who pretend to do miracles, etc.
      Jesus said that we would cast out demons by the Spirit of God period! Of course, since Mr. Singer/ivory tickler let’s the Holy Spirit do as He wills, that anointing is just going to pulverize the demons, and he is right that they cannot stand “that” atmosphere for it is total love, total power, total joy, total peace, and totally God! Good riddance demons, and HELLO HOLY SPIRIT!

  99. Rocket Preacher, does God ever “Allow” you or someone in your family to get some disease or cancer or something to make your repent of something? Your hotshot singer friend here says no way, not ever. Is he right and how sure are you?

    1. The cross canceled all Satan’s claims! 1 Peter 2:24 By his (Jesus’) stripes we WERE HEALED! Since we were healed, we ARE healed, and sickness is an enemy, NOT a friend! The Hy Spirit draws us to Jesus and to repent! My friend is TOTALLY RIGHT..God does not allow or permit sickness to get us to repent! I am TOALLY sure, and the people who believe the permissive will mess never get healed because they have no faith, only unbelief!

  100. Well, for someone who doesn’t believe in demons, I sure got delivered from a lot of them the other night! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Oooops.

    1. Ha ha ha ha…amazing grace, isn’t it the truth?! What you didn’t know God just went right on and took care of it …BOOM..demons OUT! ENJOY YOUR FREE LIFE IN JESUS!

  101. It just seems too easy for all negative thoughts to only be from the devil or demons and never God telling you something or just your own thoughts. Are you positive that if it’s negative thought it’s always from the devil?

    1. God’s will is peace ruling your heart and mind! He does NOT go against His own will! He said He will keep you in perfect peace when your MIND is STAYED ON HIM, and He is the TRUTH, and when you know it, the TRUTH MAKES YOU FREE! Free from all the devil’s lies, oppression, negativity, depression and all the ugliness he tries to impose! The choice is yours…life and death are there, choose which one you want!

  102. Hi Rocket Preacher. My ex-pastor tried to run off your show off singer friend and tell him what to do, but all he could actually do was stand there scowling all night long. A whole bunch of us got spirit filled and some people even got saved who didn’t even know enough to realize that they were’nt saved! I don’t think our church liked that, but oh well…I guess they got an overhaul whether they wanted it or not. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Of course, now I have to fix my foundation and stop dragging dead horses around! Not so sure about that.

    1. Gotta love it! Your ex-pastor was treading on dangerous ground to try and stop the Holy Spirit! Praise Jesus for all who were saved and Spirit filled! You will enjoy the blog and getting things fixed! MUCH BETTER than everything being broken down or missing!

  103. It’s hard to believe that all the while I was growing up Everyone kept telling me that what happened in Acts II was just to be a witness to those people who were right there at the time, but that it wasn’t necessary in modern times to get spirit filled. Obviously, my pastor didn’t know anything about what he was talking about. This 5 octave range singer came to my church and showed everyone up by not doing any fanfare or anything complicated but yet somehow saying the right prayer or something that resulted in everyone getting spirit filled. And then the hierarchy still doesn’t want to acknowledge it as real. One of the assistant pastors was saying it was all in our head. This was kind of funny, because the singer ended up telling that assistant pastor that HE had rocks in HIS head. I thought that was precious. I really love this blog!

    1. Hahaha, yes, I have to agree with Mr. 5 octave range about the assistant pastor having rocks in his head considering what they were saying about people being filled with the Holy Spirit! They are the blind leading the blind, and both are falling in the ditch!

      Praise God for all being filled with the Spirit, and I’m glad you love the blog! Then it will do you a lot of good! Thanks for sharing! Blessings!

  104. Rocket Preacher, this modern world is weird and twisted. Look at some of those great representatives losing their seats because of the orange blob and this gay stuff being shoved in your face everywhere you go. Sometimes I’m just weary of what this world has turned into and I’m trying to get through and being an overcomer, but I just feel drained down to the ground. Just drained. What can I do to turn that around? I don’t know what to do.

    1. I hear you, and “Let GOD be true, and every man a liar!” God said that where sin abounds GRACE DOES MUCH MORE ABOUND! Go around every day, all through the day believing and saying that scripture out loud! “Where sin abounds God’s grace does MUCH MORE ABOUND!” Then say how you are living in and by the grace of God! You will find that all the.mess of the world will be under your feet as you use authority and power God gave you OVER ALL OF IT!!!

    1. O.k., it is yours! Remember I called out 5 throwing out the stash miracles recently and YOU are number 5! God has seen your desperation and the cry of your heart and is come down to DELIVER YOU!

      Take it NOW! Praise God with all your heart! Now do whatever the Holy Spirit says do and BE MADE FREE in the name of Jesus!

  105. Rocket Preacher, he’s getting hard to deal with. Beyond the next piece of fruit is one more and one more and one more, and he’s picking picking picking driving everyone else crazy. We have to play tonight and he is still rearranging things and looking for more fruit. A prayer for deliverance from the mad genius please!

    1. Ok I am praying that he will get all the fruit at one time, and our prayers will be with you and the others!!!

  106. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! They’re just getting set up and he’s already getting flack from religiosity inc.

    1. Hahahaha, that means its double portion night and religiosity will be OUT the window! People that “never” saw anything that resembled the power of the Holy Spirit will be filled, and filled, and filled, never to be the same again! It’s “drunk service” time!

  107. The air is getting thick in here Rev. Rocket, and the interferers are not able to do anything except stand there and frown. HA!!!

    1. Haha! Oh, well, a frown is all they can do, oops! Some people are hard headed!

      Its Holy Spirit time!

  108. Seriously?? I go to hear this show off singer because a friend of a friend told me about him and then when Isee who it is, I realized that I knew all ABOUT him. When I was in college, I used to beg or steal money for a show ticket to the Stockton theater where he was the hot shot lead for 25 years. One time it was a 97° heat wave and I waited half an hour in line for a ticket because he always sold out. I was a diehard fan and never forgave him for getting married, but anyway, when I saw him last night, I couldn’t help myself, I just shrieked “it’s YOU!” And he said “I didn’t do it!” And everyone started laughing. So I got a belated autograph, since I could never get close enough for one at the theater, and I said “so what is all this miracle stuff? I don’t believe in any of this.” And this Roving Reporter girl said “well, go on over there.” Ooops. The rest is history. I guess that’s the anointing people talk about but that I never thought was real. I thought the Holy Spirit manifesting was only for Bible days and not now, but Okay, well, now I have to admit that it’s now two. Now I’m in the holy roller club. Imagine THAT! I even decided to forgive him for being married because his wife does seem really nice. However, I DON’T know if I’m going to forgive him for making me read this blog, because now I have to fix my foundation, blueprint, car, boat, learn to swim, and give up my dead horses? Seriously? My dead horses? I don’t know about this.… I really do like this blog though.

  109. This was the best experience! I never knew it was so easy to get spirit filled and I didn’t even know it was needed! The singer brought something with him and you can’t argue with it. Maybe church doesn’t like it, but they better get used to it. A lot of us are bona fide holy roller now.

  110. All right, Rev. Rocket, I never saw anything like this and I’ve been going to church all my life.. This singer come and begin to play song called Jesus Paid it All. And then this feeling fill up room that can’t be explained. The pastors were angry and didn’t want that to happen I guess. But I don’t understand why they not want the Holy Spirit? Because when we all got that and then prayer language come with it, if you like old life is gone and new life came. I guess they want to have old life. I said to youth pastor “you need this too, you just don’t know it.” He said I wasn’t old enough to know enough about it because I’m not out of school yet. But I say “maybe I younger but also smarter because You in nasty state of mind and I’m smiling. I think I will fire myself from this church once I’m 18. Ha!

    1. You have it right all the way! Good ide to “fire yourself from that church when you are 18!” You are smarter than the youth pastor for now you have the Holy Spirit, new life, and JOY, and he doesn’t because he refused to receive the filling of the Spirit! Press on for God has a lot for you! Thanks for the testimony!

  111. I never know it so easy to get Holy Spirit like it was last night. I always thought it take many long tarrying session to get prayer language and now l know that not true. This is the easiest thing in the world. This singer carry something with him into building and pastors not like it but reporter girl say when anointing come that way everyone get what they need and she was right! Now my life will be better than ever and l am happy that l have this blog too!

    1. Praise Jesus, I am so happy for you that you are now filled with the Holy Spirit….WITHOUT agony, or tarrying or waiting! The Holy Spirit is already here, no need to tarry or wait! Enjoy the blog, you will be blessed and helped! Thanks for your testimony! Blessings!

  112. Ok, ok ok…l’m here. And you don’t have to say I told you so. In fact you better not. I mean it. YOU know who you are!!!

  113. I think my pastor is crazy Rocket Preacher. He tell me that me getting spirit fill is just “all in my head” and that l just get carried away emotionally. That was not true at all because it was way more powerful than just something emotional and now my whole life is different. They say not to come here on this blog either and l say “Oh well, I am going to” because that singer said this have a lot of answers and he is right, Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. Praise God for filling you with the Holy Spirit and that He is teaching you already to go by what He puts in your spirit for carna man tries to talk you out of the power of God! I’m glad the blog is already blessing you! Thanks for sharing!

  114. Rev. Rocket, l need to get delivered from fear. I am always afraid of something horrible happening like some awful disease or an accident or something. Is that all demons?

    1. Yes, demons are behind fear! God is love and perfect love CASTS OUT fear! God has NOT given us a spirit of fear, but of,love, power, and a sou d mind. Fear is demons period! Raise your hands to Jesus and say this: I bind every demon of fear in Jesus name…GO OUT NOW! Praise God you are loosed, and fear has no power over you! Refuse to fear the fears, but rather BELIEVE GOD WHAT HE SAID AND PROMISES YOU IN HIS WORD!

  115. Okay, so I went charging down to that church Friday night to tell that showoff singer that I didn’t believe any of this stuff was legitimate. So I did my whole little rehearsed speech and all he said was “hmmmmm… You aren’t a doubt peddler are you?” And he burst out laughing. Well, Okay, now I know WHY. But well…, I guess I WAS a doubt peddler, because that’s what I went to inform him of…that all this stuff is smoke and mirrors. Next thing I knew I was spirit filled. Ooops. Now my whole life is changing, and especially my permissive will. He said “don’t worry, that always tries to be the last thing to go, but this time it’s going to be the first to go. Then he burst out laughing again. I don’t know who you two are or where you came from, but now I have to believe all this. Oh dear.

    1. God had a hook in your jaw, and HE got you where the Holy Spirit could finally do in you what Hod has wanted for a very long Time! As strong a doubt peddler you were, even MUCH MORE SO will you be a person of STRONG FAITH! The kind of faith where He said you would speak to the mountain and it would be removed because you believed that whatever you would say would happen! Mark 11. God is so good, welcome to the abundant, Spirit filled, devil stomping, blessed LIFE IN JESUS! As we all agree together the power of God will flow and do amazing miracles of all kinds! Its harvest time!
      Thanks for sharing!

  116. I don’t know what to say Rocket Preacher. I didn’t know getting spirit filled could be so easy. I also didn’t understand about what people meant when they said “anointing” because everyone I always saw doing it was just putting on a show. They talk a big game, but when you really examine it, all it was was emotionalism. Nothing more nothing less. Not this singer, though. In fact, if my hunch is correct, he doesn’t even really want to do this at all. But when he starts to sing and play, something happens that NOBODY in their right mind could say is not the Holy Spirit. These people are biting off a chunk when they keep giving him a hard time. Why did they do it? And this is the blog they were “warning” everyone about. Give me a break! The only blog I’ve ever seen that actually has real answers to things! Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. You are right on! YES, those who go against him are really going into very dangerous areas spiritually for they are really going against the anointing of the Holy Spirit and that is the worst people can do! They have a hatred for God and the Holy Spirit no matter what flowery words come when in front of people. People would be shocked if they knew all the sin they live in! For them to let demons use them that easy…they are already very far gone! Praise God you got Spirit filled, and I’m glad you love the blog! Real answers are what people need in these times so I’m glad this hits the mark! Enjoy, and thanks for sharing!

  117. Okay, Rocket Preacher, you were right! All I had to do was change my thinking! I tried hard to keep the old skeptical ways, but sometimes you can’t deny something when somebody tells you to do it and it works! Okay, you win!

    1. Bravo! You are the winner now for when you changed your thinking you shifted into faith and it worked for it brought God to you and the Holy Spirit could supply the power!

  118. Is there still time for me to get the stash throwing out miracle and be added to the blowing in the wind club?

    1. Yes, of course! You are number 5 in the last I called out for, and so THE MIRACLE OF DELIVERANCE YOU NEED IS YOURS! Raise hands up high in faith believing to Jesus and praise the Lord with all your heart! Hallelujah! Now do whatever the Holy Spirit says do and be FREE AND MADE WHOLE IN JESUS NAME!

  119. I thought this was just great when these pastors try to interfere and all they could do is stand there and grimace. That singer told me it’s been happening lately where he goes. Is that God stopping them from being able to interfere? I really like this blog!

    1. Yep, that is the Holy Spirit making them stand at attention and all they can do is grimace! it! Good to hear you love this blog! Thanks for sharing! The power of God cannot be outdone!!!

    1. Welcome to the ABUNDANT LIFE IN JESUS! There are many who are here and as we pray we agree together in the Spirit one for another and together over everything! So join in and believe God as we gather around His Word that is alive and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword! Faith works and your faith will be fed and nutured here! Take your stand of authority and power OVER all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you!

  120. Okay, I know were very close to the end because of the way things are going, but I can’t get over how messed up some people are that they could keep trying to fight the people who are helping people like you and your Liberace friend but then join up with people who are just trying to get people’s money and back them and say that THEY are great. Isn’t that reverse order? I think this blog is enough church for anybody. You can’t trust the churches anymore!

    1. The end times message has taken on a whole new spin with the extreme reverse order spirits controlling traitors who have turned against God’s anointed, and against the Holy Spirit! When they agree with the speakers who are ruled by demons of greed and avarice, then we see why the Word says that the love of money is the root of ALL evil! These are snake petters!
      I hear you on the church issue! Stay with the anointing and the strong meat of the Word that causes you to discern good and evil! With that discerning you can CHOOSE THE GOOD and REJECT AND REFUSE the evil!!! Thanks for sharing! Good observation!

  121. Well, my friend dragged me to go hear this singer and I thought that I would just go for the entertainment and try to ignore anything else. Because I deep down really thought that he was just one of the typical dog and pony show people who don’t really have the goods but just want to get attention. No. This was different. On certain songs it looked like he just checked out. I don’t think it’s the kind of thing that you can fake. It looked like he was there one minute and gone the next. Then other people were telling me that that happens a lot and he doesn’t even realize how much time has passed until he “checks back in” and people tell him all the things that happen. I got spirit filled AND delivered from demons. Two things I didn’t think I needed and didn’t think I would get anyway. Now I have all these assignments though. I don’t think I was counting on that. Ooops…

    1. Praise God for deliverance and you being filled with the Spirit.
      No, the anointing of the Holy Spirit cannt be faked for if there is no anointing then there are no miracles!
      When a person gets in the Spirit it is a realm that there is depth that is beyond anything we know here on earth!
      There is so much more for all of us to press in for.
      Well, dig in, I’m sure these posts will bless you! Thanks for sharing!

  122. How does someone get picked to get anointing? How does the Holy Spirit decide. JBT said l should ask you.

    1. JBT always sends the “easy” questions to me! Lol. Easy…?…NOT! Thats o.k. I will see what we can do.

      First I will say who God will NEVER anoint! He will NOT anoint those who oppose those who are anointed with signs following by the power of the Holy Spirit! He will not anoint those with lying spirits of false doctrines like the permissive will, etc….God NEVER honors unbelief, but HE DOES SAY FOR US TO CAST THOSE DEMONS OUT! GOD WILL NOT ANOINT IMMORAL DEVIATES, HYPOCRITES, LIARS, HATERS, THE GREEDY OR ANY SIN LOVING PEOPLE!
      So, now I will talk about the anointing a bit. First it comes as the HOLY SPIRIT wills! So there is no formula or Word that says if you do this you will be anointed. It is one of God’s protected areas and is sacred to Him. All I will say is if one would like to be in line to be used of God start sharing Jesus and testifying to others to get people saved out of the love of God in your heart. Through the Word God used people who were people of prayer who cared, and humbled themselves under the hand of God! God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble! A persons personal relationship with Jesus comes first. Right motives line us up with God, like walking in LOVE every day, and FAITH! God requires you ,oh man, to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.Micah 6:8

  123. I can tell you how you two got her. JBT said the answer to her problem would be on this blog and it was! Ha!

    1. Praise God! There you go! She is here now!
      Thanks for sharing that! Lol, you stepped in ….she will know now!

  124. Rev. Rocket, I don’t even know what to say. Last night I went to a prayer meeting in someone’s house and they had the infamous singer come to do some music before. He was having the time of his life because they have a grand piano in their house and he was really good, but then just about when he was going to wrap it up and we were going to start praying, something just permeated the room that almost felt so heavy it was like a blanket was falling all over us and people were getting healed of everything that was wrong with them and getting delivered from demons, and the people hosting the prayer meeting didn’t even seem to know what was happening! I was the only one there who wasn’t Spirit filled and that quickly changed. What was that? And why did it happen when he was just playing the piano like that at the end? (He’s not really good at explaining things)

    1. He gets in touch with God through music, praise, singing, etc., like David, who played the harp, and the demon would leave Saul. The blanket is the anointing….the glory cloud, and when that moves in demons, and all evil move out! Hallelujah! This is what happens when a believer truly believes, worships and yields to God, and allows the Holy Spirit to move the way He wants to!

  125. I don’t have all right English words to explain thing that happened. I was always taught no need for Holy Spirit because you get that when you get saved. But life was always hard and difficult to get through and then that music teacher told me all that changed when you get spirit filled. I was skeptic, but not anymore. It happened to me and now my life is different. And this is the best blog to have because it have all answer to questions and no matter what one you think of, here are the answers! Thanks Rocket Preacher.

    1. You did fine with words! Praise God you are Spirit filled now! Now you have the POWER to live the.overcoming life of victory! You are welcome for the blog…the answers are yours to find here. The Lord is faithful! Enjoy, and thanks for sharing!

  126. Okay, you two got me too, because I went charging up to your Liberace friend and told him that he must’ve figured something out and that’s how he knew those things to tell Eileen. And I said “you don’t know anything about me so go ahead and try to do that with me.” He said that the post I should start with is Blueprint. Oooops. Okay, you two are right and I was wrong.

    1. Welcome! Lol, You charged right in and the Lord made sure you got where you needed to go! Blessings! Thanks for sharing!

  127. I don’t know who you two are or where you came from or how you know these things and do these things, but okay, I will stop trying to be such a skeptic and give this a chance.

    1. Ask Jesus to show you by the Holy Spirit the truth that would set you free, and He will!

  128. I have what they call “long Covid”. It’s a malingering strain that’s not all that common but it’s been eating my lunch for six months and that music teacher told me last week “you don’t have it anymore.” I said how do you know that and how could that be possible? And he said that it can’t live in this atmosphere. And I said, well, I don’t even understand what this atmosphere is. Only that it feels like Jesus is in the room. And he said that’s because Jesus is in the room. Along with the Holy Spirit. I thought, okay this guy is crazy. But then it started to make sense because whenever the atmosphere changed, people would get spirit filled and delivered, even if that’s not what they came for. So, okay, I believe. I can’t wait to get the test results today and see what it says.

    1. No covid like NO cover! Enjoy being the healed and made whole! This is what happens when Jesus is really invited to show up as well as the Holy Spirit!

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