The God of Hope

Jesus never fails, He never fails.  Jesus never fails, He never fails.  Heaven and earth, Heaven and earth shall pass, shall pass away, but Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails!  Some trust in chariots, some in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God!  Philippians 3:3  We are the circumcision who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, had have NO confidence in the flesh!

In the days we live in there are many distractions, much evil, and a lot of demonic activity oppressing, and trying to tempt and bind people for they know time is wrapping up, for they see increased angelic activity, and that will happen more and more the closer we get to Jesus coming back for us who believe!  It is very important for us to stay on top of it and crush demons under our feet every day!

It is important to hold on to hope in these last days! Hope is the desire and expectation of future good!  Without faith it is impossible to please God!  We are to live by faith, for the just shall live by faith!  Now then faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR!  If ;you let go of hope and take a give up, no hope, hopeless attitude, then your faith will have nothing to make substance out of!  

There are keys in keeping yourself in hope alive!  1 Peter 5:7  Casting all your cares (anxieties) on Him, for He cares for  you!  The amplified bible says:  Casting the whole of your care, all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all, on Him;  for He cares for you affectionately, and cares about you watchfully.  We need to do this every day so to stay free from all that would rob hope and weigh us down!  Turn it all over to Jesus in prayer every day and hope will stay alive!  No depression can hold you now, for Jesus is the AUTHOR and FINISHER of your faith, and when you cast your cares on Him He will help you and sustain you, and carry your burden, and carry YOU!  Praise God forever, it is no wonder God says we are MORE than CONQUERORS through Him that loved us!

The very next verse in Peter says: be well balanced-temperate, sober minded, be vigilant and cautious at ALL times, for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring(in fierce hunger), seeking someone to seize and devour.  V. 9 Withstand him; be firm in the faith (against his onset), rooted, established, strong, immovable and determined.  It is important to keep all those cares cast on the Lord for if you don’t that is exactly where a hole in your armor is for the devil to take advantage and try to devour you!  This is WAR and Jesus won the victory for us and defeated the devil, and now we must walk in that victory and neither give place to the devil, but STOMP ALL OVER him as we walk free from heavy burdens and anxieties!  Praise Jesus!

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU; He will never suffer the righteous to be moved.  Some think the Lord isn’t taking care of them, but the fact is they hold fast to their problems and anxieties, and do not cast them on the dLord!  For the Lord to sustain you, you have to cast your burden on Him!                                  

There are some great promises God has for you that as you do what He says your life will be blessed, and you will live in blessing above all the mess in this world!  Revelation 1:8 I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.  When you KNOW that Jesus is the beginning and the ending then you KNOW  He sees you through ALL the way, EVERY DAY right to the day we go home to be with the Lord!  That is a faith and hope builder!  Begin to put faith in this word and say it in faith a lot for He said you will have it when you believe you will have whatever you say!

NEVER, EVER, EVER give up!  God cannot deny Himself, and keeps His Word always!   Isaiah 57:15  For thus says the high and lofty One that inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy;  I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. James 4:10  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He WILL LIFT YOU UP!  WHEN GOD LIFTS YOU… YOU HAVE BEEN LIFTED! Praise God!

Now the stage is set for some real victory and blessing in your life as you “believe God!”  The answer is in believing!  So many that “say” they believe really are “trying” to believe, but at the same time are in a strain and unrest!  God said in Hebrews 3 and 4 that when you really believe you enter into REST!  You have ceased from your “own works” as God did His the seventh day, and you have entered into His rest!  Did you know that a big part of this is in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and receiving your prayer language and actually using that prayer language in the Spirit?!  God said with stammering lips and another tongue God would speak to this people and this is the rest and this is the refreshing!  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Faith so when you pray in tongues you are praying in perfect faith!  When you really believe God then you will be filled with the Spirit for God promised the Holy Spirit to those who “believe!”

When God brought his people to the “promised land,” a land flowing with milk and honey, they were in a spirit of unbelief when they saw “giants” in the land they would have to overcome to possess the land!  The land did not belong to the giants, but did belong to the people of God for God gave it to them!  Because of their unbelief they did not obey God, but rebelled and had faith in their enemies instead of God!  They did not believe they were able to overcome to possess the land, so they did not enter into God’s rest, but wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and died in their unbelief!  

God has many promises for you in His Word and you have to mix faith with that Word to receive what God has for you, and you must drive out the squatters trying to rob your inheritance in Jesus!  Believe is an action word, and acting on the Word of God gets the job done!  

(Romans 4:17 -25)

God promised Abraham a son, but Sarah was barren and it would take believing God above the circumstance to produce that son!  Abraham against hope believed in hope, and considered NOT the deadness of Sarah’s womb or anything in the natural that was saying this was impossible!  It says that Abraham BELIEVED GOD and it was counted as righteousness to him. Abraham counted God faithful that had promised and received the miracle that produced a son!

Romans 15:13 NOW the God of  hope fill you with ALL joy and peace in BELIEVING,  that you may ABOUND IN HOPE through the power of the Holy Ghost. Know that when you come to God He is the God of HOPE!  As you believe Him He will fill you with ALL joy and peace in believing that you may ABOUND IN HOPE through the power of the Holy Ghost!  Faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR!  Hope is that desire and expectation for future good!  In the days we live in you must NEVER EVER let go of hope!  You are NOT hopeless for there is hope in God and it will come NOW as you believe God and He fills you with ALL JOY AND PEACE IN BELIEVING!  Not only will you have hope, but you will have it in ABUNDANCE, MORE THAN ENOUGH!  When it looked hopeless for Abraham, against hope He believed in hope, and counted God faithful that had promised,  and faith brought into substance what he hoped for, a son that was promised by God that he, Abraham,  would become a father of many nations according to the promise of God!  

Psalm 43:5  Why are you cast down , Oh my soul?  And why are you disquieted within me? (disturbed, turmoil, unrest)  HOPE in GOD: for I will yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

The Psalmist TOLD his emotions and intellect (soul) what to do!  He told his soul to HOPE IN GOD!   This kept him from being depressed or tormented mentally or emotionally for his soul was hoping in God, and then his faith could make substance out of what he hoped for!  Faith is the substance of things “hoped” for!  He told his soul that he was going to yet praise God who was the health of his countenance!  

You have to exercise your will to walk in victory in ;your life!  God’s people will be WILLING in the day of His power!  There are a lot of “I will’s” in the bible!  Psalm 34:1,2   I WILL bless the Lord at ALL times; His praise will continually be in my mouth.  My soul shall make her boast in the Lord; the humble will hear thereof, and be glad.  When you make a decision to bless the Lord at ALL times and that His praise will continually be in your mouth, then you will follow through and as you praise the Lord in the middle of whatever has gone against you, God will inhabit that praise…sit upon the throne of your praises!  Hallelujah!  Now the presence of the Lord is involved and in His presence is FULLNESS OF JOY, and brings healing, deliverance, peace, and the blessings of God!  I WILL  bless the Lord at ALL times!

Tell your soul what to do, obey the Word of God, from your spirit!  Psalm 103  Bless the Lord, Oh my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name.  Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits!  He told his soul to bless the Lord and remember His benefits and don’t forget them!  How can you do what the Word of God says unless  you remember it?!  Then in verse 3 He lists the benefits…Who forgives  ALL your iniquities; who heals ALL your diseases; Who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s!  So when you tell your soul to bless the Lord, remember all His benefits for God wants you to enjoy them!  

There was an evangelist traveling in ministry and one night was in a trailer.  A bunch of hoodlums surrounded them carrying torches, and were rocking the trailer!  He didn’t give up hope and throw in the towel…. Like, here I am ministering for the Lord, and look what I get!  NO!  He hoped in God and told his soul to hope in God, and then and only then Faith could bring into substance of things hoped for.  He listened to the Lord and God told him to throw the door wide open, step out and speak in tongues as loud as he could, and he did it!  They dropped their torches and ran off!  Praise God, keep hope going and do NOT let yourself give in to depression or melancholy!  Hope in God and you won’t be disappointed!  

There is a spirit of reverse order that causes you to get it all backwards.  Instead of you telling your soul to hope in God, the demons of reverse order has people disquieted and troubled on the inside “waiting” for God to do things no matter where your will is!  You MUST WILLFULLY DECIDE to tell your soul to HOPE IN GOD.  He is your hope!  He is the God of HOPE!  

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE!!!!!!!  If you would hear me speaking this the word BELIEVE would be held out LONG AND LOUD!!!!!!    When they first came to the promised land there were only 2, Joshua and Caleb who said the enemies are bread for us, let us go up at once!  The other people of God did not keep hope in their soul were all depressed in their unbelief for they could only talk of how big the enemy was and thought they were like “grasshoppers” in their sight!  Did you ever notice how the devil exaggerates the problems, and tells us we are not able to take it and just cannot overcome what evil is going on, etc.?!  The devil is a liar, God’s promises are all yes and Amen to the glory of God by us!  Hallelujah, we are well able to go up and take the country and possess the land from Jordan to the sea!  

Take the limits  off God you have put onHim!  They tempted God and limited the Holy One of Israel!  Refuse to limit God, for He is the God of HOPE and fills us with ALL joy and peace in BELIEVING that we will abound in HOPE through the power of the Holy Ghost!  Praise Jesus!  Glory to God!  Praise God, whatever it takes, My God is going to see me through and He said He will supply ALL my need NOT according to my need but according tro HIS RICHES IN GLORY BY CHRIST JESUS!  Philippians 4:19.  

There is Hope in God!  There is Hope for you!  Now the God of ALL HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in BELIEVING that you will ABOUND IN HOPE THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST!  Believing God OVER it ALL, no matter what!  Go by what God says in His Word!  

Here is a recipe for these days for victory!  

  1. Fear NOT!  Fear nothing!  Perfect love casts out fear for fear has torment!  If you refuse to fear anything, then those things have NO power over you!  God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a SOUND MIND!  TAKE IT, BELIEVE IT, LIVE IT! Recieve it, walk in it, say it and pray it, all by His Spirit!
  2. ONLY BELIEVE!  When they told the man his son was dead and not to bother Jesus like it was too late, Jesus told him… fear not, ONLY BELIEVE! “Lord I believe”… Jesus raised him back to life!  Hallelujah, all things are possible to them that believe!
  3. KEEP HOPE ALIVE.  Hope in God!  Tell your soul to hope in God and not to be disquieted within you!  Refuse depression, refuse to give up, for you are NOT hopeless, for there is hope in God by His Spirit!  All victory is in and by the Holy Spirit!  So pray in tongues of the Spirit a lot in these last days that the power of God will constantly be flowing in and through you!  No matter what you see or don’t see or what anyone says about anything or whether things look great or awful FEAR NOT, ONLY BELIEVE FOR ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE!  

I loose each one of you from everything contrary to hope!  I bind every demon of depression, anxiety, fear, hopelessness, giving up, pain, misery, backsliding and every spirit of no hope, go out now in the name of Jesus!  Jesus flood them with all joy and peace in believing now that they will abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost!


123 thoughts on “The God of Hope

    1. I’m glad to hear from you this is really good! Good overcomes the evil! We all need to guard our soul that we stay in hope, it is so important! You are welcome!

    1. It’s very good to hear that this is one of the best ever that makes you want to read it over and over. I have prayed over this that it does a lot of needed and good things for, and in all of us! Praise Jesus! Enjoy! God is a rewarded of those who diligently seek Him!

    1. Hallelujah! Good to hear you love the new post, and that its rockin! God is good to all and He wants us GULL of hope! Enjoy, and thanks for the comment! Blessings!

    1. Oh, very good, thank you! I’m so glad this is outstanding for then I know that I know that many believers will be blessed and helped by this!

    2. You are welcome! Good to hear you really love this and that it really spoke to you! I always pray this will do whatever people need in their hearts and lives so thanks for sharing!

    1. Praise God that’s what I’m talking about! Changed lives are why He died on Calvary! We are changed by the Spirit of God from glory to glory! Jesus, change lives big time through this post! Thank you Lord!

  1. I love this new post! This has a lot of meat on the bones and people should read it more than once!

    1. I’m glad you love this and I agree that people should read this more than once. This one should be studied, scriptures memorized and meditated on and spoken!

    1. Thanks! You are welcome! Its good to hear this lifted your spirits! These days we need to stay up every day, all day! Enjoy! Thanks for sharing!

    1. oh, good! I’m very glad this was exactly what you needed! God heard your cry and is come down to deliver you! In Proverbs 25:11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. God knows what we need and His Word is definitely fitly spoken!

  2. Okay, Rev. Rocket. I’m in. Here’s my story. I went to hear your Liberace friend a few years ago in California and I told him that I don’t try to get miracles or healings or anything because I think whatever happens is God’s will and we have to just accept it and that’s the only way that you can really have peace and he told me “what you think is peace is not peace at all its complacency and you’re letting the devil run roughshod over you and erroneously believing that’s what God wants. In a few years, that supposed peace is going to turn into turmoil and you’re going to be shaking your fist at the sky asking God why he ‘allowed’ all this happened to you.” I walked away laughing. I knew SO much more than him. Ooops. Well, everything he said would happen happened so I hightailed it back to this blog and now I’m in for good. He was right about everything I found on here too. Oh dear.

    1. I’m glad you finally made it in! Oh, the pain we would save ourselves.listening to the Lord right away! You know that now for sure!

      God is good, and when we repent He is there with arms wide open for God is Love! At.least you are here now and ask Jesus to restore the years that were eaten and robbed away and He will! Praise God!

    1. It’s good to hear you love this! God is going to move strong on and through this one as people come back to hope! There is no comparison with the alternative! Hopelessness, no hope, depression and giving up are demons and all they try to do is rob, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give us life, and life more abundantly! Enjoy!

  3. Okay Rocket Preacher! Three strikes I’m out. This is the third post of yours that I’ve read, trying to still be a skeptic, but it can’t be done anymore. I’m in.

    1. Three strikes your out of skepticism and it’s a home run on this end coming “in!” Now is FAITH,JOY,AND HOPE time! Welcome!

  4. Okay, this is my testimony. I had epilepsy in migraines my entire life. A person told me that it could be demons. I kind of laughed. But then they pushed me to go hear this annoying singer who can do all kinds of impossible things with his voice and on the keyboard, but suddenly I felt the Holy Spirit! I recalled how it felt from being raised in church, but I really seriously backslid. To make a long story short, I’m not in my backslidden state anymore that’s for sure, and I got delivered from the demons of that stuff. I didn’t take any medication for weeks now and I’m fine! I love this blog!

    1. Praise JESUS for healing and delivering you and bringing you back! Hallelujah! God is good! Good to hear you live this blog, God is going to really bless and use you! Keep reading, your faith will grow strong and quick! Thanks for sharing how God has done wondrous things in your life!

    1. That makes me glad that this was just what you needed and made you happy that this came! God knows what we need and makes sure we receive it when we look to Him. Enjoy, and blessings!

  5. I think this is a very important thing to learn in the end times. Otherwise, your thinking is all screwed up and you don’t know which way you’re going! I think posts like this people should read more than once!

    1. You are right all the way! There is so much confusion, strife, and demonic weirdness in these days, what is in this post is much needed, and we should read this more than once. It will take hold quicker and stronger that way. Thanks for sharing! Gods Spirit gives us the weapons and tools to overcome in the end times!

    1. Good, I’m glad this answered a lot of questions for you! God does not want us in the dark! The entrance of His words give light, and that light scatters the darkness! Many blessings to you!

    1. Praise God I’m glad you found this and a lot of questions you had were answered! God is good and led you here, and now you will grow strong spiritually as you apply what you learn here!

  6. This is great! I especially like that recipe towards the end. Everybody should follow that every day! This post has a lot in it. You really have to read it more than once!

  7. Yes, I have to agree with everyone else. You DO have to read this way more than one time to get everything out of it!

    1. God will bless this so much to hearts and lives as you do apply yourselves to diligently seek Him as He is a rewarded mm of those who diligently seek Him! Enjoy!

  8. Wow, Rocket Preacher! This is really exceptional. There is so much in this to help that you just have to read it more than once! Thanks!

    1. Praise God! I appreciate you sharing that, it inspires me that this is doing a lot to help! You are welcome! Enjoy and blessings to you!

  9. Okay, Rev. Rocket! I’m in. I can’t possibly say that this isn’t completely accurate because it is! I have to go back and read it again.

    1. Good, praise God, it sounds like a very good plan to read this post every morning! It will take hold and produce faith, hope, and miracles! The wisdom of God does wondrous things as we receive and walk in it!

    1. I’m glad you love this! The Lord is good, and through time I have sought Him for wisdom, and revelation by His Spirit on the Word of God. He is faithful to let us find when we seek!

  10. I feel like this is the kind of thing that everyone in the ministry should be writing and saying, but they don’t. There is usually nothing helpful at all, but on this blog, every single post is helpful! I don’t know why some of the rest of them are such idiots.

    1. its good to hear all the posts here help. Some were called into ministry and are led by the Holy Spirit; others just went and are not led by the Holy Spirit, but speak out on their own, and mix things in that are leaven that leaves the whole lump, as the Word of God says. The religious spirit never delivered anyone or brought the power of God. The religious spirit brings death.

      Enjoy the abundant LIFE in JESUS!

    1. HA HA HA HA…Let the good times roll! They won’t know what hit ’em! Lord, let the heavenly wind blow strong, even the rushing, mighty wind that drives demons out as it fills the place and sets everybody free that is willing in the day of His power!

  11. I wish more people would see what a benefit this is! Especially that little formula at the end. I copied that down just with a pen on a piece of paper to take with me. Even if you can’t have time to read a lot, you can go over that part through the day!

    1. Praise God this is benefiting all who come here! I’m glad you take the formula with you…good way to keep it fresh and your faith ignited to make it happen!

  12. Rocket Preacher, do you know why so many preachers seem to over complicate things? They need to read this blog that they don’t like and see the error of their ways. All they do is frustrate people and make you feel hopeless when they need to get their act together and realize they don’t know is much as they think!

    1. Well said for sure, and it is all true! Some preachers have leaned to their intellect and the Holy Spirit is not in anything they say or do! This quenches the Spirit and complicates things in a spirit of confusion! One huge problem is that they have never been delivered from the demons in their flesh so then those spirits come up to their minds with thoughts that God had NOTHING to do with and it messes everything up.

      God warned in the New Testament not to let the devil take you away from the “SIMPLICITY” that is in CHRIST!

      I loose everyone who has come under the preachers demonic confusion and complication, and all those spirits must GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS! HALLELUJAH! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND EVERY KNEE MUST BOW TO HIM!

    1. Thank you and blessings to you from above! I’m glad this is blessing you like that and that it is fresh where you have never read anything like this before! That means what I have prayed for is happening and God is anointing this special to hearts and lives to do the good things He wants done in lives! Thanks for the comment!

    1. All right! Welcome and blessings multiplied to you and all who read and love this! The truth makes us free WHEN we know it!

  13. Rev. Rocket last night is funny, because angry preachers can only stand there frowning instead of try to interfere with singer. They want to try to tell him not to have fire and all these other instruction and then no word come out of their mouth after a while. So they stand there angry as other people get spirit filled and I think they angry because they don’t know how to do anything for people and then the singer come from nowhere and thing happen. I was laughing at them and I think by the end they realize I was laughing but I didn’t care. I have a lot to read on this blog but I think I will understand it better now that I’m spirit filled.

    1. LOL, I love that the preachers wanted to interfere, but couldn’t because God shut them up, and all they could do is frown, and NOT stop the Holy Spirit! Ha ha ha ha ha… just have to laugh at the devil and those who listen to him and do his bidding! Enjoy finding treasures here that will make you rich in heavenly riches of His grace and power! You will grow greatly in the Lord and the power of His might! Enjoy and blessing that makes you rich be yours!

  14. Rocket Preacher, I finally get spirit fill and I know now what I miss. I always went to Assemblies of God church to say it not important but it’s okay if you got it. Well if it doesn’t matter either way, why is it there at all? Then that singer come in they not like him but they let him come anyway and almost everyone there get spirit fill. I see now that life can be easier when you have Holy Spirit because it make better understanding. I have to read all these posts and see everything I missed!

    1. Being filled.with the Holy Spirit TOTALLY matters and Jesus sent r e Holy Spirit special so we would have the power of God IN us to overcome it all! Praise God! Religious demons cannot stand for us to be filled with the Spirit for now we have the power to cast them out and shut them up, and be loosed from their lies and bondage! Good going and enjoy the blog, it will build your faith exceedingly and make you strong as well as heal and deliver! Jesus loves you! You have a good heart and God will speak in your spirit by His Spirit and lead you and show you truth that sets us free! Enjoy and blessings!

  15. Last night was really funny Rocket Preacher… As soon as he walked in the door, these preachers came over to tell him a big long list of instructions and I think he’s getting fed up with all the denominational stupidity because he just let them do their whole speech and then he said “oh shut up.” Everyone started laughing that heard what he said and then they got more and more angry but they couldn’t do anything so they just stood there with angry looks on their face while people got spirit filled. You gotta love it!

    1. Thanks for sharing this! Lol, I love that he let them ramble their idiot, religious, controlling, unbelief quench the Spirit speech and then said …Oh, Shut up! Ha ha ha. I can imagine how red their faces were that they could not speak their anger or stop the move of God at all! Move Oh God, and push the idiots out of the way! Praise God!

  16. I never have Holy Spirit til last night. My church say it not important but now I see that it is. They try to tell that singer not to bring Holy Spirit but how is he suppose to control that. I think God do whatever he want to do and people can’t stop him. Those preachers are stupid I think. This is a great blog and I can see I have much to read!

    1. You are right! The false preachers are trying to stop the Holy Spirit and they cannot do that or tell someone not to bring the Holy Spirit.

      It is totally important to have the Holy Spirit for then you can pray much perfect prayers and have the power you need to overcome and have miracles, etc.
      Yes, here you will find a lot.of spiritual food to cause you to grow up in Christ in all things and have powerful faith that will “remove the mountains” Jesus spoke of! Enjoy it and receive all the blessings of God!

  17. It’s not what you say once it’s what you say consistently, everyday, all the time. If you need something to change in your life, or if you need a physical healing, say that it is now what you need it to be. Don’t say it’s going to be, say it is. Now, present tense! When the words go out constantly, consistently, everyday all the time, the circumstance has no choice but to change. Over and out.

    1. This is ABSOLUTELY right! The Word says:…”The faith of God CALLS those things that be not AS THOUGH THEY WERE!” Now then faith IS the substance of things hoped for…RIGHT NOW..IS!

      Thanks for obeying the Lord and putting this on…everybody needed this!

  18. I really like that last comment. I needed that badly. Because I start calling things as though they are, but then I do it once or twice and fall off the wagon and wonder why I don’t get results! I get it! The consistency is the key to it just like anything else you want to be successful at. Thanks!

    1. Now you have got it! With Jesus it annot be a part time, half way walk and talk we do, but every day, every day, every day consistently speaking those powerful words of faith! Read Mark 11 really close again and when it comes to the verses telling you to speak to the mountain read it aloud! You are going to be victorious as you apply this!

  19. I read this blog before but when I get Holy Spirit now I understand better and it make more sense to me. I don’t know why preachers get mad at singer because Holy Spirit come because that is what we should want! They get mad and don’t get any Holy Spirit and then the people who are there to be spirit filled get all they need. So the only one out in cold is the angry preachers. I think this is funny!

    1. Good! The Holy Spirit brings it alive! Yes, those opposing preachers lose out on the best thing that could happen for them…out in the cold they stand with ice hanging off them! Lol.

  20. Rev. Rocket, I think that people who try to interfere and stop this blog from being read do that for same reason they don’t like that singer. They know they can’t do anything to help and are jealous of those who can. I am quitting my church now because I need church that understand Holy Spirit and it seem only on this blog that that is understood. These churches don’t help anybody! If they were smart they would read this blog instead of telling other not to read it!

    1. You are right! Whenever I saw people with anointing I listened to what they said and yielded to the Holy Spirit and gained a lot from God! Some will be very sorry in the end that they fought the truth and the anointing and the people of God that He sent to help!

      Its good you are not coming under those who fight God and His people, Word, and Spirit! God will lead you by His Spirit for now you are listening and perceiving from Him what you need to do!

    1. Number one God has given you a measure of faith so read here and learn how to use it and use it every day! Speak your faith out on the promises of God for things you are believing for. Then also, read the New Testament a lot! Read whole books at a time for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God! Start writing down good promises of God and memorize them, speak them out loud, and put them in your prayers. Also read this blog and pay attention to writings on faith, scriptures involved, and how to use it! Praise God I loose on you the Spirit of faith to come alive in your spirit!

      Pray in tongues mm of the Spirit a lot for the Word of God says as you do you are building yourself up on your most Holy faith! ROMANS 8:26-27.

    1. Good to hear, and I want great things to happen in everybody’s life because of it! I pray people all over will receive the goodness and greatness of God….immeasurable!

  21. Okay, I definitely got more out of this blog never got out of preachers flapping their gums in churches. I don’t have anything against regular churches if they teach the right thing, but they don’t. I learned more from this blog in a week than I learned in church in 10 years and that’s terrible!

    1. Praise God this is blessing you and revealing the truth from the Word of God. You are hungry for truth, and the Holy Spirit made sure you got here. I am so glad because I know what kind of dry places churches can be that have left their “first love!” They teach error, deny the power of God, lean to intellect instead of the Holy Spirit so the people are sick, oppressed, starving spiritually, dying before their time, and doing without the blessings of God they desperately need! Thank God you are here and learned more in a week than 10 years in those kind of churches! Much good is coming your way as you believe God! It’s make up time!

  22. Rocket Preacher, I like how that piano player doesn’t have to pray, but just sing song and all kinds of miracle happen. Especially when the pastors get mad because what are they mad at? All he did was sing song and God did the rest, but they mad at him. I think that’s pretty funny. This blog has many things that people need to learn for and time it’s not complicated or hard to understand. Thank you!

    1. You are right! He sings the song of the Lord, the HolynSpirit moves and does all kinds of miracles and the unbelieving preachers get mad at him! Hahaha, how ridiculous! They are being stupid!
      I’m glad you are enjoying the blog, and you are welcome!

  23. Really like that comment about calling things that be not as though they are. I think I am in the same boat as that other person, I think I end up saying things a time or two and then I go back to my old ways. That’s not going to get anything done. I have to try to do better with that from now on.

    1. Good, but don’t just “try” to do it the right way, but make a solid decision…from now on I call things that be not as though they were! Then it will work as you follow through! Faith is real and it works every time because that faith is from God, and is the faith of God! There is power in our words for we have authority and power over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by ANY means hurt us! Enjoy the life of faith and victory!

  24. Hi Rev. Rocket I have a question, and JBT said I should ask you. These preachers who more or less sold out to money, okay… The Bible says no man can serve two masters, and you can’t serve God and money, so I say that means they’re technically not serving God, because obviously there serving money if they’re lying to get it and misusing it once it’s acquired. I think JBT just likes to give you the hard questions!

    1. LOL, so I think you nailed it on all accounts…including the hard questions thing…haha!

      The thing is that if these preachers have the love of money, it is the root of all evil! If anyone is serving money as their God, then they cannot possibly be hearing, or living for Jesus! It says when they serve money they CANNOT serve God! If you saw in the Spirit you would see huge satanic chains wrapped around their spirit and soul, holding them bound!

    1. Praise God, praise God! Wonderful! I’m so glad to hear this helped your whole family! You are welcome!

    1. Oops…there goes the whole apple cart..HA HA HA HA! I DO BELIEVE IT IS DOUBLE PORTION TIME FOR ALL!

  25. This was a really good post and I read it every day for 10 days straight and now I feel like I’m implementing it every day of my life now! Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. Praise God thats the way to do it, and now you are making it work in your life every day! Hallelujah! The 10 days in a row reading this post did something very special in your spirit and life! God be praised!

  26. Okay, I am here and I hope you’re happy! YOU know who you are. I don’t appreciate being told what to do and what blog to read or not read. I can decide for myself if I want to read a blog and I don’t need water dropped on my forehead like a Chinese torturer would do. You have a lot of nerve and I don’t want to hear I told you so! Thanks Rev. Rockett, this ended up to be just what I needed!

    1. You are welcome, take it in your heart and make it work for you! I’m glad this was just what you needed!

    1. Praise God, I am SO glad that when you thought there was nothing that would help this DID! God always has the answer and is an ever present help!

  27. A little something to add to that last comment I made. If you find yourself making your confession but you know deep down you are just going through the motions and don’t really believe, then renounce it all and start over. It’s better to have said nothing than to confess something in unbelief because you’ll simply amplify your unbelief.

    1. Very good strong point! It doesn’t work to “try” to confess faith when really in unbelief! Here is a little help…In the name of Jesus every demon of unbelief you are bound and must GO OUT NOW! I loose the Spirit of faith on believers now!

    1. O.k. welcome to hope and answers to prayers, and the power of the Holy Spirit in your life! Faith works and God loves to reward those who diligently seek Him!

  28. I really enjoyed this post, because it has sensible, practical things that you can actually implement in your real life. Not the stupid pie-in-the-sky stuff that nobody can really make work for them. Thanks!

    1. Yes, I know what you mean! I have always thought it was abominable how much mish mosh was being taught that was out of the intellect, not spiritual at all, full-on unbelief and pride! It never did anything good and kept people from the true move.of the Spirit of God.
      I’m glad you enjoyed this and got the kind of word you needed to make work in your life! Praise Jesus, and you are welcome!

    1. LOL. Well, all I can say is that I look to the Holy Spirit! Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you! Enjoy, and keep praising the Lord, He is, and is going to be doing great things!

  29. Rocket Preacher my pastor told me that the music teacher who does all those gigs is really just doing a hoax on people and that they only think they’re getting spirit filled but really aren’t. I think I should leave that church because I think he’s lying! I don’t think all those people could fake getting the Holy Spirit and why would they anyway? What would be in it for them? These preachers are scared of that singer but I don’t know why.

    1. The false pastor IS lying and he is lying against the Holy Spirit who IS filling all those people!

      The music teacher gets “results” that God said would happen when we believe. These are results and signs that the false preachers cannot produce because of their unbelief and rebellion, pride, and falseness! A lot of them worship and love money and when they love it, it is the root of ALL evil! So when they get afraid they will lose people and money they start with the lying accusations that I pray will BLOW UP IN THEIR FACES!

  30. So it’s always correct to believe God for healing right? There’s no reason God would be using the sickness to try to show us something or because there’s something to learn from it, right?

    1. RIGHT, and
      RIGHT! Think of it this way: why would God “allow” something to “teach you something” that Jesus took away from you when He died on the cross?! 1 Peter 2:24 says that by His stripes you WERE HEALED! Jesus redeemed you 100% and took sickness and allowed them to beat Him with many stripes so much His visage was marred more than any man so that you could be cleansed of sin and healed…..NOT made sick to teach you something.


  31. Tonight…a Catholic Church is on the agenda! There’s lots of those down here, and I have a funny feeling that the Roving Reporter is going to get him into all of them. But that’s really not why I am posting. I’m posting for a prayer of mercy for those of us who have had a song rearranged three times now to get more and more fruit. The official cut off time for fruit picking is 3 PM today, so I think we should all have a moment of silence at that time and pray the Lord’s prayer for some of us to be saved from the mad genius’s clutches!

    1. Oh, yes she, no doubt,, will get him into all of them!
      O.k. you got it! Agreement for mercy in the fruit plucking arena…cut off at.3!

  32. Somebody finally come to my church who bring power and my church not want him there! They are crazy. I don’t think I will be in that church now. I should move on to
    place where pastors and deacons are not crazy!

    1. Yes, you are right! Let God lead you to where they are not crazy and do let the power of God move! God has so much for you and how can you receive it in a place where they have unbelief?!

  33. OK! I read this one, Fear Fixations, and Shout the Walls Down, so now your hot shot singer friend can say I Told You So. Go ahead! YOU Know who you are. YOU’LL find out! Thanks Rev. Rocket!

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