Scripture of the Day

Isaiah 65:24

“It will come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”

Keep speaking words of faith, for there are great blessings beyond all you can ask or think, that are yours! Also, keep praying in the spirit a lot. It’s very powerful!

229 thoughts on “Scripture of the Day

  1. Well, we’re already redoing arrangements every five seconds to find more fruit. I think God handed those brains out in a limited number as mercy for the rest of the world.

    1. LOL, I was waiting to hear from you. Yes, mercy is a real good thing, isn’t it?! May all the fruit be found quickly!

    1. All right, no problem. I agree with you in Jesus name for all you need to be solved and supplied. When 2 or 3 of us agree we have it so I praise God for all the answers you need supplied!

    1. O.k. Thanks for letting me know so we can add prayers for tonight! Jesus make it special I pray with special miracles that will transform many lives forever! Thank you Lord for all you will do for you have heard the cry of your people and are come down to deliver them for you truly love them and care about them!

  2. Rev. Rocket, I think this mysterious singer have times where he see Angel because I can tell he looking at something that no one else can see. I’m glad I find out about all the things churches don’t tell people. You would think in end time churches would want more than ever to have truth told but they don’t. They need to read this blog instead of criticize it.

    1. Angels are definitely there so that is very possible! The churches need to decide which side they are on because 1 Timothy 4:1 says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith giving attention to deceiving, seducing spirits, and doctrines of demons. When they.oppose someone who has the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and miracles, then they have gone away from the faith and are listening to the wrong, evil spirits! You are right! It is highb time to get right with God!

  3. Okay, I was a diehard skeptic, and then I got dragged to hear this hot shot singer because my friends were worried about me. I was in pretty rugged shape, that’s true. But I still went as a skeptic, and I was determined not to believe any of it. Well, anyone who felt what I felt would not have been able to ignore it or think it was just a hoax. There was definitely the power of God in that whole square and people got spirit filled in big numbers. I don’t know why churches have anything against him, because he is definitely not a phony. I was a serious skeptic and I couldn’t deny it, so they have to know it’s the truth too! I really love this blog. There’s nothing else around that’s easy to understand. This is easy to understand, but it’s a very important message. The others need to stop the high and lofty way of thinking and just admit they don’t know anything!

    1. Praise God for all He did in your life! He delivered you from skepticism and delivered your life from destruction! Yes, when you feel the power of God like that it definitely makes all the difference in the world….nothing compares! I’m glad you are receiving truth here on the blog. What good is anything if it’s confusing and complicated and not from the Holy Spirit?! Those who oppose this need to repent and open their hearts to the Holy Spirit! Enjoy!

  4. I feel like I got cheated all my life because I didn’t understand about the Holy Spirit. Churches don’t know what they’re talking about. They think you automatically get spirit filled right when you get saved, but now I realize it’s a whole separate thing. I wish I would’ve known this years ago! And they say that it supposedly “can’t” happen just with someone singing a song or two, so that it must all be smoke and mirrors, but how wrong they are! I think they know deep down they just don’t want to admit it because then they have to admit they don’t know anything. Thanks for this blog Rocket Preacher, I have a lot to read here!

  5. Okay I will no longer be a skeptic but I didn’t think that I would have all these assignments to do. Foundations, blueprints, cars, boats and planes. Seriously? Now I’m wondering what I got myself into, but there’s no turning back because I can’t deny that there was really power there last night. Thank you, Rev. Rocket I think!

    1. Well, now you have the power of God so it is really important to get grounded in the truth, and established in faith to keep on going strong and overcoming it all! You are welcome for sure!

  6. It was really funny the other night when these religious people came to tell that music teacher all the things he was doing wrong and give him all kinds of instructions, and he just turned around after they got done blathering and said “oh shut up.” Then everybody started laughing and the more we got to laughing the more people got spirit filled and the more people got healed. It was one of the best nights of my life! I have to do a lot of assignments here, though. Oops

    1. That is great! Read the post on laughter, it is very powerful and brings a lot of blessing, as you saw! I love that it started when he told the naysayers to shut up! HA HA HA HA HA! GOD LAUGHS AT the enemies and puts them in derision! As we join Him in laughing many miracles come as joy flows!
      You will be blessed by what you do here! These posts are designed to raise your faith level, bring quick understanding, shed the light if God in your heart to deliver from all darkness, and bring praise to God! Enjoy, and keep stomping the devil under your feet! Hallelujah!

  7. All right, I’m in. You got me. I don’t know who you two are where you came from, but I have no argument left. I guess I just have to retire my skepticism.

    1. Welcome! Great idea to retire the skepticism! Skepticism is an awful loop of doubting and never coming to the truth! But, FAITH, on the other hand, takes you to the throne of God where answers live and abound! I will take the path of faith every time for it is the path of life, and that is the path of God! Enjoy the life of blessing!

    1. All right, easy for God, He is ALL POWERFUL! Receive your stash throwing out miracle now in Jesus name! Now, raise your hands as high as they will go towards heaven, and praise God with all your heart for setting you free and giving you the stash throwing out miracle! Now, do whatever the Holy Spirit tells you to do!

  8. Rocket Preacher, I need prayer. I’m an emotional wreck! I don’t have what it takes to get through the end times.

    1. GOD’S STREGTH is made perfect in weakness! Believe that, say that, pray that, have that! Rely on HIS STRENGTH, HIS ABILITY, HIS POWER, and pray in tongues a LOT! Confess faith words over EVERYTHING! Do spiritual warfare and bind all the demons from hindering you! Tear down the strongholds by the authority in the name mm of Jesus! The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling DOWN of strongholds! No weapon formed against us will prosper! God has made you the head and not the tail…believe that and say it boldly in faith!

      You need to believe you are what God says you are, that you can do what God says you can do, and that GREATER is HE that is in you than he that is in the world!
      Also, start praising Jesus EVERY DAY for extended periods of time and all through the day for God inhabits, lives in praise! His presence will manifest and in His presence is fulness of JOY, and the JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH!
      You have overcome in the last days so you have to believe it and put mm it into action every day, every day! You are loosed from all the demonic oppression and lying spirits that have been lying to you telling you that you can’t overcome in the last days! That was a pack of lies and is under your feet! The truth is what God said in His Word about you…that you are MORE than a conqueror through Jesus Christ who loved you and gave Himself for you to redeem you, deliver you, and fill you with His peace! Be made whole in Jesus name!

  9. Rocket Preacher, my pastor tell me that I must have not understood everything that happened that night because that many people can’t get spirit filled at the same time. Well they did! Almost all of us did when that music teacher was singing a song called “Jesus Paid It All”. I think my pastor is crazy and I should probably leave that church. What do you think?

    1. I think you are absolutely right! God can fill unlimited numbers of people with the Holy Spirit all at the same time for the Holy Spirit is everywhere and not limited.

      The pastor is putting his own limits on the Holy Spirit! Thats NOT good.
      He is quenching the Holy Spirit and grieving the Holy Spirit, and has demons of unbelief. It’s not good to be under that!

    1. You are welcome and the best part is it is God’s Word and true and He does what He says! He has heard our cry and is come down to deliver us, even while we are yet speaking! Jesus loves you!

  10. Could I ever have enough faith that I can cast demons out without even having to pray like that music teacher does?

    1. God is no respected of persons and you can build your faith to that degree. ALL things are possible to them that believe!

    1. Ok good! Welcome! You will be glad as you see victory after victory in your life happen! This IS the VICTORY that OVERCOMES the world, even our FAITH! Enjoy the blessings, and enjoy the blog!

  11. Is this singer for real??? The one with the 5 octave voice? Is he genuine? I have to know. I have been burned so many times but I trust this Blog.

    1. I understand completely and rest assured the singer with the 5 octave voice is as real and genuine as his voice! He loves Jesus with all his heart and all he does he dedicates to God. Miracles of all kinds happen when he sings for he allows the Holy Spirit to have control and do whatever God wants. People are simultaneously saved, Spirit filled, healed, and delivered all over the place! Praise God! Now THAT’S the REAL DEAL!

      False preachers oppose him because he has the POWER OF GOD, and they don’t, and are jealous! They don’t have the power of God because they don’t believe, and won’t pay the price! Now, them you cannot trust, for they lie!

    1. When they put the crown of Thorns on Jesus’ head He bore everything that would cause pain to the head including migrains! So, you are healed, receive it in Jesus name. Lord, let the hot anointing oil of the Holy Spirit flow all over her head driving every demons of migrains out!

  12. Rev.Rocket, why don’t some of these disruptive preachers just get spirit filled themselves and then they can stop harassing our music teacher?

    1. That is what the harassing preachers need to do, is get Spirit filled! They need deliverance from demons of unbelief, persecution of others, spite, hate, malice, and envy to name a few! The problem is they are so full of pride they refuse to repent!
      We bind all their demons and loose the double portion of the Spirit on your music teacher that he be strengthened and empowered way beyond the mess that these rebellious preachers try to do against him and the Holy Spirit!

    1. Thanks for sharing that this was a great scripture for you today! I’m very glad to hear that! I always post these prayerfully that the Holy Spirit will minister and anoint the truth and help everyone!

    1. Hey, we are BELIEVERS not doubters! We have seen tremendous miracles of all kinds. Do please tell your testimony…we will believe, and it will encourage others, and build faith!

  13. Well, I went to hear your hot shot singer friend and I was in dire straights. I was not even going to bother trying. But he walked up to me and said “You got diagnosed with Covid right?’ I said “Yes!” and he said, “they told you because of a lung and heart condition that you’d end up in the hospital, right?” and I said “Yes!” and he said “well, it can’t live in this environment. Go get tested tomorrow.” And I did, and I was negative!!!!

    1. Praise Jesus forever, that is so wonderful! Covid died in the presence of God …we BELIEVE! No hospital stay for you! Hallelujah! Thanks for sharing, I loose others to be healed from covid as the presence of God envelopes them now in Jesus name! Enjoy divine health!

    2. Praise Jesus forever, that is so wonderful! Covid died in the presence of God …we BELIEVE! No hospital stay for you! Hallelujah! Thanks for sharing, I loose others to be healed from covid as the presence of God envelopes them now in Jesus name!

    1. Praise Jesus, good to hear these posts are helping you get your life back on track! That’s what it is all about! God will help us with all we need as we go to Him in faith believing. Never give up for He has the answer for you and loves you!

  14. Okay, Rocket Preacher… I had all the signs of being an intercessor, but my pastor told me that that can only be men. Can women be intercessors? Your singer friend told me not to even go back to that church. LOL.

    1. I agree with singer man! Of course, women can be and are intercession. Dont let the devil rob you because of a lying preacher!
      The Holy Spirit is flowing through you to intercede so listen to Him, and do what God is calling you to! God is going to bless you in this so much because it is of Him, and you have a giving, unselfish heart, and that’s why He can use you in this special way! Enjoy listening to the Lord instead of man, and the blessing that comes when you listen to Jesus!

  15. Rev. Rocket, I finally got spirit filled. My friends dragged me to hear that singer and he sang a song called Fill My Cup Lord and the roof blew off the place! I am SOOOOO happy now that I have what it takes to get through life now. I have a lot of assignments here though. Oh dear!

    1. Praise God you are filled with the Holy Spirit now! Happy is much better! Enjoy the blog, the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth!

  16. Now I finally will quit church that can offer nothing and let myself have really all that God want for me without have to accept all negative as his will. I wait to long to get spirit fill because I was told it not important but it is and now I glad it happen to me. I have a lot to read here. Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. Good! You don’t need to be held back by those who have unbelief. You are welcome! Enjoy and soak the truth in, much blessing is coming to you!

  17. I don’t really know what to say about what happen. No one ever tell me how to get spirit filled but then it happened just when someone sing gospel songs. That man not have to pray for anybody. He just sing and holy spirit come and fill up the whole area. And people try even to do things to physically harm him but they can’t. Is God protecting him? I don’t understand trying to harm someone who spend all time helping people. I have lots to read here now and I hope I can fix my foundation and blueprint!

    1. Yes, the presence of God does fill up the whole area and people are filled with the Holy Spirit and receive miracles of all kinds. The people who want to hurt the singer who is helping people are ruled by demons who cannot stand the anointing for it burns them out!

      You can fix what is needed for Jesus will help you do it.

  18. I think, Rev. Rocket, that you have good thing here with this because all question anyone would have are here to be answered. I think people who claim to be church officials but get mad at singer for bringing Holy Spirit with him makes THEM the phonies. They don’t like when he give people this blog, and what they should do is read it themself. I never knew how easy to get spirit filled but now I do!

    1. Thank you! I pray for.answers to those questions so I’m glad to hear from you that those answers are coming through here!
      I agree that the phonies are the ones going against the singer who sings and the Holy Spirit moves, and people are blessed, filled with the Spirit, healed and delivered!

      God is doing great things; it is great that you are a part of it! Never look back, but press on in the kingdom of God and the power of the Holy Spirit!

  19. Rocket Preacher, I was told don’t come to hear that music teacher because he teach false doctrine. Well, he not teach anything. He just sing and play, and God does all the rest. I could have never predicted that because of everything I heard. I don’t think I need to go back to my church because I don’t think they tell things honestly! But I have lots to read here and then I think understand the Bible much better! Thanks!

    1. You are very welcome! You said it good what goes on and you are absolutely right about not going back to those who lied about the singer and what goes on. They are jealous, and refuse to truly seek God, and so do not have the power of the Holy Spirit!

      I pray Jesus ministers to you His precious Word here by the Holy Spirit in all things!

  20. Uh oh….that swinging from the chandeliers stuff is starting. And to think they warned him about that! 😆😆😆

    1. HA HA HA HA HA Oh, dear what will they ever do…they better watch or they will be up there swinging from. The chandeliers too…lol!

  21. I am happy now I get to finally see power of God! I never see anything like that before. Church always just quiet and ritual but nothing much more than that and then I quit going altogether. Last night I feel spirit of God come all through the room and just because music being played and I didn’t even understand how it could happen. Then the pastors try to quiet everybody down but it too late because God was doing what he was going to do no matter what. They don’t like that singer, but I don’t know why because I think every church need something like this. I like this blog because every post can be understood without having to get a headache! There should be more like this.

    1. Did you know that in the Old Testament God sent the singers and praisers out first in front of the army?! Why do you think the largest book in the Bible is Psalms? Psalms is FULL of praising God! God inhabits our praises to Him! Part of the definition of that is that He sits upon the throne of our praises! God’s presence will always come as we praise the Lord! When those pastors try to go against the Holy Spirit anointing like that they are trespassing into an area that God said to NEVER go into! The sins against the Holy Spirit open people to demons quicker than anything! Those who oppose the Holy Spirit like this are part of the Laodicean church of Revelation where they “say” they are rich, and and increased with goods and have need of nothing, but God says they are blind, wretched, miserable, poor and naked and “DON’T KNOW IT!” They are the lukewarm, neither hot or cold and God spits them out of His mouth! It’s good you had the sense to get away from ritual and no power of God places for when they are spiritually dead and you go there those demons of spiritual death try to oppress you!

      Thank God, Jesus gives ABUNDANT LIFE, AND THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT DRIVES demons out, heals the sick, raises the dead, fills believers with the Holy Spirit and sets all the oppressed FREE!
      I’m glad you like this blog for I always pray this will be a huge blessing and minister the truth to people in a way they can understand and receive and grow in faith and the power of God! Enjoy!

  22. Rev. Rocket! I never saw anything like this in my life. Somebody was trying to run that singer down last night and something stopped the car as if it hit something but nothing was there. And then they backed up and tried to do it again and the second time something dented the front of the car. Nobody could see anything, but whatever it hit cause damage to the car? For real? What was it?, Angels or something? Whatever! I’m in.

    1. Now, my friend you have seen a little taste of what angels can do! Those idiots don’t know what they are messing with! The Holy Spirit is not to be vexed, grieved or spoken against! God will not be mocked! Welcome, you are in the right spot at the right time. God knew that was going to happen and made sure you saw that to bring you in. Enjoy, and never look back!

  23. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I will believe everything on here now! My permissive will days are over! I’m done with that! Thanks!

    1. You are welcome! The reason the devil started the false doctrine of “permissive will” was so he could run all over people, mess with their lives, torment them and make them sick, and the people blame God! “Woe to them that came good evil, and evil, good!” That is in Isaiah. People have their kingdoms mixed up and put light for darkness and darkness for light! You have chosen wisely so enjoy what real faith can do for: “This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our FAITH!”

  24. I have a lot of assignments to do here, Rocket Preacher! And then I have to get rid of my dead horses? What did I get myself into?

    1. Anything that is good is worth whatever it takes! What God has for you here is rich treasure that will heal, deliver, and raise faith in your heart that you will be able to overcome it all! There is a way to receive the abundant life in Jesus and the Word of God will show you how!
      You will be SO glad when the dead horses are gone, oh, yes indeed! Watch what I say; it will be so, and you will be very glad!

    1. O.K., no problem! God is greater than the stash bondage! You are loosed in Jesus name! Now, pray in tongues of the Spirit, and then raise your hands up toward heaven and praise God for setting you COMPLETELY FREE!

      Now, do whatever the Holy Spirit tells you to do, and go FREE INDEED!!!

  25. Okay, now that I actually have the Holy Spirit, I have to use my faith! Well, for your hotshot friend and you, maybe it’s easy, but for somebody like me, who was OOOOPS, a doubt peddler it’s a little bit harder. Uh oh. I yes need prayer. ROFL

    1. Well, the main thing is that you USED to be a doubt peddler, but now a person of FAITH AND POWER! Choose to believe the promises of God in the Word, and speak them out loud in simple faith…God says you will have what you say when you believe you will! Faith works! I loose the Spirit of faith on you and pray the Holy Spirit, who IS the Spirit of faith flows through you every day! Keep laughing at those doubt peddling demons…HA HA HA..”they” are the LOSERS! They lost control of you!

  26. This is great Rev. Rocket. I like to show this to some people who think they are right about everything but really know nothing about what they are saying. They say to stay away from man who have faith but go to doubt church. That make not any sense and now I see they just jealous. HA. They need to reading this blog instead they badmouth it. They are stupid.

    1. Well said! There is no sense like nonsense! Those who hate the truth love death, and if you watch you will see that they are morbid, depressed, and hate it when others have the real JOY OF THE LORD! LETS LAUGH AT THE devil..HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! GOD BLESS YOU!

  27. I finally meet someone who know about how Holy Spirit can come without any wasted time or long tarry session. It all new in different to me because I never went to church that have real power but he did. Now I have many posts here to read and never get tired of them! Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. You are certainly welcome! I’m so glad the posts here are blessing you and feeding you! Thank God you finally met one who had faith instead of unbelief and false doctrine about the Holy Spirit and being filled! Hallelujah to Jesus!!

    1. Welcome, God gives signs, WONDERS, and miracles! This is one that makes you “wonder!” God definitely has stepped it up and you saw for yourself the power of God in action. He will do whatever it takes to protect His people! Enjoy the abundant life with the power of the Holy Spirit as you live for Jesus!

  28. I saw that too! I was waiting for someone else to come on here and say that they did because I thought everybody would think I’m crazy. I never saw anything like that my life! That was God protecting him. Doesn’t that scare those people away? You would think they would stop doing it already!

    1. It seems there is no fear of God before there eyes! They just keep trying to do things against someone who has the anointing of the Holy Spirit and who only tries to help people by God’s power! That is a very dangerous thing to do!

      Now, they try to run him down in a car and hit something invisible that actually dents the car! It is time to stop it right then! Whatever they have, it is NO match whatsoever to the power of the Holy Spirit, and the angels of God!

  29. Okay, Rocket Preacher. I don’t have any argument left. I tried to warn that singer that somebody was coming to try to run him down that night, and he wasn’t worried about it. I told him “well, you’re being really foolish because if you don’t get out of here you may end up dead!” He wasn’t even twitching a little finger over it, and then…ooops… A dented car even though you couldn’t see what dented it. Seriously? Okay, I’m not arguing anymore.

    1. “If God then be FOR US, who then can be against us?!” HAHAHA, the devil’s crowd tries so hard to do him in and they CANNOT succeed for GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US THAN he that is in the world! Glory to God in the highest! Welcome in …no arguments left! The power of God in action takes away all argument and doubt! Amen!

  30. Rocket Preacher….ok…l will believe all this. I saw the car too. I didn’t want to be the only one because everyone would think I’m crazy. I’ll never doubt again!

    1. The power of God IS REAL. Angels are REAL. The angel of the Lord camps round about us to deliver us! You just saw a little demonstration of what the Power of the Holy Ghost and angels can do, and look what a dramatic thing happened where a maniac is trying to run down a believer in Jesus, and hits something invisible that actually puts a dent in the car! Hallelujah! Praise God! It is high time to wake out of sleep, for the end time move of the Spirit is upon us! Welcome, and enjoy the blog as faith comes alive, and the Holy Spirit flows in your life!

  31. Well, Rocket Preacher, I’m pretty sold on all this now. I can’t imagine not believing after what I saw. But what I don’t understand, like everyone else has been saying, is don’t these people have any fear of God? Of course, you answered that! They DON’T. Yikes. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes!

    1. You are so right…I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of anyone who opposes the Holy Spirit like that either! Blessings, and enjoy the blog and all that God has for you!

    1. Praise God for the victory! Stash gone and under your feet, Holy Spirit flowing strongnout of your inner most being…rivers of living water! You are number 210 to receive the stash throwing out miracle! Hallelujah! Jesus is Lord and good to all that call on Him!

  32. Okay, so Mr. five octave is in the middle of a song and was determined not to fall for any of this because I “knew” that it was all smoke and mirrors, and my friends were laughing at me. I didn’t know why. So finally I said “I’m just going to go tell him a thing or two,” and they said “good… Go ahead…” So I went charging up there and got within about 6 feet and was flat on my back. Actually, it’s pretty cool. If I knew being spirit filled was this good I would’ve done a long time ago. Whoops.

    1. LOL, that was a good one! So much for “smoke and mirrors,” haha, turned out it was FIRE…OF THE HOLY GHOST! Oh, yes, being filled with the Spirit definitely puts you into a place with God that cannot come any other way! Enjoy your life of power and victory as you pray in tongues of the Spirit every day! It puts you over!

  33. Thank you for this blog Rocket Preacher. There is not many place on Internet to find what you need but this blog have it all. I think all preacher who caused trouble need to come and read this and then they stop doing what they do!

    1. You are welcome for sure! I know what you mean! The preachers who cause trouble should read this, repent, and be delivered from all the demons that cause them to oppose the anointing!
      Enjoy, and be blessed, and I’m glad this is showing you all b you need to know by the Holy Spirit!

  34. I don’t even know what to think, Rev. Rocket. I was always told my whole life that it’s not necessary to speak in tongues or have the Holy Spirit and I just assumed that my pastor knew what he was talking about. Now I realize I only had a watered-down gospel that covered one or two things but was missing out on the whole rest of the package. I have a lot to work on now! This blog will help me!

    1. I would just praise God you found out now the truth about the Holy Spirit than go the rest of your life without that light. God will show you truth here that will show you the way! I speak it.plainly and ask God to breathe on it to bring it alive to you and all who read here. Now, a new life in the Spirit and the Word of God will be powerful in you also, anointed by the Holy Spirit!

  35. Okay, so there’s never a time where God “allows something bad to happen for you to learn something from it? I was told that my whole entire life and I can’t get used to the fact that that’s not true!. I’d rather believe this way, that the bad things are from the devil! I really love this blog.

    1. The Holy Spirit has done a great thing in your life because it took HIM to loose you from a lifetime of false teaching of the “permissive will!” We have cast out demon spirits named permissive will and they kept people expecting and putting up with all kinds of mess and then blaming God! Jesus came and set the captives FREE! ENJOY THAT FREEDOM AND ENJOY THE BLOG! I’m glad you love this blog for you love the truth, and the truth sets you free and puts you over!

  36. Okay,Rocket Preacher! You got me! I read about 10 of these and have to agree with everything. I will have to ditch my skepticism now!

    1. Good riddance skepticism and all that negativity involved! You will be a brand new, Spirit filled, faith filled, joy filled believer.
      You have authority over all evil, and will walk in perfect peace and love as the Holy Spirit flows in your heart mm and life!

  37. If these preachers would stop being know it all’s and start reading this blog instead of criticizing it, then maybe they would learn something.

  38. Okay, I’m here! I hope you’re happy! But I’m just letting you know that I don’t need to be told when to read a blog or how to read a blog or what posts to read first. If I want to read something I’ll read it. I don’t need water dripped on my forehead like you’re some Chinese torture. Actually, it is just what I needed. I wish I would’ve known about your blog before, Rev. Rocket!

  39. Rocket Preacher, I’m in! I don’t really understand a lot of this, but yesterday I went to just get some free entertainment and discovered that the person there was that controversial music teacher they all talk about. I almost was just going to leave because my pastor warned me about him, but then all of a sudden the Holy Spirit was in the room and the walls were practically shaking. How can they say that’s all fake? How can you make windowpanes rattle? Give me a break! Okay, I’m in. I don’t understand it all, but here I am. I’ll read all this.

    1. As you read here I pray God opens the eyes of your understanding by the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, and that the Word of God will go deep in your heart and cause faith to grow strong, and you to be established in the truth in every way! God has a lot for you and that’s why you are here! I prayed God would send hungry souls here who hunger for the truth of the Word of God. Enjoy, and never look back, only press on to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!

    1. LOL! I guess you mean it! Well, I’m sure he really wanted you to receive what you needed here! When you listen to the Lord He moves to help all He can through you! There are so many that never listen to the Holy Spirit, and in fact I don’t think they know Him or His leading or voice! That’s why they are more dead than a door nail! As you saw though, our friend is not dead at all, but very much alive in Jesus!

  40. Rocket preacher, I happy with this man who come to our church and bring power of God with him. Everyone at church Deacon board tell us stay away from him. Then he end up singing with our choir and lot of people get spirit-filled. I asked them then why they not like him and they have no real answer and they were the only people who got nothing. That seemed simple to me but I guess not to them. I love this blog! I hope this was a good comment like I was supposed to do. This hard to explain for me!

    1. You did very good! Praise God for His awesome power that came to you! Those who oppose the singer are bad off and do not understand, for when the anointing of the Holy Spirit is there they are going against God to oppose that.

  41. Hi Rev. Rocket! Well, I just went to go hear that singer because I wanted to try to find out how he has that kind of control of his voice. Where he can go up into the rafters and then come back down and suddenly be able to do a very soft effect and I was hoping he would give me his secret. Well, I never got that far, because all of a sudden something started filling up the room and everybody was getting slain in the spirit and I was thinking “oh boy, I got into more than I expected here” but I was kind of happy because I wanted to find if all that stuff was real for a long time. Ooops… I have to admit it’s real! But now I have a bunch of assignments. I have to read a some of these posts in exchange for him giving me his voice technique secret. Oh boy! Thank you, I think.

    1. A song says IT’S REAL, IT’S REAL, OH I KNOW I KNOW IT’S REAL…! As you found out the power of the Holy Spirit is still here now and is filling believers, and doing all the signs and wonders and miracles! Enjoy the blog, it will help and bless you good!

  42. Okay, Rocket Preacher… Can I get all this faith too and believe for only positive things and not accept negative things? How long do you have to be saved for all that?

    1. There is no amount of “time” you have to be saved to use faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God! Every time you are in the Word of God, faith comes. It is up to you to use the faith you have, and you have the authority and power now to rebuke those demon spirits behind evil, and tell them to get and stay lost! Claim what the promises of God promise you, and put your name in there, and speak the Word of faith boldly aloud and say…and THAT IS WHAT I WILL HAVE COR IT IS MINE THROUGH JESUS AND BY THE PIWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!
      You can submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you NOW! READ EPHESIANS WHERE IT SAYS ABOUT HAVING DONE ALL TO STAND…HAVING THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD ON. IT IS UP TO YOU TO PUT IT ON AND WEAR IT EVERY DAY! Ephesians 6.

    1. Fear is a spirit, and a sin, and is opposite to faith and love. Yes, fearful thoughts like “what if” thoughts are from demon spirits. Bind them, tell them to shut up, go, and never come back! God has NOT given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

  43. I like that answer to the last question, Rocket Preacher! People get so complicated in their answers to anything these days that it’s nice to read these answers that just tell you what you need to know and how to do it! Thanks!

    1. I hear you and you are welcome! Simplicity is a great key in living for Jesus! We should all guard against complicating and confusing things. God warns us in His Word against being taken away from the simplicity that is in Christ. Thanks for your comment. Blessings in everything, keep pressing on!

  44. My pastor tell me that no one can cast the demon out with only one word, but I see that music teacher do it all the time. So why deny something you see right in front of you? I would rather go with the person who can get something accomplish instead of ones who can not do anything but badmouth other people. I like the one word deliverance! Other churches complicate thing too much! They don’t like this blog either, when what they really need is to read all this!

    1. Yes, I agree! It says that Jesus said: “GO” and the demons went out! He said when we “believe” we will do the same things He did!
      You are so right about going with the one who GETS RESULTS! The negative people are just that: negative, and never amount to anything worth anything, and do NOT ever show the power of God. They need a “Jesus overhaul” where they repent, get delivered, receive the truth, walk in the light, and let go of their unbelief and jealousy!

  45. Ok, I’m here! Your Liberace friend dripped water on my head until I came and read all this. (Actually, I wish I would have come sooner. )

    1. I’m glad you made it here! It is time to stomp all OVER the devil’s head! Enjoy, and keep us posted of victories!

  46. Okay, Rev. Rocket…here’s what happened. They brought this girl to see your hotshot friend when he was playing the other night and she was in really bad shape. She was out of her mind pretty much and they almost had to drag her over to him and I guess she had a witchcraft background and he somehow figured that out. When he prayed for her she started screaming out all these demons and then these preachers came over and told him that he was doing it wrong. He said “well then why is it working?” they didn’t seem to have an answer. So, afterwards she said to them, “now I know what a big mistake it was to listen to you people. You don’t know anything! You have a lot to learn!” And they got incensed and stammered and stuttered and eventually just left. I think he is totally fed up with these people interfering when he tries to help people and I really can’t blame him. I just thought it was funny that all they could do was stammer and stutter! So I thought I’d share! LOL

    1. I love it, thanks for sharing! The fact that the person who was bound and was delivered told the know it all preachers what for, and she was right!

      They just messed her up, and when someone could get her delivered they told him he was “doing it wrong!” I’m glad he said to them …then why is it working?!, and shut them up and with her telling them off, they were spitting and sputtering!

      When he is helping people, those who oppose should shut up and repent or shut up and go home! Thanks for sharing.

  47. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I’m in! I can’t deny all the good points you have here with everything. It seems like you get a lot of skeptics to change their minds. I’m one of the new statistics! LOL

    1. Good, praise God! Faith works! Gods goodness is greater than all the evil in this world and the key is learning how to do the Word by the Spirit and walk and live in and by faith! Welcome from the land of desolation to the land of blessing and comfort, and answers!

  48. Well, I have to admit that you’re right about all these things. I read a lot of these in the order that your five octave hotshot friend told me to, and they really did help. I definitely see now that I got a lot of wrong teaching over the years. What a waste!

    1. Good, I’m glad to hear that these really helped! The design the Lord gives definitely delivers, strengthens, heals, leads in peace, and fills us with JOY as we apply the Word to our hearts and lives!

      I hate false teaching and how it has robbed people for years of blessings they could have enjoyed the whole time! God will make it up to you as you believe Him and ask for that! He is a “restorer” of paths to dwell in!

  49. Ooops. JBT finally had enough and walked off the job. Now there is last minute repenting in sackcloth and ashes! HA HA HA HA

    1. Hahaha I love it! It is high time they repent in sackcloth and ashes and make it up to him in a way that will help him MOST!

    1. Oh well, SHUT UP red faced stuff shirts…HA HA HA HA HA HA. LET GOD ARISE AND LET HIS enemies be SCATTERED!

  50. Rocket preacher, I laughed so hard last night that my ribs are killing me this morning. At the end of the night after they begged JBT to come back and play after all, and one of the pastors came up with the dumbest speech ever about how he should come to their training classes to “learn spiritual things.” I don’t know why, but the look on JBT’s face cracked me up to pieces! It was like this “can-you-really-be-that stupid?” expression and all l could do was laugh. Then JBT started laughing as well, and eventually everyone around there was laughing except the know-it-alls. Laughter is the best medicine! Yep.

    1. I laughed here too …they know not what they say!!! Thanks for that one! Just when you think people maybe won’t be so stupid! Hahaha ha. Think again!

  51. This was too funny. JBT stopped right in the middle of a song to tell people to beware of pig sloppers and not to listen to them. It was like a mini commercial against unbelief. I loved it!

    1. I love it! Important message. Iaughed because that probably shook their ” in order program” right to the core, and was a rebuke to their unbelief they have been bound with for years, and spreading! Haha oops…there goes those demons of unbelief right.on out, never to return. Then people will see the light as to what has held them back for all those years! Thanks for sharing that one!

  52. Well, JBT got invited to a real church because some people who got kicked out of their denomination came to hear him sing last night and now they want him to come see THEM. LOL

    1. Gotta love that one! Get ready for revival with no hindrances from the preachers, or people. Throttle wide open, get ready for take off! Lol, no one.will know quite what to do with themselves…kicked out.of the denomination and now they found someone they can relate to, and he to them, all wanting to let the Holy Spirit flow the way HE wants to!

  53. I have no more doubt. I did what your show off friend said and read doubt peddlers nightmare and now l am on track. I should have listened before. Ooops.

    1. Praise God for complete deliverance from all doubt! Draw close to Jesus and the nightmare is OVER! Enjoy the doubt free abundant life!

    1. PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD! You dove in and are swimming just fine…waters to wade in…then higher and higher until there are waters to swim in, and the best part is this really does work, as you said, for it is the Word of God we speak and His Word is ALIVE AND POWERFUL AND SHARPER THAN ANY TWO EDGED SWORD…the Lord honors His Word as you take that leap of faith! Thanks for sharing your testimony! Applying this will deliver you from those things that cause grief and oppression and keep you free! Enjoy the blessing of God…it makes you rich, and He adds NO sorrow with it, so that means JOY is yours every day, and the joy of the Lord is your STRENGTH!

  54. So do I keep listening to my pastor or do I just read this blog and listen to that singer? It seems like all my pastor does is confuse me, but he claims he is my spiritual leader so I need to listen to him. But he was never able to help me, but when that singer prayed for me the first time, everything changed. I think I need to just leave that church but then when I think about doing that I feel panicked. Why would that be?

    1. It sounds like any demon spirits trying to hang on of unbelief and confusion are what is panicked for if you leave a place that does not help you and only brings confusion and control then they will not receive strength from the false teaching and their hold will be completely broken and you will be FREE! They try to project their panic to you! Praise Jesus they have to go now for their hold is broken and you are FREE to leave there and be blessed and grow in the Lord and the power of HIS MIGHT!

  55. All right, Rocket Preacher, I read all these in the right order and I think it’s making a huge difference in my life. My pastor said that was just wishful thinking and I called him an idiot and walked away. HA HA HA HA HA HA !

    1. Do you know what that pastor knows? How about “0”! When someone knows less than nothing, and “think” they know it all, then darkness takes them down whenever it wants for they have no power against it!

      I LOVE how you stood up to that demon of unbelief, and rebuked the idocy of the pastor! HA HA HA HA HA HA! It is amazing when the light is right in front of them and they cannot see it not even a little bit!
      Praise God this is making a huge difference in your life! The Word of God works, and as you step out on God’s Word in faith believing the power.of the Holy Spirit will move in and on you, and empower you to do the Word, and bring it to pass! HALLELUJAH!!! JESUS IS LORD AND EVERYTHING MUST BOW TO HIS NAME!

  56. Ok….l am here. I am reading this blog. All SEVEN posts I’ve been ordered to read. I do not want to hear any I-told-you-sos and I MEAN it! But this is helping. That’s for sure. It makes a lot of sense when you got bad teaching your whole life. Why do these people decide they are teachers when they don’t know what they are talking about?

    1. Ah, very good point! All the hypocrites with no power think they are “teachers!” They teach false doctrine, error, unbelief in their pride of intellect and pride of false knowledge! It all is out of pride and the know it all spirits! Don’t forget then their demons get in there and use the false teaching to control people and keep them in darkness!

      I’m very glad this is definotely helping. That is what I pray for! I’m praying a special anointing on you of joy to release you from all the negativity of the false teachings! I loose all who believe here to receive this joy also! Praise God, the joy of the Lord is our strength! Let it flow Jesus, let it flow strong! We laugh at all the negative false teaching, all the demons of it, and all the unbelief…HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

  57. Ok, I leaving my church. They not know anything like they say they do so I will just read this blog. If they were smart they read this too but they are dumb!

    1. Amen! God says in Revelation for His people to come out of mystery Babylon. It is all the messed up churches filled with confusion, and God said: “COME OUT IF HER MY PEOPLE,”so you did what God said do and He will bless you. They are dumb and fight God.
      The Holy Spirit will flow in your heart and life in a new way now!

  58. I am definitely leaving Catholicism! The more I read the Bible the more I realized they don’t tell the truth about everything! And people are very sincere and trying to do the right thing and they’re being told the wrong thing! That is a horrible system!

    1. Right you are and it is the HOLY SPIRIT leading you for sure. God gets you out from under lies so you can live in the truth and be set free! I loose you in Jesus name from all the corruption and loose the Holy Spirit on you to quicken the Word to you in every way you need right now! Blessings!

  59. Rocket Preacher, I need peace! I can’t seem to get it and I don’t know what’s wrong! My pastor keeps telling me I must have unconfessed sin, but I DON’T! I just can’t stand the way the world is. What’s the best post for me to read for that?

    1. Read The Cure for Vexation From the World, and then read the posts it refers you to read at the end. I know it is NOT unconfessed sin as you said, but there is a way to deal with the world.mess and come out on top! Peace is yours in Jesus, so press in and believe Him and you will see the glory and goodness b of God in the land of the living!

    1. It sounds like you have been very disappointed with others who “said” they were the real deal, but were in actuality as phony as they come! Well, here is a little clue in…I do this for free and do not even have a donate button here! This I do for Jesus and His people! The Word of God is real, the Holy Spirit is real, and as you reach Jesus the.power mm of God will really move in your life and deliver and make you whole! Thank you Jesus for all you are doing in and for Cassandra right now!

    1. All right! Welcome! There are a lot of people on here agreeing in prayer, and there is power in agreement so remember that as you pray to join in that agreement in the Spirit! I pray fresh revelation of the Word of God for you as you read here.

  60. Hi Rocket Preacher. I guess I should’ve listened to your show off friend. He’s been dripping water on my forehead for a long time and when I insisted I would never come to the blog he would just laugh at me and now I know why. Not only did I end up coming here, but every single thing he told me was true. I really love the pig slop posts! Wouldn’t people kind of wonder what you’re talking about when you say how much you enjoyed pig slop? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    1. Hahaha, yes, people would really wonder at the “pig slop!” I’m glad you made it here and that you especially enjoyed the pig slop posts!
      God has a special way of revealing truth that makes it easy to receive and benefit from. Enjoy and welcome to blessings!

  61. Okay, I am reading these in the order that I was commanded to read them in. Some people are very pushy and very difficult to get rid of. YOU know who you are and I am warning you not to give me any I- told- you- so’s because I’m not going to listen. Thanks Rev. Rocket!!!

    1. You are welcome! I pray God anoints these posts to your heart and life and that they do exactly what you need!

  62. I think I learn wrong all my life. I am told Catholic Church is the true church, then your friend tell me all kinds of other thing when he come to sing at our church and now I see there are many problem with that doctrine. Everyone can’t withstand what he say and fall out under God power! I must to start all over now! It’s a little bit overwhelming.

    1. No problem for the HOLY SPIRIT for He will help you and lead you into all truth that sets you free from false doctrines!!! The main important thing is that you have seen the light now and are turning away from the darkness. Jesus loves you and HE IS YOUR SAVIOR, HEALER, DELIVERER, BAPTIZER IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND YOUR KING THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF YOUR FAITH.
      Every day is a new day with Jesus. Praise Him every day, and if you are filled with the Spirit pray in tongues of the Spirit every day! As you read and study the Word of God in the New Testament you will see the truth that sets you free!

      I pray God’s very best for you! Welcome!

    2. No problem for the HOLY SPIRIT for He will help you and lead you into all truth that sets you free from false doctrines!!! The main important thing is that you have seen the light now and are turning away from the darkness. Jesus loves you and HE IS YOUR SAVIOR, HEALER, DELIVERER, BAPTIZER IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND YOUR KING THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF YOUR FAITH.
      Every day is a new day with Jesus. Praise Him every day, and if you are filled with the Spirit pray in tongues of the Spirit every day! As you read and study the Word of God in the New Testament you will see the truth that sets you free!

  63. My church try to kick your friend out but they can’t. Invisible beings keep him there no matter how angry the church officials get. They couldn’t throw him out! I will switch to this religion because something bigger than a human keep him there when they try to make him leave and that could only be God!

    1. Hallelujah to Jesus forever! When God wants His people to do something NOTHING is going to stop them! Angels come charged with the power of God and deliver His people! “GREATER IS HE that is in us than he that is in the world!

      The devil’s crowd cannot overcome God’s people for GOD FIGHTS FOR HIS PEOPLE, AND GOD DOESN’T LOSE! It is good you are coming with Jesus for your life will be headed towards heaven and you will be on the right track and blessed of God. WELCOME!

  64. I can’t believe I never knew that I wasn’t saved. I was raised Catholic and practiced everything to the letter because I wanted to be a good Christian and go to heaven and I didn’t realize that I don’t think I was even a Christian at all! Now I have a lot to learn and I guess I have to unlearn some things too!

    1. Many have been in the same boat, and the Lord will help you unlearn the bad and learn the good by the Holy Spirit!

      He will make up to you the lost years, and lead you into all truth by the Holy Spirit!
      The demons of lies, hypocrisy and false doctrines are busy in false religions who “say” they are of God, but in works deny Him, and deny the power of God, don’t have the miracles God said would follow those who believe, and are full of idolatry and unbelief.

      I loose you from all the spirits of all that and loose the Holy Spirit on you to set you free and show you the truth!

  65. I’m hoping that I can catch up somehow with all this. I didn’t realize how far on the wrong track I was, I just believe the way I was raised and that they were correct about everything but they weren’t! Because all that ended up just being rituals and then when this man came to sing for us he brought something completely different that had real power behind it not just repeating things again and again then going through a lot of motions in vain! I have a big change to make!

    1. You can catch up because God says you can! There is a scripture for you: “I CAN do all things through Christ Jesus!” Believe it and you can because God says you can! You are loosed from all the bondage of the past and loosed into the power of the Holy Spirit who will direct your paths and shine the light in your heart! Seek and you WILL find!

      I pray God’s quickening power on you to bring it to pass. Believe and you will receive! Thank Him for the answer!

  66. I thought all my life that I knew exactly what I was doing and that I was on the right road and now I found out I was not on the right road at all. I was completely messed up just doing rituals and believing the wrong thing. I hope I can somehow catch up and learn everything I need to learn because there was a lot I was missing all this time! I will try to learn it all the right way! Oh dear!

    1. The key for you will be to lean heavy on the Holy Spirit and He will lead you into all truth, and quicken your understanding! Praise God you are free from rituals, idolatry and all that went with it, Jesus will make it up to you on the lost time!

      You have a hungry heart for the truth and God loves that and moves on that!

      I pray God’s best for you in Jesus name!

    1. All things are possible to those who believe, and evidently, you believe. FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY, FREE AT LAST!

      Good going, you did it, and you are number 212! 212 who have gone absolutely FREE from all drugs and the addiction by the power of the Holy Spirit in a moment of time! Praise Jesus! You sre now in The Blowing in the Wind Club!

  67. Ok, I leave wrong religion now because they have no power. I thought ritual is how you stay right with God and now I see that it not help you at all and not even get you to Heaven. The priest say not to listen to that singer because he is not ordained but I said “I think maybe he ordained by God” and the priest all stammering and stuttering and angry. But the thing is that they can’t help anyone and he did, so I will read this and do what he said because they have no power. Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God for He is showing you these things by the Holy Spirit and you rebuked the priests for their spiritual deadness and lethargy, with rituals and idolatry that actually keep people from going to heaven if they follow it! You have seen it the way it is where the singer has the power of God and miracles happen, but the priests have no power, only rituals that produce nothing! Yes, the singer is ordained of God and those who oppose him are not in a good place at all to have God angry with them!

      Good for you that you left the wrong religion that has no power! We NEED THE POWER OF GOD! Jesus said you will receive POWER after the Holy Ghost is come upon you! They were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues and the power of God moved in mighty ways, and He has not changed and is still doing the same in these days! Enjoy the blog, and walking with Jesus! Jesus never fails!

  68. Rev. Rocket, I just thought I’d let you know that I’ve really been enjoying pig slop one and two. I think that just sounds so funny!

    1. LOL, I like it! Thats a good thing if you are enjoying pig slop 1 and 2 because then you are fornfaith and against unbelief and all of the.other.pig slop there is!

    1. He is the real deal in a day when there are many phonies, like in the nar. Go and believe God and watch the powernof God work…FOR REAL. You will be very glad you did.

  69. Rev. Rocket, I am tired of doubt peddlers. Why are they so stubborn in their unbelief. Do they LIKE to be sick? It seems like they are so intent on defending gloom and doom instead of wanting to claim God’s promises!

    1. Ah, you have uncovered something that binds the doubt peddlers deep in their flesh! Sadism and masochism spirits work in them to destroy them and others as they peddle doubt and unbelief! Some people love the attention they get from talking of all their sickness, and pain, etc. They need to LOVE GOD, AND LOVE THE TRUTH, and break the love of the mess! They also are ruled by demons of pride where they just refuse to admit when they are wrong!

      The fact is Jesus bore all our sins and sickness and pain, and died so that we could go free and live in the promises of God that are all yes, and Amen to the glory of God! Stubbornness is idolatry, and rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft! I choose the ABUNDANT LIFE IN JESUS, and bind all the demons of darkness and oppression, and sickness, and pain and they must all bow to the name of Jesus, be bound and GO OUT! HALLELUJAH FOR THE VICTORY IN JESUS! We do NOT have to put up with the devil’s mess for all he does is rob, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came that we might have LIFE AND HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY! AMEN!

  70. Check this out, Rocket Preacher. At the end of school today, some NAR Looney Tunes came to straighten JBT out and tell him the error of his ways and when he stopped him, JBT said, “you know, I’m really not up for this today, so I’m just asking you to leave.” So we were just quiet is little church mice in that parking lot frozen in place watching because we knew something interesting was about to happen. He never really said anything exactly like that before. I guess he’s had his limit. But no, they couldn’t listen, so they start blabbering all kinds of atrocities and he just stood there a minute like he was trying to talk himself out of doing something and then just waved his hand at them and they fell flat on their backs and couldn’t get up for an hour. There were people ready to call an ambulance because they thought they were dead. He said, “no, they’re not dead, they’ll get up again, and if they get up as stupid as they were when they went down, it’s going to be their problem, but they’ll never come back here again.” All in all I’d say it was a pretty interesting experience. Especially since five bystanders got saved just from watching it. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Rev. Rocket, I think he knew exactly what was going to happen when he waved his hand. I wish I could do that. I’d be waving every five minutes. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Thanks for sharing this, it made my day! Oh, yes, I would say he knew exactly what was going to happen! Praise God that 5 got saved seeing the power of God move like that! Now that IS God turning the whole thing around for good! The devil is the LOSER! Souls that were bound for he’ll are now headed to heaven, and know the prince of PEACE, and the King of Kings, Jesus!

  71. Okay, I got saved yesterday when I saw these people literally go into suspended animation because somebody waved his hand at them! I thought that kind of stuff was all fake! That was most definitely not fake! I don’t know how he did it or how it possibly could happen that way, but I know they were not acting. They were scared to death when they got back up. I don’t think the mess with him anymore. I am going to read this blog for sure. I have to find out more about all this!

    1. Praise God you got saved when you saw the power of God in action! Those people were coming against the power mm of the Holy Spirit and God really has a problem with that and shows up strong to stop idiots like that and shows them “really” not to mess with His Spirit!

      The next step is to ask Jesus to baptize/fill you with the Holy Spirit. He not will and you will speak in other tonguss/languages as the Spirit gives utterance. Then you have the power of God in your spirit, and can pray in tongues every day for extended times and it is a perfect prayer, and you get built up in faith as you do it.
      As you read here you will learn your authority in Jesus, and how to live above all the mess all the time and be blessed of God. Enjoy! Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are welcome! God has a lot for you, and when you are hungry and thirsty He will make sure you are fed the spiritual food you need. I pray He anoint all of this to you in Jesus name!

  72. Okay, I guess this guy is for real after all. I prayed for God to give me a sign, and yesterday on the campus, these two idiots fell down like they were struck by something when he just waved his hand. Everybody thought they were dead after a while, and they couldn’t get up for an hour. I don’t think I’ll question anything anymore. I think I’ll just read this blog.

    1. UT-OH!!! HA HA HA. Awful gaggy here we come, all your unbelief to be undone. People will see the error of your ways; so then they will be delivered from your darkness, and have better days!
      Get ready for the anointing that destroys every yoke. Get ready for deliverance, just as Jesus spoke!
      Now is the time, today is the day. The double portion outpouring is ON IT’S WAY!!!

    1. O.k. In the name of Jesus I loose you from demon oppression and all opposition! I pray that whatever the circumstances are and whatever and whoever is involved that it WILL ALL BE TURNED COMPLETELY AROUND FOR THE GOOD BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! The devil is a liar and has spoken a number of lies that we CRUSH AND COMMAND BEING EXPOSED RIGHT NOW BY THE LIGHT OF GOD! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND ALL THE MESS BOWS TO HIM AND THE POWER OF HIS NAME RIGHT NOW!!

  73. There is an endless storehouse of power available that can be ignited with our words and confessions. Pray for a revelation about how much power we actually have with our words.

  74. JBT, I think you could have said a LOT more about that and you truncated it because you don’t like the limelight. Odd for someone who spent his life in show business. LOL. I get it. THIS limelight is not quite the same. ANYWAY….even so….please say more if you will. I think there is more and we would like to hear it.

  75. I second that motion. Come on JBT! If there is more we want to hear it! I don’t think Rocket Preacher will mind!

    1. Yes, for sure JBT you should share the rest of what God gave you. Its a very important truth in these days. You would never just do half a song would you?

  76. By popular demand. Okay. I’ll admit why I don’t say more. I don’t say more because people say “yeah I know that.” The thing is, they DON’T know it. They don’t have an ounce of revelation of it. Once you have a revelation, it doesn’t shock you or surprise you anymore that somebody can wave their hand and make unscrupulous people shut up, because you realize you can do it too. It’s not a verbal exercise, a mantra or a chant or vain repetition, it’s the REALIZATION that your words have power. People, by and large, do not realize that. They have ZERO revelation of it. They know it’s in the Bible. But that’s it. That’s like knowing there’s a light switch on the wall…what good is it if you don’t know what to do with it? You can speak anything into being. You can actually speak some things OUT of being. The whole wave the hand and make the person shut up thing… I can do that anytime I want. It happens at will. Because I believe it will. THAT’S how much power words have. But you have to say them, and you have to believe them, and that simple little combination stumbles even the ones who think they’re the spiritual leaders of the world. I can’t explain it any better than that. I never claimed to be good at explaining things because I’m not. But I will tell you the part most people walk away on. You DO have to devote something to it. Which may require that you cut into to some of your TV/Facebook/Ballgame/playwithphone time. That’s a sacrifice for some people. For others of us, not so much. You can “Know” something for a hundred years, but until you get a revelation of it, you won’t move one inch from where you started. Which leads back to the original comment, which truly is all you needed….Pray for a revelation of how much power words really have. It can’t be explained. It has to be revealed. Over and Out.

    1. The first step will be to stop going by what your “thinking” about it is. We need to bring every thought b into subjection to Jesus and cast down every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of God. Read Mark 11 for the and death are in the tongue and we really do need revelation on all this. You can have as much faith as you want. You must spend the time with God for revelation to come. We need to speak words of faith believing that we will have whatever we say. You can tell most people don’t believe it for they wouldn’t be saying a lot of what they say! Jesus spoke it as something we are to DO…”HAVE THE GOD KIND OF FAITH!” AND GOD “SAID” “LIGHT BE” and there WAS LIGHT! All the stars, sun and moon! Seek and you will find!

  77. I don’t know if I could do it? I guess if it came to you all at once in a revelation and you really believed it would be that easy for anyone. JBT, tell me what the revelation was like! Pleeeeeease!

    1. Your part is to spend the time with the Lord in the Word of God and in prayer. When you receive the revelation in your spirit it comes by the Holy Spirit,of course, and you know that you know that you know deep inside, and it is settled forever that you will have whatever you say, as Mark 11 says, when you believe you will have whatever you say!

  78. Oh dear! In my distraction I forgot to announce that the Awful gaggy got rescheduled for tonight. They had equipment issues in the church.

  79. Your fans are brutal Rev. Rocket. Here goes: The exact revelation I will never forget. I was with Jesus one day before I had to play. It was actually a secular gig. I don’t know why he came that day, but I thought, well…might as well ask a question. And I wanted to know about power versus authority. For instance, a policeman has the AUTHORITY to hold up his hand and say “stop” at an intersection, but he doesn’t have the physical POWER to stop your car if you choose to blow right past him. That’s what I wanted to know the answer to because too many things happened in life that made me say “WHY did this happen? We’re supposed to have authority over this stuff.” And he said, “without the power of the tongue, authority can’t be exercised. That’s only way it works.” But it’s not just talking. A case in point that you will all LOVE…A few years ago when I needed gigs after California did the longest shut down in the country during the pandemic, I kept saying, “I’m going to have more gigs than I can handle. I’ll be booked every night. I won’t be able to keep up.” I said that for about 30 days straight with nothing. And after a while I went to the Lord and said “Uh…it’s not working. I guess I just think I’m believing in my heart but I’m not. So where am I going wrong? Am I asking for something you don’t want me to have?” And he said “No. And even if you were, you could still make it come true with the power of words. It’s also not that you are doubting in your heart, you’re not doubting. It’s derailing because it can’t work in the future. There is no future in the dimension where the power exists. The circumstances don’t know what they’re supposed to do when you say it that way.” In other words, the key that unlocked it is PRESENT TENSE. Never say “I’m going to,” or “this will happen.” The power in words is a present tense power. THAT was the revelation. I actually have a Bible that says that now. On the place where you can get your name etched on the cover, I told them to put the words “Present Tense Power.” So I started to say “I HAVE more gigs than I can handle. I AM going somewhere every single night. I can’t even keep up.” Then all of a sudden, a few months later, this very zealous student came out of nowhere and decided to become my personal booking agent. Now I am kind of regretting the part about “I can’t even keep up with them all.” How’s THAT for a laugh, Brittany? In 100 years, I never would have expected it to happen that way. When the words are put out there, people, places and things conform to the words in some kind of combination that creates the outcome. All we have to do is believe it and say it and wait. Circumstances have no choice but to conform to what we say, but we can’t put it off in the future. Tomorrow never comes. Today, today, today. (Like I said, I am bad at explaining things.)

    1. Yes, the fans are like a dog with a bone… not going to let it go, gotta know! Lol. Well said, and I know this will help many people. That is a tremendous key in the whole thing that will turn things right side up for those who believe! Hey, Brittany you are a living example of the power of words with “Present Tense Power!” Gotta love it for sure! God is so good and has given us SO very much, and in fact, all that we could ever need and more besides…ABUNDANT LIFE!

  80. Ok….l get it now. Present tense. That’s why your prayers work, Rev Rocket, because whenever you pray for someone one here, you always say the phrase “right now,” in some kind of way. I get it. This is good to know!

  81. Okay, Rocket Preacher… I’m out of arguments. In quitting my First Church of Unbelief and I’m just going to read this blog! I don’t know who you two are or where you came from, but you can add me to the club.

    1. Good! Welcome and you are added in! The devil is a liar and is defeated and crushed under our feet! Enjoy the blessings of God He has for you! God is so good, and loves when we come to Him!

  82. Boy, was my church mad last night! Well, not all the parishioners, but the board and the pastor were. They invited this singer to come because they couldn’t let the other churches get one up on them and not have the best entertainment, but they got way more than what they bargained for! This was like going to the old revival meetings where miracles and deliverance break out. It made me realize just how dead the church was after all. I don’t think I’m going back there. I’ll just read this blog and go listen to Liberace when he’s playing around here! It was such a fun night watching them get all irritated and not be able to do anything about it! Finally I said to the assistant pastor “I don’t even know what I’m doing at this church.” HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Hahahaha, that was a good one! I like how you told the assistant pastor the facts! They definitely got more than what they bargained for! Prayer less, powerless, unbelieving people who quench and grieve the Holy Spirit cannot stand it when someone has the power of God with signs following…that JESUS SAID would follow those who BELIEVE!

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