God has a life for us, a NEW LIFE, free from the past, completely free!  Completely NEW! The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus HAS  made me FREE from the law of sin and death!  Sow to the Spirit, reap life everlasting!  


You have a choice in life no matter what  shadow of hopelessness the devil has tried to cast over you!  God has set before us Life and death and then says “CHOOSE LIFE!”  So if God says to choose life then CHOOSE LIFE!

Here sits blind Bartimaeus, a beggar, an outcast, the lowest in society, no future, no promise of anything different than the blindness and the begging.  Then one day he hears that Jesus of Nazareth is passing by and faith ignites in his heart and he begins crying out “Jesus you Son of David, have mercy on me!”  People told him to shut up for they considered him unworthy for he was a blind beggar.  The more they said to shut up the more he cried out to Jesus to have mercy on him!  Jesus, you Son of David have mercy on me!  Notice he was NOT begging Jesus for money or begging for anything, but crying out for mercy!  Jesus told them to bring him to Him.  When Bartemaeus called for mercy from Jesus, the Son of David, he was saying Jesus was the Messiah, the Savior for the Savior would come through that lineage.  He had faith in Jesus! 

Bartimaeus JUMPED UP, and CAST OFF (threw off forcefully) his beggar garment  and came to Jesus!  Jesus asked him what he wanted, and Bartemaeus said that he might see!  Jesus told him that his faith had made him whole, and immediately received his sight and followed Jesus.  Note that he did NOT go back and get the beggar garment that beggars wore to identify themselves as beggars.    That life, that old life was over and he was in NEW LIFE IN JESUS as his faith had made him WHOLE!  He was NEW inside and his blind eyes opened to see!  No longer was he what he used to be, the old was gone and the NEW LIFE was his!

Wouldn’t it be silly for him to be following Jesus and a month later be thinking he was unworthy of Jesus because of his “old life” and start begging again?!  Wouldn’t it be stupid for Bartimaeus to think thoughts of the past and let guilt and sorrow and giving up overwhelm him?  You cannot walk in faith and unbelief at the same time!  You cannot walk in the light and darkness at the same time!  You cannot be sweet in Jesus,  forgive, walk in love,  and think the same bitter ways you used to  in your “OLD LIFE!”

We need to throw off the cloak, the garment of the past COMPLETELY and let it go, and walk in the NEW LIFE IN JESUS BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD!  The problem with many is they are not getting answers to prayers and their joy is not full.  The reason is they are trying to still be a beggar and come pleading their cause and begging out of “guilt,” and “false condemnation<” and “feeling unworthiness!”  NO, NO, NO, a thousand times NO!  The way you come to the throne of God is BOLDLY by the blood of Jesus!  His blood has cleansed us from all unrighteousness, and He made a New and Living way consecrated for us through the veil, that is to say  His flesh. (Hebrews 10)

The New Life with and in Jesus is NOT the “old life” made over!  The old has  passed away!  Throw off the old sin thoughts for you are a NEW CREATION!  You are born again… NEW LIFE!  We are “born again” …NEW LIFE in Jesus with no past held over us whatsoever!  The Spirit bears witness with your spirit that you are a child of God, born of the Spirit to NEW LIFE!

Romans 8:2  The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus HAS made us FREE from the law of sin and death!  Throw away all the skeletons in the closet, all that was sin and death!  Thoughts, failures, sin, oppression, persons, places, or things, or circumstances!

If you are still trying to wear a beggar garment, remember  the old and new do NOT mix!  A little leaven leavens the whole lump!  Are you  remembering what you used to be as a sinner, feelings, unworthy, guilt and condemnation, etc.?  THROW IT ALL AWAY; THROW THAT GARMENT OFF AND STOP WEARING IT!  You are NOT the blind beggar anymore!  Reckon yourself to be dead to sin and ALIVE to God through Jesus!  We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!  

Notice Bartimaeus did NOT go back and get that beggar  coat, for he KNEW his beggar days were OVER and he followed Jesus, who is the LIFE!  

Some are in a “PIT OF DESPAIR” where there has been a complete loss or absence of hope!  You have been down so long you have accepted it as your lot in life, and “just the way it has to be.”  Everywhere you look the walls of the pit are holding you in and you see no way out!  There are demons of despair, hopelessness, no hope, and acceptance to get you to “accept” despair as the way it has to be for you!  

CRY OUT FOR MERCY TO JESUS NOW!  RIGHT NOW!  THANK YOU JESUS THAT this pit of despair is NOT their lot in life or the “way it has to be!”  Do NOT claim or accept any pit as your lot in life!  I bind, rebuke, and crush all the demon spirits of despair and the whole entourage and they must ALL leave you NOW in Jesus name, and NEVER come back!

Jesus is the WAY OUT and IN HIM IS LIFE AND IN HIM IS YOUR NEW LIFE!  Don’t look to the right or to the left, but let your eyes look right on… STRAIGHT AHEAD IN JESUS BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST!  

You are delivered from the pit of despair NOW in Jesus name!  Psalm 40:1-3  I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry.  He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And He has put a NEW SONG in my mouth, even praise to our God:  many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.  The NEW LIFE is a NEW SONG, even PRAISE to God!  God brings you out of the horrible pit to LIFE, the NEW LIFE of overcoming, and to live that LIFE  and let the LIFE of GOD flow through you, you must LIVE A LIFE OF PRAISE TO GOD!  God delivers you from the horrible pit of despair when you cry to Him for Mercy,  and puts your feet on a rock, and puts a NEW SONG in your mouth, even PRAISE TO OUR GOD!  AMEN!    

316 thoughts on “OUTCAST  BEGGAR OR  NEW LIFE

    1. HALLELUJAH! I LIKE THAT…NOW IT’S OFFICIAL! You are now added into the Blowing in the Wind Club! Praise God! You are 7th this week and number 233 in the total number.
      Congratulations, Jesus loves you and wants to bless you in all things! Stay in this Spirit of Faith and you will see the glory of God.

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this is hitting the mark! Enjoy and believe for God’s best!

    1. Good to hear that! I’m very glad this is blessing you! I pray the truth here does amazing things in your life and many others!

    1. Praise Jesus forever! You.are added into the Blowing into the Blowing in the wind club…number 8 for the week and 234 overall. That is VI TORY! GOOD GOING AND MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU! KEEP WALKING IN FAITH, YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED!

    1. Thank you, and I’m glad you love the new post. I pray the Holy Spirit moves greatly in your life.

    1. You are welcome, and thanks for sharing this. It is always good to hear when this is blessing you!

  1. Okay, so your hotshot friend, as soon as I walk up to him, says “you played with a Ouija board when you were a teenager.” I said “yes.” Then he said, “shortly after that you started having nightmares about strange creatures.” I said “yes.” And then he said “and then you went to a fortuneteller to try to figure out what your future was going to be and if you are mentally ill or something.” And I said “yes! What IS this?!” And he started laughing and cast demons out of me. Now I know why just getting saved wasn’t enough all these years. Now I’m going to hear I told you so forever, because every time I saw him before he said help was right there if I wanted it and I would just blow him off and ignore it. Ooops. Now I have all kinds of assignments. Thank you, I guess. I think I like this post best of all, although I have a lot more to read!

    1. You are welcome for sure! Praise God you got the deliverance you needed finally! Now you know what was holding you back this whole time! I call it “excess baggage!” You will find each assignment will help you more and more! Enjoy and live the life of praise to Jesus and in the joy of the Lord! It IS your STRENGTH!


    1. You are welcome! Thanks for sharing this, it always is a boost to hear from everybody and know this is doing what is needed in people’s lives!

    1. You are welcome positively! It is great to hear from each one that this is doing exactly what it should. I pray many blessings on you!


    1. Thanks! Good to hear you love this! Enjoy, and keep pressing on for the best things are straight ahead!

  2. Well, Catholic Church tonight! And nobody who speaks English. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I think that’s great. JBT is so excited. He read this last post to the whole class last week! It was great.

    1. LOL, it WILL be great, and can’t wait to hear all God does! This will show how amazing the Holy Spirit is to work in lives when no one.speaks English!
      That is cool that he read this to the whole class! What was the reaction?

  3. Rev. Rocket, I go find your friend when he set up at my church earlier because everyone say it hard to get to him when crowd comes. So I ask him to pray for me and when he came closer it looked like the sun shining down on him, but we were inside. I look around to see where light is coming from, and he not even in front of window. I told him he looked like sunlight is shining on him and he say “it probably shining from inside” but then he didn’t seem to want to say more so I just ask him to pray. Then in an instant all my problem get resolved and I find out I just doing ritual not really have salvation but now I do. I will always read this blog now that I know about it because it have real information! I want next to show my family. I hope they listen to me.

    1. You are smart to go when he was setting up! Praise God you received the miracles you needed and are saved now, and delivered from rituals!
      Enjoy the blog, the Lord will show you truth here you have been hungry for. I loose your family from tradition and rituals and all that has bound them. I loose the Spirit of God on them so they can be saved, delivered, healed, and Spirit filled in Jesus name!
      Read 2 Corinthians 3 and it will explain the light you saw today.

  4. They asked him to read more and do it all the time. The we got in a whole conversation about beggars mentality and positive confession and then suddenly we had to remember to get back to business.

    1. I love it…church in the middle of the day! It sounds like they are really hungry for the truth, and that is great! I pray blessings on everyone! Thanks for sharing that.

  5. Rocket preacher, l get salvation for first time! We have a day of Pentecost right in sanctuary. I never see this before. Our priest said we needed help. I see now why!

    1. Praise God you are saved now! Now you will really see what life can be with Jesus living.in your heart and all sins washed away! Praise Jesus you saw the power of the Holy Spirit move. We all need Him and the.mord we yield to Him the better off we will be! I pray that the blessings you need will manifest for you!

  6. Rev. Rocket! I love this blog. I hear singer last night at my church and everything in atmosphere change and we get saved. My priest we all needed that but now he probably get excommunicated over doctrine. He say he doesn’t care. He went to other meeting to see what happened and then he bring that singer to us. I’m finally saved and can pray in prayer language. I always think that only four Bible times but that’s not true. I have a lot to learn though!

    1. Praise God you are saved now and are filled with the Spirit! Wonderful! I’m glad to hear you love the blog. The Holy Spirit will tea h you and show you what you need to know as you read hear and pray! Blessings! There is great rejoicing over you and others who just got saved!

  7. Well, someone finally told me what this day is, so Happy Birthday Rocket Preacher! May this be a great year for you! Or even just a normal year. You’d probably settle for that…..Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    1. Thank you! Yes indeed I will take a great year and a NORMAL year, thank you very much! It is good to hear from you and I am praying for you and all to have that normal and great year! Our help comes from the Lord!

  8. Rev. Rocket, you get a lot from God and then out it here for us. That’s important. I go to hear your friend who make a big commotion at my parish and now our priest is in trouble. He not care though, he bring your friend there on purpose to bring Holy Spirit. We’re happy now!

    1. Thank you. I’m glad to hear this is important. God loves you and wants you to have the truth you need. The priest was brave to bring the singer when he knew that the Holy Spirit would move and he would be in trouble. God will bless him for this and open the doors he needs opened! Praise God you are now filled with the joy of the Lord from the Holy Spirit moving in your lives.

  9. Now I must have new life Rocket Preacher, because your friend come to play at our parish and now we have Holy Spirit like real churches! Thank you for this blog!

    1. You are welcome! Enjoy your NEW LIFE with the Holy Spirit! Amazing things are happening by the Holy Spirit! Keep praising Jesus and believing!

  10. HA! We demanded that he read pig slop to us today! It was actually my idea and I got everybody in on it! A lot of them already read it before, but it was fun having it in class. LOL

  11. Rev. Rocket, your friend bring Holy Spirit to our church and he can hardly stand up at the end. He tell us important things that will change everything for us now. Our priest get excommunicated but he not worried about that he say we needed this.

    1. Hallelujah! God will bless the priest exceedingly so for being brave and allowing the Holy Spirit to move! Praise God for all He did for all of you!

    1. Praise God, that means it WAS 10 for the week! Hallelujah! That is reason to shout! Congratulations to both of you and you are now added into the Blowing in the Wind Club, numbers 235 and 236. This year there will be more miracles than ever the closer we get to the coming of the Lord. God will have a delivered, healed, filled with the Spirit, ready people, and so shall we ever be with the Lord!

  12. Rev. Rocket, your friend bring power to my church and I got save for first time. Is he special to have all that power or is something I can get too. I never heard anyone with authority before like that who is not scared of anything. One man try to run him over but couldn’t! I am shocked about all these things I see!

    1. When you have the power mm of the Holy Spirit and know that in Jesus you have authority over all evil, then Psalm 91 is yours where “NO evil will befall you!” Read PsLm 91 and Mark 16 and you will see that “these signs will follow those who “believe!” The devil is a liar and must bow and leave as we who believe speak the Word of God and the name of Jesus that is the name above every name!

      The next thing you need to do is ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit and He will and you will speak in other tongues (languages). Then you can pray in tongues all the time and it.is a perfect prayer and builds you up on your most holy faith. This is the piwer.of God available to all believers in Jesus. This is how demons are cast out, by the Spirit of God. As you read the Word of God and speak the mm promises out your faith will grow for all God has for you.

    2. Praise God you got saved! The power of the Holy Spirit is for all who believe. Read Mark 16. The promise of the Spirit is for all who will believe, and we have authority in the name of Jesus over all the power of the enemy! God mm promisesnus who believe that no deadly thing mm will hurt us! As we stand for Jesus, He stands for us and delivers us from all evil, including people who try to run us down!

  13. Here is what I want to know. That singer came to my church and it caused big controversy and now priests will not be there anymore. We’re glad they’re gone because we’re gone too. That had no help for us there. But that singer was talking to one of the priests and another man kept interrupting and telling him not to listen to him and finally he just turned around and waved his hand at him and it was like he froze. It looked like he could not move and the singer go on talking and the other man couldn’t move until he was finished. Did he know that would happen when he waved his hand? It seemed like he did because he just turned around like he was irritated and just waved at him and we thought he was just trying to wave him off, but I think some power in his hand somehow stop the man from talking. Rocket preacher I have to learn a lot more about these things!

    1. All things are possible to them that believe! When you know the power of the Holy Spirit and authority Jesus gave us who believe then when you turn your faith loose things like that can happen as needed. He releases his faith that when he waves like that if someone is disrupting what God wants to do it will be stopped, and BOOM God freezes the man and stops him from interfering any more! Read the book of Acts and Mark. You will see the power of God in action and words of faith and the signs that will follow those who believe!

  14. Ok, Rev. Rocket, that’s what they call you! Here’s what happened to ME. I’m on vacation in Costa Rica, not particularly interested in going to church because I was a mediocre Christian at best when I’m not on vacation, but I hear that this hotshot university instructor is going to sing charismatic music in a Catholic Church. I say to myself, “self, I’ve gotta see this.” I knew I was in trouble as soon as I walked in, because I’ve been in charismatic meetings before and when you feel the spirit there that heavy you know there’s no corner you can hide in. Sure enough when he started singing, I could feel it and said to myself “self, this guy has the goods, you better just leave and go on with your vacation.” Ooops, no, well I had to get delivered of my demons of apathy and mediocre-ness, and luke warm-ness and now I’m in the middle of all these assignments. Not only have to do them, I have to do them in a certain order. I said “seriously?” And he said “yeah, seriously… You gotta do them.” Then he proceeds to tell me what’s going to happen when I get to a certain one and I said “I’ll believe it when I see it.” And he said “yeah, your old habits of mediocrity will die hard, but you’ll be transformed.” Then he walked away laughing. For real, rocket preacher? So my life gets turned around by someone who goes by rocket preacher and a spirit filled deny-he’s-in-the-ministry music teacher playing in a Catholic Church. It is kind of like something that would happen to me.

    1. Well, now look at how God got you just where He wanted you to get the help you needed to get you back b on track, and in the most unlikely way, and place, and way! I guess God likes to use music teachers and rocket preachers after all! Ha ha ha ha! Time for lift off! God has things for you that you never dreamed of, but will be VERY happy when they come! I love your story and pray a double anointing on r he posts as you read that INDEED as he said…”your life will be transformed!” HALLELUJAH! GLORY TO JESUS! YOU ARE LOOSED TO RECEIVE THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND REVELATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIM! ENJOY! Thanks for sharing!

    1. You are added to the Blowing in the Wind Club. You are the 237th person for this miracle of God! Congratulations! Stay strong in the Lord and the power of His might! I pray God’s best for you!

  15. Ok, you were right and I was wrong. I don’t want to hear you say I told you so and I mean it!!! You are a very irritating person. You know who you are! Thanks Rev. Rocket, this was very helpful!!

    1. You are welcome! It is good to hear this was very helpful! Keep praising God and looking to Jesus, who is the author and finisher of your faith!

    1. You just took the first step right into the New Life by saying you would take it! If people only knew the things God has prepared for those who love Him they would get rid of all the heavy burdens, cast their cares on the Lord, BELIEVE ALL GOD SAID, and put it to work in their lives, speak the positive words of faith over everything, live every day praising God, and allow the joy of the Lord to be their strength! Hallelujah! Just sYing this makes me want to shout and praise God! Enjoy living the New Life, it is yours with no more beggar mentality!
      I’m glad to hear this was a great post and you are definitely welcome!

    1. Praise God this is working in your life! Never look back, but keep your eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith!

    1. Very good! Now keep it going every day consistent. He gives us our “daily” bread. Victory is yours as younapply the Word of Life and walk in it!

    1. I love it! Ha ha ha …he must be furious and red in the face by now! If he repents he will get the deliverance he has needed for a long time!

  16. Rev. Rocket, this music teacher just touch me and all demon have to go without long ritual. I didn’t know demon can all go with no ritual. But he say that how Jesus did it. No drawn out process, just use authority. I can see l have much to learn about all this!

    1. Yes, praise God that is how Jesus cast demons out! He said “GO” and all the demons went out! Praise God you got the deliverance b you needed! All that torment…GONE! The Lord will teach you by the Holy Spirit! Jesus loves you and will be your friend and lead you each step of the way!

  17. ok, Rocket preacher, I am in a panic and your 5 octave friend says I am listening to false teaching. It’s about the rapture and that scripture in Luke 21:36 that’s talking about the end and says “pray that you are counted worthy to escape.” Well, how do I get worthy to go up in the rapture??? What if I screwed up the week the rapture comes and I’m not worthy to go!

    1. The first thing is to stay simple in Jesus, and when you accept Him as your Lord and savior your sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus. You are made worthy by the blood of Jesus as you believe Him. We walk by faith in Him and what He has done for us! You should listen to my 5 octave friend and “not” listen to the false teachers who are mixing scriptures about the great tribulation with the rapture! God’s grace is able to cover you and help you! Now in the name of Jesus I bind every demon spirit of false teaching, fear and panic and all of them MUST GO OUT NOW! BE COMPLETELY LOOSED IN THE NAME OF JESUS! God loves you so much, receive His love and remember that perfect love casts out fear…and all the torment fear brings. Enjoy NEW LIFE IN JESUS!

    1. The main thing is that you are on the right track now! Keep pressing on toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus!

  18. Outdoor concert tomorrow night. You-know-who thinks nothing will happen because it’s just a secular one. HA HA HA HA HA

    1. LOL. Welllll I think someone is going to be greatly surprised! Ha ha ha ha! I pray formspecial.miracles that spread from one to another until everyone has been touched with the fire of the Holy Ghost!

  19. Rev. Rocket, l see your show off friend and how he just waves his arm and people have to stand still and all these other things but then l think about myself and l’m hopeless because l will never have that much faith! I had wrong teaching my whole life and when l see people wo have faith to do anything it only makes me realize how far I have to go! How can l build my faith fast and catch up!!??

    1. Take faith you see in others as encouragement. I always say: “Lord, let that faith rub off on me!” And then the Spirit of faith does it! Start believing and saying positive faith filled scriptures like: “I CAN do ALL THINGS through Christ which strengthens me!” “By whose stripes I was healed!” “Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your iniquities and who heals ALL your diseases!” Etc.
      Pray in tongues for extended periods of time and worship and praise God! Use the faith you have every day. Speak faith over everything, command the demon spirits to be bound and go, and call those things that be not as though they were!

  20. Everybody, just keep praising Jesus. I’m seeing a huge door that’s just bulging to open and give a deluge of blessings and it’s going to come from us praising the Lord no matter what is being hurled at us!

  21. Rev. Rocket, when I try to read this blog or pray or read the Bible sometimes I just get sidetracked with the lot of distracting thoughts. Is that always demons?

    1. These are thoughts you do not want, and so these are intruders, thieves trying to rob you of answers to prayers, the Word, and the teaching here mm on the blog from the Word mm of God. The demons are behind all distractions that take you away from spiritual things or hinder you. I say all the demons of distractions and.distracting thoughts are bound and.must ALL leave you now in Jesus name! You have authority over all of them so tell them to shut up and get out! Just know that all that robs, kills, or destroys is the devil, and he does what he does by demons!

  22. Rocket Preacher I was praying that that stupid tax law would be deferred for another year if not indefinitely, and from everything I read I think that happened. Does that mean I actually got a prayer answered!? Wow.

    1. Yes, indeed you got your prayers answered. Keep praying over whatever the Holy Spirit tells you and thank God for the answers and you will see the power and glory of God manifested! Praise God!

  23. Okay, I get it now. I was thinking about this all wrong. I thought that beggar mentality was somehow glorifying God, but I think I had that all screwed up. Thanks Rocket Preacher. Your friend will never let me hear the end of this though.

    1. Praise God this helped! You are welcome! God is good, and we are kings and priests to the Lord, royalty! Hallelujah! We have authority and power over all evil, and if God be for us, who then can be against us! Well, my friend will have to be happy though that you it now even if there is an “I told you so” in there, lol!

  24. Oh boy, you-know-who went to just set up and things are already starting to happen. Somebody came ahead of time to make sure they could get their prayer. I’m so glad it’s just a secular gig and nothing much will go on. HA HA HA HA HA HA

    1. HA HA HA HA. YES INDEED GOT TO WATCH THOSE ” SECULAR GIGS”…LOL THE PRAYERS ALREADY STARTED IN SET UP! Do come on and give a thorough report after of all that happens. Thanks very much!!! I am praying more prayers besides the other prayers that the glory cloud comes down and eradicated all the works of the devil and.moves in every life in a BIG WAY!!! HALLELUJAH!

    1. You are welcome! It is wonderful that this changed your whole life for the good, praise God! The Word of God has all the answers we need! Enjoy your New Life in Jesus and keep praising Him!

  25. This post really helped me ever since my teacher read it in class. I think about it almost every day and go back and reread it. I was thinking about everything wrong!

    1. I’m glad he read this to the class and that it helped you ever since in your life! Praise Jesus. It.is good you are thinking about it and rereading it! It will have the result God wants as you do this. Many times things we heard in churches was all wrong and had us thinking the wrong ways, and it robbed us of many blessings God had for us! It is high time to redeem the time, and possess the land that has been robbed from us!

  26. Well, Rocket Preacher, I will have to round up testimonies but last night, the “secular” night, ended up with “Gloria” as the finale. OOOOPS. 🙂

  27. Rev. Rocket! This man come to sing but he bring power in music and halfway through he say he have to switch to gospel music, that he have no choice. We didn’t care what he sang we just like to hear much talent he has, but something start to happen with songs and it feel like Jesus show up there to heal people. I don’t even know what to think of this and have to read this blog!!

    1. Well, this is the work of the Holy Spirit, and He always glorifies and manifests Jesus! Jesus is our Savior, healer, deliverer, and baptizer in the Holy Ghost! You will get to know Jesus very well here and receive the miracles you need!

  28. Rev. Rocket, our teacher even showed up a televangelist last night. I didn’t get there on time and missed some of the fun but someone please come on and tell about it. But don’t worry, if not Brittany will!

  29. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I will try to explain best I can. I always have problem in my life with my thoughts and not be able to control the much and then when the singer playing everyone say go hear him because thing happened when he sang. And halfway through he switched to Christian songs and you could feel God all around and people get spirit filled so I say I want that too. I didn’t know was that easy and now I feel like my whole life change because now I have Holy Spirit and behind those other thoughts I know are demon and they have to go!! I have a lot to read here on this site!

    1. Praise God younare filled with the Holy Spirit now and yes all the demons behind those bad thoughts are crushed right on out and now you can think clear. Enjoy the blog, and I believe you will find truth here that will help a lot! You did good. Thanks for sharing.

  30. I never get help from preachers although I keep going and one in town unexpectedly I go to see but talk talk about money and I don’t have any money and someone tell me come over to the park bandshell. Someone there who know what to tell you to make demons go. And now my demons go and I have Holy Spirit and none ever happened like that in other places. I feel like I have ground I have to catch up on an not know where to start so I guess I will start on this blog!

    1. Praise Jesus you finally got to the right place to see the real deal. There are pretenders who claim they are it, but are just looking for money like you said.
      Praise God you were delivered from demons and received the Holy Spirit. Yes, start and stay here where the Word of Hod is spoken and miracles happen! Enjoy! Fhanks for sharing, you did good.

  31. Well here is my testimony Rev. Rocket, as best as I can tell on here. I just come to hear music and religious people try to tell the person he shouldn’t be there and he interfering. But by the end, more people coming over to hear him then to go see the religious people who seem to think their job is to take over world. I don’t know but I think they have some strange belief. But this man just singing and not say very much at all but it feel like heaven came down and then I got all need met that I was waiting for for years! I have to go through this blog. I see some things that I think apply to me very much!

    1. You described perfectly what was going on! The “religious” spirit was in that other place nearby where they pretend to have something they definitely do not have, and you are right about that group; they have a lot wrong. Praise God that heaven came down when the singer sang and all your needs were met by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thanks for sharing, and enjoy receiving the truth here that will bless you and help with what you need!

  32. Rev. Rocket, that singer was telling me about being spirit fill but l tell him l am only a beggar really. Just like this post say! I didn’t know you write post about me! Ha ha ha. But he ask me, “are you saved?” and I said “yes”, and he said then you are not a beggar but a child of the king.” and then he go to hug me but l couldn’t stand when he get close and now l have holy spirit too and have to have no more dead horses and no more beggarly thoughts!

    1. Well now, you have been very busy! Getting the Holy Spirit when the singer got close and no more beggars thoughts or dead horses! I’m sure you are up to it now that you know you are royalty through Jesus, and are Spirit filled! You have what it takes! Enjoy your New life! Thanks for sharing your testimony!

  33. Rocket Preacher, all I know is I never have anyone to help me or explain anything and my friend tell me I don’t want to miss that music teacher when he play on Saturday night, and I make sure I go. Then halfway through he sing a song called Gloria and all the air around fill up like Jesus is coming back now. I never feel anything like that and don’t know how to describe it and then I get spirit filled and realize that’s what was happening. My friend tell me he bring that all the time when pacing and to bring anyone I know next time you need Holy Spirit. I try to understand why the others didn’t want him around because I would think all Christian would want someone around who can tell people how to get Holy Spirit! I like this blog and can see I have much to read here that will solve my problems. Thanks Rocket Preacher!

  34. Rocket Preacher, I have now holy spirit and I feel like I now have what it take to get through life! Everyone tell me to go hear singer who know how to tell people to get holy spirit and l am glad I went now. The other people have nothing but a lot of fan fare but nothing else, but he have no fan fare, he just sing and everything change in atmosphere. Now I have a lot to read on this blog!!

    1. Praise God you received the Holy Spirit and now have what it takes to get through life! Amen!

      God is good and shows up when people truly worship Him!
      Enjoy the blog, and I pray the Lord reveals truth here to you to help in everything!

  35. Rev. Rocket, here is what happened to me. Their big controversy going on which place to go to hear music. Big hotshot evangelist was here on last-minute change of plan and I think his people not like that this music teacher was also performing down the road. But I pray Lord show me where to go and when I come down the road walking all I see is light and just follow light and it lead me to that music teacher so I not even think of going anywhere else after that. And halfway through he sing a song called Gloria. I never hear before. He didn’t know where to get it on CD or anything. And it say about all the glory of God but then as he sing it the glory come and now finally I have Holy Spirit. Now big turning point for my life will happen this year because of that. I can see I have many things here to look into as well! Thanks, Rev. Rocket.

    1. You are welcome! You did the right thing to follow the light! God’s light will never steer you wrong! That is the simplicity in Christ, who IS the LIGHT! Praise God! With the Holy Spirit your life will be glorious and blessed! Enjoy the blog, God has a lot for you here! Thanks for sharing your testimony!

  36. I have to wonder rocket preacher why people don’t want to get spirit filled. I wasn’t spirit filled for a long time but it was because nobody could tell me how. They say about these tarrying sessions that do nothing. You sit there all day waiting and nothing happen. Then I go to someone my priest tell me to stay away from and he bring power with him that Holy Spirit is in and then I get Holy Spirit. I think they just afraid of losing people from their parish. I don’t think that singer is trying to take people from churches to start a church, I think he is just singing and things happen. They are worrying about nothing. I love this blog! Thank you!

    1. You are welcome! Its good you love this blog. God will help you here and show you truth. There was only one time they were to wait for the Holy Spirit, and that was in Acts when He was first poured out for God had a set time for that. After that believers were filled with the Spirit instantly! Hallelujah!

      Praise God you were filled with the Sirit, and you are right about the singer! He is worshipping Nd praising Jesus and the Spirit of God moves and gives miracles that are needed. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the blog.

  37. Well, Rocket Preacher, I went and heard someone who has authority and I never knew anyone like that before. He wasn’t scared of anybody and laughed when people were making threats. And then once he started to sing I knew why. I’m tired of being told to stay away from people who have the goods! That includes this blog. Why are they so afraid of this blog? HA! I know!

    1. Praise God He sent one who knows authority and you got to see him! It is a very different world when you have authority and the power to back it up! Let’s all laugh at those who hate the anointing! HA HA HA HA HA HA! If they hate the blog they hate the Word, and Jesus IS the Word! They CANNOT fight God and win!
      Keep agreeing for all that God promises for He is faithful to bring it to pass! Thanks for sharing! Blessings to you!
      That sounds like a little bit of heaven came down! Hallelujah!

    1. You are now added into the lowing in the Wind Club! You are #238, praise Jesus! Enjoy your New life in Jesus and freedom! I pray God’s best for you.

  38. I was just nothing more than an outcast until l came to hear your friend sing who told me about getting Spirit Filled. Someone was even trying to interfere but that bodyguard man stopped him. He was busy that night! The longer the night went on the more people tried to cut in and interfere. I’m glad to have this blog now because l will actually learn something!!

    1. Praise God, the ones who tried to interfere were stopped by God! God loves you and now you are Spirit filled, and I am sure you will receive much here on the blog! Enjoy, and thanks for sharing your testimony!

  39. Rev. Rocket, some guy showed up at the University today to try to see if he could buy what JBT has and make some money on it. I actually thought I was going to hear him curse for the first time! But, he kept his cool as he told the guy that he would eventually burn in hell if he didn’t repent in sackcloth and ashes for thinking you could buy God’s gifts. We loved the free entertainment! Security had to escort the guy away, but we were kind of hoping it would continue on for a little while. ROFL!

    1. Well, what a mess that guy is in, and a mess in him! JBT had to have had a lot of thoughts on that one, and while he was dealing with the idiot everybody was just waiting to see where it escalated to! Well, you never know “what” you will see in that classroom, lol!

    1. Praise God! I pray this gets to all who need and want the help! God’s Word is alive and powerful and brings faith, healing, deliverance, and meets all the need in people’s lives!

  40. Rev. Rocket, I want to know how all these people just throw their you know what a way and not have any symptoms. Is that special miracle? I never hear of that happening before.

    1. It is a miracle God started doing and the faith of God rises up in their heart and when they throw it to the wind they are instantly, completely set free! It is by the Holy Spirit, and when He ignites the faith you will KNOW IT!

  41. I sent this blog to some people who always want to blame God for everything and they said they were going to read it, but then they ended up reading it anyway and now they’re off in a huddle with deacons from their church. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. LOL. well, something must have hit somewhere! People twist God’s Word and then wonder why they cannot receive blessings! I choose to believe the Word that says: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory!” Don’t they know the streets of heaven are paved with gold?!

  42. Okay rocket preacher your friend says I’m under a spirit of confusion from my old pastor and I’m being thick headed. Lol. Okay… but here’s what my pastor told me once. That all the scriptures where it talks about God’s righteous, like the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much, or he won’t permit the righteous to stumble and things like that are only about the certain people he’s talking to in that scripture. Like some of those are just for the Jews and some of those were just for people who lived back in Bible times. That’s what I’m afraid is the truth and I’m afraid I’ll never get what I need if I’m claiming things I don’t have any right to claim! Your friend here is ready to pull his hair out with me and he sent me to you. Oh well, I might as well just tell the truth. LOL

    1. It is much better to come straight out saying what is going on. The very FIRST thing you MUST do to get free from the garbage is to ditch “everything” the old pastor taught, and start FRESH with the Word of God and the Holy Spirit! The promises of God are all YES AND AMEN to the glory of God by us! You are the righteousness of God in Jesus so all those promises are yours! The old pastor and his false teaching have you oppressed by spirits of fear,
      confusion, and stubbornness and
      that all MUST GO OUT NOW IN JESUS NAME AS YOU AGREE with me! Now raise your hands and praise the Lord for all those not promises and thank Him that they are yours and will work in your life! HALLELUJAH! BE FREE AND BE MADE WHOLE !

  43. I was SUCH a skeptic and today I am an official member of the Blowing in the Wind Club and then your hot shot Liberace friend had the nerve to say “See, that’s why it’s not good to be a skeptic.” I’m 200-something, right?

    1. Praise God, sounds like skepticism has flown far AWAY…HALLELUJAH TO JESUS! You are number 239 for this miracle! Congratulations and all praise to Gold for this glorious miracle to set you free!

    1. Welcome in! God is good and has much for you, and He brought you here to feed you and show you how to walk with Him and prevail in this life by the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit! Enjoy!

  44. Okay, so your show-off friend was taking on these dry, dead, denominational officials who came to tell him the error of his ways. They told him that the only prayer you’re ever supposed to pray is “if it be thy will” because whatever happens is God’s will. So he started hammering them with Scripture after Scripture about praying, everything from the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much, to when you pray, believe you will receive and you will have what you’re praying for, to pray without ceasing, and pray for one another that you may be healed, etc. etc. and then finally they interrupted him and said “we KNOW all about the Scriptures.” And he said “Well, if everything that happens is God’s will and whatever’s going to happen is going to happen, what would he want us to do all that praying about? Just to go through the motions when it wouldn’t change anything anyway?” Suddenly they had nothing to say. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

    1. Good, I’m glad he shut them up with the Word! HA HA HA HA I can picture them standing there speechless in their deadness, dryness, and unbelief! Thanks for sharing this! I love hearing victory stories where the mouths of the lions are SHUT! Those idiots spend a lot of time trying to stop those with the power of God, and trying to stop the miracles of God! It shows they are not listening to God at all for they go against those God is using and blessing!

    1. God says it is line upon line and precept on precept! The main thing is to give Him your all right now and be willing to spend time with Him, the more time the better.

      It is hard to put a time frame on all this, but there definitely was time spent, and He met me there for my heart was open and I was hungry for the truth and to flow in the Spirit.

    1. Ha ha ha … just laughing at those who giving flack ! Good sign of a night filled with the power and glory of God!

  45. Well, Rev. Rocket, I send the link to Pig Slop to my ex-pastor and he doesn’t seem to want to get back to me. HA! I’ve been patiently waiting for days.

  46. Rev. Rocket, I’m going to hear that controversial singer tonight because I don’t think anybody else can help me. But my pastor said that he’s judgmental, but I asked that Roving Reporter girl and she laughed her head off. She said I won’t ever find a less judgmental person on the planet. He recommends this blog so you must know. Will he make me feel strange? I already feel strange because nobody can help me.

    1. I am SO VERY GLAD you are going to hear the singer tonight! This IS YOUR NIGHT FOR A MIRACLE! Jesus loves you and my heart was moved with the.love of God towards you immediately! NO judgment tonight there ….ONLY..mercy, grave and LOVE! GO BELIEVING GOD FOR THE HELP YOU NEED! HELP IS THERE FOR YOU TONIGHT!

  47. You were right what you tell my friend. That man not judgemental at all. He save my friend life last night. She come on later to tell!

    1. Wonderful! Praise God! Great news! I’m so glad she was helped. I look forward to her testimony!

  48. Yes, you were right Rocket Preacher. He’s not judgmental at all. He was the complete opposite. Now I got Spirit Filled and delivered and my whole life is changed!!

    1. Praise Jesus for delivering you and filling you with the Holy Spirit! It is great that your whole life is n
      hanged for the better and made new!

  49. Well, everyone always wants a testimony! Here is an awesome one from last night! A man came back to thank me for giving him the blog. He said he was having repetitive oppressive thoughts and he left a comment about it and Dan did a prayer for him right on the blog and the demons went and he’s been free ever since!! God’s word works! Hallelujah!!

    1. Thanks for sharing that testimony. Praise Jesus for that deliverance! For all who just read that and faith came alive for the same kind of deliverance I loose you from all repetitive oppressive thoughts. The demons behind them are bound and must all GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS!
      Hallelujah! God is turning your mourning into dancing!

      Those who receive from God come on and testify of what He did! It glorifies God and encourages others!

  50. Rocket Preacher should I come on and say big thing that happen last night or will people think I’m crazy. You not think I’m crazy because you cast out demons! I don’t know how good I can explain it. If I mess it up you can fix my words!? LOL

    1. Definitely, YES, come on and say what big thing the Lord did last night! And yes, I can fix words if need, lol.

  51. Okay, here is what happen. Your friend is singing and then he go and take a break and a woman come up and beg for prayer to get demon cast out and he prayed for her and all the demon go. Then some man from a church come over and tell him that you can’t do that that way and try telling him about all these long drawn out sessions you have to do or all the demon won’t go. And your friend say “they HAVE to go. They have no choice. They have to go on one word.” And the religious man say “well whoever cast out demons like that?” And your friend say, “Jesus did. Didn’t you ever read Matthew 8:16?” And he turn away from the religious man. Then a woman said to the religious man “you said that all the demon can’t go at once, but that man prayed for me a month ago and they did all go, because the first time in my life all the thoughts, habits, anxiety, words in my head, nightmares and all other thing go away and never come back.” And the religious guy still argue back and say “well, you probably have some hiding.” Whatever that means. And when your friend hear this, he spun around and I thought he was going to give that man a punch in the head. But no, he just said “the worst thing in the body of Christ these days is people who think they know what they’re talking about but don’t know ANYTHING. You don’t need to be teaching anybody about deliverance because you don’t know the first thing about it, all you say is 100% wrong and you would be better off saying nothing then teaching inaccurate drivel to people who don’t know any better.” And then he look like he just going to walk away from the religious man, but then he turn around one more time and say “and besides… There’s no place ANY demon can hide from the Holy Ghost.” And when he say that, 10 people get slain in the spirit and start screaming out demons! I’m not making this up! It really happened!

    1. Thank you very much for sharing this testimony of what happened when he spoke the truth to the religious man! Right there shows the power of the spoken word! When he said: “There is no place demons can hide from the Holy Ghost” and 10 people were slain in the Spirit and demons came screaming out, it shows the power of spoken words of faith! Praise God! That religious man better repent real quick and get deliverance himself from all the religious demons!

  52. Rocket preacher, l never see anywhere when everyone standing there get spirit fill and deliver from demons! And there was not even a prayer! Now l have to go through this whole blog to get my questions answered! Thanks!

    1. You are welcome, enjoy finding your answers on the blog! When we take off the limits we have put on God it is amazing the things He will do! The way people are being delivered and filled with the Spirit all over the place standing there with no prayer by anyone shows the Holy Spirit is being poured out on all flesh as God said! As you seek Jesus you will find all you need to know and made free from all that has been negative. Blessings to you in all things.

  53. Rocket Preacher, I’m glad someone came on here and tell what happen, because l think the same thing …that people think l crazy. But it was true and there were really ten people who couldn’t stand up when he say “demon can’t hide from Holy Ghost.” The reason some people here not like it is because they want to be only ones who know anything and then your friend tell them scripture that make it obvious that they know nothing. That’s also why they don’t like this blog!

    1. I know the power of words of faith and the anointing of the Holy Spirit does all kinds of miracles like this. That was a demonstration of the Spirit for sure confirming the Word spoken with signs following. When he said the demons cannot hide from the Holy Spirit then, boom the power of God hit those 10 people and they go down under the power of God and out go the demons.
      The hypocrites cannot stand the truth for sure. When they “think” they know everything, then you know for sure they know “nothing!” Thanks for sharing, it is always good to hear things God is doing!

  54. I really thank God for this blog and I’m not surprised that people give that singer a hard time about passing it out because it shows them up for all the things they don’t have and can’t get from God because they’re depending on their own high and mighty intellect instead of what the Bible says! Thanks rocket preacher!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God for those who are hungry and thirsty for the truth like you! Yes, those who depend on their own intellect definitely don’t like when there is anything that really directs to the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. They cannot produce the miracles of God when they walk after the flesh, and then get very angry with those who have the goods and can produce the miracles of God. We all need the power of God in our lives! “With God all things are possible!”

  55. I was there too, Rocket Preacher. I was one of the 10 who got spirit filled and delivered. And it’s just like that other person described. All the demons go and all the thought and patterns I can stop go too and now I have normal life. I will tell another funny story from that night. That man still trying to argue with that singer an hour later he show back up after he run off and he say the demon not really go because they didn’t get told to name themselves like Jesus did that one time when the legion of demon go to the pig. And I think too, like that other person think, he is just going to haul off and punch that guy. I hate to say, I was kind of hope that he would. And I said to the man “but I know all demon are gone because all thought and all the behavior went all at once that never happened before no matter how hard I try.”
    Then the man say again how, no, you have to talk to every demon before cast out and that singer said “You never cast out a demon in your life, all you did was promote false doctrine and most of the people that you claim to have helped are in worse shape than they were before they met you, and from today on, no one is going to listen to you again.” I said to him “how can you know that?” This was his answer… Roving Reporter girl type this part for me to get proper English. “God has had enough. And that man will never lead anyone astray again. And don’t let anyone EVER tell you to talk to demons, that’s nothing more than channeling and necromancy with a Christian label stuck on it. You do one thing with demons and one thing only and that’s cast them out. If they are “arguing” back with you, and “trying not to come out” you need to drop what you’re doing, stop trying to cast out demons, and go get alone with God somewhere until you understand how to read your Bible about deliverance and not misconstrue everything it says about it.” Then he said, “Jesus, deliver me from this messed up segment of the body of Christ that’s leading people to their doom with false teachings about deliverance!” Then, our eyes are popping out of our head trying to understand everything he say! All I know, is that the only places I ever knew people get real deliverance from demon is on this blog and when that singer show up. So I will stick with that!

    1. Praise Jesus for the tremendous REAL deliverance you and the others got! I agree that the disturbed deceiver will not be able to hinder anyone ever again! Thanks for sharing your testimony…our God reigns!

  56. Rocket Preacher, I one of those 10 too and I could feel that wave come to knock us all down and later one person tell your friend “well, if you’re going to ‘do that’ you need to have ‘catcher’ there.” He just rolled his eyes and then say “Jesus, I hope you’re coming back soon.” And then we were all laughing. Then I read about second chapter acts and they have no catcher there. We didn’t get hurt. We didn’t even remember landing! LOL. These religious people don’t know what they’re talking about, and that’s why I’m just going to read the blog from now on.

    1. Amen! Praise God for the move of the Holy Spirit! You are right about the religious people…they don’t know which side n is up! Lol. God knows what He is doing and they need to leave it alone! The power of the Holy Spirit is beyond all other powers!

  57. Oh dear, another impromptu concert tonight! Britney is visiting her parents, but don’t worry, I’m the official assistant roving reporter and I will be on the scene! JBT is so relieved about that! HA HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Good! We will be looking for your report on all that goes on! I know JBT is relieved you are there to report! Lol

    1. Well, the “sting” is being put on the devil, and Out he goes!!! Lol! You are in the Blowing in the Wind Club and are number 240! Congratulations! It is good to be free isn’t it?!

  58. Rev. Rocket, I hear all kind of controversial thing about that singer and that he does not do things right way. But then I read Scripture where it say you can judge thing by fruits it brings. Then I see a pattern where people who not like him say he do it all wrong but they don’t do anything and nobody ever get help. The other night they off in a corner trying to make demon go and none of the demon go, they all just keep acting up in the girl and he stopped singing and seemed to get mad and he went over there and almost shove them out of the way.
    At that time I think to myself, okay, he is crazy, what is he doing? But then they were so stunned at being shoved aside they just stood there and he just touch girl’s head and say “Thank you Jesus” and all demon start coming out one after another. So I don’t know if he did all steps you’re supposed to do, but I saw for myself all the demon go and the girl was normal. Everyone knew about her. She was insane for year after year with no help. And then he just give her blog address and go back to what he doing like nothing happened. You could hear a toothpick drop and everyone just staring at him wondering how it happen. Then we all just look at the religious people kind of like, okay, explain that. And suddenly they are walking away. I have to say I never see anything like this in my life. And then really this is an entire book on this blog because of how much is here. Those religious people need to start at the first post and read every single one. They need this help badly.

    1. Well said! Those powerless religious fakes CANNOT make one demon go with their ritual, but the singer lays hand on her head and thanks Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit delivers her completely! Praise Jesus! Thank you Lord for the anointing that destroys the yoke! Thanks for sharing this wonderful testimony of the power of God!

    1. Well, there is a song…I’m learning to lean, learning to lean, learning to lean on Jesus. Finding more power than I ever dreamed. I’m learning to lean on Jesus! Praise God!

    1. Thank you, thank you very much! The interferers, no doubt, found out how God stops interferers and shuts them up! Lol.

  59. Hi Rev. Rocket! I get delivered now for first time and l see everything different now. Before l have no Holy Spirit but then l come where anointed music is and l feel God everywhere all over. People try to stop that singer and invisible force shut their mouths. Now all my life different. Thanks for this blog!!!

    1. You are very welcome! Praise Jesus you were delivered and your life is made new, and you have the Holy Spirit now! The presence of God is wonderful, isn’t it?! Praise God the power of God shut the mouths of those who wanted to interfere, just like the angel shutting the lions mouths and delivered Daniel. Thank God you went to hear anointed music!

  60. Rev. Rocket, I read this blog before but I not really understand it. Now last night I get spirit fill and I understand much better!! Thank you for all this!!

    1. You are very welcome! I’m glad to hear that now that you are Spirit Filled you understand this much better. The Holy Spirit will show you the meaning and reveal what you need to see and know. God has a lot to show you and give you so never give up!

  61. Rev. Rocket, last night I watch these people try to bother that music teacher and they couldn’t speak at one point, only look angry and clench their fists. Everyone think it funny! They want to interfere because they are jealous. That’s what l think. Well, 14 people all get spirit filled and he not even pray! I didn’t even know that could happen! Then here is this blog with all the things the religious people need to hear but they won’t read it. That is stupid!!

    1. Praise God for all the 14 people being Spirit filled! I like that the “haters” mouths were shut by God! Ha ha ha, God laughs at them!

  62. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I can’t be skeptical anymore because two nights ago your hotshot singer friend told me that the answers to my four biggest questions would be on this blog and they were! How am I supposed to be a skeptic now? Oops. A girl named
    Molly said that this definitely qualifies as a testimony and I need to tell it! Oh dear.

    1. This is definitely a testimony. God knew your 4 biggest questions and had me write the answers here for you! Praise God! God wants us to walk in victory and it is important to have the answers to those questions from the Word of God! God showed the singer these things to deliver you from skepticism and Hallelujah you are free! That is a big victory!

  63. Rev. Rocket, I get told all my life that to get Spirit Filled there must be long waiting session but when I go the other night to hear that singer who everyone say things about I not end up having to wait at all or have anyone even pray. Something big happened when he singing and you feel Jesus fill up the air all around and then people like me get Spirit Filled. Whoever would think it can happen outside just hearing a singer. I was really surprised it could be so easy. The people who have big problem with this need to read this blog. They should read Pig Slop especially because that where there biggest problem is.

  64. Okay, I was sent here by Molly, who told me I need to put my testimony on here. I went from place to place to place for 15 years trying to get help and nobody could help me. Some of the more well-meaning and tried, and some of them were just plain stupid and I didn’t do what they told me anyway. Then someone said that this music teacher would know what to tell me so I kind of pounced on him when he was taking a break from playing the other night and I said what steps do I have to do to get these horrible thoughts out of my mind and stop having these nightmares? And he said “all those demons came in when you dated someone who was an active witchcraft and they will go just as fast if you’re saved.” I don’t know how he knew that but I believed him. And I told him that I was saved but I wasn’t spirit filled and he said “okay, you will be.” And he cast demons out by just saying a few words and then afterwards I felt different than I ever had in my life, but this stupid religious person came over and told me that that can’t happen that way because you have to get spirit filled before you get deliverance. Well, I know I got deliverance because I could feel the difference, and I definitely got spirit filled because I don’t think I’d be talking in tongues if I didn’t. But before I could rebuttal that, that singer said to the guy, “you’ve never cast a demon out in your life, you’re not spirit filled yourself so where do you get off telling her what to do?” He seemed really annoyed but that’s probably because I was looking confused and I think he was worried that I was going to get confused and lose what I got. So the nose stuck in the air guy said that he got spirit filled automatically when he was saved. Well that’s what Baptists believe. I’ve heard that spiel before but I always knew there was more to it than that because Baptists don’t act very sanctified and I think you need Holy Spirit for that. Anyway, that is my testimony, and I really love this blog!

    1. Praise God, praise God, praise God that after 15 long years you met the singer who really knows how to cast out demons and get people Spirit filled! Religious idiots have the “know it all demons” along with pride and unbelief and are famous for trying to discourage those who are getting real help from Spirit filled, anointed believers!
      Yes, thank God you are Spirit filled and so are talking in tongues! Keep doing that every day! I’m very glad you love the blog, God has a lot of good things He is going to show and give you a lot of good things! Good riddance to 15 years of bondage and discouragement, and hello to a NEW LIFE IN JESUS!

    1. Ha ha ha…idiots never like the truth at all! They love lies and try to hide from the truth. But God sees everything and knows everything, and knows idiots hate the truth, and hate the light! God IS LIGHT, and in Him is NO darkness!

  65. Hi Rev. Rocket. Molly told me to put my testimony on here from the other night. My story is kind of funny. I asked that music teacher why my pastor couldn’t cast demons out of me and I was about to tell him the whole story but he already knew it! As soon as I asked him he said “because he’s chasing his tail, he’s not casting anything out, he’s trying to get information from demons.” And I said, “yes, that’s what he told me. That you have to interrogate the demon.” And the music teacher said “Jesus please deliver me!” And I thought, well this is odd. He’s praying for himself to get deliverance. Later on I realized what was happening. LOL. I think he’s kind of frustrated with people like my pastor. But anyway, he said never do anything with demons other than cast them out and I said but I’m afraid they won’t go. And he said “they have to, watch this.” And he touched me and he didn’t say one word, he didn’t pray, he didn’t utter a syllable and I got an impressive amount of deliverance! It went on all through the night till the next morning and now I feel like a brand-new human being. Why didn’t he even have to pray?! I was reading some of these comments, and I think I’ll send this link to some idiots too. I think I know who to start with… ROFL

    1. Praise God you finally got deliverance when someone knew what they were doing. When the singer laid hands on he transferred the anointing on you and the anointing destroys the yoke, and then you got deliverance all through the night until you were free and new by the Holy Spirit! It “really” is by the Holy Spirit demons are cast out! That’s why those who just go through the motions with no power never get anyone delivered! They do not flow with the Holy Spirit! Thanks for your testimony, it was good.

    1. Jesus did that with one word, and He said when we believe we will do the same works He did and greater than these for He went to the Father. The demons HAVE to obey and when we say “GO” then they have to go!

  66. You were right, rocket preacher! I had to change my thinking! I didn’t really understand that totally but now that I got Spirit-filled I know exactly what you were saying! It’s true and it worked!

    1. You are added into the Blowing in the Wind Club! This makes 241 BIG reasons to praise the Lord! Good going! Praise God for this tremendous miracle of deliverance in your life! You are FREE by the power of the Holy Ghost! I pray much blessing in your life!

  67. Rev. Rocket, I think if these troublemakers would just read this blog and give it a chance their whole lives would change! If you ask me they are pretty stupid!

    1. You are right! They would have to read it, repent, believe it, and they could see just what the power of God can do! The Word of God is a life changer for the better for sure!

    1. Skepticism was only robbing and taking you down, but now that you have made the decision for faith VICTORY will be yours!

  68. Ok, so your hot shot friend tells me that things will come clear to me when l read certain posts on here. Well, to make a long story short, l am going to have to hear I-told-you-so now! This really does have i nformation everyone needs!!

    1. Praise God for the clearness God brings when we see the truth He has spoken come alive in our spirit!

    1. Praise God you are added into the Blowing into the Wind club…number 242 and counting! This is the year of deliverance and God getting His people ready to go up! Good going! Keep believing God and praising Him, and you will walk in constant victory!

  69. Rev. Rocket, why does it seem like God doesn’t hear our prayers or takes so long to answer. JBT said that’s a good question for you.

    1. Well, you know how to ask the questions don’t you?! Do you ask the hard questions in class too? You do need to ask the ones you have been holding back for sure, lol!

      Now, let’s see what we came up with here. First read 1 John 5:14,15 a few times until you have it memorized and then repeat it out loud. That way it will stick. “IF” we ask anything “according to HIS WILL (His Word is His will) HE HEARS US: And if we KNOW He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we KNOW that we HAVE the petitions that we desired of Him. If you KNOW you have the answer then that does not depend on anything you see or don’t see! Don’t pray in anxiety, or wishful thinking, or fear, or unbelief, or a “maybe,” for to touch God you MUST pray in absolute faith without wavering, for those who waver are like the sea blown about by the fierce winds tossed to and fro! Then you thank and praise the Lord for the answers! I have learned to pray and speak a quickening on the answers, and binding all spirits that are contrary to what I prayed for! Remember that when you pray according to His will you KNOW you have the petitions desired of Him and there is no doubt, and knowing you have the answer is not determined by what you see happening or don’t see happening! Then praise the Lord and count it done until you see the glory of God manifested!
      Mark 11:24 “What things soever you desire, WHEN you pray, believe you receive them, and you will have them.” When do you receive them? When you pray and believe you receive them THEN!

  70. I gave this post to some idiots before, and most of them got mad, but I think one is actually going to convert now! He might’ve actually seen the error of his ways!

  71. Rocket Preacher, here’s my problem. I was raised properly, but I just became a mediocre Christian for most of my life. You know, go through the motions of going to church, make sure you don’t tell lies or steal anything or do anything really horrible, but not really holding up my end of the bargain of what stalwart Christian is supposed to do. No, my pattern was just run to Jesus every five years when there’s a crisis and then pretty much forget about Him the rest of the time. Well, when I started reading this blog about six months ago all that changed and I got a real desire to be a better Christian, not just a goof artist 98% of the time and only a “serious” Christian when I’m in trouble. But what I’m worried about now is that I won’t be able to “catch up” in enough time to really be a powerful Christian in the end times. I feel like I wasted a lot of years and I don’t know how to fast-track myself to where I should be right now. What should I do?

    1. O.k., just know God looks on the heart, and now you have become what I call a “heart believer!” You are longing for a deeper walk with Jesus and He is right there to do that! He simply says draw close to God and HE WILL draw close to you! Intensify your walk with the Lord. Prayer, praise, fasting (denying yourself food for spiritual purposes…read Isiah 58),get in the Word of God and get the Word of God in you, and learn to speak words of faith over everything. Read Mark 11 and you will see how the power of God is released through words of real faith. Humble yourself under the hand of God and He WILL lift you up, and yield your heart and life to Him and you will see amazing things happen in your heart and life. Believe..believe…believe…believe and you will see the glory of God!
      Blessings on you, you have a good heart and God has touched you for sure. It blessed me to hear how this blog has helped you over the last 6 months! If you haven’t been filled with the Holy Spirit ask Jesus to fill you with the Spirit and you will receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking n in tongues. If you did receive the baptism of the Spirit, ask Jesus to refill you and He will. Then pray in tongues every day…very powerful!

  72. Okay, I’m here. You are right and I was wrong. I don’t want to hear I told you so. YOU know who you are. And I mean it! Thanks Rocket Preacher, I really am enjoying this and it has a lot of answers to my questions!

    1. You are welcome, and I am very glad to hear this blog has a lot of answers to your questions! It is what we “don’t know” that can cause a lot of problems. Jesus said that you will KNOW the truth, and the truth will make you FREE! ENJOY!

    1. Praise God skepticism is under your feet! It will be like a hundred n pound weight you were carrying is GONE, the burdens are gone, and now the NEW LIFE OF FAITH AND POWER BEGINS! PRAISE JESUS! So glad to hear this helped you let.go of the skepticism!

    1. You will be VERY glad when you kick beggar mentality out! You are righteous and royalty in Jesus and what is His is yours. You are seated n in heavenly.places in Christ far above every principality and power there is! Hallelujah! We are MORE than conquerors in Jesus! Enjoy your WINNER mentality and reality!

    1. Had is the key word! Now you have winner mentality because that’s what you are in Jesus! Praise God!

  73. You should go sign up to be a chinese torturer. Seriously? Go read the blog, go read the blog, go read the blog, til it comes out my ears, and then everything you said is true. How did YOU know it would address all my problems? I do NOT want to hear I told you so or any smugness and I mean it! Thanks Rocket Preacher! I didn’t realize how good this was!

    1. You are very welcome!!!
      Oh, my what took place to get you here…lol. But it did get you here! Praise God! I think he persists to convince to come on here because he really does know from God that what is here will really help each person he talks to.
      God knows everything and He knows what will truly answer people’s problems and reveal the truth that sets you free, gives wisdom, deliverance, healing, instruction, and faith that WORKS! AMEN!

  74. Ooopsy Daisy. Catholic youth group tomorrow night. They only want him to “entertain” though. None of that “other stuff.” And the Sunday school teacher’s WIFE is already making passes. I said “well, she’s just not sanctified yet, you’ll have to pray for her.” he just gave me that “I’m not amused” look. Well, I’m just trying to do my job that he is oh-so-glad you gave me!

    1. Oopsy daisy for sure…maybe double oops daisy! HA HA HA HA! I know he is thrilled to have you reporting! I love your talk about the Sunday school teacher..lol. Lord Jesus we turn everyone who will be there over to the Holy Spirit all tonight and all day tomorrow that by the time it starts they will be totally ready and receptive to ALL GOD wants to do and will receive every miracle needed and the double portion of the Spirit!

  75. I’m scared Rev Rocket! I was worried about that balloon, and yesterday at this time my teacher said “It will be a non issue by this time tomorrow, but it shouldn’t take such intense prayer to make people do the right thing. The best solution is not to have weak leadership. We need God’s grace to avoid the problems it was designed to cause when it was left unchecked 30 hours longer than it should have been. But we DO have God’s grace, as long as we don’t let doubt creep in.” I don’t understand all that! I do kind of, but not completely. The most interesting things he says are just off the cuff and he never explain them!!

    1. The balloon was just shot down today..praise God! Yes, keep speaking faith over everything and binding all the evil forces as we also claim God’s grace and power over all the garbage! God says when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God lifts the standard against him putting him to flight. Let’s claim and speak that!

    1. Lol, they should know by now it doesn’t matter what they command “not” to happen! It is going to happen! Good, I look forward to hearing what God did!

  76. Ooops. There was all that “other stuff” from the first hour on. They ran around like chickens without heads trying to figure out how to tone it down, and then gave up. The church officials were nowhere to be found at one point. Probably having a conference in the back room. HA HA HA HA HA. Then the church secretary said “Is he going to be passing out that blog now!”
    I said “Yep…they who have turned the world upside down have come here also.”

    1. Hallelujah! Jesus IS Lord! That was great how God moved and what you said to the secretary! Oops the Holy Spirit was able to prevail!

  77. Rev. Rocket, I get spirit filled and saved and delivered. But now I realize I am in wrong church. There is no help in catholic church! I love this blog!

    1. Praise God you got saved, Spirit filled, and delivered! I’m glad you love this blog, God b is going to bless your life in a big way as He has already done so much! Enjoy!

  78. I’m happy to have this blog Now Rocket preacher! I learn everything in Catholic church and now when that singer come I know I learn it all wrong. I don’t think I go back there because they cannot help me but this blog can!

  79. Okay so I think I have everything learned all wrong because I get taught about penance and rosary and then now I find out none of that really matter. It different when Holy Spirit show up and then thing change and you see more than you knew before and where you go wrong. I’m glad that singer came even though he not listen to them to just do everything by program. I’m glad he didn’t listen! Thanks for this blog!

    1. Yes, you were taught wrong so thank God the Holy Spirit showed up! I’m very glad he didnt stay with just the program, but let the Holy Spirit move too! Now you will see the light and be taught right by the Holy Spirit from the Word of God! Praise Jesus! You are welcome for this blog and I pray it blesses you every day!

  80. I love this blog. Rev. Rocket, it really is like having religious instruction online that tell real truth. I leave my parish now. They not have understanding about anything. They think that singer was wrong, but no, I think they are wrong because he bring power and they have none!

    1. Praise God you see that the singer brought the power of God with him, and those who oppose have no power! I’m glad you love this blog. God will bless you, and show you the truth here by His Spirit! Stay with it, and God will show you all you need to see and know, and He will see you through!

    1. Good! With the beggar mentality gone you will receive answers to prayer and your joy will be full!

  81. Okay, here’s something funny Rocket Preacher… I told someone that I was never happy all the time until I find this blog and now I can always be happy and some man say that sacrilege. Your singer friend look at him and say “is there room somewhere where I can fall on the floor and roll around laughing?” And he roll his eyes and walked away. Then we all start laughing our heads off too and the man who accused me of sacrilege stomp off angry. I think that’s really funny.

    1. Yes, lol, I guess the angry stomping man needs to repent and read here how he could receive deliverance so he could be happy all the time too! Praise Jesus you are happy all the time now! When believers were never taught the Word of God right then, joy is missing, for when you find the words of God and do eat them, they are the joy and rejoicing of your heart. Keep laughing…the devil cannot stand it! Thanks for sharing, I am so glad to hear how this blog has blessed you and now you are happy all the time.

    1. I hear you! NEW LIFE from and by God is FREE from the past, completely FREE, and that is powerful in every way! Blessings!

    1. You are totally welcome, and I am so glad and blessed that this solved a lot of problems for you! God is so good and always makes sure we receive what we need to put us on top of it all!

  82. Rocket preacher! My music teacher tells someone that he is Whited Sepulcher full of dead man bones! What did he mean?!

    1. When Jesus said that to people they were hypocrites and pretenders. Outwardly they appear to be righteous but inside they are full of death just like sepulchrs they buried dead people in that on the outside were white washed, but on the inside full of dead men’s bones.

  83. Well, the teacher who was after you know who got saved in spirit-filled! Oops. The entertainment is over now. Jbt seems a bit relieved. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    1. Praise God for that miracle! Yes, that would definitely be “relief!” The teacher definitely got a lot more than he bargained for! Lol

    1. Yep, bye bye skepticism hello FAITH! It is a totally BETTER LIFE with FAITH BELIEVING! Skepticism just cuts you off from God and brings torment! Plunge into faith with all your heart and God will reward you!

    1. Thank you, and blessings to you! I’m very glad you love this, then I know it will work for you!

  84. Ok, I’m in! This is really good and helpful. I think those religious people don’t like this because it shows the answers that they don’t have!!

    1. Welcome, I’m glad to hear this is good and helpful, and that you are in! You are right about the religious ones! They cannot stand anything with the power of God in it! God has this here for a lot of reasons and one of them is to deliver people from religious demons!

  85. Okay, Rocket Preacher, your hotshot singer friend sent me here. He said I’m his problem child and he is out of gas because he can’t get through to me. Hmmm… Well, I guess he’s right. He said I’ve been too long under false teaching and I have a mental block. LOL. Maybe I can’t argue. But I just don’t understand this whole “God is sovereign” thing if it doesn’t mean that whatever happens is meant to happen. And my old pastor told me in Hebrews 11 it says that whatever happens is God showing us things and it’s just like earthly fathers discipline their kids. So that left me hopeless for years and years because if God is putting you through hardships and sickness and awful things to teach you something, then who do you go to pray about those things and get help? What’s the point of praying if God is at the source of it all? And how would you know what is an attack from Satan and what God is allowing? And the more I thought about that the more I felt like God is just far away and rejecting me and I don’t have a right to ask for anything. Your friend says all those thoughts are demons but I think they’re just my own thoughts. I’m just a confused mess and I admit it. He was the only one who ever bothered with me for years because nobody wants to deal with people who are hopeless and in despair. In fact, he probably deserves a medal for even trying because I guess I really am hopeless, but he not only kept trying but now he’s passing me off to you, or as he put it “someone smarter than me to help you.” Ooops. So I guess because you’re the smarter one you’re stuck with me now. I just don’t think those thoughts are demons, I think I just don’t want to face that whatever happens is going to happen because God is sovereign. I don’t want to have false hope that I can change anything. But then I think, what’s the point of praying then? Well, you can tell I’m confused. If you don’t want to bother with me you don’t have to!

    1. The first thing to think on is this: God’s sovereignty does NOT bypass His Word.
      What God promises in His Word He DOES! Remember 1 Peter 2:24 says “By His stripes you were healed!” That takes sickness down! The will of God is divine healing and divine health! Believe it, say it, and thank God His will is healing and divine health! 3rd John 2 says “I will above ALL things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers!” That is the will of God!!! Anything that tries to rob health is of the devil and demonic and is to be bound,fought, resisted, stomped, and driven out! I will say more, but start with what I said here!
      I rebuke every demon of false teaching and confusion, and bewilderment…they are leaving you NOW in Jesus name! Raise your hands and praise Jesus for deliverance!

  86. When I read “confusion and bewilderment” in your comment I got really nervous! Is that because God is mad at me for being confused and bewildered?!

    1. No, God is NOT mad at you. I named those demons so they would leave you with their confusion and bewilderment. They are your enemies so tell them to go! God loves you!

    1. Yes, demons do get.VERY nervous because they know they have been exposed and are being driven out! Stomp them good, and enjoy the victory of Jesus in your spirit!

    1. You do NOT have to worry about anything bad because it is NOT God’s will for you! Read Acts 10:38. How God anointed Jesus…who went about doing GOOD HEALING ALL that were oppressed of the devil…” Every GOOD AND PERFECT gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights. (James. 1:17 ) Psalm 91 says no evil will befall you when you dwell in the secret place of the Most High! God’s will is good and blessing for you because He loves you! Praise Jesus! You should praise Him right now for His great goodness and good gifts!

    2. Here is some more goodies from God to you and all who believe on Jesus! The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life! Jesus bore all your sins and took the punishment for them too so you could LIVE FREE, and not have any of the torment or bondages sin brings! You ARE FORGIVEN, AND CLEANSED BY THE BLOOD OF JESUS! He turns to you and gives you the keys of the kingdom and whatever YOU bind is bound, and whatever YOU loose is loosed! Hallelujah! Jesus says to you that FAITH IS THE VICTORY THAT OVERCOMES THE WORLD! So it is now your decision to walk and live in and speak words of faith, and do the actions of FAITH! Faith IS THE SUBSTANCE of things hoped for the EVIDENCE of things not seen! Faith brings the Word of God alive into NOW and makes Miracles of God happen! NOW THEN FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR; THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS NOT SEEN! Faith brings the power of God on the scence and speaks to the mountain to be removed and the mountain is removed!

  87. This is really been interesting your whole exchange with that girl named renee. A lot of people are taking note of the answers for themselves!

    1. Good! I thought more were tuning in to this, and that God was going to help a lot of people so thanks for confirming that. There will be more soon to come! Hallelujah! We win!

  88. Rocket preacher, I asked my music teacher what is most important thing to do in end time and he say ” don’t get distracted by thing that don’t matter. Spend your time in prayer.” Then I see you have blog post from a while ago and title is things that don’t matter! I like that!

    1. Amen! That’s right for sure! We MUST be about our Father’s business! Things that don’t matter just do not matter!

  89. I think everyone in the end times needs to read this post. It really shows the difference in how you can live if you change your thinking!

    1. HA HA HA HA…YES, Ooooops for sure…red faces balled up fists and “FROZEN”…LOL, my personal favorite!

  90. Well, we got rained out tonight though . Don’t worry, I’m sure the interferes will be back tomorrow night!

  91. Rocket Preacher, I was asking that singer to pray for me when he was setting up because I wanted to make sure I didn’t get squeezed out, and it felt like pea soup when I got near him. Is that thick air the Holy Spirit?

    1. Yes, that is the anointing of the Holy Spirit atmosphere! A little bit of heaven manifesting here for our benefit!

    1. Oh, dear dear…I do pray for the dying! I guess we will have to pray for a revelation of what “last call” means!

  92. Rev. Rocket, my teacher is singing and people who were trying to interfere have to just sit there and be quiet! I can’t wait to see what happens!

    1. Ha ha ha GOOD! The interferes people had to shut up and be frozen in place! Thank you Jesus! What else happened?

  93. Okay rocket preacher, here’s what happened to me. I went to talk to that hot shot singer before he started because I wanted to know if I could get Deliverance. I told him I was barely saved. And he said “there is no such thing as barely saved. Don’t say that about yourself. You can say you’re not Spirit-filled or baptized yet, you can say you don’t have Deliverance yet, but don’t say barely saved because there is no such thing.” Ok so when he said that, I started screaming out demons. Lol. And these other people got really angry and we’re trying to interfere and all of a sudden they had to sit down and shut up. I thought that was wonderful. I laughed till I cried later. They were red face through the whole thing but they didn’t go home and they couldn’t do anything. Why did those demons start coming out just from him saying that though?

    1. Lol, I love it! Jesus said: “You will know the truth and the truth will make you FREE!” When he said there is no such thing as barely saved it was the truth about your salvation that broke the lie you were believing and deliverance flowed for the truth made you free! Praise God!

  94. Rev. Rocket, your hotshot five octave friend prayed for me yesterday and I told him not to come near me because I had the virus and he said “it can’t live in this atmosphere.” I thought he was crazy! But when I went through the rapid testing today, sure enough, I don’t have it anymore! They said the first test must’ve been a false positive, but it wasn’t! I got the test in the first place because I had all the symptoms! What did he mean by that? Did the virus have to die because everyone was praising God?

    1. When the atmosphere is made of the anointing of the Holy Ghost the virus cannot live for it is an evil life and the presence of God makes the evil life Die! When believers praise God, God inhabits, lives, in those praises! Thus the atmosphere of heaven manifests here! Evil cannot get into heaven for it cannot stand that atmosphere.

  95. Rocket Preacher, last night it was like pea soup when that singer was performing. And then someone told me that was the Holy Spirit filling up the place. I thought that was just in Bible times! But I ended up getting spirit filled, now I understand this blog a lot better! Do you understand things better when you get Spirit Filled?

    1. Yes, when younare filled with the Spirit your understanding is enlightened and quickened by the Holy Spirit! He is the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus!

  96. Rocket Preacher, I don’t understand why my pastor “warned” me about that singer. He’s the only one around here who has the goods! I finally got spirit filled after my whole life not understanding anything about it. They made it sound so complicated and mysterious that I never even bothered to try! It was easy!

    1. People who “warn” about those who have the goods and get Holy Ghost results don’t have the goods themselves and preach confusion and hinder people from receiving the Holy Spirit!

  97. Rocket preacher, I came to hear that controversial singer the other night and l told him that my pastor told me l had too strong of demons to come out except a 30 day fast and l could never make it that long, so l asked him if he could pray that l can fast 30 days and he said “no, l’ll just cast out the demons,” and l said “but they’re too strong.” And he laugh and just barely touch me and all demon go and now all my symptoms are gone! I never knew it could be easy like that!

    1. Praise God the power of God drives demons out and that settles that. So much for the pastor’s false theory! Ha ha ha . Keep laughing at the devil and all his lies! The joy of the Lord n is your strength. Lraise God for your deliverance!

  98. I can hardly believe l finally get spirit filled and it was not hard. That man that all the preachers say stay away from tell me it can be very easy and he was right! Some people were there and they try so hard to interfere and they could do nothing but sit there with angry look. Was that God stopping them?

    1. Praise God you got in the right place and were filled with the Spirit! Yes, that was God freezing the ones who wanted to interfere! God cannot be stopped! Woe to them that try to oppose the Holy Spirit!

  99. I really thank God for this blog! I was so lost before, because I didn’t know who to turn to to get the right information and everybody said something different and it was confusing me. And then your show off five octave singer friend told me how to get spirit filled and delivered, and now I have all this to read! Thank God!

    1. Praise God you are here! I’m glad we have this here for you and all to feed on! We need spiritual food to stay strong spiritually and have our faith built and growing! I pray a special anointing on this to break the yokes of bondage and bring light that will scatter all the darkness in Jesus name!

  100. Okay, Rocket Preacher, you were right, and I was wrong! I admit it. I will have to get my act together now. Oh dear!

  101. Rev. Rocket I want to know how all this works! I finally came to hear your show off friend because everyone was saying that people get spirit filled easily whenever he’s around there playing and he said it had nothing to do with him. But I went there and I got spirit filled very easy just like they said. And then after the music and everything was over, this nasty looking guy comes out of nowhere and tells everybody that he’s going to go up there and put that singer in his place and at the same time everyone was getting off the stage to wrap everything up, and your hotshot friend came to the back to pull his car around and when he got within 5 feet of the man who was going to set the world straight, the loser fell flat down on his back. And the singer goes “hmmm…another one bites the dust.” And he just went to get the car like nothing happened. I never saw anything like this in my life! He said I didn’t need to put all this on here but a girl that calls herself the Roving Reporter said I should. So, there you have it.

    1. I’m glad you put this on here. God is good, and people who oppose Him are crazy because Hod doesn’t have some power, but has ALL POWER! When believers let Him manifest and believe for all He has….then opposes get flattened to the ground by the power n of the Holy Spirit!

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