This is a mini post to answer the questions about the rings of fire and move of God in these last days!

Many have asked what was the meaning of the rings of fire that appeared recently and suddenly all the demons that were in the flesh were driven out and people set free and received much from the Lord including being filled with the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues (languages)!  

I have known the light of God to come in a meeting and be over the head of the one ministering and moving around the meeting, and it was a tremendous boost in power and great miracles happened everywhere.

I asked the Lord about the rings of fire and what I received was:  “This is a taste of what goes on in the throne room!”  When you see rings of fire of the Holy Ghost, and all the demons in people are just burnt right on out, YOU KNOW IT IS THE ANOINTING OF THE HOLY GHOST AND FIRE for Jesus said that if demons are cast out by the Spirit of God, then, NO DOUBT: the kingdom of God has come to you.

Now, these manifestations of the Spirit came while everyone was praising God in unity and one accord!  God loves harmony!  He sent the singers and praisers out in front of the army in the Old Testament!  PRAISE IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF PRAYER!  When it says in Psalm 22:3 that God inhabits our praises, it means He dwells, lives in our praises!  The literal translation says:  God sits on the THRONE OF OUR PRAISES! God’s rule and power come into manifestation and special miracles out of the ordinary, above and beyond the usual, come!  Psalm 100:4 says, Enter His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise!  Zechariah 2 says that God says: I will be a wall of fire AROUND it… and Psalm 34:7 says: “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them!” Notice He is a wall of fire AROUND it… and the angel of the Lord camps round about us!  “Circles of fire!”  We are in the last days outpouring of the Holy Spirit and these are signs of God to alert us and help us!  Receive His miracle working power into your life now and be made whole in Jesus name!  I loose everybody to be free to praise and worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, even Jesus Christ!  God will inhabit your praise and rule on the throne of your praises and His power and glory will flow and bring perfect liberty to prepare us for His coming back for us to take us home to be with Him forever.  

Now go back and read the last post again ..FAITH IN THE HEART FOR A BRAND NEW START BY A MIRACLE IN YOUR MOUTH, and let the Lord speak to you.  Praise Jesus for all that is going to happen from Him.

50 thoughts on “HIGHEST FORM OF PRAYER

    1. You are welcome! Good to hear this is very clarifying! Glad you love this…you love the truth!

  1. I never read anything quite like this before! It really explains this perfectly and it’s very enlightening!

    1. I hear you, and am very glad this explains this perfectly and is very enlightening! Praise God! God has sent light and it is scattering the darkness!

  2. Yes, this definitely came from the Lord! I could feel it when I was reading it. And it explains everything perfectly!

    1. Praise God! That is powerful that every time you read this it does soemething for you!

  3. Rev. Rocket, God said something to those troublemakers and one of them got saved and spirit filled! All we heard was a rushing sound but JBT said that they heard God say something but he didn’t know what it was. What do you think God said? Two of them rejected it but the other one repented. Then JBT went off alone with him for a few minutes. I wish l knew what he said to him. Things are getting exciting lately!

    1. Praise God, I’m grateful to the Lord for all He opens up. I love how the Holy Spirit leads, reveals, and teaches! We need to seek God for revelation on the Word of God by the Holy Spirit. Then we KNOW the truth for the Holy Spirit puts it in our spirit!

    1. Good to hear that this was good! To me understanding, that is a wellspring of life, is very important so I pray over this so God will show it the way that will bring understanding to life!

    1. Lol! Here comes the Holy Spirit and AWAY go all the demons! Send the LIGHT ON LIGHT Lord Jesus! He will turn the mourning into DANCING!

  4. Rev. Rocket l never experience anything like this before. I was told always that Holy spirit was only for Bible time but now l get spirit fill and my whole life different and millions of things to read on this blog!!

    1. Praise Jesus He is wonderful and now you have the power of God to overcome everything in this world and have JOY of the Lord that is your strength. I pray God anoints every word of this blog to you and faith grows BIG in your heart! Enjoy.

  5. This is a really good explanation! I don’t how you came up with this but it really makes you understand!


  6. JBT said yours is the best blog out there and there will never be another one like it. I figured l better come read it because he never says that about anyone’s spiritual blog. In fact, he calls most of them idiots.

    1. I love it! I know what he means about people who “think” they are great, but truly are idiots! I hate when they propagate rank UNBELIEF, and call it spirituality! HA, what a joke..tell people to be sick and lie to them and tell them that it is God, when sickness is the oppression of the devil..Acts 10:38. Enjoy the blog; Glory to Jesus!

    1. Lol, OOPS FOR SURE! I guess they want to have the Holy Spirit move first! Well, Jesus should have the first place!

    1. Well, it sounds like the Lord is having the first say, the last say, and every say in between! Oops, I guess the others will have a hard time performing if they are down under the power of the Holy Spirit! Lol! Hallelujah to Jesus!

  7. Combined gig tomorrow night with other musicians. Say a prayer for the dying. The mad genius was put in charge of the arrangements.

  8. Rocket Preacher, JBT is still glowing from the other night. You can still kind of feel it coming off him. I asked him “how long is that going to last?” and he said that would be a good question to ask you! I think he just gives you the difficult questions. That’s what I think.

    1. Hmmmmm, let’s see now! In 2 Kings 13:21 Elisha had died. There was a man who had died and was being taken to be buried, and there was a band of marauding men so those taking the body for burial threw him into Elisha’s sepulchre and when the dead body hit the bones of Elisha he revived, came back to life and stood up! So the anointing can last very long, even on the bones of the dead! There you have it! I’m sure that will give a lot to think about! Lol

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