Today is the day of salvation; today if you will hear His voice don’t harden your heart as in the provocation…!

SALVATION=saved, healed, delivered, divine health, preservation, filled with the Spirit, the joy of the Lord, peace, welfare, and ALL you need! Jesus purchased your salvation when He shed His blood, died on the cross, and rose from the dead the third day! So, it is all yours as you believe! Say it now, say it out loud: “SALVATION IS MINE…ALL OF IT NOW, TODAY, AND I BELIEVE AND RECEIVE IT NOW! JESUS CHRIST IS LORD AND ALL MUST BOW TO HIM AND THE POWER OF HIS NAME! 

Every demon of death is bound and must leave you now and the whole entourage of demons connected to it! All sorts of sickness, oppression, vexation, torment, fear, discouragement are under my feet…GO OUT NOW AND NEVER COME BACK, IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME!!


Raise your hands and praise Him for making you whole! Praise Him and thank Him that THIS IS THE DAY OF SALVATION, THE DAY OF MIRACLES!!!


210 thoughts on “TODAY IS A DAY OF MIRACLES


    1. You are welcome! This definitely is a Holy Ghost shot in the arm…the kind that makes you whole, lifts you up, puts your feet on the ROCK, DELIVERS you, and satisfies your mouth with GOOD THINGS so that your youth is RENEWED LIKE THE EAGLES! HALLELUJAH! PRAISE JESUS RIGHT NOW, LIFTING.HOLY HANDS WITHOUT WRATH OR DOUBTING AND THE PRESENCE OF GOD WILL COME ALL OVER YOU TO HEAL, RESTORE, AND REFRESH!

    1. Praise God! This came right from the Lord today at almost noon and He said: “TODAY IS THE DAY of MIRACLES!” When HE says it, IT comes packed with POWER; HIS POWER! GLORY TO GOD! RECEIVE YOUR MIRACLES IN JESUS NAME!

  1. Rocket Preacher, I now believe all this because I cannot do anything else! That singer really get rained out last night pretty much, but he opened with that cowboy song and now I not smoke anymore and two of my friends not smoke anymore, so this means you go to a concert where there only room for one song to be sung before rain come and still get miracle!

    1. Praise Jesus! Now that is wonderful that there was only time for one song, and you and your friends and others receive the miracle that instantly sets you free from years of smoking! Truly, Jesus is Lord!

  2. Wow, this post is fantastic! This is just what I needed. Sometimes these short posts pack a punch, and you can practically memorize them and take them with you in your brain! Thanks!

    1. Good! I’m glad this packs the punch you needed and that you can take it with you! You are welcome, ENJOY!

  3. Don’t worry JBT is rescheduled for thursday! He has an even longer time slot now. He is very excited!😂🤣😅😆

    1. LOL, oh I just know he is “very” “excited!” Well, we will just have some time here to speak DOUBLE PORTION BLESSING all over the place! 😁😁😁💥💥💥

    1. Praise God! You are welcome! Good that your whole outlook on everything is changing because of this! It is the outlook of the God kind of faith that doubts not but speaks the truth of the Word over everything and sees what He promised come to pass quickly! Hallelujah to Jesus!

    1. You definitely got delivered from demons of skepticism and NOW your faith will work big time! Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever! Turn your faith loose against the devil and keep it strong in the power of God! God has so much for you and it all operates by faith!

    1. Amen! Put it to work right away! Don’t procrastinate! The sooner you do the sooner you will see great results!

    1. Oh, good, praise God! Life saver sounds great! Praise God your life is saved! God knows what we need and when we need it and this came right from Him to meet those needs!! Hallelujah to Jesus!

      I loose others NOW in Jesus name from deep depression, suicide, self destruction, and all tormenting spirits! All evil spirits LEAVE these people NOW IN JESUS NAME! BE MADE WHOLE IN JESUS NAME, BE FREE, RISE UP AND SHOUT THE PRAISES OF GOD FOR HE HAS GIVEN YOU LIFE AND MORE ABUNDANTLY, EVEN ABUNDANT LIFE, ETERNAL “LIFE!”

    1. Amen! Praise God this met just what you needed! It is a blessing to hear each one that this blesses like this! This is what I believed for and prayed for! Praise Jesus!

  4. Okay, Dan. So he tortures us with this new song he’s working out, blaming you, of course, for giving him the idea, and he proceeds to change the arrangement 95 times, and then decides he is dissatisfied with it and has to work on it more. I don’t want to resort to violence… Really… I don’t.

    1. LOL, 95 is a lot of changes! Well, let’s just agree that the Lord drops the “perfect” arrangement in his mind that “cannot” be improved on, and that will settle it!
      Then there won’t have to be a “wrestling” match! Lol

  5. Okay, I not know how someone sing one song and I get all smoking demon leave, but that’s what happened. I think it was all a scam until I actually see and experience for myself! I am now a believer!

  6. The longer that man play, the more people get spirit fill! I never see anything like this. Then people get deliver from smoking and then I come here and see they all get deliver from drugs too! Wow! Okay, I believe.

    1. Praise Jesus that you saw the mm power of God in action and became a believer! Now you will receive answers to prayer and will see the glory of God in your life! The power of God is awesome that fills everybody and delivers them from smoking everyone! Hallelujah to Jesus!

  7. Rocket Preacher! What do you think of this? I bring my friend to get smoking miracle, but my friend say I believe for my miracle too. So I pray to get spirit filled because I never did before. I get rid of rosary and get spirit fill and then these people come to try to interfere with that singer. He has friend with him who does not talk much or safe thing very often, but when he see that people try to bother him, he went over and stand there like you do face-off with the people. I think maybe a brawl going to happen but no brawl. They backup and accuse the man of burning them with something. But he not have anything in his hand or anywhere really that would burn anyone. I thought they crazy, then someone tell me that bodyguard man is really Angel! I have to find out much more about all this!

    1. Yes, you have seen an angel in action protecting God’s people! The fire of the Holy Ghost is what burned them! The fire of God comes to burn out the devils works, but when people oppose the anointing of the Holy Spirit, then “they” get burned for they are doing the works of the devil and are taking their nature from him instead of from Jesus! Praise Hod, our God reigns!

  8. Rev. Rocket, I think that Angel burn people. And your answer is perfect. That is exactly what happened from my perspective. They are going to get in big trouble someday! I love this blog!

    1. Yes, you are right, and I’m glad the answer was right on! Yes, someday those who oppose the Holy Spirit and God’s anointed will be very, very, very sorry! I’m glad you love this blog! It comes from love in the heart for God and His people! Blessings to you!!!

    1. Great! You are welcome! I am so glad this was just what you needed! Faithful is HE who calls you who also will do it! Gods grace is bigger than all else!

  9. There may be light at the end of the tunnel. I have to say though…he is still trying to blame you. What a snake in the grass…Haaaaa!

    1. Yes, agreement works! Jesus said we would have “WHATEVER” we agree on and we did, and HE did, and now it is so! Ha! No, no blame will be taken here for …yes I had the idea for the song about how permissive willers pray endless repetitive prayers of hopelessness in unbelief, and then are blaming God for their lack! BUT a certain “arranger” has to take blame for his making 329 technical changes to the new song! I say that in the future the complete final perfect arrangement will drop in his spirit and mind all at once, and it will be perfect! Hallelujah! The Holy Spirit is not limited! More will get done faster with great results!

  10. Ok, so your show off friend tells me to not just read this, but to THINK about it really hard and it will come to me. He is a very irritating individual. But I did it, and he was right. There was a lot packed into this that I didn’t realize. Thanks rev. Rocket!!

    1. LOL, well, I may have heard this “tune” before! Thinking on this very hard was the key that unlocked the depth of truth here that made the difference in your life! Praise God! Thanks for sharing this testimony. Now others will think on this hard and it will come alive in their spirit too!

    1. Praise God forever! What a wonderful miracle, you are number 236! Hallelujah to Jesus for this special miracle! Completely free in a moment of time by the power of the Holy Spirit! Let’s all give God praise, and the Lord will give special miracles to many others! Hallelujah! Glory to God in the highest! Praise you Lord Jesus!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this was just what you needed! The light of God scatters all the darkness!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this are alive to you! The truth is GREATER than all the works of the devil, and sets us FREE! HALLELUJAH TO JESUS! PRAISE GOD NOW THAT THE “GREATER ONE” IS IN YOUR SPIRIT AND YOU ARE ALIVE TO GOD!

  11. Okay, Rocket Preacher! You got me. This is right to the point and exactly what I needed. This is the third time you’ve done this to me!

    1. Praise God this is exactly what you needed as it got right to the point! 3 is a very good number…Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, yet these 3 are one! Hallelujah! So, I pray a special blessing on this, the third time for you, that it will keep ministering to you over and over again and again so that you walk in a newness of the ABUNDANT LIFE you never knew before!!! Amen!

  12. Okay, I think I print this out to refer to more time. It have a lot in a short space. I think everyone need to read easy, simple posts that have deep meaning like this. This is only blog I ever saw that does it this way. Thanks!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this packs a lot in a little space! The important thing to God is that we receive the revelation of the truth in our spirit so we can walk in faith and the power of God! Enjoy!

    1. Praise God! This shows how God gives you just what you need right when you needed it!

    1. It is good to hear this is wonderful! That means it really helped and blessed you! YOU ARE WELCOME!

    1. I always look to the Lord for “fresh manna!” In a moment HE said: “TODAY IS A DAY OF MIRACLES!” There was emphasis on “TODAY!” Too many put things off into the future and pray “someday prayers!” “Someday” God will answer…someday I will get the miracle I need from God, and “someday” NEVER comes! Here God ALREADY said in Hebrews that TODAY IS THE DAY OF MIRACLES FOR TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION that He already gave us! NOW THEN, faith IS the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen!
      Then all the rest flowed at one sitting. A huge part of getting in on what God is saying and doing is learning how to flow with the rivers of living water that are flowing out of your innermost being, your spirit!

  13. I liked your answer to that last person. I was wondering too how you could do this! Every post comes out so different with such unique information. I love it!

    1. Its good to hear you love this, and how every post comes out special and unique! I’m always glad to hear that this is ministering in a special way to everybody! God bless you in all things, every day!

    1. Praise God, this is a lifesaver! God knows what we need and supplies all our need as we believe Him!

    1. Yes, your miracle is ALREADY YOURS! Say out loud by faith: “My miracle is already mine in Jesus!” Jesus paid the price on the cross for your salvation, and that includes all miracles you will ever need! Thank you Jesus!

    1. God says faith is NOW! Yes, TODAY is the day of your miracle! Faith brings into NOW what God has promised! 1 Peter 2:24 “By His stripes you were healed!” Since you “were” healed, you ARE healed so take it now! Jesus said simply..ask and you WILL receive!!!

  14. Rev. Rocket, I like your answer to my friend about getting miracle. I think I claim my miracle now too because I think I can get it. Before I only have ritual, but now I see there is more than that and ritual not necessary!

  15. Okay, Rocket Preacher, here’s what JBT did today. Of course, he will NEVER tell you. We called him to come down to a café to play for us, since there was no gig tonight, and when he got here and walked in, people started sporadically getting deliverance. Haaaaaa! The owner of the coffee shop looked over and said “oh, you again.” And I said, “what’s wrong? Has he almost persuadeth thee to be a Christian?” I thought that was pretty witty. So I have to round up some of these testimonies. Not many people spoke English, but one religious person did and he stomped up to JBT and said, “who gave you the authority to come in here and do this?” And JBT said, “the name that’s above all names,” and the guy holds his ears shut runs out. Hmmmm… His religion is really doing HIM a lot of good, huh? Well, I will be rounding up testimonies and roving and reporting…

    1. Oh, this is priceless! Thanks for sharing this. I love that he walks in and deliverance breaks out all over the place and then the owner says..”Oh, its you again!” LOL Yes, the “religious” demon oppressed guy cannot even stand to hear “The name above all names!” And he goes running out with his fingers in his ears.
      Thanks for rounding up the testimonies! These will be very interesting!

      That was VERY witty to say to the owner what was the matter…does he almost persudeth you to become a Christian!? Very good!

  16. Rocket Preacher, I don’t know how to explain what happened. I in Café and people say great singer coming because they call him to come for entertainment. So I hang around to see what he is like. But he come in the door and something change in the room and the air feel thick and heavy and all of a sudden all demons start to go with no one praying! Well, that all I need, because I need no other sign than not. So I have a lot to learn now, but believing before there was no God and now I see I was wrong. There is much information on this blog now to answer questions! Thanks!

    1. Praise Jesus, now you are..a BELIEVER! God loves you! Thanks for sharing this. That is quite the miracle of deliverance you received because all demons of atheism left and the Holy Spirit made Jesus real to you.
      You are welcome! Enjoy! The Holy Spirit will enlighten this to you in your heart!

  17. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I think before I not need Jesus but now I see that yes I do and that is because I see a sign like Bible say to look for. That man come in and bring Holy Spirit with him and then suddenly demon are all leaving and people get saved and incarnation come and I see that I was missing a lot. I have much information to read here and I’m glad!

    1. Praise Jesus that you received Jesus into your heart and life! Yes, those were tremendous miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit! Enjoy the blog as you soak up the truth deep in your spirit!

  18. Ok, Rev Rocket…l am in. I don’t know who you two are or where you came from but OK….I tell your hot shot friend that l think God told me I have cancer and he asked me how the thought came. I told him it just came all of a sudden and seized me. He said that was not God for sure! I said but you can’t know that and he said “Well l DO know.” Well, he was right. And l told him later, “But what if you were wrong? You’re lucky you won THAT bet!’ And he said “no luck involved. It’s easy to win when you have the other team’s playbook.” Ok….you guys got me.

  19. that’s great! “It’s easy to win when you have the other team’s playbook!” That something important that you talk about on the blog a lot… Is recognizing what side the thoughts are coming from (which I’m pretty sure is what he meant by “having the other team’s playbook.”) People to take that seriously when you’re always telling them to reject thoughts that are negative and that the negative thoughts are always from the darkside! this post is a real shot in the arm!

    1. Great! You are welcome! I’m so glad this is a blessing to you! Big things are ahead, GOOD things, so keep pressing on. Jesus never fails!

  20. Really, Rev. Rocket? Your hot shot friend tells me to read the last three posts in a row and my questions will be answered, and he was right? Wow. Ok, I’m in!

    1. There you have it! The Lord knows what we need, and that shows it for sure that He gives what we need. These posts were there ahead of time, and the Holy Spirit showed him which ones would help you right now for what you needed!
      Welcome in! Victory is yours!

  21. Yeah, your show off friend did the same thing to me. Way back there, he made me read pig slop religion one and two and then blueprints and told me my burning questions would all be answered and I tried to get him 50 bucks that he was wrong. He didn’t take me up on it, thank God. I would’ve been $50 poorer.

  22. I understand now. I had to read these three all together. Then it REALLY gelled. What can I say? I’m a slow learner. LOL

    1. The main thing is that it came together for you! Go back and read these three all together two more times and watch what happens!!! Praise Jesus…He does wondrous things!

    1. Good going! It is very important to get the thinking straightened out according to the Word of God instead of man’s “mess!” There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs)

    1. Ut oh, I do believe it is time for a very strong Holy Ghost wind to blow the devil’s mess to smithereens!!! …

  23. Ok, Dan… Here’s the thing. Because of your invention, and the interest it peaked in a certain redhead who shall remain nameless who found it online, all the wives want one of these. We have to buy them one now. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

    1. Hahaha my my my, what a spark does to ignite that fire of a certain “redhead” turned loose!

  24. All right, I have this cracked now! I was doing what these other people have said. Thinking about everything wrong! I think I have my act together now!

  25. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I want to know first of all how we hear this big battle but not see anything except people running out. They try to interfere with that man who come to sing, and they run out like being chased but no one there. Yet, you hear loud fighting. He not good at explaining anything. He try to avoid even talking about it. I want to know about this. Do you know what happened?

    1. The biggest spiritual battle is in the heavenlies where principalities…wicked spirits in high places are, and they try to organize demons here on earth to do evil! Angels come from heaven as we pray to combat these fallen angels and deliver us here who believe from all evil! Read Daniel 10 and you will see it. God is speaking of those evil spirits in the heavenlies when He speaks of the prince of Persia etc. As Daniel persisted in prayer Michael, the angel from heaven fought over and won that battle and the answer came to Daniel.Read Ephesians 3 especially verses 8-12! Also Ephesians 1:17-23. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling DOWN of strongholds! Read 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5. Hallelujah! Just as you heard the battle going on as the angels of God fought the principalities and powers of evil, and the men opposing the singer RAN OUT of the place! So we shall prevail every day as we praise God and do spiritual warfare with the weapons God has given us! God will send His angels to win over the evil spirits, and we will see the victory here on earth! I bind every fallen angel and wicked spirit in heavenly places in every area God’s believers are and loose the people to receive the deliverance and answers needed!

  26. Okay now I see thing differently. I was save but no more than that because I think I not need more and then realize I do. That singer come with power and then everybody get save and Holy Spirit that not have before. They try to run him off and we hear loud fighting. Is that angels?

    1. Yes, angels come from heaven as we pray and fight the wicked spirits so we will receive the deliverance and all we need!

  27. Ok, Rev. Rocket. I must now believe all this because I see and hear miracle last night. People try to interfere with that singer but to no avail. We hear fighting and l now know it was angel fighting and to keep him safe. He not scared at all. I am happy now that l know it is necessary to do more than be saved, but get Holy spirit too and l think life to be much better now. Especially with all this to read. It have a lot of answers here!

    1. Amen! Believing leads to receiving, and when you receive God’s best your JOY IS FULL, and God’s power blasts the works of the devil down to the ground and grinds it under your feet! Enjoy the read for you will know the truth and the truth will make you FREE indeed! Praise Jesus!

  28. Angels with him and nobody could interfere. I don’t know why they wanted to anyway. But now I realize all this time I needed the Holy Spirit not just to be saved and do rituals. I love this blog!

    1. They wanted to interfere with him because they are full of demons and listened and obeyed the demons! Praise Jesus for deliverance from rituals and being filled with the Holy Spirit! I’m glad you love this blog! It will help you, build your faith and bring light so you will see the way to go and not stumble or fall!

  29. I like that answer you give to explain what happen the other night. I not know exactly either and then when you explain it make much sense. Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. I’m glad to hear this explanation of what happened in spiritual warfare helped! God fights for His people! He has given us weapons of our warfare, and they are not carnal, but mighty.through God to the pulling down of strongholds! We do our part and God does His! Prayer in the Spirit is so important, and very powerful! It is a perfect prayer!

  30. Well, Rocket Preacher. I go as skeptic the other night, but when you hear big battle fighting up in sky, it hard to be skeptic. But now I see I have a lot to learn! Oh dear

    1. Yes, God was showing you just how real that spiritual battle is, and the reality of the power of the Holy Spirit! The fact that the angels of God prevailed shows that Jesus IS LORD, and all must bow to Him and the power of His name! Take this in line upon line and precept upon precept and grow and you will be fine!

    1. Good! You are welcome! When you get the revelation of this it opens the door for the blessings of God to flow!

    1. All right! Praise God, you received your miracle as you saw the light here! You’re welcome for helping you see the light!

    1. Welcome to the land flowing with milk and honey! I’m glad this got you because I know that it took you from unbelief to FAITH! FAITH WORKS! FAITH PLEASES GOD, but without faith I mm is impossible to ease God! When you please God ALL KINDS of blessing flow!

    1. I will agree with you for the miracle you need. If 2 of us agree we have it! Faith works every time!

    1. No ritual is necessary at all for “rituals” were ALL started by man listening to demons who hate Jesus!
      Now that you are saved you go to God DIRECTLY in prayer and pray in the name of Jesus! There is ONE mediator between God and man and that is Jesus for He paid the price of His blood shed for our salvation to redeem us!
      When you praise Jesus HE inhabits that praise and drives your enemies away and brings peace and healing!

      So enjoy living in and by the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! The Word of God will now come alive to you! Blessings to you and over your life!

  31. This is the only blog I ever come to that’s both interesting AND uplifting, instead of gloom and doom. I guess that’s the difference of having faith versus not having faith. I’m glad I’m on board!


    1. YAAAAAY FOR SURE! YOU ARE ADDED TO THE CLUB! No more pain and sorrow from the drug monster himself! Thats what I call a definite miracle of God for ONLY HE can do that in a moment of time! You are the 238th person to receive this miracle here!

    1. Praise God! Then I know you received what you needed! One thing you have going for you that God loves is you are not afraid to humble yourself! That means then God will lift you up!

  32. Ok, so your sidewinder friend tricked me into reading this blog by telling me the one post needed to be proofread and would I do it? Yeah, ok, sure. I said “There didn’t end up being any mistakes!” And he started laughing. HE’LL find out. Paybacks are dear. Actually it was just what I needed, though. Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. Hahaha! My, my now that was “inventive!” I laughed too when I read this! So why don’t you ask him if he can do a song and do 5 key changes starting out with the key of E, then F#, A, B and E minor, and still be able to sing it and keep it interesting?!
      I’m glad this was what you needed, God is faithful to get you to the answers you needed….even if it takes a little “proof reading!” LOL. You are welcome! Never, ever give up for Jesus is the answer to it ALL!

    1. One time won’t hurt…someone needed a little help to do a challenge! Then you can say in the future that we did the “one and done!”

    1. Ok, you got it! I know a dewsey is no doubt in the works. I pray and say the quickest, shortest, easiest possible version will come!

    1. Si’ si’ mi Amiga! Happy to help out! Let me know how this goes! Nothing like a good challenge!

    1. At least you had some background to go on! Sounds interesting! Something special is going to come out of this and the work will pay off because of the special things God is going to do!

  33. And in the middle of all that! An outdoor gig tonight. Isn’t that lovely? They are begging him not to make them play the new stuff tonight. I think that’s funny.

  34. Calling all testimonies. Don’t worry about your English, we will know what you’re saying. Lot’s to tell. I hope I don’t have to do it all! LOL

  35. Rev. Rocket, your musician friend sing and all things happen that never before happen in any church. Nothing had to be done by us, he just sing and power come to make all demon go and people heal from anxiety and depression. My best friend now not depressed anymore and my lung symptom go away. he say it was covid but no worry b/c it can’t live in that atmosphere. I can see I have much to learn!

    1. Praise Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit is real, and now you have seen the glory of God and how God works when believers pray, believe and yield to Him!
      The Holy Spirit will teach you, and lead you into all truth!

  36. Ok, here is my testimony. It’s kind of long. I still can’t get over this. I was really just going last night for my friend, thinking in the back of my mind that maybe this controversial singer could help her. She needed deliverance, I didn’t even know if I really believed in it because I saw all the stuff they put her through so I was very skeptical. She asked him about it before the music even started and she told him that no one was ever able to cast demons out. (I was sitting there still thinking that demons don’t even exist. LOL) So he asked her what happened when people prayed, and she started to tell him how they would go back and forth doing what I call a Q&A thing with the demons and she was only a little bit into explaining it and he said “That’s your problem. That’s an approach that simply doesn’t work. Some people know it and do it anyway, and others just don’t realize they’re in error, but that will never get even one demon cast out of anyone. Jesus does not EVER want us conversing with demons. There is no biblical basis for that. It’s done more to destroy legitimate deliverance than any thing else. It seems logical to some people, but it’s not something anyone should do and it will never help anyone ” He was going to say more to her but then this guy comes out of nowhere and starts arguing with him. he was getting very nasty and I forget everything JBT said but he argued it from scripture and the guy finally walked away in a huff. Then another person said that that guy that walked off has a zero record of getting anyone delivered. So why was he arguing with him? Maybe if he would have shut up he could have learned something. Anyway, JBT looked at my friend then and said “That rage you’re feeling right now? That feeling that you want to come over here and choke me…that’s just demons that hate the truth being said about deliverance and how easy it really is.” (She told me later that that was EXACTLY how she felt. How did he know that?) So then he just said one word. “Go” and she gets deliverance the whole rest of the night (along with a lot of other people. ok I’m in.) But here’s another question. At the end of the night, I overheard JBT say something to his lead guitar player. He didn’t think anyone could hear him but I did. He said “I really wish I was dancing. I’m way out of my zone here.” Almost like he was glad it was over!! I found out later that he was a dancer most of his life. Here is my question. How can someone who had that much knowledge about all this, discerned what was in my friend’s mind, and cast out demons with one word feel out of his comfort zone? seriously? What a paradox!!!

    1. Well, for being new at this you sure know how to come up with quite the question. Lol.
      Praise God for your friends deliverance and all the deliverance, true deliverance, that came last night!
      This is what I think about the “paradox” with JBT. He was a dancer most of his life, and
      After he gave his life to Jesus as he spent time in prayer, the presence of God became very real in his life, and as he drew near the Lord the Lord drew near to Him. When that happens the anointing of the Holy Spirit comes inside and the anointing destroys the yoke! So, when he started singing for the Lord that anointing flowed out to people for the LORD IS THE SONG!
      Many so called preachers were never sent, they just went, and took all their cumbersome baggage of “mentally learned theologies, ideas of man, and religions” that God had nothing to do with, so they have no power, and don’t do what the Lord wants! So no one gets the help they need.
      God uses JBT because he humbles himself and does what the Holy Spirit says do.
      So, the “out of the comfort zone” thing I think is very simple. Dancing was his thing and that was his comfort zone; he studied it, practiced it, and did it! It was his life. He
      made that firm decision to do what the Lord wants,and God started using him, and it is just out of the comfort zone of all he knew, and lived, and I think he feels that the “ministering” should be those who were “called” to it and that wasn’t what his life had been.

    1. Welcome in! Yes, when you see powerful deliverance it does bring faith alive! Enjoy living in the power of the Holy Spirit!

  37. How does that man cast all demon out only with one word
    And he say Catholic is idolatry! Idolatry is bad. I know that. So l must change everything now!

    1. Yes, he is right about the idolatry, and the Holy Spirit will help you change everything! Praise God!
      Read the New Testament and you will see that Jesus cast out demons with a word! Jesus said that when we believe we will do the same works He did! We have authority and power over all demons and they HAVE TO DO WHAT WE SAY!

  38. Rocket Preacher, I was kind of a skeptic when I went to hear that man, but I have to believe now because of what happened. He was singing, and people started to sporadically get delivered from demons. Nobody was really praying. I didn’t realize that could happen! But I can’t be a skeptic anymore that’s for sure! Is that what it’s talking about in the Bible where in the end times these miraculous things happen?

    1. Yes, there are miracles here in the end times that will happen that are beyond anything we ever heard of! Get ready!

  39. Rev. Rocket, I get deliver from demon for first time! No one even have to pray! I don’t understand how it all happen, but I believe now!

    1. Just know that it was truly by the HOLY SPIRIT you were delivered! Praise God! This shows just how great God is!

  40. Rev. Rocket, I come the other night to hear singer who some say stay away from and others say you must hear him, but he only sing for a few minutes until everyone start to get deliver from all demon. Then a man come to try to break it up but his bodyguard man make him leave just by walking up to him. I can see I have to find further information about all this! He said this place for that is this blog so here I am.

  41. Okay, I must believe now because I never get help anywhere in my life and everything always hard and lots of steps that cannot be followed very well. Now I no longer need rosary or ritual thing. That singer not do any of that, but everyone go free, yet when we do ritual, nothing happen. Well, it is easy to see who is right! I have a lot to read here!

  42. Rocket Preacher, your friend make one man very mad the other night. He tell him that the worst thing people do these days is mess up their thought life he tell them everything start with thought and if you think wrong thought it lead to everything bad and the man get mad at him! He start yelling and screaming at him and telling him to shut up. I couldn’t believe it. Nothing wrong with what he was saying. The Bible talk about thought life. I’ve read that. So he just started laughing at the man and the more he laughed, the more he get angry and he just keep laughing until the man all red-faced and run out. I go back when he play again. I want to see more of this.

    1. Haha, lol! He was laughing at the demons that had the man all stirred up when the truth came that would help people and set them free! Then he was laughing at the man’s stupidity! Hahaha! How dumb can people be to go against the Word of God and the Holy Spirit!!! I pray you receive a double portion of the Holy Spirit anointing when you go back and that your life will be totally transformed by the power of God! Hallelujah to Jesus!

  43. Okay, finally now I get my salvation and get delivered from all demon even though no one before ever help. Now I know this is real. Before I confused because everyone saying that singer was the bad person but really I find that the ones telling us to stay away are the ones causing trouble. I see I have a lot to read on this blog. This will be real information instead of false teaching! Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. Praise God for your salvation and great deliverance! I feel the love of God all over you! Take it in and allow Him to restore all the years that were robbed away! You are welcome! Enjoy!

  44. So now I see to get deliver from demon it not take ritual or many steps. It have to do with faith. Now I see person for first time who have word of knowledge instead of just due vain repetition and that’s what I needed! I don’t know if I can catch up to these others. But I am reading through all these. Everyone like “Pig Slop Religion.” I will read that soon too!

    1. Praise God for the power of God that delivered you through a word of knowledge! God is faithful! The Holy Spirit will help you and show you the truth! Enjoy!

  45. Calling all testimonies from last night’s impromptu concert that wasn’t even scheduled. Don’t worry about your English! Will know what you’re talking about!

  46. Rev. Rocket that man sing one song and 12 people get spirit fill. Including me! I have no choice but to believe now! I was all wrong about everything! I have much reading to do!

    1. Praise God for all being Spirit filled! That is a sample of what the power of God can do when people believe and let Him move! Enjoy the blog! God will build you up and show you much needed free truth!

  47. Ok so we went to this Cafe to hear some Christian music but the band that was playing recognized JBT and he got dragged up to the stage. Nobody wanted to hear anyone but him including the other band. So he starts singing and two songs later everyone is getting spirit filled. Ok, l’m in!

    1. I love it! Even the band wanting to hear him! When the roving reporter said there was something that happened that was not scheduled I said that he probably was out to a Cafe with his wife to have a coffee and listen to a band to relax and Oops…got roped into singing! Evidently those people needed to be Spirit filled Pronto and were, praise God!
      Lol, I guess if he wants to take a break he would have to set up a table in the woods and build a fire, make his own coffee there! Lol. Of course, if anyone saw him go into the woods….sing time again!

  48. I think l go to hear one band but l get there and that music teacher everyone talks about is there on stage, I think, ok, this is my lucky night. Well…hmmmm…in more ways than one. The he’s on the 2nd song and all of a sudden air gets thick. Its like something filling the room and my friend said, lets go up there. Like she knew what was happening, and other people started doing the same thing and the we all start getting spirit filled. Nobody even prayed! Ok…so how can l not believe now?!


    1. Welcome to the river of life where miracles abound, and needs are met as we use our faith as God intended! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THEM THAT “BELIEVE!”

  49. Well, l told my pastor he was crazy and he not like that but that is true. I said “you tell me stay away from that singer and your crazy.” He ask why l say that and l said because you pray for me 9 times and no demon go but that singer know how to make all demon go and he not even pray at all! He get mad but I don’t care. Haaaaa!

    1. I’m very happy that you told the pastor the truth! Dead prayers produce nothing…no results…no deliverance at all! So that makes the pastor a bag of “hot air!” Hahahahahaha! When someone has the power of God the demons HAVE to go, praise God! Our God reigns! Thank God you got to the singer and received the deliverance you needed!

  50. Yes, okay! Your hotshot singer friend was correct, he say that I should come back and read this the second time and new things will gel that didn’t before. He was right! Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. Yes, indeed. I’m glad you did the 2nd read and then things did gel that did not before! You are welcome!

  51. I don’t know why my pastor not know how to tell people to get Holy Spirit. They say stay away from that music teacher. He is not good for people, yet they can’t get anyone to get Holy Spirit or to get deliver. It seemed to me like they need to get their act together and learn how to do what they should be doing all this time not interfering with someone who know how! Aren’t the church pastor supposed to know these thing? I think maybe an end times it will be others who minister and church world may get left behind if they keep it up!

    1. You are right! The “church world” is lagging behind and will be like Lot’s wife who turned and looked back! She became a pillar of salt instantly! God said “Remember Lots wife!” When the spirit of the world is running churches the Holy Spirit is not moving there and no one gets anything from God! ICHABOD!
      Personally I want all the Holy Spirit will bring!

  52. This is just what I needed. I always argued back with that singer and told him I didn’t want to go to this blog and I don’t need religion, etc. etc. Whoops, I was wrong! Okay, you two are right and I was wrong. Okay okay okay. Actually I really did enjoy reading this and I want to read a lot more here because I think I need everything it says in all these posts !

  53. Finally, Rocket Preacher I am spirit fill, because finally someone know how to do it. Religious people say they know how to do it but not really because no one get anything. And they really don’t know how to cast out demon and one of them get angry at that singer because he tell him all he’s doing is chasing his tail, and no demon is actually gone. He get all red in the face, and say “well then YOU show me how to do it.” And then that singer just say one word and all demon go. Then red-faced man leave. He not like this blog either. They say not to read this blog and lately I just say “YOU need to read this blog!” Someday they get red-faced at me too I guess. HA!

    1. LOL, I guess those religious people we could call “red face religion!” Always mad at those who have the power of God and who speak the Word of God with power and signs following, as is supposed to be! Believe not, have not!!! BELIEVE AND RECEIVE!

  54. Ok, so your hot shot friend says that the two or more agreeing scripture is not just for Bible times but for now. Is that true?!

    1. Yes, 2 Corinthians 1:20 “For all the promises of God in Him are yes, and Amen, to the glory of God through us!” Matthew 18:19-21 Again I say to you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they will ask, it will be done of them of my Father which is in heaven. For where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, there am I among them!” These are the words of Jesus! His words are ETERNAL! Agreement WORKS in the name of Jesus!

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