doubt Peddler’s Nightmare

There are those who take it on themselves to say everything negative they can think of and who approach life with a spirit of doubt shadowing everything. They are “doubt peddlers.” They must like being sick because they oppose healing from God by accepting sickness as the will of God, as if permitted by God when God has NOTHING to do with sickness; for He sent Jesus who bore ALL our sickness and disease in His body on the tree that we would NOT have to put up with sickness but be healed of ALL disease and sickness! 1Peter 2:24 …by His stripes we WERE healed! Psalm 103….”Who forgives all our iniquities and who HEALS ALL our diseases.

Also, doubt peddlers were never delivered, for when Jesus cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then He said: “NO doubt the kingdom of God has come to you!” Deliverance removes all doubt. You know the kingdom of God has come to you when the powers of darkness have to go. No other power can deliver from demon oppression; ONLY by the Holy Spirit can we be delivered.

doubt peddlers don’t like believers who speak FAITH. There are no excuses that can stand when God says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. There is no “in between” place…you either believe what God says or you don’t. There are NO gray areas. sickness, disease, pain, oppression, and torment are NOT of God. Acts 10:38; “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing GOOD HEALING ALL that were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him!” the devil is the oppressor, JESUS IS THE HEALER. Don’t get your kingdoms mixed up. God is NOT the author of confusion, but of Life and peace. Do NOT listen to instruction that causes you to err, but listen to the Word of Life that makes you FREE. Praise God.

wishy washy doubt peddlers live a miserable existence putting up with whatever comes along for they accept everything as the will of God. God’s WORD IS HIS WILL FOR US WHO BELIEVE and He already said He has healed us, and provided ALL we need through salvation that JESUS paid for by His life and blood. DO NOT doubt or waver like the waves of the sea tossed back and forth; DO NOT be wishy washy, but STAND FIRM ON THE ROCK AND GOD WILL ESTABLISH YOUR GOINGS AND PUT A NEW SONG IN YOUR MOUTH, EVEN PRAISE TO GOD. Gone will be the horrible pit you ended up in; gone will be the sin that so easily had control; gone will be the oppression of demons and all their lies; gone will be the sickness and despair for THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST WILL SET YOU FREE.
The real nightmare for “doubt peddlers” would be to see Jesus Christ face to face. The reason is they would instantly be made aware of the fact that they fought the One they claimed they loved.

All their hideous false doctrines and deceptive devil-made lies could NOT hide under the cloak of darkness in the presence of the KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS even JESUS CHRIST who is THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! He would ask why they twisted His Word and spoke words of doubt against Him! Why did they ignore what He did on the cross, but believed and spoke false doctrines of men and devils that denied Jesus and His power? Why did they speak against God’s people who spoke true faith that delivers?

Jesus is the way, the TRUTH, and the LIFE and no man comes to the Father but by Him! Jesus said that you would KNOW the truth and the TRUTH would make you FREE! It is so simple people stumble over it! FREE! No heavy burdens here in the promised land of the FREE! No sickness, no bondage or torment, no fear or spirits of doubt and unbelief, no pain, no guilt or false condemnation, no headaches in the promised land of FREE.
You can be delivered right now from all darkness in the name of Jesus as you simply believe that the will of God in Jesus is for you to be MADE FREE. By the blood of Jesus you are FREE from the past and the devil’s hold on your life! Nothing can hold you down if you don’t let it. demons have no right to be in the flesh and are trespassers and thieves so therefore you have the authority and power to bind them and cast them out in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS.

demon spirits are behind all the evil in this world so it is time to hold them bound every day and loose people to go free in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! I bind every demon of doubt and double minded in the name of Jesus, every spirit of unbelief, fear, fate, and false doctrines and deception, and all of you MUST GO OUT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS.

My friends make a firm decision to BELIEVE GOD OVER EVERYTHING, and refuse to doubt or be wishy washy, and NEVER listen to the doubt peddlers for theirs is a dark road that leads downward and not up. Praise God for deliverance! Jesus is the LIGHT and in Him is NO darkness and He came to bring us all to the promised land of the FREE!

14 thoughts on “doubt Peddler’s Nightmare

    1. Well said! It is such insanity to believe that garbage will do one good if eaten! when people believe in “permissive will” they are confused and do NOT know which end is up or who is doing what! Just a quick reminder to all who have chosen the path of insanity: JESUS CHRIST HEALED US ON THE CROSS BY HIS STRIPES PERIOD AND THAT SETTLES THAT! God is NOT going to “allow something that goes against divine health or healing to teach you some precious lesson! He already said in HIS WORD that the Word of God is given for instruction, and correction, etc. If you want to have disease go ahead but DO NOT IN ANY WAY blame Jesus for it for you do NOT want to be BLASPHEMING the one you “say” you love, do you?!

      I hate unbelief and so does Jesus so let go of the insanity as our friend has stated , let go of doubt and blaming God for your ills and come to Jesus who has His hands outstretched to you saying…”Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I WILL GIVE YOU…REST”!

    1. Good goin! Good things come to those who persevere and don’t give up no matter how difficult it seems!

    1. Ok, take the deepest breath you can in the name of Jesus! Good to be healed isn’t it!?

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