Let Us Go to the Other Side

There are many things we face in life, and if we stay and stand in faith the mountains will be removed, and we will get to our destination safely and blessed!  One of the main things the devil uses to try to oppress us and stop us is fear!  Those who fear are not made perfect in love, but perfect love CASTS OUT fear!  

In Mark 4, Jesus said to his disciples: Let us go to the other side!  When Jesus says to go to the other side of the sea, then on His Word and by faith in His Word we make it to the other side!  Many miss out on what God has for them because they let things hinder them from getting to the other side of what they have been dealing with!  There is a place of victory in Jesus where nothing but nothing can hinder or stop you!  Nothing!  One of the keys in this place of victory is to simply keep believing, saying, and doing the Word of God! “The just will live by FAITH!”

As they sailed, Jesus was sleeping in the back of the boat. A powerful storm and wind came and the waves beat against the boat, then water filled the boat and it began to sink! In that moment,  the permissive willers would tell you to suffer destruction because ”God permitted the storm for some mysterious reason!” Believing that mess will leave you destroyed with your ship at the bottom of the sea!

They came to Jesus and woke him saying:. Jesus, there is a wild storm and it is destroying us…don’t you care about us? We are going to die!” See, one of the temptations when the storm comes against you is to think God does not care for you because HE didn’t stop the storm from coming!  God has NOTHING to do with the storm!  Jesus already warned us that the thief, Satan, comes to rob, kill, and destroy, but that we need to fight the good fight of faith to win, and having done all to stand, stand with the full armor of God on!

Jesus rose and rebuked the wind and raging storm!  If everything that happens is permitted by God, then Jesus would have been rebuking God when He rebuked the storm!  God cannot oppose Himself so this shows the fallacy of the stupid and ridiculous false doctrine of permissive will and unbelief malarkey for what it is! All it is, is a pile of raunchy lies of the devil that try to twist the scriptures to destroy people when they believe the mess!

The storm instantly stopped, and there was a great calm! All the disciples could say is: “What kind of man is this, that the wind and sea obey Him?!” Jesus did not throw a sympathy party for the disciples who were scared witless, but said: “Why do you have no faith?” He did not tell them  to “endure and enjoy the storm even if it destroys you because it was permitted by God to teach you precious lessons!”  He asked them why they had fear and no faith!  Did their faith go on vacation?  Everything in life is to be met with faith!  God is a God of faith! The worlds were framed by faith! The faith of God calls those things that be not as though they were!

In Ephesians 6, God speaks of fighting the good fight of faith and to put on the whole armor of God to defeat all the wiles of the devil!  “Above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you will be able to QUENCH ALL the fiery darts of the devil!”  Hallelujah! When you put up the shield of faith it stops all the shots fired at you by the devil! 

The disciples’ faith was in circumstance, in the storm, in what they saw and heard in the natural!  Notice Jesus did not pray: “Lord, if it be your will, take the storm from us, but if not help us try to last to the end.”  No! A thousand times no!  He stood and faced the storm!  He did not hide His face in His hands or think about how bad they had it, or why God let this happen! No!  He stood and faced the storm and the evil, and rebuked the storm, rebuked the wind, and said: “Peace, be still!” The storm had to immediately stop and a great peace came! So, when we fight the enemy we need to fight in faith; faith in the Word that says you will step on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy!  We have been given authority and power OVER all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us!  

Some years back I was working at a machine and tool shop, and one time God had me look up in time to see a man coming at me with a 2×4  in his hand with a dead hate stare on his face!  He brought it around in a full swing to do me in, and I immediately said: “The shield of faith quenches all the fiery darts of the enemy!” Over and over and over again he brought it to smash my brains out and hit something invisible about two feet in front of me, and he couldn’t hit me one time!  I then told him to drop it and go back to work in Jesus name, and he did!  

There was a wicked king who made an evil law that at the blast of trumpets all must bow to the gold idol he had made, and whoever refused would be burned alive in a huge furnace they had built!  Three Hebrew boys were men of faith and said they would not bow to the idol:  “Our God will deliver us, but even if He didn’t we still wouldn’t bow!”  They heated the furnace seven times as hot, and threw them into the fire!  The soldiers that threw them in, died when they got too near to the furnace.  Meanwhile, the Hebrew boys were walking around in the fire! 

I picture them praising God and talking about how they loved God and how they believed God and how God had delivered them from the fire!

The king looked in and saw a fourth man walking around in the fire with them!  He said: “Didn’t we throw three men into the fiery furnace?” And they said, “Yes, Oh King, we did.” The King said, “But, I see a 4th man and He appears to be the Son of God!”

The King ordered them brought out of the furnace and their hair was not even singed, nor did they smell of smoke!  The fire had no effect on them for God delivered them!

When you live by faith and take up the shield of faith, Jesus is in the boat with you!  Jesus is in the fire with you, and He WILL deliver you for your faith is in Him. He always honors faith!  The life I live, I live by the faith in the Son of God!  Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith!  Jesus gave us the shield of faith as part of God’s armor!  Faith means so much that He says that whatever is not of faith is sin!  He also said: “Above all take the shield of faith wherewith you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy!”

Jesus had said:”Let’s go to the other side!” When Jesus says to go to the other side, you will be able to go to the other side and do what God wants!  

You are going to get to the other side of the troubles that have tried to destroy you!  Whatever has been a hindrance will be quenched by faith and you will go to the other side victoriously!  A thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you!  You shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord!

We are going to the other side and no storm will be able to sink our ship or destroy us for Jesus is in the boat and faith delivers us from the destruction!

Never, ever say that you give up!  This IS the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith!  What does it say?  You don’t have to go here or there to find the answer. The Word is close to you, even in your heart and in your mouth, even the Word of faith!  As you believe the Word of God and speak it out, the stormy wind will stop and there will be a great calm, and you will get to the other side where deliverance flows and the impossible becomes possible through faith!

You are loosed from the spirits of destruction and fear and unbelief! Go free and receive the Spirit of faith! 

367 thoughts on “Let Us Go to the Other Side

  1. I think now l see why religious people get upset…they can’t argue with this because it have too much information and they not have any way to refute! This is wonderful!

    1. Praise God that you love this! When you love the truth it is what puts you on top!

  2. Now I understand about all this because when you think about it concerning these stories in the Bible you see the way it’s supposed to be for you too! That’s with these religious people do… They try to separate it out and say all that was just for Bible times. That’s why they don’t like this blog! Oh well. Too bad for them!

    1. I’m glad you love this new post! God has it all there for us to find as we seek!

  3. Well, there’s no way for anybody to disagree with this. In my opinion, if they do, they are an idiot.

  4. This is really life-changing! Because now I finally understand it in detail! Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. You are most welcome! Praise God full understanding has come here to you! I’m glad this is life-changing! Thats what it is all about…from glory to glory even by the Spirit of God!

  5. Okay I was way off base on everything I thought because I was believing stupid religious people who obviously don’t know what they’re talking about! Thank you Rev. Rocket!

    1. You are very welcome! I am very happy you came here to be set free from the stupid religious people syndrome! Now you will win over it all!

    1. You are welcome for sure! Don’t worry you will be very glad you gave up the old ways for the new!

    1. You are very welcome! I’m glad to hear you love this! It will work in your life for the good then! Enjoy!

  6. This made more sense than anything l was ever taught and now I see where l was wrong. There is too much bad teaching out there, and they don’t want to learn!

    1. Yani, You are right! Some “say” they want to learn until they hear the truth that they are going against, and then out the window learning goes!
      God loves those who truly want to know the truth for Jesus IS the truth! The Holy Spirit will make sure you hear the truth, even if He brings a blog to you that you did not know about! “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they SHALL be filled!”

  7. I see now why it important to get proper teaching. Because many religious people tell others that none of this apply to modern time but it does! This is a real eye opener!

    1. Never listen to those who deny the power of God and don’t have the anointing that brings healing and deliverance! When they don’t have the power of the Holy Spirit then they lean on the flesh and have a form of godliness …(rituals)..but deny (say no to) the power of godliness! Then they have a dead, dry, good for nothing religion that gets no answers to prayers, and who are what I call: “devil petters!”
      Thank God Jesus is alive and well and is Lord, and the Holy Spirit is moving and bringing people all the miracles they need as they believe and yield to Him!

  8. Thanks Rocket Preacher, for this. This tell everybody thing that is very important. Religious people not teach it right. Our music teacher read this to us in class the other day. Then I printed out for myself because it have many many answer in one place! Thank you!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this brought many answers to many things! The wisdom of God covers all areas we need! Wisdom is knowledge rightly applied! You will KNOW the truth and the truth WILL make you FREE!

  9. This is a real eye-opener and I appreciate it! Sometimes things are confusing and you don’t know what is the New Testament and what was just the Old Testament, but now I see it in a whole new way!

    1. Praise God this is a real eye opener! God is showing you these things so take them to heart and they will put you over!

  10. ok, Rev. Rocket, now l think l understand this a lot better!! I will be able to implement it now that it isn’t so confusing!

    1. Praise God! Understanding is a wellspring of life! Now that you have this light you definitely will be able to implement this! You will put the devil on the run and the blessing.of God will be.yours!

  11. This is like a masterpiece really. All preachers need to get on board with this instead of saying the stupid things they say!

  12. Wait till you hear this Rocket Preacher! This preacher came storming into our classroom today demanding to see JBT because he’s had it with his “heresy.” The back story is that the preacher’s daughter got saved when JBT explained how you GET saved because she knew there was something wrong.
    She couldn’t reach God, her prayers were not being answered, no matter how much she prayed to be spirit filled it wasn’t working, etc etc and when she told him all this, JBT asked her what she prayed in order to get saved.
    And she told him that she said “Jesus please forgive my sins and come into my heart.” And JBT said, “well, there’s nothing wrong with saying that, but that prayer never got anyone saved.” (This is the part that the preacher eventually called “heresy”) So anyway, JBT asked her to confess out loud that Jesus is the son of God, which she did, and then he asked her if she believed in her heart that God raised him from the dead, and she said, “well, I think I do, but I wasn’t sure if the resurrection was just a metaphoric thing in the Bible or if it was actually something that happened. ” Well, obviously there was the problem. And she looked very surprised when he told her that doing those two things were the ONLY way to actually get saved. She said “so the resurrection actually happened? That wasn’t just a metaphoric story in the Bible?” And of course JBT told her that it was real according to the Bible. And she said “okay, I guess I just didn’t understand my Bible, because I wasn’t sure what that meant, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to get saved.” And JBT said “here’s the problem with man’s tradition… I don’t have any issue with the ‘sinners prayer’ as long as it said in conjunction with those two components. But when it said by itself, it can’t get anyone saved because that’s not what God told us you have to do to be saved.” And he went on to say “just so you understand what I’m saying, you can asked Jesus to ‘come into your heart and forgive your sins and be your personal savior’ but he’s not going to do that if you have doubt in your heart that he was actually raised from the dead. Because he can’t go against his word. So even though your heart was in the right place when you pray that prayer, and you wanted to be saved, it’s not what he said you have to do to actually BE saved.” Then she not only got saved, but she got spirit filled instantly, and delivered from a whole bunch of demons of confusion. The next day was when the preacher came in to accuse him of heresy. Rev. Rocket… Can you please tell me what on earth is going on in the church world these days? I never thought I would see the day where supposedly Christian preachers are accusing someone of heresy for saying what the Bible says to do. Are they that blind? And if so, how did they get that way? Of course I asked JBT these questions but you know what he told me….haaaaa…. So now they are your questions. Haaaaa!

    1. So JBT said haaaaa! At least he is laughing! Haha!
      Ok here we go!
      First: every denomination has added to and taken away from the Word of God so they have adulterated the Word of God and are dead spiritually! When they believe the lies of the devil it blinds them to the truth so they have demons of spiritual blindness too! They are neither cold or hot, but are lukewarm and indifferent so God has spit them out of His mouth! They are indifferent to the move of the Holy Spirit and hate it for it exposes their lies and false doctrines and shows they have NO power whatsoever so everyone stays sick, bound, and oppressed! When they “joined” world churches they joined mystery Babylon that is the mother of harlots and full of evil! The preachers took on spirits of spiritual blindness, indifference, haters of those who are good, hate of the truth, spiritual death, etc.They see the move of the Spirit and like when Jesus walked the earth the “religious” preachers and people accused Him and us today of being of a wrong spirit! They have spirits of reverse order! All this because they “joined” mystery Babylon…the world churches, and accepted all their false doctrines and doctrines of demons!

    1. Thanks! Good to hear and I pray you are continually blessed by this post for as the words go deep in your spirit and rooted!

  13. This open my eyes to a lot of things that I didn’t understand! This is really priceless and invaluable!

    1. You are welcome! I’m very glad this was here for you when you needed this in a big way!

  14. I tried to use this talk sense into somebody who had it all wrong, but they just got angrier and angrier. I don’t understand what’s wrong with people, but this should make them happy!

    1. When you share the truth and they get angrier and angrier they hate the Word of God and because of their pride cannot stand having their lies and hypocrisy exposed! They should receive the Word of God with joy! Just know what you shared hit the mark and they will be without excuse! God will bless you for doing what He said!

  15. Rev. Rocket, do you get frustrated when people argue about this to try to convince people to have permissive will? JBT said you were dealing with that way way way before he was, but you deal with it better. HOW do you deal with it? Sometimes he says he wants to smash a pizza pie in their faces. LOL

    1. Those who are stuck in the mud of permissive will and constantly spinning their wheels going deeper and deeper into the muck and mire of unbelief and darkness with NO answers to prayer, and so NO joy, are also bound with demons of stubborness, backsliding, doubt, wavering, doublemindedness. sickness, torment, and oppression!!! If JBT ever puts a pizza in their face do get a.picture and.post it here so I can have a good.laugh! LOL.
      I laugh at them and their stupidity, and lame brain false doctrines and lies! They are unworthy of regard for they have departed from the Word of God! I enjoy speaking scriotures that totally destroy their false.beliefs and exposes their unbelief! Then if they choose to stay in darkness that is their choice, and I turn them over to God!

    1. You are welcome! Good to hear this is one of the best blog posts you ever read! I am glad this blessed you that much! Enjoy!

  16. This illuminates a lot of things that can sometimes be confusing just because you don’t understand! Thanks Rev. Rocket!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this brought light so you would be free from all confusion!

    1. All right, we got this! Every demon of distraction is bound and leaves you NOW in Jesus name! Be free as your mind is loosed from all oppression! Enjoy praying and reading here!

    1. Praise God this came just when you needed it! God is faithful to do exactly what He said He would do and always is right on time!

  17. Okay Rev. Rocket, I am like that other person… You just HAD to go ahead and take away my excuses for permissive will. Don’t you know permissive will is SO much easier than trying to build your faith? How could you do this to me Rocket Preacher? Haaaaaa! Thanks!

    1. LOL! You are welcome! God says in the last days people will be excusing themselves and accusing others! Sound familiar? The permissive will false doctrine is right from the pit of hell and preachers who have propagated it need to repent and be delivered from the demons of unbelief and permissive will! It is time to rise up in faith, take hold of the promises of God and run for God! There is a chorus called …I’m running for the Lord! If anybody asks you whats the matter with me..Well I’m saved,sanctified Holy Ghost filled, fire baptized, I’ve got Jesus on my side, I’m running for the Lord! Amen! Now you can run for the Lord by an in faith!

  18. Okay I’m here, I DON’T want to hear I told you so, you know who you are, and I mean it! If I want to go to a blog I will go to blog I don’t need somebody dripping water on my forehead! You are probably one of the most annoying individuals I’ve ever met my life! Thanks Rev. Rocket! I desperately needed this! I’m going to read more of these!

    1. You are welcome! I know what that desperation feels like and it is so good to get the wisdom from God you need to turn your life right side up! Enjoy!

    1. Ha ha! OOPS for sure! “It is not by might or by your own power, but by MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD…THIS MOUNTAIN SHALL…BE…REMOVED! All that has stood in the way of people receiving God’s best and what they need, will be gone in a moment of time! Bye bye mountain, hello Holy Spirit! Let us know the scoop!

  19. Ok, so no one knew very much English, but by the 3rd song, the first few rows…ooops, on the floor. Then after a while, everyone else. Maybe getting kicked out of the diocese though. Haaa…oh well…it’s better to have Jesus and get kicked out. Now they want to have another concert where he sings the cowboy song. Someone must have put a bug in their ear! LOL

    1. Hallelujah! Sounds like revival in the truest sense! The Holy Spirit is beyond language barriers and came to do what no other power can do as people were filled with the Spirit! I pray all are loosed from all denominational controls, and into the freedom of the Holy Spirit!
      Oops, time for the cowboy song thanks to a little “bug” in the ears! LOL. Well, they need to be set free from smoking!
      I pray a double portion anointing.on that song so that every bondage, every demonic habit, all drug bondage will be instantly broken and people will be completely FREE!

    1. You are welcome! I’m very glad this came when you needed this really badly! Jesus truly loves you and He looks on your heart and as you delight in Him He will give you the desires of your heart!

  20. Okay, for real, the stuff never made sense to me before but now I get it. I’m so glad, because I used to be so confused about a lot of this and now I completely understand! Thank you!

    1. Oh I know he will be thrilled to no end! Lol! This is where the cowboy rides away!

  21. This made me see everything differently! It really came as a surprise how far off I really was in my thinking about all this! Thanks!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this helped you see what you needed to see to get your thinking right! Enjoy!

  22. Ok, Rev. Rocket, how does someone sing one song and then I quit smoking!? I tried to quit smoking for many years and never had it work out! What kind of miracle is this!?

    1. One song is all it takes when God is anointing it to deliver people from smoking! I would call this a special miracle!

  23. Rev. Rocket, how can I have no more cigarette in my life just on one song? I didn’t think I have faith for miracle but God give me one anyway?

    1. Most of the time people tend to complicate receiving miracles from God when really, it is easy! His yoke is easy! When the anointing is there He is the Spirit of faith so faith comes.alive and the miracle you need happens!

  24. I tried to share this with someone who has it all wrong about permissive will and they just stonewall me. They need deliverance but don’t know how to get through!

    1. Usually with all false doctrines is stubbornness! They don’t want to admit they have been wrong, but all blessing comes when we humble ourselves! Bind the spirits of pride and loose the person from them!

  25. Okay, okay, I’m here. You’re a very annoying individual! I want to read a blog I’ll read a blog. I don’t need to be tortured into it. So I hope you’re happy. And I don’t want to hear I told you so! Thanks Rev. Rocket! This makes perfect sense!

  26. Rocket Preacher, I think it is great miracle that only one song is sung and then all cigarette addiction go away. I never would think something of that kind could happen but now I must believe. I have lots to read here! Thank you!

    1. You are welcome for sure! That’s what the Word of God does, it takes away all excuses and brings faith alive!
      Do you know what an excuse is? A skin of a reason filled with a “lie!” Enjoy living by faith! Faith is the way to please God, and without faith it is impossible to please God!

  27. Ok…here l am!! I hope you’re happy now. You nagged me into it and it’s extremely annoying. I don’t need anyone telling me what to read! Thanks Rev. Rocket, because this was really helpful!!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this was very helpful. Remember that God always has the answer and wants you to have what He promises in His Word! Stand strong on the Word of God and you will see the glory of God!

  28. Now l have no more cigarette Rev. Rocket! And only because of one song. Do you know why it’s that song Rocket Preacher?

    1. One thing for sure, God confounds those who think they know it all! God uses a song like this to do an amazing miracle of deliverance because He will not be put into a box and shows people His awesome power!

      Part of the reason for this particular song to deliver people from cigarettes could come out of the past! Back a number of years ago a television ad for cigarettes showed a cowboy smoking and they called him the Marlboro man! So, now when the song: ” The Cowboy Rides Away” is sung under the anointing of the Holy Spirit people are instantly, totally, completely, miraculously delivered from smoking!

      Praise Jesus you were delivered from smoking!

  29. This was really helpful because I had much wrong teaching and not know that it wrong. Now I realize people not base thing on Bible but instead on church tradition. Now I see much difference and can make better decision! Thanks Rocket Preacher!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this brought light to you that opened your understanding and helped you! Now you will know how to stand on the Word of God and receive answers from God!

  30. Thanks Rev. Rocket, because this made a lot of things clear that I was confused about. There’s a lot of people who seem like they don’t try very hard to back things up in the Bible and they just get people like me confused. Thank you!

    1. You are welcome! If what is said by anyone is contrary to the Word of God, throw it out! Those who do not back up what they teach by the Word of God are not being led by the Holy Spirit, but are listening to wrong spirits that hate Jesus!

  31. Ooops. “Nondenominational ” church tonight. But they gave JBT all sorts of instructions. He said “Great…Nondenominational…First Church of Someday-we’ll-know-why.” 😂😂😂

    1. Oops for sure! Lol. Can you imagine the shock waves when their “nondenominational” unbelief is blown out of the water?!!! Tonight the “why” in their minds will be removed as the Spirit of Faith moves in!

  32. Thanks for this Rocket Preacher! It cleared a lot up for me. I’ve passed it on to two other people!

    1. Good, praise God, I’m glad this cleared up a lot for you! It is good you gave this to others…thats how the Word of God spreads and multiplies!

  33. Okay, I finally hear that there is person who has answer to all these problems with church officials disagreeing. Then I find out they don’t know anything. They twist everything around to teach you wrong thing and then get mad when you say it make no sense. Now I’m glad that I find out the truth because God not use things from the devil to show us thing or teach lesson. That what Holy Spirit for! Then they try to run that man off but he just laugh at them and then they ran off! I wish I had better English to tell how it all went. He just laugh and say “they’ll understand.” I think those other people try to fight God and think they just fighting man!

    1. You are right! They think they are fighting a man, but really they are fighting God! Laughing at them disarms the demons and takes their defense away, and the Word of God says that God laughs at His enemies and puts them in derision! Then opposes of the gospel must flee before the presence of God, demons leave, and the joy of the Lord fills believers!

  34. Here’s what happened to me Rocket Preacher. I tried to use Google translate here to get word right but it may not be perfect. I went to hear that singer because people tell me one song especially then you not smoke anymore and I needed that plus other thing. And he was saying thing at beginning, but I not understand most of what he say because of bad English but the more he talk the more I feel something happening and then suddenly demons start to go one after another. Is that because demon understand what he’s saying even though I didn’t? This is all very interesting to me and I not ever hear it before from anyone else! Except now hear this blog there is lot more to read.

    1. Yes, the Holy Spirit anointed his words and it drove the demons right out! Praise God! Praise God you were delivered from smoking! Enjoy what the Holy Spirit is doing!

  35. Okay, well I have a lot to learn about this! I didn’t even realize I needed to be spirit filled! I don’t know why these idiot people try to interfere, but I’m so glad I came last night! I have a lot to read here!

  36. After all these years l finally get holy spirit Rev. Rocket! I never think this could happen to me! And l don’t know how it happened just from someone singing! No big ritual! I have lot to learn now though!

  37. Rocket Preacher, your friend is talented but he crazy. And sometime I just have to laugh. I asked him how cowboy song make smoking go away, and he just start laughing and then say God work in mysterious ways and then laugh more. Then he start talking about something to do with lots of resorts in Costa Rica and then laugh like he’s laughing at his own private joke. Then his friend Jason say, “don’t try to figure him out, experts have tried they cannot do it,” then he laughed too. Then I say you are all crazy and then we all end up laughing!

  38. This blog will be much better now because I have Holy Spirit and can understand more! I can’t wait to read all these!

  39. Okay, I’m here. I hope you’re happy! You’re the most annoying person I’ve ever met my life. I know if I want to read a blog, and I don’t need anyone to tell me! I don’t want to hear I told you so. I mean it. Thanks Rev. Rocket! This was really precisely what I needed! I’m going to read more.

    1. You are welcome! Enjoy! God has a lot for you, and you are here so He can show you the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus and all He has for.you!

  40. It looks like I have a lot to UN-learn Rocket Preacher, after getting spirit filled! Yikes! I was being led down the wrong road! I hope God will help me.

    1. God got you here where you could receive the truth that sets you free, so He will definitely help you, and show you the lies that were told you, and help you UN-learn all the mess that was spkoken!

  41. This really helped me Rev. Rocket! There’s a lot of stuff that makes sense now to me that didn’t before! Thanks!

    1. Good! I’m glad this gives you a whole new perspective on all of this! Enjoy finding out the truth that really does set you free! Free from all the lies that those in unbelief speak!

  42. My opinion is that people get mad at this because they can’t find any viable way to contradict it. Oh well sucks to be them.

    1. You are welcome! Praise God you have seen now what you were doing wrong! That means now when you do it the right way you will see the glory of God and walk in victory!

  43. Rev. Rocket, I need help. I’m well past my mid 40s and I knew the faith message when I was a child but I more or less rejected it in my own infinite wisdom when I got older, and now I’ve come back to it, but I feel like why should God bother with me? I wasted decades that I could have been serving him properly so all I feel is this angry, irritated God who is looking at me like “you idiot.” I don’t know how I can make up all that time! What do I do? I’m so depressed!

    1. God is not angry at you at all…He loves you with everlasting love and drew you back by His Spirit. Right now if your spiritual eyes were opened you would see Jesus there with His arms wrapped around you saying: “Welcome home!”
      He already made up the wasted years when He stood in the gap and took all sin in His body on the cross! The cross canceled all satan’s claims and healed all our backsliding! Raise your hands and praise God for the victory and what Jesus already did “for you!” He made up for all of it FOR you! See, He really does forgive unconditionally and knows your sincere heart!

  44. Well, JBT has had it too easy lately, and I can’t allow them to get lazy, so tomorrow night, he’ll be playing for a combined church picnic. Five different churches, and they all told me they didn’t want any of that wildfire stuff. I said, “of course not… He would never do THAT!” ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. He is so excited and looking forward to it! I can just tell from the expression on his face! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    1. Hahahahahaha…HA! I can just picture that: “I’m lovin’ this” expression! I know just how pleased he is that he will sing to 5 churches worth of who knows what all at the same time with them already kicking up a fuss! Lol. Well, all I have to say is then 5 times the anointing for 5 times the miracles and blessing like a massive whirlwind will envelope all! Hallelujah! It is time to take off the limits and let God arise and His enemies be scattered!
      Thanks for the sharing… I’m so glad I appointed you to be the roving reporter…good job!

  45. Yes, you do drive a hard bargain Rev. Rocket. This leaves little room for excuses of any kind. That means I have to keep building my faith! Oh dear.

    1. You are welcome! Praise God you have hope now! I’m glad this was helpful! Jesus brought you here to give you what you have needed!

  46. Okay, you got me Rev. Rocket. Their ideology doesn’t make any sense but yours does. That’s the bottom line.

  47. Well, I’m going to hear that guy tonight, but I’m not making any promises that I believe this stuff! I’m still a skeptic! But I think I’ll go see what it’s all about.

    1. Bye bye skepticism and hello faith and the Holy Spirit! You will be changed by the Spirit of God miraculously and see the light!

  48. Rocket preacher, everyone just stand here dumbfounded. They not know what to say because Holy Spirit is here and that never happened in our churches. I don’t know why, I guess because they teach wrong. I read the last three posts on the blog and then something compelled me to come here tonight and I can see the thing already start happen and it only just begin!

    1. Yes, receive the anointing that destroys the yoke and receive all you need now in Jesus name! The power of the Holy Spirit will do what nothing else can do!

  49. Rev. Rocket, at first glance, I think your friend is crazy. He say that everyone can get everything they need from God only by ask him for it. That was different from what I was taught that God may say yes but may deny other thing if you not want you to have it. Even healing. When I find out that is all wrong because people last night believe they can have things from God and take that singer’s word for it instead of these pastors and we all got what we need! I don’t know how to get used to all this. This is way different from anything I know about before. Does this go for healing every time you need one?

    1. Yes healing is always there for us! By His stripes you WERE HEALED! Since you were, then you are! Claim it for now, it is yours!

  50. Well, the interferes could only sit there angrily for so long and they either had to leave or get slain in the spirit. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Of course JBT doesn’t think this needs to go on the blog, but he winged out his horn last night and you would’ve thought you were at a Phil Driscoll concert. He did Because He Lives at the end and that’s when the few, the proud, the ones still on their feet went down with a thud. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

    1. Ha ha ha ha! I love it…either leave or get slain in the Spirit!
      Tell JBT he should definitely play that horn more!!! Evidently there is a special anointing on that!
      After all at the sound of the trumpet Jesus does come back!

  51. I feel like I have whole new life now.Rocket preacher , like my life is just starting now! But I just want to make sure because that singer say a lot of thing I don’t understand way over my head , but he say this is for everybody. That mean everybody Indiscriminately, no matter what?

    1. Praise God for a whole new life! Yes, this is for everyone so take it, claim it, live it! It is all yours in Jesus!

  52. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I have to believe all this now for sure! I not know anything other than just pray and hope your prayer get answer and if not get answer then God not want you to have what you pray for. But that singer tell us God never withhold anything good and healing and deliverance and all good thing like that are for everyone. Now I see for sure who is right because the people who say that not true have no power but he had power in what his words were. They knew too by the end! I don’t know if some will ever admit it, but they knew!

    1. Yes, God is good and promised us a good life full of the goodness of God and healing and deliverance and answers to prayers are all good things! Psalms says no good thing will be withheld from those who walk uprightly with God! “Ask and you will receive…!” “Goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life!” Acts 10:38 “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing GOOD, healing ALL that were oppressed of the devil!”

  53. Okay, so JBT is accosted by this religious guy and he is trying to rehabilitate him and get them to believe permissive will. I went up to him and I said “you might as well just bang your head on the wall is think you’re going to get JBT to do that.” But no, he persisted. So then finally he turned around and said, “okay, back up your permissive will with Scripture… How do you get around this one?” And he proceeded to recite half the New Testament (or at least it seemed like that) and he said “okay, get around all that and I’ll talk to you.” So the guy stands there red-faced for about a minute then he walked away. These people are such idiots, Rev. Rocket

    1. Exactly! Religious zombies refuse to go by the true Word of God…the full counsel of God, but go by false beliefs, man made, devil inspired lies and blasphemy! Then they persecute the righteous! Evidently the spoken Word of God shut their mouths and shut them down for they cannot back up their doctrines of demons from the Word of God!

  54. Okay, I believe now for sure. I had lots of demon. My friend dragged me to that music last night because they think there is no more hope for me but someone say that man know how to cast demon out and I didn’t even know really where I was hardly. They kind of dragged me up to the front because I guess I out of control bad and not knowing what to do and these preachers came to try to tell my friends “get her out of here, she not belong here out of control.” And that singer came right off stage and literally shove them out of way and said “you people are cursed with your own false doctrines and if you don’t watch out those doctrines will take you straight to hell.” I don’t remember much but I remember hearing that and then all of a sudden all demon going all different directions! Then within 10 minute my whole life changed! I’m not even know what to think!

    1. You can say:”Once I was bound, and now I am free!” All the demons have to go when the Spirit of God comes! Now enjoy your new life in Jesus! Praise Him every day! Read and meditate in the Word of God! God loves you and has a brand new blessed life for you!

  55. Rev. Rocket! I get spirit fill and now no more migraine headaches. I had migraine headache all life long and no one ever help and the pastor say it must be God’s will but that he will “comfort me” in my illness. I say I don’t want comfort I want to be healed. Then that singer say that healing is what God really want to do not help you through illness. But heal you of the illness. The pastor said he was wrong. I said, well I would need to know who right and who’s wrong! Than that singer just touched me once and now I know for sure who is right! I hope my testimony make sense.

    1. Praise God you are Spirit filled and healed of migraines! Your testimony was clear! Those who oppose just offer excuses and lies contrary to the Word of God! Now you know! Enjoy!

  56. Ok, my life completely different now. Who is that man who play trumpet and it make demon go?. How can song make all demon go? I don’t understand any of this but l happy it happen!

    1. When the anointing of the Holy Spirit is on it then it drives demons out! “If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God; no doubt the kingdom of God has come to you!”

  57. Alright…l can’t be a skeptic anymore. All those preachers could do anything the other night. They had to either get slain and repent or go home! That’s pretty cool!

  58. Okay, Rev. Rocket, at first I think your friend crazy because I went to him with my sister and say “can you heal my sister of anxiety?” And he just start laughing and say “no, I can’t. I cant even heal my own brain.” Then he start laughing again and I look at my sister like ‘he crazy’ and then he say, “I will introduce you to someone who can heal EVERYTHING.” Then he touched my sister and say “Jesus, introduce yourself to this girl,” then he start laughing again, and then my sister get fall out under power and anxiety go. Then these religious men come from other side of room and say he doing everything wrong and call it heresy and say “who told you you can tell Jesus to introduce himself to someone? You can’t give Jesus mandates!” And he just looked at them and said, “I don’t know whether to feel sorry for you or punch you in the head.” And he walk away laughing. Well, maybe he crazy after all, but I kind of like that kind of crazy. Why when obvious miracle happen do these people who are supposed to be religious not like it? It seem like they quibble over little detail instead of looking at the big thing that was done!

    1. People who let religious demons control them go against everything the Holy Spirit is doing! Miracles of God come all around them and change people’s lives the way God said would happen when we minister under the anointing, but they will NOT receive a thing from Jesus because of their unbelief,legalism, fate spirits, hate for those that are good, hate of the truth, false religious spirits, doctrines of demons, and fighting spirits opposing those who have miracles God promises happening!
      Praise Jesus for the miracles you and your sister received! You are on the right way!

    1. Yes, this for everyone, “even” you! Don’t let the devil belittle you! God loves you with everlasting total love! Whosoever will, let them come and take of the water of life! Jesus has a lot for you, and all He did He did for you!

  59. Rocket preacher, l always think too much about my past sins. Is that demon or does God want me to repent for second time?

    1. God says to think on the pure and holy and good things, and NOT past sins at all! There are demons of “sin recall” that try to cause you to think of past sins! Tell them to shut up and get out NOW IN JESUS NAME!

  60. Ok, Rev. Rocket, I have to get this straight. Is deliverance from demon for all people or you have to do something special?

    1. I love the Word “whoever” in the Word of God! He said: “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be delivered!”Joel 2:32.Whoever means you and all who call on the name of Jesus! Jesus purchased your deliverance on the cross when He shed His blood for you! The demons must leave as we call on the name of Jesus!

    1. Good going! Praise God you are added in the “blowing in the wind club” 291 strong!
      What a tremendous miracle of deliverance this is straight from heaven!

    1. Oh yes! Keep us posted! Those who were interested to find out more about all that goes on will definitely “know” exactly what the Holy Spirit is doing! Time for Holy Ghost house cleaning!

  61. Rocket Preacher, I not smoke anymore because of that cowboy song. JBT say it all start with you! A long time ago. I don’t understand how a miracle like this happen but I take it anyway!

    1. Yes, this miracle started a number of years ago as the cowboy song was sung! This is a special miracle and a sign that God does to make people scratch their heads and “wonder!” Enjoy your special deliverance and your new lungs!

  62. Finally, Rev. Rocket I spirit fill after trying for many years and being told wrong information about it all. Then it just happen all at once during concert. Now my life will all change. I have a lot to read here. One for every day! It may take me a year!

    1. Praise God you got Spirit filled! Especially after all the false teaching!
      Now, enjoy the truth spoken here on the blog! Think of the name of the blog…”WONDER WORKING POWER” as you read! Your faith will ignite and grow stro g! Enjoy!

    1. Renounce the unbelief and cast all the spirits of it out in Jesus name…they HAVE to go! Thats where all those ugly thoughts come from so tell them to SHUT UP and take all their rotten thoughts with them!!!

  63. Ok Rocket preacher now l not smoke anymore because of cowboy song. That singer tell me it you who start the ball rolling long years ago! Now our priest in trouble because he get spirit filled too. Oh well. That probably a good thing!

    1. Yes, some years back a certain individual came to hear me sing and as I did the cowboy song they were instantly delivered from smoking! It is a wonderful miracle, praise Jesus you are free now! New lungs for you and a long blessed life!
      Oops, now the priest is Spirit filled too! New things are on the way and he will be amazed at what the Holy Spirit does!

  64. Okay, now all this make much more sense because I get Holy Spirit when I never have that before. I think I got bad teaching my whole life but I didn’t know it! Now I will understand this blog much better! I guess we will be meeting under the trees from now on. Our priests get spirit fill too and the rest of the official not like it. Oh well.

    1. Praise God you are Spirit filled and understand this now! The priest may want to read Pig Slop Religion I,.II, and III to the people! Quite an eye opener!

  65. Okay, I’m here and I don’t want to hear I told you so. YOU know who you are! And I mean it. I’m not going appreciate it if you start with the I told you so’s. I don’t need someone torturing into coming to a blog. You’re very annoying individual. Thanks rocket preacher, this is really helpful and I think it’s just what I needed!

    1. You are welcome! Enjoy receiving what you need here! Remember the answers from God witness in your spirit and are positively positive!

  66. OK, well check this out Rev. Rocket. I ask that singer to pray for me. Well, really I demanded that he pray for me. Oooops. But he was pretty nice about my demand. ANYWAY, he really astounded me because he said “I’m seeing a big figure of some kind, looks like half man half ape, with a big hunched back and an ugly face. What is that?” I couldn’t believe it. *(It’s a character in a video game I was playing) and he said to never play it again, and cast demons out that answered to the name of that character! Ok. I’m in. I will read this whole blog now.

    1. Praise God for that deliverance! The Holy Spirit reveals what we need to know to bring us into His victory and all God has for us!

    1. Amen! You are welcome.for sure! The demons of unbelief rob, kill, and destroy people for they let in everything evil there is!
      Faith pleases God and without it, it is impossible to please God! When you please God the blessings come!

  67. Rocket preacher, can l now have healing for any sickness? It is not really a prayer that l must say “if it be thy will?”

    1. Yes! When Jesus died on the cross He took all sickness and by His stripes you “were” healed! So, all He did for us is ours and is His will already. “If it be thy will” prayer does not apply to healing at all! You can claim healing for all sickness and disease! Jesus bore all our.pains so we would not have to have them!

  68. Ok ok l am here! I will not listen to any l told you so’s and l MEAN it. So don’t annoy me! Thanks Rev. Rocket! This was a real eye opener!!

    1. You are welcome! Praise God this opened your eyes! The Holy Spirit brings understanding and understanding is a wellspring of life!

  69. Ok, I thought I would just withstand the nagging and not come to this blog even though I was having water dripped on my forehead. You are a very aggravating person, and I better not hear even an hint of “I told you so” because I will not listen! Thanks Rev. Rocket! I have to show this to a lot of people. This was very helpful!

    1. You are welcome! It is good to hear this was very helpful! I pray that every person you give this to receives all they need from Jesus including every miracle needed!

    1. Yes, indeed the Mennonites meet the Holy Spirit, and are never the same again! It reminds me of a chorus we sing: ” Over yonder, oh we’ll have a time; Over yonder Oh we’ll have a time; We’ll sing and shout and dance about oh oh oh oh We’ll have a time!”

      Get ready, get set, IT’S JOY TIME! The Mennonites meet JOY!

  70. Rocket Preacher why is everyone so hateful these days? Your friend here say it because people have more demon activity because end time. Is that it? Demon get more stirred up the closer it gets to rapture?

    1. Yes, that is exactly what is going on! Every demon in the flesh is stirring up to do as much evil as they can for the time is short, and also more angels are coming to bring in the harvest and minister to God’s people! The end time anointing of the Holy Spirit is doing a quick work and the demons cannot stand it! It is not.just water to wade in but the rivers of living water are flowing and it is time to get in the water to swim in!!!

  71. Rev. Rocket, I find this blog give many answer things I have wondered about for a long time. Some people like it when I give it to them, and other get mad! oh well, they should not be stupid because that not way to get answers!

    1. The ones who get mad when you give them the blog are letting demons control them and don’t want to stop sinning or stop the unbelief!

      Those who like it when you give them the truth are hungry and thirsty after righteousness and they will be filled! It is so important to have the love of the truth!
      The spirit of antichrist in people hates everything that is from Jesus! We stomp the spirits of antichri st now on Jesus name! Thank you Jesus for victory over all evil by your Spirit!

  72. Ok l always thought all this was just a dog and pony show and that the power was only in the Bible times. Then this singer comes and the roof blows off. Now l have to unlearn a lot of mess!

    1. Once you really taste the power of God your life is changed for the better for the rest.of your life! There is a song that says I have decided to follow Jesus, nonturning back, no turning back!
      The Holy Spirit will help you get rid of the mess!

  73. Okay well I definitely got an eye-opener last night. I think all we’ve been doing all this time is trying to get holy from the outside in instead of the other way around. I don’t think any of this stuff matters because that singer wasn’t following anything that strict and he had all kinds of power that we never had in our church. And then the one Elder started to argue with him because he just touched people for demons to go instead of praying a long intricate prayer. And he said “you don’t need long intricate prayers when you have faith.” And they were practically telling him he was blaspheming. He said “go read Luke 17, 12 to 14. Watch what Jesus did there. He didn’t pray any prayer. The lepers asked for mercy and he said “go show yourselves to the priest” and they went and got healed on the way. Where was his prayer?” Then the elder said, “well that’s blaspheming because YOU are not Jesus.” And he answered them and said, “HA! That’s for sure. But Jesus said we’re to do the works he did, and even greater works.” And then they accused him of blaspheming again! Well, everything he said was directly quoted from the Bible so how can that be blaspheming? What am I involved in here!? I think I need to ditch this religion.

    1. You are right on all accounts! Religion fights the Holy Spirit because they have added to and taken away fromnthe Word of God and ended up with a dead religion that cannot produce healing, deliverance or anything that requires the power of the Holy Spirit! They are full of dead men’s bones like the whited tombs Jesus spoke of! It is time to be free from all that is dead and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit!

  74. Hi Rev. Rocket. I guess I’m an ex-Mennonite. I don’t know. HAAAAAA! I was always told too that miracles and things like that were only for back in Bible times. Your friend just laughed at me when I said that. Boy, did our church elders get angry at him. They kept saying he was supposed to just play and sing. Well, a lot more happened than that. A lot of us got spirit filled. We didn’t even realize what was happening, and I’ve determined that he’s not very good at explaining things, but he did say that being spirit filled will change everything for us and I believe it. I feel like I have a long way to go, though, because I didn’t get the right teaching my whole life! So healing and deliverance are for ALL Christians? it’s not a matter of whether or not it’s God’s will for each individual person?

    1. Well, he did play and sing… the Holy Spirit did the miracles, so I guess the elders are mad at the Holy Spirit! Haha! How dumb is that!?
      God said He forgives ALL our iniquities and heals ALL our diseases! Read Psalm 103. The Word of God IS the WILL of.God, and All His promises are YES and AMEN to the glory of God by us! God said to call on Him and HE WILL deliver you! “Whosoever will, let him come and take of the water of life freely!”

  75. Ok, so that singer starts out with How Great thou art and we started thinking the roof would blow off the place! I was told my whole life all that stuff was not for modern times! I can’t believe how UNinformed l was. The elders of the church tried to get us to leave but we wouldn’t go. We made THEM leave. Why would we go when we’re finally getting help!? This is really amazing!

    1. The walls shaking were a special sign from God announcing His presence and letting you know His power was there to do all the miracles needed in a special way!!
      Praise God you stood your ground and refused to leave and MADE the elders, who were opposing the Holy Spirit, leave! Then as you stood your ground Jesus stood for you and you received the help from God you needed!

  76. Rocket preacher…l am way behind the times! Your show off singer friend did music for our conference and it resulted in the Holy Spirit taking over the whole thing to the dismay of the elders. Oh well. I knew we were in for something when he started with How Great Thou Art and the walls started to shake. I have a lot to learn now though! 🫨

    1. Praise God! God said everything that can be shaken will be shaken! Then that which remains is of the kingdom of God! Dont worry the Holy Spirit will quicken your understanding and catch you up to where you need to be!

  77. Here’s what happened to me Rocket Preacher. I heard ahead of time that maybe you could get spirit filled in this modern age and I went to hear that Singer expressly to find out! And when he started to sing How Great Thou Art, the roof was about to blow off the place and the elders were trying to get him to stop. He wouldn’t stop though, and then they were trying to get us to leave! We said “NO, YOU leave.” And they were pretty angry, but eventually they all left and then we got spirit filled and lots of help that we never realized was even available. But I don’t understand why they didn’t stay although I heard one of them actually stayed but I don’t know which one it was because I was on the other side of the room. But why would they leave when they could be getting spirit filled too? This is so confusing!

    1. Those who left are religious but dead and fighting God! So they fight.the Holy Spirit and grieve Him! They are bound with many demons they don’t want to let go of! They are very bound in their rituals! The Holy Spirit will not.force them…they have to want Him!

  78. I don’t know why church officials would want to interfere with what happened the other night! Because people were getting delivered from demons. One girl was just grabbing the arms of her chair all of a sudden and saying “help me help me!” We didn’t know what was wrong with her and one of the elders told that singer “look what you did now!” They thought she was upset because of something he was doing! They didn’t even understand it was demons! And then they went over to her, but he came up behind them and just shoved them out of the way and touched her head and said “thank you Jesus,” and all these demons came out. Then they really doubled down trying to get us to leave, but we wouldn’t. Why should we leave when we’re getting help? They’re crazy. I guess I’m an ex-Mennonite.

    1. Thank God he shoved the opposes out of the way and said: “Thank you Jesus!” The demons HAD to go when real faith showed up! You don’t need to be hanging around “elders” who oppose the Holy Spirit and try to interfere with true deliverance! It is good you stood your ground and made the persecutors go!

    1. You are welcome! The fact that you tried this as a skeptic and it worked shows the power of the Word of God

  79. All right, I guess I am also an ex-Mennonite. I think all I had was a huge dose of legalism being fed to me my whole life and nothing that was real. I’m trying to figure out why the church elders were so against that singer but as I read through some of these questions and answers I see what you mean! We tracked that singer down at the college he teaches at where he was doing a summer class and his assistant or whoever she technically is said that he would be happy to come play at the park tonight because they still needed a few bands to fill the Saturday night slots. I guess she is volunteering him! So I have to get the details and go over there to see if I can get rid of some mental problems! I love this blog!

    1. I’m glad you love this blog! It is no problem for God to deliver you from mental problems and the demons behind them! Go believing and you will not.be disappointed!

    1. That IS fantastic! Tell JBT that was great how he came up with that! Lol
      This one is for “him!”

  80. Rev. Rocket, my friend get deliver from all kind of demon bothering her mind even when no one else could help her. These people who don’t like spirit fill religion are missing the boat! I finally got spirit filled to because when that singer start his third song nobody stand up including me! This is really great! Now I will understand this blog much better! Thanks!

    1. Praise God for that deliverance the God of peace crushes the devil under our feet! Jesus is faithful and that everyone including you got Spirit filled!
      You are welcome! Enjoy!

  81. Rocket preacher, almost everyone who go hear that singer get spirit fill pretty early on. Religious people all get mad, and especially when someone get healed of a fever they try to say it all fake and he tell them to watch what they say or they face God for lying about what the Holy Spirit does. I think everywhere in the world this may be happening because that what Bible says in end times. I glad I get in on it!

    1. Yes, you are right! This is all over the world with the Holy Spirit moving for the end time harvest!

  82. Ok so l told your show off singer friend that l TRIED to read this blog but every time l did l would get so angry at you for writing it that l couldn’t keep going. So he just LAUGHED and said “Thank you Jesus” and l got delivered from all these demons and can now read the blog! Nice.

  83. Okay, Rev. Rocket, here is a great testimony that I know JBT will be VERY happy that I’ve added here. The person doesn’t speak any English, so rest assured I will tell all the details that they told me! This person came and said that he was struggling for years to understand why God allows all these horrible things to happen to Christians and every time he looked into the faith message whatever church he was going to told him that that was all occult and it’s just name it and claim it stuff and he should stay away from it. Then he was watching JBT set up the other night (and I happen to know that this is actually the second time this happened) but anyway, he got bit by a scorpion. And everybody was shrieking and hollering because he didn’t even realize he got bit, so this man is just watching all this and according to him, he was thinking to himself “okay, let’s see this faith thing work now, he’s gonna be dead of that scorpion bite in about five minutes.” And he said that all he heard JBT say was “we need to kill that thing before it bites somebody else.” So they found it and killed it, and then JBT just went about this business setting up and proceeded to start singing, and the man who watched all this said “okay Lord, I believe I believe I believe! I want to get spirit filled and I will follow the faith philosophy the rest of my life!” And he got slain on the first song and spirit filled. I’m sure JBT would have come on and told about the scorpion bite even if that guy hadn’t seen it and told me about it, but just in case he was planning to NOT tell that testimony on here, well, now we told it for him! I’ll be back later with more!

    1. Praise God! Well. Jesus sure turned that around for good didn’t He?! The Word says when we believe that no deadly thing will hurt us and since it works then a person got delivered from the false doctrines of permissive will and got Spirit filled!
      I pray for all who have been poisoned

  84. Okay, Rocket Preacher, I’ve read a lot of your posts how were not supposed to carry our burdens and were supposed to cast our cares on the Lord, but whenever I try to do that I always feel guilty. I feel like I’m just trying to pass all my problems off to God instead of dealing with them myself, and JBT told me “yes, exactly! The things you can’t handle in the natural or don’t know what to do about you’re SUPPOSED to hand them off to God.” He said it doesn’t mean we don’t do our normal responsibilities that we have to take care of in life, but things that are overwhelming or we don’t see an answer to me completely cast on the Lord. But that doesn’t help me because I still always feel guilty when I try to do that. What is wrong with me!?

    1. It could be that you have not forgiven yourself for some things from the past and so the demons of.guilt hang on. So, forgive yourself for God does renounce guilt and refuse it and tell the demons of guilt to shut up and Go NOW IN JESUS NAME! Be free in Jesus name!

  85. Here is another testimony. The person who doesn’t really have the gift of word of knowledge told someone the other night that he was misdiagnosed with prostate cancer, and all he had was a virus that enlarged all his lymph nodes. He said they would all go back down and NOT to proceed with any prostate surgeries or biopsies. The man at first said he thought JBT was crazy. But he waited two weeks and then went for a second opinion. Ooops. All he had was a virus and he would’ve had unnecessary painful biopsies, I guess so the medical networks can make money (just inserting my own opinion there) but thank God he didn’t because of the word of knowledge…uh oh… It couldn’t be THAT. It was just a lucky guess. (I had to just do a little goading at JBT there)

    1. Thank you for sharing that! Things like that boosts people’s faith “if” they hear them! That is exactly how the n gifts of the Spirit work to deliver us from false reports and shine the light on what is really going on, and bring healing! The gifts of the Spirit point to the Giver of every good and perfect gift and bring glory to HIM!
      No need for anyone He uses to bring the message to worry for only God gets the glory for without the GIVER there is no gift!

  86. Ok, this is a good one. Some of those obnoxious pastors were there telling people, of course, that JBT was a phony and they were convincing some of the younger people to leave with them but no one would except for one young guy, and JBT said “don’t go with them. They are in an angry fit and they’re going to get in an accident.” And first he wasn’t taking him seriously but JBT said “This same thing happened a few years ago and the people drove off anyway and three of them ended up dead. Do not get in that car!” So the kid listened and sure enough there was a horrible accident that night. I don’t know who lived or died but that boy got saved after he heard about it!

    1. Praise God for that Word of knowledge! So the man was saved from bad injury or death and got saved so he is delivered from eternal torment in hell and will spend eternity in heaven with God! How wonderful is that!
      These miracles and how they come do need to be spoken and shared for it is the work of the Holy Spirit and it will help others!
      Thanks for sharing this! Good job! The Lord is going to reward you for all you do to help the cause! I am praying special blessings on you!

  87. Here’s a good one. A woman was kind of stalking JBT as he was setting up because she thought she saw flames hovering around him and she said her friends told her she was crazy. Then she went up and asked him what that was and all he did was start laughing and then touched her and she got spirit filled. He told her later that was a sign for someone and she was the someone because she was the only one who saw it and asked about it. JBT said “You’re not putting THAT on the blog are you?” I said, Yep, because truth is stranger than fiction. Haaaaa!

    1. Praise God! God does special signs like “flames of fire” to open the people to receive what they need from Him! His love for us is boundless and covers it all!
      Thanks for sharing this testimony! I’m sure JBT is “thrilled!” Hahahaha

    1. Praise God you are added into the Blowing in the Wind club, 203 strong! Our God is the Deliverer, and when His Spierit quickens your mortal body all demons of drug addiction have to go! Enjoy your freedom!

  88. Okay, here’s the next one. A skeptic came the other night with her boyfriend because I guess he found out about stuff that was happening before and convinced her to come. So she came not believing anything, but when she saw the whole scorpion extravaganza, she decided to listen. Then at the end, JBT walked up to her and said “just this morning you said ‘okay, if this is all for real, I have to know somehow that it’s not all fake or smoke and mirrors, so if there’s really a God, maybe he’ll do that for me’ so I guess you’re the reason I got bit by a scorpion.” And then he started laughing hilariously, and then so did she, and she got saved and spirit filled and delivered from depression!

    1. LOL, gotta love it for sure! God sure answered her prayer in a big way! Praise Jesus! The gates of hell shall NOTprevail against the church, but WE WILL prevail over and against the devil and all he tries to do! It is ALL…UNDER…OUR…FEET! Depression leaves others right now, never to come back again! Be loosed in Jesus name!

  89. Okay so here’s another one. This one lady Maria went up to JBT and said that she had no hope because she couldn’t get out of the Catholic Church. She said it’s a bizarre thing that you would never understand and I can’t explain it to you, but I don’t think I’ll ever be free of it. And JBT said, “I know exactly what it is. You don’t have to explain it. You’re addicted to it and it feels like a drug. The candles, the rituals, the rosary, even just walking in the church feels like a drug to you that you can’t live without, and you don’t understand why you feel that way, because a church should not be like a substance like drugs or alcohol.” And as soon as he said it she got slain. And she ended up saved and spirit filled with no desire to go back to the Catholic Church! She said that was exactly what it was! She never told anyone because she thought they would think she was crazy.

    1. Sorcery and drugs are tied together by demons and then they try to bind people with those ropes and chains! When people pray to dead saints they are praying to the dead and people take on demons of sorcery and drugs! It is all by the same spirits thus the feeling of a drug where sorcery and witchcraft are practiced!
      Praise God for this deliverance, salvation, and being Spirit filled!
      Thanks for sharing this! Now others will see this and be delivered!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this helped you in your life! God always has the boost we need and the truth we need to put us on top! Enjoy!

    1. Good! Faith works! With the shield of faith you will be able to quench ALL the fiery darts of the enemy! So faith is a shield and God said above all make sure you take up the shield of faith because it exfinguishes all the flaming.missiles of the devil! All of them!

  90. Here’s a good one. One guy came to hear JBT because he was convinced he was nuts and he just wanted to see how a nut sings. And he said then all of a sudden he felt like choking him. And he saw him later and said “you know, all through that concert, I really just felt like choking you and I don’t know why,” and JBT just started laughing hilariously and the more he laughed more the guy thought he was crazy, but all of a sudden ooops, he was on the ground looking up. And the rest is history. Another one bites the dust.

    1. Be very careful who you want to choke! Hahahahahaha! Because when they start laughing hilariously you will be biting the dust! Oops!

    1. Oh, but of course, nothing could possibly happen there…until the “third song”…when the party turns wild with “wild fire”..( as some call it) lol! Watch close and see what happens the 3rd song especially! Hahahahaha

    1. You are welcome! Excuses are a skin of a reason filled with a lie, and rob, kill, and destroy many people! God warned in the Word of those who will be excusing or accusing one another! Here you put this in action in your life and it really changed your life! Praise God, that’s what it is all about!

    1. Praise God you are now FREE! You are added into the Blowing in the Wind club 203 strong and growing! What a wonderful miracle of God! Instantaneously completely delivered as you throw it to the wind!

  91. I read some of these in the order your hot shot friend told me to and he was right about everything that he said it would help. NOW I have to hear I told you so!

    1. Oops! Well, since it worked and helped you, then the “I told you so” is a small price to pay! Praise God for the help He gave you!

  92. Ooopsy daisy. The first thing they said at the party is “now don’t let things get all out of control with that religious stuff.” HAAAAAAA!

    1. Hahahaha, but of course
      not! All will be totally under control….the control of the Holy Spirit! Oops! Too late to turn back now! Lol.

  93. Here is a great testimony from the end of the night, as we wait for the other ones to come in later on today. This is at the end of the night when this man walked up to JBT and said he used to work for Kenneth Copeland, and he quit when Copeland told people that God told him it was “too late” for a healing and he had to “put his faith in the pacemaker.” And this guy asked JBT what he thought about that. And he told him, “I don’t have any issue with somebody getting a pacemaker. There’s nothing wrong with that whatsoever. But there’s no way in the world that God told him it was ‘too late’ for a healing. And he is way out of touch with the Holy Spirit if he thinks that God told him that. Because if you have a thought like that, and you’re spirit filled, the Holy Spirit will immediately, IMMEDIATELY check you and identify that thought as from the devil.” And the man thought that Copeland had actually said that the Holy Spirit witnessed to it and JBT immediately said “NO WAY would the Holy Spirit identify with that thought as from God. That thought was not from the Holy Spirit, it was from the devil. ”
    So then this other guy who wasn’t even part of the conversation jumps in and says “You better be careful saying things like that, because if it WAS the Holy Spirit, you just said it was the devil, and you blasphemed.” And JBT said “NO way in the world it could have been the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit can’t contradict the word of God.” And when he said that last thing 12 people got slain in the spirit instantly. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    1. There we have it …the Holy Spirit witnessed to the truth spoken by 12 people getting slain in the Spirit! Oops..I guess the naysayers got shut up, as well they should be! HA!

  94. All right, I’m in. I thought it would be safe to go hear this controversial music teacher because it was at a party that had nothing to do with religion or gospel singing. I was so glad I was invited. Now, I guess I have to give up all my philosophies about everything that happens being God’s will and actually get faith! Thank you I think! Somebody requested a Bon Jovi song. Seriously? How does a Bon Jovi song lead to all this? But anyway, some guy requested it, and I got the feeling that singer knew something was going to happen, because he got this look on his face, but before he could even flinch, the guitar player just started wailing it out, and then all these people are feeling this thickness in the air and asking each other what it is, and the man hosting the party goes, “oh, great.” Then people started converting to Christianity! But it was when I got spirit filled that I realized my time is up for these denominational churches who let you skate by not really having faith for anything. That’s what happened to ME, I don’t know about anyone else. So… Now I have a tough row to hoe. I hope this blog will help me. Everyone says it will. Thank you, I think! Seems like you drive a hard bargain here with the whole faith thing too. Oh dear!

    1. Yes, God works in ways that are far above our ways and can turn things the way He wants to get people saved, Spirit filled, healed, and delivered! Welcome in! Lol, I could just picture the “look” on his face you spoke of! Oops, here comes the Holy Spirit! You will be so blessed as you live and walk by faith! You will be so glad you applied yourself and applied this to your life!

  95. Okay so all this time I’m told not to listen to this music teacher because he’s off the wall and doing some kind of cult, etc. etc. Yet when I went to this party and he was singing nonreligious music, a bunch of people got saved and spirit filled. Are they serious? What’s so wrong with that? That’s what we should all want, right? I didn’t know he could cast out demons though. I have a clear mind for the first time in 20 years. I’d like to tell these religious people where to go but I guess that would not be Christlike. HAAAAAAA.

    1. Hypocrites hate those who really have the power of God because they themselves do NOT have even a thimble of power! They cannot cast out any demons and they only spread lies, false doctrines, and false accusations!
      Those with the anointing show that the religious idiots do NOT have the anointing! Where the hypocrites try to control people the true righteous people of God want others to be under the control of the Holy Spirit when they yield themselves to the Holy Spirit!

      Praise God for your deliverance that n is quite a testimony that you finally have a clear mind after.20 years!
      There is none so blind as those who refuse to see!
      Don’t worry, the hypocritical lies will one day find themselves in the place you wanted to tell them to go to if they don’t repent! See, God beat you to it! Lol.

  96. Okay, so I end up test negative for covid because that music teacher say that virus can’t live in Holy Spirit atmosphere! I never hear anything like that and I think okay he strange, but no he not strange because I take rapid test today and no covid! Okay, I believe!

    1. Praise God covid died in the presence of the Holy Spirit and now you are healed and believe! YES AND AMEN! GLORY TO JESUS FOREVER! OUR GOD REIGNS!

  97. I get Holy Spirit at party when not even gospel music play and then no more headache that always come at some point during the day. He say that is gone because demon because it and that all demon go because of Holy Spirit. This is person everyone say has a cult but he not have a cult because everything he say happen! And he told my friend thing about herself he could never have known! Then Roving Reporter girls say funny thing that was in Bible, but she applied to you and that singer… “They who turn world upside down now come here!” A lot of the people playing music with him laugh and laugh when she say that! I like this blog!

    1. Praise Jesus your headaches are gone because the demons that caused it are gone! Only the Holy Spirit can do that so as you said …it is NOT a cult when the Holy Spirit comes!
      Well, the devil’s kingdom needs to be turned upside down and jumped on and crushed! I laughed too when I read what the roving reporter said! Lol!
      I’m glad you like this blog! It will build your faith and make you strong in the Spirit!

  98. Okay, Rev. Rocket, you win. I did this as a complete skeptic and it worked! All right, I will change my ways.

  99. Ok,, l’m here! I hope you are happy! You’re annoying and aggravating and I think you should get a hobby other than torturing people! Thanks Rev. Rocket. This was exactly what l needed!

    1. Welcome ! You are added into the “Blowing in the Wind Club now 204 strong!
      Good going! As you acted in faith the Holy Spirit quickened your mortal body and in an instant all the drug addiction was gone as you threw the stash to the wind!

    1. Praise God this works and it worked for you! Feed.your spirit the Word of God and believe it, say it, and.do it and your faith will grow strong and you will see the “mountains removed”.and get answers to prayers and live in joy and.praise.to Jesus!

    1. You are welcome! Enjoy the faith that pleases God! Without faith it is impossible to please God!

  100. Okay, Rocket Preacher! I have to admit that you were right about everything he said. Your hotshot friend told me to read some of these posts in a certain order, and naturally, as I have seen happen to other people, he was exactly right. It addressed every problem in my life. Now I have to hear I told you so from him, but, I guess it’s worth it. THANKS Rocket Preacher!

  101. Rev. Rocket, do the religious people give you a hard time too? I don’t understand why they get on a vendetta to try to give people a hard time who are only helping people. I only ever one time saw someone ask your show off friend how THEY could get the same results. But that’s balanced against about 9000 who try to run him off. I’m thinking about crashing that party tomorrow night! HA HA HA HA HA!

    1. Religious people have always given me a hard time! They listen to their demons and go against all the Holy Spirit is doing! They cannot see the forest for the trees! LOL. I have to laugh at them! Yes, I do believe it would be in your best interest to go to the party tonight!

  102. You were right Rev. Rocket and the priest all wrong. I bring all evidence and tell him he not know what he talking about and I would rather listen to the ones who turn world upside down. HA HA HA HA HA! He tell me I crazy, and I say “No…YOU crazy because you have no Bible verse to base what you say on but Rocket Preacher have lots!” Haaaaaa!

    1. LOL, well you told the priest right! They repeat rituals and lies, falsehoods, and false doctrines without checking the Word of God so mislead many people!
      Thank God for the truth that sets us free from all the garbage! Jesus IS the way, the TRUTH, and the life!

  103. Here’s a funny one… Last night the man who ASKED JBT to come back because of that relative that needed prayer was all nervous, and comes running up to him as soon as he got there to say he’s changing his mind. He was rambling on and on about how he doesn’t think it’s a good idea after all and he was impetuous when he asked him to come back etc. etc. and then JBT started laughing and said “Oh, that’s just your demons getting all nervous.” And he touch the guy and he gets delivered of demons and spirit filled. HAAAAA!

  104. Rocket Preacher! I get deliver from demon for first time in my life. Just because that man come and sing. I come with someone who crash party, because everybody need help and they seem to know where to go, so I follow. I don’t understand all this, but I believe!

  105. Ok, I’m Matt’s cousin and my whole family pretty much gave up on me because of all my mental problems, but then that controversial music teacher came to do a second party and my cousin said I would get healed. I thought, well, maybe my COUSIN finally got mental problems too because I KNEW that nothing could be done for me. Ooops. well, the demons that my pastor told me don’t exist got cast out and now I am normal for the first time in my life. I thought he’d be happy to hear about it but no…he is angry at that singer. For real???

    1. People who have unbelief also are full of delusion, false accusation, contempt, and hate! Thus the pastors reaction who couldn’t cast out a flea!
      Praise God for your great deliverance and sound mind! Jesus is who He says He is and does what He says He does! Enjoy!

  106. Ok, I had it out with your show off friend last night, and ….well…I think he won. You can decide. Ooops. I said that I was always taught that God’s will might be for us to be sick sometimes. Then JBT said “Sickness is never God’s will. God wants every person healed every time.”
    I said “That’s-too-good-to-be-true.” I thought that at the very least God allows Satan to make us sick for some reason or reasons unknown.
    So your show off friend says “That’s is not what the Bible says and that philosophy will get you killed. One of the most elementary Biblical principles is in James 4:7: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. That verse says some things are from God and some are from the devil. There’s no third category, such as ‘from God through the devil.’ So we should submit to the things of God, and resist what’s from the devil. Sickness is sure not from God so who is it from? Thinking that God “approves” or “allows” the devil’s actions utterly contradicts James 4:7 and takes away OUR responsibility to resist things that are from the devil and demons and puts all the responsibility back on God.
    Nope. He said “YOU submit to the things of God and resist the devil, not “Think maybe what the devil does is allowed by God.” So as long as you are thinking that God “allowed” what is 100% from the devil you will fail to get healing every time. That’s why when they pray “if it be thy will,’ amazingly it’s never “his will.” Why is that? Because the prayer is null and void due to the inference that God might have allowed the sickness and therefore not following James 4:7 like he told us to.” Then he burst out laughing and said “there’s ONE example. I have lots more.” Is that singer right or is he crazy?

  107. Oh dear.All this time I just think your friend is crazy like they all say. But no because he brings power to that place the other day and everyone get save and spirit fill and deliver! And then preacher say he not in will of God. I not believe anymore.I believe this instead!

    1. Good decision! Believing in the power of God is the thing to do! Then you will receive blessing from God! Those who do not.believe cannot receive anything from God! Thats why they are so miserable!

  108. Rocket Preacher, I tell all my whole life that demon not real and nobody need deliverance, just crucify flesh. But that not work very well, and then I go crash that party and get deliver from all demon and really get spirit filled. Now I no longer trust organized churches. I think they not always tell the truth about things, and I have to listen more to Holy Spirit to find out what to believe. I think end times change a lot and everyone need to be aware of it. This blog make more sense than anything my pastor ever say.

    1. Praise Jesus you received the deliverance from demons you needed all this time without anyone in religions to help!
      They have added to and taken away from the Word of God so have lost the anointing and teach false doctrines as you said. I believe God inspired you to go crash the party that turned out to be deliverance and being filled with the Holy Spirit for you and others!
      Enjoy the blog! I do this because I love Jesus and His people and so they could receive the faith and all they need from God and be equipped to help others!
      No weapon that is formed against us will ever prosper for God is for us and is greater than all of it!

  109. Ok, I’m in. I don’t know where you two came from. It’s like a two-part knock out punch. But…I can’t argue, so ok. I guess I have to shape up now. I can’t refute any of this.

    1. It will be worth it as you really live by faith and are able to overcome as you are led by the Spirit of God!

  110. Alright, I’m HERE! I hope you are happy. You nag nag nag til I finally come here, acting like it is a matter of life and death! Do you even realize how annoying you are!? Nope. Thanks Rev. Rocket. This cleared a lot up for me!

    1. O.k. you are added into the Blowing in the wind club! That makes 205 strong delivered by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, praise Jesus! Praise God for your instant total deliverance from drugs and the addiction! Hallelujah to Jesus forever! As you did what the Holy Spirit said do and threw the stash to the wind by faith the power of God set you free!

  111. Ok so my pastor told me that a lot of the new testament doesn’t apply to modern Christians because it depends on who the letters were written to. Like ephesians was written for the church at Ephesus only and colossians only for the church at colossi etc etc. Well then half the new testament wouldn’t apply. I’m so confused. Your 5 octave show off friend said, “don’t go back to that church ever. They’re whacked.” Who is right?

    1. He is TOTALLY RIGHT! STAY AWAY FROM ALL WHO ARE SAYING THE WORD OF GOD WAS JUST FOR BACK IN TIME, ETC. and that it doesn’t apply to us!!! They are lying about the Word of God!
      All the promises of God are yes and AMEN to the glory of God by us! All the Word of God is a revelation of Jesus Christ for HE IS THE WORD made flesh and He saves us, heals us, delivers us,and
      Fills us with the Holy Spirit!

    1. Oops! God broke the trap! Hahahaha! We are looking forward to hearing all God did! We were praying over everything and holding all evil bound!

  112. Well, here what happen Rocket Preacher… Your friend come into play music for our meeting, and they tell him that all they want, but really they start right into say why everything he do is false doctrine. And he cut them off and say, “if you just let me do what you asked me to come do, you have blessing with everyone else, but if you proceed with deceptive reason for getting me here and try to interfere, you will look like fool, and you won’t be able to interfere anyway.” So they choose to look like fool and keep blabbering, then all of a sudden their mouth shut and no more talking for whole night, and the rest of us get save and spirit fill! Did God make them shut up?

    1. Yes. God shut their mouths so they could not interfere! Praise Jesus! When the Holy Spirit is moving strong they are really grieving the Holy Spirit to try and stop it and are in dangerous territory! God will not be mocked!

  113. Rev. Rocket, here’s what happened to me. I came to hear this big controversy, because I found out that the man who brought that music teacher to the meeting was really getting him there to corner him and tell him how wrong he was about everything. So I wanted to hear this big argument, but in the end, they couldn’t say anything! It was like their lips were zipped shut by divine providence and then all the rest of us got the Holy Spirit! Someone told me he even warned them at the beginning but they wouldn’t listen. I don’t know why they fight things like this instead of joining in!

    1. Praise God for all that were saved and those that received the Holy Spirit! God turns it all around and shuts the mouths of the lions, delivers His people and blesses everyone!

  114. Oh dear…this is really exciting! These stupid preachers who tried to set up your friend were speechless. They were too dumb to take the advice and then looked like fools! Now l’m spirit filled but I have a lot to learn!

  115. I’m glad those people had to shut up because that man had a lot to say! I told him I was beset and overwhelmed and that he couldn’t even imagine what was going on in my life. And he said “I’m sure I can’t. Because we’ve all been there, where it’s just deluge after deluge and we’re ready to give up. I’ve been there dozens of times where I just feel like one more drop and the dam was going to break. But that’s where the Holy Spirit swoops down like a bird and puts you on His wings and carries you. You just have to believe. But the most important thing to do when you’re deep in the valley, is praise the Lord. There’s no sickness, poverty, circumstance, demonic force, demonic force in the heavenly, or anything negative that can withstand true, heartfelt praise. It’s an atmosphere those things can’t live in, and when they’re in that atmosphere long enough, you don’t even have to do anything else, that stuff leaves on its own. I’ve even seen demons make a grand exit just because of the level of praise in the room. They can’t bear it. And they don’t give up bodies easily. And I’ve seen evil beings in the heavenlies turn around and give up fights with God’s angels because praise is in the spirit realm and reaches every area on earth and in the heavenlies. That’s how powerful it is. So if I could only offer one bit of advice when you’re in a valley, is praise the Lord. The prison doors will open, the chains will fall off, and everybody around you will be flabbergasted at how the circumstance changed.” And that’s all I heard because all the rest of us were slain again, then, except for the people whose lips were super glued shut. Somebody told me if he starts to speak, which he doesn’t do very often, to record it on your phone and I’m glad I got all that. I don’t understand some of it, or what he saw in the heavenlies. This is all new to me, but I can’t wait to learn more about it! I have to read this every day, Rocket Preacher!

    1. praise God what God says do works! God inhabits our praises, He lives in them! Praise brings the atmosphere of heaven! It is the presence of God that makes demons leave! They are behind all the evil! So as we praise the Lord the anointing of the Holy Spirit manifests and heals and delivers us!
      There are wicked spirits in the atmosphere that try to resist angels God is sending to minister to us and deliver us! They are bound as we praise the Lord and cannot hold up the angels! I bind all those wicked spirits now in the name of Jesus and they must shut up too! HA! Praise God for the victory in Jesus!
      God will help you learn all you need by the Holy Spirit!

  116. Okay so I told your hot shot five octave friend that I was in a lot of depression because of how much life I wasted. I said hello I start at 48 years old and suddenly gain all the ground I should have gained from being a mediocre Christian all my life and not really putting my heart and soul into it. And he said that no matter what, God meets you where you are and gets you where you need to be. He said if you need to cover 10,000 miles a year instead of 500 miles a year because of wasted time in the past, the Holy Spirit will get you there if you do your part. He said don’t get obsessed about going back to change the beginning, just start now and change the ending! And I thought that was powerful advice. What’s the best thing for me to do every day to make big steps towards getting where I should be? You know, like should it be reading the Bible more, praying in tongues more, or just trying to do all of it? He told me to read one of these posts every day when I do my devotions too, so I’m doing that as well!

    1. Yes, that was definitely good advice! God says to humble yourself under the hand of God and HE will lift you up! So as you stay humble before God then the power of God will raise you up! Also, He said to draw close to Him and He will draw close to you! So the more you get in His presence the better! Fear nothing, but only believe, for then all things are possible! Feed your faith the Word of God and say it out loud for God says you will have what you say in faith when you believe you will have what you say! Faith pleases God!
      Yes, the more you pray and praise the Lord the better, and praying in the Spirit is a perfect prayer and builds you up on your most holy faith!
      Your repentance now is very powerful with God! Remember He looks on your heart and as you love Him with all your heart He blesses that!

  117. Okay, so how does Liberace music instructor there think he can wiggle out of the fact that he said he saw battles up in the heavenlies. How can people see that? He talks in circles sometimes when you ask him questions. I wanted to know how he could see that and he said that would be a better question for you.

    1. No wiggling out of it now! Lol!
      First, only believers who are people of prayer would ever see that battle in the heavenlies!
      Then, it is an operation of the gift of discerning of spirits that revealed those spirits and exposed them! One definition of the Word discern is: “to see!”
      When we know what is going on we know what we are fighting and what to do we can do the spiritual warfare needed to tear down the strongholds and stop all the evil cold!

    1. Well, after all it “is” a secular deal! 😊 Let’s see, what was that scripture that says light has shined in the darkness?! Lord Jesus, send the light! Thank you!

    1. Welcome! The power of God is real and God will do exactly what He said in the Word He will do when people believe! The move of God is on and there is no looking back! It is time to flow with the Holy Spirit! Enjoy the blog and believe with all your heart and watch God work!

  118. Rocket preacher that music teacher not answer questions really. That have to be gift word of knowledge right? How else could he do it?

    1. Good! The Lord has something special for you tonight! Believe and receive that and you will be very glad you did!

  119. Rev. Rocket, I get deliver from all demon that keep me away from God right when that man open the singing. And I not even thinking about that because it not gospel concert. He start with “Run to You” and all I keep thinking of is God and that I should run to him and not away from them but mostly I always ran away. Then everything change and I get spirit fill and demon go! Roving Reporter say to put the testimony here. I see here there is a lot to read! Good!

    1. Praise Jesus for your deliverance and God bringing you back to Him right on the first song…”Run to You!” Truly all should be running to the Lord to draw close to Him for He IS the DELIVERER! He is FOR us, and if God be for us, who then can be against us!

  120. Okay, there’s no denying anymore that this stuff is real, but I don’t understand how the Holy Spirit can move when it’s just secular music. Somebody told me this show off singer has a long history of that happening, but I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself. Now I have to get my act together! Thanks to both of you, I think…

    1. You are welcome! The Holy Spirit moves as He will and when one believes and yields to Him all kinds of miracles will happen all over the place!

  121. Ok…now l spirit fill and not sure how it happen because it not even gospel concert but everyone say to go when that music teacher there and thing will happen. Religious people not like him but he say that a good thing. He say they don’t like your blog either and then he laugh. I like this blog a lot!!

    1. Praise God you were Spirit filled! Gods miracle working power goes beyond anything and everything we have ever seen or known! When the anointing of the Holy Spirit is there then anything God promises can happen! Enjoy the blog and press on towards the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!

  122. Well, I get spirit fill and deliver when that first song go to. I not expecting that and then it happened! Now I realize I have a lot to learn but I think now it be easier with Holy Spirit! There is a lot of good thing to read here!

    1. Praise Jesus you got delivered and Spirit filled on the first song! Now it will be easier! Enjoy the blog! God has a lot for you!

    1. Good, praise God this worked as you did everything that was said here! Faith works! Gods Word is true, and He never fails! Those who resist the Holy Spirit fail for
      they refuse to do what God’s Word says do!
      I pray God’s best for you! Enjoy the blog and all the blessings of God!

    1. Good going! Thats the way to do it! The more they tell you not to read this read it more and more! That shows the truth here will truly set you free and build your faith!

  123. I don’t need to be told by anyone what blog to read. You are an extremely annoying individual, and you know who I am talking to. Drip drip drip like Chinese water torture, as if I don’t know what I want to read. I do NOT want to hear I told you so!
    Thanks Rev. Rocket! This answered a lot of my questions!

    1. You are welcome! I’m glad this answered your questions! Someone knew this would help. Praise God for what He is doing and will do in your life!

  124. Rev. Rocket, l feel like I want to be an overcomer.But most days I’m just dragging myself through life.And I don’t want to feel that way.What should I do?

    1. The very first thing is to praise God every day all through the day and do periods of time praying in the other tongues of the Spirit! If not filled with the Spirit ask Jesus to fill you with the Spirit and He will and then you can pray in tongues at will!

      Prayer changes things!
      Read, pray, and speak the Word of God and especially the promises of God!

      Now, agree with me now to be delivered! Know that there are demon spirits behind all oppression and we need to cast them out and when they go they will take their bad feelings with them.
      Every demon of depression and suppression is bound and leaves you now in the name of Jesus!
      Agree with that and say it out loud! Then raise your hands and shout praises to Jesus for delivering you! Hallelujah to Jesus! Glory to God! Thank you Jesus for your delivering power!

      Remember every day to stomp all over the devil’s head! Bind all evil spirits and command them to shut up!

      Faith works so keep using your faith every day! Roman’s 15:13 Now the God of hope FILL you with all JOY and peace in believing, that you may ABOUND in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost! Amen!

  125. Ok Rocket preacher! You got me! Your show off friend nagged me in to coming here and reading these in a certain order so…ok…l reluctantly came here. Oooops. I was wrong and you were right! 😯

    1. Praise God, you came here and received what you needed! God is good and knows everything, even down to the number of hairs on your head! As you trust Him and take Him at His Word and act on it in faith believing blessings will flow!

  126. Rev. Rocket, can our prayers help children who are casualties of this gay agenda? where they indoctrinate them with it in schools and make them think that they’re a different gender, and then parents who should have more sense let them have these mutilating surgeries? Or are our prayers not much help with that!

    1. God loves children and they are the heritage of the Lord! Our prayers are definitely effective to deliver innocent children from this demonic assault! Bind it all and loose the children! The fervent effectual prayer of the righteous avails much! Never underestimate the power of prayer! I pray right now God avenges these children in the name of Jesus! Thank you Jesus for the answer!

    1. Yes, and you will be very glad you walk in faith!!! Faith pleases God! All God’s kingdom runs by faith!

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