Carnal Armour or Faith’s Conquest

GOD SAID TO RUN THE RACE WITH PATIENCE…ENDURANCE AND TO RUN IT TO WIN!! FIRST LAY ASIDE THE “WEIGHT AND SINS THAT EASILY BESET US AND LOOK TO JESUS, THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH. sins are more obvious, but it’s the weight that some forget to lay aside. Things that are weighing you down to keep you from running the course in faith! When David heard there was a giant named goliath defying the army of God and challenging them to send a man to fight. He said “Who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should defy the armies of God?”       

The people of God gave into a spirit of fear and were cowering and hiding. You won’t win any battles in a spirit of fear! But you win EVERY BATTLE YOU FIGHT IN FAITH. OH PRAISE YOU LORD JESUS. THE LORD SAYS GREAT FAITH WILL COME INTO YOUR SPIRIT FOR THE “giant” you face and you will find that giants become less than nothing before a person who knows faith and the power of God.

So a young David says he will fight goliath. If he listened to his own brothers he would’ve given up, for they criticized him saying: “who does he think he is? This little shepherd boy? Then king Saul who was in fear and wouldn’t fight goliath either has a great idea For David! It was to wear “Sauls armour” to fight goliath. CARNAL ARMOUR! I had modern day Sauls tell me I better stop all these miracles that happen when I ministered. Ha ha. How ridiculous. “they” didn’t call me into the ministry and they didn’t fast and pray with me to produce those miracles and they had nothing to say about the 7 year old girl who was born deaf, that after prayer, a hot oil went all in her ears and she could hear for the first time ever. Praise God. Her life was changed forever in a few moments of time. I refused the carnal armor of unbelief and went on in faith and hundreds and hundreds of miracles later I am praising God for ALL He has done and is doing.

YOU HAVE TO KNOW THE MIND OF GOD FOR YOURSELF!! David refused that armour and said: “I HAVE NOT PROVED THIS OUT, but I have overcome a lion and a bear that came to devour my sheep and now my God will deliver this goliath into my hands the same way. Oh yes my friend, the same way God led you this far, even so shall He lead you on!! David FACED the goliath. He didn’t run or hide. FACE THAT THING IN THE NAME OF JESUS AND TAKE IT DOWN. HAHA THE devil hates this. OH WELL. OOPS. SQUISHED unbelief and fear. goliath curses him by his gods(demons), but to no effect because David says “you come with sword spear and shield but I COME TO YOU IN THE NAME OF THE LORD AND THIS DAY YOU ARE GOING DOWN …OFF WITH YOUR HEAD.” Praise God it was so, for David spoke in faith. Throw the carnal armor off that has tried to vex you and face the goliath and speak words of Faith and watch GOD MOVE HEAVEN AND EARTH FOR YOU AND GREAT WILL BE THE VICTORY AND YOU WILL RECEIVE!

8 thoughts on “Carnal Armour or Faith’s Conquest

    1. fear is a demon…obsession is a demon…obsessive fear thoughts is a demon…and the good news is that Jesus conquered it all and so it is so simple to be delivered! Recognize the need for deliverance…believe that Jesus has purchased deliverance for you on the cross…realize it is demons behind all the bondage…bind them in the name of Jesus and tell them all to get out of the flesh and they WILL GO! I agree with you now for your deliverance and in the name of Jesus all these obsessive fear tormenting spirits MUST GO OUT NOW! The obsessive tormenting thoughts of fear will not be there anymore for the root cause (demons) will be gone! Praise God for setting you free!

    1. That’s right! Time to do some stomping on those demons heads, and OUT they go…with their obsessive fear thoughts of torment! Praise God for the PEACE of God that passes all understanding that will keep your heart and your mind!

  1. Ok! I’m here. I read this post and many others. I hope you are happy…you’ve showed me the error of my ways. YOU know who you are. I am very aggravated with you. DON’T gloat. You are a very nervy individual who annoys me. (I got a lot out of this blog so far Rev Rocket, thanks!)

    1. You are welcome! Jesus knows exactly what you need and has you here right now for such a time as this as with Esther in the old Testament! It is the time for deliverance for God’s people must be delivered to be ready to meet our bridegroom when He comes back for us to take us to be with Him forever!

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