In this messed up world of confusion, anxiety, stress and woe we need to find the place of perfect peace, deliverance from all evil, and a life of victory over it ALL!

Jesus is the “Prince of Peace!”  We need to praise Jesus every day for as we exalt Him He will live big in us, Christ in you, the hope of glory!  When you praise the Lord your heart and mind are on Him, and there is NO stress in Him, only PEACE that passes all understanding!

Jesus was not lost, but we were lost!  You did not find Him, but He did find you!  When you are lost you cannot find your way!  When lost you do not know Him or His presence, so there is no true joy in your life for in His “presence” is fulness of joy!  When lost there are no answers to prayers for without Jesus you don’t have any faith at all!  Since the joy of the Lord is our strength then without joy we are weak and vulnerable to the fiery darts of the devil!  Ouch!  That is a very bad position to be in!  Then the steam roller of doubt, unbelief and fear rolls right over you, and sickness, trouble, vexation, stress and confusion fill your life….LOST…without God or His Son!

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever would believe on Him would not perish, but have life everlasting!”  (John 3:16)

Hallelujah!  Jesus Christ IS LORD!

When you realized that Jesus bore your sin, died for you on  the cross, and rose again from the dead, and confessed Jesus is Lord, you went from lost to FOUND!  Jesus found you and you were saved, born again, born of the Spirit to new life by the resurrection power of God!

Have you noticed that man has a way of messing things up when he puts “his” ideas and man made doctrines mixed in with the Word of God?  Then denominations are created that denominated the Word and a little leaven (lies, false doctrine) leavens the whole lump!  

So, here you are just being “found,” but you listen to the false doctrines and start to “wander” in the wilderness of unbelief and lies!  Unbelief caused God’s people to wander in the wilderness 40 years until they died in their unbelief.  The promised land flowing with milk and honey and all they needed in the provision of God was right there, but they “looked” at the “giants”….the problems, and high walled cities instead of the Word and promises.of God and refused to believe God, and therefore lost out and wandered here and there and went in circles in their fear and doubt!  

When you wander it is a feeling of hopelessness and dread that drives you to your wits end!  The world’s confusion, stress, and sin burdens you and weighs you down instead of being led by the Spirit of God, and peace!

When you wander in the wilderness first here then there, never quite knowing “where” is “the spot to be!”  First in the “church of death,” then the “1st church of the Frigidaire,” with a polar bear in the pulpit, and icebergs in the pews! LOL!

They hate people whenever they feel like it and are led by emotion, and have no faith!  They cannot cast out demons for they don’t believe they are there, and do NOT have the power to cast anything out!  They deny the power of God, say “no” to the Holy Spirit and the only way to cast out demons is by the power of the Holy Spirit!  

Wanderers are wishy washy, up and down and never unmoveable or steadfast in faith!

Joshua and Caleb were the only 2 out of the whole group that said in faith:  ” Let us go up AT ONCE and possess the land for the enemies are bread for us!” They were the only 2 out of the original group that did get to go into the promised land, drive out the enemies, and possess their inheritance!  They were not wanderers for they moved in faith on the promises of God every day!

God says to run the race with patience, endurance, steadfastness, NOT in un-patience.. anxiety!  Run to WIN laying aside the sin and weight that does so easily beset us!  Sometimes we are carrying other’s lies, false doctrines, heavy burdens they try to hang on us, and it weighs us down, and we stop living as we should in faith and the power of God!

Cast all your cares on Jesus for HE CARES for you, and will SUSTAIN YOU!  

How are we going to finish the race without looking ahead?  The BEST is yet to come!  The path of the just is as the shining light that shines more and MORE to the perfect day!!!

Complaining weighs us down! Murmuring weighs you down!

“Excusing yourself or accusing one another weighs you down where you say:  “I can’t come to God’s feast because of this, or that, or because of what others are doing!”  God talks of a feast where when invited people begin to excuse or accuse and refuse to come to the Feast!  

Consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest you be “wearied” (weariness of the flesh and spirit), and faint in your minds! Hebrews 12:3. (Galatians)  Be not weary in well doing for in due season you will reap if you faint not!  Isaiah 28:11,12…For with stammering lips and another tongue will I speak to this people.  To whom He said, This IS my rest wherewith you may cause the weary to rest; and this IS the refreshing…!  Praise God, it is not by your own might or.power but by my Spirit says the Lord that the mountain will be removed!  

Pray in the Holy Spirit in other tongues, and be strong in the Lord and His might!  This IS the rest and refreshing that will deliver you completely from all weariness!

How much time have you spent worrying, freting,complaining, or speaking unbelief compared to how much time you have spent praying in tongues?  When you pray in tongues you also build yourself up on your most Holy FAITH!

IT IS HIGH TIME TO AWAKE OUT OF SLEEP TO RIGHTEOUSNESS AND GO IN AND POSSESS THE LAND!  LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED, NETHER LET IT BE AFRAID!  BELIEVE IN JESUS AND LIVE THE “FOUND” LIFE, THE ABUNDANT LIFE JESUS GIVES, AND NOT the lost life wandering around in unbelief and confusion!  Stop acting like you did when you were “lost!”  Do NOT identify with the “lost,” but identify with FOUND, BECAUSE YOU ARE FOUND!

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with all prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God  and the peace of God that passes knowledge will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus!



Jesus came full of grace and truth.  He healed the sick, raised the dead, and calmed the troubled sea!  All He did, He did for you and me!  

 A SONG ABOUT THE LIGHTHOUSE SAYS IT ALL!  There is a light that shines out to rescue us from destruction and Jesus is that light!  Praise God!  There are some of God’s people that need to be rescued!  They are living by circumstances and have become run by their senses and emotions and are living from the outside in and the devil has taken advantage and established evil patterns to keep you in a constant state of turmoil!  After this post, that will all change and be turned the right way and new, good, blessed patterns will be established!  

The devil is the father of lies and there is NO truth in him whatsoever, and he is the one that has been telling  you by circumstance that “you cannot take it or make it!”  The devil is the father of lies!  Who do you think it was that robbed  everything from you?  Who do you think got all those people to turn against you?  (the spirit of rejection)  The devil lied to them about you and they listened and acted on the lies to do a number on you!  They were trying to get you living in a spirit of rejection and get you to hate them!  The lies try to make you sad and rob hope by those lies and make the heart of the righteous sad who God has NOT made sad!  

All the mess from the devil tries to rob hope, but when you choose to live from the inside out when God’s Word says Hope you in God you rebuke the lies about you and life and you say: “There IS hope in God!  You get hold of that in your spirit and believe and say what He says in Philippians 4  “I can do ALL things through Christ Jesus!”  I will hold fast to hope and hope in God!    With Jesus it is UP and NOT down!  The devil is the one who went down so that is where he tries to take everyone with him by his foul, filthy, abominable lies from the pit of hell! 

 Here is a word for someone:  “The  just SHALL come OUT of trouble!  Proverbs 12.  Now put that in your spirit and believe it, say it, live it, for it IS YOURS!  That is the Word of God and we are to live by every Word of God and we do that from our inner man, our spirit!  

We are a spirit {the real us}, we have a soul {emotions and intellect], and live in a body!  When we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit where does He flow from?  From our inner most being shall FLOW RIVERS OF LIVING WATER!  John 7:38.  He bypasses the outside and comes on the inside and flows out!  That’s how we need to live…from the inside out!  

God is a Spirit and they that worship  Him MUST worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!  Spirit goes to spirit!  You have faith that came by hearing the Word in your “heart,”  your spirit, your “inner man!”  Now, you can live by that faith in your spirit (inside), and NOT be ruled by circumstances on the outside!  

Jesus doesn’t just have the answer, He IS the answer!  Jesus doesn’t just “have” the light, He IS  the LIGHT!  That’s why Paul the apostle said:  “That I may KNOW HIM and the power of His resurrection!  Philippians 3:7-15.  INSIDE KNOWLEDGE is POWER!  When you KNOW the truth the truth MAKES YOU FREE!  FREE from heavy burdens!  FREE from fear!  FREE from the past! FREE from all torment!  FREE from the fear of the future!  FREE from all the lies of the devil and lying spirits!  FREE from rejection!  FREE from spirits of reverse order that cause you to get it backwards or upside down!

One man built his house on the sand and the storms came and beat on the house and destroyed it and he ended up living upside down…destroyed!  All other ground contrary to Jesus is sinking sand and when you build your house, your life on these things, your house will end up upside down!  The storms of life and outside circumstances rule you and your house is swayed by the fierce winds and rains beating on your house!  This was the life of the “foolish man!”  

Then there was a man of wisdom who built his house on the ROCK, and when the storms of life beat on it, the house stood strong, for the foundation was the ROCK!  When your life is built on Jesus, your life is right side up and NOTHING can take  you down… you are UNMOVABLE, ALWAYS ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord! 1 Corinthians 15:58.   I am not ashamed of the gospel  of Christ for it is the POWER OF GOD to salvation!  

Jesus said:  “I AM the way, the truth and the life.!”  He said:  “I AM the resurrection and the life and he that believes in me will live and never die!”

Anything, or anybody that tells you that you “cannot do” what God says you can do is a liar!  “I CAN do ALL things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me!” Philippians 4.. “ The Lord IS the strength of my life!” Psalm 27:1.  “Be strong in the Lord and the Power of HIS might!” Ephesians 6:10.  Don’t rely on your own strength , but rely on HIS STRENGTH!  HIM!  HE IS THE LIFE!  Live from the words of God in the inside in your spirit, and rule in life in Jesus over ALL circumstances on the outside, and NOT from the circumstances on the outside in!  When circumstances are calling the shots your emotions and mind will be confused, bewildered, tormented and messed up and will make you think that when the winds of the storm blow and beat on the house, it will go down in a pile of dust!

But Psalm 103:1-5  says, “Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.”(He told his soul–the emotions and intellect–what to do: to bless the Lord!  He is living from the inside out!) Bless the Lord oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits; who forgives all your iniquities: who heals all your diseases; who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with loving-kindness and tender mercies; who satisfies your mouth with good things; so your youth is renewed like the eagle’s!

While you are blessing and praising the Lord; His presence manifests for He “inhabits,” lives in our n praises! In His presence is fullness n of joy, healing, deliverance, and all that He is and has for us, and will manifest as we reme.ber them, and use our faith in Him for all these blessings! All because you lived from the inside out and told your soul what to do from your spirit, your inner most being, and were not shaken or controlled by the outside circumstances!

Isaiah 40: 29-31  He gives power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increases strength.  Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:  But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and NOT faint!  HALLELUJAH TO JESUS!   It is NOT by your own power or might, but by MY SPIRIT says the Lord that this mountain SHALL BE REMOVED!  (verse 7)!   Rely in and on the power of the Holy Spirit IN your spirit, in you to remove those mountains that stand in the way!  Pray the Word, believe it, say it, and it will come to pass in your life and rule OVER the circumstances!

The word of God is the revelation of Jesus Christ!  HE is the Living word!  No man comes to the Father except by Him!  All other ground is sinking sand where lives are turned upside down by the storms of life, lies of the devil, outside circumstances!  Jesus Christ is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending!  Jesus is the Author and finisher of your faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and is set down on the right hand of the Father God!  (Hebrews 12:2)

Philippians 1:6  He that has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ!  Jesus Christ is Lord and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord  Psalm 18:2  He is the ROCK of our salvation!  Psalm 62:6  He only is my rock and my salvation:  he is my defence; I shall not be moved.





This is a mini post to answer the questions about the rings of fire and move of God in these last days!

Many have asked what was the meaning of the rings of fire that appeared recently and suddenly all the demons that were in the flesh were driven out and people set free and received much from the Lord including being filled with the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues (languages)!  

I have known the light of God to come in a meeting and be over the head of the one ministering and moving around the meeting, and it was a tremendous boost in power and great miracles happened everywhere.

I asked the Lord about the rings of fire and what I received was:  “This is a taste of what goes on in the throne room!”  When you see rings of fire of the Holy Ghost, and all the demons in people are just burnt right on out, YOU KNOW IT IS THE ANOINTING OF THE HOLY GHOST AND FIRE for Jesus said that if demons are cast out by the Spirit of God, then, NO DOUBT: the kingdom of God has come to you.

Now, these manifestations of the Spirit came while everyone was praising God in unity and one accord!  God loves harmony!  He sent the singers and praisers out in front of the army in the Old Testament!  PRAISE IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF PRAYER!  When it says in Psalm 22:3 that God inhabits our praises, it means He dwells, lives in our praises!  The literal translation says:  God sits on the THRONE OF OUR PRAISES! God’s rule and power come into manifestation and special miracles out of the ordinary, above and beyond the usual, come!  Psalm 100:4 says, Enter His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise!  Zechariah 2 says that God says: I will be a wall of fire AROUND it… and Psalm 34:7 says: “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them!” Notice He is a wall of fire AROUND it… and the angel of the Lord camps round about us!  “Circles of fire!”  We are in the last days outpouring of the Holy Spirit and these are signs of God to alert us and help us!  Receive His miracle working power into your life now and be made whole in Jesus name!  I loose everybody to be free to praise and worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, even Jesus Christ!  God will inhabit your praise and rule on the throne of your praises and His power and glory will flow and bring perfect liberty to prepare us for His coming back for us to take us home to be with Him forever.  

Now go back and read the last post again ..FAITH IN THE HEART FOR A BRAND NEW START BY A MIRACLE IN YOUR MOUTH, and let the Lord speak to you.  Praise Jesus for all that is going to happen from Him.


There is hope for “even” you!  The devil tries to make you feel as if you are lost, without hope, and only going to get worse and worse, for how could “you,” little, lacking, “you” ever get an answer to prayer!?  

When you look to Jesus, hope comes alive for He IS our hope!  Romans 15:13 “May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in believing  so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope!  

What Jesus did for one He will do for another!  When you see Jesus delivering the man who was crazy, naked,  and running around the tombs cutting himself with stones, and all the demons that were oppressing him go out, and he gets clothed and in his right mind for the first time in a long time; Jesus will deliver you from ALL demon oppression and loose your mind and bring you perfect peace in your heart and mind.  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever!  

In Mark 5 there was a woman sick with an issue of blood.  She was bleeding to death.  For 12 long years she had gone to doctor after doctor after doctor and suffered many things of them, and grew worse and worse and worse not getting ANY better at all!  She had spent ALL that she had so had no more money to do anything!  Talk about feeling empty and hopeless!  She was spent mentally, emotionally, physically and financially!  HOPELESS!  But then….she HEARD OF JESUS!  Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!  People spoke of Jesus, the Living Word!  She heard of Jesus delivering people like the man bound with demons of insanity, cutting himself, running around naked among the tombs, and how when he came to Jesus he was completely DELIVERED,sitting, clothed and in his right mind.  HALLELUJAH!  She heard of Jesus healing others of all kinds of things and raising the dead, and faith came alive in her heart!  

One day Jesus came and she heard He was there and she PRESSED her way through the crowd thronging Jesus, for she said within herself (this spent woman), “If I may but just touch the hem of His garment I will be made whole.”  She PRESSED through the crowd and touched the hem of His garment, and was INSTANTLY HEALED.  Jesus stopped and asked who touched Him.  The disciples said:  “You see the crowd thonging you and you say”who touched me?”  Jesus perceived virtue had gone out of Him!  She came and fell at His feet and said it was her and He told her that her faith made her whole and to go and be whole of her plague!  

From having spent ALL she had to being made whole by the virtue in Jesus, the living Word, by faith!  The faith in her heart ignited by hearing of Jesus cause her to put a miracle in her mouth by “saying” she would be made whole when she touched the hem of His garment!  Then as she put the words into action and PRESSED through the crowd and touched the hem of His garment she was made whole and the flow of blood dried up immediately after 12 long years!  She pressed in to possess the promises!   

If you erroneously believe that God permitted the oppression, sickness or other evil you will never press in to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment to be made whole!  God does not want you missing out on ANYTHING He has for you not even a little bit!  Sometimes believers compromise in their lazy spirit where they don’t press in to the kingdom of God and therefore let go of many blessings and promises that were theirs by inheritance through Jesus!  Hebrews 3;15-19 and 4;1 says;  “While it is said today if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.  For some, when they had heard, did provoke; however not all that came out of Egypt by Moses.  But with who was he grieved forty years?  Was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?  And to who sware he that they should not enter into His rest, but to them that believed not?  So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.  Let us therefore  fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into His rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.

Then Hebrews 4:2,3  For to us was the gospel preached, as well as to them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.  For we which have believed do enter into rest!

We need to press  into the promises of God to make them performances!  The devil is a liar and the father of lies!  The devil is the one who says you can’t have the rest of God!  The devil is the one that tries make you weary in well doing to make you faint so you won’t reap!  We must allow the Holy Spirit to flow freely in and through us for this is “the refreshing and rest!  Isaiah 28:13.  

In these troubled days of wars and rumors of wars and the spirit of vexation troubling many we must PRESS IN TO EnTER INTO GOD’S REST, SO WE CAN LET THE PEACE OF GOD RULE IN OUR HEARTS AND LIVES! Then we will handle everything in life and walk in victory!  

We must drive the giants out of the land who are trespassers and trying to take a place that does not belong to them so we can enter into the rest of God and possess the land, the inheritance He has given us!  Some live life living haphazard with a “whatever will be will be” attitude, and think God just plops on them automatically whatever , whenever and so never get anywhere spiritually and are not grounded in the faith.

God says to be grounded in the faith, unmoveable, always ABOUNDING IN THE WORK OF THE LORD!  “Thanks be to God that always causes us to triumph and gives us the VICTORY.”  HE ALWAYS causes us to triumph in Jesus Christ, ALWAYS…ALWAYS…ALWAYS!  THAT’S what God does!

So God is NOT permitting awful things to teach!  He gave His Word to teach and His Word says He always gives us the victory and causes us to triumph!He gave us the weapons of our warfare that are mighty through God to the PULLING DOWN of strongholds!  Hallelujah!  2 Corinthians 10.    “I can do ALL THINGS through Christ which strengtheneth me!”  We have to take hold of the weapons of our warfare and USE them and tear DOWN the strongholds of satan including every fallen angel and every demon spirit!  Whatever we bind is bound, and whatever we loose is loosed!  The name of Jesus, the sword of the Spirit that is the Word of God, the blood of Jesus…weapons that tear  down the strongholds and looses people to receive the power of the Holy Spirit and be delivered and set free indeed!  Don’t forget that the fervent, effectual prayer of the righteous avails much…makes much power available! 

It is high time to awake out of sleep and possess the promises, drive the giants out of the land and enter into God’s rest!  How dare demon spirits rob you!  You need to get mad at the devil for the evil he is and is trying to do!  The demon spirits are NOT your friends!  It is time to stomp them under your feet!  “NOW the God of peace bruise (crush) satan under your feet NOW!  He that comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!

God said to fight the good fight of faith, laying hold of eternal life!  Ekphesians says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers the rulers of the darkness of this world!  Some just stop at…”we wrestle not” and never fight the good fight of faith , but lay back and accept whatever plops on them and blame God for it all!  What utter spiritual laziness and deception!  God said to submit yourself to Him, resist the devil and he will FLEE FROM YOU!  PRAISE GOD!  There is a battle to fight and win!  The devil comes to rob, kill, and destroy, but Jesus has come to give you life and life more abundantly!  The devil commissions and uses demons to do the dirty work!  They will rob you of blessings of joy, peace, healing, etc. IF you let them.  

God said that having done ALL to stand, STAND, and have the full armor of God on!  This is why it is so very important to search the scriptures, know the promises of God for THAT is the WILL of God in His Word.  Then, when anything is trying to rob what God promises YOU must bind, rebuke, resist, and fight those evil spirits and stand firm on the promises ofGod to possess what they promise!  Praise God as we press through we win!  

Living life from fear to fear is looking for the next rock to fall on your head, looking for the worst to happen..  It is a life full of mental and evotional torment!  Perfect love CASTS OUT fear for fear has torment!  You cannot flow in the Holy Spirit and fear at the same time!  It is time to be delivered of anxiety, fear, stress, anguish, and anxiety ans well as dread demons!





God has a life for us, a NEW LIFE, free from the past, completely free!  Completely NEW! The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus HAS  made me FREE from the law of sin and death!  Sow to the Spirit, reap life everlasting!  


You have a choice in life no matter what  shadow of hopelessness the devil has tried to cast over you!  God has set before us Life and death and then says “CHOOSE LIFE!”  So if God says to choose life then CHOOSE LIFE!

Here sits blind Bartimaeus, a beggar, an outcast, the lowest in society, no future, no promise of anything different than the blindness and the begging.  Then one day he hears that Jesus of Nazareth is passing by and faith ignites in his heart and he begins crying out “Jesus you Son of David, have mercy on me!”  People told him to shut up for they considered him unworthy for he was a blind beggar.  The more they said to shut up the more he cried out to Jesus to have mercy on him!  Jesus, you Son of David have mercy on me!  Notice he was NOT begging Jesus for money or begging for anything, but crying out for mercy!  Jesus told them to bring him to Him.  When Bartemaeus called for mercy from Jesus, the Son of David, he was saying Jesus was the Messiah, the Savior for the Savior would come through that lineage.  He had faith in Jesus! 

Bartimaeus JUMPED UP, and CAST OFF (threw off forcefully) his beggar garment  and came to Jesus!  Jesus asked him what he wanted, and Bartemaeus said that he might see!  Jesus told him that his faith had made him whole, and immediately received his sight and followed Jesus.  Note that he did NOT go back and get the beggar garment that beggars wore to identify themselves as beggars.    That life, that old life was over and he was in NEW LIFE IN JESUS as his faith had made him WHOLE!  He was NEW inside and his blind eyes opened to see!  No longer was he what he used to be, the old was gone and the NEW LIFE was his!

Wouldn’t it be silly for him to be following Jesus and a month later be thinking he was unworthy of Jesus because of his “old life” and start begging again?!  Wouldn’t it be stupid for Bartimaeus to think thoughts of the past and let guilt and sorrow and giving up overwhelm him?  You cannot walk in faith and unbelief at the same time!  You cannot walk in the light and darkness at the same time!  You cannot be sweet in Jesus,  forgive, walk in love,  and think the same bitter ways you used to  in your “OLD LIFE!”

We need to throw off the cloak, the garment of the past COMPLETELY and let it go, and walk in the NEW LIFE IN JESUS BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD!  The problem with many is they are not getting answers to prayers and their joy is not full.  The reason is they are trying to still be a beggar and come pleading their cause and begging out of “guilt,” and “false condemnation<” and “feeling unworthiness!”  NO, NO, NO, a thousand times NO!  The way you come to the throne of God is BOLDLY by the blood of Jesus!  His blood has cleansed us from all unrighteousness, and He made a New and Living way consecrated for us through the veil, that is to say  His flesh. (Hebrews 10)

The New Life with and in Jesus is NOT the “old life” made over!  The old has  passed away!  Throw off the old sin thoughts for you are a NEW CREATION!  You are born again… NEW LIFE!  We are “born again” …NEW LIFE in Jesus with no past held over us whatsoever!  The Spirit bears witness with your spirit that you are a child of God, born of the Spirit to NEW LIFE!

Romans 8:2  The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus HAS made us FREE from the law of sin and death!  Throw away all the skeletons in the closet, all that was sin and death!  Thoughts, failures, sin, oppression, persons, places, or things, or circumstances!

If you are still trying to wear a beggar garment, remember  the old and new do NOT mix!  A little leaven leavens the whole lump!  Are you  remembering what you used to be as a sinner, feelings, unworthy, guilt and condemnation, etc.?  THROW IT ALL AWAY; THROW THAT GARMENT OFF AND STOP WEARING IT!  You are NOT the blind beggar anymore!  Reckon yourself to be dead to sin and ALIVE to God through Jesus!  We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!  

Notice Bartimaeus did NOT go back and get that beggar  coat, for he KNEW his beggar days were OVER and he followed Jesus, who is the LIFE!  

Some are in a “PIT OF DESPAIR” where there has been a complete loss or absence of hope!  You have been down so long you have accepted it as your lot in life, and “just the way it has to be.”  Everywhere you look the walls of the pit are holding you in and you see no way out!  There are demons of despair, hopelessness, no hope, and acceptance to get you to “accept” despair as the way it has to be for you!  

CRY OUT FOR MERCY TO JESUS NOW!  RIGHT NOW!  THANK YOU JESUS THAT this pit of despair is NOT their lot in life or the “way it has to be!”  Do NOT claim or accept any pit as your lot in life!  I bind, rebuke, and crush all the demon spirits of despair and the whole entourage and they must ALL leave you NOW in Jesus name, and NEVER come back!

Jesus is the WAY OUT and IN HIM IS LIFE AND IN HIM IS YOUR NEW LIFE!  Don’t look to the right or to the left, but let your eyes look right on… STRAIGHT AHEAD IN JESUS BY THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST!  

You are delivered from the pit of despair NOW in Jesus name!  Psalm 40:1-3  I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry.  He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And He has put a NEW SONG in my mouth, even praise to our God:  many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.  The NEW LIFE is a NEW SONG, even PRAISE to God!  God brings you out of the horrible pit to LIFE, the NEW LIFE of overcoming, and to live that LIFE  and let the LIFE of GOD flow through you, you must LIVE A LIFE OF PRAISE TO GOD!  God delivers you from the horrible pit of despair when you cry to Him for Mercy,  and puts your feet on a rock, and puts a NEW SONG in your mouth, even PRAISE TO OUR GOD!  AMEN!    



The question is, “What will you do with what God has given you?  Where will you go in life?  How far will you allow the Lord to go in your heart and life?  Will YOU limit the Holy One of Israel or not?   Will you take off the limits YOU have put on God?  

“You can go so far Lord, but no further!”  Where have you heard that?   

“ Lord you can have this, but not that!”   How about whole churches and denominations that say,  “Lord you can save us, but do NOT expect us to get filled with the Spirit and speak in tongues!”    

Others “let” the Lord save them and fill them with the Spirit, but absolutely refuse to open their hearts to be delivered from demons that are oppressing them in the flesh!  They are LIMITING GOD, LIMITING THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL and saying:  “God, you can go so far and NO further!”  

Ephesians 3:20:  “Now to Him that is able to do EXCEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY, FAR ABOVE ALL we ask or think according to the power that works in us, “To Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”  What are you doing settling for less than God’s BEST?   God has SO MUCH that is FAR ABOVE ANYTHING you ever thought or imagined!  Exceeding: exceeds all you have EVER thought, or imagined!  It exceeds the needs!  It exceeds everything man knows!  It EXCEEDS what EVERY preacher knows!  It EXCEEDS what denominations have or think they have or think they know!  

ABUNDANTLY: MORE THAN CAN BE MEASURED!  God has abundance of All, and it is far over and above all that we ask or think, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams!  Praise God, the message of taking off the limits we have put on God should have started to sink in now!

When there is fear going on, you are limiting God by “letting” the fear speak, control, and torment!  The demons of fear can project feelings, such as when you feel afraid. But remember, feelings can lie!  Just because you feel something does NOT make it true!  God NEVER said that man shall live by every feeling he has, but He DID say:  “Man shall live by EVERY WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD!”   

So, when you “feel” like, “oh, you are going to get sick with the virus,” guess what?  That is a lying spirit of fear from the pit of hell trying to set you up to get sick, if you let that fear control you!  When you fear, you are not made perfect in love for fear has torment!  God IS LOVE, and you are limiting love in your life when you fear!  Perfect love CASTS OUT fear!  Limit love and you’ll have no deliverance from fear!  If you yield to fear, you limit the love flow in your life, and limit love itself, and your faith won’t work right, for FAITH WORKS BY LOVE!

When you walk in love, it triggers faith and miracles happen, answers to prayer happen, and you RECEIVE A LOT, FOR FAITH WORKS BY LOVE!   God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE, AND A SOUND MIND!   

I REBUKE EVERY demon of fear and all its torment RIGHT NOW!  TAKE YOUR thoughts of failure, and thoughts of evil and destruction, and GET OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS!  HALLELUJAH!  VICTORY IN JESUS!   

LORD, FLOOD YOUR PEOPLE WITH YOUR LOVE RIGHT NOW BY THE HOLY GHOST!    The Love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost!

Jesus said: “Let not your heart be troubled, neither  LET it be afraid!”  Limit NOT the peace of God, but let the peace of God rule in your heart and life!  Your will is involved!   His people will be willing in the day of His power!  

Psalm 68:1-3:  “LET GOD ARISE, LET His enemies be scattered: LET them that also hate Him flee before Him.”

Some do not let God do anything and then complain that “God” has not done anything for them!  God will NOT force you to live for Him, but He invites you!  Everyone who is thirsty let him come to the water of life and drink freely!  It is up to you to come to the water and drink!  

Jesus said:  “Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest!”  “Take” means it is up to you to take His yoke on you and learn of Him for He is meek and lowly in heart!  You have to make the step to go to Jesus, or you won’t receive deliverance from demons of heavy burdens, and you will strain at a gnat and swallow a camel as Jesus said! 

In Psalm 110 God says His people WILL BE WILLING IN THE DAY OF HIS POWER!  You are using your will to come to God and to allow the Holy Spirit to fill you, lead you, help you, and comfort you!  Don’t limit the power of God in your life by not being “willing” in the day of His power!  You have to say “yes” to the Holy Ghost to have in life what He gives!  Get up every morning and say, “YES, LORD, I am willing in the day of your power, and I will NOT limit your power today!  I WILL LET GOD ARISE and His enemies be scattered!  

They limited God in their unbelief!  Anything opposite to faith is not of God and will cause you to limit God in your life! 

 Psalm 78:40,41: “How often did they provoke Him in the wilderness, and grieve Him in the desert!  Yes, they turned back and tempted God, and LIMITED the Holy One of Israel.”  

Oh, my dear friends whatever you do, PRESS ON, and do NOT look back, or turn back or “limit”  Jesus in your life!  Believe me, He has your best interests in mind! 

Yield to the Holy Spirit, flow with Him and be careful not to grieve the Holy Spirit or do things that tempt God.  Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith!  

How far do you want to go with the Lord?  Take off all the limits you have put on Him now!  Do NOT limit God by your past!  Jesus took all your sins and shed His blood so that you would be forgiven and cleansed, but are you listening to demons of unbelief, failure, false condemnation, and failure complex?  Your future is NOT determined by your past failures, your future is determined by how you yield to the Holy Spirit now and don’t limit God by anything! 

Confess the greatness of His power toward us who believe, including yourself!  Speak aloud Ephesians 3:20:  Lord you are able to do exceeding, abundantly, FAR ABOVE ALL that I  ask or think, infinitely beyond my highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams,  according to the power that works in me!  I refuse to fear or have unbelief!  I refuse to limit God in anything!   

I expect the unexpected, and the miraculous ABOVE ALL I ask or think!  I LET God arise and let the peace of God rule in my heart!  I let the high praises of God be in my mouth according to Psalm 149!  

Praise Him now for the Divine Flow of Love, Peace, and His Spirit, and praise him that the limits are OFF!  



The mind is a battleground, and what “You” do with your mind can make or break you, put you over or take you under, keep you on the path of life or lead you into destruction!  Mental torment is horrible, and is the total opposite of peace!  When you live for Jesus, part of your inheritance is a stable mind of peace at all times!  Do NOT settle for less than that!  The devil loves to tempt you with compromise, and you cannot afford to compromise this!  Not even a little bit!

Where the devil takes people is to a dark downward place of a reprobate mind that is a morally depraved, unprincipled mind where the person is set on satisfying the flesh and not the Spirit of God, where the person rejects God and does what is self-serving instead of what God desires.  In Romans 1:28  …and even as they did not “like” to retain God in their “knowledge” God gave them over to a “reprobate mind” to do those things which are not convenient… do not prosper, a debased mind to do what ought not to be done, unapproved, unworthy, worthless, rejected, cast away.  This is a picture of the mind that is given to darkness.  When you get saved you need to do something with your mind so that it will not go on the downward path of darkness controlled by demon spirits!  They try to make you feel like it is hopeless and that you have no choice but to be tormented all your life!  The devil and demon spirits are ALL LIARS, AND ARE DEFEATED, AND HAVE TO GO WHEN YOU TELL THEM TO!  So, what are you waiting for?  PRAISE GOD, I PRAY THIS STIRS YOU TO THE BONE, AND YOU RISE UP AND USE THE WEAPONS OF YOUR WARFARE, TEAR DOWN THE STRONGHOLDS AND RISE ABOVE IT ALL WITH A CLEAR MIND, FREE FROM darkness!

All that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.  Even though we are in the world, yet we, as believers in Jesus Christ are NOT “of” the world so there IS a way to live above it ALL and have your mind free from oppression and vexation.  The devil is after people’s minds, for then if he gets control of it he can control their bodies and it is a one way ticket down!  God’s WAY is from ABOVE, to depart from the ways  of hell beneath!  Proverbs 15:24

Romans 12”1 I beseech you therefore brothers by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not “conformed” to this world, but be you  “TRANSFORMED” by the RENEWING of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.  Your mind needs to be RENEWED, and God has the way for you to do it, and then your whole life will be TRANSFORMED!

Philippians 4:6,7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God which passes ALL understanding shall keep your hearts and your MINDS through Christ Jesus!  Prayer works, and prayer is powerful, and prayer provides a mind of peace as you refuse to be anxious over anything as you take everything to God in prayer!    

2 Corinthians 10:45  The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting DOWN IMAGINATIONS and EVERY high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST!  Praise God we have the power to cast down every imagination and every high thing and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of the Word, Christ!    Our minds are renewed, made new and refreshed by the WORD OF GOD!  Psalm 1 says that we are blessed as we walk not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But our delight is in the LAW of the LORD; and in His law do we meditate day and night.  And we shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth our fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and WHATSOEVER WE DO SHALL PROSPER.  As we meditate in the Word of God it renews our mind to what God said and clears our mind so that faith will flow unhindered!   Joshua 1:8  So be sure to obey all the Word for then you will have good success in all you do!

Here is the wrap up.  Praise God that our minds are released from all demon oppression right now in the name of Jesus and all that has hindered or tormented your mind must leave you now in Jesus name and your mind be FREE!

In Romans 1 it shows the steps down into the darkness of a reprobate mind that’s not been renewed.  The first step is in verse 21  Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him NOT as God, neither were THANKFUL, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened.  Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools!  They were unthankful and became vain in their imaginations!  Be thankful, give thanks to God, praise Him, praise Him, praise Him!  It keeps you in a frame of mind to yield to Him for He knows ALL you need and His Word works, and brings the blessings, and as you meditate in the Word it renews and makes new your mind every day and you are TRANSFORMED .

The Word of God is called a mirror.  2 Corinthians 3;18 but we all with open face beholding as in a glass (mirror) the glory of the Lord are changed (transformed) into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the SPIRIT OF THE LORD!  Hallelujah!  There it is!  There is the power!  There is the victory!  There is all you need in Jesus, reflected from the mirror of the Word of God as you behold it   and are changed into the same image you see by the Spirit of God!  

This is where you cannot lose where your mind is renewed daily by the Word of God, and you are thinking good and NOT conforming at all to this world!!!


The choice is yours today whether you stand strong in faith giving glory to God or get “steamrolled” to death!  

This is where we come face to face with the truth and what we do with it will determine what direction our life goes!

Some people gravitate to groups who speak lies and false doctrines of demons because they love excuses and adopt doctrines {beliefs}  of convenience!  They want to put everything off on God like it is ALL up to Him what happens in their lives and falsely believe that He “permits” all that happens and it is all for some mysterious reason!  It is the doctrine of demons called “permissive will!”

Jesus said:  “LET NOT your heart be troubled, neither “LET” it be afraid. {John 14:27}  Two things right off that are totally up to YOU to do!  What He tells you to do you can do through Him and you must choose to do it!  Fight the good fight of faith laying hold on to eternal life, and stand strong against all that would try to trouble your heart, and the same with fear!  We cannot afford to give these things an inch… just DO NOT LET ANY TROUBLE TO TROUBLE YOUR HEART, AND DO NOT LET ANYTHING CAUSE YOUR HEART TO FEAR!  

God does not force you to live for Him, but invites you to come to Him  Matthew 11:28 “ Come to me you who labor (are weary, beset by problems, conflict, distress), and are heavy laden,  and I WILL GIVE YOU REST!”  “Your people will be willing IN the day of your power!” (Psalm 110”3)  God does NOT force you to live for Him, but invites you to decide from your will in your spirit to yield your life to Him.  “Come to me…”  It’s up to you to come to Jesus and when you do He takes the heavy burdens away and heaviness and His yoke (will) is easy and His burden is light, and then He gives you rest and a garment of praise instead of the spirit of heaviness!

Now, if you were walking in the road and saw a steam roller coming toward you that has the ability to crush the life out of you with tons of weight, would you lay down in front of it?  Why not?  Because you know it is not good for you, and want to live and you know it would kill you so YOU don’t LET it hit you!  Don’t YOU LET your heart (spirit, inner man) be troubled (crushed, distressed, vexed).  Don’t YOU LET it be afraid!  God said to guard the heart with all diligence for out of it proceed the issues of life!    You ARE  a spirit, you have a soul, and you live in a body! From your spirit you possess your soul and present your body to God a living sacrifice!  

Your spirit is YOU where your will is!  We have authority and power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us, but WE have to will, choose to use authority to stop the steam roller, and we have to speak it out in faith believing!  Don’t let the devil’s steam roller crush you!  The steam roller is made of lies!  The words of demons are that “You cannot overcome…this is too much for you…you won’t be healed…you sinned (false condemnation), …. You will never dig out of this hole!”  All a pack of lies!  

Once you start listening to the lies of demons it starts rolling you under to crush the life out of you!  They want to hinder, hurt, destroy, tear ;you down, so all the lies are contrary to what God promises you in His Word, that is His will, as a believer!  

Then, those demons turn and tell you more lies that those promises of God are not for you and try to make you feel like a second class citizen!  They tell you it won’t work for you because you are not God’s favorite!  This is a spirit of unworthiness lying to you about you!  You need to tell them to shut up and get out for you have been made worthy by the blood of Jesus and you need to say so!  They tell you that you don’t have any faith, when God gave us all a measure of faith when we were saved!  We need to stand against all these lying spirits and STAND BY FAITH!  When the steam roller of fear, doubt, and worry say that too much has gone wrong, and what “if” the Lord won’t help this time, we need to rebuke them and stand strong in the Spirit of God in faith in what God said in His Word about us, who we are in Jesus… the new creation, blessed of God in all we do, and that all the promises of God are yes, and Amen to the glory of God by us!

You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!  Nothing is too hard for the Lord!  You need to believe and say….I am the forgiven, the light of the world…I stand in faith on what the Word of God says I am, and I can do all things through Christ Jesus!  I refuse to listen to demons of “I can’t” for that is unbelief!  

The devil is a deceiver and tries to deceive, trick, seduce you away from Jesus, the faith, the truth!  The devil is the one who said… “Has God said?”  Eve was deceived and fell for his trickery that put doubt in her mind.  He was saying… Is it really so?  You must be established in the Word of truth and in the faith!  Be unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord!  Stand firm in the Word and what the Word says about you, what is yours in Jesus!  Know your inheritance.  The Spirit of God is given so you would KNOW the things freely given to you of God!  I am what I am by the grace of God!

Some have a feeling like you are lost in a forest.  You cannot see the way out, for every direction looks the same!  It is confusion for all the trees look the same with no path out!  Then the darkness of night comes and you cannot see anything or where you are  stepping, and the fear rises up!  Take heart child of God, Jesus is the AUTHOR AND FINISHER of our faith!  Jesus IS the WAY… He IS the PATH…He IS the LIGHT!  So simply COME TO HIM IN SIMPLE FAITH.  LOOK TO JESUS!  He will deliver you from spirits of confusion and you will come out of that dark forest, and NOT be steamrolled by the devil’s lies, fear, unbelief or any other demon spirit for your FAITH STANDS STRONG IN JESUS, and having done all to stand, you STAND having put on the full armor of God!  Stand firm in the faith!  REFUSE to give up!  I bind the demons of giving up, and they must shut up and GO OUT in the name of JESUS!  Say, as the apostle did…I press on to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!

Your will is so important to decide on the Word of God!  There is God’s will, the devil’s will, and your will, and where you vote turns it the way it is going to go!  If you put your will with the devil’s you are going down for sure, but if you put your will with God’s will you WILL WIN EVERY TIME, EVERY DAY IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE!  God’s Word is His will, and when you STAND on those promises of the Word YOU WIN!  GOD NEVER LOSES SO WHEN YOU LINE UP WITH HIM YOU WILL NOT LOSE EITHER!

Check the thoughts you have been having to see if there have been thoughts of defeat, discouragement, melancholy, giving up, or have they been pure thoughts, thoughts of faith, victory, healing, and praise to God!  Put your mind on the promises of God for God says He will keep you in perfect peace when your mind is stayed on Him! 

1 Timothy 6:12  Fight the good fight of FAITH laying hold on eternal life!  Never, EVER give up for GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN YOU than he that is in the world!  There is trouble in the world, but Jesus said to BE OF GOOD CHEER for HE has OVERCOME the world!  All that is in this world CANNOT steamroll over you if YOU don’t LET it!  Do not “let” your heart be troubled, neither “let” it be afraid!  Do not fight as one that beats the air; know what you are fighting, zero in and KNOCK IT OUT by the faith in your heart as you speak words of authority and power against all that is negative and of the devil!  FIGHT TO WIN!  HAVING DONE ALL TO STAND, STAND!

The just shall come out of trouble!  Call on the Lord and He will deliver you out of all trouble!  God gives power to the faint and to them that have no might He increases strength! 

Scripture of the Day

Isaiah 65:24

“It will come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”

Keep speaking words of faith, for there are great blessings beyond all you can ask or think, that are yours! Also, keep praying in the spirit a lot. It’s very powerful!

The God of Hope

Jesus never fails, He never fails.  Jesus never fails, He never fails.  Heaven and earth, Heaven and earth shall pass, shall pass away, but Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails!  Some trust in chariots, some in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God!  Philippians 3:3  We are the circumcision who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, had have NO confidence in the flesh!

In the days we live in there are many distractions, much evil, and a lot of demonic activity oppressing, and trying to tempt and bind people for they know time is wrapping up, for they see increased angelic activity, and that will happen more and more the closer we get to Jesus coming back for us who believe!  It is very important for us to stay on top of it and crush demons under our feet every day!

It is important to hold on to hope in these last days! Hope is the desire and expectation of future good!  Without faith it is impossible to please God!  We are to live by faith, for the just shall live by faith!  Now then faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR!  If ;you let go of hope and take a give up, no hope, hopeless attitude, then your faith will have nothing to make substance out of!  

There are keys in keeping yourself in hope alive!  1 Peter 5:7  Casting all your cares (anxieties) on Him, for He cares for  you!  The amplified bible says:  Casting the whole of your care, all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all, on Him;  for He cares for you affectionately, and cares about you watchfully.  We need to do this every day so to stay free from all that would rob hope and weigh us down!  Turn it all over to Jesus in prayer every day and hope will stay alive!  No depression can hold you now, for Jesus is the AUTHOR and FINISHER of your faith, and when you cast your cares on Him He will help you and sustain you, and carry your burden, and carry YOU!  Praise God forever, it is no wonder God says we are MORE than CONQUERORS through Him that loved us!

The very next verse in Peter says: be well balanced-temperate, sober minded, be vigilant and cautious at ALL times, for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring(in fierce hunger), seeking someone to seize and devour.  V. 9 Withstand him; be firm in the faith (against his onset), rooted, established, strong, immovable and determined.  It is important to keep all those cares cast on the Lord for if you don’t that is exactly where a hole in your armor is for the devil to take advantage and try to devour you!  This is WAR and Jesus won the victory for us and defeated the devil, and now we must walk in that victory and neither give place to the devil, but STOMP ALL OVER him as we walk free from heavy burdens and anxieties!  Praise Jesus!

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU; He will never suffer the righteous to be moved.  Some think the Lord isn’t taking care of them, but the fact is they hold fast to their problems and anxieties, and do not cast them on the dLord!  For the Lord to sustain you, you have to cast your burden on Him!                                  

There are some great promises God has for you that as you do what He says your life will be blessed, and you will live in blessing above all the mess in this world!  Revelation 1:8 I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.  When you KNOW that Jesus is the beginning and the ending then you KNOW  He sees you through ALL the way, EVERY DAY right to the day we go home to be with the Lord!  That is a faith and hope builder!  Begin to put faith in this word and say it in faith a lot for He said you will have it when you believe you will have whatever you say!

NEVER, EVER, EVER give up!  God cannot deny Himself, and keeps His Word always!   Isaiah 57:15  For thus says the high and lofty One that inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy;  I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones. James 4:10  Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He WILL LIFT YOU UP!  WHEN GOD LIFTS YOU… YOU HAVE BEEN LIFTED! Praise God!

Now the stage is set for some real victory and blessing in your life as you “believe God!”  The answer is in believing!  So many that “say” they believe really are “trying” to believe, but at the same time are in a strain and unrest!  God said in Hebrews 3 and 4 that when you really believe you enter into REST!  You have ceased from your “own works” as God did His the seventh day, and you have entered into His rest!  Did you know that a big part of this is in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and receiving your prayer language and actually using that prayer language in the Spirit?!  God said with stammering lips and another tongue God would speak to this people and this is the rest and this is the refreshing!  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Faith so when you pray in tongues you are praying in perfect faith!  When you really believe God then you will be filled with the Spirit for God promised the Holy Spirit to those who “believe!”

When God brought his people to the “promised land,” a land flowing with milk and honey, they were in a spirit of unbelief when they saw “giants” in the land they would have to overcome to possess the land!  The land did not belong to the giants, but did belong to the people of God for God gave it to them!  Because of their unbelief they did not obey God, but rebelled and had faith in their enemies instead of God!  They did not believe they were able to overcome to possess the land, so they did not enter into God’s rest, but wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and died in their unbelief!  

God has many promises for you in His Word and you have to mix faith with that Word to receive what God has for you, and you must drive out the squatters trying to rob your inheritance in Jesus!  Believe is an action word, and acting on the Word of God gets the job done!  

(Romans 4:17 -25)

God promised Abraham a son, but Sarah was barren and it would take believing God above the circumstance to produce that son!  Abraham against hope believed in hope, and considered NOT the deadness of Sarah’s womb or anything in the natural that was saying this was impossible!  It says that Abraham BELIEVED GOD and it was counted as righteousness to him. Abraham counted God faithful that had promised and received the miracle that produced a son!

Romans 15:13 NOW the God of  hope fill you with ALL joy and peace in BELIEVING,  that you may ABOUND IN HOPE through the power of the Holy Ghost. Know that when you come to God He is the God of HOPE!  As you believe Him He will fill you with ALL joy and peace in believing that you may ABOUND IN HOPE through the power of the Holy Ghost!  Faith is the substance of things HOPED FOR!  Hope is that desire and expectation for future good!  In the days we live in you must NEVER EVER let go of hope!  You are NOT hopeless for there is hope in God and it will come NOW as you believe God and He fills you with ALL JOY AND PEACE IN BELIEVING!  Not only will you have hope, but you will have it in ABUNDANCE, MORE THAN ENOUGH!  When it looked hopeless for Abraham, against hope He believed in hope, and counted God faithful that had promised,  and faith brought into substance what he hoped for, a son that was promised by God that he, Abraham,  would become a father of many nations according to the promise of God!  

Psalm 43:5  Why are you cast down , Oh my soul?  And why are you disquieted within me? (disturbed, turmoil, unrest)  HOPE in GOD: for I will yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

The Psalmist TOLD his emotions and intellect (soul) what to do!  He told his soul to HOPE IN GOD!   This kept him from being depressed or tormented mentally or emotionally for his soul was hoping in God, and then his faith could make substance out of what he hoped for!  Faith is the substance of things “hoped” for!  He told his soul that he was going to yet praise God who was the health of his countenance!  

You have to exercise your will to walk in victory in ;your life!  God’s people will be WILLING in the day of His power!  There are a lot of “I will’s” in the bible!  Psalm 34:1,2   I WILL bless the Lord at ALL times; His praise will continually be in my mouth.  My soul shall make her boast in the Lord; the humble will hear thereof, and be glad.  When you make a decision to bless the Lord at ALL times and that His praise will continually be in your mouth, then you will follow through and as you praise the Lord in the middle of whatever has gone against you, God will inhabit that praise…sit upon the throne of your praises!  Hallelujah!  Now the presence of the Lord is involved and in His presence is FULLNESS OF JOY, and brings healing, deliverance, peace, and the blessings of God!  I WILL  bless the Lord at ALL times!

Tell your soul what to do, obey the Word of God, from your spirit!  Psalm 103  Bless the Lord, Oh my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name.  Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits!  He told his soul to bless the Lord and remember His benefits and don’t forget them!  How can you do what the Word of God says unless  you remember it?!  Then in verse 3 He lists the benefits…Who forgives  ALL your iniquities; who heals ALL your diseases; Who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s!  So when you tell your soul to bless the Lord, remember all His benefits for God wants you to enjoy them!  

There was an evangelist traveling in ministry and one night was in a trailer.  A bunch of hoodlums surrounded them carrying torches, and were rocking the trailer!  He didn’t give up hope and throw in the towel…. Like, here I am ministering for the Lord, and look what I get!  NO!  He hoped in God and told his soul to hope in God, and then and only then Faith could bring into substance of things hoped for.  He listened to the Lord and God told him to throw the door wide open, step out and speak in tongues as loud as he could, and he did it!  They dropped their torches and ran off!  Praise God, keep hope going and do NOT let yourself give in to depression or melancholy!  Hope in God and you won’t be disappointed!  

There is a spirit of reverse order that causes you to get it all backwards.  Instead of you telling your soul to hope in God, the demons of reverse order has people disquieted and troubled on the inside “waiting” for God to do things no matter where your will is!  You MUST WILLFULLY DECIDE to tell your soul to HOPE IN GOD.  He is your hope!  He is the God of HOPE!  

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE!!!!!!!  If you would hear me speaking this the word BELIEVE would be held out LONG AND LOUD!!!!!!    When they first came to the promised land there were only 2, Joshua and Caleb who said the enemies are bread for us, let us go up at once!  The other people of God did not keep hope in their soul were all depressed in their unbelief for they could only talk of how big the enemy was and thought they were like “grasshoppers” in their sight!  Did you ever notice how the devil exaggerates the problems, and tells us we are not able to take it and just cannot overcome what evil is going on, etc.?!  The devil is a liar, God’s promises are all yes and Amen to the glory of God by us!  Hallelujah, we are well able to go up and take the country and possess the land from Jordan to the sea!  

Take the limits  off God you have put onHim!  They tempted God and limited the Holy One of Israel!  Refuse to limit God, for He is the God of HOPE and fills us with ALL joy and peace in BELIEVING that we will abound in HOPE through the power of the Holy Ghost!  Praise Jesus!  Glory to God!  Praise God, whatever it takes, My God is going to see me through and He said He will supply ALL my need NOT according to my need but according tro HIS RICHES IN GLORY BY CHRIST JESUS!  Philippians 4:19.  

There is Hope in God!  There is Hope for you!  Now the God of ALL HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in BELIEVING that you will ABOUND IN HOPE THROUGH THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST!  Believing God OVER it ALL, no matter what!  Go by what God says in His Word!  

Here is a recipe for these days for victory!  

  1. Fear NOT!  Fear nothing!  Perfect love casts out fear for fear has torment!  If you refuse to fear anything, then those things have NO power over you!  God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a SOUND MIND!  TAKE IT, BELIEVE IT, LIVE IT! Recieve it, walk in it, say it and pray it, all by His Spirit!
  2. ONLY BELIEVE!  When they told the man his son was dead and not to bother Jesus like it was too late, Jesus told him… fear not, ONLY BELIEVE! “Lord I believe”… Jesus raised him back to life!  Hallelujah, all things are possible to them that believe!
  3. KEEP HOPE ALIVE.  Hope in God!  Tell your soul to hope in God and not to be disquieted within you!  Refuse depression, refuse to give up, for you are NOT hopeless, for there is hope in God by His Spirit!  All victory is in and by the Holy Spirit!  So pray in tongues of the Spirit a lot in these last days that the power of God will constantly be flowing in and through you!  No matter what you see or don’t see or what anyone says about anything or whether things look great or awful FEAR NOT, ONLY BELIEVE FOR ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE!  

I loose each one of you from everything contrary to hope!  I bind every demon of depression, anxiety, fear, hopelessness, giving up, pain, misery, backsliding and every spirit of no hope, go out now in the name of Jesus!  Jesus flood them with all joy and peace in believing now that they will abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost!